BUREAU OF - navy.mil · MEXICAN PORi'S 0 The Bureau has ... paratory School, U. s. ... Norfolk,...


Transcript of BUREAU OF - navy.mil · MEXICAN PORi'S 0 The Bureau has ... paratory School, U. s. ... Norfolk,...

4 JUNE 1938 -






! . i I /

. ,


b y

com Z?F&TIOh3 . --I----

On'5'May 1938 John ?lack Denson, Jr., Slc , U.S.N., of the U.S,S. Tucker was conimandzd by the Secretam1 cf t h e Xaiy f o r savin.;; a c iv i l i an frm drowning on 8 Septelnber 1937, a t Norfolk, Va, reco&onded t o t he Secretmy of ta? Treasx-J f o r the amard of a S i l v e r Life Saving 7,"idaL i n rocogti-tion of t h i s act ,

Donaon has been

Next of kin: hIrs, Edna Beatrice Denson (WifO), Norfolk, Va.

U 3 Sa Se TITJSSELLe- ---I-.- --.. .-

The SecrE;tary of the Navy bas i?esig~.ated X:s, G!i;.1'1.cs E. Marshall of 10 Grocie Squam, lJew York City, B S sponsor for t ho U.S.S, IIUSS3LL (DD414) mmed i;i honor of her grandfnthcr, the i a t c licar A d r ; l i r a l John

Henry Russel l , U.S.Navy.

h l r s . Karsha11 is the dau&i;er cf I,%. jcr Gcneral J o b I-Icnry Eussoll, U.S,Karin.: Corps, RGtired, fomcr Comiandant of t h e Liarine Corps,

The U,S,S, (D13414) is kui ldins a t the p l ~ n t o f tho Ncmport N e w s Shipbuilding and C r y Goclr Co. , Nl;wport Nevs, Va., and i s scheduled t o be lcunched i n JanuEry, 1.053.

The U 3 . S . RUSSEiL (DE414.) mas authorized by Act of Congross dated Blarch 27, 1934,

A biographical sketch of the l a t e R m r Adrriral John IIenrJ Russell , U , S .Navy , f ollons :

man, Septcmbcr le, 1841; mde first cruise i n the s3oop " @ p n e Y f v P a c i f i c Squadron, 1841-3, from v4tich he rotmmcd i n t h o f r i g a t e "United States" i n 1844; m s navigator of tjao U.S.S. VIi'JCE22JlES on her c ru i sp t o the Arctic. In September 1861 mcs i n conufind of an expedition of 100 nicn sent i n to Pclzsacola R a r b o r t o destroy the Confcdsratc vessel JUWI, f o r which he received specie1 conunmdation f r o m the S e c r e t n r y of t h e Navy. of Maryland gave him a vote of tl;ftnks ?.ad Prcsieent Lincoln personally oxpressed h i s tlxxd:s for t h i s b r i l l i a n t service t o the country,

Born i n Frcderick, ?,!de, July 4, 1827; mtcrcd t' iqavy 'as a FIidShiP-

The S ta t e

Placed i n cornmad of thc gunboct KETEdEBEC i n F c r r a @ t T s squadron and rondcrcd distinguished sorvice f o r ai;;ht months on the M i s s i s s i p p i River espec ia l ly i n the operations xhich r2su l tod i n the passage of Far- ragut) a f l e e t piist Forts Jaclc_son.nnd*St. Phi l ip . Par t ic ipa ted i n tho f irst engagcrmnts a t Grand Gulf, P o r t Hudson, BLton Rouge .?nd Vicksburg. The KDTNE'BEC RES subsoqucntly employed under Russell an blockade duty on the Gulf coast,

During the r e s t of the wcr he commndcd stcarnm POiQIAC , South At l an t i c Blookading Squadron and ;-?as on ordnance duty a t Wcishington and i n command of the CYAN3 on the P a c i f i c cocs t .

... . .

