bus321 final term paper

Business proposal report on Trained Helpers agency Submitted to Md. Maruf Ibne Wali BUS321 sec-3 BRAC Business School Submitted by Name ID 1. Khadizamursed mitu-09204061 2. Chanda Deb Nath-09304017 3. Mobassara Jahan-11204090 4. SayedaNazmun Nahar-11304105 5. Arshadahmed Masrur-11104048 1

Transcript of bus321 final term paper

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Business proposal report on

Trained Helpers agency

Submitted to

Md. Maruf Ibne Wali

BUS321 sec-3

BRAC Business School

Submitted by

Name ID

1. Khadizamursed mitu-09204061

2. Chanda Deb Nath-09304017

3. Mobassara Jahan-11204090

4. SayedaNazmun Nahar-11304105

5. Arshadahmed Masrur-11104048

Date of submission

12th August 2014


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Letter of Transmittal

13th August, 2014

Muhammad MarufIbneWali

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Dear Sir,

As per your instructions of producing a group term paper, we would like to present

our Business Proposal on Trained Helpers Agency (THA). We enjoyed our research

to complete our task and the exploration phase for data collection as it has revealed a

new area of knowledge and experience. We have tried our level best to prepare an

effective and creditable proposal and learned a lot which shall guide us in our relevant

careers.We express our gratitude to you for letting us work on this topic and we hope

that this proposal will be satisfactory.

Sincerely yours,

Arshad Ahmed Masrur 11104048

SayedaNazmunNahar 11304105

KhadizaMuradMitu 09204061

MobassheraJahan 11204090

Chanda Deb Nath 09304017


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Executive Summary

In this proposal we will be discussing the Business Model Canvas of Trained Helpers

Agency (THA), the business environment that the business will be exposed to, the

operations plan of the business starting from organization structure to the training

process of the helpers enrolled in the program. We will also be discussing the

marketing initiatives that will be required to publicize and execute the agency goals,

mission, vision, etc. After which we will give an outline of the finance that is required

to run the facility as well as the costs involved and revenue stream. Finally we will

conclude our proposal on the benefits and future opportunities for the business.


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Table of Contents:

Introduction Pg. 5

Business Canvas Model Pg. 6

Business Environment Pg. 8

Operation Plan Pg. 10

Marketing Plan Pg. 15

Finance Plan Pg. 19

Conclusion Pg. 27


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There are approximately 100000 households in Gulshan, Bonani, Baridhara Society.

Each of these areas consist of house holds that have full time Domestic helpers at

home out of which a small portion is satisfied with their current helpers. With

research we have found these households are paying on average Tk.3000 to each

helper with a sum total of Tk.300000000. We have also found that with proper

experience and satisfactory Domestic helpers households are willing to on average of

Tk.4000-6000 per month. As business opportunity of such a sum we prupose to start a

training facilty that will supply the demand of these deprived households with our

efficient training program.

The training program will consist of a facility that is dedicated and designed for the

training of these helpers. Potential Domestic Helpers will enrol in the program to be

certified and given the proper environment to do such training activities. They will

undergo a rigorous training program that will enable them to empower themselves and

at the same time become members of the household they will work for.

Trained Helpers Agency (THA) will operate with the following motives:


Train helpers to become experts at household chores. Only “Certified Helpers” from the agency will be provided. To provide a fool proof training program for the helpers

in order to create a business generating profit.


“Empower Loyal Good Hearted Helpers to become a part of the Household Family”


“Give a man bread and feed him for a day, but teach him to farm and feed him for life"


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The Business Model Canvas:

The "Business Model Canvas" has 9 components (or building blocks). Each block

defines a very specific part of our business. We can use the canvas to define how each

component of our business functions. This way, we can easily spot potential

weaknesses and strengths of our business, and then use that information to anticipate

and act on them.

Business idea: Our business idea is to serve our elite society with well-trained maids

or helpers as we like to call them. Since nowadays it is very rare to get somebody

who would help in the household works, therefore, we think it is a good idea to serve

the society in this way. Moreover it is going to be a two-way beneficial thing because

we are going to provide with the helpers to the people who need them and at the same

time we are going to train the helpers and also educate them up to a certain level.

Customer Segments: Basically our target customers will be the elite and the topmost

class of people in the society who are mostly residing at Gulshan-2, Banani and

Baridhara. This is because we are going to train our helpers which will require some

cost and for which we need to charge our clients really high for hiring our helpers.

