Business English Word

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  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    Describing or relating to economies and economic systems

    aggregate ADJECTIVEused for describing the total amount of something in a countrys economy

    ailing ADJECTIVEan ailing organization or economy is not strong or successful

    antigrowth ADJECTIVEopposed to the principle of economic growth

    bullish ADJECTIVEexpecting the level of economic activity in general to rise

    buoyant ADJECTIVEif the economy or an aspect of the economy is buoyant, it is successful and seems likely to remain successful

    capitalist ADJECTIVEbased on or supporting the system of capitalism

    deflationary ADJECTIVEcausing prices and the level of economic activity to become lower or to stop increasing

    depressed ADJECTIVEa depressed area, industry, or economy does not have enough business, employment, or money

    economic ADJECTIVErelating to the economy of a particular country or region

    economic ADJECTIVErelating to business, industry, and trade

    economically ADVERBrelating to economics or to the economy of a particular country or region

    elastic ADJECTIVEif the supply of something or the demand for something is elastic, it changes according to the economic conditions it operates in, for example if the price of a product changes

    elasticity NOUNthe degree to which supply, demand etc changes according to other economic conditions that change, for example the price of goods

    expansionary ADJECTIVErelating to actions by a government to increase economic growth

    inflationary ADJECTIVErelating to or likely to cause an increase in prices

    invisible ADJECTIVEa countrys invisible income is money that it earns from services rather than from selling goods

    macroeconomic ADJECTIVErelating to the economic system of a whole country or large region

    microeconomic ADJECTIVErelating to specific parts or aspects of an economy

    overheated ADJECTIVEan overheated economy is growing too fast, causing prices to rise in an uncontrolled way

    postindustrial ADJECTIVErelating to societies or economies that had a lot of industry in the past but now depend on other types of work

    socioeconomic ADJECTIVEinvolving a combination of social and economic matters

    weak ADJECTIVEa weak economy or currency is one that does not have as much value as a strong one

    buoyantly ADVERB

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    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

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    corporatist ADJECTIVE

    recessionary ADJECTIVE

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  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    General words for bus iness people and managers

    account executive NOUNsomeone who is responsible for all the work done for a particular customer of a company, especially an advertising company or a publicrelations company

    administrator NOUNsomeone whose job is to manage a business, organization, or institution

    agent NOUNa person or company that does business for another person or company, for example by selling their products or by dealing with their customers

    ambassador NOUN

    someone who is considered to represent an activity, organization, company etc

    baron NOUNa powerful person in a particular type of business

    boss NOUNthe person who is in charge of you at work

    businessman NOUNa man who works in business, especially a manager

    businessman NOUNa man who is good at dealing with financial matters

    businessperson NOUNsomeone who works in business, especially a manager

    businesswoman NOUNa woman who works in business, especially a manager

    businesswoman NOUNa woman who is good at dealing with financial matters

    capitalist NOUNsomeone who is successful in business or who invests money in businesses for profit

    captain of industry NOUNsomeone who owns or manages a large important company

    CEO NOUNChief Executive Officer: the most senior manager in a company who has more authority than anyone else and is responsible for itssuccess

    CFO NOUNChief Financial Officer: the person in charge of the financial policy and decisions in a company

    chairman NOUNthe person in charge of a large organization or company

    chairperson NOUNthe person in charge of a large organization or company

    chairwoman NOUNthe woman in charge of a large organization or company

    change agent NOUNsomeone who is employed by a company or organization to change the way in which it is organized and managed

    chief NOUNthe person who is in charge of an organization or department, or who has the main responsibility for something

    chief executive NOUNthe most senior person working in a company or organization who is responsible for running it

    company man NOUN

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    a man who thinks loyalty to the company he works for is more important than friendship or personal beliefs

    company secretary NOUNan official of a company whose job is to deal with financial and legal issues

    controller NOUNsomeone whose job is to manage an organization or part of an organization

    COO NOUNChief Operating Officer: the person who is responsible for the daily operation of a company

    coordinator NOUNsomeone whose job is to organize the various parts of an activity and make sure that all the people involved work well together

    dealer NOUNa person or company that buys and sells a particular product

    dealmaker NOUNsomeone who arranges deals, especially in business or politics

    deputy NOUNsomeone whose job is the second most important in a department or organization, and who takes the responsibilities of the mostimportant person in some situations

    developer NOUNsomeone who buys land or buildings in order to put new or better buildings there and make money from them

    DG NOUNdirector-general: the head of a large organization such as the bbc

    director NOUNsomeone whose job is to manage all or part of a company, organization, or institution

    director NOUNone of the senior managers in charge of a company

    director general NOUNthe person in charge of a large organization such as the bbc

    entrepreneur NOUNsomeone who uses money to start businesses and make business deals

    exec NOUNan executive in a company

    executive NOUNa senior manager in a business or other organization

    executive director NOUNa director of a company who is employed by the company in a senior management position

    executive officer NOUNa person in a senior management position in an organization

    executive secretary NOUNsomeone with a senior position in a company who is responsible for helping people in senior positions with organization andmanagement

    foreman NOUNa man who is in charge of a team of workers

    gaffer NOUNa man who is in charge of other people, especially workers

    handler NOUNthe manager of someone famous such as a film star or sportsperson

    higher-up NOUNsomeone who has a more important job than you in an organization

    industrialist NOUNsomeone who owns or manages a large and important industrial company

    interlocutor NOUNsomeone who takes part in talks as a representative of another person or organization

    line manager NOUNa manager at a higher level than you who is in charge of the work that you do

    line manager NOUNa manager in a company who is responsible for producing and selling the companys products

    magnate NOUN

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    a successful and important person with a lot of power in a particular industry

    man NOUNa man who works for a particular company or organization, or who does a particular type of work

    manager NOUNsomeone whose job is to organize and control the work of a business or organization or a part of it

    manager NOUNsomeone whose job is to look after the business activities of an entertainer or sports player

    manager NOUNsomeone whose job is to organize and train a sports team

    manageress NOUNa woman whose job is to organize and control the work of a business or organization

    managing director NOUNthe person with the most senior position in a company and with the responsibility for managing all of it

