By JULIAN A. SELBT. COLUMBIA, S. C TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, VOL ... · subsequentlyvialted'tbe house of...

By JULIAN A. SELBT. KING JOHN OF ETHIOPIA. (Sketch or an Aft-lean Kins'* Splendor that OatahlneH the- Arablnn NlHht«--A Bur- baric Banquet* [From the London Spectator]. King John of Etliiopia is a striking nnd picturesque personage. Ab Kassa, Prince of Tigre, claiming equal descent with Theodoras from King Solomon, he figured largely in the Bine books which formed an exceedingly interesting but little read history of the events which preceded the Abyssinian expedition; and that impression is deepened by the ac¬ count gi /en by Mr. de Cösson.who, in company with the late Gen. Kirkham, visited King John at his camp, near Gon- dar, the ancient capital of Abyssinia, in 1873.of the king and his surroundings. The country, its people, their wives, and their faith, are not like any of the Afri¬ can types in other portions of the con¬ tinent. They remind us of the Scriptures; tho whole picture is like that of the tribes and the fends whicb we find in the book of Genesis and the books of the Kings. Long be¬ fore the king is reached, the traveler hears tales of him.his strength, his wisdom, and his prowess in war. At Axum, the former capital of Tigre, he is shown the great monolith, seventy feet high, and told how Kassa used to cast his heavy spear over it.a great feat to do with an ordinary lance.and still practises this exercise when he comes to Axum. There is little disposition to "forward" a traveler, the disposition to keep their country free from the stronger being as strong as ever in ihe Abyssians, but tho king promises his help and pro¬ tection to all who shall be properly recommended to him by the French con¬ sul at Mussowoh, and the reluctance of intervening personages has to give way. When Hr. de Gosson had taken pos¬ session oi his tent, near the monarch's enclosure, the king sent him two jars full of a dreadful drinkable called tedge, fifty " breads," an antelope's horn full of salt and pepper, and a live cow,which was killed and out up before his eyes, and the meat piled up inside the tent. He subsequently vialted'tbe house of Mar¬ cher, one of the king's interpreters, which was, like all the Abyssian nouses, constructed of wood and branches, and there he saw a pretty sight', that of Mar¬ cher's horse formirfg one of the family circle. The beautiful, intelligent animal was lodged in a little thatched stall open¬ ing into the house, his neck adorned with a handsome chain, bis food and drink given him at regular intervals in a clean earthen dish, the corn being the same as that of which the household bread was made; he was regarded as a cherished friend and comrade. After the civilities of the king's interpreters, came the good offices of the king s cook, who sent the honored guest four tushes of curry. The.king's cook, who also acts as taster, is a great personage; he must be n priest, must have always led an irre¬ proachable life, and is never permitted to marry. Next day at dawn came one of the officers " liikanianguas," splendidly dressed in a robe of flowered silk, with an India muslin kuarie, and silver- mounted pistols in his sash, to inquire after the traveler's health in his majesty's name. He was oue of those who have the privilege of wearing the same dress as his sovereign, and the dangerous dis¬ tinction of going into battle similarly armed, so that the royal person may not be distinguished. Early in the after¬ noon came Maderakal, another interpre¬ ter, attended by an esquire, bearing the royal sword and shield, to conduct the stranger to the king's banqueting hall. Drums and trumpets sounded; a salute was fired from a battery of brass howit¬ zers as the guest entered the wooden, rush-roofed building, of oblong form and vast .extent, with a double colonnade of tree trunks leading to the center, where, on a divan, raised high and draped with purple velvet, sat King John of Ethiopia, cross-legged, a pair of English rifles, cocked and loaded, resting on the cush¬ ions to left and right of him, and his slippers of soli*1, silver filagree on the carpet before him. By his side was a beautiful sword, with a sheath of velvet and enamel; on his head the great triple crown of Etliiopia flashed with gold and jewels; his robe was a cloth of silver, and over his brows hung a long veil of crimson silk, worn under the crown and falling in heavy folds round the face. The barbaric splendor of that scene was perfect in every respect. Here are Mr. de Oosson's' words, which fall, be soys, far short of his impressions: " Oneitheo side of the throne stood two gigantir eunuchs, clnd in shirts of purple and green silk, and holding drawn sabres. A swarthy guard of honor, dressed with equal magnificence, stood also with drawn sabres, behind; while all around crowded the great officers of state and notetL warriors, in long robes of silk and velvet of every color, the scarlet scab¬ bards of their swords gleaming with gold and silver filagree, and their necks adorned with the skins of the lion and black panther. The air shook with the wild notes of the trumpets and the roll of the drums." When, Mr. de Gosson reached the "LET OUB JUST CENSl COLUMBIA, throne ami bowed, King John shook hands with him, and bnde him welcome. Then the whole compauj seated them¬ selves on the carpets (Home which our queen had sent to Kassa,Prince of Tigr-»), and the next amval was of special in¬ terest. It was that of Ras Wareuia.who had ruled over all Amhara as on abso¬ lute prince until subdued by King John. He presented a most striking figure us he walked up the center of the hall, a riflle in one hand and a richly ornament¬ ed shield in the other. The conquered Has, tall, stout, very handsome, wore a splendid tippet of black panther skin, enriched with clnaps and bosses of gold filigree, which the king had just given him; a robe of the riebest silk; on his right wrist a silver-gilt gauntlet, studded with gems.un especial mark of the king's favor; a splendid sword, and his carefully plaited hair wus covered with a thin piece of white muslin, attached by a golden pin. His feet, like those of all present, were bare. Among the wild and splendid crowd was a veteran war¬ rior, the oldest of the king's persouul attendants, whose ninety years hud not dimmed the fire in his dark eyes nor bowed the gannt, tall figure, almost ns straight as the silver matchlock iu his hand, whose gray beard mingled with the tawny mano of the lion's skin thrown over his shoulder, aud«who3c locks were bound with a silver crown. It is diffi¬ cult to imagine this splendid assemblage sitting about the thvono of the king, who is a great soldier, a just judge, and a powerful ruler; of distinguished and re¬ fined appearance, a fine horseman, a mastor of all athletic oxerciees; alike leurned and practical in his religion, in¬ terested in other countries, and unques¬ tionably the ablest prince who bos been allotted to his own; and after an Arabian Night-like incident.