Value Proposition: This kind of house helper’s placement agencies is not that

popular in Bangladesh yet. Moreover, we are not only helping the families by

providing the house helpers but also giving them proper training and a minimum

education teaching them social norms and values. It is indeed a rare combination to be

found in a normal housemaid. Therefore this is how our service becomes unique and


Channels: We will be bringing those women or girls who are deprived from the basic

facilities of living and then appoint them to work in houses as per the hiring orders

through internet or telephone calls or the clients who would visit our office.


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Customer relationships: To keep a harmonious relationship with our customers we

need to take their regular feedbacks. For any kind of flaws of the particular helper

provided we would retrain them if required at our own cost up to first three months. If

any helper leaves the job then the client would be provided with another helper


Revenue stream:The way we would be generating our profit is, for thefirst 6 months

payment is to be paid to agency, after which individual household and helper will

create their own contract. Moreover, the admission fees will be taken from the

trainees for cost of their own living and food.

Key resources: Our main resources are the recruiting agents, training facilities that

we will be having and the human resource that is the manpower involved in our


Key activities: Our main activities will include providing proper training to the

helpers and assessing their abilities through different sorts of tests and obtaining

feedback from the previous and present clients.

Keypartnerships: Our main partners in this business are the recruiting agents of all

our helpers as well as the NGOs who would invest in our business believing in it as a

good and wise initiative.

Cost structure: Our cost structure is very basic. Since we are providing different

kinds of facilities to our customers we will be having the facility cost. Then the very

basic utility cost will be there along with the office rent which is expected to be a bit

high since we will be hiring an office located in Gulsha-2. The most important cost is

going to be the marketing cost since we will be promoting our service through

multiple media.


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Business Environment:

In terms of the Business environment for THA we can look at a swat analysis that is

currently in place:

Strength- It is a relatively untouched segment of business that has not been started on

such a large and detailed training program. The demand for this exists and has a very

large market. Setting up would make the agency a pioneer in the industry making it a

somewhat monopoly. Detailed and structured program with proper guidance from

staff makes the program almost fool proof. Given we meet the target of domestic

helpers supplied to the market we will make a significant profit at the end of every


Weakness- Training facility construction will be slightly expensive. Keeping such a

large occupancy of domestic helpers may create friction amongst fellow trainees.

Constant monitoring will be required in order to run the facility efficiently.

Opportunity- The industry is relatively untouched which will give us a head start and

almost no competition of such training and skilled program.

Threat- If the program routine is exposed other companies may enter to compete with

the agency.

If we analyse the business through the PESTEL than we can deduce that the

following situation would stand:

Political- The government would be glad to help in such a project as a company

would take the initiative to formally address the industry that exists of domestic

helpers and certify potential helpers as qualified. This will also help with employment

to the country as well as raising literacy.

Economic-When there is constant employment being generated it gives the

population a higher purchasing power allowing domestic helpers to contribute to the

economy and other business and raise the countries standard of living in the long run.


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Also the government will be able to collect tax from the agency that will contribute to

the countries economy.

Social-we are living in a country where there is a large population that are living

below the poverty line and resorting to the domestic helper occupations. Their

environment and reality is harsh as not everyone has the opportunity to work at a

good household and also a certificate that certifies their competency and ability to

work. Therefore even if domestic helpers want to join they are not given credibility

unless they are sourced from a known person. This would create a larger population

of trained and educated helper in society.

Technological- a large infrastructure of monitoring technologies will be used to

monitor the program. With the help of partners THA will also be providing the

trainees with a basic idea of technological equipment in a house.

Environment- those who usually pursue such a profession do not have the

opportunity to learn what are the right or wrong practices in protecting the

environment. THA will have specific extra curricular activities that will create

awareness on the importance of keeping the environment with care and what practices

that should be implemented.

Legal- there will be no illegal practices in Trained Helpers Agency, all the required

registration with the government will be done as per procedure. Close relationship

will be kept with unions related to domestic helpers.


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Operation Plan:

Training Facility:

The Training Facility is 20000 sq feet and the facility capacity of trainees is 10000

people. The Trainees will be living in Building.1 and 2 according to their requirments

and arrangements with the agency. The Extra Curricular Activity field will be used by

the trainees to utilize their free time with as well screen films that will be shown. The

dining hall will be the area in which they have their meals as well as a make shift

kitchen where training will also be given. Laundry area will be used to do the to train

how to do laundry and the office where HR will operate and monitor all operations

and organization activities.

Premises layout:


Training Facility Plan



ECA Field Dining Hall Office

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Training Program:

• All Helpers will enroll in a 1-month training program.

• If they pass the training program only than will they be certified by THA and

referred to households.