    MD NOUNthe managing director of a company

    mgr ABBREVIATIONmanager

    micromanager NOUNsomeone who wants to control every part of a business or system in a way that is not necessary or useful

    middleman NOUNsomeone who helps to arrange business deals and discussions between other people

    middle manager NOUNsomeone who works in middle management

    mumpreneur NOUNa mother who starts a business so that she can combine working with looking after her children

    non-executive director NOUNsomeone with an important position in a company whose job is to advise the most senior managers

    officer NOUNsomeone with a position of authority in an organization

    ombudsman NOUNsomeone whose job is to deal with complaints that people make about an organization or particular type of business

    operator NOUNa person or company that runs a business

    overseer NOUNsomeone whose job is to watch something in order to check that it works in the way that it should

    proprietor NOUNsomeone who owns a business

    road manager NOUNsomeone who organizes the travelling arrangements for a group of musicians

    shipowner NOUNsomeone who owns ships, usually ships that carry goods

    social entrepreneur NOUNsomeone who sets up a business whose main purpose is to bring about positive social change rather than simply make a profit

    stakeholder NOUNa person or company that has invested in a business and owns part of it

    superintendent NOUNsomeone who is in charge of something, for example a hospital, r ailway, or school

    supervisor NOUNsomeone who is in charge of an activity, a place, or a group of people such as workers or students

    Supt ABBREVIATIONsuperintendent

    taipan NOUNa foreign businessman who has an important job in China

    trade NOUNthe people or companies who work in a particular business or industry

    treasurer NOUN

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    someone who is in charge of the money that belongs to an organization

    trustee NOUNa member of a group of people who are chosen to manage an institution such as a hospital or school that is organized as a trust

    tycoon NOUNa rich and powerful person who is involved in business or industry

    veep NOUNa vice-president, either of a country or of a corporation

    vice-president NOUNa senior manager in a business, e specially the person in charge of a department

    VP ABBREVIATIONvice president

    adventurist NOUN

    arbitrageur NOUN

    empire-builder NOUN

    negotiator NOUN

    social entrepreneurship NOUN

    3 Prime Locations in Qatar. Rentfrom 30 QAR a Day in Qatar!

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  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    funds NOUNmoney

    funny money NOUNmoney that is illegal because it has not been printed by the government

    funny money NOUNmoney that has been obt ained illegally

    funny money NOUNmoney whose value changes often

    gold NOUNthings such as jewelry and coins that are made of gold

    green NOUNmoney

    hard cash NOUNmoney in the form of coins or bills, rather than checks or credit cards

    hard cash NOUNmoney in any form

    heads NOUNthe side of a coin that has a picture of a head on it. The other side is tails

    loose change NOUNsmall coins that you have with you

    loot NOUNmoney

    lucre NOUNmoney, especially money that someone gets for doing something bad

    medium of exchange NOUNsomething that people agree has value and can be used as money, for example gold

    money NOUNwhat you earn, save, invest and use to pay for things. Money can be kept in a bank, where it can earn interest. If you have a bankaccount, you can pay for things with a check

    money NOUNthe coins and pieces of paper that you use to pay for things in a particular country

    money NOUNthe coins and pieces of paper that you can use to pay for things

    money order NOUNan official document that you buy in a post office as a safe way of sending money to someone

    monies NOUNmoney

    moola NOUNmoney

    moolah NOUNmoney

    new money NOUNmoney that has been recently gained rather than money that a family has always had

    note NOUNa piece of paper money

    obverse NOUNthe main side of a coin, usually with a picture of a head on it

    paper money NOUNmoney in the form of pieces of paper, not coins

    petty cash NOUNa small amount of money in coins or bills that a business or organization keeps available to pay for small things

    piece NOUNa coin that has a particular value

    piece NOUNan old word meaning coin


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    iceberg home

    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

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    Word of the Daymambo

    a dance from Cuba, done by a man and a woman together








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    postal order

    postal order NOUNa money order

    shekels NOUNmoney

    silver NOUNsilver colored coins, or coins made of silver

    small change NOUNcoins of low value

    tails NOUNthe side of a coin that does not have a picture of a person on it

    ready cash/moneymoney in the form of coins and bills that you can spend immediately

    spare changecoins of low value that you do not need, especially coins that you give to someone else

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  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    General words relating to banking

    a/c ABBREVIATIONaccount

    APR NOUNannual percentage rate: the percentage that a bank makes you pay in interest when you borrow money from it, calculated over a periodof one year

    balance NOUNthe amount of money you have in your bank account

    bank NOUNbelonging to or connected with a bank

    bank balance NOUNthe amount of money that you have in your bank account

    bank draft NOUNan order to pay someone that is sent from one bank to another bank, usually in a different country

    bankers draft NOUNa bank draft

    bankers order NOUNa standing order 1

    banking NOUNthe work done by banks and other financial institutions

    banking NOUNthe activity of paying money into or taking money out of a bank account

    bank rate NOUNthe rate of interest that banks use to calculate how much interest to charge on money they lend to each other rather than to their customers

    bank statement NOUNa document that shows all the money that went into or out of your bank account during a particular period of time

    base rate NOUNthe rate of interest that banks use to calculate how much interest to charge on money they lend to their customers

    BIPS NOUNbank Internet payment system: an electronic system for making payments by moving money directly into a bank account over the Internet

    borrower NOUNsomeone who borrows money from a bank

    cardholder NOUN

    someone who owns a credit card or debit card for buying things with

    cashback NOUNmoney from your bank account that you can get from a shop when you pay for goods with a debit card

    CHIPS NOUNclearing house interbank payment system: an electronic system for making international payments in dollars and for changing moneyfrom one currency to another

    collateral NOUNproperty that you agree to give to a bank if you fail to pay back money that you have borrowed

    commission NOUNan extra amount of money that you have to pay to a bank or other organization when they provide a service for you

    credit NOUNan arrangement to receive goods from a shop or money from a bank and pay for it later

    credit NOUNan amount of money that you add to an account. An amount of money that you take out of an account is a debit

    credit limit NOUNthe maximum amount of money that a customer can borrow using a particular credit card account

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    credit rating NOUNfinancial information about someone that a bank or shop uses for deciding whether to lend them money or to give them credit

    credit transfer NOUNa payment made directly from one bank account to another

    debit NOUNan amount of money taken from a bank account

    deposit NOUNan amount of money that you pay into a bank account

    depositor NOUN

    someone who pays money into a bank

    direct debit NOUNan order to a bank to regularly pay money from your account to a person or organization

    direct deposit NOUNan arrangement in which your salary is always put directly into your bank account

    discount rate NOUNthe rate of interest that a central bank charges another bank that borrows from it

    draft NOUNa bank draft

    EFTPOS NOUNelectronic funds transfer at point of sale: a system of paying for goods by moving money by computer from the customers bank account

    to the account of the company or person they have bought from

    interest NOUNmoney that a person or institution such as a bank charges you for lending you money

    interest NOUNmoney that you receive from an institution such as a bank when you keep money in an account there

    interest rate NOUNthe percentage that an institution such as a bank charges or pays you in interest when you borrow money from it or keep money in anaccount

