Byrne 2008 Medicine

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  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 545 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    NuroradioloyJ v Byr


    adc i urrdily, lik m mdicl imi pcili, r

    dri by chicl imprm d cliicl rm ii-

    i prdim. tchiclly, h mphi h lwy b impr

    im quliy whil rduci h u iizi rdii. thi h ld

    rr rlic cmpur p-prci h im d u

    mdlii h d il iizi rdii, uch MRI d

    Dpplr ulrud. I h l w yr ub-pcilizi urrdi-

    li h ccurrd wih pcili i pdiric urrdily, hdd ck imi, d iril urrdili mri rm

    rduci umbr rli. thi chpr dcrib i dil h mi

    imi mdlii ud i cliicl prcic. th ii i hw

    hw ch chly i dplyd r iii d rm. th

    mphi i hlpi h rdr udrd which i h m

    pprpri yp imi i dir circumc,wh cr

    hcm c i dd (d wh i i ) d hw dir-

    mdlii rquly cmplm ch hr. th mr irquly

    ud chiqu r i cx wihi urrdily d pcili

    ucil imi d rrch imi r brify dcribd.

    Kywords irphy; cmpurizd mrphy; mic rc

    imi Dpplr ulrud; mylrphy; prui imi; pirmii mrphy; rdiuclid ciNeuroradiology uses planar scanning, i.e. computerized tomog-

    raphy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), alone or

    in combination, to identiy most central nervous system (CNS)

    pathologies. Traditional radiographic techniques (e.g. plain

    radiography, myelography and angiography) are now second-

    line modalities. Skull radiography has a role in the emergency

    department, but not in general medical or neurology out-patient

    departments. Myelography with intrathecal injection o radio-

    graphic contrast media is now reserved or patients who areunable to undergo MRI because o implants (e.g. cardiac pace-

    makers) or extreme claustrophobia, and is generally used in

    combination with CT. Techniques such as Doppler ultrasound

    (carotid, transcranial and intra-operative), radionuclide scanning

    and unctional MRI have specic indications and are important

    research tools with limited roles in routine practice.

    JV Byrne FRCS FRCR is Consultant Neuroradiologist at the John Radcliffe

    Hospital and Professor of Neuroradiology at the University of

    Oxford, UK. His specialist interests are cerebrovascular disease and

    interventional neuroradiology. Competing interests: none declared.


    Since its introduction in the mid-1970s, CT has been the main-

    stay o neuroradiological diagnosis. Its role has evolved in the

    last decade with the introduction o aster multislice scanners,which generate considerably more data than previous machines,

    allowing better-quality three-dimensional (3D) image displays.


    The basic principle o CT involves rotating an X-ray source and a

    series o detectors around the patient and making multiple mea-

    surements o radiation attenuation. The measured attenuation

    (amount o radiation absorbed) by small volume-elements (vox-

    els) o the subject is calculated by computer and used to build

    a two-dimensional (2D) picture composed o a matrix o pixels.

    Each pixel is assigned a grey-scale value (in Hounseld units),

    which is based on the measured attenuation and thereore refects

    the density o the scanned tissue. Hounseld units, named aterthe inventor o CT, are scaled with the attenuation value o water

    set at zero and maximum density +1000 and minimum density

    1000. High-density structures (e.g. bone or calcication) are

    depicted in white and low-density tissues (e.g. air) in black; inter-

    mediate densities are depicted in grey. By this means, the inher-

    ent contrast resulting rom density dierences between tissues is

    displayed on a cross-sectional image (Figure 1).

    In order to obtain non-axial views it was previously necessary

    either to alter the patients position or angle the scanner gantry.

    The extent to which the latter can be achieved was limited by the

    engineering o the scanner. The problem has been solved by spi-

    ral scanning and the introduction o multiple detector systems.