I OFFICER PT'x33fmEL s I'FJAT -- I U H *

A sur-vey of tiie o f f i ce r persoanel s i t u r t i o n f o r t he f i s c a l year 1939 ind ica tes t h3 t 2ue t o the 1arC:e r*jm&er of s3ips t o be comissioned, the E u r e ~ u of ;Javiqatloa w i l l pyobL,S>; nc,t be c b l r : t o kvep thr: large ships o f t he F lce t up t o a1J.oivances duririg t h s g ~ ~ r . reached gradually but thc; a t t en t ion of the commading o f f i c e r s o f tne Ws, BEs, CAS and CLs is invi t sd t o the probabi l i ty of detachncnts with- out re l i2 t s duriar,: th, yuar aRd tha aImc7Ft zer ta inty t h a t the large ships will be uudor allcnanco during p b r t or all of the period 1 Jsnuary, 1939, t o 3 C June, 1939.

l l i i s s i t ua t ion m i l l be

JAPJJBS"; JAX'C7J.A STQ ,LlI.pTs. '-' - --̂ --e"..yD I-- -IC.. -.. .. Vacancies w i l i exis-t this suIIvior for thc dfz ta i l of Language Off icers

i n Japm. by m a i l o r radio i n time t o reach tlic Dqar tnent p r i o r t o 1 July, Atten- t i o n i s invi ted t o t h e scqui rmcnts of A~-:;iclr: TI-1431 mrcau of N8vig:ation Kanuall.

It is des i r ed tha t app1l.mtions f o r t h i s duty be forwarded

_. OWPIX COWS I-- POS'i':~'~nU,a,T'I~~~STr;U@TIO~J. - -._I

Each yea^ of f i ce r s of Lie SupgjLy Corps a r e c h o s a for postgraduatc ins t ruc t ion a t t h e Grauuatc Sc3ool of Ijusfness Ldministration, Hamrard Univcrsit.j, Cambridge, Mass, a t B,kson I n s t i t u t e , Babson PEirk, l\bss., and at Lowell Toxt i le I n s t i t u t o , Lowell, I'lnss. f o r the next course arc:

The officers selected

Earnard I__ UniTrcrsity ( 2 year course) - Limtcnant Thcodore SI . Dukeshire (SC) U.S.Nr,vy Licutmant ( jg) Frcjderick D. Clitzcl ( S C ) U.S,Nuvy.

Eabson I n s t i t u t e ( 9 months course)

Lieutenant ( j g ) B r p n t A, Chzndler ( S C ) U.S,Navy,

Lo.;v~11 Text i le I n s t i t u t e ( 2 year course)

Lieutenant ( jg) Ltn:-rrencc Smith ( S C ) fJ,S,Navy,


The Bureau has been informed t h r t a l l vessels entering and leaving Mexican po r t s are obliged t o u t i l i z e the services of a p i l o t ,


The following classes f o r hospi ta l corpsmen w i l l convene on or about LO October 1938:


Denta 1 Te chni cian P ro s t he ti c Aviation Teclinician.

Roquests from hospi ta l corpswn for these coursos a re desired by

Candidates must have t h i r t y ( 3 2 ) ;monl;hs obligated service.

Candidates f o r the p ros the t i c courscf must be qua l i f ied a s denta l

the Bureau of Mx5icin> and Surgery,

technician general,

TRAIiJING CCTJI'lSiS a -I__-*I__-- -I

Due t o unusually heavy demand? fJr >!DTT:' TYiLniEs Course "Instruct ions for Use i n Prcparation f o r the i?at-L?g of Fireman 2/c and Fircman 1/cW, the supply of t h i s course has been cxiiausted e a r l i e r than anticipated.

This course i s nom bein? reviccd and should be avai lable for dis- t r i bu t ion during t im f i s c a l p a r 1 2 ~ 9 ~

r a t i n g of F i r e Controlrmn second cL:ss" and "Instructions f o r Use i n Freparat ion for th3 r a t i n g of 3 l e c t r i c i m ' s Mate t h i r d class" crc now a m i l a b l e for dist r ibut ion.

Navy Training Comxx?s, Ttnstn:ctions for Use i n Prcparation f o r t he

ROEPITELL cQ:'?slwlT -__I ?"~CIEcJIC~~S* I_

The following c lasses f o r hospi ta l corpsmen w i l l convene a t the U.S. N a v a l Eospi ta l , Washington, D. C., on or about 1 September 1938:

Dent a 1 T e chnic iLm, gcnoral. &bora tory To chnicinn. P h a m c y and Chemistry. X-Ray Technician.

Requests f r o m hospi tn l corpsmen

Candidates must have t h i r t y (30

t h e Bureau of Medicine and mrgery. f o r these courses a r e desired by

months obligated service.

Results of t he N a v a l Academy Entrance Examinations indicate that 83 en l i s t ed men have passed the A p r i l examinations. number of en l i s t ed men who have qual i f ied f o r appointment under the Secretary of the Navy's quota sinco 1930.

paratory School, U. s. Naval Training Stat ion, N o r f o l k , Virginia, 69

This i a the grea tes t

O f the 92 men Tho took the exruninations a t . the N a v a l Acadew Pre-

25 JUNE 1938 I



* NUMBER 262







The S e c r e t u y o f t h e Navy has designated Mrs. Rredcrick S. Cmp, of 23 Harland Rmd, Borwich, Corm., as s p m s n r f o r t h c U,S.S. RHITID (DD404), namd i n honor of her great -f;rani,iu?cle, t h e l a t e RE a r A&.iiral AI exander Colde?i Rhind, U. S. IJavy.

