Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report Act ... · bureau and the Pennsylvania State...

Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report Act 149 of 1988 May 2018

Transcript of Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report Act ... · bureau and the Pennsylvania State...

Page 1: Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report Act ... · bureau and the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Land Preservation Board, which safeguards prime agricultural land in

Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report

Act 149 of 1988

May 2018

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2017 Farmland Preservation Program Annual Report 2

Table of Contents Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Farmland Preservation in Pennsylvania ...................................................................................... 3 County Milestones .................................................................................................................... 3 Bureau Activities ...................................................................................................................... 3 Program Implementation .......................................................................................................... 4 Funding .................................................................................................................................... 4 Public Information and Training ................................................................................................. 5 Regional Conservation Partnership Program .............................................................................. 6 Preserved Farms Resource Center ............................................................................................. 6 Clean and Green Program ......................................................................................................... 7 2017 Clean and Green Survey Results ........................................................................................ 7 Administration ......................................................................................................................... 7 Federal Agricultural Conservation Easement Program ................................................................. 8 Century and Bicentennial Farm Programs .................................................................................. 8 Grant Programs ........................................................................................................................ 9 Agricultural Land Conservation Assistance Grant Program .......................................................... 9 Land Trust Reimbursement Grant Program ................................................................................ 9

Easement Program Participation .................................................................................................................. 9 Agricultural Security Areas ...................................................................................................... 10 Location ................................................................................................................................. 10 Number of Acres .................................................................................................................... 10 Conservation Easements ......................................................................................................... 10 Number of Acres .................................................................................................................... 10 Number of Easements ............................................................................................................ 10 Number and Acres in Each Conservation Easement .................................................................. 10 Number and Value of Easements Purchased ............................................................................ 11 Participating Counties ............................................................................................................. 11 County Annual Appropriation .................................................................................................. 11 Characteristics of 2016 Preserved Farmland ............................................................................. 11 Quality of Farmlands Subject to Easement ............................................................................... 11 Nature and Scope of Development Activity .............................................................................. 12 Conservation Practices on Farms Subject to Easement .............................................................. 12 Recommendations for the Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements ............................. 13

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 13 State Agricultural Land Preservation Board ................................................................................................ 14 2016 Farmland Preservation Report Appendices………………………………………………………………………………15-23

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Overview The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s (PDA) Bureau of Farmland Preservation administers programs that keep prime agricultural lands available for production agriculture in perpetuity. Section 14.4 of Act 149 requires the State Agricultural Land Preservation Board to describe all relevant activities of the program for the preceding calendar year in an annual report. This report covers the activities of the bureau and board from January 1 through December 31, 2017. Farmland Preservation in Pennsylvania According to American Farmland Trust, Pennsylvania leads the nation in farmland preservation, with 5,242 farms and more than 550,000 acres protected though permanent agricultural conservation easement. Using public funds to purchase easements is a critical investment in Pennsylvania’s robust agricultural industry, and no other state has done more to protect its prime farmland soils for future generations. Pennsylvania has some of the most fertile non-irrigated soils found anywhere in the world, and as the economy rebounds and land-use challenges persist, development pressures threaten prime farmland. Farmland preservation works in tandem with smart growth concepts and comprehensive planning at the local level to safeguard farmland and ensure a future food supply for a growing world population. In 2017, farmland preservation efforts were bolstered by:

• $53.9 million in state, county, and federal funds made available to purchase development rights on working farms;

• Total county contributions exceeding the half-billion-dollar mark, and state contributions exceeding one billion dollars in early 2018;

• 16,236 acres preserved on 197 farms; • A $6.3 million grant awarded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural

Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to install best management practices on preserved and applicant farms located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed;

• The Preserved Farms Resource Center continuing its mission to provide professional succession planning services to owners of preserved farms; and

• Recognizing 16 Century Farm families and five Bicentennial Farm families. County Milestones Two counties celebrated important preservation milestones during 2017:

• Lebanon County – 25th anniversary • Lackawanna County – 5,000 acres

Bureau Activities The Bureau of Farmland Preservation provides administrative and technical support to 58 counties that participate in farmland preservation programs, and oversees the distribution of funds set aside for preservation purposes. Easement recommendations are reviewed for state board approval, and guidance is given to counties, farm owners, local officials, and attorneys on issues related to preserved farms. The stewardship responsibilities associated with a now $1.5 billion public investment are mounting, and this trend will continue over time.

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In addition to administering the state Farmland Preservation program, the bureau is tasked with overseeing the Clean and Green preferential assessment program, the Agricultural Security Area program, and the Century and Bicentennial Farm program. Program Implementation The Pennsylvania Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program was developed in 1988 to help slow the loss of prime farmland to non-agricultural uses. The program enables state, county and local governments to purchase conservation easements – called development rights – from farm owners. The first easements were purchased in 1989. Counties participating in the program have appointed agricultural land preservation boards. A state board is responsible for distributing state funds, as well as approving and monitoring county programs, boards, and specific easement purchases. A farm owner’s first step to preserving a farm is to enroll in an Agricultural Security Area (ASA), which protects the farm against local ordinances and nuisance lawsuits that could affect normal farming activities. An ASA designation also provides special consideration in review of farmland condemnation by state and local government agencies. If the ASA includes at least 500 acres enrolled, it may qualify for consideration under the easement purchase program at the landowner’s request. In addition to enrollment in an ASA, farms considered for easement purchase must be in active agricultural use. Soil quality, stewardship, and development pressure are evaluated by county officials, and farms are then ranked and placed on a waiting list by ranking. To date, roughly 1,500 eligible farms remain on county backlog lists. The State Agricultural Land Preservation Board met six times in 2017 to consider individual easement purchases submitted by 41 of the 58 counties participating in the Farmland Preservation program. The state board approved for purchase 197 easements -- totaling 16,236 acres -- from state, county, and local governments, as well as non-profits. Funding Conservation easements allow property owners to retain a farm’s title, pass the property to heirs, or sell the property, while still maintaining agricultural use of the land. Many farmers use the proceeds from easement sales to reduce debt loads, expand operations, or to help ensure the transition of the farm to the next generation. Farmers may choose to receive the proceeds from easement sales in a lump sum payment, in installments over a period of five years, or on a long-term installment basis. The program operates on a calendar year with county governments, and the state board is required to set a spending threshold by March 1 of each year. In 2017, the board set this amount at $36 million; county contributed $16.7 million. Each county received a grant amount and counties that contributed funds also received a match. Along with federal funds, the total investment in farmland preservation for 2017 was $53,930,517. Dedicated state funding sources include $25.5 million annually from cigarette taxes and a variable amount of roughly 18.7 percent of the Environmental Stewardship Fund. Most transactions are bargain sales, meaning, the landowner is offered less than the appraised easement value. In 2017, farm owners donated roughly $6 million in easement value to the program. This contribution is the single greatest source of leveraging for farmland preservation.

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(Appendix, Figure 2). Public Information and Training Part of the bureau’s commitment to protecting the state’s farmland from development involves providing county programs with accurate information and resources to submit easement purchases to the State Agricultural Land Preservation Board for approval. Bureau staff support the 58 counties with approved programs by interpreting legislation, reviewing county program manuals, providing sample documents, meeting with appraisers, reviewing easement documents, and offering administrative guidance. In 2017, the bureau conducted a regional training session for county administrators in State College. The bureau also conducted individual training sessions for county administrators and participated in other meetings conducted by the Pennsylvania Farmland Preservation Association, an organization comprised of county farmland preservation program administrators dedicated to promoting the interests of agricultural land preservation in the state. This outreach helps to ensure that county staff have a comprehensive understanding of the program, strengthening the relationships between bureau staff and those they assist. Additionally:

• The bureau is currently revising A Guide to Farmland Preservation, a comprehensive resource for county farmland preservation program administrators.

• PA Farmland, a web-based program, automates and streamlines the process of submitting farms for easement recommendation, saving time and resources and cutting administrative costs. The bureau is working with the department’s Office of Information Technology on phase two of the project to incorporate financial tracking and inspection forms, further reducing paperwork and improving efficiency.

• Bureau staff provided public outreach at the 2017 Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg, Dauphin County, and Ag Progress Days in Rock Springs, Centre County.

• In 2017, the bureau led two Clean and Green program classes to county tax assessors at regional and statewide conferences. The bureau also occasionally attends meetings conducted by the Assessors Association of Pennsylvania’s Clean and Green committee and the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania.

• The bureau instructed a class on Agricultural Security Areas to township officials at the annual Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors conference in Hershey and another class at a regional conference in Wellsboro.

• In 2017, bureau staff met routinely with farmers and stakeholders on topics related to farmland preservation. As the program matures and the number of preserved farms increases, the workload has shifted from that of securing purchases to one of protecting an investment. Competing land use interests and a growing population will continue to challenge easements going forward.

o For example, the bureau presented at three public meetings regarding a high-tension powerline project that will impact preserved farmland in Franklin and York counties, which demonstrates the need to strike a balance between energy needs and protection of farmland and natural resources.

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Regional Conservation Partnership Program The bureau was awarded a $6.3 million Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) contract by USDA-NRCS in 2017 to install best management practices on farms in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The grant, which uses state and county farmland preservation investments as the required match, validates an important point that working farms with good conservation practices are a benefit to water quality and natural environment. Preserved farms are ideal for investing in conservation, as the farms will always be available for agriculture and are required to follow a conservation plan in perpetuity. The grant will prioritize applicants and preserved farm owners based on need and practices helping to benefit water quality, and the primary focus area includes Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Perry, and York counties – with intent to include additional counties in the future. Preserved Farms Resource Center The industry’s ability to continue thriving rests on the ability of individual farms to transition to the next generation. It is an especially critical time given the struggle of the dairy industry and many transitions those farm owners may face. A variety of resources and education are needed to help farm families work through the difficult process of creating and implementing a farm succession plan, whether the farm stays in the family or transitions to non-family members. Without adequate succession planning, farms are at greater risk of going out of business or being converted to non-farm uses. By creating a succession plan, a family’s vision and intentions for a farm can be addressed and implemented purposefully. To date, more than 1,500 of the 5,242 preserved farms in Pennsylvania have changed hands and made some sort of transition. The Preserved Farms Resource Center was created to facilitate business transition and succession planning for Pennsylvania’s growing number of preserved farms. It will complement the work of the bureau and the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Land Preservation Board, which safeguards prime agricultural land in perpetuity. The center assists farm owners by coordinating the development of a team to facilitate the transition/succession and business planning process for farm families. This process is implemented by a team of professionals with expertise in farm transition planning tailored to the specific needs of each farm. Team members may include facilitators, attorneys, accountants, financial planners, lenders, conservation and nutrient management planners, and other professionals who can provide expertise in the process. Grant funds provided through the Grant Assistance Program are available for up to $3,000 per farm family for costs associated with transition planning. Two workshops for preserved farm owners in Berks and Cumberland counties were conducted in 2017, with more workshops underway across the state in 2018.

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Clean and Green Program The Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act of 1974—also known as the Clean and Green Act, or Act 319—protects farmland, forestland, and open space by allowing for land taxation per its value as used rather than the prevailing market value. The effect of Clean and Green on the overall farmland preservation effort is widespread, as affordable property taxes are essential to maintaining viable farms. In its 40-year history, the program has been successful in achieving this goal. Enrolled land is assessed per the income approach to land appraisal – the amount of income the land can produce at its highest and best agricultural use. In recent years, use values have increased. Counties may establish use values that are lower than the department’s. The program has widespread participation, with nine million acres enrolled statewide. The average reduction in fair market assessed value for enrollees is roughly 50 percent – providing an incentive to keep the land undeveloped. The program is voluntary and requires a minimum of 10 acres remaining in one of three designated use categories:

• Agricultural use: land used to produce agricultural commodities commercially; • Agricultural reserve: noncommercial open space land used for recreation and scenic enjoyment

that is open to the public free-of-charge; and • Forest reserve: 10 acres or more of forested land capable of yielding timber or other wood

products. Land removed from its designated category for a non-permitted use is subject to a rollback tax imposed for up to seven years, plus 6 percent interest. Certain land divisions and conveyances are exempt from rollback penalties if the original use of the land does not change. County assessment offices administer the program at the county level. The bureau provides for uniform interpretation of the Clean and Green Act among county assessment offices and distributes use values by May 1 of each year. County assessors are required to submit information annually on the extent of Clean and Green Act participation within their counties to the department. To facilitate this process, the department surveys each county on its Clean and Green activity, and the findings from this survey are the basis of this report. A copy of the survey form used to gather this information is included in the appendices as Exhibit A. 2017 Clean and Green Survey Results Administration The 2017 survey forms were distributed to 67 counties, and 61 responded to the survey. Sixty counties, or 90 percent, participated in the Clean and Green program. Table 8 (appendix) depicts those counties reporting participation in 2017. Table 9 (appendix) summarizes the statistical data of participation. Counties reported 204,968 parcels enrolled in 2017, covering 10,315,030 acres. Table 10 (appendix) indicates the acres terminated in each category of eligibility. The most common reasons for termination and removal of enrolled land include a split-off or subdivision between two and 10 acres, a change in use of the enrolled property that is inconsistent with the eligibility requirements, sale of enrolled property for residential development, establishment of a commercial activity not consistent with the allowable rural enterprise, and posting land enrolled in the agriculture reserve category.

