By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and...

By: Brandon Warren English 122

Transcript of By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and...

Page 1: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

By: Brandon Warren English 122

Page 2: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.
Page 3: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses nicely in suits with ties. He never looks like a slob.

Emotional: Atticus believes in equality between people and is one of the few individuals in Maycomb that’s not racist. He’s very honest and expresses his opinion. Atticus has a lot of class and respects and treat everyone as they would want to be treated.

Relational: Atticus is the father of Jem and Scout Finch. Sister is Alexandra Finch. Housekeeper is Calpurnia. He Defends Tom Robinson on charges of rape. His neighbors include the Radleys, Miss Maudie and Mrs. Dubose.

Page 4: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Physical: Boo’ s physical appearance is hard to describe because he remained in his house for the majority of the novel. When he exited his house the it was during a dark night and the children never got a good look at him. Prior to Miss Stephanie described him as over six feet tall with a scar on his face and having raggedy clothes.

Emotional: Boo is a very reclusive character. He keeps things to himself and is some what of a hermit. He’s very scared of the outside world and hasn’t had much interaction with anyone. Scout described him as being very nervous around her. Boo is very kind and calm he left things for Jem and Scout in the oak tree, and rescued them from death.

Relational: Boo parents are Mr. and Mrs. Radley. His brother his Nathan Radley from Florida. His neighbors are Jem and Scout Finch.

Page 5: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Physical: Robert Ewell is an older man, with graying hair. He’s very dirty and along with his house he always looks and dresses poorly.

Relational: Father of Mayella and Burris Ewell. Accusses Tom Robinson of raping his daughters. Is made a fool of by Atticus and seeks revenge on his children Jem and Scout.

Emotional: Robert is very under educated he’s ignorant and foolish. He rants and raves about everything and is very hateful and jealous of others who have more then himself. He’s racist and all around an evil person.

Page 6: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.
Page 7: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Following the trial Bob Ewell wanted revenge on

Atticus Finch, for mocking him and calling him

out as a liar. Jem and Scout were walking home

from the Halloween pageant by themselves

( Scout still in her costume) were suddenly

attacked in the shadows. Robert grabbed Scout

and stabbed her luckily her costumes outside

shell saved her. During the attack Jem’s arm

was broken, it came to a stop when the

mysterious Boo Radley jumped in to the

children’s rescue, stabbing Bob Ewell killing him


Page 8: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

If B

ob Ewell had

succeeded in


attempt o


murder, then th



ren would’ve

been killed, B


Ewell would’ve

been assumed as

the suspect


probably would've

been tried. A


would’ve been

devastated and

not know how to

cope with his


ren’s murder.

If Bob Ewell never attacked

the children he would’ve

continued to terrorize

Maycomb’s residents with

taunts and threats. It could’ve

escalated and if he wasn’t

stopped there could’ve been

a lot more of people harmed

such as Tom Robinson’s wife

(Helen), Atticus, Judge Taylor

to name a few.

Page 9: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

“ To Kill A Mockingbird is an appropriate title for this book because it’s used as a metaphor in the novel. Atticus buys the children air riffles for Christmas and tells them to shoot all the blue jays they want but no mockingbirds because it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird, because they don’t harm anyone, all they do is sing beautiful music for people to listen to.

Another example was a bug Jem was playing with, Scout wanted to kill it but, Jem said not to because it didn’t harm anyone.

Tom Robinson was a mockingbird because he was trialed and convicted only because he was a black man. He never harmed anyone and worked hard, Bob Ewell committed the sin of contributing to the death of a mockingbird, Tom Robinson.

Boo Radley was another Mockingbird, he never harmed anyone he kept to himself in his house and never meddled in other people’s business. Boo had many rumors about him going around town, yet he never harmed or did anything to anyone.

The title is appropriate because the Scout and Jem learn a life lesson that it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird, whether the mockingbird is a person or any sort of living thing.

Page 10: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Man Vs. Society: Boo Radley and the town of Maycomb. Boo is made out as a unstable monster by the town of Maycomb, yet he has done absolutely nothing.

Tom Robinson and the jury, Tom was found guilty for simply being a black man. It was his word against that of a white man.

Man Vs. Man: Atticus and the Ewells, Bob vowed revenge on Atticus who made a fool of him and his daughter Mayella in court.

Tom Robinson and the Ewells, Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson of raping his daughter, Tom Robinson

was trialed and convicted.

Page 11: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Conflict: “Man Vs.

Man”, Scout who is a

tomboy is looked down

upon by her Aunt

Alexandra for not acting

like a lady. She corrects

Scout’s grammar and

punishes her for fighting

and constantly tries to

transform her into the

perfect little polite girl.

Scout doesn’t agree with

this and constantly

battles and argues with

her aunt. Sometimes

Scout purposely does the

opposite of what her

Aunt says just to annoy

her. When Alexandra

moves in with the

children while Atticus is

busy with the trial Scout

is furious and continues

to battle with her aunt.

Solution: A



eventually gives in

to Scout afte

r an

argument with

Atticus. A


convinces Alexandra

to leave Scout alone

and to st

op trying to

change her. He te


her Scout is


with who sh

e is and

we shouldn’t t

ry to

change people.