*'. e., the passing of a long line of slaves bearing on their heads baskets covered with red cloth, containing flat cakes called "tef," of of which they deposit one before each of the principal guests.all the effect of the beautiful and poetical scene being dispersed by the following proceedings. Meonwui e ,several qpws ha^l been, slaughtered on the threshold of the hall, and large hunks of the raw and smoking meat were placed on the boskets, the stranger guest being first served. Two attendants then went round, one dis¬ tributing knives from a case he curried at his side, and the other offering an antelope's horn full of mixed salt and red pepper, for us to season the meat with. All the company then set to, and began to devour the raw cow's flesh with the greatest avidity." This barbaric banquet, with all its accessories of silken robes, beautiful weapons, delicate fabrics, rich gems, dark, handsome faces with gleaming eyes oud teeth, and braid- ed hau-, the scene a camp, and the guests fierce warriors, a conquered chieftoiu, and an English officer, is a combination whereon to exerciee the liveliest fancy. The Latest Things in Fans. There is very little difference in funs;' the latest are straight sticks, instead of curved. In lace funs, the new¬ est combines lace exquisitely fine paint¬ ings on silk gauze; the pattern of the luce made with a view to answer oil a framework for the pictures. There are generally one large one in the center, and a smaller in the left-hand corner. One in rocco style was seen with wrought Eearl sticks. The fun itself was kid, eautifully painted. Tins came as high as $200. Sticks of opal pearl are con¬ sidered quite conimc il faut for lace fans this year. For ladies in lighter mourn- ing, smoked pearl sticks, covered with black lace, except hi the center and left side, which contain exquisite paintings on black gauze, are all Ihe rage. Albert, the celebrated French fan pointer, now fmts his name in the lower right or left land corner of the painting, iu imitation of his biother artists on a large scale; of course the penchant for everything a la Japanese finds a ready outlet in funs; the expensive ones in ivory with raised gold or silver lacquer work, are more at¬ tractive as an object of beauty, though for their usefulness being rather heavy. The tortoise shells in the same styles are very handsome, but expensive.none less than $100..London Truth. A Successful Farmer's Opinion. Mr. Harris Lewis, a well known dairy¬ man of Herkimer county, N. Y., at a dairymen's meeting at Ingersoll, Cana¬ da, remarked us follows: "I hold that every man, woman and child is fitted by nature to perform some act or discharge some one duty in life better than any other. But man in his ignorance often thwart's nature's operations and designs, and turns them to worse than useless purposes. Many parents seem to look upon labor as degrading, and try to find some higher place for their children, rather than encourage engaging in use¬ ful labor. It is a sod picture, I know, it is the cose with many in the United States. I hope it is not so on this side of the line. Now, to succeed in any business, calling or profession, there must be m >re or less adaptation for that particular business or calling and a love for it." S. C TUESDAY, OC Lost Tor Twenly-oight Years. It iIocm n«>t often occur that brothers live twenty-eight yours in ignorance of each other's whereabouts und then are brought together by chance. Dr. Stark, who lives iu Cincinnati, was horn in the city of Turnowitz, Prussia, where his mother and relatives are still residing. Twenty-eight years ago his younger brother, Henry Hermann Stark, for some misdemeanor, was chastised by his father. Henry was eight yenrs of age at that time, aifd boy-like took the imuish- mcnt so much to heart that bo run away from home. No one could obtain u~ trac<i of the missing lad, though diligent search was made. Ten years later his folks heard that he was living' in Paris with u family named Pnppcnheim, who hud adopted him uud were educating him us one of their children. A few years later all trace of the runaway was again lobt, and when the elder Stark died, about nine years ago, his widow found herself, under the law of Prussia, unable to sell any of- her deceased hus¬ band's property on nctonntof (he lost' son. Meanwhile Dr. SVark hud grown to manhood, cuine to Cincinnati, and began the practice of medicine, since which time he has, by his skill and energy, built up a large bushiest*. Almut ten mouths ago he fell in with u gentleman from "London, who wns visitiug Cincin¬ nati. Iu the course of their conversa¬ tion, one day, the Englishman asked him if he had u brother living in Lou- don. Dr. Stark answered in the nega¬ tive. The Englishman said that he asked, for the rensou that he kucw n physician in London who looked as much like Dr. Stark us though they were brothei*«. When the Englishman went buck to London he carried with him a j photograph of Dr. Stark for the purpose of showing it to the London physician, whom he employed professionally in his family. This physician's name, by the way, was Henry Hermann. Three months ago Dr. Hermann wrote to Dr. Stark and asked for a history of his family and pedigree. Dr. Stark replied, sotting forth in fuU^famsfc- history, and among other Thiugs^narrated the story of his lost brother. /By return mail he received a letter from Dr. Her- munu in which he stated that he was the lost brother and that he would imme¬ diately visit his mother in Prussia. That visit has been made, and he is now cn route to this country on a visit to Dr. { Stark. After he left borne, he dropped his family name and retained only Henry Hermann, by which ho was ever j after known. Wood and; the Herald Founder. Wood started out at twenty-four years old to whip James Gordon Bennett, who, in revenge for the defeat of a police judge by Wood's crowd, the judgeftocing iu the habit of giviug items to the Herald, published the leadiug editorial against Ben Wood. "Ibought myself a cow¬ hide," said Ben, " and slipped it into an umbrella. As I went toward the Herald office I thought I saw people pointing ut mo who hud reud the Herald's excoriu- tion, for it was the first time I had ever been abused. I climbed to the oflice and thrust the article into Bennett's face: ' Did you write that ?' He looked up aud said, without flinching: 'Young man, what is your name?1 'Wood!' He looked at me with affected surprise. . And how old may you be V ' Twenty- four, but whnt's it of your business?' 