    The original scanners collected data or each 2D slice in a single360 rotation using a single detector. Multiple 2D images could

    be re-assembled by computer reconstruction to obtain images in

    3D displays but the quality was relatively poor. Current scan-

    ners move the X-ray source and patient simultaneously, and scan

    in a helical pattern to produce volume data images in seconds.

    These speeds are achieved using multiple detectors, which col-

    lect data as they move. Current multidetector scanners employ

    up to 64 detectors and can scan the entire brain in less than

    3060 seconds. These speeds reduce arteacts caused by the

    patient moving and are ast enough to scan during the rst pass

    o a bolus o intravascular radiographic contrast media. This has

    been a major advance or neuroradiology.

    nw mulilic Ct cr r ud r Ct irphy,

    which i rpidly rplci chr irphy

    Diui-wihd MRI bl rlibl, ulr- dii

    ichmic rk

    thr i icri rd ilr MRI quc

    pcic phli

    Cmpur rcruci diilizd MRI d rdirphic

    im prid -cr diply i hr dimi

    Wats nw?

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 546 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    CT wit contrast mdia

    A water-soluble iodine-containing agent is injected intrave-

    nously and accumulates in areas o bloodbrain barrier break-

    down. Contrast agents are used to highlight tumours and areas

    o infammation (e.g. meningitis, abscesses). The eect o uptake

    by a lesion is to increase its density so that it appears brighter

    (relative to the surrounding brain). This is termed enhancement

    and refects the vascularity o the tissues, i.e. it is increased in

    vascular tumours and reduced in areas o inarction.

    Contrast media can also be injected into arteries as well as

    veins to show vessels, i.e. angiography, or intrathecally by lum-

    bar puncture to show the spinal cord, i.e. myelography. CT is thenused to image the structures outlined by the density dierences

    within the injected body compartment. This is the principle o

    traditional radiographic myelography which CT has replaced

    because it is more sensitive than X-ray lm and CT angiography

    (CTA). The images are acquired as digital 3D data, which makes

    their interpretation easier (Figure 2).

    Fast scanning during injections allows the rate o contrast

    uptake by a tissue to be measured and is the basis o perusion

    scanning. This technique is used to estimate blood fow and

    blood volume within tissues by comparing time/density curves

    between dierent parts o the brain. It is used to identiy areas o

    under-perusion ater stroke.


    MRI is now the modality o choice or the investigation o most

    neurological disease because it does not use ionizing radiation

    and is extremely sensitive to small changes in tissue watercontent (Table 1).

    Principls of MRI

    In MRI, imaging is based on the phenomenon o magnetic res-

    onance, in which elements with an odd number o subatomic

    particles (protons and electrons) can be induced to resonate


    Frontal horn



    Axial CT scan without contrast,

    showing calcification in an

    oligodendroglioma that was

    found to be partially cystic at

    surgery. The calcification was

    not evident on MRI

    Fiur 1

    A coronal view of the frontal lobes (computed tomography angiography) showing a haematoma and the nidus of a brain arteriovenous

    malformation (AVM). The scan is performed during the passage of a bolus of radiographic contrast so that the arteries are enhanced and

    reconstructed by computer to produce this display.

    Draining veins

    Nidus of arteriovenousmalformation (AVM)


    Anterior cerebral arteriesdisplaced by haematoma

    Middle cerebral artery

    Enlarged middle cerebralartery and branchessupplying AVM

    Fiur 2

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 547 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    when placed in a strong magnetic eld. Clinical MRI is perormed

    at the resonance requency o hydrogen nuclei because they are

    abundant in biological tissue. Resonating hydrogen protons are

    perturbed by electromagnetic energy, applied as a radiorequency

    pulse. This causes the protons to emit a weak signal, which is

    detected, amplied and, ater computer processing, used to con-

    struct an image. Dierent tissues contain dierent amounts o

    hydrogen (largely in water) in various molecular environments;the appearance o the image depends principally on the concen-

    tration and molecular environment o the perturbed hydrogen

    protons and the applied radiorequency pulse.