    Internet banking NOUNa system that allows you to use the Internet to communicate with your bank, check your account, pay bills etc

    lending rate NOUNa percentage that a bank charges a customer who borrows money

    Libor NOUNLondon Interbank Offered Rate: an interest rate at which banks can borrow from one another. It is set daily based on an average of therates set by major banks around the world

    money market NOUNbusiness activities in which banks and other financial institutions make money by lending money to other organizations

    mortgage NOUNa legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy a house. You pay back your mortgage by making monthlypayments

    night safe NOUNa metal container in the wall of a bank that you can put money into when the bank is closed

    online banking NOUNa system that allows you to communicate with your bank on the Internet

    overdraft NOUNan agreement with your bank that allows you to spend money when you have no money left in your account

    overdraft NOUNthe amount of money that someone owes their bank because they have used this agreement

    overdrawn ADJECTIVEif you are overdrawn, or if your bank account is overdrawn, you owe your bank money that you have spent when there was no money inyour account

    passbook NOUNa small book showing the amounts of money that you put into and take out of your account in a building society

    paying-in slip NOUNa piece of paper on which you write information when you put money into a bank account

    real-time authorization NOUNa system that can check whether a customers credit card is acceptable in a few seconds, so that an Internet shop can process an order immediately

    safe-deposit box NOUNa safety deposit box

    safety deposit box NOUN

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  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    Open Dictionary

    a small box that is usually kept in a bank, used for storing valuable possessions

    saver NOUNsomeone who regularly puts money in a bank or building society so that they can use it later

    savings NOUNmoney that you have saved in a bank or invested so that you can use it later

    savings ratio NOUNa measurement of how much money people in a country are saving, which compares the amount of money they have available to spendwith the amount of money they do spend

    sort code NOUNa number that is used, for example on cheques, for recognizing the particular office of a bank where someone keeps their account

    standing order NOUNan instruction that you give a bank to take a particular amount of money out of your account on a particular day, usually each month, topay a person or organization for you. A direct debit is a similar arrangement, except that the amount can change and is decided by theperson who you are paying.

    statement NOUNan official document that lists the amounts of money that have been put in or taken out of a bank account

    stress test NOUNa test used to find out if a bank or other financial institution is likely to fail or have serious problems in a difficult economic situation

    strongroom NOUNa room, often in a bank, for protecting money and other valuable things from being stolen or burned in a fire

    sub-prime ADJECTIVEused to describe lending at a higher than usual rate of interest because it involves borrowers who are less likely to be able to pay backtheir loan

    telebanking NOUNa way of doing business with a bank by using your telephone or computer

    telephone banking NOUNbanking services provided to customers by telephone

    unsecured ADJECTIVEan unsecured loan is money that a bank lends someone without making them promise to give property to the bank if they cannot pay themoney back

    vault NOUNa strongly protected room in a bank where money, gold etc is kept

    withdrawal NOUNthe process of taking an amount of money out of your bank account, or the amount of money that you take out

    merchant banking NOUN

    a run on somethinga time when a lot of people take their money out of a bank at the same time

    in creditto have more money in an account than the amount that you have taken out

    in the blackwith money in your bank account, or with more money than you owe

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    iceberg home

    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

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    to make a payment to someone who has suffered injury or loss

    indemnity NOUNinsurance or protection against injury or loss

    indemnity NOUNa payment made to someone who has suffered injury or loss

    insurance NOUNan arrangement in which you regularly pay an insurance company an amount of money so that they will give you money if something youown is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are sick or injured

    insurance NOUNthe business of selling insurance to people

    insurance NOUNmoney that you pay regularly to an insurance company

    insurance NOUNmoney that an insurance company agrees to pay you if something that you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are sick or injured

    insurance adjuster NOUNsomeone whose job is to calculate how much money an insurance company should pay someone who is making a claim on their insurance. The British word is loss adjuster.

    insurance agent NOUNsomeone whose job is to sell insurance

    insurance policy NOUNan official document containing the details of the agreement between you and an insurance company

    insurance premium NOUNa regular payment made to an insurance company so that you are protected by insurance

    insure VERBto regularly pay an insurance company an amount of money so that they will give you money if something that you own is damaged, lost,or stolen, or if you die or are sick or injured

    insure VERBif an insurance company insures you or something that you own, they accept money from you and agree to pay you if you die or are sickor injured, or if something that you own is damaged, lost, or stolen

    insured ADJECTIVEprovided with, or protected by, insurance

    the insured ADJECTIVEthe person that an insurance policy affects

    insurer NOUNa person or company that sells insurance

    key-person insurance NOUNan insurance policy intended to pay for replacing a worker who is very important to an organization

    life insurance NOUNa type of insurance that pays money to your family when you die

    Lloydsa British organization that sells insurance, especially for ships and aircraft. Lloyds is sometimes called Lloyds of London.

    managed care NOUNa system for managing medical treatment in the U.S. in which insurance companies control what treatment people can have, instead of doctors or patients making the decision

    mutual ADJECTIVEa mutual insurance company, savings bank, etc. is owned by all of its customers, who share its profits

    National Insurance NOUNthe system in the U.K. that is similar to Social Security in the U.S.

    policy NOUNa contract between an insurance company and a person or organization

    policyholder NOUNsomeone who has an insurance policy

    premium NOUNan amount of money that you pay regularly for an insurance policy

    product liability NOUNthe duty of a company that makes or sells a product to pay if their product causes damage or injury

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    iceberg home

    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

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    Word of the Daymambo

    a dance from Cuba, done by a man and a woman together








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    a part in an opera in which a young man is played by a woman

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    protect VERBif an insurance policy protects you, it will pay money to you or your relatives if particular bad things happen

    protection NOUNthe agreement made by an insurance company to pay you money if something bad happens to you or your possessions

    reinsurance NOUNinsurance policies that an insurance company has so that it will receive money to replace the money that it pays to its customers

    surrender value NOUNthe amount of money that you receive from a life insurance policy if you decide you want to stop the policy

    third-party ADJECTIVEthird-party insurance protects you if you accidentally injure someone or accidentally damage their property

    travel insurance NOUNa type of insurance that pays for your medical treatment if you are ill when you are traveling abroad, or that gives you back your money if your holiday is canceled

    underwrite VERBto protect someone from loss with an insurance policy

    underwrite VERBto protect a company from loss by agreeing to buy any remaining stock that is not bought by the public when the stock first becomesavailable for sale

    underwriter NOUNa person or company that provides insurance

    adjuster NOUN

    a good/bad riska person or company considered according to how safe it is to lend them money or give them insurance or credit