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Table 11 (appendix) lists the number of applications rejected per county for reasons such as not meeting requirements, too little acreage, late filing, non-conforming use, inability to verify ownership, or failure to show $2,000 anticipated gross income. It lists the number of violations cited for reasons such as property split-offs, non-conforming subdivisions, change in use, transfer of land, and voluntary rollbacks. Far more applications are accepted each year than rejected. Violations, which result in rollback taxes, are often unavoidable. Table 12 (appendix) lists the Rollback Tax Summary. It details the dollar amount received as rollback taxes and the dollar amount received as interest on the rollback taxes. Act 319 requires that all the interest received on rollback taxes be added to other local money appropriated by an eligible county for the purchase of agricultural conservation easements. If the county does not participate in the easement program, the interest shall be forwarded to the state agricultural conservation easement purchase fund. The interest on rollback taxes is intended to mitigate loss of farmland, as it is used to fund easements purchased through the state farmland preservation program. In some cases, it is the sole source of county funds that are certified to the state for match. Table 13 (appendix) lists the way Act 319 use values were determined by the responding counties. The county has the option of establishing a base year to calculate the preferential assessment, using the annual department-provided county-specific use values, or determining a lower county-specific use value. Many counties favor locking in base-year values rather than updating each year, while others prefer annual updates. Table 13 also lists how counties assess the forest reserve average values. The department, with assistance from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Forestry, provides values based on the average value of timber in a county and the average value of six timber types. Federal Agricultural Conservation Easement Program The federal Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) works through existing government programs, including the Bureau of Farmland Preservation, to help preserve prime and unique farmland. The program reimburses land owners up to 50 percent of the fair market easement value. This allows counties to preserve additional farms on their waiting lists that may have otherwise not been preserved with state, county, and municipality funding alone. Since 1996, the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (formerly known as the Farm and Ranchland Protection Program) has provided nearly $34 million in funding to the state easement purchase program in Pennsylvania. This funding preserved more than 40,000 acres throughout the commonwealth. In 2017, USDA awarded nearly $692,100 in reimbursements for two farms totaling 201 acres in one county. The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program is a Farm Bill program that will be debated in 2018 as the federal Farm Bill is negotiated. Century and Bicentennial Farm Programs Pennsylvania’s Century and Bicentennial Farm programs demonstrate the importance of agriculture and the state’s rural heritage and emphasize the commitment of Pennsylvania’s long-standing farm families to preserving a vital element of our economy.

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The Century Farm program recognizes farms that have been in the same family for 100 years or more. Owners of farms recognized with this designation are presented with a certificate from the Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture. Information supplied by the applicants is filed in the archives of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. The Bicentennial Farm program was created in 2004 to recognize farms that have been in the same family for 200 years or more. The Bicentennial Farm Program is ruled by similar standards to the Century Farm Program. Fifteen Century and Bicentennial farms were recognized at several different events in 2017, including the Pennsylvania Farm Show and Ag Progress Days. To date, the Department of Agriculture has recognized 2,026 Century and 180 Bicentennial farms, representing 2,206 families dedicated to both their heritage and production agriculture. Grant Programs Agricultural Land Conservation Assistance Grant Program Act 99 of 1994 authorized up to $750,000 in proceeds from the sale of state-owned farmland to establish an Agricultural Land Conservation Assistance Grant Program. Act 85 of 2016 amended the fiscal code to expand use of funds to include grants of up to $3,000 each to owners of preserved farms for succession planning. Grant funds may be used for reimbursement on a match basis for costs incurred by applicants. The funds are administered by the bureau through the Preserved Farms Resource Center. Land Trust Reimbursement Grant Program In addition to the state’s Bureau of Farmland Preservation, nonprofit organizations called land trusts operate throughout Pennsylvania to ensure land with special natural or public value is not developed. To support this effort and accelerate the state’s farmland preservation activity, Act 46 of 2006 established the Land Trust Reimbursement Grant Program. The grant program authorizes the Pennsylvania Agricultural Land Preservation Board to allocate up to $200,000 annually from the Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the acquisition of agricultural conservation easements by land trusts. The grants cover expenses including appraisal, legal services, title searches, document preparation, title insurance, survey and closing fees. Twenty-three land trusts are registered with the state board. As of December 2017, the board has awarded $2,057,212 to 13 land trusts for expenses incurred through the preservation of 31,367 acres. The acreage preserved through this program does not count toward the state total of preserved land and farms. Easement Program Participation The remainder of this annual report responds directly to the requirements of Section 14.4 (legislative report) of Act 149 of 1988, the Agricultural Area Security Law. Subsection titles correspond to the numbered paragraphs of Section 14.4 and contain explanatory text that references tables and graphs included in the appendices.

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Agricultural Security Areas Agricultural Security Areas strengthen and protect quality farmland from the urbanization of rural areas by protecting against local nuisance ordinances related to farming activities, and providing oversight in certain cases of eminent domain. Enrollment in an ASA is voluntary, but a prerequisite for applying to the farmland preservation program. The most important step in preserving a farm begins at the local level when the ASA is formed. The Agricultural Area Security Law, as amended April 13, 1992, P.L. 100, No. 23, provides that the secretary of agriculture shall be notified by the governing body within 10 days of the recording of an ASA.

Location A list of all ASAs known to the department is contained in Table 1 (appendix). ASAs are listed alphabetically by county and township. As of 2017, 997 ASAs have been formed in 65 counties in Pennsylvania. Number of Acres In 2017, a total of 3,993,496 acres were enrolled in ASAs across Pennsylvania. Agricultural conservation easements in 2017 are listed in Table 2 (appendix). The first two columns list the landowner’s name and the county where the easement is located. Conservation Easements Number of Acres In 2017, 16,236 acres were placed under agricultural conservation easements. Since the program began, 531,025 acres have been placed under agricultural conservation easements in the commonwealth under the authority of Act 149 of 1988. All the easements have been purchased to protect the land in perpetuity. Agricultural conservation easements preserved in 2017 are listed in Table 2 (appendix). The second and third columns list the landowner’s name and the county where the easement is located. Number of Easements To date, 5,270 easements have been purchased in Pennsylvania under the authority of Act 149 of 1988. While other agricultural conservation easements exist in the commonwealth, they have not been purchased under the authority of Act 149 and their existence is not reported to the agriculture department. The reported easements are specifically divided into 1,110 county-owned, 1,728 commonwealth-owned, 2,262 jointly-owned agricultural conservation easements, 111 multi-funded easements and 46 easements funded jointly between a county and non-profit or local municipality. Number and Acres in Each Conservation Easement Table 2 (appendix) lists the number of easements, and acres included in each easement purchased during the reporting period. There were 197 easements totaling 16,236 acres purchased in 2017, shown in Table 2 (appendix). There were 166 lump-sum payment purchases, accounting for 86 percent of the easements. Most easement transactions were bargain sales, meaning easements were purchased at less than 100 percent of the appraised easement value.

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Roughly 20 percent, or 32, were regular installment sales. Most of the installments received no interest, while several regular installment sales averaged one percent. Number and Value of Easements Purchased The purchase price of each easement under the program this reporting period is given under column five of Table 2 (appendix). The next two columns of Table 2 present additional costs in acquiring the easements, and the “Total Costs” column represents the sum of the three columns.

1. Commonwealth-Owned Conservation Easements Sixty-seven commonwealth-owned easements were purchased in 2017, covering 5,122 acres with an easement value of $15,093,812.

2. Joint Commonwealth/County-Owned Conservation Easements

There were 91 state and county jointly-owned easements covering 7,716 acres purchased in 2017. These easements totaled $24,744,529.

3. Multi-Commonwealth/County/Township-Owned Conservation Easements

In 2017, eight multi-owner easements totaling 641 acres and $1,412,854 were purchased by the commonwealth, counties and townships.

Participating Counties All 58 counties with appointed boards and active programs were eligible to participate in the 2017 allocation of funds process and are listed in Table 3 (appendix). County Annual Appropriation The 2017 appropriations made by counties are listed under the second column of Table 3 (appendix), totaling $17,210,765. Figure 1 (appendix) shows total county appropriation amounts from 1989-2018. Characteristics of 2016 Preserved Farmland Quality of Farmlands Subject to Easement Data was collected on the soil classification, crop types, acreages and yields, livestock types and numbers for each farm on which an easement was purchased from January 1 – December 31, 2016. In summary, 16,236 acres of land were placed under easement during this reporting period on 197 farms. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil classifications of this land are:

• Class I: 812 acres • Class II: 6,819 acres • Class III: 5,358 acres • Class IV: 2,111 acres • Other Classes (V-VIII; ponds, wetlands or other lands not broken down by county):

1,136 acres Soil classes I-IV are well-suited for agricultural production. A breakdown of the major crops grown on the farms:

• Row Crops: 7,956 acres

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• Hayland: 4,871 acres • Small Grain: 1,786 acres • Pasture: 1,623 acres

Farms preserved supporting primary livestock operations:

• Dairy: 39 farms • Beef: 19 farms • Horses: 4 farms • Sheep: 2 farms • Swine: 3 farms

Nature and Scope of Development Activity The likelihood of development was generally moderate to high in areas where agricultural conservation easements were purchased. These areas were primarily zoned rural residential, agricultural or conservation district. Agricultural zoning occurred in approximately 50 percent of the areas under easement purchase. Public sewer and water is available or is planned in approximately 25 percent of the preserved area.

Conservation Practices on Farms Subject to Easement The following summary presents the frequency of use of conservation practices and best management practices on farms where conservation easements were purchased in 2017. All the farmers have developed conservation plans for their farms and are in various stages of implementation. Annual inspections conducted by the counties will report on the progress being made by farmers toward implementing their conservation plans.


CONSERVATION NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL PRACTICES OF FARMS FARMS w/ EASEMENTS Conservation tillage 140 71 Contour farming 146 74 Crop rotations 124 63 Crop residue use 55 28 Cover crops 150 76 Diversions 28 14 Streambank protection 18 9 Strip-cropping 156 79 Subsurface drainage 7 4 Terraces 17 9

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Water control structures 9 4 Waterways 81 41 Animal waste storage 102 51 Nutrient management system 103 52 Pasture and hay land management 134 68

Recommendations for the Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements The total number of recommendations filed this reporting period by counties is the same as the number approved by the state board (197). None were disapproved. Conclusion Over the past year, the Farmland Preservation program permanently preserved 16,236 acres of agricultural land on 197 farms. With an average price per acre of $2,900, the cost of this protection in state and county funds totaled $54,919,374. Farmers have requested and gained municipal government approval of agricultural security areas protecting farming on more than 3.9 million acres of land; of the 58 participating counties, 55, or 95 percent, appropriated local money for farmland preservation during the 2017 calendar year, amounting to more than $16.7 million. Pennsylvania’s Farmland Preservation program thrives on partnerships between all levels of government and non-profit organizations and is a national model for success in land conservation. An estimated 1,500 eligible farms remain on county backlog lists for 2017. The mission of the program moving forward will be to continue preserving prime farmland and to safeguard a vast investment made in Pennsylvania agriculture. In addition, supporting programs like Clean and Green and the Agricultural Security Area continue to keep property taxes affordable and protect the rights of participating farm owners.

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State Agricultural Land Preservation Board as of December 31, 2017

The Honorable Russell C. Redding, Chairman and Secretary, PA Department of Agriculture

The Honorable Martin Causer, Pennsylvania House of Representatives The Honorable Elder Vogel, Jr., Senate of Pennsylvania

The Honorable Eddie Day Pashinski, Pennsylvania House of Representatives The Honorable Judith Schwank, Senate of Pennsylvania

The Honorable Patrick McDonnell, Secretary, PA Department of Environmental Protection The Honorable Dennis Davin, Secretary, PA Department of Community and Economic Development

The Honorable Dennis Stuckey, Lancaster County Commissioner Dr. Richard Roush, Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences

Michael Firestine Thomas Headley

Sheila Miller Jim Mumper

Donald Norman David Schuler Diane Stamy



Stephanie Zimmerman Dawn Patrick April Orwig

Nicole Bloom

John H. Howard, PDA Assistant Counsel

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2016-17 Farmland Preservation Report Appendices

Exhibit A: Clean and Green Survey Form Figure 1: County Appropriations for Farmland Preservation Figure 2: State Appropriations for Farmland Preservation Figure 3: Number of Farms Preserved by Year Figure 4: Agricultural Security Areas Map Figure 5: Agricultural Conservation Easements Map Figure 6: Allocation of Funds Map Figure 7: Clean and Green Map Table 1: Agricultural Security Areas Table 2: Agricultural Conservation Easements Table 3: 2016 Allocation of Funds Table 4: County Agricultural Land Preservation Programs Table 5: Summary of Agricultural Easements by County Table 6: History of Farmland Preservation Funding Table 7: Land Trust Reimbursement Grant Program Table 8: Clean and Green Survey Response Table 9: Clean and Green Participation Table 10: Acres Terminated in Each Category of Clean and Green Table 11: Appeals Made to Board of Assessment Appeals or Court of Common Pleas Table 12: Rollback Tax Summary Table 13: Clean and Green Use Value Implementation by County

