Business Plan 2010[1]

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Transcript of Business Plan 2010[1]

  • 8/9/2019 Business Plan 2010[1]


    The Business Plan: ABI Prioritiesfor 2010-2011

  • 8/9/2019 Business Plan 2010[1]



    The ABIs mission is to enable the insurance industry and its investment businesses

    to grow their markets, increase their profitability and to enhance their reputation with

    consumers and stakeholders.

    This Plan sets out our priorities for action to achieve these goals over the next two



    Savings & Protection

    Regulation & Competitiveness

    Reducing risk and unnecessary costs

    Capital Markets.

    The Plan show the main workstreams in each priority. More detailed plans are

    developed with our key committees. Progress is reported to each Board meeting and

    the Plan as a whole revisited at the end of each year.

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    To promote and enhance the reputation of the industry with consumers and stakeholders,

    based on action to improve real outcomes for customers.


    Members want to increase confidence and trust in the industry and stimulate demand for

    products. To do this, the industry needs to improve outcomes for customers by dealing withareas of detriment that can be addressed through collective action.

    Strategic Focus:

    To focus on the development and implementation of an industry-wide consumer strategy

    through a four-stage process:

    proactively identifying areas of detriment;

    developing and implementing plans to improve outcomes for customers; gathering evidence to demonstrate improvements; and

    using that evidence to secure justified reputational gains and seeking regulatory

    reform to the benefit of consumers and members.

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    Work streams

    Strategy Development

    Ongoing identification of areas of detriment and development of solutions

    Promote improvements achieved

    Solutions Development

    Further develop OPTIONS tool to enhance industry process efficiency and reduce costs.

    Income protection claims - build on evidence base and action plan.

    Consider the case for a major industry led review of household insurance to assess how

    it works for consumers & what changes may be needed.

    PRIORITY PROJECT: Review ABI consumer work and revise to meet the needs of

    an incoming Government. In particular promote solutions to consumer saving,protection, health cover and financial education that avoid excessive regulation, and

    which create trust in the industry.

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    Building consumer capability for financial decision making and demand for products


    Assess work streams in light of measurement under consumer strategy

    Success Factors

    Improvement in the way the industry is viewed

    Investment in relationships with consumer lobby groups, regulatory and Government

    stakeholders, media

    Conferences and member workshops e.g. Customer Impact, TCF, stakeholder


    Providing a policy agenda for consumers that an incoming government will sign up to and

    which will benefit both consumer outcomes and provide a growing market for firms.

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    Savings and Protection


    To enable ABI member firms to meet consumer needs by providing savings and protection

    products more effectively and in new ways and so develop new and existing markets.


    Through collective action ABI members can persuade authorities to tackle regulatory and legalobstacles to the industry in its development of new products and services that will then better

    secure consumer confidence and larger markets. In doing so the ABI needs to work across

    savings and protection objectives to ensure that key workstreams are aligned.

    Work streams

    PRIORITY PROJECT: To review industry thinking about the annuities product in the lightof current Conservative thinking and the wider political and regulatory changes

    underway. To evolve and lobby with a robust view about retirement income that is

    focused on consumer needs.

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    Savings & Protection

    Work streams


    Further work with Government & stakeholders to promote saving and pension reforms.

    Ensure Long Term Care proposals feature in manifestos and that the development of this

    sector has a strong role for the insurance industry.

    Promote use and benefits of auto enrolment into workplace pensions. Work with Government and regulators to reduce the cost implications of regulation, to

    benefit both providers and consumers of savings and protection products.


    Prepare for implementation of Long Term Care proposals;

    Further employer and consumer communications to prepare for 2012 changes.

    Ensure readiness and fair competition in workplace pension and retirement income markets

    for 2012 pension auto enrolment requirements.

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    Savings & Protection

    Reforming Distribution


    Implement RDR proposals including in corporate pensions market.

    Ensure publication of effective Simplified Advice guidance by FSA.

    Lobby on FSA proposals for protection market to get a practical outcome.


    Implementation of proposals in protection market (if applicable).

    Savings & Protection: Success Factors

    Outstanding outcomes for consumers with the implementation of the RDR framework so that

    distribution is made cheaper, and appropriate support for consumers made much easier for

    the industry to deliver. A PADA regime emerges which is, as far as possible symbiotic with private sector provision

    and the implementation of which is made as straightforward as practical.

    A regeneration of the market for retirement income, and the full buy in from a future

    Government to the need to enhance retirement savings.

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    Regulation and Market Confidence


    To promote consumer confidence in the financial services sector through better regulation

    combined with encouragement of competition and market based solutions to problems.


    Our aim is to ensure the regulatory regime secures a proper balance for consumers between

    being well protected and being able to enjoy competitive and innovative markets.

    Strategic Focus:

    Our principal focus, through work with the FSA, EU and international regulators is to secure

    confidence in the solvency of insurers in current market conditions and ensure that the solvency

    regime, in the UK and internationally, protects consumers from risk at appropriate product cost

    and enables the efficient use of capital to be achieved internationally.

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    2010 Key Outcomes

    In 2010 we will continue lobby for a Solvency II directive that is practical to implement and

    includes recognition of illiquidity premium; to make sure the European supervisory

    architecture takes account of the needs of insurers; to promote UK competitiveness in the

    tax and regulatory arena; and to engage both in UK and European discussion about the

    product and conduct of business rules that affect insurance and savings products.

    Work streams

    Capital Requirements and Supervision

    Delivering the best possible supervisory framework for insurance through the

    Solvency II, and related work in respect of the IORPS and insurance groups.

    Influence developments on IASB Phase 2 and on accounting and tax in the interests

    of a stable and transparent industry, consistent with Solvency II.

