By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people...

THE ROMANS by carolina To all 4W enjoy

Transcript of By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people...

Page 1: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.


by carolina To all 4W enjoy

Page 2: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people

called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals like lions, to the death. Generally, gladiators were condemned

criminals, prisoners of war, or slaves. Professional gladiators were free men who volunteered to participate in

the games. Gladiators were paid each time they fought. Criminals who had been found guilty of murder and

condemned to death went into combat without weapons. Criminals who had committed other crimes were trained in special gladiator schools, called ludi, and they fought with weapons of their choice. They could earn their freedom if

they survived 3-5 years of combat. However, although gladiators generally fought about 3 times a year, few

survived 3-5 years.Gladiators in the ludi were trained like professional

athletes. They were fed three meals a day and given medical attention if needed. Training included using

different weapons such as war chain, net, trident, dagger and lasso. They were taught combat techniques that

disabled and captured their opponents rather than killed them. They wore armour in combat, but not the same

armour as the Roman army.

Page 3: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

Roman Slaves

Who were slaves? They were people who were frequently captured in battle and

sent back to Rome to be sold. However, abandoned children could also be brought

up as slaves. The law also stated that fathers could sell their older children if

they were in need of money.

Page 4: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

Roman money The Roman currency during most of the Roman

Republic and the western half of the Roman Empire consisted of coins including the aureus (gold), the denarius (silver), the sestertius (brass), the dupondius (brass), and the as (copper). These were used from the middle of the third century BC until the middle of the third century AD.

They were still accepted as payment in Greek influenced territories, even though these regions issued their own base coinage and some silver in other denominations, either called Greek Imperial or Roman provincial coins.

During the third century, the denarius was replaced by the double denarius, now usually known as the antoninianus or radiate, which was then itself replaced during the monetary reform of Diocletian which created denominations such as the argenteus (silver) and the follis (silvered bronze). After the reforms Roman coinage consisted mainly of the gold solidus and small bronze denominations. This trend continued to the end of the Empire in the West. See also Byzantine currency.

Page 5: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

Roman Constructions



Bridges over the Danube and Rhine Roads Colosseum

Aquaeducts Hagia Sophia

Hadrian's Wall

Page 6: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

Roman gods and godnesses

Jupiter - King of the Gods Juno - Queen of the Gods Neptune - God of the Sea Pluto - God of Death Apollo - God of the Sun Diana - Goddess of the Moon Mars - God of War Venus - Goddess of Love Cupid - God of Love Mercury - Messenger of the Gods Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom

Ceres - The Earth Goddess Proserpine - Goddess of the UnderworldVulcan - The Smith GodBacchus - God of WineSaturn - God of TimeVesta - Goddess of the HomeJanus - God of DoorsUranus and Gaia - Parents of SaturnMaia - Goddess of GrowthFlora - Goddess of FlowersPlutus - God of Wealth

MonstersCerberus - Dog of the UnderworldGorgon - Turns you to stone

Page 7: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

Roman Empire

Roman EmpireThe red part is

what Roman conquered

Page 8: By carolina To all 4W enjoy. Roman Gladiators The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other, or wild animals.

The End!!!