    The appearance o the image can be changed by manipulat-

    ing the radio-requency pulse, using electronic protocols (termed

    sequences). The parameters commonly measured are T1, T2

    and T2* relaxation times (Figure 3),

    Images relying principally on contrast produced by T1

    relaxation are termed T1-weighted (T1 W) and show cere-

    brospinal fuid (CSF) darker than the brain. These sequences

    are designed to show the anatomical detail o the brain andspinal cord. They are used with contrast enhancement or simi-

    lar indications to CT. The contrast medium used in MRI is a

    paramagnetic substance, such as gadolinium, which alters the

    Head of caudate nucleus

    a Axial T2W and b T1W MRI showing the basal ganglia.

    Lentiform nucleus(comprisingputamen,globus,pallidius)


    Trigone region oflateral ventricle

    White matterof frontal lobe




    Frontal horn oflateral ventricle

    Subcutaneous fat

    Sulci of

    Sylvian fissure



    Posterior partition of

    lateral ventricle (trigone)

    Head of caudate








    fissure and falx

    a b

    Fiur 3

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 548 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    magnetic properties o blood and appears brighter on T1 W

    images (Figure 4).

    Water (and thereore CSF) appears white on T2-weighted (T2 W)

    images. T2 W images are very sensitive to increases in cerebral

    water, which occur in most infammatory and neoplastic diseases

    o the CNS. Cerebral white and grey matter can be distinguished

    because o dierences in their water and at content.

    T2 star (T2*) is the term used to describe the eects on the scano molecules with inherent magnetic properties. The best example

    is the iron contained in haemoglobin (Hb). Ater acute haemor-

    rhage, the magnetic resonance signal rom a blood clot is aected

    by the extravasated Hb. The magnetic eect, termed susceptibility,

    causes local dierences (inhomogeneities) in the magnetic gradi-

    ent and loss o signal. T2*-weighted sequences are sensitive to any

    magnetic eld inhomogeneity and are best at showing the eects o

    both acute and chronic cerebral haemorrhage (Figure 5).

    Hydrogen protons in bone or in areas o calcication return

    little signal and thereore appear dark on both T1 W and T2 W

    sequences. MRI is not as sensitive to brain calcication as CT.

    MRI squncs and tcniqusA typical brain scan comprises several sequences designed to

    image the brain in three orthogonal planes using a combination

    o sequence types. The spine is imaged in the sagittal plane with

    axial scans at levels o interest. Any plane o scan can be desig-

    nated on MRI (unlike CT). Contrast medium (e.g. gadolinium)



    a Saggital T1-weighted MRI

    after administration of

    intravenous gadolinium. A

    cystic cerebellar tumour shows

    partial enhancement.

    b Magnetic resonance

    angiography enhanced with

    gadolinium and reconstructed

    in the axial plane. The tumour

    is only moderately vascular.

    This was confirmed at surgery;

    histological examination

    revealed a cerebellar

    astrocytoma rather than a

    more vascular


    Trigone of

    lateral ventricle


    lateral sinus


    cystic element of

    cerebellar tumourEnhancing

    component of cerebellar tumour

    Basilar artery

    Jugular bulb


    Lateral sinus


    Posteriorcommunicating artery

    Internal carotidartery


    Tumour incerebellar

    hemispherewithout evidence ofvessel hypertrophy

    Fiur 4

    Diffrntial dianosis usin MRI

    Multifocal wit mattr (i-sinal) lsions on T2-witd


    Mulipl clri

    Ici prri mulicl luccphlphy,

    Lym di, pprui ici

    Ifmmry cu dimid cphlmylii,

    rcidi, chric ifmmry plyurii

    Crbrculr di miri, xmi prcy,

    ubcu hrclric cphlmylii

    vculii rulmu, ymic crizi, rhumid

    nplm mi

    txic pi mylilyi, prdii ch

    Matrials rturnin i sinal on T1-witd squncs

    F (icludi -cii umur prduc)

    subcu hmm (mhmlbi)

    Mlm (mli i prmic)

    Flwi bld m quc Prmic cr (.. dliium)

    Tabl 1

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 549 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    is administered intravenously to highlight tumour and infam-matory lesions that have interrupted the bloodbrain barrier

    (Figures 4 and 6).