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  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    People involved in advertising and promotion

    adman NOUNa man whose job is to create advertisements

    advertiser NOUNsomeone who advertises something

    the ASAthe Advertising Standards Authority: a British organization that is responsible for controlling advertising in the UK

    audience NOUNall the people who watch a television programme, listen to a radio broadcast, or are reached by advertising

    billposter NOUN

    someone who sticks advertisements on walls

    copywriter NOUNsomeone whose job is to write the words for advertisements

    creative NOUNsomeone whose job is to have new ideas, especially in advertising

    creative director NOUNa senior employee in an advertising agency, who has responsibility for t he words and images used in a series of advertisements

    front man NOUNa man whose job is to represent an organization by talking to journalists or other people, especially in order to improve the organizationsreputation

    Madison Avenuethe advertising industry in the US

    marketer someone whose job involves encouraging people to buy a particular companys products, by deciding the price, type of customer, andadvertising policy

    patron NOUNa famous person who supports an organization and allows it to use their name in its advertising

    promoter NOUNsomeone whose job is to arrange and advertise concerts and sports events

    promoter NOUNsomeone who tries to make a product more popular

    propagator NOUNsomeone who spreads ideas, beliefs etc to a lot of people

    publicist NOUNsomeone whose job is to use newspapers, television etc in order to make people notice a person, organization, or product

    sponsor NOUNa person or business that pays money to support an event, a television or radio programme, a website etc as a way to advertise their products or services

    propagandist NOUN

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    1 2014-06-04 11:14

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    iceberg home

    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

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    a dance from Cuba, done by a man and a woman together








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    Relating to management and running a business

    admin NOUNthe administration of a company, organization, etc.

    admin ADJECTIVEadministrative

    administer VERBto be responsible for managing a company, organization, or institution

    administration NOUNthe activities involved in managing a business, organization, or institution

    administration NOUNthe process of being responsible for managing a business, organization, or institution

    administrative ADJECTIVErelating to the management of a company, organization, or institution

    adventurism NOUNa way of managing a business, government, or army that is considered dangerous and might have negative results

    chairmanship NOUNthe position of being a chairman, or the time during which someone is a chairman

    crisis management NOUNa method of working in which a manager only makes decisions when there is a crisis

    critical-path method NOUNa method used in project management that shows which activities must be carried out so that the project can be completed in theshortest time and at the lowest cost

    CSR NOUNcorporate social responsibility: the belief that a company should consider the social and environmental effects of its activities on itsemployees and the community around it

    direction NOUNleadership or management

    directorship NOUNthe job of being a director of a company

    directorship NOUNthe period of time during which someone is a director

    downsize VERBto make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of workers

    ecosystem NOUNall the different activities, companies, systems, etc. that are involved in a particular area of business, especially new technology

    executive ADJECTIVEintended for the most senior people in an organization

    headship NOUNthe position of being in charge of an organization, especially a school or college

    knowledge management NOUNa policy within an organization of keeping information about everyones knowledge and training

    lead NOUNthe management or leadership of an organization or company

    line management NOUNa management system in which instructions are passed from a manager or worker to the person at the next higher or lower level

    line management NOUNthe managers in a company who are responsible for producing and selling the companys products

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    maladministration NOUNbad or dishonest management

    manage VERBto organize and control the work of a company, organization, or group of people

    management NOUNthe control and operation of a business or organization

    management NOUNthe process of controlling or managing something

    management consultant NOUNsomeone whose job is to advise managers on how to control and operate their companies more effectively

    managerial ADJECTIVErelating to the job of a manager, especially in a company

    micromanage VERBto control every part of a business or system in a way that is not necessary or useful

    mismanage VERBto manage something badly

    mismanagement NOUNthe process of managing something badly

    poison pill NOUNan action taken by a company in order to make someone less likely to want to start a takeover bid for it

    project management NOUNthe planning and organization of the work that a project involves, including deciding how much money and time and how many peopleare needed

    restraint of trade NOUNthe act of preventing free competition in business, in a way that is unfair

    rightsize VERBif a company rightsizes, it gets rid of some workers in order to save money or become more effective. This word is often used to avoid

    saying that people will lose their jobs.

    risk assessment NOUNthe process of calculating how much risk is involved in a particular act ion

    risk management NOUNa method of controlling losses or damage to a business

    running NOUNthe management or organization of a business, home, or service

    shake upto make changes in the way that a company is organized so that it is more effective or successful

    strategic planning NOUNthe process of planning the activities of a business so that it competes well with other businesses and makes a profit

    strategize VERBto plan an action or series of actions, especially in business, politics, or the military

    SWOT analysi s NOUN

    an examination of an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, used as a way of measuring how successful itcan be and as a way of planning for the future

    total quality management NOUNa style of management based on the belief that everyone in an organization is responsible for the quality of the goods or services sold tothe customer

    TQM ABBREVIATIONtotal quality management

    value chain NOUNthe series of activities that a company carries out as it designs, makes, sells, and delivers a product or service, with each activity addingvalue

    worker participation NOUNthe idea of involving ordinary employees in making decisions at all levels in a business

    administratively ADVERB

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    Relating t o tax and taxation

    1099 NOUNin the US, a document you send to the IRS (=the US tax department) that gives details of money that you have earned during the year other than your salary

    allowance NOUNan amount of money that you are officially allowed to earn without having to pay tax on it

    audit NOUNan official examination of the financial records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate

    audit VERBto officially examine the financial records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate

    basic ADJECTIVEthe basic rate of tax is the one that most people pay and is less than the rate paid by people who earn a lot of money

    the Boston Tea Partya protest held in the US city of Boston in 1773. Americans threw boxes of tea from British ships into the sea to show the Britishgovernment that they did not want to pay tax on the tea. The protest was one of the events that led to the American War of Independence.

    Chancellor of the Exchequer NOUNthe member of the British government who is responsible for taxes and for deciding how the government spends its money

    chargeable ADJECTIVEif income or property is chargeable, you must pay tax on it

    claw back

    if a government or company claws back money after losing it, it gets it again, for example by making people pay higher taxes or charginghigher prices

    clawback NOUNmoney that a government or company gets again after losing it, for example by making people pay higher taxes or charging higher prices

    customs NOUNa government department that collects taxes on goods that people bring into a country

    Customs and Excise NOUNthe former name for the British government department responsible for collecting taxes on goods that are bought or sold or brought intothe country. It became part of hmrc in 2005, but people still use the old name in unofficial contexts.