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1 1 Adams Berwick 851 10 10 02/05/96 3/9/2006 Deborah Brogan 85 Municipal Road Hanover PA 17331 (717) 632-1829 (717) 632-2280 [email protected] 2 Adams Butler I & II 7,096 70 81 06/14/90 7/16/2013 9/23/2013 Phyllis Gilbert 2379 Table Rock Road Biglerville PA 17307 (717) 677-6712 (717) 677-67133 3 Adams Conewago 1,604 12 14 06/21/94 3/9/2006 Lorraine Knox 541 Oxford Avenue Hanover PA 17331 (717) 637-0411 (717) 637-6826 [email protected] 4 Adams Cumberland I 5,393 46 57 11/03/82 9/29/2014 10/27/2014 Carol Merryman 1370 Fairfield Road Gettysburg PA 17325 (717) 334-6485 (717) 334-36325 5 Adams Franklin I 1,533 13 26 01/22/91 2/10/2012 2/10/2012 2/16/2012 Dorothy Shaffer PO Box 309 Cashtown PA 17310 (717) 334-4901 (717) 334-0865 [email protected] 6 Adams Franklin II 6,446 67 83 05/02/92 10/21/2018 10/21/2011 12/1/2011 Dorothy Shaffer PO Box 309 Cashtown PA 173107 7 Adams Franklin III 1,076 19 09/08/93 3/11/2008 3/11/2008 3/28/2008 Lori Killinger PO Box 309 Cashtown PA 17310 (717) 334-49018 8 Adams Franklin IV 1,173 10 13 06/06/02 10/6/2016 10/18/2016 3/1/2017 Susan J. Plank PO Box 309 Cashtown PA 17310 (717) 334-4901 (717)334-0865 [email protected] 9 Adams Freedom 2,840 57 36 11/01/91 6/8/2005 5/14/2009 6/2/2009 Joyce Shindledecker 2184 Pumping Station Road Fairfield PA 17320 (717) 337-2926 (717) 337-3545 [email protected]

10 10 Adams Germany 1,759 22 10/21/91 10/21/1998 3/9/2006 David Krebs 60 Ulricktown Road Littlestown PA 17340 (717) 359-7537 (717) 359-7537 [email protected] 11 Adams Hamilton 3,345 59 09/04/90 9/4/1997 3/9/2006 Barbara Webb 272 Mummerts Church Road Abbottstown PA 17301 (717) 259-7237 (717) 259-7255 [email protected] 12 Adams Hamiltonban 5,486 31 41 09/20/82 9/20/1989 2/9/2011 2/16/2011 Coleen Reamer 23 Carroll's Tract Road Fairfield PA 17320 (717) 642-8509 (717) 642-9511 [email protected] 13 Adams Highland 3,048 30 12/16/91 12/16/1998 3/9/2006 Judith Hay 3641 Fairfield Road Gettysburg PA 17325 (717) 642-8410 (717) 642-6512 [email protected] 14 Adams Huntington 6,832 55 4 09/05/91 9/5/1998 6/15/2009 6/29/2009 Pat Davis 750 Trolley Road York Springs PA 17372 (717) 528-4027 (717) 528-7052 [email protected] 15 Adams Latimore I & II 3,818 22 01/20/83 1/20/1990 3/9/2006 Valena Garlin 559 Old Route 15 York Springs PA 17372 (717) 528-4614 (717) 528-8281 [email protected] 16 Adams Liberty 804 9 01/06/94 1/6/2001 3/9/2006 LeeEsta Frishkorn 39 Topper Road Fairfield PA 17320 (717) 642-3780 (717) 642-9685 [email protected] 17 Adams Menallen I 9,131 119 09/17/90 9/17/1997 3/9/2006 Nancy Cline 170 Memory Lane Aspers PA 17304 (717) 677-6635 (717) 677-6967 [email protected] 18 Adams Mount Joy 6,644 141 132 08/29/89 12/21/2017 1/3/2018 2/12/2018 Sheri L. Moyer 902 Hoffman Home Road Gettysburg PA 17325 (717) 359-4500 (717) 359-9741 [email protected] 19 Adams Mount Pleasant I-VI 9,985 131 05/04/90 5/4/1997 3/9/2006 Diane Groft 1035 Beck Road Gettysburg PA 17325 (717) 624-8049 (717) 624-7110 [email protected] 20 Adams Oxford 908 12 11/14/91 11/14/1998 3/9/2006 Oxford Twp 780 Hanover Street New Oxford PA 17350 (717) 624-4544 (717) 624-3511 [email protected] 21 Adams Reading 6,047 64 10 07/08/91 7/8/1998 12/1/2016 1/3/2017 Garry L. Wilt 50 Church Road East Berlin PA 17316 (717) 624-4222 (717) 624-792622 22 Adams Straban 1,606 17 20 10/24/90 12/3/2019 8/11/2016 11/28/2016 Tony M. Sanders 1745 Granite Station Road Gettysburg PA 17325 (717) 334-4833 (717) 334-0061 [email protected] 23 Adams Tyrone I-III 3,865 35 1 05/14/92 5/14/1999 8/12/2009 10/7/2009 Jeanne Motter 5280 Old Harrisburg Road York Springs PA 17372 (717) 528-4012 (717) 528-7999 [email protected] 24 Adams Union I-III 4,318 56 06/12/90 6/12/1997 3/9/2006 Union Twp 255 Pine Grove Road Hanover PA 17331 (717) 359-7811 (717) 359-4703 [email protected]


25 1 AlleghenForward 2,569 27 37 10/01/96 9/15/2003 7/5/2007 1/2/2008 Pamela Balogh 1000 Golden Circle Elizabeth PA 15037 (412) 384-1761 (412) 384-1764 [email protected] 2 AlleghenFrazer 764 12 23 09/25/01 9/25/2008 4/26/2004 1/31/2006 Lori Ziencik 592 Pittsburgh Mills Circle Tarentum PA 15084 (724) 274-4202 (724) 274-420327 3 AlleghenNorth HIlls 3,218 67 99 09/16/93 9/16/2001 11/30/1994 2/27/2006 Bruce Betty 9955 Grubbs Road Wexford PA 15090 (412) 364-0616 (412) 364-506628 4 AlleghenWest Deer 1,827 35 40 08/25/93 8/25/2000 9/23/2016 10/5/2016 Daniel J. Mator, Jr. 109 East Union Road Cheswick PA 15024 (724) 265-368029 5 AlleghenSouth Fayette 2,208 44 66 10/14/98 9/19/2005 2/27/2005 Richard Kasmer 515 Millers Run Road Morgan PA 15064 (412) 221-8700 (412) 221-779830 6 AlleghenNorth Fayette 1,323 31 24 08/27/13 2/6/2015 7/1/2015 Laura Ludwig, AICP 400 North Branch Road Oakdale PA 15071 (724) 693-9601 (724) 693-813231 7 AlleghenPine 57 2 1 08/16/93 7/1/2015 9/18/2015 Larry Kurpakus PA


32 1 Armstro Bethel 1,870 28 37 11/10/93 7/3/2007 7/13/2007 7/3/2007 Lisa Lichanec RD3 Box 135 Ford City PA 16226 (724) 763-1882 (724) 763-2181 [email protected] 2 Armstro Boggs 2,824 25 34 04/14/93 8/4/2007 8/13/2007 9/18/2007 Harold Mateer 298 Mt. Trails Road Templeton PA 16259 (724) 868-264734 3 Armstro Burrell 2,740 26 40 02/12/01 2/12/2008 2/12/2001 1/31/2006 Susan Rearick RD3 Box 229A Ford City PA 16226 (724) 845-728535 4 Armstro East Franklin 1,045 23 34 10/02/08 10/2/2015 10/2/2008 10/20/2008 Barry Peters 106 Cherry Orchard Avenue Kittanning PA 16201 (724) 548-2310 (724) 543-301536 5 Armstro Giplin 1,860 23 34 12/23/92 12/23/1992 1/31/2006 Sharon Long 589 State Rte 56 Leechburg PA 15656 (724) 845-0981 (724) 845-637637 6 Armstro Kiskiminetas 5,261 120 144 06/22/90 3/17/2004 2/22/2012 6/15/2012 Barbara Talmadge PO Box 108 Spring Church PA 15686 (724) 478-2737 (724) 478-5677 [email protected] 7 Armstro Kittanning 2,777 27 42 02/28/97 2/28/1997 1/31/2006 Robert Conklin RD1 Box 101A Kittanning PA 16201 (724) 548-2898 (724) 548-2898 [email protected] 8 Armstro Mahoning 1,393 15 17 06/22/01 10/19/2010 9/29/2015 10/5/2015 Jackie Steffy 987 SR 1025 New Bethlehem PA 16242 (814) 275-305940 9 Armstro Manor 3,054 31 54 06/25/92 10/9/2008 1/8/2014 2/11/2014 Jill Davis PO Box 144 McGrann PA 16236 (724) 763-9215 (724) 763-1896 [email protected] 10 Armstro North Buffalo 3,539 35 53 11/05/90 11/5/1997 5/15/2007 6/25/2007 Pamela Bowser 149 McHaddon Road Kittanning PA 16201 (724) 543-5035 (724) 548-492642 11 Armstro Parks 2,381 49 81 08/18/97 8/18/1997 1/31/2006 Mary Ralston 26 Jackson Street N Vandergrift PA 15690 (724) 567-776443 12 Armstro Plumcreek 3,536 35 61 10/13/94 10/9/2008 10/9/2008 11/24/2008 Linda McKissick 849 State Rte 210 Shelocta PA 15774 (724) 354-3984 (724) 354-358344 13 Armstro Redbank 1,168 4 18 07/12/11 7/12/2018 7/18/2011 8/10/2011 Wendy Edmonds 409 Sugar Valley Road Mayport PA 1624045 14 Armstro South Bend 1,901 11 26 03/10/95 9/4/2009 10/7/2009 Kimberly Anderson State Route Spring Church PA 15686 (724) 478-1411 (724) 354-4027 [email protected] 15 Armstro South Buffalo 2,825 41 65 12/14/93 12/14/1993 1/31/2006 Michele Brestensky 384 Iron Bridge Road Freeport PA 16229 (724) 295-0455 (724) 295-0477 [email protected] 16 Armstro Sugarcreek 1,150 6 14 LeeAnn VanGrootenb1807 State Route 268 East Brady PA 16028 (724) 526-3261 (724) 232-0261 [email protected] 17 Armstro Valley 3,698 21 47 03/13/02 3/13/2009 5/4/2009 6/22/2009 Kathy Hawkins 11521 State Rte 85 Kittanning PA 16201 (724) 548-7046 (724) 548-7046 [email protected] 18 Armstro Wayne 772 4 6 08/01/06 8/1/2006 7/26/2007 Wayne Twp 372 Boat Launch Road Dayton PA 16222 (814) 257-8680 (814) 257-8246 [email protected] 19 Armstro West Franklin 4,036 35 88 08/13/90 6/1/2004 12/22/2011 1/24/2012 West Franklin Twp 1473 Butler Road Worthington PA 16262 (724) 297-3666 (724) 297-5318 [email protected]


51 1 Beaver Brighton 2,319 44 10/11/93 10/11/2000 Bryan Dehart 1300 Brighton Road Beaver PA 15009 (724) 774-4800 (724) 774-7565 [email protected] 2 Beaver Darlington 3,810 57 5 09/11/95 9/6/2016 9/6/2016 12/7/2016 Susan Householder 3590 Darlington Road Darlington PA 16115 (724) 827-873853 3 Beaver Daugherty 898 Roger Dunlap 2182 Mercer Road New Brighton PA 15066 (724) 846-5337 (724) 846-6481 [email protected] 4 Beaver Franklin 2,958 68 01/12/94 10/13/2014 10/22/2014 11/17/2014 James M. Morton 897 State Route 288 Fombell PA 16123 (724) 758-9702 (724) 758-241455 5 Beaver Greene 6,147 117 172 11/05/91 11/5/2012 12/5/2012 12/12/2012 Sandra Wright PO Box 181 Hookstown PA 15050 (724) 573-1111 (724) 573-5690 [email protected] 6 Beaver Hanover 6,738 172 271 10/10/89 9/12/2017 9/25/2017 12/5/2017 Sharon L. Vinci 2731 State Route 18 Hookstown PA 15050 (724) 899-2642 (724) 899-2690 [email protected] 7 Beaver Independence 4,866 62 6 11/14/90 11/14/1997 9/21/2011 11/4/2011 Wendy Potts Fleegal 104 School Road Aliquippa PA 15001 (724) 378-3739 (724) 378-8792 [email protected] 8 Beaver Industry 810 Jennie Caffro PO Box 249 Industry PA 15052 (724) 643-4360 (724) 643-6039 [email protected]

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59 9 Beaver Marion 2,386 24 09/10/90 8/18/2011 8/18/2011 9/1/2011 Marilyn Zona 485 Hartzell School Road Fombell PA 16123 (724) 452-1986 (724) 452-6619 [email protected] 10 Beaver New Sewickley 4,113 74 10/02/90 10/2/1997 6/13/2011 7/11/2011 Patricia Fowler 233 Miller Road Rochester PA 15074 (724) 774-7822 (724) 774-782561 11 Beaver North Sewickley 1,965 18 09/14/95 9/14/2002 Cindy Anderegg 893 Mercer Road Beaver Falls PA 15010 (724) 843-5826 (724) 843-910862 12 Beaver Ohioville 3,809 11 04/11/91 4/11/1998 Maureen Hapach 6268 Tuscarawas Road Midland PA 15059 (724) 643-1920 (724) 643-483863 13 Beaver Raccoon 4,624 181 241 05/14/91 5/14/1998 10/27/2011 12/1/2011 Janice Mikoloski 1234 State Route 18 Aliquippa PA 15001 (724) 495-6587 (724) 495-2707 [email protected] 14 Beaver South Beaver 2,365 62 38 08/08/95 8/8/2002 10/16/2014 11/18/2014 Carol Miller 1164 State Route 168 Darlington PA 16115 (724) 846-9320 (724) 843-8997


