Bushido ND Rules BW

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Transcript of Bushido ND Rules BW

  • 7/30/2019 Bushido ND Rules BW


    The Rules

  • 7/30/2019 Bushido ND Rules BW



    Active Model: The model as chosen by the Active Playercurrently resolving its action.

    Active Player: The player who is Controlling the Activemodel.

    Base to Base:A model is in Base to Base (abbreviatedto BtB) with another model i their bases are physicallytouching.

    Controller:A models Controller is the player withwhom it is currently Friendly.

    Cover:A model benets rom Cover i an Enemy modelcannot draw Line o Sight (abbreviated to LoS) to itsentire Volume, or i the LoS drawn passes through anObscuring Terrain element.

    Damage Roll:A roll using 2D6 adding the two rolledresults together, applying any negative or positive modi-

    ers and cross reerencing on the Wound Table in thecolumn equal to the Success Level o the test, to see thenumber o wounds inficted on a model.

    Dice Rolls: Bushido uses Six sided dice (reerred to as aD6), a D3 (D6 with the results 12=1, 34=2, 56=3) ora D2 (D6 with the results 13=1, 46=2). When halvinga result, always round down.

    Enemy/Friendly: All models are either Friendly orEnemy, dependent on which players Warband theyare currently in. Models in a players own Warband are

    Friendly. Models in an Opponents Warband are Enemy.

    Facing:A models Facing is directly in the centre o itsLine o Sight. It should be marked with an arrow or dot.

    Initiative: The model with the Initiative checks itsAttack dice rst in Melee Exchanges and declares theuse o Ki Boosts and Ki Feats ater their Opponent. TheActive model has the Initiative unless a trait, State orgame aect changes this.

    Line o Sight:A model can draw LoS up to 90 degreeseither side o its Facing (see Facing). LoS is achieved iyou are able to draw a straight line rom the centre o amodels base to a point on the table or Volume o anothermodel (See Volume). LoS can be blocked by othermodels (including Friendly) and Terrain elements.

    Measuring Distances: DistancesinBushidoaremeasuredininches. Movementdistancesaremeasuredfromthenearest

    base edge to the point the model wishes to moveollowing the route the models base will take.

    Targetingdistancesaremeasuredfromthenearestbase edge o a model to the nearest base edge o theTarget.

    Distancescanonlybemeasuredafteranactionor game eect is declared. I a model is unable tocomplete the declared action due to having insu-cient movement or range then the action is stillresolved and any costs paid.

    terms and concepts

    Cover Example

    Facing & Measuring Movement

    Facing is the

    centre point o


    180 LoS

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    Size: Unless a models Size is stated as a trait it is deter-mined by its base. SmallBase(30mm)=Mediumsize MediumBase(40mm)=Mediumsize


    Targeting:A model must be able to draw LoS to anothermodel to Target it. A model may always Target itsel.

    Volume: Models occupy a Volume covering their basesarea and extending to a height dependant on its Size. Tiny=0.5" Small=1" Medium=1.5" Large=2" Huge=2.5"

    Warband:A players Warband consists o recruited,summoned and Controlled models and Special cards.

    Zone o Control: In Bushido, every modelhas a Zone o Control (abbreviated to ZoC)extending1"fromtheedgeofitsbasetoany point within its LoS. Models ignoreFriendly Zones o Control when movingbut once a model enters an Enemymodels ZoC it may only move directlytowards that model, or directly away, untilit leaves the ZoC. Models in BtB withEnemy models have no ZoC. I the Enemymodel(s) leave BtB then the models Zones

    o Control do not return until the end o thecurrent activation.

    Zone of Control

    A typical 2' by 2' board, this one represents a amiliar scenerom across the Jwar Isles.

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    Profile CardsModels in Bushido are represented by a prolecard. The prole cards contain all the inorma-tion that will be used in a game specic to thatmodel(s). You also use the prole card to keeptrack o the wounds sustained by your model(s),Ki Tokens and game eects.1. Name: The name o the model(s).

    2. Type: The type aects some game eects.

    3. Statistics: The number is the models basestatistic value. Some models alsohave a number oKi icons to theside o the Statistic value. This isthe Statistics Ki Boost cost. This is the costin Ki Tokens to increase the base value byone or the duration o a single Movement,Target or Opposed test. A player may increasea Statistic multiple times (to a maximum o double itsbase Statistic), as long as there are Ki Tokens avail-able to do so (See Ki Feats).a. Melee Skill (MS). This is the number o dice the

    model uses when resolving an Opposed Melee test.b. Ranged Attack Skill (RAS). This is the number

    o dice the model uses when resolving a RangedAttack action.

    c. Move: The distance the model can move in inches.d. Ki: The rst number tells you the amount o

    Ki Tokens each model represented by this cardgenerates during the Starting Phase and thenumber o dice it uses or Opposed and Target

    Ki tests. The second, smaller number is themaximum number o Ki Tokens each modelrepresented by this card can have at any one time.

    4. Wounds Track: The number o wounds a model cansuer. When a model has 0 wounds remaining on itsWound Track it is removed rom the table.

    5. Traits: Each model may have a number o traits (SeeTraits) that describe how it behaves in the game.

    6. Feats: Ki Feats available to the model(s).

    7. Melee and Ranged weapon grids:Most models in Bushido have one or both types.a. Designates the weapon as either a Melee or

    Ranged Attack weapon.i. Ranged Weapons have Range Bands.ii. Short Range (rst value): Ranged Attacks against

    Targets up to this distance are at Short Range.iii. Medium Range (second value): Ranged

    Attacks against Targets between the rst andsecond value are at Medium Range.

    iv. Long Range (third value): Ranged Attacksagainst Targets between the second and thirdvalue are at Long Range.

    v. Ranged Attacks against Targets at distances

    exceeding the weapons, Long Range, auto-matically ail.b. A weapons Strength modier to any Damage

    Rolls made by this weapon. (Sp) indicates aspecial eect, see the models Unique Eects orurther instructions. A indicates no modierto the Damage Roll.

    c. Any Special Attacks and Deences available to themodel(s).

    A model with no Melee weapon grid on its prolecard halves the number o wounds it inficts rom itsMelee Attack Damage Rolls.

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    8. Faction symbol:Which Faction the model belongsto. Your Warband can only consist o models thatbelong to the same Faction.

    9. Unique Eects :Any special rules.

    10. Rice Cost: The cost to recruit this model into yourWarband. Models with Su are Summoned modelsthat enter play during the game through a Ki Feat orUnique Eect and cannot be recruited when creatingyour Warband. Models with Sp are models with aspecial rule which will be explained on its prole cardand cannot be recruited when creating your Warband.I a cards Rice Cost is ollowed with ea then the costis per model recruited into the Warband.

    sPeCial CardsThere are three types oSpecial cards that playerscan recruit when creatingtheir Warband, each cardcan only be recruitedonce per Warbandunless it has the trait,Multiple (X). Each typeis dierent in how andwhat they aect duringthe game and theseare explained in detailbelow, but all have theollowing categories:1. Name: The cards


    2. Faction: A Warband can only purchase Specialcards with the same Faction symbol as the Warband,or those with no Faction symbol.

    3. Type: This species i it is an Event, Enhancementor Terrain card.

    4. Description: Describes the cards eects.

    5. Traits: Any traits that apply to that card.

    6. Rice Cost: The cost to recruit thecard or the Warband.

    Enhancement CardsThe model(s) will benet rom the

    eects detailed on the card or as longas it is Attached to the model(s) prole

    card. The player must decide to which prole card theEnhancement card is Attached during the creation otheir Warband. Place an Attached Enhancement cardunder the chosen prole card.

    A prole card can only have one Enhancement cardAttached.

    Models with the Insignicant trait cannot haveEnhancement cards Attached to their prole cards.

    Some Enhancement cards have the ollowing traits:Heavy: Model(s) to which it is attached gain the Slowtrait.

    Stackable: This Enhancement does not count towardthe limit o one Enhancement card per prole card.

    Multiple (X): This card can be purchased or a Warbandup to X times.

    Restriction (Type): This card can only beAttached to the type o model stated.