    declare VERBto state officially how much you have earned or how much property you own so that you can pay the correct amount of tax

    declare VERBto state officially that you have brought goods into a country so that you can pay the correct amount of tax

    deductible ADJECTIVEtaken away from the total amount of money on which you pay tax

    delinquent ADJECTIVEa delinquent account or tax bill has not been paid on time

    dutiable ADJECTIVEdutiable goods must have tax paid on them, especially when they are brought into a country

    duty-free ADJECTIVEduty-free goods are cheaper than the usual price because you do not pay any tax on them

    duty-free NOUNa system of buying or selling goods at a cheaper price than usual in particular places such as airports, because there is no tax to pay onthem

    duty-free NOUNgoods such as cigarettes and alcohol that you buy without paying tax on them

    fiscal ADJECTIVE

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    relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes

    free port NOUNa port or airport where no tax is paid on goods that are delivered because they are then going to be sent to other countries

    free zone NOUNan area at a port or in a city where goods can be received or stored without tax having to be paid

    green channel NOUNthe way through customs for people who are not bringing goods into the country on which they have to pay tax

    gross ADJECTIVEa gross amount of money is the total amount before taxes or costs have been taken out

    gross ADVERBearned before anything such as taxes or costs have been taken out

    HMRC ABBREVIATIONHer Majestys Revenue and Customs: the British government department responsible for taxation. It collects both direct taxes (such asincome tax and corporation tax) and indirect taxes (such as VAT).

    the Inland Revenuethe former name for the British government department responsible for collecting taxes. It became part of HMRC in 2005, but people stilluse the old name in unofficial contexts.

    inspector of taxes NOUNa government official whose job is to calculate and collect taxes

    interim ADJECTIVEcalculated or paid before the end of a financial year

    the Internal Revenue Servicethe irs

    the IRSthe Internal Revenue Service: the US government department that collects taxes

    Lady Godivaa woman who rode with no clothes on through an English town in the 11th century as a protest against high taxes

    levy NOUNan amount of money that you have to pay, for example as a tax

    levy VERB

    to officially request payment of a tax

    net ADJECTIVEa net amount of money is the total amount after taxes or costs have been removed

    net ADVERBafter everything such as taxes or costs have been removed

    netta British spelling of net2

    overtax VERBto make someone pay more tax than is fair

    P45 NOUNin the UK, an official document from a company that shows that you have stopped working for them and gives details of how much tax

    you have paid

    PAYEpay as you earn: a system in the UK in which tax is taken from your salary before you get it

    personal allowance NOUNan amount of money that you can earn each year before you have to start paying tax on your income

    pre-tax ADJECTIVEused for describing an amount of money before taxes are taken out

    profit NOUNmoney that you make by selling something or from your business, especially the money that remains after you have paid all your business costs. Your total profit before you pay tax is called gross profit, and the amount that remains after you have paid tax on this iscalled net profit

    protect VERB

    to help industries in your country by putting taxes on goods from other countries

    protectionism NOUNa system in which a country helps its own industries by putting taxes on foreign goods

    ratepayer NOUN

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    someone who had to pay rates (=local taxes) in the UK before 1990

    relief NOUNthe right not to have to pay the full amount of tax or interest on an amount of money

    return NOUNan official form that you must fill out, especially one involving taxes

    self-assessment NOUNwhen someone who is (=self-employed) works out how much tax to pay the government

    set againstto state officially that an amount of money is a cost to your business in order to pay less tax

    stoppages NOUNmoney taken for tax, pension etc before you receive your salary

    supply-side economics NOUNeconomic policies that involve reducing taxes in order to encourage people to invest more money

    take-home pay NOUNthe amount of pay that you receive after taxes and other amounts have been taken away

    tax NOUNan amount of money that you have to pay to the government that it uses to provide public services and pay for government institutions.There are several different types of tax, for example income tax that is paid on your income, or a duty that is paid on goods that you buyor sell

    tax VERBto get money for public services and other government institutions by putting a tax on something

    tax VERBto get money by making someone pay a tax

    taxable ADJECTIVEtaxable money that you earn or receive is money that you have to pay tax on

    tax avoidance NOUNthe use of legal ways to pay less tax

    tax bracket NOUNa particular range of incomes that are taxed at the same rate

    tax break NOUN

    a reduction in the tax that you must pay

    tax-deductible ADJECTIVEtax-deductible costs can be taken away from your total income before you pay tax on what remains

    tax-deferred ADJECTIVEtaxed at a later time

    tax disc NOUNa small round piece of paper on your car that shows you have paid road tax

    tax dodge NOUNa legal way of paying less tax

    tax evasion NOUNthe use of illegal methods to pay less tax or to pay no tax at all

    tax-exempt ADJECTIVEif something is tax-exempt, you do not have to pay tax on it

    tax-exempt ADJECTIVEa person or organization that is tax-exempt does not have to pay tax

    tax exile NOUNsomeone who lives in another country to avoid paying tax in their own country

    tax-free ADJECTIVEif something is tax-free, you do not pay tax on it

    tax haven NOUNa place where people go to live, or where they keep their money, so that they do not have to pay higher taxes in their home country

    tax inspector NOUNa government worker whose job is to check that people or companies are paying the right amount of tax

    taxman NOUNsomeone whose job is to collect t axes

    taxpayer NOUN

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    Blog A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of

    someone who pays tax, especially tax on income

    tax relief NOUNa reduction in tax that you are allowed for a particular reason

    tax return NOUNan official document on which you give details of your income so that the government can calculate the amount of tax that you have topay

    tax shelter NOUNsomewhere you can invest your money without having to pay tax on the profits

    tax year NOUNa period of 12 months that is used for calculating taxes

    threshold NOUNa limit at which an arrangement changes. For example a tax threshold is the level of income or profit at which you start to pay a tax

    undeclared ADJECTIVEused about income that you do not tell the tax authorities about

    write off to reduce the value of something that you or your business owns to avoid paying too much tax on it

    zero-rated ADJECTIVEgoods or services that are zero-rated do not have the tax called vat added to them

    duty-free ADVERB

    after taxan amount of money after tax is the amount that is left after you have paid tax on it

    before taxan amount of money before tax is the amount that you earn or receive before you have paid tax on it

    raise taxesif a government or other authority raises tax or taxes, it gets money by making people pay a tax to them

