Bw Interview Related Questions Very Imp

Hello reader, Thank you for buying this book. It is not merely a Q&A book and the questions are not just ‘How do you do this?’ or ‘What is the transaction code for doing that?’ Having been on both sides of the interviewer-interviewee divide, I can attest to the sense of frustration you feel when such an interview ends up being an exercise in memorizing. As an interviewer, there is no guarantee that you have found the ‘right fit’ and as interviewee, you do not want to start working ona project without a strong grasp of the fundamentals. The questions in this book are therefore intended totes your conceptual understanding of the BW. You will also find several quest ions that test your hands-on proficiency. The answers will provide you with a good overall understanding of the technology. Regardless of your level of proficiency, you will find reading this book a worthwhile experience. Having said that, I would like to stress that this book is by no means comprehensive guide to SAP BW. It is not a substitute for training and/or experience but will certainly serve as a handy reference. A large percentage of the questions in this book are based on features in the latest SAP BW releases(including BW 3.5). Indeed, all the


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Transcript of Bw Interview Related Questions Very Imp

Hello reader, Thank you for buying this book. It is not merely a Q&A book and the questions are not just How do you do this! or "hat is the transa#tion #ode for doing that! Ha$ing been on both sides of the inter$iewer%inter$iewee di$ide, I #anattest to the sense of frustration you feel when su#h an inter$iew ends u& being an e'er#ise in memori(ing. As an inter$iewer, there is no guarantee that you ha$e found the right fit! and as inter$iewee, you do not want to start workingona &roje#t without a strong gras& of the fundamentals. The questions in this book are therefore intended totes your #on#e&tual understanding of the )". *ou will also find se$eral questions that test your hands%on &rofi#ien#y. The answers will &ro$ide you with a good o$erall understanding of the te#hnology. +egardless of your le$el of &rofi#ien#y, you will find reading this book a worthwhile e'&erien#e. Ha$ing said that, I would like to stress that this book is by no means #om&rehensi$e guide to ,A- )". It is not a substitute for training and.or e'&erien#e but will #ertainly ser$e as a handy referen#e. A large &er#entage of the questions in this book are based on features in the latest ,A- )" releases/in#luding )" 0.12. Indeed, all the s#reenshots are based on a )" 0.1 system. Howe$er, the #on#e&ts generally hold true for the earlier $ersions also and whene$er there are signifi#ant de&artures from earlier $ersions, I ha$e made e$ery attem&t to &oint out the differen#es.The book is s&lit into fi$e se#tionsand ea#h se#tion #o$ers one or more areas in )".This book is di$ided into fi$e &arts. It #ontains questions on3 /425'tra#tion/627odeling and 8onfiguration/02Transformations and Administration/92-resentation and Analysis/12-erforman#e and 7is#ellaneous5a#h inter$iew question has a question and an answer : that is &retty straightforward : but when you see the guru i#on : this is information that re&resents the highest degreeof knowledge in a &arti#ular area. ,o if you!re looking for a guru, be sure to listen for an answer similar to those gi$en under the guru i#on. Part I: Extraction ;or any sour#e system running "eb A, 1?,A-I?)A@I /in transa#tion ,54A2. *ou will ha$e to #reate your own im&lementation and enhan#e method @ATA?T+AB,;C+7 /for all non%hierar#hy @ata ,our#es2 and HI5+?T+AB,;C+7 /for all hierar#hy @ata ,our#es2.Question 1: Enhance