By Definition

By Definition Deforestation is the clearing or removal of trees from an area of woodland or forest for many differing reason usually commercial. Deforestation usually doesn't apply to cases where the trees are replaced, usually as saplings, in the same or alternative location in order to replace those that were cut down. Also usually refers to large scale clearing of whole areas rather than limited or selective clearing. Effects of Deforestation on the Environment  Rainforests are the richest and most diverse areas on the planet and are home to the vast majority of the worlds species, many yet to be seen or classified by science. Any one can wander into a rainforest and will fairly quickly discover a new species. This biodiversity took many millions of years to evolve and can be destroyed with the swipe of a powerful saw. There is no possibility of getting back the estimated 50,000 species that go extinct every year a figure that is increasing. The chance to explore this forest world is disappearing fast and won't come again once it's gone, a chance future generations won't thank us for denying them. Not only are countless species being lost but also the chance to increase or knowledge of the world, chemicals and medicines unknown to science are out waiting to be discovered. The preservation of the rainforest also means the chance to explore these opportunities and make new discoveries and advance human knowledge.

Transcript of By Definition

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By Definition Deforestation is the clearing or removal of trees from an area of woodland or forest for many

differing reason usually commercial. Deforestation usually doesn't apply to cases where thetrees are replaced, usually as saplings, in the same or alternative location in order to replacethose that were cut down. Also usually refers to large scale clearing of whole areas rather than

limited or selective clearing.

Effects of Deforestation on the Environment Rainforests are the richest and most diverse areas on the planet and are home to the vastmajority of the worlds species, many yet to be seen or classified by science. Any one can wander

into a rainforest and will fairly quickly discover a new species.

This biodiversity took many millions of years to

evolve and can be destroyed with the swipe of apowerful saw. There is no possibility of getting

back the estimated 50,000 species that goextinct every year a figure that is increasing.The chance to explore this forest world isdisappearing fast and won't come again once

it's gone, a chance future generations won'tthank us for denying them.

Not only are countless species being lost butalso the chance to increase or knowledge of the

world, chemicals and medicines unknown to

science are out waiting to be discovered. Thepreservation of the rainforest also means the

chance to explore these opportunities andmake new discoveries and advance humanknowledge.

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Cl imate Change A combination of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels releasing much larger amounts of

carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than would occur naturally whilst simultaneously disablingthe planets ability to absorb and cope with this influx in green house gases has lead to thecurrent climate changes and noticeable global warming. The main effects of climate change

have been a rise in temperature throughout the year leading to widespread environmentalchange species moving their ranges further north to follow the increase in temperature. Meltingof the polar icecaps leading to a reduction in range for polar species. A consequent rise in sea

levels leading to flooding of low lying land. More violent and extreme weather systems leadingto the devastation of affected areas and causing huge loss of life.

This isn't a prediction of what will happen in the future it's happening now and maybeirreversible already. So now a immediate damage limitation exercise need to take place toensure the climate doesn't get out of control this has to involve the protection and restoration

of the worlds forests.

Solutions to


The safe keeping of our precious planet lies with each and everymember of its human population. We

are the ones accountable for our actions even though it is ourselves weare accountable too. We have the

power and knowledge to turn this planet into a green and pleasant placeto live or to completely destroy alllife. Deforestation is one of the major

pressing environmental issues weface and one we must address thesolutions to and quickly if we are to

restore the damage we have done tothe environment

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s deforestation continues unabated the remaining pockets of forest get smaller and smaller andmore widely dispersed. Controlling deforestation is a divisive issue. We can plot the rate of the

rainforests disappearance, but are we simply plotting our own demise. If we are no careful wemay find nature flourishing without us there to witness it. Only now are we waking up to thefact that we need to do something and fast as it may already be too late.

If we don't act then all life on the planet may be at risk. Forests are the lungs of the planetkeeping the atmosphere supplied with oxygen and taking out carbon dioxide and storing it in

the plant's cells. This finely tuned system is being affected by man as once a tree is burnedcarbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere and with far fewer trees much less oxygen isbeing released. This system is what makes the planet habitable for all life. We should be

thanking and preserving the forests for this life giving service not destroying and abusing it. Weneed to restore this natural balance before things get out of control.

S imp le things you can do to preserve the p lanet Though distant forests seem miles away fromyour life living in the urban or suburban

sprawl the choices you make daily influencethe lives of plants and creatures on everycontinent. One example of this is palm oil,

used in a wide variety of products found onyour supermarket shelf. Palm oil comes from

the Indonesian islands such as Borneo, whererainforest is cut down to supply room forevermore of this crop. Without the heavy

canopy and root system of the rainforest thesoil quickly erodes and nothing can grow noteven oil palms so more land has to be found.

This trade is quickly driving the orangutan toextinction in the wild. A simple choice not tobuy products containing palm oil can make a

huge difference. This is just one exampleamong many but by being aware of wherethe things you buy and use daily come from

and how they are produced allows you tomake decisions, which will help save theplanet. The two simple rules are buying local

(less food miles) and buy only sustainable or recyclable products.

Other things you can do include using energy and fuel efficiently and as little as possible by

making our home, work and transport as carbon neutral as possible. Minimizing our carbonfootprint doesn't mean cycling everywhere or sitting in a cold damp house through the winter, it

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just means not wasting energy; by not leaving electric items on standby and switching off whatwe don't need. Making sure our appliances and cars are as efficient and environmentally

friendly as possible and going for those green energy tariffs.

One thing we can all do is lobby government to make the necessary large-scale changes in

legislation needed to preserve the environment. However there is no need to wait forgovernment action, you have the power to act now