'Twenty-four!' exclaimed Bonnet, 1 twenty-four ! And already arrived to such political distinction as to receive the leading editorial notice of a paper of the circulation of the New York Herald! Young man, it ought to bo the proudest day of your life!' And, by George ! ho flattered me clear down those stairs. beut me by bruins und good acting." Years after that Wood, while publish- ing the News, was fiercely arraigned by Bennett. In return Wood published day after day the opinions of great men on Beuuctt. One day Count Johannes, a very credulous, cracked man, who was in the habit of visiting Bennett at Wash¬ ington, huh 1: "Mr. Wood, you grieve Mr. Bennett. Let me make it up. Come to Fort Washington and see the Herald chief. You ought to bo friends." "Count," said Wood, " I would not feel justified in going there. But I would like to give a dinner on my birthday to the four most eminent men of this age. You can fix it for me ! I want you, of conrse, as one; Mr. Bennett for another, and George Francis Train und Colorado Jowottl" "I think I can fix it," said the count, greatly flattered. He came back next day. " Well," now said Wood, " is it all arranged, count?" " I don't think Mr. Bennett was in good humor yesterday," said the count, reflectively. "Why, what did he say?" "He said: ' Count, Ben Wud is making a big fool of ee !".Philadelphia Times. On tho road leading from tho Whitman mine to the old town of Como, Nevada, there is a rock the profile of which has so singular resemblance to the profile of Washington that from a certain point of view the most careless observer cannot fail to note the likeness. ATTEND THE TRUE ' EVENT." TOBER 2, 1877. V I FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Profitable Corn throwing. The average yield of the com crop is about twenty-seven bushels per acre for the whole' country. This includes ; the large yield of the rich prairie States where an average of forty to fifty bush- els per acre is usual. In the Eastern, Middle and Southern States, the yield j is very low and on the whole does not I surpass fifteen bushels per acre. Yet in isolated cases in these* States many good farmers produce seventy, eighty j or even one hundred bushels pur aero, and many ambitious farmers are trying to reach a higher limit yet. This is not at all impossible ; it is not eveu improba- ble. It is reasonable to go further and say that the very high yield is not at all difficult to attain. Indeed it is very j ca*y to figure oiit a crop of one hundred bushels of shelled corn per aero, and we do not think it much less easy to reduce the figuring to practice. Thus if we can «row three stalks to a hill, with the hills three and a half fett apart, we lmve 3,700 hills and 11,100 stalks per acre. If every stalk should bear one good ear there would b? 11,100 ears per acre. One hundred good ears weighing twelve ounces each would give one bushel of shelled corn. Therefore this crop would amount to 114 bushels per acre. The only requisite for this pro¬ fitable crop then, is that wo should raise a variety of corn that produces no barren stalks and that will carry one good oar only upon every stalk. This seems to bo "a- very simple matter, but many farmers would be surprised to lsarn how small a proportion of stalks in their field* carry even ouo ear. We have been selectiug seed, and by all other means have been endeavoring to grow corn that should produce two good ears per stalk, and yet we have not succeeded in growing any that will on the average produce more than one ear for every two stalks. With the easy possibility of reaching ono hundred bushels per acre if only fertilo stalks were grown, yet farmers look upon one who talksV»f such a crop as too enthusi¬ astic, if net foolish. It seems as though we had been all this time pursuing a wrong idea, or following a wrong course, and neglecting the most palpable and plain path to success. It is not to fer¬ tilize our ground so richly as to grow luxuriant stalks with two or three ears each in place of one ; but to grow mod¬ erately sized stalks, each having an ear in place of those with none. In passing through a fair-looking field of corn a number of stalks with¬ out ears will always be seen. It is these that dilute and lesseu the value of the crop. Can we get rid of these by any means? It is certainly our busi¬ ness to do it if possible, just as we should weed out of our yards hens which lay no eggs, sows which produce no litters, cows without calves or mlik, and mares without foals ; or cut out from our orchards trees that yield no fruit. As no farmer would tolerate snch worthless stock so he should not tolerate barrenness in his cornfield. Among otkir many use- fnl suggestions made by Dr. E. L. Sturtevant, of Massachusetts, who is ono of our most scientific and practical farmers and agricultural investigators, we owo to him an idea that we think may be turned to the greatest advantage in improving our corn crops. It is to change the present character of this grain by a course of selection and breed- iug similar to that through which we have brought our live stock to such a high degree of profitable'excelleuee. It is simply to discontinue the growing of barren stalks and prevent them from fertilizing the seed of the prolific ones, To do this, all those stalks which show no sign of an ear or silk (which is the female flower) when the tnssel or