• Trainers are highly skilled household helpers who have successfully

completed their careers as household helpers.

Training Schedule:

Time Activities

8:00am-8:30am Breakfast (Dish Cleaning)

9:00am-11:00am Cleaning \Laundry Training

11:30am-1:00pm Cooking Training

1:30pm-2:30pm Lunch (Dish Cleaning)

3:00pm-4:30pm Free Time

5:00pm-7:00pm E.C.A.

7:30pm-9:00pm Cooking Training

9:30pm-10:00pm Dinner (Dish Cleaning)

10:30pm-11:00pm E.C.A.

12:00am Lights Out

Training Content:



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All training will be conducted through the maintenance and living in the training

facility under the supervision of Training Officers.

• Dusting and Sweeping

• Mopping and Bathroom Cleaning

• Laundry (Washing, Drying and Ironing)

• Cooking and kitchen maintenance

• Inventory keeping and grocery shopping

• Presentation of Self to Household (Grooming)

Professionals will monitor each activity and mostly the trainees will be trained

through the maintenance of the facility and their own living requirements of the

trainees. For example they will wake up and will have to prepare their own breakfast

at the dining area in alternate day scheduling. After breakfast is completed they will

be taught how to clean the dishes as well and will do it throughout the entire training


After which in alternate shifts; one batch will do cleaning and the other batch will

learn how to do laundry. They will both be monitored by a trainer who will as well be

grading them in terms of quality and the standard that is expected from a trained

domestic helper of the THA.

Cooking training will be applicable to all and all trainees will cook different types of

food that will be prepared for the facility. E.g. one batch will be involved in the

cooking and preparing of vegetable and the other batches will be involved in the

making of other dishes according to their assigned duties of cutting, boiling, spices,


Once the cooking is done the presentability of the food in the dining hall will be

monitored as well as after on how to clear out a dining room. Once the meal is

finished trainers must also clean the dishes as part of their training.

During E.C.A. hour’s helpers will be exposed to number of videos and movies and

other healthy activities to help enhance their lifestyle and way of thinking. Emphasis

on the theme of morality will be taught through many videos and knowledge of

music, philosophy, history, science, environment, etc. will be shown.


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Once again for dinner the same training will apply where they will learn about

cooking through the preparations of their own meals in different batches and

categories of food according to the batches training of different food items.

Once they have completed cooking they must present the dinner at the dining table at

the standards of the THA after which they will have to clean the dish and put them in

the dining hall in the way they are trained.

Once the activities for the day is over they will repeat the routine and alternate they’re

training according to the previous days activities and batches. The training will

continue throughout the month in order to keep them in practice and input

improvements where required according to the standards of THA.

Incentives to Trainees:

• Emphasis on a good livelihood and moral values in household training during

E.C.A. hours

• Family below the age of 18 or above 50 can visit and stay with trainees in their

own room space for the month

• Selected TV programs will be available to them over the 1 month that will

create awareness of right and wrong in life

Hiring Process:

• Households will come to the THA office and apply for domestic help.

• Based on personality match helper will be assigned to the household.

• First 6 months payment is to be paid to agency, after which individual

household and helper will create their own contract.

• First 6 months agency will observe performance of helper and house hold

conditions in sync with human rights regulation.

Human Resource Structure:

1. Board of Directors


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2. Managing Director

3. HR Head, HR Staff Officers, HR Maintenance Officers

4. Finance Head, Finance Officers, Head Accountant, Accountant Officers

5. Training Officers

6. Sales Head, Sales Officers, Customer Service Head, Customer Service


7. Security Head, Floor Security Officers, Ground Security Officers

Marketing Plan:


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Analyzing the company’s marketing planning with different kind of marketing


PESTLE: It stands for political, economical, social, technological, legal and

environment respectively. Therefore this tool analyses all the mentioned issues

relating to the marketing initiatives that are going to be taken.

Now, if we try to analyze our business relating PESTLE then we will not be having

any political obstacles regarding marketing about our company, since ours is a home

helper placement agency which almost every family in the society starting from

middle class to upper most class needs badly.

Then the economical issue, in which I would say our company, would be able to

provide a lot in the economy of the country since we are training the labor and making

them worth earning a lot of money unlike any other cheap labors.

We are socially aware since we are going to respect all the labor rights and will not

violate any of the legal issues and of course discourage child labor.

Our trained labor will definitely be more advanced in terms of technology and will be

able to operate the necessary equipments and machineries usually used in the

household works. As a result the lives of the people become a lot easier.

All the legal issues will be respected properly and there will be a legal advisor in our

company as well to deal with all the legal matters.