Following this

Alexandra backs off

and eventually

leaves the Finch

residence, re


the conflict.

Page 12: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

This conflict could’ve been resolved very differently. Perhaps if Aunt Alexandra talked to Scout with more respect and looked and treated her like a normal person, she would’ve received the same amount of respect from Scout. Scout rebelled against Alexandra’s wishes just to displease her because it made Scout angry how she talked to her. Had Alexandra been more approachable they could’ve talked easier and been able to find a common ground, where Scout could do continue to be who she is and Alexandra could leave her alone.

Page 13: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.
Page 14: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Atticus Finch: I choose Simon Baker to play Atticus because he fits the part. He’s very sophisticated, and plays characters who have good morals and are the protagonists of the films.

Scout Finch: I choose Abaigail Breslin to play Scout Finch, because she shares the same physical features as Scout and resembles an innocent little girl.Bob Ewell: I choose

Jack Nicholson to play Bob Ewell. Because he often portrays crazy characters who are often the antagonists in the films.

Page 15: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Mayella Ewell: I picked Katie Holmes to play Mayella. Katie has short brown hair and is tiny like Mayella

Tom Robinson: I chose Denzel Washington to play Tom Robinson. Denzel is a dramatic actor, and the part of Tom Robinson is very dramatic. Also he shares similar physical qualities

Jem Finch: I chose Phillip Alford from the original film to play Jem. Because I thought he did a fantastic job and he is how I pictured Jem to look

Boo Radley: I

chose Johnny Depp

because he

often plays



Page 16: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Miss Maudie: I choose Helen Mirren because she’s an older actress, who seems pleasant.

Calpurnia: I choose Queen Latifah to play Calpurnia, because she’s excatly how I pictured Calpurnia to look like

Charles “Dill” Harris: I choose Macualay Culkin to play Dill because in the home alone movies he plays a sneeky little kid, which is what Dill is.

Heck Tate: I choose Clint Eastwood because he shares a similar physical apperance with Heck.

Mrs Dubose: I choose Glenn Close, because she often plays evil characters which is what Mrs. Dubose was..

Aunt Alexandra: I chose Cameron Diaz, because she’s how I pictured Alexandra and is a very good actress.

Page 17: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Writing Style: Descriptive Writing

#1: Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it. In rainy weather the streets turned to red slop; grass grew on sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square. Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer's day.( Chapter 1, p. 5)

# 2:Then I saw the shadow. It was the shadow of a man with a hat on. At first I thought it was tree, but there was no wind blowing, and tree trunks never walked. The back porch was bathed in moonlight, And the shadow, crisp and toast, moved across the porch towards Jem. (Chapter 6, p. 53)

#3: Mr. Ewell wrote on the back of an envelope and looked up complacently to see Judge Taylor looking at him as if were some fragrant gardenia in full bloom on the witness stand. ( Chapter 17, p. 177)

#4: His trousers swished softly and steadily. Then they stopped. He was running, runnibg towards us with no child’s steps… I took one giant step and found myself reeling: my arms useless, in the dark, I could not keep my balance. (Chapter 28, p. 261)

#5: When I pointed to him his palms slipped slightly, leaving greasy sweat steaks on the wall, and he hooked his thumbs in his belt. A strange small spasm shook him, as if he heard fingernails scrape slate… His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor's image blurred with sudden tears. (Chapter 29, p. 270)

Page 18: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.
Page 19: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Scout Finch

Atticus Finch

Tom Robinson

Tom Robinson’s Death: As a result Scout realizes what her father meant by it being a sin to kill a mockingbird. Tom Robinson never harmed anyone.

Jem Finch

Mrs. Dubose

Mrs. Dubose’s Death: Jem who hated the old women realized why she was so misreable after she died and why he had to read her. She was trying to beat an opium addiction, and jem reading to her distracted from the addiction. Jem cries after she dies

Page 20: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Scout Finch

Mayella Ewell

Bob EwellBob Ewell attacks the children one night when they’re returning from a halloween pageant. He manages to break Jem’s harm and attempts to stab Scout. Luckil;y Boo Radley saves them from Ewell and stabs him to save the children.

Boo Radley

Page 21: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Scout finch

Scout is fascinated by what she finds in the oak tree. Scout finds gum, soap dolls, a watch and yarn. It makes her much more fascinated in the Radley home.

Miss Maudie

Scout feels horrible for Miss Maudie and while the fire was taking place didn’t realize Boo Radley placed a blanket over her.

Miss Stephanie

Miss Rachel


Runs away from Meridian because he doesn’t like his fmaily. He comes back to Maycomb and hides under Scout’s bed.

Page 22: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.

Wordle: #1: Racism#2: Realization#3: Persecution#4: Disciplinarian #5: Innocence#6: Courageous #7: Inequality#8: Morality#9: Decency #10: Intelligence

Page 23: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.
Page 24: By: Brandon Warren English 122. Physical: Atticus Finch is in his mid forties with black hair and thick glasses, and he’s fairly tall. He always dresses.