Data sourceHow do you enhance a Data source? A:;irstly, you need to #reate an a&&end stru#ture to the e'tra#t stru#ture of a @ata ,our#e. *ou #an do this by running transa#tion +,A< or by running transa#tion,)I" and then e'e#uting the following #onfigurationste&s3 -ost&ro#essing of @ata,our#es5dit@ata,our#es and A&&li#ation 8om&onent Hierar#hy.This will take you to the s#reen with all the a&&li#ationnodes. *ouwill ha$e to e'&and ea#h node until you getto the @ata,our#e that needs to be enhan#ed. -la#eyour #ursor on this @ata,our#e and #li#k on the 5nhan#e 5'tra#tion ,tru#ture! button and #reate thea&&end stru#ture. Add the desired fields : sa$e anda#ti$ate the a&&end stru#ture. In order to &o&ulate thenew fields, you need to add logi# to ,A-enhan#ement.#ustomer e'it +,A-===4 /in transa#tion,7C@2. This e'it.enhan#ement has 9 /fun#tion module2#om&onents3 42 5DIT?,A-E+,A-?==4 for transa#tion@ata,our#es, 62 5DIT?,A-E+,A-?==6 for /master data2attribute @ata,our#es, 02 5DIT?,A-E+,A-?==0 for/master data2 te't @ata,our#es and 925DIT?,A-E+,A-?==9 for hierar#hy @ata,our#es. *ouwill &ut your logi#.#ode into an in#lude!. ,in#e thissingle enhan#ement.e'it is used for all @ata,our#es,you will first need to #he#k for the @ata ,our#e in your#ode /by using a 8A,5! : "H5B! or I;! #onditionality2. AnuragBarua- 1 2 -;or any sour#e system running "eb A, 1?,A-I?)A@I /in transa#tion ,54A2. *ou will ha$eto #reate your own im&lementation and enhan#emethod @ATA?T+AB,;C+7 /for all non%hierar#hy@ata,our#es2 and HI5+?T+AB,;C+7 /for all hierar#hy@ata,our#es2. Question 2: Data Extraction ModesWhat are the 2 major modes o data extractionrom an !AP source system? A:This is a little tri#ky to answer : most #andidates seem to treat this as a question on the 6 major u&date modes3 full and delta. "ith a little &rodding, you #an#oa' a good #andidate into talking about the &ush! and &ull! modes. In the &ush! mode, data are &osted tointermediate tables or adelta queue by the a&&li#ationin the CET- system without any initiation on the &art of the )" system. The EC, ;I%FE, ;I%A- e'tra#tors use the &ush! #on#e&t. In the &ull! mode, the )" systemtriggers the e'tra#tion from the CET-system. ;or delta%enabled &ull!mode e'tra#tors, a delta queue or atimestam& /or any monotonously in#reasing numeri#$alue2 a&&roa#h &ro$ides the deltas. All generi#e'tra#tors that do full loads use the &ull mode. It isim&ortant to kee& in mind that &ush or &ull, thee'tra#tion job takes &la#e only when an Info-a#kage isrun from the )" system. AnuragBarua- 1 4 -Question ": #$ %oc&'itWhat is the #o(istics )#$* Extraction %oc&'it?How do you set u' the #$ %oc&'it or extraction? A:It &ro$ides you with one #ommon entry &oint toenhan#e, s#hedule, e'tra#t and transfer logisti#s datafrom your ,A- CET- system to your ,A- )" system. Itwas first introdu#ed with -lug%In /-I2 6===.4 and wasmeant to su&er#ede the old a&&roa#h that was basedon EI, /Eogisti#sInformation ,ystem2. The #o#k&itdis&lays $arious e'tra#t stru#tures grou&ed bya&&li#ation area /=63 -ur#hasingG =03 In$entory8ontrolingG 443 ,@ ,alesG 403 ,@ )illing et#.2 Thetransa#tion #ode to a##ess the #o#k&it is E)"5 or $ia#ustomi(ing.I7F menu by first running transa#tion,)I"and then ,ettings for A&&li#ation ,&e#ifi#@ata,our#esEogisti#s7anaging 5'tra#t,tru#turesEogisti#s 5'tra#tion ,tru#ture 8ustomi(ing8o#k&it. It holds some ad$antages o$er the traditionalEI, method SAP BW Ultimate Interview Q&A - 1 5 -interested in line item information, it would be6EI,?