    CSF signal-suppressing sequences: Since T2 W sequences are

    best or demonstrating ocal lesions causing increases in cerebral

    water, lesions in the periventricular brain (e.g. multiple sclerosis)

    may be obscured by the high signal returned by adjacent CSF. A

    fuid low-attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence was

    developed to show periventricular plaques because it produces

    a T2 W image with dark CSF but has proved to have wider uses

    including tumour ollow-up (Figure 7). It is usually included in a

    standard brain scan protocol.

    Fat-suppression sequences: Fat appears bright on standard T1W and T2 W sequences. Sequences that suppress the at signal

    are used to investigate suspected at-containing tumours and

    lesions in areas containing at (e.g. the orbit, Figure 8).

    Diffusion-weighted MRI: Physiological and pathological changes

    in the Brownian motion o water in the cellular and extracel-

    lular compartments o tissue can be distinguished by diusion-

    weighted MRI. These movements are detected on ultra-ast scans

    which measure the rate and direction o water diusion. Acute

    cell swelling ater ischaemic stroke (due to cytotoxic oedema)

    restricts normal diusion. DWI scanning can demonstrate this

    change and can demonstrate hyperacute inarction (Figure 9),

    a Axial T2 W MRI showing an acute haematoma in the frontal lobe. The centre of the haematoma contains deoxyhaemoglobin which distorts the

    magnetic field locally and reduces the signal return. This results in a dark area on the image. b is the same patient scanned 2 weeks later when

    the effect has reduced as the clot breaks down and the centre now returns a higher (brighter) signal.



    Vasogenic oedema

    surrounding haematoma

    Signal loss due to magneticeffect of acute haematoma

    Third ventricle containing

    cerebrospinal fluid

    Internal cerebral veins

    Early low signal rim to

    haematoma due to


    Vasogenic oedema

    Bright centre of

    subacute/chronic haematoma


    Anterior cerebral arteries

    Fiur 5

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    MeDICIne 36:10 550 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    beore changes are detectable on CT. It is also used to distin-

    guish brain abscesses rom tumours since pus in the ormer is

    associated with restricted diusion, which is not seen in areas o

    tumour-induced vasogenic cerebral oedema.

    Functional MRI: Sequences that allow production o images in

    less than 1 second can be used to perorm dynamic scanning and

    real-time imaging. Fast-scanning techniques such as echoplanar

    imaging can show areas o increased brain activity and are used

    in unctional MRI or research and to locate eloquent areas o the

    brain in patients beore neurosurgery. Perusion imaging tech-

    niques (i.e. scanning immediately ater an intravenous injection

    o contrast medium) is used with DWI so that reduced perusion

    (i.e. contrast uptake) can be compared with areas o restricted

    diusion on DWI to identiy ischaemic brain that is potentially

    salvagable brain ater stroke.




    Axial T1W a and b and sagittal c MRI showing a tumour which enhances after intravenous gadolinium injection b and c. This is a meningioma

    which has grown from the anterior margin of the pituitary fossa. Note how the pituitary gland is bright c because it is outside the bloodbrain

    barrier and, therefore, also enhances.

    Anterior falx


    Optic tractMid-brain

    Enhancement of tumour

    Corpus callosum

    Straight sinus (enhanced)

    Tumour arising from planum sphenoidale


    Pituitary gland


    Sphenoid air sinus

    Fiur 6

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    MeDICIne 36:10 551 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS): Since the MR sig-nal refects the chemical composition o tissue it can measure

    cerebral metabolites. This is done by producing a display show-

    ing the requency spectrum o chemical composition o an area

    o tissue. MRS is used in various specic clinical situations

    (e.g. to distinguish radionecrosis rom recurrent neoplasms) and

    to assay cerebral levels o drugs (e.g. lithium). Despite its theo-

    retical potential, its clinical role has proved limited.

    Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA): Because moving

    hydrogen atoms in fowing blood return dierent signals rom

    those in static tissue, sequences have been designed to capital-

    ize on the eect o blood fow and highlight vessels. There are

    two types o sequence in clinical use: time-o-fight and phase-contrast. Both rely on computer post-processing o images to

    produce an angiogram (i.e. images showing blood vessels). They

    can selectively demonstrate arteries (MR arteriography) or veins

    (MR venography), based on the velocities and direction o blood

    fow, and can be used to demonstrate the patency o intracranial

    vessels. No injected contrast is needed, but MRA is increasingly

    perormed ater injection o gadolinium to improve the resolution

    o vessels and to obtain the temporal dimension. Fast scanning

    allows the use o 3D data collection and is now used extensively

    or the diagnosis and ollow-up o treated vascular lesions such

    as aneurysms and arteriovenous malormation, and to show

    tumour vasculature and vessel occlusions (Figure 4).

    CSF in frontalsulci

    Lateral ventricle



    CSF ininterhemisphericfissure

    Lateral ventricleDemyelination

    a Sagittal T2-weighted and b axial fluid low-attenuation inversion recovery MRI in a patient with multiple sclerosis. In a, plaques of

    demyelination return high signal (bright), as does CSF. The sequence used in b is designed to show plaques as high-signal lesions, but with low

    signal returned by CSF. The resulting image clearly shows areas of demyelination, against dark CSF in the adjacent ventricles.



    Fiur 7

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    MeDICIne 36:10 552 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    Wn to us CT or MRI

    During CT the patient is more accessible and overall scanning is

    quicker, thus CT is saer ater recent trauma and or imaging in

    very ill patients.For almost all other indications brain and spine

    scanning uses MRI because o the absence o ionizing radiation,

    high sensitivity to CNS pathology and the ability to image in anyplane directly. The last is especially useul when imaging the

    spine (Figure 10)

    The strong magnetic elds used in MRI can aect cardiac pace-

    makers and may disturb metal implants. Patients with pacemak-

    ers, some types o aneurysm clips or retained metallic oreign

    bodies (particularly in the eye) cannot be scanned and so they are

    imaged with CT. Other problems that limit the use o MRI are the

    claustrophobic nature o the scanner and the need or patients to

    remain quite still during scanning. For these reasons, sedation or

    general anaesthesia may be required to scan children and patients

    who suer claustrophobia. Monitoring patients under general

    anaesthesia is more complicated during MRI than CT.

    CT is better at showing intracranial calcication (Figure 1),

    bone and recent intracranial haemorrhage (Figure 11), particu-

    larly subarachnoid haemorrhage, though it seems likely that the

    capabilities o MRI will continue to expand. Recent technical

    improvements in 3D scanning with CT have increased its use or

    angiography, especially ater spontaneous intracranial haemor-

    rhage. CT angiography has replaced emergency catheter angiog-raphy in many departments and its complementary role assures

    it a place in neuroradiology or the oreseeable uture.

    Radiorapic aniorapy


    Cerebral intra-arterial angiography is usually perormed by selec-

    tive catheterization o the carotid or vertebral artery. Following

    percutaneous emoral or brachial artery puncture, a catheter is

    positioned under fuoroscopic control and radio-opaque con-

    trast medium is injected rapidly. Passage o the contrast bolus

    through tissues rom artery to vein is recorded by a series o

    Coronal MRI of the orbits obtained with a T2-weighted sequence

    (hence bright CSF), showing the orbital optic nerves. The external

    ocular muscles can also be seen, contrasted against the low signal

    returned by fat on this sequence. The right optic nerve (arrow)returns the bright signal characteristic of optic neuritis.