    Exclusion (Type): This card cannot be Attachedto the type o model stated.

    Event CardsEvent cards are played once, at atime detailed on the card. Once thecard is resolved then it is discardedand removed rom the game.

    Terrain CardsTerrain cards allow a player to placea specied Terrain element on thetable during the players normalDeployment o their Warband.Terrain elements deployed due to

    Terrain cards must ollow normal rulesor Terrain element placement, unlessstated on the card.

    Terrain cards have Diculty and Visibility traits.

    Warband ComPositionA players Warband in Bushido is made up o a number omodels and any Special cards rom the same Faction. TheRice Cost o your Warband must come to the same totalas that o your Opponent. Players can only recruit oneo each card; this does not prohibit the Opponent romrecruiting the card or their Warband. Sometimes two ormore models are represented by the same prole card. Aplayer can choose to recruit as many models as there are

    Wound tracks on the prole card.

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    actions & conditions

    Models in Bushido perorm actions to aect thegame. The actions a model can take depend on its

    Condition and whether its in BtB with an Enemy model.Models in BtB with an Enemy model may only declareMelee, Disengage or Ki Feats without the Not in Meleeicon (See Ki Feats).

    The Active Player chooses which model they are acti-vating (the Active Model) and what action the model willtake, the model must declare a Simple or Complex action.

    Remember Exhausted models cannot be chosen toactivate, but can still participate in Melee Exchanges iTargeted by a Charge or Melee action.

    ConditionThroughout a game o Bushido all models will be in one othree Conditions: Rested, Tired or Exhausted. A modelsCondition aects the type o actions it can declare, i itcan be chosen to activate and any penalties it may suer.The three Conditions are:

    Rested: The model may be activated and declare eithera Simple or Complex action. Models without either aTired or Exhausted Condition marker are Rested.

    All models start each Turn Rested.

    Tired: The model may be activated and declare aSimple action.

    Exhausted: The model may not be chosen toactivate by the Active Player and suers a penaltyto its Melee Skill (See Melee Exchanges) and

    is easier to hit with Ranged Attack actions (SeeRanged Attacks).

    Once an action has been resolved then both playerschange the Condition o their models depending on theaction perormed.

    Remember i a model participated in a MeleeExchange then its Condition worsens even though it wasnot the Active model. Simple action = Tired marker.

    Complex action or Simple action (whilst in the Tired

    Condition) = Exhausted marker.During the End Phase remove all Condition markers.

    simPle aCtions Disengage:The model resolves a Melee Exchange,

    however it must allocate more dice to Deence thanto Attack, and i unable to do this it cannot attempt aDisengage action. I the model successully deendsthen ater the Melee is resolved it makes a move-ment as i it had perormed a Walk action (See Walkaction).

    KiFeat:The model may attempt to perorm a SimpleKi Feat listed on its prole card. Some Ki Feats canbe combined with a movement as i it had perormeda Walk action (See Walk action).

    Melee:The model must attempt to enter BtB withan Enemy model by moving up to its Move Statistic,during this movement it may only enter into the ZoCo the model with whom it is attempting to enter BtB,whilst within that models ZoC it may ignore otherEnemy models Zones o Control. I at the end o its movement it is in BtB with theEnemy model it must resolve a Melee Exchange.Models starting their activation in BtB with a singleEnemy model may move around that Enemy modelsbase beore a Melee Exchange is resolved. I a model starting its activation in BtB with anEnemy model attempts to enter BtB with anotherEnemy model and ails to do so it must resolve a MeleeExchange against the model it started in BtB with.

    RangedAttack:The model makes a Ranged Attack(see Ranged Attack) and may make a movement as

    i it had perormed a Walk action (See Walk action)either beore or ater the Ranged Attack is resolved.The model cannot make a Ranged Attack whilst inan Enemy models ZoC.

    Reload:The model removes a Reload marker (SeeTraits). It may neither move nor change Facingduring this action.

    Run: The model rotates its Facing to a point withinits LoS. The model may then make a movement upto its Move Statistic X 1.5 in a straight line, directly

    towards that point. A model may not Run into an

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    Melee Action

    Ranged Action

    Walk Action

    1. Targeting this model would be unsuccessul

    as the model does not have enough move-

    ment to bring it into BtB, due to model 2sZone o Control.

    2. Targeting this model would be successul as

    the model has enough movement to bring it

    into BtB.

    3. Targeting this model would be successul as the

    model has enough movement to bring it into

    BtB, despite the Target not being in LoS as

    Melee actions do not require LoS to the Target.

    4. Targeting this model would be unsuccessul as

    the model does not have enough movement to

    bring it into BtB.

    1. Model Un-targetable due to not having LoS.

    LoS can only be drawn 3 into an Obscuring

    Terrain element, such as these woods.

    2. Model Targetable.

    3. Model Targetable, but the Target number

    or the test would be at +2 due to Cover. I a

    models volume is in anyway obscured then it

    gains Cover.

    4. Model Un-targetable due to being out o LoS.

    LoS extends 180 degrees orward.

    The models walk action could move it to loca-tion 1, 2 or 3. In example 3 it would only move

    at hal movement through the pond (Difcult


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    Enemy models ZoC, into BtB with an Enemymodel, or change its Facing ater the movement.

    SimpleScenario: The model may not be in BtB with

    an Enemy model, or in an Enemys ZoC, and mustbe in BtB with a Scenario Objective. See the specicScenario or the eect. It may neither move norchange Facing during this action.

    Standup: The model removes its Prone marker andmay change its Facing. I Stand Up brings the modelinto BtB with an Enemy model resolve a MeleeExchange ater removing the Prone State.

    Wait:The model does nothing.

    Walk: The model may make a movement up to itsMove Statistic in any direction and change its Facingat the end o the movement. Changing Facing isconsidered a movement, even i the model remainsin the same place. A model perorming a Walk actionmay not move into an Enemys ZoC or move intoBtB with an Enemy model.

    ComPlex aCtions Charge:The model Targets an Enemy model and

    may make a movement up to its Move Statistic x2 ina straight line toward that model. During this move-

    ment it may only enter into the ZoC o the TargetedEnemy model, i it would pass through anotherEnemy models ZoC its movement stops at the ZoC.HoweverifwithintheTargetedmodelsZoCitmayignore other Enemy models Zones o Control.

    I it does not have enough movement to achieveBtB with its Target its action ends. I the movementbrings the model into BtB with the Targeted Enemymodel a Melee Exchange is resolved. For this MeleeExchange the model that perormed the Chargeaction gains a +2 to its rst Damage Roll o theMelee Exchange.

    Kifeat:The model may attempt to perorm aComplex Ki eat listed on its prole card. Some KiFeats can be combined with a movement as i it hadperormed a Walk action (See Walk action).

    Focus:The model gains a number o Ki Tokensequal to its Ki Statistic. It may neither move norchange Facing during this action.

    ComplexScenario:The model may not be in BtBwith an Enemy model or in an Enemys ZoC andmust be in BtB with a Scenario Objective. See thespecic Scenario or the eect. It may neither movenor change Facing during this action.

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    Charge Actions

    Successul, as the model is able to move in a

    straight line into BtB with the Target o the

    Charge, easily within the models 8 Charge

    action movement.

    Successul, as the Charge action Targeting Kato

    would bring the model into BtB without crossing

    through another enemy models ZoC and the

    distance is within the models 8 Charge action


    The Charge action Targeting Kato would ail as

    the route taken or movement would cause it to

    cross through an Enemy models ZoC which is

    not the Target o the Charge action, thereore it

    must stop when it reaches the ZoC.

    The Charge against the Armoured Kairai would

    ail as the model was unable to move into Base

    to Base ater moving the 8 Charge action


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    To see i a models action is successul and howsuccessul oten requires a test.

    There are two primary types o tests in Bushido,Opposed and Target. Both tests involve rolling D6s, i theresult on a dice is a natural 1 then it cannot be used toresolve the test, and does not count or tie breakers whencalculating the number o dice rolled. I all dice rolledresult in 1s then the nal result is considered 0.

    All additional 6s results a ter the rst add a +1 to thenal result o a test.