male flowers appear, should be topped so as to deprive them of their powers of reproduction, should be emasculated in fact. Wo should lose nothing by this, because we should at least have the fod¬ der, which is all wo should get under any circumstances, but we should have the very important advantage of fertiliz¬ ing the other plants with pollen from prolific stalks. Hence, wo might ex¬ pect in a very short time to so chauge the character nnd habits of the corn as to have every plant prolific and produc¬ tive of at least one ear. If in time we could give the plant the habit of bear¬ ing twin oars, or three, four or more; and by the required s\stem of fertiliz¬ ing the soil secure bo vigorous a growth as to mature those ears perfectly, then what a gain should wo have made. To grow five acres of corn yielding 500 bushels would cost no more than it now costs to grow live acres yielding one hundred bushels, exceptingthe incrcased labor of husking and storing the oars, and only a fourth as much as it now costs to grow tho C00 bushels on twenty acres. It is a very trito thing to say that tho greatest profit lies in producing the greatest yield with the least possible labor and expense ; yet farmers do not seem to look at it in that way, or else they are contented with very small profits, for it is plain to be seen that tho small crops grown do not pay any adequato price for tho labor of OL. XIII. NO. 104. roising thera. Auel so spend one's l»il>or ixi growing titty harren rom-stalks tmt of every hundred we grow, seems, un¬ questionably, to he a very poor busi¬ ness. We hope our readers will give this matter the thought and attention it deserves. There is nothing to lone by adopting tho means of improving pro¬ posed, and there is a vast gain possible from it..Ncko York Times. To Clean Paint..Take one ounce of pulverized borax, one pound of small pieces of best brown soap, and three quarts of water. Let it simmer till the soap is dissolved, stirring frequently. Do not let it boil. Use a pieco of old flannel, and rinse off as soon as the paint is clean. This mixture is also good for washing clothes. Waterproofing Cloth..Imbue the cl«)th on tho wrong side with a solution of isinglass, alum and Boap, by means of a brush. When dry, brush on tho wrong sido against the grain, and theu go over with a brush dipped in water. This makes the cloth impervious (for a long time) to water, not asr. Waterproof Boots and Snotcs.. Linseed oil, onepint; suet, eight ounces; beeswax, six ounces; resin, one ounce. Mix together. Calico Made Transparent and Wa¬ terproof..Take six pints of pale linseed oil, two ounces of sugar of lead and eight ounces of white resia ; the sugar of lead must be ground with a small quantity of it, and added t< the remain¬ der ; tho resin should bo iuoorporated with the oil by means of a gentle heat. The composition may then be laid on calico, or auy other Buch material, by means of a brush. A flagrant breach of politeness, nud one which is most annoying to refined and sensitive people, is the very general practice of one's conversation. The im¬ punity with which this is done has de¬ graded rational conversation, which ought to be the greatest charm of social inter- woman who has' anything to say that is worth saying, desires to say it in his or her own way ; and those who have brains to appreciate it, will be equally desirous of hearing it without interruption.* Yet it is a common thing for u parlor conver¬ sation to partake more of the babble of Habel, than a conversation among rational beings, who are supposed to know and appreciate what each othes says. One begins to relate an incident, and before he has finished two sentences, some parrot in line clothes chimes in with her sense¬ less gabble, breaking the thread of die course, and compelling the narrator to begin again, or abandon the attempt to instruct or entertain. Thin Ik the grossest impoliteness ; it is lut'eommon on occurrence as conversation itself. It is not much to say, that nine out of every ten people who indulge in this habit ore incapable of carrying on a rational conversation on any useful topic, and indulge in these breaches of etiquette by way of covering their retreat and hiding their ignorance. We suggest to young people.and old ones, too, for that matter.that here is a promising field for social reform. Never interrupt a conversation by interjecting remarks, however appropriate and witty they may seem. All sensible people will respecs you, and conclude that you have good sense, and know how to use it to the best advantage. Indian Princes and Rubies. The Indian princes and nobles are greedy of diamonds beyond all people, and there is but one country in tho world in which any product of nature is held more precious than this wonderful combustible gem, whose nature indeed wo know, but whose genesis is still a moot question for science. That country is Burmab, the land of the white'ele¬ phant, where the finest rabies sheltered in earth's breast ore found, and arc rated far above diamonds. As the King of Sinm prizes his cats, so the King of Bur¬ undi prizes the rubies of his country, jealously prohibiting the export of them, so that the beautiful aluminous stones. which do but glow with a clearer and richer color when they are exposed to fire in which the diamond would be con¬ sumed and disappear.can only be pro¬ cured by stealth or favor by private indi¬ viduals. No European baa ever been permitted to see the king's wonderful ruby, " the size of a pigeon's egg and of extraordinary quality "; and the aale of the two magnificent rubies which were brought to England iu 1875.the finest ever kuewn iu Europe.caused such ex¬ citement, that a military guard had to escort the persons conveying the package to the ship. Five days' journey south¬ east of Ava lies the home of the blood- red gems, the jealous earth in which the people believe that they ripen, becoming from their original colorlessness, yellow, green, blue, and, last of all, the match¬ less ruby red. Next to these rank the rubies which are found in the Tartar wilds of Badakshan, and which the people there believe ore always found in pairs. When one of the seekers has dis¬ covered one he will frequently lüde ti until its mate is found- Household Notar. One Form of ltudeness. course, into a proving faren.

