BUTTERFLIES OF GODREJ MANGROVES Blue Tiger Tirumala limniace Pale blue streaks and spots against black or brown. Thin black narrowly forked streak in middle. Distasteful and mimicked by by moths Bluish white transparent marking on dark brown. Pale with two streaks divided lengthwise by two fine dark lines. Pale orange with black marginal borders, and black tips with white band of elongated stripes. Black thorax with white spots. Tawny with bold black veins. Black wing margins with small white spots along border and broadly black wing tip with white elongated spots towards the tip. Glassy Tiger Parantica aglea Striped Tiger Danaus genutia Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus Common Indian Crow Euploea core Dark velvety brown on upper part, paler underneath with smaller white spots on wing border. Larger elongated spots on hindwing. Males are rich velvety black. Forewing with band of blue streaks. Hindwing has greyish blue patch with oval black spots. Maharashtra's state butterfly. Yellow with black veins and border, with large white ringed red sport. Distasteful to predators. Bright yellow, outer edge black. Two black spots on underforewing. Shows seasonal color variation. Blue Mormon Papilio polymnestor Common Grass Yellow Eurema hecabe Common Jezebel Delias eucharis Yellow Orange Tip Ixias pyrene Yellow with half of forewing black bearing large orange band towards the tip. Salmon-pink with black outer edge touching black spot. Prefers dry and coastal areas. Found widely on Meswak and Wadelia Male is pale yellow/greenish yellow, wing tip black, narrow. Underside is unmarked In dry form, undersides have silvery red ringed spot. A female form Catilla has blotches. Male upperside black. Forewing with green markings in four rows and more spots. Half moon shaped green marks on hindwing. Underside brownish black. Similar female but with greenish streak on dorsal margin on upper and lower sides. Small Salmon Arab Colotis amata Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon Common Emigrant Catopsilia pomona Tawny Coster Acraea terpsicore Upper part brick red with black spots and narrow black border on frontwings. Hindwing blck border with white spots. It plays dead when caught and gives bad smell and oily fluid. Saffron. Hindwing with black band on the edge with white notches. Row of black spot near black band. Vertical black pattern on forewing. Tawny colour with black spots. Forewing with two black barsUnderside is glossy. Purple gloss on the underside in the dry-season form. Brown with several eyespots. Black and lemon yellow spots on uppoer part. Hind part is mottled brown and grey with two small spots. Baronet Euthalia nais Lemon Pansy Junonia lemonias Common Leopard Phalanta phalantha Peacock Pansy Junonia almana Upper part is tawny orange with prominent eyespots on both wings with three black lines. Eyespots on Pansy butterflies are defense mechanism against predators. Upper part is creamy grey with dark brown lines and with row of eyespots on both wings. Underneath is paler and hindwing has oblique line. Upper part pale to dark brown with darker brown bands and row of small spots. Wavy lines on lower part. Brilliant blue with eyespots. Inner area velvety black, with wing tips pale brown with white bands. Grey Pansy Junonia atlites Blue Pansy Junonia orithya Chocolate Pansy Junonia iphita Common Wanderer Pareronia valeria Male is pale blue on uppor part with black margin and marginal spots that increase in size towards wing tip. Underneath is less blue with narrow dark bands. Female mimics Glassy Tiger. Upper half with marginal band of black spots. Male upper part is dark brown with deeper markings. Front wing is with a more or less complete row of white central spots. Female is paler brown with white bands. Male upper part blackish brown with purple gloss, broad chestnut border with marginal blue spots. Female mimics Striped Tiger. Tailless. Rich velvety dark brown on upper side with cream markings. Upper half with central series of elongated arrowhead streaks and yellow/white terminal spots. Common Baron Euthalia aconthea Common Mime Papilio clytia Common Palmy Elymnias hypermnestra Compiled by Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. for internal restricted circulation only. Image Courtesy – Wikimedia Commons. For queries, contact us on [email protected] or 022 67961097.




Blue Tiger Tirumala limniacePale blue streaks and spots against black or brown. Thin black narrowly forked streak in middle. Distasteful and mimicked by by moths

Bluish white transparent marking on dark brown. Pale with two streaks divided lengthwise by two

fine dark lines.

Pale orange with black marginal borders, and black tips with white band of elongated stripes. Black thorax with white spots.

Tawny with bold black veins. Black wing margins with small white spots along border and broadly

black wing tip with white elongated spots towards the tip.

Glassy Tiger Parantica aglea

Striped Tiger Danaus genutia

Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus

Common Indian Crow Euploea coreDark velvety brown on upper part, paler underneath with smaller white spots on wing border. Larger elongated spots on hindwing.

Males are rich velvety black. Forewing with band of blue streaks. Hindwing has greyish blue patch

with oval black spots. Maharashtra's state butterfly.

Yellow with black veins and border, with large white ringed red sport. Distasteful to predators.

Bright yellow, outer edge black. Two black spotson underforewing. Shows seasonal color variation.

Blue Mormon Papilio polymnestor

Common Grass Yellow Eurema hecabe

Common Jezebel Delias eucharis

Yellow Orange Tip Ixias pyreneYellow with half of forewing black bearing large orange band towards the tip.

Salmon-pink with black outer edge touchingblack spot. Prefers dry and coastal areas.

Found widely on Meswak and Wadelia

Male is pale yellow/greenish yellow, wing tip black, narrow. Underside is unmarked In dry form, undersides have silvery red ringed spot. A female form Catilla has blotches.

Male upperside black. Forewing with green markingsin four rows and more spots. Half moon shaped greenmarks on hindwing. Underside brownish black. Similar

female but with greenish streak on dorsal margin on upper and lower sides.