    I naturally or because o negative modiers a modelsStatistic value used or an Opposed or Target test is 0 orless the player still rolls a single dice. In Opposed testsmodels gain a +1 modier to their Statistic value per valuethe Enemy models Statistic drops below 1. Eg. A value o0 would coner a +1. A value o -1 would coner +2 andso on.When declaring the use o Ki Boosts and Ki Feats duringany test the Active model or the Model with the Initiativechooses and declares second.

    ConduCting rerollsIn the event o rerolling dice then rerolls should beconducted in the ollowing order:1. The Active model (or model with the Initiative) picks

    any rerolls o the Opponents models dice, these diceare then rerolled.

    2. The Opponent then picks any rerolls o the Activemodels dice and chooses i they will reroll any otheir own dice, these dice are then rerolled.

    3. The Active model (or model with the Initiative) thenchooses to reroll any o its own dice, these are thenrerolled.

    oPPosed testsThese require two models to roll a number o dice equalto their Statistic values being used or the X value o a KiFeat. They are resolved in the ollowing order:1. The models calculate their dice pools, deciding i they

    will use any abilities, Ki Feats or increase the statisticbeing used through a Ki Boost.

    2. Both players then roll their dice and conduct anyrerolls.

    3. The models apply any modiers to their highest diceresults rolled to get their nal results.

    4. The nal results are then compared, the successulmodel being the one with the highest nal result.The dierence between the nal results is theSuccess Level o the test.

    In the case o the same nal results tie breakers are usedin the ollowing order:1. Player who rolled the highest number o dice,

    excluding 1s wins.

    2. Active Players model wins.

    I naturally or because o negative modiers a modelsStatistic value used or an Opposed or Target test is 0 orless the player still rolls a single dice. In Opposed testsmodels gain a +1 modier to their Statistic value pervalue the Enemy models Statistic drops below 1. Eg. Avalue o 0 would coner a +1. A value o -1 would coner

    +2 and so on.

    target testsThese require rolling a number o dice equal to thenamed Statistic/type i.e. Ki/Target test (5), Move/Targettest (6). The bracketed number is the number that must beequalled or exceeded by the nal result o the dice rolledand is called a Target Number. I a model does this thetest is a success, i not it is a ailure. I the test is a successand requires a Success Level this is the dierence betweenthe nal result rolled and the Target Number.

    I no Statistic is specied then the Target test is madeusing a single D6.

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    enceto n t enum er o woun s n cte yt e attack.

    Success LevelTheSuccessLevel ofanattackcannotgoabove10.

    Fina lmo d ifie d Da ma g e Ro ll

    The mo d i fie d r e s u lto ft he Da ma g e Ro l l

    c a nno tb e

    lo we rt ha n2o rhi g

    he rtha n12.

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 73 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 84 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 95 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 96 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 107 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 108 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 109 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1212 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    ence to n t e num er o woun s n cte y t e attack.

    Success LevelThe Success Level ofan attack cannot go above 10.












    dr e

















    ert h



    .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    2 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 73 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 84 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 95 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 96 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 107 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 108 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 109 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1212 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    Wound tableThe Success Level indicates which column o the WoundTable the player should consult. The player then rolls2D6, adds the results together, adds any positive or nega-

    tive modiers, this nal number is the row to cross reer-ence to nd the number o wounds inficted by the attack.

    1s are not ailures when making a Damage Roll.Models without a Melee Combat Grid on their prole

    cards halve the nal number o wounds inficted by

    successul Attacks.

    Success LevelThe Success Level of an attack cannot go above 10.





    cannotbelowerthan2orhigherthan12. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    2 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    3 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    Example: Hanso is successul in his Attack against a

    Rice Farmer with a Success Level o 3 or the Attack. The

    player rolls 2 and 6 or his Damage Roll and adds +2 or

    Hansos Melee Strength modifer, or a fnal result o 10.

    Cross reerencing the results on the Wound Table he sees

    that the Rice Farmer will suer 4 wounds.

    Example:A Kairai villager is successul in its Attack

    against Zuba with a Success Level o 5. The player rolls

    a 1 and 3 or his Damage Roll and so the fnal result is

    4. Cross reerencing the results on the Wound Table he

    sees that Zuba would suer 4 wounds but has the trait

    Toughness (1) and so only suers 3 wounds.

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    ranged attaCksThe steps to resolving Ranged Attack actions are:1. Declare a Ranged Attack action.

    a. The model may move up to its Move Statistic in

    any direction or change Facing.b. Target an Enemy model.

    c. Measure the distance to the Enemy model andcheck this distance against the weapons RangeBands to see which Range the Ranged Attack is at(See Prole Cards).I the distance is urther than the Long Range othe weapon the action ails, move to step 8.

    d. Players declare the use o any Ki Feats, traits orUnique Eects.

    e. Target Number o the Ranged Attack test is calcu-lated based on the Range Band with any modiersapplied.

    2. The Active Player then calculates the dice pool usingthe models Ranged Attack Skill Statistic as the basenumber o dice used, then decides i they will useany o its abilities, use a Ki eat or increase its RangedAttack Skill Statistic through a Ki Boost.a. The Active Player then rolls their dice.b. The Active Player conducts any rerolls o dice.c. The Active Player can then choose up to an addi-

    tional two dice rolled which were not 1s. Each othese will add +1 to the highest dice rolled. 6s cancombine their natural +1 modier to this bonus.This gives the nal result o the Ranged Attack test.

    3. The player compares the nal result against theTarget Number. I the Attack is a success continue toStep 4, i the Attack has ailed skip to Step 7.

    4. The player Controlling the Targeted model may atthis point nominate a dierent Friendly model as thenew Target i:

    a. The Active models LoS crosses through the nomi-

    nated models ZoC beore contacting the originalTarget s Volume.b. The nominated model is able to draw LoS to the

    Active model.c. The nominated model is not Exhausted.

    d. I a model was nominated and the steps a, b and cwere met then the nominated model becomes theTargeted model.

    5. The players declare the use o any Instant Ki Feats.

    6. The Active Player then makes a Damage Roll againstthe Target model.

    7. The Active model may move up to its Move Statisticin any direction or change Facing i it has not alreadydone so this activation. The model gains any Reloadmarkers and removes Ammo markers rom themodels prole card.

    8. The Ranged Attack action is now resolved and theActive models Condition will worsen one degree(Rest Tired Exhausted).

    Ranged Attack ModifersRange Bands Base Target Number

    Short 3

    Medium 5

    Long 7

    Eect Target Number Modifer

    Target is Tiny +2

    Target is Small +1

    Target is Large -1

    Target is Huge -2

    Target is Prone -1

    Target is Exhausted -1

    Target is Surprised -1

    Target in Cover +2

    Active model ran this turn +1

    Active model moved +1

    Active model will move +1

    Targeting a model in BtBI a model Targets a model in BtB with a Friendly modelthen ater step 4 make a Ranged Attack Skill Target test(5), with the ollowing modiers to the Target Number.

    Remember; For Target tests that do not speciy aStatistic to use, use a single dice.

    Target is Tiny +2

    Target is Small +1

    Target is Large -1

    Target is Huge Automatic Success

    Example: A Player rolls 5, 4, 1 the total is 6, the 1 is

    discarded and the 4 adds +1 to the highest dice, in this

    case 5. So 5 +1 or a fnal result o 6

    Example:A Player rolls 6, 6, 2 the total is 9, thesecond 6 adds +2 and the 2 adds +1 to the highest

    dice, in this case 6. So 6 +2 +1 or a fnal result o 9

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    I the test is successul proceed as normal, i however thetest is a ailure then the Target o the Attack is changedto the nearest Friendly model in BtB and LoS. TheRanged Attack continues with the new Target.

    The Active Player activates a Bakemono Archer and declares

    a Ranged Attack action. It is not in BtB with or in the ZoC o

    an Enemy model, so its able to declare this action.

    The player moves the Bakemono and declares a Monkey as the

    Target o the action, neither player wishes to use any Ki Feats.

    He measures the range and it is 7.

    The Range Bands or the Bakemonos Ranged Weapon are

    4/8/12 meaning it is the Medium Range Band with a base

    Target Number o 5.

