Butlers model




Transcript of Butlers model

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Page 2: Butlers model

Mark SchemeMark Scheme

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•Very few tourists or facilities


•Adventure tourism

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•Tourist numbers increase

•Local people start to become involved in tourism

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•Numbers of tourists increase rapidly

•Large hotel chains build up to date facilities

•Locals go out of business

•Package holiday

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•Maximum number of tourists

•Facilities now starting to look out of date

•Package holiday

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•Resort loses popularity

•Tourist numbers decrease

•Some hotels and shops go out of business

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•No new attractions provided

•Much of the property is up for sale

•Hotels converted into old peoples homes

•Day trips or weekends only

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•No new attractions provided

•Much of the property is up for sale

•Hotels converted into old peoples homes

•Day trips or weekends only

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The Butler Tourist Resort Life Cycle The Butler Tourist Resort Life Cycle ModelModel

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Butlers Model MnemonicButlers Model Mnemonic

Early Extra

In Itchy

Darkness Drunks

Criminals Can

Steal SoundReal Drugs Rather Dirty

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Blackpool and BenidormBlackpool and Benidorm

Blackpool: Started off in the 1800’s

Is now in decline

Benidorm: Became popular in the 1960’s

Shows no sign of stagnating

Page 13: Butlers model

Describe the options faced by holiday resorts when they reach stagnation (3 marks)

• 0 – 1 marks: Offer a statement about how decline is likely but lack detail about what might follow

• 2 marks: Identify at least one strategy that could be adopted but lack the detail of the management of that strategy

• 3 marks: Describe two or more possible outcomes once stagnation is reached and relate these outcomes to the choices made.