    (By courtesy of P Pretorius).

    Maxillary sinus



    Anterior hemispheric fissure

    Orbitaloptic nervesurroundedby externalocularmuscles

    Frontal lobe

    Fiur 8

    Axial diffusion-

    weighted MRI at

    the level of lateral


    Anatomical detail

    is vague

    compared with


    images (e.g.

    Figure 4b), CSFappears dark, and

    grey matter is

    lighter than white

    matter (note the

    crossing fibres of

    the anterior

    corpus callosum).

    This scan shows

    restricted water

    diffusion caused

    by infarction in

    the left centrum

    semiovale, it was

    performed within

    hours of the onset

    of hemiplegia.

    Cortical grey matter

    Anterior corpus callosum

    White matterof frontal lobe

    Frontal hornof lateralventricle

    Infarct in


    Trigone oflateralventricle

    Third ventricle

    Fiur 9

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 553 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    radiographic exposures timed to show the maximum opaci-

    cation o each component o the vascular tree. Subtraction o

    each digitized image rom a baseline image (obtained beore

    the arrival o intravascular contrast) is perormed electronically,

    i.e. by digital subtraction angiography (DSA). This process

    removes details o the baseline image (i.e. cranial bone) rom

    subsequent images so they show only the opacied vessels.Because digitized systems are sensitive to lower concentra-

    tions o contrast medium, images can be obtained ollowing

    both intravenous (IV-DSA) and intra-arterial (IA-DSA) injection.

    Improved computer reconstruction techniques now allow 3D

    image post-processing in DSA. To acquire enough data or 3D

    displays, a technique called rotational angiography is used. This

    involves rotating the X-ray gantry in a similar way to CT during

    the injection o contrast medium.

    Pros and cons

    IA-DSA carries a risk o arterial damage caused by the catheter or

    inadvertent introduction o emboli. IV-DSA is thereore attractive

    because it is less likely to cause stroke, but it lacks the precision

    o IA-DSA. It has been replaced by CTA and MRA. MRA can

    provide images o adequate diagnostic quality without expos-

    ing patients to the risks associated with ionizing radiation and

    radiographic contrast agents. However, CT angiography is more

    robust, provides better bone detail and is quicker in acutely ill

    patients.Along with the general shit to less invasive imaging, CT and

    MR angiography are replacing catheter angiography or diagnosis

    and IA-DSA is increasingly perormed only during endovascular

    embolization procedures or the treatment o brain arteriovenous

    malormations and aneurysms (Figures 2 and 12).

    Plain radiorapy and mylorapy

    The chest radiograph is the most important plain radiograph in

    neuroradiology. Spinal radiography has a limited role as a primary

    investigation, except ater trauma. Radiographic tomography and

    myelography have largely been replaced by planar scanning.



    Sagittal T1W (dark CSF) and

    T2W MRI (bright CSF) of the

    lumbar canal in a patient with

    spina bifida. a A tract between

    the spinal canal and skin

    surface containing fat

    (therefore bright on the image)

    is best seen. b The spinal cord

    extends low into the lumbarcanal and is tethered in the

    region of the bony defect


    L2 vertebral body

    Low spinal cord

    Lipoma in lumbar canal

    Tethered cord and filum

    White cerebrospinalfluid in expandedlumbo-sacral canal

    Lipoma in lumbar canal

    Fat-containing tract to skin dimple

    Dark cerebrospinal fluid

    S1 vertebral body

    Fiur 10

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 554 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    Radionuclid scannin

    Brain and spine scanning or the diagnosis o tumours, using

    radionuclides such as technetium-99m, has been generally

    replaced by CT and MRI. The principle o radionuclide scanning

    is that tissues and neoplasms concentrate a substance labelled

    with a radioactive isotope (i.e. a radiotracer) and the patient is

    scanned at a suitable interval ater its injection. The technique

    is most commonly used to identiy sites o metastatic tumour

    but tissue metabolism and blood fow can also be assessed with

    positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission

    computerized tomography (SPECT).