Transcript of By JULIAN A. SELBT. COLUMBIA, S. C TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, VOL ... · subsequentlyvialted'tbe house of...

Page 1: By JULIAN A. SELBT. COLUMBIA, S. C TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, VOL ... · subsequentlyvialted'tbe house of Mar ¬ cher, one of the king's interpreters, whichwas, like all theAbyssiannouses,



(Sketch or an Aft-lean Kins'* Splendor thatOatahlneH the- Arablnn NlHht«--A Bur-baric Banquet*

[From the London Spectator].King John of Etliiopia is a strikingnnd picturesque personage. Ab Kassa,Prince of Tigre, claiming equal descent

with Theodoras from King Solomon, hefigured largely in the Bine books whichformed an exceedingly interesting butlittle read history of the events whichpreceded the Abyssinian expedition; andthat impression is deepened by the ac¬count gi/en by Mr. de Cösson.who, incompany with the late Gen. Kirkham,visited King John at hiscamp, near Gon-dar, the ancient capital of Abyssinia, in1873.of the king and his surroundings.The country, its people, their wives, andtheir faith, are not like any of the Afri¬can types in other portions of the con¬tinent. They remind us of theScriptures; tho whole picture islike that of the tribes and the fendswhicb we find in the book of Genesisand the books of the Kings. Long be¬fore the king is reached, the travelerhears tales of him.his strength, hiswisdom, and his prowess in war. AtAxum, the former capital of Tigre, heis shown the great monolith, seventyfeet high, and told how Kassa used tocast his heavy spear over it.a great featto do with an ordinary lance.and stillpractises this exercise when he comes toAxum. There is little disposition to"forward" a traveler, the disposition tokeep their country free from the strongerbeing as strong as ever in ihe Abyssians,but tho king promises his help and pro¬tection to all who shall be properlyrecommended to him by the French con¬sul at Mussowoh, and the reluctance ofintervening personages has to give way.When Hr. de Gosson had taken pos¬session oi his tent, near the monarch'senclosure, the king sent him two jarsfull of a dreadful drinkable called tedge,fifty " breads," an antelope's horn fullof salt and pepper, and a live cow,whichwas killed and out up before hiseyes,andthe meat piled up inside the tent. Hesubsequently vialted'tbe house of Mar¬cher, one of the king's interpreters,which was, like all the Abyssian nouses,constructed of wood and branches, andthere he saw a pretty sight', that of Mar¬cher's horse formirfg one of the familycircle. The beautiful, intelligent animalwas lodged in a little thatched stall open¬ing into the house, his neck adornedwith a handsome chain, bis food anddrink given him at regular intervals in aclean earthen dish, the corn being thesame as that of which the householdbread was made; he was regarded as acherished friend and comrade. After thecivilities of the king's interpreters, camethe good offices of the king s cook, whosent the honored guest four tushes ofcurry. The.king's cook, who also actsas taster, is a great personage; he mustbe n priest, must have always led an irre¬proachable life, and is never permittedto marry.Next day at dawn came one of the

officers " liikanianguas," splendidlydressed in a robe of flowered silk, withan India muslin kuarie, and silver-mounted pistols in his sash, to inquireafter the traveler's health in hismajesty'sname. He was oue of those who havethe privilege of wearing the same dressas his sovereign, and the dangerous dis¬tinction of going into battle similarlyarmed, so that the royal person may notbe distinguished. Early in the after¬noon came Maderakal, another interpre¬ter, attended by an esquire, bearing theroyal sword and shield, to conduct thestranger to the king's banqueting hall.Drums and trumpets sounded; a salutewas fired from a battery of brass howit¬zers as the guest entered the wooden,rush-roofed building, of oblong form andvast .extent, with a double colonnade oftree trunks leading to the center, where,on a divan, raised high and draped withpurple velvet,sat King John of Ethiopia,cross-legged, a pair of English rifles,cocked and loaded, resting on the cush¬ions to left and right of him, and hisslippers of soli*1, silver filagree on thecarpet before him. By his side was abeautiful sword, with a sheath of velvetand enamel; on his head the great triplecrown of Etliiopia flashed with gold andjewels; his robe was a cloth of silver,and over his brows hung a long veil ofcrimson silk, worn under the crown andfalling in heavy folds round the face.The barbaric splendor of that scene wasperfect in every respect. Here are Oosson's' words, which fall, be soys,far short of his impressions: " Oneitheoside of the throne stood two gigantireunuchs, clnd in shirts of purple andgreen silk, and holding drawn sabres.A swarthy guard of honor, dressed withequal magnificence, stood also withdrawn sabres, behind; while all aroundcrowded the great officers of state andnotetLwarriors, in long robes of silk andvelvet of every color, the scarlet scab¬bards of their swords gleaming with goldand silver filagree, and their necksadorned with the skins of the lion andblack panther. The air shook with thewild notes of the trumpets and the rollof the drums."When, Mr. de Gosson reached the