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    To do b usiness and relating to doing bu siness

    account NOUNan arrangement you have with a company or Internet provider to use a service they provide

    asset NOUNsomething such as money or property that a person or company owns

    beauty parade NOUNa situation in which someone chooses to use the services of a particular company without basing their decision on important facts

    book NOUNrecords of customers that use a companys services

    brokerage NOUNthe activities of organizing business deals for other people

    broking NOUNbrokerage

    business NOUNused for talking about how well a company or industry is doing

    business NOUNused for talking about how many customers or contracts a company or industry has

    business plan NOUNa document giving details of a companys plans for the future

    cannibalize VERBto take assets (=money or property) from one business in order to improve another one

    capacity NOUNthe amount of goods that a company can produce, or the amount of work it can do

    capital asset NOUNsomething such as equipment or buildings that a company owns and uses in doing its business

    capital expenditure NOUNmoney that a company spends on things such as equipment and buildings that it needs to operate as a business

    capital outlay NOUNcapital expenditure

    capital project NOUNa major project, often involving building work, which will make it possible for an organization t o increase its production

    close VERBto successfully complete the arrangements for a business deal

    compete VERBto try to be more successful than other companies or people in business

    competition NOUNthe activities of companies that are trying to be more successful than others

    consummate VERBto complete something, especially a business deal or agreement

    corner VERBto get control of an area of business so that no one else can succeed in it, for example because you own all the supply of a particular product

    dealings NOUNthe business activities or the general relationship that you have with another per son or organization

    dealing NOUNthe particular way in which you do business with or behave towards other people

    deskill VERB

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    to reduce the level of skill that a worker needs for a job by using new technology instead

    develop VERBto make a company, business, or industry bigger or more successful

    distribution channel NOUNthe way that a company delivers a product or service to its customers

    diversification NOUNthe process of developing new products or business activities

    empire-building NOUNthe process of getting more power for yourself in an organization, without caring about whether this is good for the organization

    enterprise NOUNthe activity of creating businesses and managing them

    expand VERBif a business, organization, or activity expands, it grows by including more people, moving into new areas, selling more products etc

    expand VERBto make a business, organization, or activity do this

    expansion NOUNthe process of making a business, organization, or activity grow by including more people, moving into new areas, selling more productsetc

    fixed asset NOUNsomething a company owns and uses but does not sell, for example machines, buildings, or land

    forge VERBto develop a successful relationship, especially in business or politics, with another country, organization, or person

    freelance VERBto sell your work or services to many different companies

    globalisea British spelling of globalize

    globalize VERBto make a business begin operating all over the world

    glocalization NOUNthe process of changing products or services that are sold all over the world to suit people in different local markets

    goodwill NOUNthe good reputation and good relationships that a company has with its customers, and how much these are worth if the company is sold

    grow VERBto make a business or the economy grow

    intangible asset NOUNsomething that a company has, such as the good opinion of its customers, that has value to the company although its worth cannot bemeasured exactly

    intellectual assets NOUNthe knowledge, experience, and skills that employees have, that an organization can use for its benefit

    intracompany ADJECTIVEwithin the same company, or between people from or parts of the same company

    localisation NOUNa British spelling of localization

    localization NOUNthe process of carrying out an activity only in a particular area of the world, or the process of changing it to make it suitable for aparticular area of the world

    monopolisea British spelling of monopolize

    monopolize VERBif a company monopolizes a particular business activity, it controls that activity by preventing other companies from being involved in it

    move intoto start living or operating a business in a place

    negotiate VERBto try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way, especially in a business or political situation

    network VERBto meet and talk to people in order to receive or give information, especially about business opportunities

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    office NOUNused or done in offices

    office hours NOUNthe times when a business or other organization is open during the day

    open VERBif a shop, public building etc opens at a particular time, or if someone opens it, it regularly becomes available for people to visit or use atthat time

    opening NOUNtimes when shops and businesses are open

    opening hours NOUNthe hours that a shop, business etc is open

    operate VERBif an organization or company operates, it does its work

    operate VERBto run a company or organization

    process VERBto deal with a document officially so that something can happen

    re-form VERBif an organization, business, or group re-forms, or if someone re-forms it, it starts to work or exist again

    rescue VERBto prevent a business, project etc from failing

    run downif a business or organization runs down, or if someone runs it down, it gradually becomes smaller

    rush throughto deal with official or legal business more quickly than usual

    see VERBto have a business or professional meeting with someone

    stocktaking NOUNan occasion when you count a businesss goods and calculate how many more are needed

    streamline VERB

    to improve a business, organization, process etc by making it more modern or simple

    strengthen VERBto make an organization, business, army etc more powerful, successful, or effective

    touch VERBto deal with or accept someone

    trade VERBto operate as a business

    transact VERBto do a business deal with another person or company

    transplant VERBto move a business, shop, or person to a different place

    monopolization NOUN

    after hoursafter the time when a place such as an office or bar usually closes

    be in businessif a company is in business, it is operating normally

    cut a d ealto make a business deal

    lend your name to somethingif someone, especially a famous person, lends their name to an organization or business, they publicly support it and allow their name tobe connected with it

    out of hoursbefore or after the time when a place such as an office is usually open

    throw good money after badto continue spending money on something such as a business or a project that is going to fail

    under licenceif a product is made or sold under licence, it is made or sold with the permission of the company that usually makes it

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    wheel and dealto use clever or slightly dishonest methods to get advantages from a lot of situations, especially in business or politics

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    Types of advertisement

    ad NOUNan advertisement on television or radio, on the Internet, in a newspaper or magazine etc

    advert NOUNan advertisement

    advertisement NOUNa short film on television or short article on radio that is intended to persuade people to buy something

    advertisement NOUNan arrangement of pictures, words etc put in a public place or in a newspaper, on the Internet etc that is intended to persuade people tobuy something

    advertisement NOUNan announcement in a newspaper, on the Internet etc inviting people to apply for a job that is available

    advertisement NOUNan announcement of a concert, sports event etc that is going to take place

    advertorial NOUNan advertisement in a newspaper or magazine that looks like one of its normal articles

    banner NOUNan advertisement on a website that goes across the width of your screen

    banner ad NOUNan advertisement that appears across the full width of a page or web page

    billboard NOUNa large board for advertisements in an outside public place

    bumper sticker NOUNa small sign that you can stick on your car with a message on it that may be funny, political, or advertising something

    circular NOUNa document, especially a letter or advertisement, that is sent to a lot of people at the same time

    classified ad NOUNa short advertisement that you put in a newspaper, for example so that you can sell something

    the classifieds NOUNthe classified ads in a newspaper

    clickthrough NOUNan advertisement on a website that you click on in order to move to another page or website

    commercial NOUNan advertisement on television or radio

    commercial break NOUNa short interruption in a television or radio programme when advertisements are broadcast

    display advertising NOUNadvertising that has features such as photographs or a logo (=symbol representing a company) as well as writing

    endorsement NOUNan occasion when someone famous says in an advertisement that they like a product

    flyer NOUNan announcement or advertisement that is printed on a sheet of paper and given to people

    goody bag NOUNa bag containing small presents given by a company to help advertise a product or service

    handbill NOUNa small printed piece of paper advertising something that someone gives you in the street. A more usual word is flier.