    Positron emission tomography (PET) involves the detection o

    two high-energy photons emitted by the annihilation o a posi-

    tron rom a radiotracer. The radionuclides used have short hal-

    lives and a cyclotron is required to produce them; this, and the

    need or a dedicated detector, has previously limited its avail-

    ability, but the recent introduction o networked radionuclide

    production and systems that are combined with a CT scanner

    (i.e. PET-CT) has seen an expansion in its use in oncology.

    Single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT)

    uses gamma ray-emitting radionuclides and can be perormed

    using a standard gamma camera. Technetium-99m-labelled

    Axial CT scan showing an acute haematoma in the right frontal lobe a. The clot is hyperdense and so appears whiter than the brain. It has

    extended into the adjacent ventricle b.



    High-density haemorrhage

    in frontal lobe

    Calcification in pineal

    Part of left lateral ventricle

    Haemorrhage in the frontal lobe

    Cerebrospinal fluid in left

    lateral ventricle

    Haemorrhage in the right

    lateral ventricle


    Fiur 11

  • 7/30/2019 Byrne 2008 Medicine



    MeDICIne 36:10 555 2008 elir Ld. all rih rrd.

    hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) is commonly usedor scanning the brain. This substance is lipophilic and crosses

    the intact bloodbrain barrier to bind to unspecied receptors. Its

    distribution refects cerebral blood fow and remains stable or

    about 1 hour, during which scanning is perormed.


    Both techniques are used to measure cerebral blood fow, but

    PET provides unique inormation about cerebral metabolism o

    oxygen and glucose, using oxygen-15 and fuorine-18 respec-

    tively. They are used to investigate patients with seizure disor-

    ders, dementia, neoplasms or ischaemic disease. PET research

    has been benecial in the development o SPECT, and both are

    used to complement and validate unctional MRI.



    Ultrasonography is based on the transmission and detection o

    refected sound rom tissue planes within the body. Because

    bone is relatively impervious to sound, ultrasonography is useul

    in the CNS only when perormed through a bone deect (e.g. an

    open ontanelle) or ater laminectomy. Duplex ultrasonography

    combines high-resolution real-time imaging with Doppler fow

    analysis and is used to evaluate the cervical carotid arteries. TheDoppler principle is used to determine the velocity o blood fow

    based on requency changes in a continuous sonic signal.

    This technique has been rened by the addition o colour

    to the displayed images, and high-power instruments are now

    available or transcranial use, which are capable o estimating

    blood fow velocity in intracranial arteries.


    Transcranial ultrasonography is used to evaluate hydrocephalus

    and neonatal haemorrhage in young children. It is simple to use,

    but less simple to interpret. Duplex scanning has replaced angiogra-

    phy or screening patients with suspected carotid biurcation steno-

    sis. It may be combined with MRA, and most vascular surgeons usethe combination or preoperative imaging, instead o IA-DSA.


    Dmrl P, d. Rc dc i diic urrdily. Brli:

    sprir-vrl, 2001.

    grm RI, Yum DM. nurrdily: h rquiii (rquii i

    rdily). oxrd: Mby, 2003.

    obr a, Blr s, slzm K, l. Diic imi: bri, 1 d.

    amiry, 2004.

    a b


    2D a and c and 3D b digital subtractionangiography frontal views showing an

    aneurysm of the anterior communicating

    artery before a and c and during treatment

    by coil embolization. The 3D view is

    obtained by rotating the X-ray source

    during intra-arterial contrast injection and

    is used for pre-operative evaluation of the

    aneurysm and anatomy.

    Pericallosal artery


    Anteriorcerebral artery


    cerebral artery


    cerebral artery

    Coils in aneurysm

    Microcatheter at

    the internal

    cerebral artery


    Fiur 12