    Regardless of institutional location, promote a modern approach building on the ICA

    and ARROW and seek as much in the way of a common European rule book as is


    Regulation and Market Confidence

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    Regulation & Market confidence

    UK Competitiveness

    Promote UK competitiveness with a particular focus on insurance companies so that the

    UK becomes a natural headquarters location, and firms are encourage to invest in UK

    insurance markets.

    Continue close engagement with HMT and HMRC officials on all matters of taxation; and

    keep lobbying ministers as well as officials on the ABI competitiveness agenda.

    PRIORITY PROJECT: Develop and promote a lobbying agenda around the importance

    of the insurance sector to the City and to the wider UK and international economy.Stress the importance of insurance relative to other parts of the financial system and

    explain why it has proved robust in the recent crisis. Use this material with the media

    and others to build trust in the sector and to explain its core role in the financial


    Expanding and Preserving Markets

    Wholesale Insurance: Push for the UK regulatory regime to become more competitive andbenefit from possible decline in markets such as Bermuda.

    Pensions Buyout / Bulk Insured Pensions: Influence the development of regulation and

    processes for the market for insured solutions in the defined benefit pensions arena.

    Across all retail insurance and related products lobby for regulation which allows markets to

    work and consumers to benefit. Defend attacks on retail products which have little purpose,

    while seeking an open an innovative approach to matters such as the Packaged Retail

    Investment Products agenda, and the 2010 proposed review of the IMD.

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    Supporting Work

    Excellent but challenging relationship with the FSA and EU institutions as well as

    with HMT and HMRC.

    Thought leadership and excellent lobbying leading to better outcomes for members

    and consumers.

    Ensuring that members across different sectors are fully engaged in work that affects


    Regulation and Market Confidence

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    Reducing Risk and Unnecessary Costs


    To reduce risk and unnecessary cost to consumers and the industry.


    Our members costs, and customers premiums, are driven by claims experience and risks that

    determine their cost base. We aim to prevent and reduce risk, and therefore the frequency andcost of claims, and to tackle the unnecessary costs that our members face. This will help to

    bring down the cost of insurance, increase profits and grow markets, and improve customers


    Strategic Focus:

    To focus in particular on

    securing Government commitments on flood prevention

    tackling fraud and financial crime

    Developing a new strategy for ABI work on motor insurance

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    Reducing Risk and Unnecessary Costs

    2009Key Outcomes

    In the first year we will secure the public funding and Environment Agency commitments needed to

    deliver the new agreement on the Statement of Principles; deliver Government agreement to further

    road safety changes; secure implementation of the Governments fraud strategy and produce a new

    fraud assessment; and secure Government action to implement its proposals on motor injury

    compensation reform.

    Work streams


    o PRIORITY PROJECT: To bottom out the degree to which an incoming government will

    support , or even enable the private sector provision of social insurance in areas such

    as private care. To undertake a finely constructed dialogue with stakeholders and an

    incoming Government on these matters and lobby for an insurance sector role.

    Election Manifestos include substantial climate change, flooding etc commitments

    New Flood Act

    Government introduces new uninsured driving offence

    Front End Fraud Prevention and influence National Fraud Agency roll out

    Raise importance of addressing arson and financial crime

    Deliver IFB enhancements

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    Reducing Risk and Unnecessary Costs


    Tories commit to extend personal injury reforms

    Establishing ELTO and the new mesothelioma claims process

    Scottish Government reforms personal injury compensation system

    Roll out of motor insurance strategy

    Deliver progress report to Board on the priority project .


    Personal injury reforms extended

    ELTO goes live

    Public perceptions of fraud improved

    NFA outcomes and future established

    Uninsured driving falls below x%

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    Reducing Risk and Unnecessary Costs

    Supporting Work

    Investment in Relationships with:

    Department for Transport Ministers

    Department for Energy and Climate Change

    Home Office

    Chairman and CEO, Environment Agency

    Promotional work through conferences on:

    Environment (Climate Change)

    Fire Strategy



    Close engagement with members on emerging risks and new claims experience.

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    Capital Markets


    To promote confidence in markets in the wake of the financial crisis, by securing a considered

    approach to regulation and supervision that avoids protectionism and inhibition of innovation, by

    supporting the rights of ABI members as responsible providers of long term capital and by

    securing recognition of their contribution. We also aim to enhance the status of the insurance

    industry with its customers, the authorities and other stakeholders through our work on



    Our aim is to protect the value of insurers investments in the short term and build foundations

    for longer term growth.

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    Capital Markets

    2010Key Outcomes

    In 2010, we will seek to secure investor safeguards in the reform of bank capital structure;

    strengthen the investor contribution to governance; secure a satisfactory outcome to fair value

    debate that balances transparency and market stability; secure better investor role in IASB; and

    work to ensure that regulatory initiatives permit sensible innovation and maintain investor choice.

    Work streams

    Protect investor choice through amendments to the Hedge fund Directive.

    Position members as shareholders to play a constructive role through corporate governance

    that reduces the need for additional regulation; and promote the new ISC Code on


    Promote healthy market regulation as an outcome of the current debate on regulatory


    Actively contribute to shaping the policy response in the UK and internationally to specificissues raised by the crisis, including executive remuneration and incentives; and an

    appropriate treatment of OTC markets.

    Work with the IASB and other relevant parties to develop accounting standards that inspire

    confidence and meet the needs of users

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    Capital Markets

    Establish good relations with the new European Commission due for installation at

    end 2009

    Work to explain investment and regulatory to the Tories in the UK ahead of the

    election in 2010

    Further develop relationships with the UK and European Parliament to facilitate

    deliver of the priority

    Maintenance of close relations with the EC

    , HMT andF

    SA and build strong tieswith other trade associations.