65 1 Bedford Bedford 9,772 50 64 01/04/83 8/15/2017 9/8/2017 10/10/2017 Janie L. McMillen PO Box 148 Bedford PA 15522 (814) 623-8296 (814) 623-5695 [email protected] 2 Bedford Bloomfield 5,162 36 03/07/95 3/7/2002 Charlene O'Dellick New Enterprise PA 16664 (814) 224-536767 3 Bedford Colerain 10,445 48 12/07/82 12/7/1989 Madelyn Fix Bedford PA 15522 (814) 847-273968 4 Bedford Cumberland Valley 9,617 49 05/30/89 5/30/1996 Martha Cessna Bedford PA 15522 (814) 356-3281 (814) 623-254469 5 Bedford East Providence 9,220 79 08/05/95 8/5/2002 Julia Hillenbrand Breezewood PA 15533 (814) 735-2064 (814) 735-226470 6 Bedford West Providence 959 4 04/21/01 5/15/2001 W Providence Twp PA71 7 Bedford East St.Clair 1,750 16 1 03/04/97 3/4/2011 10/2/2012 12/12/2012 Dorothy Oldham 1445 Quaker Valley Road New Paris PA 15522 (814) 839-2020 (814) 839-403172 8 Bedford Hopewell 6,239 41 07/13/92 7/13/1999 Melissa Thomas Everett PA 16664 (814) 652-5743 (814) 652-574373 9 Bedford Juniata 4,451 38 01/03/95 1/3/2002 Thomas Wambaugh Buffalo Mills PA 15522 (814) 733-4633 (814) 733-211174 10 Bedford Kimmell 2,306 28 06/07/99 6/7/2006 Susan Claycomb Queen PA 15522 (814) 239-8221 (814) 239-262175 11 Bedford King 2,432 12 04/02/96 4/2/2003 Ginger Mowry Osterburg PA 15533 (814) 279-9369 (814) 276-936976 12 Bedford Londonberry 4,695 44 04/03/95 4/3/2002 Ronald Scritchfield Hyndman PA 15554 (814) 842-6069 (814) 842-680077 13 Bedford Monroe 11,659 85 1 11/06/95 11/6/2002 9/4/2007 9/18/2007 Helen Mills Clearville PA 1553 (814) 784-3168 (814) 784-316878 14 Bedford Napier 3,910 31 09/01/98 9/1/2005 Judy Kendall Schellsburg PA 15534 (814) 733-4770 (814) 733-203379 15 Bedford Snake Spring 8,085 57 03/01/83 3/1/1990 Rose Diehl Verett PA 16670 (814) 623-1976 (814) 623-197680 16 Bedford Southampton 11,570 190 03/07/95 3/7/2002 Karen Cregger New Enterprise PA 16667 (814) 766-2900 (814) 766-244481 17 Bedford South Woodbury 7,242 45 09/03/91 9/3/1998 Tina Walter Clearville PA 15545 (814) 784-341382 18 Bedford West Providence 1,787 11 10/03/94 10/3/2001 Carol Clark Everett PA 15535 (814) 652-5943 (814) 652-571183 19 Bedford West St. Clair 959 4 10/04/00 10/4/2007 Cheryl Mickey Alum Bank PA 15559 (814) 839-2375 (814) 839-449084 20 Bedford Woodbury 7,032 55 11 03/24/83 3/24/1990 5/1/2008 6/9/2008 Denise Ott 4100 Woodbury Pike Woodbury PA 15537 (814) 766-3842 (814) 766-0098


85 1 Berks Albany 12,293 119 171 06/27/91 8/13/1998 12/5/2017 1/17/2018 Monica Rabert PO Box 197 Kempton PA 1666486 2 Berks Amity 1,771 28 40 09/04/90 2/20/2005 3/22/2013 7/3/2014 Amity Twp 2004 Weavertown Road Douglassville PA 15535 (610) 689-6000 (610) 689-9870 [email protected] 3 Berks Bern 2,237 21 48 08/01/95 1/17/2006 12/9/2014 4/14/2015 Township of Bern 1069 Old Bernville Road Reading PA 15537 (610) 926-2267 (610) 926-9028 [email protected] 4 Berks Bethel 8,721 36 113 05/01/89 10/18/2010 10/18/2010 11/22/2010 Bethel Twp PO Box 24 Bethel PA 15521 (717) 933-8813 (717) 933-4642 [email protected] 5 Berks Brecknock 2,070 56 63 10/09/03 10/9/2010 5/3/2012 6/15/2012 Brecknock Twp 889 Alleghenyville Road Mohnton PA 16695 (717) 445-6683 (717) 445-6922 [email protected] 6 Berks Caernarvon 1,195 22 63 07/11/95 11/20/2002 11/28/2007 12/15/2008 Caernarvon Twp PO Box 294 Morgantown PA 19543 (610) 286-1010 (610) 286-100191 7 Berks Centre 7,917 101 131 02/20/90 10/20/2010 7/24/2015 9/22/2015 Centre Twp 449 Bucks Hill Road Mohrsville PA 19541 (610) 926-8833 (610) 926-8832 [email protected] 8 Berks Colebrookdale 2,027 30 49 06/29/89 6/29/2003 5/15/2006 6/12/2006 Colebrookdale Twp 765 West Philadelphia Boyertown PA 19512 (610) 369-1362 (610) 367-7538 [email protected] 9 Berks District 2,936 89 88 09/10/91 11/21/2013 12/17/2013 2/19/2013 District Twp 202 Weil Road Boyertown PA 19512 (610) 845-7595 (610) 845-759694 10 Berks Douglass 2,263 13 23 10/26/88 11/1/2003 9/7/2004 2/21/2006 Douglass Twp 1068 Douglass Drive Boyertown PA 19512 (610) 367-8500 (610) 367-0360 [email protected] 11 Berks Greenwich 9,228 94 142 06/03/88 11/1/2003 11/10/2016 1/17/2017 Greenwich Twp 775 Old Route 22 Lenhartsville PA 19534 (610) 756-6707 (610) 756-609996 12 Berks Heidelberg 3,838 37 50 05/26/89 11/30/2003 10/28/2010 12/3/2010 Heidelberg Twp PO Box 241 Robesonia PA 19551 (610) 693-3197 (610) 693-8311 [email protected] 13 Berks Hereford 3,592 59 86 09/19/89 2/13/2004 9/26/2003 2/21/2006 Hereford Twp PO Box 225 Hereford PA 18056 (610) 845-2929 (610) 845-0616 [email protected] 14 Berks Jefferson 5,111 68 79 02/07/89 10/24/2002 5/17/2017 5/30/2017 Jefferson Twp PO Box 339 Bernville PA 19506 (610) 488-7047 (610) 488-056299 15 Berks Longswamp 4,031 47 107 11/03/89 11/3/2004 11/3/2004 1/31/2006 Longswamp Twp PO Box 37 Mertztown PA 19539 (610) 682-7388 (610) 682-9067 [email protected] 16 Berks Lower Heidleberg 2,112 26 26 02/28/92 2/28/1999 4/14/2011 4/28/2011 Lower Heidleberg Twp720 Brownsville Road Sinking Spring PA 19608 (610) 678-3393 (610) 678-6626 [email protected] 17 Berks Maidencreek 1,137 26 17 08/18/89 9/14/2017 9/14/2017 10/17/2017 Diane Hollenbach 1 Quarry Road Blandon PA 19510 (610) 926-4920 (610) 926-6314102 18 Berks Marion 6,463 59 85 11/26/91 9/14/2005 11/25/2014 4/17/2015 Marion Twp 420 Water Street Stouchsburg PA 19567 (610) 589-2860 (610) 589-5312103 19 Berks Maxatawny 8,588 73 133 05/10/89 5/10/2003 2/24/2004 1/31/2006 Maxatawny Twp 127 Quarry Road Ste 1 Kutztown PA 19530 (610) 683-6518 (610) 683-3518 [email protected] 20 Berks North Heidleberg 3,705 42 61 02/18/92 2/18/1999 12/1/2016 1/10/2017 Diana L. Minnich 928 Charming Forge Road Robesonia PA 19551 (610) 488-1619 (610) 488-9738105 21 Berks Oley 11,705 127 203 10/12/84 12/13/2011 12/5/2007 1/2/2008 Oley Twp 1 Rose Virginia Road Oley PA 19547 (610) 987-3423 (610) 987-9010 [email protected] 22 Berks Penn 4,150 59 87 05/31/89 5/31/2003 12/7/2016 3/7/2016 Denise M. Klopp 840 N Garfield Rd Bernville PA 19506 (610) 488-1160 (610) 488-0611 [email protected] 23 Berks Perry 6,318 59 100 08/09/90 8/9/2004 2/15/2018 3/6/2018 Perry Twp 680 Moselem Springs Road Shoemakersville PA 19555 (610) 562-2133 (610) 562-9739108 24 Berks Richmond 8,877 92 113 02/09/88 6/20/2003 12/10/2012 2/1/2013 Richmond Twp PO Box 474 Fleetwood PA 19522 (610) 944-0348 (610) 944-6461 [email protected] 25 Berks Robeson 2,713 49 81 07/22/94 7/22/2001 11/18/2016 12/13/2016 Robeson Twp 2689 Main Street Birdsboro PA 19508 (610) 582-4636 (610) 582-0032 [email protected] 26 Berks Rockland 3,731 75 95 01/02/96 1/2/2003 12/13/2011 1/24/2012 Rockland Twp PO Box 149 Bowers PA 19511 (610) 682-6311 (610) 682-4717 [email protected] 27 Berks Ruscombanor 962 36 54 01/24/92 9/6/2012 9/6/2012 12.12.12 Ruscombanor Twp 204 Oak Lane Fleetwood PA 19522 (610) 944-7242 (610) 944-7265 [email protected] 28 Berks South Heidelberg 1,686 22 82 03/22/90 3/22/2004 5/23/2002 1/31/2006 S Heidelberg Twp 68A N Galen Hall Road Werversville PA 19565 (610) 678-9652 (610) 678-9411 [email protected] 29 Berks Spring 1,114 22 21 11/23/99 1/23/2012 1/23/2012 2/16/2012 Spring Twp 2800 Shillington Road Sinking Spring PA 19608 (610) 678-5393 (610) 678-4571 [email protected] 30 Berks Tilden 5,755 76 91 01/16/90 10/13/2010 10/13/2010 11/22/2010 Tilden Twp 874 Hex Highway Hamburg PA 19526 (610) 562-7410 (610) 562-5490 [email protected] 31 Berks Tulpehocken 8,512 94 148 11/03/89 11/3/2003 11/17/2015 1/11/2016 Tulpehocken Twp PA116 32 Berks Union 1,582 1 43 09/10/02 9/10/2009 11/21/2003 1/31/2006 Union Twp 177 Centre Road Douglassville PA 19518 (610) 582-3769 (610) 582-4737 [email protected] 33 Berks Upper Bern 4,646 62 102 09/25/89 10/3/2011 10/3/2011 11/4/2011 Upper Bern 25 N 5th Street Shartlesville PA 19554 (610) 488-1191 (610) 488-0444118 34 Berks Upper Tulpehocken 5,905 74 101 09/11/90 9/11/2010 1/7/2013 2/1/2013 Upper Tulpehocken 6501 Old Rte 22 Bernville PA 19506 (610) 488-7170 (610) 488-6394 [email protected] 35 Berks Washington 4,448 59 63 07/13/89 8/20/2010 9/2/2016 11/15/2016 Washington Twp PA120 36 Berks Windsor 6,115 39 72 11/30/89 11/30/1996 6/22/2015 8/5/2015 Windsor Twp PA


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121 1 Blair Antis 2,582 28 38 10/04/94 4/12/2001 1/25/2017 2/21/2017 Lori Del Biondo 909 N Second Street Bellwood PA 16617 (814) 742-7361 (814) 742-9820122 2 Blair Catharine 4,001 20 28 11/11/91 2/27/1996 3/7/2006 Catharine Twp RD 1 Box 110 Williamsburg PA 16693 (814) 832-3328 (814) 832-3221123 3 Blair Frankstown 2,024 10 17 01/23/03 1/23/2010 2/28/2006 Beverly Henderson 1775 Frankstown Road Hollidaysburg PA 16648 (814) 695-7151 (814) 695-3563 [email protected] 4 Blair Greenfield 1,143 12 11 7/11/2006 8/31/2007 Nancy Hileman PA125 5 Blair Huston 7,885 45 75 07/21/91 7/28/2017 9/26/2017 Dorothy B. Stahl RR2 Box 54 Martinsburg PA 16662 (814) 793-3182 (814) 793-3182126 6 Blair North Woodbury 8,116 68 191 07/06/92 8/28/2014 10/23/2014 Sharon Brower RD1 Box 98 Martinsburg PA 16662 (814) 793-4357 (814) 793-4357127 7 Blair Snyder 2,069 22 30 12/07/93 7/5/2016 10/18/2016 Meredith A. Dillon 108 Baughman Hollow Road Tyrone PA 16686128 8 Blair Taylor 4,524 38 53 06/20/91 7/28/2014 11/5/2014 Barbara Greenleaf 1002 Rt 36 Roaring Spring PA 16673 (814) 224-2738 (814) 224-5223129 9 Blair Tyrone 14,102 69 139 05/08/85 5/5/2000 3/7/2006 John Burket RD1 Box 407 Tyrone PA 16686 (814) 684-4869 (814) 684-7495130 10 Blair Woodbury 6,059 31 64 01/13/92 8/10/2016 9/13/2016 Eleanor Harclerode 6385 Clover Creek Road Williamsburg PA 16693 (814) 832-3104 (814) 832-2296 [email protected]