    He then checks the modifers table and adds +1 or the

    Bakemono having moved and +1 or the Monkey being

    Small, making the fnal Target Number 7.

    Next he calculates his dice pool or the test; his Ranged

    Attack Skill Statistic is 2. He could boost his Ranged Attack

    Skill with a Ki Boost that would cost this model 3 Ki Tokens,

    but chooses not to.

    He rolls the 2 dice and rolls a 4 and 5 meaning the fnal

    result is a 6. The highest dice was a 5 and the 4 adds a +1.

    He checks this against the Target Number 7 and realises

    the Attack has ailed, he places a Reload marker on the

    Bakemonos profle card and its Condition worsens one

    degree. The action is resolved and his Opponent now becomesthe Active Player.

    Ranged Example

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    melee exChangesWhen a Melee Exchange occurs rst determine whichmodel has the Initiative. The model with the Initiative isthe Attacker the other model the Deender, the Attacker

    checks its Attack dice rst in the Melee Exchange anddeclares the use o Ki Boosts and Ki Feats second.Active models have the Initiative but some traits andStates change this. I a model has a trait that causes twoopposing eects on its Initiative then both traits canceleach other.

    Use the ollowing steps to resolve a Melee Exchange:

    1. Rotate both models so their Facings are touching.

    2. Both players then calculate their models dice poolusing its Melee Skill Statistic value as the basenumber o dice used. They then decide i they willuse any abilities, Ki Feats or increase its Melee SkillStatistic through a Ki Boost.

    3. Once the players have calculated their dice poolsthey must both secretly decide how to allocate thedice between Attack and Deence. I players are usinga Special Attack or Special Deence then they mustsecretly remove a number o dice rom their poolequal to the cost o the Special Attack or Deence(See Special Attacks & Deences).a. This is why you need dierent coloured dice; one

    colour represents Attack and one colour representsDeence. For example, a model with a Melee Skillo 3 may roll either 3 Attack dice, 2 Attack dice and1 Deence die, 1 Attack die and 2 Deence dice or3 Deence dice.

    4. Once both players have allocated their dice theyannounce simultaneously i they are using a SpecialAttack or Deence.

    a. Remember a model can only use one SpecialAttack or Deence, not both types.

    5. Both players then roll all o their dice simultaneously,and conduct any rerolls.

    6. Both players then calculate their nal Attack andDeence results by selecting the highest dice oeach type (Deence and Attack), each player canchoose up to an additional two dice rolled o eachtype (Attack & Deence) which were not 1s. Each othese will add +1 to the highest dice rolled. 6s cancombine their natural +1 modier to this bonus. Theplayers apply any modiers to their highest dice rolled

    to get their models nal Attack and Deence results.

    a. Remember, i a player rolls no dice o one typethen their nal result o that type is 0.

    7. The Attacker compares its nal Attack result against

    the Deenders nal Deence result. a. I the Attacker was successul apply the eects o

    any Special Attacks used by the Attacker and moveto Step 8.

    b. I the Attack ailed apply any Special Deencesused by the Deender and move to Step 10.

    8. The players declare the use o any Instant Ki Feats

    9. The Attacker makes a Damage Roll against theDeender. I this results in either the Deender modelbeing removed rom the table, no longer being in BtBwith the Attacker or becoming Prone skip to Step 11.

    10.Run through Step 7 with the Deender becoming theAttacker i it allocated dice to Attack, unless it hasalready been the Attacker this Melee Exchange.

    11. The Melee Exchange is now resolved and bothmodels Condition worsens one degree.

    Melee Attack ModifersEect Modifer

    Model is Exhausted -1

    Model is Frightened -1

    Model is Outnumbered -1 per model Outnumbering

    Model is Prone -1

    Model ran this turn -1

    Model is Surprised -1

    OutnumberingModels in Melee Exchanges suer a -1 modier or eachEnemy model in BtB, with which they are not resolving aMelee Exchange during this activation, and are not also

    in BtB with a Friendly model.

    In picture one the Large based Oni is Outnumbered by the

    two Ashigaru. However in picture two the Oni would not be

    Outnumbered as the Friendly model has entered BtB with

    the Outnumbering Ashigaru.

    1 2

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    The Active Player chooses and activates Kenko to perorm a

    Melee action against the Ashigaru. As Kenko is the Active

    Player he has the Initiative, both models rotate so that their

    Facing markings are touching.

    The players calculate their dice pools

    in the ollowing order. First the player

    Controlling the Ashigaru; he has a base

    pool o 3 dice as this is his base Melee

    Skill Statistic, he chooses not to use a Ki

    Boost so has 3 dice to allocate between

    Attack and Deence.

    Next Kenkos Controller calculates

    his dice pool; his starting pool is 4, as

    this is his base Melee Skill Statistic he

    decides to spend 2 Ki Tokens to Ki Boost

    to increase his pool by 1 rom 4 to 5 dice

    or his pool.

    Both players secretly allocate their dice. Kenkos Controller

    decides to use a Special Attack, Combo Attack (1) which

    costs 1 die rom his pool and so now leaves him with a pool o

    4, he secretly allocates 3 to Attack and 1 to Deence.

    The Ashigarus Controller needs the Ashigaru to tie up Kenko

    and so secretly allocates 2 to Deence and 1 to Attack.

    Both players simultaneously announce the use o Special

    Attacks or Deences. The Ashigarus Controller announces

    that he has not chosen to use a Special Attack or Deence.Kenkos Controller reveals that he is using the Combo

    Special Attack which cost him 1 so he rolls 4 not 5 dice in


    Both players roll. Kenko gets 6, 5, 1 in Attack and a 4 in

    Deence. The Ashigaru rolls 4, 4 or his Deence and 5 in


    As Kenko has the Initiative rom

    being the Active model he checks

    his Attack dice frst. His fnal

    Attack result is 7 (6 being his

    highest dice and +1 rom the 5) he

    cannot use the 1 as it is a ailure.

    The Ashigarus fnal Deence result

    is a 5 (4 being his highest dice

    rolled and +1 rom the other 4).

    This means that Kenkos Attack is a success with a Success

    Level o 2, the dierence between the fnal results (7-5=2).

    Beore he makes his Damage Roll Kenkos Controller decides

    to use his Instant Ki Feat Fists o Iron or 2 Ki Tokens,

    meaning that he will add +3 (+1 Melee Strength modifer,

    +2 rom the Ki Feat) to his Damage Roll. He rolls a 2, 2, and

    then adds the +3 or a result o 7. Unortunately the Ashigaru

    has Armour (2) and so this is deducted rom the result leaving

    a fnal result o 5. Looking at the

    Wound Table, the Ashigaru only

    suers 1 wound.

    As he used Combo Attack he reduces the Success Level by 2

    and rolls again immediately in the Success Level 0 Column

    (2 being the original Success Level, -2 or the Combo Attack).

    This time he rolls a 6, 5 and then adds +3, -2 or the armour

    gives him a fnal result o 12. He cross reerences the Wound

    Table again, and fnds that

    the Ashigaru suers another

    3 wounds.

    Now, as the Ashigaru is still on the table, not Prone, in BtB,

    placed dice in Attack, and has not been the Attacker in this

    Melee Exchange they swap roles and he becomes the Attacker

    checking his fnal Attack result (5) against Kenkos fnal

    Deence result (4).

    Starting with the deender, neither decides to use any Instant Ki

    Feats. The Ashigarus Controller makes a Damage Roll againstKenko and rolls a 4, 5 giving a fnal result o 9. Looking at the

    Wound Table he fnds that Kenko suers 2 wounds.

    As both models have been the Attacker, the Melee Exchange

    is resolved and both models Condition worsens by onedegree.

    Melee Example

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    These are special abilities that allow a model to triggera special eect i it uses the ability and successully

    Attacks or Deends.I a model is able to attempt one o these Special

    Attacks/Deences it will appear on the models prolecard (See Prole cards). All Special Attacks and Deenceshave an X cost ater the name text, this is the number odice to remove rom the models Melee dice pool (SeeMelee Exchanges) i it chooses to use a Special Attackor Deence. This modier only aects the current MeleeExchange being resolved. A model may only perorm oneSpecial Attack or Deence per Melee Exchange.