Small Salmon Arab Colotis amata

Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon

Common Emigrant Catopsilia pomona

Tawny Coster Acraea terpsicoreUpper part brick red with black spots and narrow black border on frontwings. Hindwing blck borderwith white spots. It plays dead when caught and gives bad smell and oily fluid.

Saffron. Hindwing with black band on the edge with white notches. Row of black spot near

black band. Vertical black pattern on forewing.

Tawny colour with black spots. Forewing with two black barsUnderside is glossy. Purple gloss on the underside in the dry-season form.

Brown with several eyespots. Black and lemon yellow spots on uppoer part.

Hind part is mottled brown and grey with two small spots.

Baronet Euthalia nais

Lemon Pansy Junonia lemonias

Common Leopard Phalanta phalantha

Peacock Pansy Junonia almanaUpper part is tawny orange with prominent eyespots on both wings with three black lines. Eyespots on Pansy butterflies are defense mechanism against predators.

Upper part is creamy grey with dark brown lines and with row of eyespots on both wings.

Underneath is paler and hindwing has oblique line.

Upper part pale to dark brown with darker brown bands and row of small spots. Wavy lines on lower part.

Brilliant blue with eyespots. Inner area velvety black, with wing tips pale brown with white bands.

Grey Pansy Junonia atlites

Blue Pansy Junonia orithya

Chocolate Pansy Junonia iphita

Common Wanderer Pareronia valeriaMale is pale blue on uppor part with black margin and marginal spots that increase in size towards wing tip. Underneath is less blue with narrow dark bands. Female mimics Glassy Tiger.

Upper half with marginal band of black spots. Male upper part is dark brown with deeper markings. Front wing is with a more or less

complete row of white central spots. Female is paler brown with white bands.

Male upper part blackish brown with purple gloss, broad chestnut border with marginal blue spots. Female mimics Striped Tiger.

Tailless. Rich velvety dark brown on upper side with cream markings. Upper

half with central series of elongated arrowhead streaks and yellow/white

terminal spots.

Common Baron Euthalia aconthea

Common Mime Papilio clytia

Common Palmy Elymnias hypermnestra

Compiled by Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. for internal restricted circulation only. Image Courtesy – Wikimedia Commons. For queries, contact us on [email protected] or 022 67961097.


Common Pierrot Castalius rosimon Upper part white with dark borders and black spots. White tiiped black tails. Underneath marked with black spots. Caterpillar tended by ants for exchange of protection and food.

White with black wing tip and large black spot. Underside streaked with greenish lines.

Upperside black, with pure white markings.White notch on wing tips. Underside

pale yellow or chocolate with white marking like upperside.

Common Sailor Neptis hylas

Psyche Leptosia nina

White Orange Tip Ixias marianneWhite with black border enclosing orange patch. Orange patch narrow in female with four black spots.

Creamy-white upperside with black band followed by large orange patch towards

wing tip. Black bands and spots in orange patch. White underside, mottled. Greenish

tinge on upperside in female.

Hindwing tailed. Underneath zebra like marking. Male on upper part is translucent pale violet blue. Female on upper part is brown, and at base blue with white spots.. Two black spots encircled by green and orange scales on lower tip of hindwing.

Great Orange Tip Hebomoia glaucippe

Zebra Blue Leptotes plinius

Common Cerulean Jamides celenoMale upperside has the ground colour pale bluish white. The forewing has terminal margin narrowly edged with black that broadens very slightly towards the apex of the wing. Underside is greyish brown.

Upperside dark brown, with violet tinge. Forewing usually with three short

orange-red transverse bands in the upper part of the wing. Hindwing with an anal orange-red patch. Underside

pale whitish-sulphury-yellow, bands red-brown edged with dark In-own,

with inner silvery macular lining.

Tailless, yellow spotted, black butterfly. Forewing with broad, irregular, yellow central band, broken into large irregular spots and patches. Hindwing with red spot at lower tip. Underneath same but paler.

Common Silverline Spindasis vulcanus

Lime Buttery Papilio demoleus

Great Eggfly Hypolimnas bolinaMale on upperpart is black with white-centred irridiscent blue oval spot on each wing and a row of big white spots along margins. Female dark brown with small white and blue spots.

In wet summer form, upper part is white with grey scaling and black veins and black terminal border with white and black spots. Dry season form has much reduced black marking on upper side.

Males have blue violet wings with brown edge while females have lesser blue. Thin long tail on hindwings

with black spot. Underwings have black and orange spots.

Mix of yellow, black, white. Black and white for round patches while yellow and black are spread as background colors.

Common Gull Cepora nerissa

Painted Lady Vanessa cardui

Male upper part is black with white oval patches on blue areas. Underneath is

rusty brown with a narrow white band. Females mimic Plain Tiger but differ

by wavy hindwing margin.

Danaid Eggy Hypolimnas misippus Pea Blue

Lampides boeticus

Hindwing is tailed. White with black spots, Orange-red marginal band with white spots.

Red Pierrot Talicada nyseus

Gram Blue Euchrysops cnejusUpper part purplish with a bluish tinge with thin black border and two orange-ringed black spots at lower tip on hindwing. Underneath is silvery grey with brown spots edged with white.

Hindwing has short tails. Overall black with pale blue, partially transparent and has a

series of bluish-green spots. Underside brown with blue band paler and few red spots.

Black, red body. Forewing is black and elongated with pale greyish stripes. Hindwing has five elongated white spots and lower spots are pink tinged.

Large, glossy, bluish black with bright crimson spots on tailed hindwing. Body is bright crimson. Migrate in

large group.

Common Jay Graphium doson

Crimson Rose Pachliopta hector

Common Rose Pachliopta aristolochiae