131 1 BradfordAlbany 845 7 14 01/09/03 3/7/2006 Andrae Cummiskey RR1 Box 119A New Albany PA 18833 (570) 323-2324132 2 BradfordAthens 6,967 57 80 03/31/82 7/8/2002 8/3/2009 3/7/2006 Robin Smith 184 Herrick Avenue Sayre PA 18840 (570) 888-2325 (570) 888-9325 [email protected] 3 BradfordAsylum 2,890 22 40 02/11/91 3/7/2006 Bille Jo Tuttle 19981 Route 187 Towanda PA 18848 (570) 265-4339 (570) 265-5666 [email protected] 4 BradfordBurlington 4,347 34 50 10/01/90 8/3/2009 3/7/2006 Burlington Twp 2030 Weed Hill Road Towanda PA 18848 (570) 265-8642 [email protected] 5 BradfordColumbia 5,825 46 60 07/16/91 3/7/2006 Gary Horning 16 Canton Street Troy PA 16947 (570) 297-5090 (570) 297-2024136 6 BradfordFranklin 2,034 26 35 08/06/90 3/7/2006 Kerri Martin 403 Creamery Road Monroeton PA 18832 (570) 364-5460 [email protected] 7 BradfordGranville 7,597 68 114 07/01/90 10/10/2005 3/7/2006 Lori Saxton 487 Saxton Hill Road Granville Summi PA 16926 (570) 673-5037 (570) 673-5645 [email protected] 8 BradfordHerrick 5,796 68 91 04/11/90 2/1/1998 3/7/2006 Doreen Roehrig 339 Leisure Lakes Road Wyalusing PA 18853 (570) 744-2341 (570) 744-2263 [email protected] 9 BradfordLeRaysville Borough 355 6 7 3/7/2006 Sandy Merritt 130 E. Street, PO Box 142 LeRaysville PA 18829 (570) 744-2579 (570) 744-2926 [email protected] 10 BradfordLeroy 4,344 51 76 11/04/91 3/7/2006 Ted Tomlinson 7854 Southside Road Canton PA 17724 (570) 364-5743 (570) 364-5339 [email protected] 11 BradfordLitchfield 4,230 38 54 01/01/91 3/7/2006 Kathryn Hunsinger 168 Hunsiner Overlook Lane Athens PA 18810 (570) 888-4242 [email protected] 12 BradfordMonroe 2,491 33 48 03/06/91 3/7/2006 Monroe Twp PO Box 132 Monroeton PA 18832 (570) 265-8885 (570) 265-1087143 13 BradfordNorth Towanda 1,546 9 13 06/19/90 1/9/1998 1/9/1998 3/7/2006 Carol Pierce 477 Reuter Blvd Towanda PA 18848 (570) 265-3749 (570) 265-2682 [email protected] 14 BradfordOrwell 10,795 81 115 06/22/90 4/11/2002 4/9/2009 3/7/2006 Mia Beebe 205 Main Street Towanda PA 18829 (570) 247-7723 (570) 247-2855 [email protected] 15 BradfordOverton 473 1 1 9/7/2012 Michelle McGroarty 80 McGroarty Lane New Albany PA 18833 (570) 924-4633 [email protected] 16 BradfordPike 6,977 50 76 04/18/91 12/20/2004 12/20/2004 3/7/2006 Janice Young 1514 Haighs Pond Road Rome PA 18837 (570) 744-2334 [email protected] 17 BradfordRidgebury 2,653 17 37 9/7/2012 Tammi Talada 13278 Berwick Turnpike Gillett PA 16925 (570) 596-2731 (570) 596-7731 [email protected] 18 BradfordRome 3,832 38 51 09/01/87 3/7/2006 Priscilla Keeney 28083 Route 187 Wysox PA 18854 (570) 247-7373 (570) 247-7370 [email protected] 19 BradfordSheshequin 4,973 38 70 11/15/89 4/11/2005 8/14/1995 3/7/2006 Tonya Conklin 1774 North Middle Road Ulster PA 18850 (570) 358-3222 (570) 358-3854 [email protected] 20 BradfordSmithfield 8,842 122 82 10/25/90 3/23/2007 9/7/2012 Jennifer Chilson 48 Factory Lane, PO Box 27 East Smithfield PA 18817 (570) 596-7770 (570) 596-7771 [email protected] 21 BradfordSouth Creek 4,653 40 58 05/23/91 7/23/2001 7/23/2001 3/7/2006 Linda Leonard PO Box 60 Gillett PA 16925 (570) 596-3058 (570) 596-3058 [email protected] 22 BradfordSpringfield 6,468 39 59 09/12/90 12/5/1994 8/29/2007 9/7/2012 Haley Robson 882 Wood Road Milan PA 18831 (570) 596-2910 (570) 297-4046 [email protected] 23 BradfordStanding Stone 4,618 57 68 02/11/91 11/12/1998 3/7/2006 Debra Kithcart 35165 Route 6 Wysox PA 18854 (570) 265-9460 (570) 265-7015 [email protected] 24 BradfordTerry 4,333 62 78 08/06/90 3/7/2006 Stacy Hart 1876 Rienze Road Wyalusing PA 18853 (570) 265-9460 (570) 746-0933 [email protected] 25 BradfordTowanda 1,268 11 11 11/27/90 4/11/2005 4/5/2005 3/7/2006 Lori Kepner 44 Chape Street Towanda PA 18848 (570) 265-4344 (570) 265-5648 [email protected] 26 BradfordTroy 6,060 52 74 08/03/87 11/24/2004 4/30/2009 9/7/2012 Lonna Bly 961 Gulf Road Troy PA 16947 (570) 297-4341 (570) 297-0221 [email protected] 27 BradfordTuscarora 4,989 71 89 09/30/89 9/16/2003 3/14/2007 9/7/2012 Susan Berkley 5909 Spring Hill Road Wyalusing PA 18853 (570) 745-1043 (570) 746-9630 [email protected] 28 BradfordUlster 3,059 28 41 02/04/91 6/10/1993 3/7/2006 Jennifer Chilson 24071 Route 220 Ulster PA 18850 (570) 358-3637 (570) 358-3164 [email protected] 29 BradfordWarren 7,356 67 98 10/01/90 10/18/2004 10/18/1994 3/7/2006 Warren Twp 187 Schoolhouse Road Warren Center PA 18851 (570) 395-3594 (570) 395-0963 [email protected] 30 BradfordWells 3,930 42 61 09/06/88 6/12/2003 6/7/2012 9/7/2012 Mary Hastings 1401 Coreyland Park Road Gillett PA 16925 (570) 537-6599 (570) 537-3599 [email protected] 31 BradfordWest Burlington 2,888 41 46 04/01/90 9/7/2012 Julie Jennings 13028 Route 6 PO Box 120 Burlington PA 18814 (570) 297-0773 (570) 297-0723 [email protected] 32 BradfordWilmot 8,154 73 103 09/04/90 3/8/2006 Jane Dietz 536 Dietz Road Sugar Run PA 18846 (570) 746-3285 (570) 746-9254 [email protected] 33 BradfordWindham 4,235 46 58 05/07/90 10/1/2004 10/1/2004 9/7/2012 Lynn Nichols 38846 Route 187 Rome PA 18837 (570) 247-7775 (570) 247-2541 [email protected] 34 BradfordWyalusing 2,863 31 49 11/01/96 11/25/2003 11/25/2003 9/7/2012 Maxine Meteer 2473 Old Stagecoach Road Wyalusing PA 18853 (570) 746-1535 (570) 746-2229 [email protected]


165 1 Bucks Bedminster 5,542 96 178 03/09/88 03/09/95 11/28/2017 1/22/2018 Jean Herstine 3122 Bedminster Rd Bedminster PA 18910 (215) 795-2190 (215) 795-0668166 2 Bucks Buckingham 4,582 71 71 11/14/85 11/14/92 2/16/2006 Raymond Stepnoski PO Box 413 Buckingham PA 18912 (215) 794-8834 (215) 794-8837167 3 Bucks Doylestown 1,162 21 25 10/15/91 10/15/98 2/16/2006 Stephanie Mason 425 Wells Road Doylestown PA 18901 (215) 348-9915 (215) 348-8729168 4 Bucks Durham 1,778 42 22 09/12/90 09/12/04 10/3/2014 5/21/2015 Durham Twp 215 Old Furnace Rd Dunham PA 18039 (610) 346-8911 (610) 346-8941169 5 Bucks Haycock 1,246 60 54 09/20/07 09/20/14 6/15/2017 7/24/2017 Haycock Twp PA170 6 Bucks Hilltown 3,763 200 200 07/28/86 07/28/07 2/16/2006 Kenneth Bennington 13 W Creamery Rd Hilltown PA 18927 (215) 453-6000 (215) 453-1024171 7 Bucks Lower Makefield 1,396 24 28 03/18/91 03/18/98 2/16/2006 Terry Fedorchak 1100 Edgewood Rd Yardley PA 19067 (215) 493-3646 (215) 493-3053172 8 Bucks Milford 1,555 113 187 04/07/92 06/01/05 11/16/2017 1/16/2018 Jef Vey PO Box 86 Spinnerstown PA 18968 (215) 536-2090 (215) 529-9127173 9 Bucks Nockamixon 2,480 62 89 07/01/89 03/21/05 5/24/2017 6/12/2017 Nockamixon Twp 589 Lake Warren Rd Ferndale PA 18921 (610) 847-5058 (610) 847-5812174 10 Bucks Northampton 279 8 8 01/01/98 2/16/2006 D. Bruce 55 Township Rd Richboro PA 18954 (215) 357-1251175 11 Bucks Plumstead/New Britian 2,977 57 83 05/07/91 05/07/98 2/16/2006 Michael May 5186 Stump Road Plumsteadville PA 18949 (215) 766-8914 (215) 766-9831176 12 Bucks Richland 814 28 35 10/13/08 10/13/15 3/16/2018 3/26/2018 Paul Stepanoff 1328 California Road, Suite A Quakertown PA 18951 (215) 536-4066 (215) 538-3020177 13 Bucks Solebury 5,585 175 221 01/12/86 01/12/93 3/15/2017 5/1/2017 Solebury Twp PO Box 139 Solebury PA 18963 (215) 297-5656 (215) 297-8402178 14 Bucks Springfield 3,907 81 123 10/14/86 10/14/93 2/28/2013 6/11/2014 Richard Schilling 2320 Township Rd Quakertown PA 18957 (610) 346-8777179 15 Bucks Tinicum 3,222 67 98 03/07/89 03/07/96 2/16/2006 Linda McNeill 163 Municipal Rd Pipersville PA 18947 (610) 294-8076 (610) 294-9889180 16 Bucks Upper Makefield 1,558 20 30 10/18/95 10/18/02 7/31/2013 9/18/2013 Upper Makefield Twp 1076 Eagle Road Newtown PA 18940 (215) 968-3340 (215) 968-9228181 17 Bucks Warwick 1,162 5 7 12/12/88 12/12/95 2/16/2006 Ken Kugel 852 Easton Road Warrington PA 18976 (215) 343-9350 (215) 343-5944182 18 Bucks West Rockhill 581 23 28 01/01/99 4/24/2013 4/26/2013 Gregory Lippincott 1028 Ridge Road Sellersville PA 18960 (215) 257-9063 (215) 257-0701


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183 1 Butler Adams 3,785 66 1 12/13/93 12/13/2000 9/14/2006 10/24/2007 Janet Lubbert 690 Valencia Road Mars PA 16046 (724) 625-2221 (724) 625-4077184 2 Butler Brady 1,599 33 08/21/96 8/21/2003 Mary Smith Slippery Rock PA 16057 (724) 738-1588185 3 Butler Buffalo 3,131 51 2 08/06/96 8/6/2010 10/15/2013 10/28/2013 Janice Zubrin 109 Bear Creek Road Sarver PA 16055 (724) 295-2648 (724) 295-4004186 4 Butler Butler 1,749 56 51 05/11/92 7/20/2015 7/22/2015 8/25/2015 290 S Duffy Road Butler PA 16001 (724) 283-3430 (724) 282-2142187 5 Butler Center 1,741 14 10/12/94 5/15/2001 Center Twp Butler PA 16001 (724) 282-7805 (724) 282-6550188 6 Butler Cherry 2,085 27 05/05/98 4/5/2005 5/1/2012 6/15/2012 Carolyn Yeager P.O. Box 387 West Sunbury PA 16061 (724) 637-3867 (724) 637-3583189 7 Butler Clay 2,340 22 04/07/94 4/7/2001 Vicky Mazzanti Butler PA 16001 (724) 637-2638 (724) 637-3415190 8 Butler Clearfield 2,863 41 31 02/13/96 2/13/2003 10/1/2015 12/29/2015 Jane Bauldoff P.O. Box 5 Fenelton PA 16034 (724) 283-7701 (724) 283-4111191 9 Butler Clinton 4,356 55 110 07/11/94 4/21/2001 5/28/2008 6/9/2008 Mary Zachert 711Saxonburg Blvd Saxonburg PA 16056 (724) 352-9000 (724) 352-9011192 10 Butler Concord 1,007 12 06/23/98 6/23/2005 Concord Twp West Sunbury PA 16061 (724) 894-2195 (724) 894-2228193 11 Butler Connoquenessing 2,599 21 02/12/91 2/12/1998 Diane Snyder Renfrew PA 16053 (724) 789-7186 (724) 789-7835194 12 Butler Cranberry 2,060 33 10/20/83 10/20/1990 Jerry Andree Cranberry Twp PA 16066 (724) 776-4806 (724) 776-5488195 13 Butler Donegal 873 8 02/04/96 2/4/2003 Donegal Twp Chicora PA 16025 (724) 445-7303 (724) 445-7303196 14 Butler Forward 3,372 32 09/12/95 9/12/2002 Mary McElhinny Evans City PA 16033 (724) 538-9251 (724) 538-9251197 15 Butler Franklin 827 18 25 10/03/94 10/14/2008 10/14/2008 10/31/2008 Kathy Jesteadt 191 Election House Road Prospect PA 16052 (724) 865-2412 (724) 865-2469198 16 Butler Jackson 1,508 13 01/18/96 1/18/2003 Fritz Hahn Zelienople PA 16063 (724) 452-5581 (724) 452-5584199 17 Butler Jefferson 4,337 73 05/11/92 2/11/2013 2/21/2013 6/9/2014 Lois Fennell 157 Great Belt Road Butler PA 16002 (724) 352-2324 (724) 352-8850200 18 Butler Lancaster 2,413 51 43 05/02/95 8/25/2009 8/25/2009 10/7/2009 Cindy Watson 113 Kings Alley Harmony PA 16037 (724) 452-7213 (724) 453-0129201 19 Butler Mercer 2,753 28 05/10/99 5/10/2006 Mary Fryman Harrisville PA 16038 (724) 735-2718 (724) 735-2705202 20 Butler Middlesex 2,122 29 11/15/95 11/15/2002 Roger Dunlap Valencia PA 16059 (724) 898-3571 (724) 898-4607203 21 Butler Muddy Creek 1,923 39 45 11/11/92 10/16/2013 10/24/2013 189/2014 Kelly Livermore PO Box 239 Portersville PA 16051 (724) 368-3438 (724) 368-3432204 22 Butler Oakland 1,785 25 09/11/95 9/11/2002 Nadine Neff Butler PA 16001 (724) 287-8067 (724) 287-3979205 23 Butler Penn 523 18 13 08/12/09 8/12/2016 12/4/2009 2/2/2010 Clinton Bonetti PA206 24 Butler Winfield 4,393 90 85 10/31/91 11/10/2010 11/28/2016 12/20/2016 Adam Hartwig 194 Brose Road Cabot PA 16023 (724) 352-3333 (724) 352-3815 [email protected] 25 Butler Worth 4,473 44 07/06/04 7/6/2011 Claire Martin Slippery Rock PA 16057 (724) 368-3545 (724) 368-9085