COLUMBIA,throne ami bowed, King John shookhands with him, and bnde him welcome.Then the whole compauj seated them¬selves on the carpets (Home which ourqueen had sent to Kassa,Prince of Tigr-»),and the next amval was of special in¬terest. It was that of Ras Wareuia.whohad ruled over all Amhara as on abso¬lute prince until subdued byKing John.He presented a most striking figure ushe walked up the center of the hall, ariflle in one hand and a richly ornament¬ed shield in the other. The conqueredHas, tall, stout, very handsome, wore asplendid tippet of black panther skin,enriched with clnaps and bosses of goldfiligree, which the king had just givenhim; a robe of the riebest silk; on hisright wrist a silver-gilt gauntlet, studdedwith gems.un especial mark of theking's favor; a splendid sword, and hiscarefully plaited hair wus covered witha thin piece of white muslin, attachedby a golden pin. His feet, like those ofall present, were bare. Among the wildand splendid crowd was a veteran war¬rior, the oldest of the king's persouulattendants, whose ninety years hud notdimmed the fire in his dark eyes norbowed the gannt, tall figure, almost nsstraight as the silver matchlock iu hishand, whose gray beard mingled with thetawny mano of the lion's skin thrownover his shoulder, aud«who3c locks werebound with a silver crown. It is diffi¬cult to imagine this splendid assemblagesitting about the thvono of the king, whois a great soldier, a just judge, and apowerful ruler; of distinguished and re¬fined appearance, a fine horseman, amastor of all athletic oxerciees; alikeleurned and practical in his religion, in¬terested in other countries, and unques¬tionably the ablest prince who bos beenallotted to his own; and after an ArabianNight-like incident.*'. e., the passing ofa long line of slaves bearing on theirheads baskets covered with red cloth,containing flat cakes called "tef," ofof which they deposit one before eachof the principal guests.all the effect ofthe beautiful and poetical scene beingdispersed by the following proceedings.Meonwui e ,several qpws ha^l been,slaughtered on the threshold of the hall,and large hunks of the raw and smokingmeat were placed on the boskets, thestranger guest being first served. Twoattendants then went round, one dis¬tributing knives from a case he curriedat his side, and the other offering anantelope's horn full of mixed salt andred pepper, for us to season the meatwith. All the company then set to, andbegan to devour the raw cow's flesh withthe greatest avidity." This barbaricbanquet, with all its accessories of silkenrobes, beautiful weapons, delicatefabrics, rich gems, dark, handsome faceswith gleaming eyes oud teeth, and braid-ed hau-, the scene a camp, and the guestsfierce warriors, a conquered chieftoiu,and an English officer, is a combinationwhereon to exerciee the liveliest fancy.

The Latest Things in Fans.There is very little difference in funs;'the latest are straight sticks, instead

of curved. In lace funs, the new¬est combines lace exquisitely fine paint¬ings on silk gauze; the pattern of theluce made with a view to answer oil aframework for the pictures. There aregenerally one large one in the center,and a smaller in the left-hand corner.One in rocco style was seen with wroughtEearl sticks. The fun itself was kid,eautifully painted. Tins came as highas $200. Sticks of opal pearl are con¬sidered quite conimc ilfaut for lace fansthis year. For ladies in lighter mourn-ing, smoked pearl sticks, covered withblack lace, except hi the center and leftside, which contain exquisite paintingson black gauze, are all Ihe rage. Albert,the celebrated French fan pointer, nowfmts his name in the lower right or leftland corner of the painting, iu imitationof his biother artists on a large scale;of course the penchant for everythinga la Japanese finds a ready outlet in funs;the expensive ones in ivory with raisedgold or silver lacquer work, are more at¬tractive as an object of beauty, thoughfor their usefulness being rather heavy.The tortoise shells in the same styles arevery handsome, but expensive.none lessthan $100..London Truth.

A Successful Farmer's Opinion.Mr. Harris Lewis, a well known dairy¬

man of Herkimer county, N. Y., at adairymen's meeting at Ingersoll, Cana¬da, remarked us follows: "I hold thatevery man, woman and child is fitted bynature to perform some act or dischargesome one duty in life better than anyother. But man in his ignorance oftenthwart's nature's operations and designs,and turns them to worse than uselesspurposes. Many parents seem to lookupon labor as degrading, and try to findsome higher place for their children,rather than encourage engaging in use¬ful labor. It is a sod picture, I know,it is the cose with many in the UnitedStates. I hope it is not so on this sideof the line. Now, to succeed in anybusiness, calling or profession, theremust be m >re or less adaptation for thatparticular business or calling and a lovefor it."


Lost Tor Twenly-oight Years.It iIocm n«>t often occur that brothers

live twenty-eight yours in ignorance ofeach other's whereabouts und then are

brought together by chance. Dr. Stark,who lives iu Cincinnati, was horn in thecity of Turnowitz, Prussia, where hismother and relatives are still residing.Twenty-eight years ago his youngerbrother, Henry Hermann Stark, forsome misdemeanor, was chastised by hisfather. Henry was eight yenrs of age atthat time, aifd boy-like took the imuish-mcnt so much to heart that bo run awayfrom home. No one could obtain u~trac<i of the missing lad, though diligentsearch was made. Ten years later hisfolks heard that he was living' in Pariswith u family named Pnppcnheim, whohud adopted him uud were educatinghim us one of their children. A fewyears later all trace of the runaway wasagain lobt, and when the elder Starkdied, about nine years ago, his widowfound herself, under the law of Prussia,unable to sell any of- her deceased hus¬band's property on nctonntof (he lost'son. Meanwhile Dr. SVark hud grown tomanhood, cuine to Cincinnati, and beganthe practice of medicine, since whichtime he has, by his skill and energy,built up a large bushiest*. Almut tenmouths ago he fell in with u gentlemanfrom "London, who wns visitiug Cincin¬nati. Iu the course of their conversa¬tion, one day, the Englishman askedhim if he had u brother living in Lou-don. Dr. Stark answered in the nega¬tive. The Englishman said that heasked, for the rensou that he kucw n

physician in London who looked asmuch like Dr. Stark us though they werebrothei*«. When the Englishman wentbuck to London he carried with him a jphotograph of Dr. Stark for the purposeof showing it to the London physician,whom he employed professionally in hisfamily. This physician's name, by theway, was Henry Hermann. Threemonths ago Dr. Hermann wrote to Dr.Stark and asked for a history of hisfamily and pedigree. Dr. Stark replied,sotting forth in fuU^famsfc- history,and among other Thiugs^narrated thestory of his lost brother. /By returnmail he received a letter from Dr. Her-munu in which he stated that he was thelost brother and that he would imme¬diately visit his mother in Prussia. Thatvisit has been made, and he is now cnroute to this country on a visit to Dr. {Stark. After he left borne, he droppedhis family name and retained onlyHenry Hermann, by which ho was ever jafter known.