    I through a movement rom a Special Attack orDeence an Enemy model is moved into BtB with anothermodel then dependant on the two models Sizes one othe ollowing occurs:

    IfthemodelcontactedisofalargerSize,themovingmodel stops at the point at which it entered BtB.

    IfthemodelcontactedisofanequalSize,themoving model stops at the point at which it enteredBtB and both models become Prone.

    IfthemodelcontactedisofasmallerSize,themoving model continues its movement and pushesthe model it contacted directly away rom the pointo contact a distance that would enable the movingmodel to continue its movement without contactingthe model. The model it contacted becomes Prone atthe end o the movement.

    I an Impassable Terrain element would prevent thismovement then the model must stop at the point ocontact with the Terrain element.

    sPeCial attaCksSlam Attack: I the Attack is successul the Deenderis moved D3 directly away and becomes Prone. TheDeender suers hal the wounds rom the Damage Rollcaused by this Attack.

    Throw Attack: I the Attack is successul the Deender

    is placed anywhere within D2, and within LoS o the

    Attacker, and becomes Prone. The Deender suers halthe wounds rom the Damage Roll caused by this Attack.

    Sweep Attack: I the Attack is successul then theDeender becomes Prone. The Deender suers hal thewounds rom the Damage Roll caused by this Attack.

    Powerul Attack: I the Attack is successul then theAttacker gains an additional +2 Strength or the DamageRoll caused by this Attack.

    Combo Attack: I the Attack is successul then ater aDamage Roll resulting rom this Attack, deduct -2 romthe Success Level o the Attack. I the Success Levelis 0 or greater make another Damage Roll against theDeender. Repeat this process until the Success Level isless than 0.

    Critical Strike Attack: I this models Attack is successuland the individual dice results o the Damage Roll are thesame number, remove the Deender rom the game.

    Push Attack: I the Attack is successul, move theDeender 1 directly away rom this model. The Deenderdoes not suer a Damage Roll rom this Attack.

    Force Back Attack: I the Attack is successul, move theDeender 1 directly away and then move the Attackerdirectly towards it into BtB. The Deender does notsuer a Damage Roll rom this Attack.

    special abilities

    Example: Yumi is successul in his Attack against a

    Kairai with a Success Level o 3. The player makes a

    Damage Roll cross reerencing with the Success Level

    3 column, then ater that is resolved they will make

    another Damage Roll cross reerencing with the Success

    Level 1 (3 - 2 = 1 column). Ater this they will stop as the

    next -2 would reduce the Success Level to below 0.

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    sPeCial defenCesCounter Attack Deence: I this Deence is successul,and the Attacker allocated any dice to Attack, thendeduct -2 rom the Success Level o the Deence. I the

    Success Level is 0 or greater then make a Damage Rollagainst the Attacker, cross reerencing with the WoundChart in the column equal to that nal Success Level othe Deence.

    Throw Deence: I the Deence is successul theAttacker is placed within D2, within LoS o theDeender, and becomes Prone.

    Sweep Deence: I the Deence is successul then theAttacker becomes Prone.

    Side Step Deence: I the Deence is successul movethe Deender 1 away rom the At tacker.

    Push Deence: I the Deence is successul move theAttacker 1 directly away rom the Deender.

    Drag Deence: I the Deence is successul move theDeender 1 directly away rom the Attacker, then movethe Attacker directly into BtB with the Deender.

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    model states

    Amodel may, through game eects, enter intoa number o dierent States during a game. A

    model may be in more than one State at a time. Tokensor markers should be placed on a models prole card ornext to the model on the table to clearly indicate a modelsState to the Opponent.

    Berserk: The model gains the Aggressive andImpetuous traits. This model may only declareMelee or Charge actions and needs to attempt to

    move into BtB in the most direct route possible, with thenearest Enemy model. I the model is unable to Targetan Enemy due to a trait, Ki Feat or Unique Eect it mayperorm any action.

    Blind: I a model has a Blind marker it cannotdraw LoS outside o BtB, must be the Attackersecond in Melee Exchanges and suers a -1

    MS modier. During the End Phase remove one Blindmarker rom each model with a Blind marker.

    Controlled:A Controlled model switchesWarbands or a number o actions equal tothe number o Control Tokens it has. Whilst

    Controlled the Controlling player may declare anyaction the model would normally be able to perorm butmay not spend its Ki Tokens, the model does howevergenerate Ki Tokens. Simple actions or participating ina Melee Exchange will remove one Control Token andComplex actions will remove two Control Tokens oncethe action is resolved. As soon as all the Control Tokensare removed the model returns to the original players


    Frightened: This model gains the Deensivetrait and suers a -1 MS modier. It may notdeclare actions that would move it into BtB with

    Enemy models with the Fear trait, During the MainPhase Frightened models automatically ail Fear tests.During the End Phase the model must retake the Feartest with the highest Target Number since entering theFrightened State, i successul remove the FrightenedState.

    On Fire: I a model has Fire markers it isconsidered to be On Fire. During the EndPhase remove the highest value Fire marker, the

    model suers a number o wounds equal to the removedFire markers value, these wounds ignore the Toughnesstrait, ater removing the highest value Fire marker, ithat model still has three or more o the same value Firemarkers replace two o those markers with a Fire markero one higher value. A model with Fire markers on itsprole card, or a Friendly model in BtB which is notin BtB with an Enemy model, or in an Enemy modelsZoC, may take a Simple action to remove two Firemarkers rom the model.

    Poisoned: I a model has Poison markers it isconsidered Poisoned. During the End Phase,remove the highest value Poison marker, the

    model suers wounds equal to the removed Poisonmarkers value, ater removing the highest value Poisonmarker, i that model still has three or more Poisonmarkers o the same value, replace two o those Poisonmarkers with a Poison marker o one higher value.

    Example: During the End Phase an Ashigaru has 3 x

    Fire markers (1) and 1 x Fire Marker (2) counters. The

    Ashigarus Controller removes the Fire (2) marker and

    suers two wounds. He then replaces 2 x Fire (1) markers

    with a Fire (2) marker leaving him with 1 x Fire (1)

    marker and 1 x Fire (2) marker.

    Example: During the End Phase an Ashigaru has 3 x

    Poison markers (1) and 1 x Poison Marker (2) counters.

    The Ashigarus Controller removes the Poison (2) marker

    and suers two wounds, and then replaces 2 x Poison (1)

    markers with a Poison (2) marker leaving him with 1 x

    Poison (1) marker and 1 x Poison (2) marker.

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    Prone: I a model is Prone it has no ZoC, doesnot block LoS and Enemy models may choosenot to be considered in BtB with them when

    declaring their actions, meaning the action choice is

    not restricted by being in BtB with the Prone model.Prone models must be the Attacker second in MeleeExchanges. The only action a Prone model may declareis Stand Up. I a Prone model is in a Melee Exchange orinitiates a Melee Exchange through taking a Stand Upaction it suers -1 MS modier or that Melee Exchange.

    Spirit Block: I a Model has a Spirit Blockmarker it does not generate Ki Tokens duringthe Ki Generation step. At the end o the Ki

    Generation Step remove one Spirit Block marker romeach model with a Spirit Block marker.

    Stunned: I a model has a Stunned marker itsuers a -1 MS modier. During the End Phaseremove one Stunned marker rom each model

    with a Stunned marker.

    Surprised:A model is Surprised i an Active Enemymodels action Targets it or brings it into BtB and thatEnemy model started outside o LoS and remains outsideo LoS during any movement. Surprised models may notdeclare Ki Feats or Ki Boosts, are always the Attackersecond in Melee Exchanges and may not benet romtraits or eects that aect Initiative, and suer a -1 MSmodier. Models are only Surprised until the action inwhich they became Surprised is resolved.

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    ki feats

    Each model may perorm the Ki Feats on its prolecard. Ki Feats are categorised in a number o ways,

    these explain any restrictions on a Ki Feats use, the timingo its use, its type and cost in Ki Tokens to use.

    Not in Melee: All Ki Feats may be used whilstthe model is in Melee unless it has this Icon.