208 1 CambriaAdams 1,777 26 35 02/13/06 2/13/2013 3/7/2006 Diana Baxter PO Box 112 Sidman PA 15955 (814) 487-5054 (814) 487-4713 [email protected] 2 CambriaAllegheny 5,418 37 67 12/08/93 11/4/2005 1/31/2006 Lee Wyland 107 Storm Road Loretto PA 15940 (814) 674-5585 (814) 674-5658210 3 CambriaBarr 2,602 11 11 12/14/92 12/14/1992 1/31/2006 Nicole Burkhardt PO Box 45 Nicktown PA 15762 (814) 948-5688 (814) 948-8703211 4 CambriaCambria 3,384 17 27 08/30/02 8/30/2009 2/16/2015 3/18/2015 Cambria Twp PO Box 248 Revloc PA 15948 (814) 472-8810 [email protected] 5 CambriaChest 789 4 14 03/03/04 5/9/2006 Kathryn McCusker PO Box 103 Flinton PA 16640 (814) 674-5259 (814) 674-2303 [email protected] 6 CambriaClearfield 9,586 87 128 11/20/91 9/6/1998 1/25/2002 1/31/2006 Lynne Thomas 183 McGough Lane Dysart PA 16636 (814) 674-8166 (814) 674-8128214 7 CambriaCroyle 1,094 16 19 08/21/01 8/21/2008 8/21/2001 1/31/2006 Germaine Yeager PO Box 379 Summerhill PA 15958 (814) 495-5679 (814) 495-7001215 8 CambriaEast Carroll 6,628 60 104 09/02/92 12/20/2005 3/25/2014 5/29/2014 Thomas Bender 3350 Brick Road Carrolltown PA 15722 (814) 344-9908 (814) 344-8444216 9 CambriaElder 311 4 4 02/04/14 4/4/2014 5/27/2014 Robert Kopera 302 Scout Road Hastings PA 16646 (814) 247-8477217 10 CambriaJackson 3,735 61 100 10/30/96 12/17/2012 2/1/2013 David Hirko 513 Pike Road Johnstown PA 15909 (814) 749-0725 (814) 749-9390218 11 CambriaMunster 2,370 14 32 06/17/02 6/17/2009 11/9/2010 11/22/2010 Shirley Strittmatter 6260 Admiral Perry Hwy Loretto PA 15940 (814) 886-5190 (814) 886-8001219 12 CambriaSummerhill 1,181 13 18 08/19/01 8/19/2008 8/19/2001 1/31/2006 Joseph Burneff PO Box 88 Beaverdale PA 15921 (814) 487-4147 (814) 487-5362 [email protected] 13 CambriaWest Carroll 1,820 11 25 09/26/03 9/26/2010 9/26/2003 1/31/2006 Mark Semelsberger PO Box 374 Elmora PA 15737 (814) 948-4052 (814) 948-4052


221 1 Carbon East Penn 3,343 54 92 08/01/05 10/3/2011 8/26/2016 11/28/2016 East Penn Twp 167 Municipal Road Lehighton PA 18235 (570) 386-5735 (570) 386-4869 [email protected] 2 Carbon Franklin 2,722 36 70 03/27/90 3/27/2004 11/30/2010 12/7/2010 Franklin Twp 900 Fairyland Road Lehighton PA 18235 (610) 377-1773223 3 Carbon Lehigh 3,770 29 04/15/96 4/15/2003 Lehigh Twp 1741 S Lehigh George Rd Weatherly PA 18235 (570) 427-4950224 4 Carbon Mahoning 2,260 22 53 06/03/92 11/24/1999 4/11/2016 9/6/2016 Mahoning Twp 2685 Mahoning Drive E Lehighton PA 18235 (570) 386-4002 (570) 286-2242225 5 Carbon Packer 3,417 52 59 07/07/92 8/6/2015 9/24/2015 Packer Twp 2234 Hudsondale Drive Weatherly PA 18255 (570) 427-8969226 6 Carbon Parryville Boro 589 17 25 11/06/89 12/1/1997 8/6/2006 7/26/2007 Parryville Boro 318 Centre Stret Parryville PA 18244 (610) 852-3800227 7 Carbon Penn Forest 230 4 3 11/01/95 11/1/2002 11/8/2017 1/29/2018 Penn Forest Twp 2010 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe PA 18229 (570) 325-8230228 8 Carbon Towamensing 3,109 46 3 09/03/91 9/3/1998 2/14/2008 2/20/2008 Towamensing Twp 120 Stable Road Lehighton PA 18235 (610) 681-4202


229 1 Centre Benner 2,197 14 23 07/03/89 2/21/2006 Sharon Royer 1224 Buffalo Run Road Bellefonte PA 16823 (814) 355-1419 (814) 355-1126230 2 Centre College 1,219 11 12 08/01/93 2/21/2006 Adam Brumbaugh 1481 East College Avenue State College PA 16801 (814) 231-3021 (814) 231-3020231 3 Centre Ferguson 14,237 79 119 05/09/89 6/4/2001 8/14/2013 9/12/2013 Mark A. Kunkle 3147 Research Drive State College PA 16801 (814) 238-4651 (814) 238-3454232 4 Centre Gregg 5,121 42 53 07/06/89 7/10/2003 7/8/1992 2/21/2006 Bambi Kaufmann P.O. Box 184 Spring Mills PA 16875 (814) 422-8218 (814) 422-8080233 5 Centre Haines 4,292 54 60 06/01/92 10/19/2000 2/21/2006 Susan Wenrick P.O. Box 244 Aaronsburg PA 16820 (814) 349-8193 (814) 349-5630234 6 Centre Halfmoon 5,354 52 71 05/09/88 11/13/2003 2/21/2006 Karen Brown 100 Municipal Lane Port Matilda PA 16870 (814) 692-9800 (814) 692-7585235 7 Centre Harris 3,174 45 55 10/11/93 10/13/2003 7/29/1994 2/21/2006 Amy Farkas P.O. Box 20 Boaksburg PA 16827 (814) 466-6228 (814) 466-3396236 8 Centre Huston 1,858 15 20 06/01/92 2/21/2006 Kim Livezey P.O. Box 69 Julian PA 16844 (814) 355-2782237 9 Centre Marion 4,430 19 30 05/13/91 5/8/2001 1/7/1992 2/21/2006 Sharon Bathgate 4337 Jacksonville Road Howard PA 16841 (814) 625-2061 (814) 625-9186238 10 Centre Patton 7,337 30 68 05/18/94 2/21/2006 Rick Bair 174 East Main Street Rebersburg PA 16872 (814) 349-8218 (814) 237-8330239 11 Centre Penn 2,993 30 36 03/05/92 1/23/2002 2/21/2006 Kimberly Fragola 100 Patton Plaza State College PA 16803 (814) 234-0271 (814) 238-7790240 12 Centre Potter I 4,596 38 56 04/15/84 10/7/1999 2/21/2006 Barbara Shaffer P.O. Box 125 Coburn PA 16832 (814) 349-8886 (814) 349-5525241 13 Centre Potter II 11,143 99 139 07/13/87 7/6/2002 8/27/1995 2/21/2006 Brenda Burd 124 Short Road Spring Mills PA 16875 (814) 364-9176 (814) 364-2809242 14 Centre Spring 3,225 32 34 09/14/87 2/21/2006 William McMath 1309 Blanchard Street Bellefonte PA 16823 (814) 355-7543 (814) 355-2801243 15 Centre Taylor 4,211 50 60 11/08/93 2/14/1997 2/21/2006 Michele Reese 11090 S. Eagle Valley Road Port Matilda PA 16870 (814) 692-1036244 16 Centre Walker 6,936 62 81 10/23/91 11/6/2002 6/7/1995 2/21/2006 Donna Reese 816 Nittany Valley Drive Bellefonte PA 16823 (814) 383-2859 (814) 383-2330

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245 17 Centre Worth 2,882 26 31 07/06/92 6/3/1999 2/21/2006 Jadene Reese 123 Reese Hollow Road Port Matilda PA 16870 (814) 692-8141 (814) 692-741085,205

246 1 Chester Charlestown 1,854 43 72 06/22/98 2/22/2006 Jan Bird PO Box 507 Devault PA 19432 (610) 240-0326 (610) [email protected]