=6?IT7.62 +e&li#ate the @ata,our#e in )".02 Hook u& the @ata,our#e to the #orres&ondingInfo,our#e in the)" system92 7aintain the e'tra#t e'tru#ture /by #li#king on the&en#il i#on on the #o#k&it s#reen for the rele$ante'tra#t stru#ture2.12 A#ti$ate the e'tra#t stru#turesing ;ile Interfa#eL o&tion.92 In the resulting &o&%u&, enter a logi#al system nameand a sour#e system name for the file sour#esystem and sa$e this information.If you ha$e se$eral files that you want to e'tra#tse&arately from, you do not need se&arate file sour#esystems : one will suffi#e. This is be#ause the a#tuallo#ation of the file is entered in an Info-a#kage. SAP BW Ultimate Interview Q&A - 5 1 -mat#hes that of an e'isting re#ord is &art of asubsequent load, the &ro#ess aborts be#ause itassumes that it is a du&li#ate. *ou #an toggle withthis swit#h after data are loaded.92 %hec& ta4-e or Ino$4ject ;This is really adis&lay%only field and shows you the InfoCbje#t forwhi#h this C@, Cbje#t is a #he#k table, if that!s the#ase.12 Automatica--y !ettin( Qua-ity !tatus to $< ;As the name suggests, when data are loaded intoan C@, Cbje#t, the quality status /traffi# light2automati#ally turns to green. *ou do not need to doa manual quality #he#k and #hange the status. It isad$isable to always kee& this flag turned on unlessyou ha$e some strong reason to sus&e#t the qualityof the data being loaded.&date ,ubsequently in @ata Targets! #he#kbo' isturned on, the subsequent data target is u&datedautomati#ally in serial fashion, &a#kage by &a#kageand work &ro#ess by work &ro#ess.92 Data @ar(ets $n-y ;This o&tion ensures that the-,A is by&assed and data are loaded dire#tly to thedata target. Cb$iously, this method minimi(es theusage of system resour#es but the trade%off is thatyou do not get an o&tion for #he#king datain#onsisten#ies and errors and &ossibly #orre#tingthem. This method is re#ommended only for flat fileloads and generally if there is #om&lete #onfiden#ein the #om&leteness and #ontents of the @ata,our#e.JOHNDOEOptions for updating data targets+i(ure 12: Data tar(et u'date o'tions inInoPac&a(e SAP BW Ultimate Interview Q&A - 61 -Question 2A: Ino%u4e @y'esWhat are the dierent ty'es o Ino%u4es?Ex'-aineach ty'e 1 A:Info8ubes #ome in two major fla$ors : )asi#Info8ubes or )asi#8ubes and remote Info8ubes or Jirtual8ubes342 :asic%u4es: These are &hysi#ally a$ailable in thesame )" system in whi#h they are s&e#ified or theirmetadata e'ist. They #an be further sub%di$idedinto3a2 !tandard Ino%u4es: This is the most#ommon fla$or. 7ost of the standard )usiness8ontent Info8ubes are standard ones. ,u#hInfo8ubes are o&timi(ed for read a##ess, ha$eu&date rules that enable transformation of sour#e data and loads #anbe s#heduled.b2 @ransactiona- Ino%u4es: These are notfrequently used and used only by #ertaina&&li#ations su#h as ,57 and A-C. @ata arewritten dire#tly into su#h #ubes by&assingu&date rules. "hile )asi# Info8ubes areo&timi(ed for read a##ess, transa#tionalInfo8ubes are o&timi(ed for write a##ess. )asedon the database on whi#h these are built, theydiffer from standard #ubes in the way they areinde'ed and &artitioned.62 8emote%u4es ;"hile )asi#8ubes &hysi#allyreside on the same database as their metadata,+emote8ubes reside on a remote system. ;rom the AnuragBarua- 62-&oint of $iew of their definition or metadata in a#ertain )" system, they #an be #onsidered $irtual.They #ome in 0 different fla$ors3a2 !AP 8emote%u4e: The #ube resides inanother ,A- +.0 system and #ommuni#ation is$ia the ,er$i#e A-I /,A-I2b2 7enera- 8emote%u4e: The #ube resides in anon%,A- +.0 sour#e system and is a$ailable $iathe remote Info8ube )A-I.#2 8emote Ino%u4e with !er=ices: The #uberesides in any remote system /,A- or non%,A-2and is a$ailable $ia a user%defined fun#tionmodule. SAP BW Ultimate Interview Q&A - 79-412 +CC,-+7,; : 8ontrol &arameters &er @ata,our#ebut withsome different fields than +CC,-+7,.4,TC7IO3 These are authori(ations rele$antto all system a#ti$ities.