but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants...

For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5

Transcript of but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants...

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For what we proclaim is not ourselves,

but Jesus Christ as Lord,

with ourselves as your servants

for Jesus’ sake.

2 Corinthians 4:5

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Welcome to Trinity Church!Welcome to Trinity Church!Welcome to Trinity Church!Welcome to Trinity Church!

A Brief Word On Who We AreA Brief Word On Who We AreA Brief Word On Who We AreA Brief Word On Who We Are Trinity (founded in 2006 as a church plant of the Missouri Presbytery- PCA) is a bible-

believing, reformed, theologically orthodox church. We stand in the long line of

churches that embrace the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation which we feel are best

articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith. But this doesn’t mean that we are a

church stuck in the past. We believe that the long-standing doctrines of our faith remain

of vital importance, and especially so as they are brought alive to address the pressing

challenges of our day.

What To Expect This MorningWhat To Expect This MorningWhat To Expect This MorningWhat To Expect This Morning First, you can expect a worship service that aims to blend together the beautiful, long standing

traditions of our faith, like hymn singing and congregational readings, with modern songs and eclectic

instrumentation, all in an effort to reflect the ancient-future quality of the Christian faith and the beauty

of a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Second, if you have young children, we have an optional opportunity for them to be dismissed,

just prior to the sermon, to a special children’s church service that is designed to teach them who and

how to worship.

Third, we will be preaching from the Bible which we believe is God’s perfect, infallible word to

us. Our preaching style aims to take one primary text of scripture and unpack it in its context (what it

meant when it was originally written) and then apply it to our lives in the modern world (what it

means today).

Finally, after worship is over, we have a time of fellowship with snacks and coffee followed by

Christian Education for all ages beginning at 11am. Not only is this another opportunity to explore an

important topic, it’s a great time to get to know some other people at Trinity. We also offer an Sunday

evening bible study at 5:30pm.

Taking The Next StepTaking The Next StepTaking The Next StepTaking The Next Step If you would like to get more involved, we suggest joining one of our AD 30 groups, these are

our small groups and they meet on various nights and at different locations around town. See the list

on our website.

To Find Out More…To Find Out More…To Find Out More…To Find Out More… You can always log on to our website at www.trinitystlouis.org which aims to answer many

other questions about our church. We also have a gift bag for you at our visitor table with more infor-

mation on our church and its ministries.

One final thing. If you have any questions that aren’t answered in our materials, or you would

just like to talk, I would be happy to set aside some time to meet with you this week to listen to your

story. Just indicate your interest in doing so to me directly or anyone else here, and they will direct

you to me.

We are genuinely glad that you have joined us today and we pray that you will be spiritually

enriched because of your time here.

Pastor ChrisPastor ChrisPastor ChrisPastor Chris

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For Preparation

The prophet Amos proclaimed the word of the Lord during the reigns of Uzziah (Judah, 783–

742) and Jeroboam II (Israel, 786–746) in a time of prosperity and idol worship for Israel. His

call to be a prophet is unusual for a number of reasons. First, he is not from the school of

prophets and is, in modern parlance, “an uneducated man.” This is indicated by not only his

vocation—he is a shepherd—but by what he says in 7:14-15 to Amaziah, a priest that was try-

ing to stop him from prophesying: “I was no prophet, nor a prophet's son, but I was a herds-

man and a dresser of sycamore figs. But the Lord took me from following the flock, and the

Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’ Now therefore hear the word of the Lord.”

There is some debate over whether or not Amos owned the sheep or was merely an attendant

to the sheep. Either way, he was a shepherd and was economically distant from the wealthy

recipients of his preaching in the northern Kingdom of Israel. This leads to a second unusual

feature. Amos, as a shepherd in the southern Kingdom of Judah, was called by God to preach

his message to the northern Kingdom. Typically, God called prophets within the kingdoms

they already lived.