We have positioned our business taking all the environmental factors into account.

Therefore, the environment is totally perfect for the kind of business we have chosen.

Porter’s Generic Strategy:


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Basically, this strategy talks about choosing our route to competitive advantage. So,

our company has more than one competitive advantage and they are:

Our labors are well equipped and trained.

They are literate enough to operate new equipments.

They know how to behave in which situation.

They are trained to deal with kids and with different kinds of people, since

many people find it a problem to leave the kids with the helpers as the kids

might get influenced by the way they talk.

They are also educated about the hygiene factors which are very important as

sometimes these helpers need to cook for the family as well.

Thus, the above mentioned advantages we have are unique and no other

companies offer these services yet.

Branding Strategy:

We want our company to become a brand, so that people give it a premium value and

when the issue of home helpers comes they only have our company’s name in their

mind and that is our vision. And this is only possible by giving our best service

possible to our target customers and taking their valuable feedback on every issue. We

would provide them such a service that they would not regret paying high for it.

Cost Strategy:

Our aim will be minimizing the cost with time and maximizing the effectiveness of

our service as well as increasing the difference between our company’s service and

the others.

Marketing Mix:

It includes the 4 Ps – Product, Place, Price and Promotion.


The offering of our company is the service of the house helpers who are well trained

unlike any other usual ones.



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As we have targeted the high class people in the society mostly living in Gulshan,

Banani and Baridhara we will be locating our office at Gulshan-2.


We are providing well trained helpers so; as a result the price charged will be high

compared to that of any other usual house helpers.


For effective communication with our target consumers, the promotion places we

have selected are near Gulshan, Banani and Baridhara area.

Marketing Planning:

Basically, the promotional activities will involve the websites and sharing our agency

information over the Internet. Our company’s unique selling proposition will be

communicated effectively in all the promotions. We will provide some sort of

uniform to the helpers from our agency which will carry our agency’s name and logo

so that whoever gets to see them he or she can easily recognize our company. Since

nowadays internet is definitely a better medium to reach people than televisions or

newspapers, we will even hire one or two opinion leaders from internet who would

write about our agency and its positives in their status and people would know about

us even more. We will also post our advertisements in the English newspapers like

Daily Star and Bengali newspaper like ProthomAlo to target maximum number of

people. We will also make some television advertisements for the housewives who

watch television more frequently and can get to know about us.

Although word of mouth is not yet considered to be a medium of marketing, still it is

one of the most successful marketing tools and people actually drive their emotions to

actions through their beliefs in the word of mouth. Therefore our goal will be to create

such a good will that after a certain time we won’t need to take any marketing

initiatives. People will get to know about our company from the society they belong

to and through their words of mouth.

When building a marketing-oriented social initiative, the road to success is paved with

careful planning, attention to detail and a value enhancing, longer-term rather than

quick promotional perspective. Therefore we will use our marketing activities in such


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a way that the people will actually believe that it is not a business but a very good

initiative to solve the worries of the society.

Finance Plan:


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Financial planning is the task of determining how a business will afford to achieve its

strategic goals and objectives. Usually, a company creates a Financial Plan

immediately after the vision and objectives have been set. The Financial Plan

describes each of the activities, resources, equipment and materials that are needed to

achieve these objectives, as well as the timeframes involved.

The Financial Planning activity involves the following tasks;-

• Assess the business environment

• Confirm the business vision and objectives

• Identify the types of resources needed to achieve these objectives

• Quantify the amount of resource (labor, equipment, materials)

• Calculate the total cost of each type of resource

• Summarize the costs to create a budget

• Identify any risks and issues with the budget set

Cash flow statement

Trained Helpers agency


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Financial year Ended 31 December 2014

Cash Flow From Operations Year 1

Net Earnings(admission fee) 500000

Additions to Cash

Depreciation 15500

Decrease in account receivable 10000

Increase in accounts payable 5000

Increase in taxes Payable 0

Subtractions from cash

Increase in inventory (30000)

Net Cash from Operation 500500

Cash flow from investing

Equipment (50000)

Cash flow for yr ended 31dec 2014 450500

Here we assume the additional cashes as well as the inventory according to our sales

and our net income.


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All trainees will pay an admission fee of 500tk for cost of their own living and food.

With capacity of 500 helpers (10000*500=5000000) monthly budget.

Revenue streams:

Forecast: 7500000tk per month if 5000 helpers recruited.

Expenditure: 5000000tk per month expenses on individual staff including 3

meals/day, electricity, water, miscellaneous expenses.

Administrative expenses: 1000000tk

Profit: 6500000tk\ monthly divided amongst shareholder.