    No Movement: Models perorming Simple andComplex Ki Feat actions can move as i theyhad taken a Walk action either beore or aterthe Ki Feat is resolved, unless it has this icon.

    When a Ki Feat can be used depends on its timing.Instant and Active Ki Feats are not considered actions.

    Instant:Can be used any time except in Melee

    Exchanges and Ranged Attacks when thetiming is detailed under Melee Exchanges andRanged Attacks.

    Because this is not an action it can becombined with a Simple or Complex action ithe model is the Active model.

    Active Player:Can only be used when this models Controller

    is the Active Player, even i it is not the ActiveModel.

    Because this is not an action it can becombined with a Simple or Complex action ithe model is the Active model.

    It is important to remember that Instant and Active Ki Featsand Ki Boosts cannot be used to aect dice already rolled,and any traits or eects that would aect a roll or test mustbe declared and any cost paid beore dice are rolled.

    Simple:A Simple Ki Feat requires a Simple action.Can only be used when the model is the Active



    A Complex Ki Feat requires a Complex action.Can only be used when the model is Active.

    Ki Feats are classied urther by whom they aect:

    Personal: The Ki Feat aects the user only.

    Target (X): The Ki Feat aects a specic Targetmodel. The Target must be within X otherwise

    the Ki Feat ails, Ki Tokens must still be paid or the KiFeats use.

    Aura: The Ki Feat aects an area that may beeither set or variable. The area the Aura covers

    is expressed as a 360 degree radius measured rom theedge o the models base. It extends through Terrainelements and models unless stated in the card text allmodels even partially within the Auras area are aected.The model rom which the Aura originates is alwaysconsidered within the Aura. Auras last until the EndPhase or the originating model is removed rom play.

    Pulse: The Ki Feat aects an area that may beeither set or variable. The area the Pulse covers

    is expressed as a 360 degree radius measured rom theedge o the models base. It extends through Terrainelements and models unless stated in the card text allmodels even partially within the Pulses area are aected.The model rom which the Pulse originates is alwaysconsidered within the Pulse. The Pulse lasts until themodels action is resolved.

    Special: The Ki Feat is unique in some way andis urther described on the models prole card.

    All Feats have a cost in Ki Tokens; this costmust be spent or the eects o the Ki Feat tobe applied. I a model does not have enough Ki

    Tokens then it may not declare the use o the Ki Feat.The cost o a Ki Feat can be expressed with either a

    xed cost, or a variable cost.

    Ki Boosts to StatisticsSome models are able to increase a Statistic throughthe spending o Ki Tokens (See Prole Cards). Theseincreases are Ki Feats that are Instant and Personal. Theincrease to the Statistic lasts until the current activation is

    resolved. Each Ki Boost is considered a separate Ki Feat.

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    Models in Bushido commonly have one or more traits.

    Some traits have X, Y or Type values in bracketsater the traits name. This value can be a positive or nega-tive modier, a range or the Type o model (See ProleCards) the trait aects.

    Some traits on a models prole card may have eitherMelee or Ranged ater the trait in brackets, in this casethe trait only applies to the models weapons o that type.I neither Melee nor Ranged is stated it applies to all themodels weapon types.

    Players cannot choose whether they use traits, but canchoose in which order their own models traits trigger.Unless stated in their description, traits are considered ineect.

    traits a-b

    Aggressive: This model must allocate more dice toAttack than Deence during Melee Exchanges.

    Ammo (X): This model starts the game with X Ammotokens. When this model resolves a Ranged Attack actionremove an Ammo Token. I this model has no Ammotokens it may not declare Ranged Attack actions.

    Armour (X): Reduce the result o Damage Rolls madeagainst this model by X.

    Armour Piercing (Weapon Type):When this model

    makes Damage Rolls ignore any Deenders Armourtrait.

    Assault Fire: This model may make a Ranged Attack aspart o a Melee or Charge action. Resolve the RangedAttack beore the Melee Exchange. The Ranged Attackis considered to be at Short Range. I the Enemy modelis removed rom play by the Ranged Attack the modelsactivation ends. The model suers a -1 modier to its MSand RAS i it uses this trait. The model cannot TargetEnemy models it started in BtB with, with an AssaultFire Ranged Attack.

    Assassin: I this model makes a successul Attack againsta Surprised model, it may roll three dice or the DamageRoll caused by the Attack and choose the highest two toadd together.

    Automatic Disengage:When this model activates it mayignore Enemy models in BtB when declaring its actionand reely move out o BtB with Enemy models withoutdeclaring a Disengage action.

    Aware: This models LoS extends 360 degrees around itsbase.

    Believer (X/Type/Y): Friendly models within X o,Type reduce the cost o their Ki Feats by Y.

    Blood o Orochi (X): During Ki Generation, each Turnthis models Controller adds together all the Blood oOrochi values o the models currently on the table undertheir Control. The player can then spend rom this totalto grant models the Poison trait until the End Phase.The Poison traits X and Y values are dependent on the

    number deducted rom the total or each individualmodel, and are as ollows:1 = Poison (1/1)2 = Poison (1/2)3 = Poison (2/1)4 = Poison (2/2)

    I a model already has the Poison trait, the player maychoose which to use or the Turn. Any points unspent arelost.

    Bodyguard (X/Type): During an Enemy models

    activation in which it entered into BtB with, or Targetswith a Ranged Attack, a Friendly model o the Type.


    Example: A player controlling a Kairai with Rise (4)

    and Last Stand can choose to attempt his Rise test frst,

    then i successul the Rise trait would cause the model

    to recover all its wounds. I it ailed then the Last Stand

    trait would trigger.

    Example:A model with the trait Sharp (Ranged), would

    only beneft rom Sharp when making Ranged Attack

    actions with its Ranged weapon.

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    This model may switch positions on the table with theFriendly model i: TheFriendlymodeliswithinXandLoS.

    TheFriendlymodelwasnotinBtBwithanEnemymodel at the start o the activation.



    Any Melee Exchanges and Ranged Attacks are thenresolved using this model as the Target.

    Bravery: This model may reroll a ailed Fear test once. Itmay only reroll the same Fear test once due to this trait.

    Brutal (X): This model adds X to the highest Attack dicewhen calculating its nal Attack result.

    traits C-eCamouage (X): Enemy models cannot enter BtB withthis model or Target it when it is beneting rom Cover,unless the Enemy model is within X.

    Channel (X): During this models activation it mayremove X o its own Ki Tokens and distribute them toany Friendly model(s) within X. I the model is outsideo this range then the Ki Tokens are discarded.

    Charging Bonus (Bonus):When this model makes aCharge action it gains the bracketed Bonus until the endo its current activation.

    Command (X/Type): This model may declare a Simpleaction, Command: The model nominates and activatesup to X non-Exhausted Friendly models o the Type.Those models perorm a Simple action. The order the

    models activate is chosen by this models Controller, atereach action is resolved that models Condition worsens asnormal.

    Conspiracy o the Cult (X): When this model activatesit may infict up to X wounds on any Friendly model(s)including itsel with this trait, up to its X value. Thismodel gains Ki Tokens equal to the number o woundsinficted. A model cannot suer more wounds than theX value o its own Conspiracy o the Cult trait. Thesewounds ignore Toughness.

    Co-ordinated Attack (Type): I this model is in aMelee Exchange in which a Friendly model o Type is

    Outnumbering then this model gains +1 MS bonus. Amodel can only benet rom this trait once per MeleeExchange.

    Cowardly: This model must reroll successul Fear tests. Itmust only reroll the same Fear test once due to this trait.

    Cumbersome: I this model is not the Active model thenit suers a -1 MS modier.

    Deensive: This model must allocate more dice toDeence than to Attack during Melee Exchanges.

    Disturb Flow (X/Y): All Enemy models must spendan additional X Ki Tokens to perorm Ki Feats whenwithin Y.

    Dodge (X): During a Melee Exchange this model maypick up to X Attack dice its Opponent rolled. The samedice may only be rerolled once due to this models trait.

    Durable: When this model would suer more than onewound it only suers one wound. I this model wouldrecover wounds it only recovers one wound.