    hoarding NOUN

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    a large board used for advertising outside

    infomercial NOUNa long advertisement on television that is made in the style of an ordinary programme

    insert NOUNan advertisement or information sheet put inside a newspaper, magazine, or book

    interstitial NOUNa page that appears before or after another page on a website, often showing advertisements or asking if the user is old enough to viewthe material

    jingle NOUNa short phrase, usually with music, that is easy to remember, used for advertising something on the radio or television

    junk mai l NOUNadvertising and other information sent to you by post, email, or fax, although you did not ask for it and do not want it

    mailshot NOUNa letter or advertisement sent to many people at the same time

    personal NOUNa personal ad

    the personals NOUNthe personal column in a newspaper or magazine

    personal ad NOUNa short advertisement put in a newspaper or magazine by someone who is looking for friendship or for a sexual or romantic relationship

    personal column NOUNa list of private advertisements or messages in a newspaper or magazine

    placard NOUNa large notice in a public place, used for advertising something or carried in order to protest against or support something

    playbill NOUNa printed advertisement for a play

    plug NOUNan attempt to make people interested in a book, f ilm etc by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or televisionprogramme

    poster NOUN

    a large printed notice or picture that you put on a wall for decoration or to announce or advertise something

    posting NOUNa public notice, especially one advertising a job

    pre-roll NOUNa short advertisement that plays before an online video

    press pack NOUNa collection of information and advertising material that a company prepares about itself and sends to journalists or customers

    promo NOUNsomething that advertises a product

    publicity stunt NOUNsomething unusual that is done to make people notice a person, organization, or product

    puff NOUNsomething that someone says or writes in order to advertise or praise something in public

    sandwich board NOUNa pair of boards with advertisements on them, joined at the top and put over the shoulders of a person who walks around in a publicplace

    sign NOUNa flat object with words or pictures on it, put in a public place to provide information or advertise something

    situations vacant NOUNthe part of a newspaper that contains advertisements for jobs

    slogan NOUNa short phrase that is easy to remember and is used to advertise something or to express the beliefs of a political party or other group

    small ad NOUNa short advertisement that you put in a newspaper when you want to buy or sell something

    station break NOUNa pause in a television or radio programme to announce the name of the station and other details about it

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    globalmarket.comSourcing New Products From China Contact Export-ready Suppliers Now

    Words used to describe businesses and companies

    accredited ADJECTIVEan accredited organization, worker, or course of st udy has official approval

    all-night ADJECTIVEan all-night shop, restaurant, bus service etc continues to operate for the whole night

    anticompetitive ADJECTIVEintended to prevent people from competing against each other fairly, especially in business

    B2B ADJECTIVEbusiness-to-business: used for describing a type of business activity in which companies use the Internet to trade with each other

    B2C ADJECTIVEbusiness-to-consumer: used for describing a type of business activity in which companies use the Internet to sell products and servicesdirectly to customers

    big ADJECTIVEused for referring to large and powerful industries that are considered to have a lot of political influence

    bloated ADJECTIVEa bloated organization or system is not effective because it is too large or has too many workers

    bricks-and-mortar ADJECTIVEa bricks-and-mortar business is a traditional business that does not operate on the Internet

    brisk ADJECTIVEif business is brisk, a lot of things are being sold quickly

    business NOUNconnected with business, or with people who work in business

    business-to-business ADJECTIVEused for describing a type of business activity in which companies use the Internet to trade with each other

    collective ADJECTIVEowned by the government and run by a group of workers

    commercial ADJECTIVErelating to business

    commercial ADJECTIVEproducing goods or services to sell

    competitive ADJECTIVEoffering goods or services at cheaper prices than other companies

    consumer-facing ADJECTIVEdealing directly with people who buy products or services

    consumer-to-business ADJECTIVEused for describing a type of business activity in which a customer deals with a company using the Internet

    cooperative ADJECTIVEa cooperative business or other organization is owned by the people who work in it who also share the profits

    corporate ADJECTIVErelating to large companies, or to a particular large company

    C-to-C ADJECTIVEconsumer-to-consumer: used for describing a type of business activity in which a customer deals with another customer using theInternet

    cut-price ADJECTIVEused about places that sell cut-pr ice goods

    drive-through ADJECTIVEa drive-through restaurant, bank etc is one where you are served through a window without leaving your car

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    fly-by-night ADJECTIVEa fly-by-night company or businessman cannot be trusted because they are dishonest or may fail

    imperial ADJECTIVEused in the name of some business companies, hotels, etc

    incorporated ADJECTIVEan incorporated company has the legal status of a corporation

    infant ADJECTIVEan infant organization or company is very new

    land-based ADJECTIVEexisting in a physical place rather than as a website

    large ADJECTIVEa large company or organization is one that employs a lot of people in many places and has many activities

    lean ADJECTIVEa lean business spends as little money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit

    limited ADJECTIVEused after the name of a company to show that it is a limited company

    market-driven ADJECTIVEcontrolled by what and how much people want to buy

    market-led ADJECTIVEmarket-driven

    mercantile ADJECTIVErelating to trade

    mom-and-pop ADJECTIVEa mom-and-pop business is owned by a single family that also does most or all of the work

    monopolistic ADJECTIVErelating to a monopoly in business

    multi-agency ADJECTIVEinvolving several different organizations that work together for a shared aim

    multinational ADJECTIVEa multinational company or business has offices, shops, or factories in several countries

    non-profit ADJECTIVEa non-profit organization works to help people in some way rather than to make a profit

    not-for-profit ADJECTIVEa not-for-profit organization exists in order to help people and provide a service, rather than to make money

    offshore ADJECTIVEan offshore bank or company is not in your own country, but in a country where you pay less tax

    one-stop ADJECTIVEproviding a range of products or services in one place

    overstaffed ADJECTIVEa business that is overstaffed has more workers than it needs

    paperless ADJECTIVE

    storing and communicating information in electronic form rather than on paper

    predatory ADJECTIVErelating to companies that are looking for other companies to buy, or are showing this type of behaviour

    self-financing ADJECTIVEa self-financing organization, business etc earns all the money that it needs to pay its own costs

    self-service ADJECTIVEa self-service restaurant or petrol station is one where the customers have to serve themselves

    service ADJECTIVEproviding help, information, or advice for the public in exchange for payment

    short-staffed ADJECTIVEwithout enough workers

    tertiary ADJECTIVEproviding services rather than selling or making products

    top-heavy ADJECTIVEa company or organization that is top-heavy has too many workers at senior level and not enough at junior level

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    iceberg home

    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

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    Word of the Daymambo

    a dance from Cuba, done by a man and a woman together








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    a part in an opera in which a young man is played by a woman

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    undermanned ADJECTIVEnot having enough workers to do a job quickly or effectively

    understaffed ADJECTIVEnot having enough workers to do a job quickly or effectively

    unlisted ADJECTIVEan unlisted company is not on the official list of a particular stock exchange, so that you cannot buy or sell its shares there

    upstart ADJECTIVEan upstart company is one that has quickly become very successful

    blue-chip ADJECTIVE

    corporately ADVERB

    fly-by-night NOUN

    highl y/well capitalizeda highly/well capitalized business has a lot of money invested in it

