Business Aims & Objectives, 2013 Year 9 GCSE Business Studies.

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Starter Activity What if the world ran out of petrol tomorrow What if it was never going to be over 25*C in Brentwood forever What if you had to stay in compulsory education until after University What if Police went on strike for a week What if televisions were not to be used on a Saturday

Transcript of Business Aims & Objectives, 2013 Year 9 GCSE Business Studies.

Business Aims & Objectives, 2013 Year 9 GCSE Business Studies Learning Objectives To know the difference between a business aim and a business objective (E-D) To understand why businesses have different aims and objectives, and why they are set (C-B) To apply aims and objectives to different types of business (C-B) Starter Activity What if the world ran out of petrol tomorrow What if it was never going to be over 25*C in Brentwood forever What if you had to stay in compulsory education until after University What if Police went on strike for a week What if televisions were not to be used on a Saturday Scenario David Beckham has retired and wants to keep himself busy, so he has decided to set up a business selling replica sports shirts. He decides to hire a small stall in Camden market, and has decided to work 7 days a week. With every purchase- David said that he will sign the shirt to help boost early sales In the future David wants to replace his stall with his own shop Aims and Objectives An Aim: A large broad, unspecific target that a business has set for itself in the future An Objective: Smaller tasks that will all contribute to the completion of the main aim What may/were the following aiming for? How might they achieve these aims? Learning Objectives To know the difference between a business aim and a business objective To understand why businesses have different aims and objectives and why they are set To apply aims and objectives to different types of business Miss Burrs Sprite Spree! It cost me 10p to buy these from CostCo! What would be my FIRST aim when selling these on? Miss Burrs Sprite Spree! One year on.. What would I hope to be able to do when selling my cans of Sprite after a year? Selling them for 14p!!! Miss Burrs Sprite Spree! 18 months on. What would I hope to be able to do when selling my cans of Sprite after 18 months? Provide a GOOD Customer Service Miss Burrs Sprite Spree! 2 years on. What would I hope to be able to do when selling my cans of Sprite after 2 years? Miss Burrs Sprite Spree! Expand Growth!!! Typical Business Aims Survival- Making sure the business is able to trade next year Make a profit Provide a GOOD service Growth- Increase in size may mean more customers and more shops etc DO ALL BUSINESSES AIM FOR THE SAME THING? Charity and an Entrepreneur? Yes because No because Skate Shack Watch Business Interactive and complete the activity Learning Objectives To know the difference between a business aim and a business objective To understand why businesses have different aims and objectives, and why they are set To apply aims and objectives to different types of business What could the Aims and Objectives be for these? Learning Objectives To know the difference between a business aim and a business objective To understand why businesses have different aims and objectives, and why they are set To apply aims and objectives to different types of business