    Elusive: This model ignores Enemy models Zones oControl during its movement.

    traits f-JFear (X): When a model makes a Fear test against thismodel X is the Target Number or the test. Modelsautomatically pass Fear tests with a Target Number equalto or lower than their Fear (X) trait, but must still take aFear test i the Target Number is higher than their Fear(X) trait.

    Fear tests are Target tests using the models Ki Statisticto resolve. Resolve a Fear test when:1. An Active model declares an action that would bring

    it into BtB with an Enemy model with the Fear Trait.I the Active model ails the Fear test its Conditionworsens by one degree (see Model States andConditions) and its activation ends.

    2. Or, an Active model with the Fear trait declares anaction that would bring it into BtB with an Enemymodel. I the Enemy model ails its Fear test then itenters the Frightened State (See Model States andConditions).

    Models only enter the Frightened State in Step 2.

    Fearless: This model automatically succeeds whentaking Fear tests.

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    Feint (X): During Melee Exchanges this model maypick up to X Deence dice rolled by its Opponent. Thesame dice may only be rerolled once due to this modelstrait.

    Fire (X/Y): When this model inficts wounds througha Melee Exchange or Ranged Attack, the Enemy modelgains Fire markers o value X, and in a quantity equalto Y.

    First Strike: This model gains the Initiative or the rstMelee Exchange with an Enemy model i it started thecurrent activation not in BtB with it, or another Enemymodel.

    Flank: When this model would be Deployed, thismodels Controller must choose whether this model willuse Flank or not, i the player chooses not to use Flank,this model is Deployed as normal. I the player decidesthe model is using Flank then do not deploy it andinstead choose a table edge.

    Starting on the second Turn o the game, at the begin-ning o the Starting Step, and beore Ki Generation roll aD6. Add the game Turn number to the result rolled, i thenal result is equal to or greater than 5 then immediatelydeploy the model anywhere along the chosen edge but notin the Opponents Deployment Zone, a 1 is not consid-ered a ailure or this roll.

    Fly: When this model declares a Walk, Run, Melee orCharge action it ignores Terrain elements, other modelsand Zones o Control or the duration o the action. Themodels movement cannot cross over another model orTerrain element with a Volume greater than three timesits own.

    Force o Will (X): This model adds X to its highest dicerolled when making Opposed Ki tests and it is the Activemodel.

    Forward Deployment: This model may be deployedup to 4 outside the Deployment Zone when theControlling players Warband is deployed.

    Group Activation: All models represented by thisprole card activate in the same single activation. Eachmodel on this prole card resolves any movement beoreany Melee Exchanges are resolved. Melee Exchangesare then resolved in the order the Controlling playerchooses.

    Heal (X): When not in BtB with an Enemy modelthis model may declare a Simple action and remove X

    wounds rom its Wound Track or the Wound Track o aFriendly model in BtB.

    Heavy: This model may not take any movement as part

    o a Ranged Attack action.

    Huge:ThismodelistheHugeSize.ModelsTargetingthis model with a Ranged Attack action gain a -2 modi-er to the Target Number o the test.

    Immunity (Type): This model may not gain markers oType.

    Immovable: This model may not be moved or placed byan Enemy Attack, Ki Feat or Unique Eect, and neverbecomes Prone.

    Impenetrable Deence: During this models MeleeExchanges the Enemy model must discard its highestAttack die rolled beore the nal Attack result iscalculated.

    Impetuous: This model must always be the rst acti-vated by the Controlling player in a Turn, and allImpetuous models in the same Warband must have acti-vated beore non-Impetuous models. I a player Controlsseveral Impetuous models then that player chooses theorder in which the Impetuous models activate. Ater themodels rst activation the player is ree to choose whenit next activates in the Turn.

    I a model gains Impetuous during the Turn, thenthe Controlling players next activation must be with thatmodel i that model is able to activate.

    Indomitable (X): This model ignores X additionalEnemy models in BtB when checking or OutNumbering in Melee Exchanges.

    Insignifcant: This model:


    DoesnotinictOpponentswitha-1MSmodierdue to Out Numbering.

    MaynotperformSimpleScenarioorComplexScenario actions.

    Intangible: This model ignores Zones o Control, othermodels and Terrain elements during movement andbeing in BtB when declaring actions. It may not endits move occupying the same volume as an Impassable

    Terrain element or another model.

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    Iron Mind (X): This model adds X to its highest dicerolled when it participates in an Opposed Ki test and isnot the Active model.

    Jump Up: At the start o this models activation butbeore its action is declared it may remove the ProneState markers rom itsel.

    Kami: When this model would suer wounds, insteadremove an equal number o Ki Tokens. I this model hasno Ki Tokens it is removed rom play. This model maynot gain or lose Ki Tokens as a result o the Channel orLeech traits. This model has Immunity (Poison) and(Fire),cannotbeHealedorrecoverwounds.

    traits l-rLarge: This model is the Large Size. Models Targetingthis model with a Ranged Attack gain a -1 modier to theTarget Number o the test.

    Last Stand: I this model is reduced to 0 wounds, it maystill be activated until the end o the Turn and is notremoved rom play, this model cannot recover woundsthrough any game eect or trait once its wounds havebeen reduced to 0. During the End Phase, the model isremoved rom play.

    Leadership (X): Friendly models within X may use thismodels Ki Statistic when resolving Fear tests.

    Leap: When this model declares a Melee, Charge, Walkor Run action, and is not in BtB with an Enemy model.It may, during its movement reduce the distance it wouldmove by X; X cannot be greater than a models baseMove Statistic. I so then place this model anywherewithin X, the model may not be placed in BtB withan Enemy model or in an Enemy models ZoC. Theplacement cannot cause it to cross over another model

    or Terrain element with a Volume greater than twiceits own. The model then completes its movement andaction.

    Leech (X): Once during this models activation it mayremove Ki Tokens rom any Friendly model(s) as longas the model(s) is within X. I a model is outside o thisrange then its Ki Tokens are lost.

    Light Weight: This model does not suer the modieror moving during a Ranged Attack action.

    Light Footed: During this models movement throughDicult Terrain elements it treats those Terrainelements as i they were Normal.

    Lightning Reexes: This model is always the rstAttacker in Melee Exchanges. Models with this traitgain the initiative against models with First Strike. I twomodels in a Melee Exchange have this trait then neithergains the benet.

    Martial Prowess (X): During a Melee Exchange themodel may reroll up to X o its own Attack or Deencedice. It may only reroll dice once due to this trait.

    Medium: This model is a Medium Size.

    Oni Rage: During Ki Generation this model may gainan additional number o Ki Tokens equal to D2. I it doesit gains the Berserk State until the End Phase.

    Order (X/Type/Y): This model may declare a Complexaction, Order: This model immediately nominates XFriendly models o the Type within Y. Those modelsCondition improves one degree (Exhausted Tired Rested).

    Parry (X): This model adds X to the highest Deence dierolled when calculating its nal Deence result in MeleeExchanges.

    Poison (X/Y): When this model inficts wounds througha Melee Exchange or Ranged Attack the Enemy modelgains Poison markers o value X, and in a quantity equalto Y.

    Ranged Deence (X): A model making a Ranged Attackaction against this model suers a modier o +X to theTarget Number o the test.

    Rapid Fire (X): When this model declares a RangedAttack action it may resolve up to X Ranged Attacksduring the activation. These Ranged Attacks may Targetdierent models and are resolved in the order thismodels Controller chooses. This models Condition stillonly worsens one degree regardless o the number oRanged Attacks made by Rapid Fire.

    Regenerate (X): This model recovers X wounds duringthe End Phase.

    Reload (X): At the end o this models Ranged Attack

    actions it gains X Reload markers. This model cannot

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    declare Ranged Attack actions as long as it has Reloadmarkers.

    Retreat: This model must always declare a Disengage

    action i it starts its activation in BtB with an Enemymodel.

    Rise(X): When this model is reduced to 0 wounds, makea Target test with a Target Number o X. I successul themodel becomes Prone and recovers all Wounds. I it ailsremove the model rom play as normal.

    traits s-ZScout: This model may deploy ater both players normalDeployment and may deploy anywhere within 4 o theControlling players normal Deployment Zone. Thismodels Controller adds +1 to the result o the TacticalRoll to decide which player deploys rst. I both playershave models with Scout the winner o the Tactical Rolldeploys their models with Scout second.