    3 Prime Locations in Qatar. Rentfrom 30 QAR a Day in Qatar!

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    3 2014-06-04 11:09

  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    Words used to describe jobs and work

    antisocial ADJECTIVEmaking it difficult to meet people and have normal relationships

    articled ADJECTIVEif someone is articled to a company, they are employed by that company through a legal agreement while they finish t heir education or training

    assistant ADJECTIVEused as part of a title for someone whose job is to help someone who is in charge of doing something

    associate ADJECTIVEsomeone who is in an associate position has a job at a level below the highest level

    casual ADJECTIVEused about jobs that are not regular or permanent

    ceremonial ADJECTIVEa ceremonial job exists for traditional reasons, and the person who has it does not have much power

    clerical ADJECTIVEconnected with the ordinary work that people do in offices

    collaborative ADJECTIVEinvolving people or groups working together to produce something

    collegiate ADJECTIVEsharing ideas and responsibilities with the people you work with, in a friendly way

    cooperative ADJECTIVEdone by people or organizations working together

    customer-facing ADJECTIVEdealing directly with the customers of a business

    entry-level ADJECTIVEan entry-level job is at t he lowest level in a company or organization

    freelance ADJECTIVEfreelance work is done by a person who is not permanently employed by a particular company but who sells their services to more thanone company

    FT ABBREVIATIONfull-time

    full-time ADJECTIVEdone for the number of hours that people normally work in a complete week. Part-time work or study is done during just some of thesehours

    full-time ADVERBduring the number of hours that people normally work in a complete week

    high-ranking ADJECTIVEa high-ranking person or job is very senior

    honest ADJECTIVEhonest work is a job that you work fairly hard at

    industrial ADJECTIVEused about the people working in industry and their relationship with their employers

    in-house ADJECTIVEdone, working, or happening inside a company or organization

    monotonous ADJECTIVEa monotonous job is very boring because you have to keep repeating the same thing

    multiparty ADJECTIVE

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    1 2014-06-04 11:12

  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    involving several people, groups, or organizations that take part in something

    non-residential ADJECTIVEa non-residential course or job is one where you do not live at the place where you study or work

    official ADJECTIVErelating to your job, especially a job in which you have authority or represent other people

    pastoral ADJECTIVEpastoral work or activities involve giving help and advice to other people, especially about personal problems

    peripatetic ADJECTIVEinvolving travelling to different places and staying for a short time at each place, especially in order to do a job

    prestige ADJECTIVEa prestige job or position involves dealing with important people and making important decisions

    probationary ADJECTIVEa probationary period is a t ime during which someone who has been given a new job is watched to see whether they can do the job welland stay in the position

    professional ADJECTIVErelating to work that needs special skills and qualifications

    professional ADJECTIVErelating to a profession and its rules, standards, and arrangements

    professional ADJECTIVEplayed or done as a job rather than for enjoyment

    professionally ADVERBas a job rather than for enjoyment

    responsible ADJECTIVEa responsible job or position is one in which you have to make important decisions or be in charge of a lot of people

    secretarial ADJECTIVErelating to the work or skills of a secretary

    semi-skilled ADJECTIVEa semi-skilled job needs some basic skills. Someone who does this kind of job is called a semi-skilled worker.

    skilled ADJECTIVEa skilled job needs someone who has ability and experience

    unpaid ADJECTIVEunpaid work is work that you are not paid for

    unskilled ADJECTIVEused about jobs that unskilled people do

    unsociable ADJECTIVEan unsociable job is one in which you have to work at unusual times of the day so that you do not have much time to spend with your family or friends

    unsocial ADJECTIVEsomeone who works unsocial hours works at unusual times of the day, so that they do not have much time to spend with their family or friends

    vocational ADJECTIVE

    relating to someones vocation

    voluntary ADJECTIVEvoluntary work is done for no pay

    industrially ADVERB

    in-house ADVERB

    vocationally ADVERB

    voluntarily ADVERB

    hand in gloveif you work hand in glove with someone, you work very closely with t hem

    in housein the offices of a company

    on attachmentsomeone who is on attachment to an organization or company has been sent there for a short time by the organization or company thatthey normally work for. The American expression is on assignment

    out of house

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    2 2014-06-04 11:12

  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word







    shill bidding




    iceberg home

    a house which has a very large extension in the basement so thatthe majority of the living space is underground

    BuzzWord Article

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    Word of the Daymambo

    a dance from Cuba, done by a man and a woman together








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    Open Dict ionarytrouser role

    a part in an opera in which a young man is played by a woman

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    Blog A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it isspoken around the world today.

    global English and language change from our blog

    not in the offices of a company, and by people who may not be employed by that company

    Job Opportunities for Oil & GasProfessionals

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    3 2014-06-04 11:12

  • 8/11/2019 Business English Word


    Words used to describe payments and funding sources

    cashless ADJECTIVEdone without any exchange of cash

    Chip and Pin NOUNa system of paying for something using a credit or debit card that has information stored on it on a microchip. You put your PIN number (=a set of 4 numbers) into a machine with the card to prove who you are, instead of signing.

    clear ADJECTIVEleft after taxes, charges, or costs have been paid

    compensatory ADJECTIVEpaid as compensation to someone who has suffered injury or loss

    crowdfunding NOUNthe process of getting a large group of people to finance a particular project, especially by using a website where people can makecontributions

    ex gratia ADJECTIVEan ex gratia payment is made because you are grateful or generous, not because of a legal obligation

    flat ADJECTIVEa flat rate or amount is the same in all situations, so that you do not pay more or less

    hourly ADJECTIVErelating to one hour of work

    nonrefundable ADJECTIVEif the money that you pay for something is nonrefundable, it will not be given back to you

    overdue ADJECTIVEa payment that is overdue should have been paid before now

    paid-up ADJECTIVEpaid for completely

    PPC ADJECTIVEpay per click: in Internet advertising, describes a system in which the company advertising pays the company who owns the website onlywhen their advert is clicked

    prepaid ADJECTIVEsomething that is prepaid has already been paid for, and so you do not need to pay at the time when you use it

    privately ADVERBby people who provide money themselves, rather than by governments

    pro rata ADJECTIVE , ADVERBcalculated according to the individual situation

    publicly ADVERBby the government, or by people in general

    returnable ADJECTIVEa returnable amount of money is one that you get back if something that you use or borrow is still in good condition when you havefinished using it

    stipendiary ADJECTIVEgiven as a stipend, or receiving a stipend

    tributary ADJECTIVEpaid as a tribute

    unearned ADJECTIV