s247 2 Chester East Bradford 2,162 25 63 09/10/85 7/24/2013 9/4/2013 Mandie Cantlin 666 Copeland School Rd West Chester PA 19380 (610) 436-5108 (610) 436-8652248 3 Chester East Brandywine 1,695 31 45 08/22/90 11/17/2004 6/14/2007 7/26/2007 Mary Beth Smedley 1214 Horseshoe Pike Downington PA 19335 (610) 269-8230 (610) 368-4157 [email protected] 249 4 Chester East Coventry 910 22 38 07/09/85 7/8/2013 7/16/2013 10/2/2013 Bernard Rodgers 855 Ellis Woods Rd Pottstown PA 19464 (610) 495-5443 (610) 495-9925 [email protected] 5 Chester East Fallowfield 4,541 79 136 12/07/88 2/28/2002 8/24/2005 2/22/2006 Denise Miller 2264 Strasburg Rd East Fallowfield PA 19320 (610) 384-7144 (610) 384-7143251 6 Chester East Marlborough 4,273 52 94 04/10/89 2/22/2006 Jane Laslo 721 Unionville Rd Kennett Square PA 19348 (610) 444-0725 (610) 444-1380 [email protected] 7 Chester East Nantmeal 4,753 48 106 07/02/92 9/4/2003 2/22/2006 Kathleen Brumfield 3383 Conestoga Rd Glenmoore PA 19343 (610) 458-5780 (610) 458-1970253 8 Chester East Nottingham 4,922 108 171 09/11/89 1/7/1997 11/22/2005 2/22/2006 Pat Brady 158 Election Road Oxford PA 19363 (610) 932-8494 (610) 932-9441 [email protected] 254 9 Chester East Vincent 1,401 15 37 07/06/89 2/5/2003 3/1/2004 2/22/2006 Mary Flagg 262 Ridge Road Spring City PA 19475 (610) 933-4424 (610) 933-1142 [email protected] 10 Chester Elk 2,196 33 70 10/10/89 11/1/2005 2/22/2006 Terri Kukoda 852 Chesterville Rd Lewisville PA 19351 (610) 255-0634 (610) 255-0492 [email protected] 11 Chester Franklin 2,274 37 51 10/01/92 6/22/2017 7/25/2017 Joan N. McVaugh 20 Municipal Lane Kembelsville PA 19347 (610) 255-5212 (610) 255-0659 [email protected] 12 Chester Highland 6,740 74 129 01/07/91 7/17/2007 8/1/2005 2/22/2006 Pat Montgomery 100 Five Points Rd Coatesville PA 19320 (610) 857-1791258 13 Chester Honey Brook 7,453 97 180 09/01/88 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 10/3/2016 Honey Brook Twp Honey Brook PA 19344259 14 Chester Kennett 1,265 41 68 08/14/04 9/1/2004 2/22/2006 Lisa Moore 801 Burrows Run Rd Chadds Ford PA 19317 (610) 388-1300 (610) 388-0461 [email protected] 15 Chester London Britian 1,043 13 37 11/27/89 12/21/2017 2/16/2018 Carolyn Matalon 81 Good Hope Rd Kembelsville PA 19347 (610) 255-0388 (610) 255-3542 [email protected] 16 Chester London Grove 4,769 98 183 01/03/89 12/2/2004 2/22/2006 Mariyln Venegas 372 Rosehill Rd West Grove PA 19390 (610) 345-0100 (610) 345-0455 [email protected] 17 Chester Londonderry 4,324 50 90 11/09/93 8/16/2013 12/2/2013 Janice Hearne 103 Daleville Rd Cochranville PA 19330 (610) 869-2138 (610) 869-5525 [email protected] 18 Chester Lower Oxford 5,516 86 165 06/05/92 3/8/2006 3/8/2006 6/13/2006 Ruth Libby 220 Township Rd Oxford PA 19363 (610) 932-8150 (610) 932-2367264 19 Chester New Garden 1,994 49 88 10/10/89 1/10/1997 11/19/2010 12/7/2010 Carmen Raddi 8934 Gap Newport Pike Landenberg PA 19350 (610) 268-2915 (610) 268-0458 [email protected] 20 Chester New London 1,891 29 49 04/08/91 1/24/2012 6/15/2012 Trish Fagan 902 State Road New London PA 19360 (610) 869-8658 (610) 869-3386 [email protected] 21 Chester Newlin 3,282 76 79 10/10/88 10/10/2009 9/25/2009 11/25/2009 Gail Abel P.O. Box 447 Unionville PA 19375 (610) 486-1141 (610) 486-1141267 22 Chester North Coventry 1,771 28 79 05/27/87 2/22/2006 Kevin Hennessey 845 S Hanover Street Pottstown PA 19464 (610) 323-1694 (610) 323-7239 [email protected] 23 Chester Penn 1,910 28 61 12/18/91 12/18/2012 4/17/2013 7/18/2013 William Finnen 260 Lewis Road West Grove PA 19390 (610) 869-9620 (610) 869-9194 [email protected] 24 Chester Pennsbury 766 7 15 12/08/98 6/20/2005 2/22/2006 Kathleen Howely 702 Baltimore Pike Chadds Ford PA 19317 (610) 388-7323 (610) 388-6036270 25 Chester Pocopson 952 11 22 10/13/92 12/14/1993 2/22/2006 Karen Eckard 740 Denton Hollow Rd Pocopson PA 19366 (610) 793-2151 (610) 793-1944271 26 Chester Sadsbury 535 18 34 04/03/95 4/12/2004 2/22/2006 Lisa Myers PO Box 261 Sadsburyville PA 19369 (610) 857-9503 (610) 857-2690272 27 Chester South Coventry 1,731 26 77 06/02/86 10/6/2014 2/12/2018 2/21/2018 Amanda Shaner 1371 New Philadelphia Road Pottstown PA 19465 (610) 469-0444 (610) 469-0520 [email protected] 28 Chester Thornbury 351 7 16 07/21/98 2/22/2006 Susan Holliday 8 Township Drive Cheyney PA 19319 (610) 399-1425 (610) 399-6714274 29 Chester Upper Oxford 5,897 184 176 07/10/89 7/10/2017 7/20/2017 9/1/2017 Jane Daggett 1185 Limestone Road Oxford PA 19363 (610) 932-9233 (610) 932-0962275 30 Chester Wallace 1,014 17 42 08/16/89 2/22/2006 Kim Milane-Sauro 451 Fairview Rd Glenmoore PA 19343 (610) 942-2880 (610) 942-4917276 31 Chester Warwick 3,686 58 124 08/26/87 2/22/2006 Joan Grimely 2500 Ridge Road Elverson PA 19520 (610) 286-5557 (610) 286-7792277 32 Chester West Bradford 1,903 35 67 12/11/90 12/22/2011 6/15/2012 Tommy Ryan 1385 Campus Drive Downington PA 19335 (610) 269-4174 (610) 269-3016278 33 Chester West Brandywine 850 16 25 02/01/90 10/18/2016 12/6/2016 Linda Formica 198 Layfayette Road West BrandywinePA 19320 (610) 380-8200 (610) 384-4934 [email protected] 34 Chester West Caln 2,811 41 63 10/14/91 3/15/2006 6/12/2006 Gary Dunlap 721 W Kings Hwy Wagontown PA 19376 (610) 384-5643 (610) 384-9035 [email protected] 35 Chester West Fallowfield 6,518 82 185 01/18/90 12/13/2010 2/16/2011 Bonita Walton 3905 Limestone Rd Cochranville PA 19330 (610) 593-5916 (610) 593-5916281 36 Chester West Goshen 478 3 12 01/25/02 2/22/2006 Sharon Lynn 1025 Paoli Pike West Chester PA 19380 (610) 696-5266 (610) 429-0616282 37 Chester West Marlborough 10,542 116 234 01/24/89 2/4/2003 2/22/2006 Shirley Walton 1300 Doe Run Road Coatesville PA 19320 (610) 383-5986 (610) 383-5986283 38 Chester West Nantmeal 3,456 44 101 06/13/88 11/10/2014 4/10/2015 Susan Ward 455 N Manor Road Elverson PA 19520 (610) 286-9722 (610) 286-0476284 39 Chester West Nottingham 2,448 30 58 08/08/89 4/26/2017 7/25/2017 Candace Miller PO Box 67 Nottingham PA 19362 (610) 932-4072 (610) 932-6110 [email protected] 40 Chester West Sadsbury 2,546 34 55 04/12/94 10/8/2007 5/28/2013 8/5/2013 Cindy Mammarella 6400 N Moscow Rd Parkesburg PA 19365 (610) 857-5969 (610) 857-1415 [email protected] 41 Chester West Vincent 2,016 40 68 03/05/90 12/21/2010 2/16/2011 Tamara Swavely 729 St Matthews Rd Chester Springs PA 19425 (610) 458-1601 (610) 458-1603287 42 Chester Westtown 1,014 9 27 08/21/89 8/11/2010 10/4/2010 Elaine Adler 1039 Wilmington Pike Westtown PA 19395 (610) 692-1930 (610) 692-9651288 43 Chester Willistown 2,073 73 79 08/08/88 11/13/2009 11/25/2009 Dorothy McClintock 668 Sugartown Rd Malvern PA 19355 (610) 647-5300 (610) 647-8156


289 1 Clarion Beaver 678 3 12/07/92 12/7/1999 PA290 2 Clarion Clarion 1,470 10 09/02/92 9/2/1999 PA291 3 Clarion Farmington 1,657 17 06/06/95 6/6/2002 PA292 4 Clarion Salem 2,757 17 01/11/95 1/11/2002 PA293 5 Clarion Washington 2,430 34 01/03/95 1/3/2002 PA


294 1 Clearfie Brady 2,862 24 07/02/84 5/20/2005 5/21/2012 9/7/2012 Brady Twp 3906 Shamokin Trail Luthersburg PA 15848 (814) 583-7660 (814) 583-7660295 2 Clearfie Burnside 5,371 67 01/02/91 1/2/1998 Burnside Twp PA296 3 Clearfie Union 1,414 19 11/10/87 11/10/1994 Union Twp PA


297 1 Clinton Beech Creek 1,549 6 11/27/96 11/27/2003 Denise Bittner Beech Creek PA 16822 (570) 962-2391298 2 Clinton Dunnstable 537 3 06/03/91 6/3/1998 Dunnstable Twp Lock Haven PA 17745 (570) 748-3933 (570) 748-1972299 3 Clinton Greene 8,931 113 179 05/05/90 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 2/16/2012 Mala Moore Loganton PA 17747 (570) 725-3015 (570) 725-3015300 4 Clinton Lamar 3,485 37 44 05/04/89 5/4/1996 6/20/2012 9/7/2012 Amy Bueno 148 Beagle Road Mill Hall PA 17751 (570) 726-4973 (570) 726-3916301 5 Clinton Logan 4,305 43 10/30/89 10/30/1996 Bobbie White Loganton PA 17747 (570) 725-3870302 6 Clinton Pine Creek 1,338 15 11/17/83 11/17/1990 Daniel Eckley Avis PA 17721 (570) 753-5671 (570) 753-8083303 7 Clinton Porter 3,988 22 09/12/83 9/12/1990 Elaine Miller Lamar PA 16848 (570) 726-4163 (570) 726-3856

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304 1 Columb Beaver 3,039 35 35 06/02/97 11/6/2000 1/31/2006 Dan Davis 1446 State Road Zion Grove PA 17985 (570) 889-3071 (570) 889-3701305 2 Columb Benton 3,829 42 74 09/27/90 9/27/1990 1/31/2006 Steven Hess Lower Raven Ck Rd Stillwater PA 17878 (570) 925-6552306 3 Columb Briar Creek 2,813 60 60 10/07/93 3/22/1995 1/31/2006 John Zaganoyla RR3 Box 3671 Berwick PA 18603 (570) 799-0151307 4 Columb Catawissa 993 19 21 01/04/06 1/4/2013 12/5/2008 12/15/2008 John Marks 260 Johnson School Rd Catawissa PA 17820 (570) 799-0769308 5 Columb Cleveland 5,730 76 108 04/30/91 7/25/2013 9/22/2014 12/31/2014 Cathy Ramsey 46 Jefferson Road Elysburg PA 17824 (570) 799-0810 (570) 672-9407309 6 Columb Fishing Creek 3,985 71 56 10/02/96 11/7/2017 11/13/2017 1/17/2018 Carla Kendt Paper Dale Road Stillwater PA 17878310 7 Columb Franklin I 2,560 16 25 10/03/89 5/4/1998 1/31/2006 Richard Petterman 277 Long Woods Rd Catawissa PA 17820 (570) 356-2070 (570) 356-2071311 8 Columb Greenwood 9,194 104 168 04/15/92 7/15/2008 8/5/2008 Doris Speice 90 She Road Millville PA 17846312 9 Columb Hemlock 3,055 28 48 02/22/06 2/22/2006 2/23/2006 Stephanie Hane 26 Firehall Road Bloomsburg PA 17815 (570) 784-6178 (570) 784-3288 [email protected] 10 Columb Jackson 1,164 12 17 04/01/96 2/9/2004 1/31/2006 Township Secretary PA (570) 925-2401 (570) 925-5122314 11 Columb Locust 4,928 72 72 09/06/91 5/8/2003 1/31/2006 Ray Levan 945 Numidia Drive Catawissa PA 17820 (570) 799-0219315 12 Columb Madison 9,085 77 87 03/12/93 3/12/1993 1/31/2006 Lynn Allbeck RR1 Box 331 Millville PA 17846316 13 Columb Main 2,847 26 29 07/15/91 8/2/2004 1/31/2006 Larry Rhoads 345 Church Road Bloomsburg PA 17815 (570) 271-6598 (570) 271-5789 [email protected] 14 Columb Mifflin 3,218 26 50 04/23/90 4/23/1990 1/31/2006 James Chapin Mifflin Nescopeck Rd Nescopeck PA 18635318 15 Columb Montour 947 13 18 11/15/07 11/15/2014 11/27/2007 11/30/2007 Joelene Sponenberg PA319 16 Columb Mt. Pleasant 3,840 32 48 01/21/92 1/21/1992 1/31/2006 Bob Robbins Robbins Road Bloomsburg PA 17815320 17 Columb North Centre 3,979 38 71 06/11/07 6/11/2014 2/26/2007 3/17/2009 Thomas Clymer 277B Nursery Road Berwick PA 18603 (570) 759-2733321 18 Columb Orange 4,074 34 48 06/23/91 5/15/2001 1/31/2006 Steve Kistler 196 Stoney Brook Rd Orangeville PA 17859322 19 Columb Pine 1,180 18 18 06/08/93 6/8/1993 1/31/2006 Linda Gordner PA323 20 Columb Roaring Creek 3,830 42 65 03/03/92 8/24/1995 1/31/2006 Jim Hermanski Independence Road Catawissa PA 17820324 21 Columb Sugarloaf 2,490 28 35 05/07/90 5/7/1990 1/31/2006 Sugarloaf Twp PA


325 1 Crawfor Athens 8,870 187 09/11/98 9/11/2005 Leslie Burton Centerville PA 16404 (814) 694-2669 (814) 694-2669326 2 Crawfor Beaver 4,991 38 02/11/91 2/11/1998 Judy Martin Conneautville PA 16406 (814) 587-3555 (814) 587-3457327 3 Crawfor Bloomfield 733 19 7 11/13/12 11/13/2019 11/13/2012 12/12/2012 Margaret Robatzen 22978 Shreve Ridge Road Union City PA 16438 (814) 694-2611 (814) 694-3606 [email protected] 4 Crawfor Cambridge 3,293 42 05/08/95 5/8/2002 Cindy Boylan Cambridge SpgsPA 16403 (814) 398-8327 (814) 398-4900329 5 Crawfor Cussewago 5,331 70 85 02/01/08 8/20/2009 10/7/2009 Cussewago Twp 23748 N Mosiertown Road Sagertown PA 16433330 6 Crawfor East Fairfield 977 12 16 09/04/07 10/17/2007 2/10/2009 Robert Hopkins Meadville PA 16335 (814)333-7341 (814) 337-0457331 7 Crawfor East Fallowfield 4,940 10 05/01/94 5/1/2001 3/19/2013 6/10/2014 Donna Kean P.O. Box 66 Atlantic PA 16111 (814) 382-8188 (814) 382-5010 [email protected] 8 Crawfor East Mead 2,249 21 09/28/01 8/28/2008 Rosanne Moore Meadville PA 16335 (814) 333-2719 (814) 333-2719333 9 Crawfor Fairfield 3,516 24 07/06/93 7/6/2000 Barbara Cummings Cochranton PA 16314 (814) 425-1554 (814) 425-8209334 10 Crawfor Greenwood 3,172 40 12/02/96 12/2/2003 Maxine Hart Cochranton PA 16314 (814) 333-2743 (814) 333-6892335 11 Crawfor North Shenango 2,968 32 42 07/24/09 3/15/2013 3/12/2013 William Emerick 11586 Linn Road Espyville PA 16424 (724) 927-2568 (724) 927-9447336 12 Crawfor Oil Creek 2,759 18 09/11/96 9/11/2003 Jody Davidson Titusville PA 16354 (814) 827-3826 (814) 827-6095337 13 Crawfor Randolph 3,317 25 05/06/92 5/6/1999 Norma McFadden Guys Mills PA 16327 (814) 789-3788 (814) 789-3000338 14 Crawfor Rome 3,382 20 07/14/97 7/14/2004 Elizabeth Donovan Spartansburg PA 16434 (814) 827-6550339 15 Crawfor Sadsbury 2,159 27 33 11/08/00 11/8/2007 11/13/2007 1/24/2008 Rose Mumau 9888 State Highway 285 Conneaut Lake PA 16316 (814) 382-8579 (814) 382-9316340 16 Crawfor Sparta 3,932 19 12/13/94 12/13/2001 Diane Kolaja Spartansburg PA 16434 (814) 654-7362341 17 Crawfor Spring 8,425 89 08/07/89 8/7/1996 Shelby Field Springboro PA 16435 (814) 587-3368 (814) 587-6299342 18 Crawfor Steuben 1,030 6 04/04/94 4/4/2001 Steuben Twp Centerville PA 16404 (814) 967-3760343 19 Crawfor Summit 490 2 5 10/11/11 10/11/2018 10/11/2011 11/4/2011 Cynthia McCoy P.O. Box 231 Harmonsburg PA 16422 (814) 382-8208 (814) 382-5058344 20 Crawfor Union 1,509 Union Twp PA345 21 Crawfor Venango 317 2 04/05/07 4/5/2014 4/5/2007 6/25/2007 David Roach 21790 Center Rd Venango PA 16440 (814) 398-1692 (814) 398-9306346 22 Crawfor Vernon 3,123 28 08/17/94 8/17/2001 Colleen Petruso Meadville PA 16335 (814) 337-8126 (814) 337-5473347 23 Crawfor Woodcock 2,097 16 03/28/94 3/28/2001 Renee Hayes Saegertown PA 16433 (814) 763-3563 (814) 763-5951