-> _ - Mrs. Cmp i s t h e daughter o f Rear Mmira l Rmd31ph Bidkcly, SP.:,--U.-. S .

_ . Coast Guard, Retiree!. * . .

The U.S.S. RIII?JD (3D434) i s scheduled t o b e launchcd :st t h e ?!TaTv Yard, Philadelphia , Fa., 2 8 J u l y 1938, a t about 15cii3.

The U.S.S. RBIND (DD404), t hc f i rs% oiie 3f t h a t nam, M ~ S 3.

t he A c t of Congress, %arch 27, 1934.


I n conncction w i t h t h e Kea4ing C ~ u r s c f o r Ensigxs, t h e r c htls been i ssucd by the Kavd iAcademy t o all cicnbers of t h i s y > i r ' s gradwit '.ng c l?ss a .sug l i s t fo r reading. ldiany of' t h e s e books ZE: a ~ . v t o bc fou-i- ixi t ? c l i b b a t t l e s h i p s , c ru i se r s , and c a r r i e r s . izcidS t i( rzl t i t l e s I besill; pvr-c"msed and w i l l be Tormrdcd s o t k a t all t i t l c s r,n t h i s l i s t w i l l be ava i l ab le i n t h e sh ip ' s l i b r a r y .

In addi t ion , a l l a r e ava i lnb io i n tlic Loa?, Col lect ion, i f not found i n the ind iv idua l s h i p ' s l i b r a r y mttp bc hrrowcd. by t h e ind iv idua l o f f i c t r .


Volunteers a r e des i red f o r t hc fol lmving vacancies which w i l l occur i n t h e near fu tu re :

Smoa 1 Lieutcnant, ;anxary, 1939 . 1 Licutcnant, Febrtnry, 1939.

B r a z i l . 2 Lieutenants o r 2unior Licutcnant Comanders f o r --

X a m 1 Kission t o B r a z i l i n January, 1939. One should be a postgra2uate i n coziuqicat ions and t h o othcr be experit,nced i n gunnery, zlthough n o t necessnr-

I _ i l y an ordnancc pgstgrsdixatc. A>.

A s i a t i c S t a t i o F 2 Licutenznts, October, 1938.

In acd i t ion occur during the

5 Lieutencats, I'lowmbcr, 1938. 6 Lieutenants, December, 1938.

t o t h e abbuei-- i t i s cxpected t h a t t h e fol lowing vacancies v d l l u sua l spr ing shift:: i n 11339: 2 Lieutencats , G u a n t a x m o . Off icer i n Charge, N a n 1 Radio S ta t ion , San Juan* Comanding O f r i c e r , USS GOLD STAR. Executive Off icer , Nu-nl S t s t ion , G u m . 3 Lieutenmrts, G u m .

- 1

-2 -

GFFlCERS FOR STJ?PLY CORPS (Contd.). - ----- The fol iowing l i n e o f f i c e r s have been se l ec t ed f o r pos tg radmte in s t ruc -

t i o n a t the Finance and Supply school, September, 1938:
















Ensign Joseph E. Dougherty, U.S. N., Carl G. ijrescher. U.S.N., Chr i s t i an L. Ewald, U.S.K., Ciiarles Fadem, U.S.N., Louis J. Gul l iner , Jr., U.S.X., Charles L. E a r r i s 9 LS.N., W5.lli.am J. Johnston, U.S.??,, John X. Lewis, U , S , N o , Rmdol.p:i hleade, Jr . , U. S. P., Martin I d i l l e r , U.S .N. , Henry L. Muller, TJ.S.ld@, Richard L. PIyers, U.S.N., George A. O 'Co~~ ' , e l l , V.S.fi?. , Idarcus R, DeFp,-d, Jr., U e F . X O , Stanton 3L T r o r c , U.S.Is\T., E i i l i p E. i'x, L.S.Re

The IJavy Department has accepted the o f f e r o f Ye. L. Y. Spear, a grad- ua t e of the Cl.ass of 1890, U. S. Xaval Acader,y, t o provide a n annual p r i ze f o r t h e outs tanding studerit o f f icer o f t h e Submarine School.