Amos is roughly contemporary with Hosea and proclaims his message in Bethel, the chief cen-

ter of Israel’s worship of false gods (cf., 7:10). As I have already mentioned, Israel (along with

Judah) had grown wealthy and comfortable. C.F. Keil summarizes the situation well:

In the existing state of things, the idea of the approaching fall or destruction of the king-

dom of Israel was, according to human judgment, a very improbably one indeed. The

inhabitants of Samaria and Zion felt themselves perfectly secure in the consciousness of

their might (6:1). The rulers of the kingdom trusted in the strength of their military re-

sources (6:13), and were only concerned to increase their wealth by oppressing the

poor, and to revel in earthly luxuries and pleasures (2:6-8; 5:11, 12; 6:4-6); so that the

prophet denounces woes upon those who are in security upon Zion and without care

upon the mountain of Samaria (6:1), and utters the threat that the Lord will cause the

sun to set at noon, and bring darkness over the land in broad daylight.1

It is within this context of idolatry, social injustice, and religious ritualism that Amos preaches

the Word of the Lord; a Word that calls for repentance and judgment. But a Word that also

ends in grace and the hope for the future restoration of the people of God through a Davidic

King that will also rule over all the nations (9:1-15).

__________________________ 1C.F. Keil, “Amos,” in Commentary on the Old Testament, vol. 10, trans. by James Martin (Peabody, MA:

Hendrickson Publishers, 2006), 158.

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For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhab-its eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite. Isaiah 57:15

It is in the process of being worshiped that God communicates His presence to peo-ple. -C. S. Lewis


* Congregation stands

Worshipping the God of Worshipping the God of Worshipping the God of Worshipping the God of Holiness & RighteousnessHoliness & RighteousnessHoliness & RighteousnessHoliness & Righteousness

Welcome and Announcements

Season of Preparation (p 6) I Need The Every Hour

Bringing Praise and Adoration to our GodBringing Praise and Adoration to our GodBringing Praise and Adoration to our GodBringing Praise and Adoration to our God

Call to Worship– 1 Chronicles 16:34-36

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures

forever! 35 Say also: “Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and

deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your

holy name, and glory in your praise. 36 Blessed be the Lord, the God of

Israel, from everlasting to everlasting!” Then all the people said,

“Amen!” and praised the Lord

*Songs of Adoration (p. 8)

Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, Oh My Soul

He Leadeth Me

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*Prayer of Adoration

Missions Moment Ben

Passing of the Peace– Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that

by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Pastoral Prayer

Tithes and Offerings (Children may be dismissed for Children’s church)

Hearing from the Word of the LordHearing from the Word of the LordHearing from the Word of the LordHearing from the Word of the Lord

Sermon “The Businessman-Prophet”


Rev. Chris Polski

Sending Song (p. 11) Take My Life


Please be seated for a very brief update on the capital campaign

immediately following the benediction.

14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not be-lieved? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?...“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:14-15 Giving is for those who have made a commitment to a local church body, so if you are visiting with us today, please don’t feel any obliga-tion to give. Instead we pray that this service will be a blessing to you.

All scripture is taken from the ESV.

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For Reflection

The women’s bible study is engaged in a study of the book of Daniel (it seems that this Win-

ter/Spring our church is committed to the study of the prophets!). This past week an inter-

esting comment was made during the Tuesday night study. It was noted that wisdom is

consistently remaining faithful to God, no matter the situation. In the case of Daniel, Shad-

rach, Meshach and Abednego, living in captivity in a foreign country provided a perilous

situation in which to remaining faithful. Within the first three chapters of the book we find

at least three different events—enduring Nebuchadnezzar’s food requirements, his ridicu-

lous demand to not only tell him what his dream was, but to also interpret it, and not bow-

ing down to a false god set up by the same king—in which these young men must be faith-

ful to the Triune God. Their situation is, of course, extreme and the tests they faced were


The people to whom Amos preached are also facing perilous situations; perhaps even more

dangerous and difficult than Daniel and his friends. The people of the northern tribes of Is-

rael are enduring tests of faithfulness in the face of wealth, security, and idolatry, a situation

not unlike our own very wealthy, very secure, very idolatrous American context. The disci-

ple of Jesus is called on to be faithful no matter where we find ourselves. We are called to be

consistently faithful, “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to

God, which is your spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1). How do we do that in America now?