    Sel-Sacrifce (X/Type): When this model is notExhausted or in BtB with an Enemy model and aFriendly model within X o Type, would receive aDamage Roll, beore that roll is made the player mayremove this model rom play and the Damage Rollagainst that model is cancelled.

    Sharp (Melee/Ranged): This model ignores Enemymodels Armour and Toughness traits when it succeedswith an Attack.

    Sixth Sense: This model is never considered Surprised.Models with this trait ignore the Camoufage trait.

    Slow: This model is always the second Attacker in MeleeExchanges, and may not declare Run or Charge actions.

    Small: This model is Small sized. Models Targeting thismodel with a Ranged Attack action add a +1 modier tothe Target Number o the test.

    Split Attack:When this model declares a Melee orCharge action, ater its movement i it is in BtB with twoor more Enemy models the player may resolve a MeleeExchange with two or more o those models. Beoreresolving the Melee Exchanges the Controlling playersplits the models Melee Skill Statistic value betweenthe Melee Exchanges with a minimum o 1 or eachMelee Exchange, then resolves them in the order the

    Controlling player chooses. This models Condition onlyworsens ater the last Melee Exchange.

    Soulless: This model automatically succeeds in allOpposed Ki and Fear tests.

    Spirit Block: When this model inficts wounds througha Melee Exchange or Ranged Attack action the Enemymodel gains one Spirit Block marker.

    Steadast: This model may reely choose how to allocatedice in Melee Exchanges when Frightened.

    Steady: This model can never become Prone.

    Strong (Melee/Ranged):When this model makes aDamage Roll, roll 3D6 and choose the two highest dice.

    Strong Mind (X): This model gains a +X modier to itsKi Statistic when resolving Opposed Ki tests.

    Stubborn: This model cannot declare Disengageactions.

    Stupid (X): When this model declares an action, make aTarget test with a Target Number o X, i it ails this testthe models action ends immediately, its Condition st illworsens one degree.

    Tactician (X): This model adds X dice to the

    Controlling players Tactical Rolls. The player may onlybenet rom one models Tactician trait each roll.

    Terror: I a model makes a Fear test caused by this modelit must reroll the test i it succeeds. Models must onlyreroll the same test once due to this trait.

    Tiny: Models Targeting this model with a Ranged Attackaction add a +2 modier to the Target Number o thetest.

    Tireless: This model does not become Tired or

    Exhausted as a result o Melee Exchanges initiated byEnemy models actions.

    Example: Kenko activates and is in BtB with two

    Bakemono. He decides to split his Melee Skill Statistic

    o 4, to 3 and 1 or the Melee Exchanges. He resolves

    the frst Melee Exchange with Melee Skill 3, ater whichthe frst Bakemonos Condition worsens one degree, he

    then resolves the second and fnal Melee Exchange with

    Melee Skill 1 ater which both the second Bakemonos

    and Kenkos Condition worsens one degree.

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    Toughness (X): Reduce the nal number o woundssuered by successul Attacks by X ater consulting theWound Table.

    Zuba is successully Attacked in a Melee ExchangewithaSuccessLevelof2.HisOpponentrollsa9onhisDamage Roll and so would suer 3 wounds but Zuba hasthe Toughness (1) trait and so only suers 2 wounds.

    Unblockable Strike: During this models MeleeExchanges the Enemy model must discard its highestDeence die rolled beore the nal Deence result iscalculated.

    Unstable (X): This model suers a modier o -X toits Move Statistic during movement through DicultTerrain elements.

    Weak (Melee/Ranged): When this model makes aDamage Roll, roll 3D6 and choose the two lowest dice.

    Weak Mind (X): This model suers a -X modier to itsKi Statistic when resolving Opposed Ki tests.

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    ATerrain elements height, width and area are whatis physically represented on the table, or agreed

    upon by both players.Terrain elements are categorised by two traits:

    Visibility and Dicultly.

    VisibilityCan the Terrain element be seen through when drawingLine o Sight (LoS)?

    Blocking: No LoS can be drawn through any part o theTerrain element that is considered Blocking.

    Obscuring: Models can only draw LoS 3 into orthrough Obscuring terrain and cannot draw LoS passedthis distance. Models within this 3 benet rom Cover.

    diffiCultyHoweasyisitforamodeltomovethrough?Impassable: Cannot be moved through.

    Difcult: Can be moved through but at x0.5 movementrate or any movement whilst within the Terrain element.

    Normal: No aect to movement.

    Some parts o a Terrain element like a building may havedierent types o Visibility and/or Diculty; the wallsor instance could be Visibility: Blocking, Difculty:Impassable, whereas a window might be Visibility:Un-Obscuring, Difculty: Difcult.

    So the players should decide beore the game starts iany areas o a Terrain element are dierent.

    terrain dePloymentWhen deploying Terrain elements ollow these threesteps:1. Players alternate in choosing Terrain elements until

    their combined area covers between a quarter (12 x12) and hal (12 x 24) o the Table and a variety oVisibility and Dicultly types.

    2. Players should randomly decide which player sets upthe terrain: No Impassable Terrain element may beplaced within 2 o a Scenario Objective, or anotherTerrain element with the Impassable trait.

    3. The other player then chooses a Deployment Zone.

    Drawing LoS into Obscuring Terrain

    1. No LoS available to this model as it is urther than the 3

    models can draw LoS into/through Obscuring Terrain.

    2. LoS achieved, but the model would beneft rom Cover as

    it is within an Obscuring Terrain element.

    3. LoS achieved as a clear line can beore drawn between

    the models.

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    game setup & turn

    game setuPBeore starting the rst Turn, players need to Setup thegame, using the ollowing steps:1. Firstly they should each create a Warband

    (See Warband creation).

    2. Then either agree on or randomly decide a Scenarioto play (See Scenarios).

    3. Players place/nominate any Scenario Objectives asinstructed by the Scenario.

    4. Players deploy Terrain and select Deployment Zones(See Terrain).

    5. The players make a Tactical Roll, with the winnerdeciding which player deploys rst. That playerthen deploys their entire orce. Then the secondplayer deploys their orce (Deploy as detailed by theScenario).

    6. The First Turn then begins.

    a game turnGames o Bushido are broken down into a number oTurns.HowmanyTurnsthegamelastsisdictatedbytheScenario being played.

    Each game Turn is divided into three Phases. Thethree Phases are the Starting Phase, the Main Phase andthe End Phase.

    Starting Phase1. Roll or Variable Turns (See Scenarios).

    2. Ki Generation: All models receive a number o KiTokens equal to the rst number o their Ki Statistic.

    3. Tactical Roll: Both players roll a D6; the player whorolls highest, ater any modiers, decides whichplayer will be the Active Player or the rest o theTurn.

    4. Resolution o Unique Eects, with the Active Player

    resolving their Unique Eects rst.

    5. Tactical Roll: Both players roll a D6; the player whorolls highest, ater any modiers, decides whichplayer will be the Active Player rst in the turn.

    Main Phase1. Starting with the Active Player.

    2. The Active Player chooses a model in their Warbandand declares a Simple or Complex action or it toperorm, or uses a Pass Token.

    3. The models action is resolved.

    4. The Opponent then becomes the Active Player,unless the player is unable to activate a model, thentheir Opponent continues to be the Active Player andactivates models until they are unable to activate amodel.

    5. Once neither player is able to activate a model, moveto the End Phase.

    End Phase1. Resolve any eects that occur or end in the End Phase.

    Always resolve the negative eects rst.

    2. Reer to the Scenario being played and check or thescoring o Victory Points. I this is the nal Turn,the game nishes. I either player has no models leton the table, the game ends and Victory Points arecalculated immediately.

    3. Remove Exhausted Condition markers.

    4. Discard any unspent Pass Tokens.

    Note: games can only nish in the End Phase.

    Pass TokensA player may spend a Pass Token instead o taking anaction with one o their models, i they do then theirOpponent becomes the Active Player.