Gregg Shorthand Courses axd Gregg Shorthand Progressive Exercises are now a v a i l a b l e f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n .

Training c c ) u r s ~ s are ami i l ab le f o r men preparing for t h e following r a t i n g s :

Apprentice SemaE Seaman IC

Seanan Branch -

Cox swai n Soatswain's Mate 2c Gmner ' s Mate l o arld Chief Gunner's Xate and Tur re t Captain IC. a6d rChi'ef Tur re t Captain Quartermaster IC and- Chief Quarterai is ter Torpcdoman 3c Torpedoman 2c Torpedoman IC ard Chief T o r p d m a n F i r e Controlmar, 3c F i r e Controlman 2c



DTWPER, N o r r i s Lavell, S e m m IC, U.S.M. Died 5 May 1938, a t San Diego, Cal. (Attached TJSS FRRIWGiTT) Next o f kin, mother, Mrs. Ze lm Draper, 3375 31s t S t . , San Diego, Cal.

DUNCAM, James, Chief F'm.rmacist's M%te, U.S.N. Died 5 April 1938 a t Peiping Union Medical Center, Peiping, China. (k5tached Marine Detachment, Peipiag, China) nea res t f r i e n d , V i s . Eary Van Zandt 3organ, 150@ Xassachusetts hve., N.W. , Washington, D.Ca

GEER, John Arthur, Machinist 's &kite 2c, U,S.N. Died 8 May 1938 a t Los Angeles, Cal. Next of k in , f a t h e r , Xr. 1;latIian John Geer, R.R. #2, Horton, Ilansas.

( i i t tached USS TEXNESSEE)

G U m L , George John, Seaman IC, 1J.S.K. Pear l Harbor, T.H. (admitted from irSS OG-) W. Gravell, address - Rear of 406 5 t h A m m e , Bradley Beach, N. J-

Died 26 April 1938 a t U,S.iL'ttval Hospi ta l , Eext o f k in , mother, & s o George

GRIFFITHS, Richard Alexander, Chief Bo~tttswain's %late, U.S.W, Died 8 Apr i l 1938 a t Huntsv i l le , Mo. (Attached USS TEXAS) Eext of' k i n , f t t ther , Mr. Thomas E l l s - worth Gr i f f i t h s , Huntsvi l le , Moo

GUTSCHO'Vf, Harold Leroy, Seman IC, U.S.3. Dicd 13 !lay 1938 ab0-d USS ARGONNE. Next o f kin, mother, Mrs. r l l i co J. Gutschow, L i t t l e Rock, Washington.

U R R I S , Eugene Frankl in , S e m m 2c, ?J.S.PT. Bremerton, Wash. (Attached U.S.S. ;'EST V I R G I ~ T I A ) Xcxt of k in , grandmother, fks. Mary Jane Herndon, R.F.D.#2, Chbrlestowr?, Ind.

Died 16 Apr i l 1938 a t Y.M.C.A.,

HRATZ, Harry Henry, Gunner's Mat-: 3c, U.S.J. (Attached USS WST V I R G I N I A ) St . , Muscatine, Iowa.

HURATA, Hubert Henry, Vl'ater Tender 2c, U.S.M. p i t a l , Los Angeles, Cal. (Attctchcd VSS LEXINGTOIT) Gladys Alma Hubatn, Box 119, Route #l, Laton, Cal.

Died 23 ;lay 1938 a t Red B l u f f , C d . Next of k in , f t t ther , Lk. George Hratz, 835 Pino

Died 2 8 M5y 1938 a t General H o s - >Text of kin, wife, Urs.

I -

HYAMS, W i l l i a m Bernard, Aviation Machinis t ' s Mate 3c,, U.S.N. a t Queens Hospi ta l , fIonolulu, T.H. Next of kin, f a t h e r , X r . Herry I saac Hyams, 428h North Curson St., ~ O l l p ' K d , Gal.

Died 25 Apr i l 1938 (Attached F lee t A i r Base, Hon.olulu, T.H. )

KELLER, Alfred Markus, App. Sea., U.S.N. Great Lakes, 111. Daven par t , Iowa.

Died 3 April 1938, u.s*Fava$ % s p i t a l , Next of kin, f a t h e r , X r . h d o l p h '8. Kel l e r , 502 Dittmer St.,

KA', Erin, Aviat ion IvIachinist's Nate IC, U.S.3. plane crash, whi le en route from Palin Springs. t o San Diego, Cal. San Diego, Cal.) Cal.