Wood and; the Herald Founder.Wood started out at twenty-four yearsold to whip James Gordon Bennett, who,

in revenge for the defeat of a police judgeby Wood's crowd, the judgeftocing iu thehabit of giviug items to the Herald,published the leadiug editorial againstBen Wood. "Ibought myself a cow¬hide," said Ben, " and slipped it into anumbrella. As I went toward the Heraldoffice I thought I saw people pointing utmo who hud reud the Herald's excoriu-tion, for it was the first time I had everbeen abused. I climbed to the ofliceand thrust the article into Bennett's face:' Did you write that ?' He looked upaud said, without flinching: 'Youngman, what is your name?1 'Wood!'He looked at me with affected surprise.. And how old may you be V ' Twenty-four, but whnt's it of your business?''Twenty-four!' exclaimed Bonnet,1 twenty-four ! And already arrived tosuch political distinction as to receivethe leading editorial notice of a paper ofthe circulation of the New York Herald!Young man, it ought to bo the proudestday of your life!' And, by George ! hoflattered me clear down those stairs.beut me by bruins und good acting."

Years after that Wood, while publish-ing the News, was fiercely arraigned byBennett. In return Wood published dayafter day the opinions of great men onBeuuctt. One day Count Johannes, avery credulous, cracked man, who wasin the habit of visiting Bennett at Wash¬ington, huh 1: "Mr. Wood, you grieveMr. Bennett. Let me make it up.Come to Fort Washington and see theHerald chief. You ought to bo friends.""Count," said Wood, " I would not feeljustified in going there. But I wouldlike to give a dinner on my birthday tothe four most eminent men of this age.You can fix it for me ! I want you, ofconrse, as one; Mr. Bennett for another,and George Francis Train und ColoradoJowottl" "I think I can fix it," saidthe count, greatly flattered. He cameback next day. " Well," now said Wood," is it all arranged, count?" " I don'tthink Mr. Bennett was in good humoryesterday," said the count, reflectively."Why, what did he say?" "He said:' Count, Ben Wud is making a big foolof ee !".Philadelphia Times.

On tho road leadingfrom tho Whitmanmine to the old town of Como, Nevada,there is a rock the profile of which hasso singular resemblance to the profile ofWashington that from a certain point ofview the most careless observer cannotfail to note the likeness.



TOBER 2, 1877. V


Profitable Corn throwing.The average yield of the com crop is

about twenty-seven bushels per acrefor the whole' country. This includes

; the large yield of the rich prairie Stateswhere an average of forty to fifty bush-els per acre is usual. In the Eastern,Middle and Southern States, the yield

j is very low and on the whole does notI surpass fifteen bushels per acre. Yetin isolated cases in these* States manygood farmers produce seventy, eighty

j or even one hundred bushels pur aero,and many ambitious farmers are tryingto reach a higher limit yet. This is notat all impossible ; it is not eveu improba-ble. It is reasonable to go further andsay that the very high yield is not at alldifficult to attain. Indeed it is very jca*y to figure oiit a crop of one hundredbushels of shelled corn per aero, andwe do not think it much less easy toreduce the figuring to practice. Thusif we can «row three stalks to a hill,with the hills three and a half fett apart,we lmve 3,700 hills and 11,100 stalksper acre. If every stalk should bear one

good ear there would b? 11,100 ears peracre. One hundred good ears weighingtwelve ounces each would give onebushel of shelled corn. Therefore thiscrop would amount to 114 bushels peracre. The only requisite for this pro¬fitable crop then, is that wo shouldraise a variety of corn that produces nobarren stalks and that will carry one

good oar only upon every stalk. Thisseems to bo "a- very simple matter, butmany farmers would be surprised tolsarn how small a proportion of stalksin their field* carry even ouo ear.We have been selectiug seed, and byall other means have been endeavoringto grow corn that should produce twogood ears per stalk, and yet we have notsucceeded in growing any that will onthe average produce more than one earfor every two stalks. With the easypossibility of reaching ono hundredbushels per acre if only fertilo stalkswere grown, yet farmers look upon onewho talksV»f such a crop as too enthusi¬astic, if net foolish. It seems as thoughwe had been all this time pursuing a

wrong idea, or following a wrong course,and neglecting the most palpable andplain path to success. It is not to fer¬tilize our ground so richly as to growluxuriant stalks with two or three earseach in place of one ; but to grow mod¬erately sized stalks, each having an earin place of those with none.

In passing through a fair-lookingfield of corn a number of stalks with¬out ears will always be seen. It isthese that dilute and lesseu the value ofthe crop. Can we get rid of these byany means? It is certainly our busi¬ness to do it if possible, just as weshould weed out of our yards henswhich lay no eggs, sows which produceno litters, cows without calves or mlik,and mares without foals ; or cut out fromour orchards trees that yield no fruit. Asno farmer would tolerate snch worthlessstock so he should not tolerate barrennessin his cornfield. Among otkir many use-fnl suggestions made by Dr. E. L.Sturtevant, of Massachusetts, who isono of our most scientific and practicalfarmers and agricultural investigators,we owo to him an idea that we thinkmay be turned to the greatest advantagein improving our corn crops. It is tochange the present character of thisgrain by a course of selection and breed-iug similar to that through which wehave brought our live stock to such a

high degree of profitable'excelleuee. Itis simply to discontinue the growing ofbarren stalks and prevent them fromfertilizing the seed of the prolific ones,To do this, all those stalks which showno sign of an ear or silk (which isthe female flower) when the tnssel or

