Business logo designing


Transcript of Business logo designing

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What is a Business Logo

■A recognizable graphic design element, often including a name, symbol or trademark, representing an organization or product . Before you start thinking about designing a business card or picking colors for your letterhead, you need a logo

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What A Logo Should Be Like!

A business is not successful until it is marketed well Ability to Appeal to the Target Audience Immediate Recall Value Constancy Practical Considerations

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Ability To Appeal To The Target Audience

A logo has to convey the message of your brand effectively and to the right audience. So, the first step in designing a logo is to research into who are supposed to be the recipients of this message and what their general characteristics are.

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Immediate Recal Value

Relevance is an important factor to be borne in mind while designing a logo. If the logo design does not match the theme of your business or brand, it is wrongly designed. With just one peek at your logo, people should immediately be reminded of your business or brand without any confusion or second thoughts. Moreover, your logo design should be unique.

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A business logo design should be carefully created keeping in mind its usage over the long term. Businesses expand, merge, acquire, and change their product offerings; a logo must suit the changing state of a business and so must be designed keeping in the mind the factor that will remain constant in spite of the numerous changes.

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Practical Consideration

In order to create a really attractive and simple yet distinct logo design at affordable prices, contract with the best web design services. Keep in mind the practical aspects before designing a logo. A logo should be reproducible on various media and in different colors while still giving the same effect and able to convey the same message.