LANDERS, James Albert , Machinis t ' s Mate IC, U.S.N. T.H. (Attached USS MEMPHIS) Xext o f kin, f a t h e r , I&-. James J. Landers, 49 York '

St., Bath, Maine.

Died 28 ?,!larch 1938, resul-t ; of

Next of kin, wi fe , Iks. Nadeline Key, 3701 54th St., San Diego, (Attached N.A.S.,

Died 7 Apr i l 1938 a t Honolulu,

DECUSFD EIKISTEII FK?Si)RNE'T, (Contd.) --- --- - I_ -.-I_

MC FARLAPD, Roger, Xach in i s t ' s Thte 2c, U.S.i\J. a t San Pedro, Csl, Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.

Died 5 May 1938 aboard USS ARGONNE Xext of kin, mother, Yrs. E l i z z Bcll XcFarlmd, 405 Evelyn

BQ'LRCOTTZ, Aldcn Armand, Soaman IC, 'J.S.N. Dicd 22 I h y 1938, USS ARGOITMJT, a t Oahu, T.F. Next of kii i , mothcr, 1ks. Lena IIw-ks, 1404 P i m St . , S tu rg i s , S.D.

MTJDD, N i l ton Bennett , Soaman IC, U.S.R. San Diego, Cal. Texas.

PATERSON, Robert Charles, Machin is t ' s !late 2c, U.S.1:. mental Hospi ta l , Shanghai, China. Tks . El izabe th Pa terson , 313 12th hve., West, Cedar Eapids, Iowa.

Died 16 Nay 1938, U.S.KaW1 IIospita1, Xext of k in , f a the r , 3r. Andrew C. Xudd, P.O,Box #56, D i l l q ,

D i e d 16 .Flay 1938, Regi- IJexb o f k in , mother , (Attached USS TUL2A)

PENTZ, William Franc is , Seaman IC, U.S.Y. Died Z A p r i l 1958, by drowning, a t Lahaina, T.H. (Attached USS NE!!/ ORL?i\X) B e x t of 'Tin, m ? t h s r , I';rs, Edna I. Pentz, 2547 West Byron Place, Denver, Colo.

PRICE, Chester Evere t te , Ctzrpcntcx-'s l h t c 3c, 1T.S.N. Died 11 May 1938 aboard USS I!fONOCACY a t Kiukiang, China. Box 181, Wilder, Idaho.

Mext of k in , f a t h c r , 1.k. S m u e l Brown Pr i ce ,

SICIITE, Jasper Royce, Quartermaster IC, U.S.N. C"&LESTON a t Charlecton, S. C. Kext o f k ip , Inotha-, 3"s. Viols Smith, P.O.Box

Died 1 8 A p r i l 1938 aboard USS

P i n e v i l l e , La.

SMOLICH, Thomas Lawreme, Torpcdop.an 2c, U.S.Y. Falls, Cal. (Attached USS SMITH) Ncxt of k i n , :nother, Mrs. Theresa Josephine Kenda, h g u i l a r , Colorado.

Died 29 A p r i l 1938 near Coyote

SOUZA, Joseph Clinton, Firenan 2c, U.S.X. Died 1 2 A p r i l 1938, U.S.3Taval Hospi ta l , Norfolk, Va. ZJext of k in , nother , Xrs. 1;ary Lucy Avila, P.O. Box 16, Gustine,Cal.

STADLER, fierman John, Gunner's Mate 2c, U.S.N. Died 3 A p r i l 1938 aboard U,S.S. CAI,IFORI\TIA a t Lahaina, T.H. South Daisy fiveme, Long Beach, Cal.

SULLIVXN, John Daniel , Seaman IC, U.S.M. Died 4 A p r i l 1938 aboard U.S.S. SARA- TOGA. I h s s

Next of k in , wife , Tlrs. Pa t r i c i a . H. S t a d l w , 35&

_- Next of k i n , f a t h e r , 1.5.. W i l l i a m H. S u l l i v h , 180 Pr ince ton hve., Vialthan,

T01.1, Norman Dale, S e w a n 212, U.S.N. Island, Cal,

Died 6 Xay 1938, U.S,Naval Hospi ta l , TJare Next of k in , mother, Eirs. Edi th Cox, 2 E L I S t r e e t , Rockport, Ind.

TRENKLER, Per ry W i l l i a m Henry, F i r e Cont ro lmn IC, U.S.Ii, aboard USS RLTLIEF, a t sea. hve., Long Beach, Cal.

Died 1 8 A p r i l 1938 Next of kin, wife, lks. lhudc Trenkler , 1108% Line

- 7-