Objective of the financial plan:

To increase our business we need to set up an objective and try to achieve it. For the

next years we need to set up a growth rate. And we fixed it up that we will increase

our business growth at least 20% increasing.

If growth rate is 20% =0.2

Present value of sales is 7500000tk

For the next year our future value of sales would be=7500000*(1+0.2)



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Income statement for the month of January 2014:

            2014 Year 2

Revenue/ sales   7500000 9000000

Cost of Goods Sold           (5000000)

66.66% of


Gross Profit         2500000

 Other Income            5000000

  66.66% of


administrative Expenses   (1000000)

13.33% of


 Profit/ net income            65000000

87% of


According to the growth rate we can easily forecasted our next 5 years income


Breakeven point:

A company's breakeven point is the point at which its sales exactly cover its expenses.

The company sells enough units of its product to cover its expenses without making a

profit or taking a loss. If it sells more, then it makes a profit. On the other hand, if it

sells less, it takes a loss.

In order to calculate your company's breakeven point, use the following formula:


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Fixed Costs/Price - Variable Costs = Breakeven Point in Units

An important term used with break-even point or break-even analysis is contribution

margin. In equation format it is defined as follows:


We can easily go wrong with our financial plan if we simply pull out our documents

and fill in the numbers. The financial plan is an analysis of our business that lenders

and investors use to determine our business’ viability. The information within this

plan helps determine our business’ financial ratios, or scorecards. Institutions and

financial specialists use an array of ratios to identify the information they seek about

our business.

We will use some ratios which will determine our business viability.

Current ratio = current asset/ current liability

It determine whether CA is higher or lower than CL, and if it is improved or declined.

Working capital= current asset – current liability

For our day to day operation how much working capital we have, this ratio determine


Inventory turnover ratio= sales/ inventory

It determines how many times the business would turned over its inventory.

Income Statement for 3 years:


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2014 2015 2016

Sales 1000000 1000000 1000000

Cost of goods sold 200000 400000 300000

Gross profit 800000 600000 700000

Operating expense 200000 140000 185000

Administrative expense 150000 160000 165000

Total equipment expense 350000 300000 350000

Operating income 450000 300000 350000

Non-operating on other

Interest revenues 100000 135000 125000

Gain on sale of investments 105000 100000 75000

Interest expenses (30000) (40000) (20000)

Loss from lawsuit (40000) (50000) (30000)

Total non-operating 135000 145000 150000

Net income 315000 445000 500000

Balance Sheet:

Financial plan is the projection of key financial data that determines Economic

feasibility and necessary financial investment commitment.Among the 3 item

projected balance sheet is important Every business transaction affect the balance


A financial statement that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders'

equity at a specific point in time. These three balance sheet segments give investors

an idea as to what the company owns and owes, as well as the amount invested by the


The balance sheet must follow the following formula:

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders' Equity This shows financial condition of the


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Trained workers agency at a specific time 2014-2016 It summarizes the

assets ,liabilities the investment of the entrepreneur and retained earnings

Trained Helpers Agency

Balance Sheet

For the ended 31st December 2014

(3 years projected balance sheet)

Assets 2014 2015 2016

Current assets 200000 205000 300000

Cash and cash equivalent 5000 6000 70000

Accounts receivable 1000 500 700

Inventories 2000 1000 1500

Deferred tax cash 2000 1000 2000

Other current assets 1000 500 500

Total current assets 211000 214000 311700

Property plant and equipment 200000 300000 350000

Goodwill 50000 50000 20000

Other assets 39000 41000 18300

Total assets 500000 605000 700000

Liabilities and Shareholders equity

Current liabilities 300000 400000 400000

Accounts payable 100000 100000 100000

Accrued Expense 50000 25000 100000

Total current liabilities 450000 525000 600000


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Shareholder equity 50000 80000 100000

Total liabilities and shareholders equity

500000 605000 700000

Trained workers agency projected balance sheet result

2014 2015 20160




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THA not only wants to enter into business for the purpose of profit. We believe that in

order to profit from a business we have to contribute to something greater than

monetary wealth. The aim of THA in the process of business to enhance the quality of

lives of those who are less fortunate than us and have not received the opportunities to

shine in life. It is the objective that through this business that we will create not only

wealth for ourselves but also the wealth and well of our countries people both in

house holds and domestic help.

We hope that THA will be sufficient for your investment as time is of the essence and

it is our actions that will define the future outcome of our country and an industry.



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Entrepreneurship Robert D.Hisrich 9th edition Mcgrowhill international