Part of the problem facing Israel in Amos’ day was that they not only failed to discern the

inherent danger that wealth brings to our relationship with the Triune God, they blessed

their wealth and shameful practices in his name. If we seek to be consistent faithful follow-

ers of Jesus in our own American context, we must be willing to be critical of our situation,

to recognize the dangers and have a healthy fear of our wealth, and repent where we have

mistaken our idols for the living God.

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Please consider joining us for Sunday School. We have classes for all ages. Below is a

breakdown of our current Sunday School classes and their room numbers.

Adult ClassesAdult ClassesAdult ClassesAdult Classes

Ben, a missionary serving in the Middle East will share with us about his minis-

try to the Muslim peoples that God has placed him among.

Children/Youth/College Sunday SchoolChildren/Youth/College Sunday SchoolChildren/Youth/College Sunday SchoolChildren/Youth/College Sunday School Nursery Room 3

Preschool 3’s and 4’s Room 3

Pre K and K Room 8

1st and 2nd grade Room 7

3rd and 4th grade Room 6

5th grade Room 5

Jr. High Room 19

Sr. High 2nd floor Sr. hallway

College Athletic Office (Seasonal)

Sunday School ClassesSunday School ClassesSunday School ClassesSunday School Classes

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Phone: 314/821-7311 Web: www.trinitystlouis.org Worship and General Church Information Welcome to our visitors today! We are so glad you’re here!

• Join us tonight at 5:30pm at Westminster for a time of worship through music, prayer, and study of God’s Word. We will continue our study of the book of Galatians.

• Nursery workers next week: Sue & Abby Freeman, Susie Shah, Linsey/Scott Highmark, Kate Talent, and Julie Monkley. Back Up: Becky & Grace Linton. Evening: Amy Mitchell and Coralie Cowan.

• The session of Trinity Church has called for the opening of the officer nomination proc-ess through March 13. You will find nomination forms in today’s bulletin insert. You may drop of your completed nomination form in the box on the back table. In order to make a nomination a person must be at least 18 years of age and a communicant mem-ber of Trinity Church in good standing.

• Prayerwalking: Join Leon Pannkuk next Sun., Feb. 27 at 4pm at the church property in Kirkwood.

• Andrew and Joan Kwong are hosting a luncheon today so that we may have a chance to sit and talk with Ben, a missionary from the middle east. The luncheon begins at 12:45pm at the home of the Kwong’s.

• Save the Date: The Jamaica Missions Team will host their annual Trivia Night/Auction on Saturday, April 16th.

Children/Youth/College Information

• Parable Power will meet tonight for children 4yrs through 5th grade. Tonight the chil-dren will continue to work on a drama entitled, “A Sheepish Story.” There is a part for every child!

• Sing Jr. will resume next Sunday at 5:30pm. The children will begin to prepare for the Easter season.

• The Youth will go out to dinner tonight. See Rob and Kable for details.

• The Sr. High will meet at the Fossett’s this Wed. at 7:30pm.

Women’s and Men’s Ministries

• TWIGS, Trinity Women in Gospel Study, has begun a study of the book of Daniel. It is not too late to join one of the study groups. The Tues. group meets at the home of Liz Futoran at 7pm. The Wed. morning group meets at the church office at 9am. Childcare is available for the Wed. study. Please be sure to sign up at the back table and pick up a study guide for $7.

This Week at TrinityThis Week at TrinityThis Week at TrinityThis Week at Trinity Feb. 20, 2011Feb. 20, 2011Feb. 20, 2011Feb. 20, 2011

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Join us in worship, Sundays, at 9:30 AM Westminster Christian Academy

10900 Ladue Road

Ladue, MO 63141-8425

Visit our website, www.trinitystlouis.org for Sermons, resources for Christian life & Trinity Church information

We welcome your interest in Trinity Church

If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact us: 13545 Barrett Parkway Dr.

Suite 140

St. Louis, MO 63021


Pastor: Rev. Christopher Polski

Trinity Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America ccli# 2808417

Trinity Church Exists

To nurture people toward a deep personal faith in Jesus Christ;

To equip believers in every generation,

by faithfully proclaiming the Word of God;

To exhort people to serve the Lord by actively ministering the gos-

pel of Jesus Christ to all people, in all places, in every way possible.