male flowers appear, should be toppedso as to deprive them of their powers ofreproduction, should be emasculated infact. Wo should lose nothing by this,because we should at least have the fod¬der, which is all wo should get underany circumstances, but we should havethe very important advantage of fertiliz¬ing the other plants with pollen fromprolific stalks. Hence, wo might ex¬

pect in a very short time to so chaugethe character nnd habits of the corn asto have every plant prolific and produc¬tive of at least one ear. If in time wecould give the plant the habit of bear¬ing twin oars, or three, four or more;and by the required s\stem of fertiliz¬ing the soil secure bo vigorous a growthas to mature those ears perfectly, thenwhat a gain should wo have made. Togrow five acres of corn yielding 500bushels would cost no more than it nowcosts to grow live acres yielding onehundred bushels, exceptingthe incrcasedlabor of husking and storing the oars,and only a fourth as much as it nowcosts to grow tho C00 bushels on

twenty acres. It is a very trito thingto say that tho greatest profit lies inproducing the greatest yield with theleast possible labor and expense ; yetfarmers do not seem to look at it in thatway, or else they are contented withvery small profits, for it is plain to beseen that tho small crops grown do notpay any adequato price for tho labor of

OL. XIII. NO. 104.

roising thera. Auel so spend one's l»il>orixi growing titty harren rom-stalks tmtof every hundred we grow, seems, un¬questionably, to he a very poor busi¬ness. We hope our readers will givethis matter the thought and attention itdeserves. There is nothing to lone byadopting tho means of improving pro¬posed, and there is a vast gain possiblefrom it..Ncko York Times.

To Clean Paint..Take one ounce ofpulverized borax, one pound of smallpieces of best brown soap, and threequarts of water. Let it simmer till thesoap is dissolved, stirring frequently.Do not let it boil. Use a pieco of oldflannel, and rinse off as soon as the paintis clean. This mixture is also good forwashing clothes.Waterproofing Cloth..Imbue the

cl«)th on tho wrong side with a solutionof isinglass, alum and Boap, by means ofa brush. When dry, brush on thowrong sido against the grain, and theugo over with a brush dipped in water.This makes the cloth impervious (for a

long time) to water, not asr.Waterproof Boots and Snotcs..

Linseed oil, onepint; suet, eight ounces;beeswax, six ounces; resin, one ounce.Mix together.Calico Made Transparent and Wa¬

terproof..Take six pints of pale linseedoil, two ounces of sugar of lead andeight ounces of white resia ; the sugarof lead must be ground with a smallquantity of it, and added t< the remain¬der ; tho resin should bo iuoorporatedwith the oil by means of a gentle heat.The composition may then be laid oncalico, or auy other Buch material, bymeans of a brush.

A flagrant breach of politeness, nudone which is most annoying to refinedand sensitive people, is the very generalpractice of one's conversation. The im¬punity with which this is done has de¬graded rational conversation, which oughtto be the greatest charm of social inter-

woman who has' anything to say that isworth saying, desires to say it in his orher own way ; and those who have brainsto appreciate it, will be equally desirousof hearing it without interruption.* Yetit is a common thing for u parlor conver¬sation to partake more of the babble ofHabel, than a conversation among rationalbeings, who are supposed to know andappreciate what each othes says. Onebegins to relate an incident, and beforehe has finished two sentences, someparrotin line clothes chimes in with her sense¬less gabble, breaking the thread of diecourse, and compelling the narrator tobegin again, or abandon the attempt toinstruct or entertain.

Thin Ik the grossest impoliteness ; it islut'eommon on occurrence as conversationitself. It is not much to say, that nineout of every ten people who indulge inthis habit ore incapable of carrying on arational conversation on any useful topic,and indulge in these breaches of etiquetteby way of covering their retreat andhiding their ignorance.We suggest to young people.and old

ones, too, for that matter.that here is apromising field for social reform. Neverinterrupt a conversation by interjectingremarks, however appropriate and wittythey may seem. All sensible peoplewill respecs you, and conclude that youhave good sense, and know how to use itto the best advantage.

Indian Princes and Rubies.The Indian princes and nobles are

greedy of diamonds beyond all people,and there is but one country in thoworld in which any product of nature isheld more precious than this wonderfulcombustible gem, whose nature indeedwo know, but whose genesis is still amoot question for science. That countryis Burmab, the land of the white'ele¬phant, where the finest rabies shelteredin earth's breast ore found, and arc ratedfar above diamonds. As the King ofSinm prizes his cats, so the King of Bur¬undi prizes the rubies of his country,jealously prohibiting the export of them,so that the beautiful aluminous stones.which do but glow with a clearer andricher color when they are exposed tofire in which the diamond would be con¬sumed and disappear.can only be pro¬cured by stealth or favor by private indi¬viduals. No European baa ever beenpermitted to see the king's wonderfulruby, " the size of a pigeon's egg and ofextraordinary quality "; and the aale ofthe two magnificent rubies which werebrought to England iu 1875.the finestever kuewn iu Europe.caused such ex¬citement, that a military guard had toescort the persons conveying the packageto the ship. Five days' journey south¬east of Ava lies the home of the blood-red gems, the jealous earth in which thepeople believe that they ripen, becomingfrom their original colorlessness, yellow,green, blue, and, last of all, the match¬less ruby red. Next to these rank therubies which are found in the Tartarwilds of Badakshan, and which thepeople there believe ore always found inpairs. When one of the seekers has dis¬covered one he will frequently lüde tiuntil its mate is found-

Household Notar.

One Form of ltudeness.

course, into a proving faren.