348 1 Cumber Dickinson 4,905 60 75 08/29/90 8/29/2011 7/25/2017 8/11/2017 Glenn R. Kesko, Jr. 219 Mountain View Road Mt Holly Springs PA 17065 (717) 486-7424349 2 Cumber Hopewell 2,859 7 47 07/19/95 6/27/2006 Lavon Boden Newburg PA 17240 (717) 423-6383 (717) 423-6019350 3 Cumber Lower Frankford 2,571 40 40 12/07/99 6/27/2006 Karen Heishman Carlisle PA 17013 (717) 243-0855 (717) 258-4715351 4 Cumber Lower Mifflin 5,423 46 91 05/11/95 6/27/2006 Shelby Winter Newville PA 17241 (717) 776-7854352 5 Cumber Middlesex 2,527 52 56 01/22/91 9/3/2015 10/26/2015 Eileen Gault Carlisle PA 17013 (717) 249-4409 (717) 249-8564353 6 Cumber Monroe 5,679 78 121 08/24/89 10/12/2016 11/1/2016 Monroe Twp Mechanicsburg PA 17055 (717) 697-4613 (717) 258-9311354 7 Cumber North Middleton 2,138 27 26 02/04/93 7/25/2017 9/6/2017 Deborah A. Ealer 2051 Spring Road Carlisle PA 17013 (717) 243-8550 (717) 243-1135355 8 Cumber North Newton 4,228 39 45 01/06/86 6/27/2006 Bonnie Myers Shippensburg PA 17257 (717) 532-5372 (717) 477-8842356 9 Cumber Penn 7,153 92 121 09/30/85 11/17/2016 12/20/2016 Vicki Knepp 1301 Centerville Road Newville PA 17241 (717) 486-3104 (717) 486-3522 [email protected] 10 Cumber Silver Spring 1,364 40 39 10/26/94 10/26/2001 10/2/2014 11/21/2014 Jim Bennett 8 Flowers Drive Mechanicsburg PA 17050 (717) 766-0178 (717) 766-1696358 11 Cumber Southampton 10,766 64 150 09/14/92 9/25/2017 12/22/2017 Thomas Ginnick 200 Airport Road Shippensburg PA 17257 (717) 532-9646 (717) 530-9537 [email protected] 12 Cumber South Middleton 4,460 81 87 05/28/92 12/4/2007 12/7/2007 Diane Hollinger Boiling Springs PA 17007 (717) 258-5324 (717) 258-3577360 13 Cumber South Newton 962 11 11 6/27/2006 South Newton Twp PA361 14 Cumber Upper Allen 970 17 19 10/17/02 6/16/2010 7/2/2010 Lou Fanzekas 100 Gettysburg Pike Mechanicsburg PA 17055362 15 Cumber Upper Frankford 6,296 56 101 11/24/93 6/27/2006 Vonda Kelso Newville PA 17241 (717) 776-3117 (717) 776-3118363 16 Cumber Upper Mifflin 3,263 46 50 09/03/92 6/27/2006 Ruth Ann Myers Newville PA 17241 (717) 776-5949 (717) 776-5949364 17 Cumber West Pennsboro 8,069 96 118 09/17/90 6/27/2006 Evelyn Swartz Carlisle PA 17013 (717) 243-8220 (717) 243-1592


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365 1 DauphinConewago 3,375 37 41 12/18/97 4/14/2004 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 3279 Old Hershey Rd Elizabethtown PA 17022 (717) 534-8556 (717) 533-6643366 2 DauphinGratz Borough 851 10 30 12/17/93 12/17/1993 1/31/2006 Borough Secretary 420 E Market St Gratz PA 17030 (717) 365-3181367 3 DauphinEast Hanover 2,856 43 67 06/12/98 6/12/1998 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 8848 Jonestown Road Grantville PA 17028 (717) 469-0833 (717) 469-1442368 4 DauphinHalifax 5,709 63 88 02/17/00 2/17/2007 2/17/2000 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary PO Box 405 Halifax PA 17032 (717) 896-3035 (717) 896-2904369 5 DauphinJackson 5,641 71 118 01/22/98 4/24/2001 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 450 Bastian Rd Halifax PA 17032 (717) 632-9909 (717) 362-1122370 6 DauphinJefferson 1,483 23 38 03/04/98 3/4/1998 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 3155 Powells Valley Rd Halifax PA 17032 (717) 362-2313 (717) 362-2313371 7 DauphinLower Paxton 306 3 6 07/18/00 7/18/2007 7/18/2000 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 425 Prince Street Harrisburg PA 17109 (717) 657-5600 (717) 657-5299372 8 DauphinLondonderry 4,982 51 91 03/13/92 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 783 Geyers Church Rd Middletown PA 17057 (717) 944-1066 (717) 944-1926373 9 DauphinLykens 8,554 96 178 12/14/92 10/10/2000 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 2535 Luxemburg Rd Lykens PA 17048 (717) 365-3269 (717) 365-3456374 10 DauphinMiddle Paxton 4,043 32 56 10/13/93 10/13/1993 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary PO Box 277 Dauphin PA 17018 (717) 921-8128 (717) 921-8128375 11 DauphinMifflin 6,599 61 121 11/08/93 11/8/1993 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 3843 Shippen Dam Rd Millersburg PA 17061 (717) 362-8443 (717) 362-1361376 12 DauphinSouth Hanover 1,238 17 23 11/02/92 11/2/1992 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 111 W Third Street Hershey PA 17033 (717) 566-0224 (717) 566-9506377 13 DauphinUpper Paxton 6,156 73 96 08/07/91 1/23/2018 2/9/2018 Luanna Zimmerman 506 Berrysburg Rd Millersburg PA 17061 (717) 692-4655 (717) 692-7031378 14 DauphinWashington 6,880 64 113 05/13/92 5/27/2008 6/9/2008 Donna Sitlinger 185 Manors Road Elizabethville PA 17023 (717) 362-3191 (717) 362-4110379 15 DauphinWayne 2,162 18 40 03/10/94 3/10/1994 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 1652 Powells Valley Rd Halifax PA 17032 (717) 362-3505 (717) 362-4388380 16 DauphinWest Hanover 2,375 37 42 04/08/92 1/4/1993 1/31/2006 Twp Secretary 7171 Allentown Rd Harrisburg PA 17112 (717) 652-4841 (717) 652-8158


381 1 DelawarConcord 677 11 10/07/97 10/7/2004 Concord Twp Glen Mills PA 19342 (610) 459-8911 (610) 459-8917382 2 DelawarEdgemont 808 20 08/07/90 8/7/1997 Samantha Reiner Gradyville PA 19039 (610) 459-1662 (610) 459-3760


383 1 Elk Fox 1,933 25 01/15/91 1/15/1998 PA384 2 Elk Highland 2,277 15 02/14/90 2/14/1997 PA385 3 Elk Spring Creek 915 6 08/02/89 8/2/1996 PA


386 1 Erie Amity 6,925 69 06/15/95 9/3/2002 3/27/2006 Amity Twp 9052 Hatch Hollow Rd Union City PA 16438 (814) 438-3909387 2 Erie Concord 4,552 26 08/08/95 8/8/2002 Alice Mccray PA388 3 Erie Conneaut 2,014 8 11/06/00 11/6/2007 Denise Shumake PA389 4 Erie Elk Creek 4,694 55 75 08/07/89 7/30/2003 5/20/2009 6/29/2009 Elk Creek Twp 10405 High Street Albion PA 16401 (814) 756-3268 (814) 756-3272 [email protected] 5 Erie Fairview 2,046 8 39 05/23/94 4/23/2002 3/28/2006 Bradley Bierer 7471 McCray Road Fairview PA 16415 (814) 474-5942 (814) 474-1199391 6 Erie Franklin 2,089 18 44 11/13/90 3/28/2006 Bonnie Bernhardt 10411 Bourte 98 Edinboro PA 16412 (814) 734-3521 (814) 734-3361 [email protected] 7 Erie Girard 4,828 5 5 12/13/94 12/13/2001 6/12/2012 9/7/2012 Lisa Buie 10140 Ridge Road Girard PA 16417 (814)774-4738 (814) 774-0637 [email protected] 8 Erie Greene 981 24 20 06/28/11 4/11/2012 7/23/2014 Greene Township 9333 Tate Road Erie PA 16509394 9 Erie Greenfield 2,908 52 68 05/03/83 2/21/1989 6/23/1994 3/28/2006 Renee Wagner 11184 Rich Hill Road North East PA 16428 (814) 725-9110 (814) 725-6803395 10 Erie Harborcreek 2,537 38 104 10/07/92 10/7/1999 4/20/2012 6/15/2012 Richard Hall 5601 Buffalo Road Harborcreek PA 16421 (814) 899-3171 (814) 899-5890 [email protected] 11 Erie McKean 3,127 36 57 11/09/90 9/19/2011 9/19/2011 9/30/2011 Janice Dennis 9231 Edinboro Rd McKean PA 16426 (814) 476-7414 (814) 476-1257 [email protected] 12 Erie North East 8,694 135 329 07/06/93 4/6/2000 10/13/2014 1/26/2015 Karen Ahlgrim PO Box 249 North East PA 16428 (814) 725-8606 (814) 725-2419 [email protected] 13 Erie Springfield 2,459 15 05/01/00 5/1/2007 Springfield Twp PA399 14 Erie Summit 962 13 23 06/21/10 7/1/2010 9/21/2010 Christene Yeast 8900 Old French Road Erie PA 16509 (814) 868-9686 (814) 864-0013 [email protected] 15 Erie Union 6,933 64 04/30/90 4/30/1997 Union Twp PA401 16 Erie Venango 6,524 42 114 09/04/90 2/3/2003 3/28/2006 John Pfadt 9141 Townhall Road Wattsburg PA 16442 (814) 739-2688 (814) 739-9443 [email protected] 17 Erie Washington 3,585 39 73 09/29/95 6/4/2002 1/27/2017 2/14/2017 David L. Anthony 11800 Edinboro Road Edinboro PA 16412 (814) 734-3117 (814) 734-7999 [email protected] 18 Erie Waterford 2,218 17 41 05/05/04 4/15/2009 5/4/2009 Linda Niemeyer 12451 Circuit Road Waterford PA 16441 (814) 796-2109 (814) 796-6915 [email protected] 19 Erie Wayne 3,964 28 60 10/12/92 10/12/2006 3/28/2006 Jill Gibson 17395 Sciota Road Corry PA 16407 (814) 663-1663 (814) 664-8619 [email protected]


405 1 Fayette Bullskin 3,557 53 09/29/04 9/29/2011 PA406 2 Fayette Dunbar 767 6 01/01/02 6/27/2006 Ron Keller 128 Township Drive Dunbar PA 15431 (724) 628-1440 (724) 628-3982407 3 Fayette Georges 214 3 3 02/01/01 2/1/2008 Linda Smith PA408 4 Fayette German 685 8 03/15/88 3/15/1995 German Twp PA409 5 Fayette Luzerne 648 2 04/11/17 4/27/2017 5/23/2017 John Marshall 415 Hopewell Road Brownsville PA 15417 (724) 785-5021 (724) 785-7444 [email protected] 6 Fayette Menallen 1,869 40 44 09/04/08 9/8/2008 10/14/2008 John R. Yanko PA411 7 Fayette Nicholson 1,508 9 03/03/95 3/3/2002 Nicholson Twp PA412 8 Fayette North Union 136 2 10/11/05 North Union Twp PA413 9 Fayette Perry 436 9 15 12/6/2005 8/31/2007 Perry Twp PA414 10 Fayette Springfield 56 1 1 5/3/2005 8/31/2007 Springfield Twp PA415 11 Fayette Springhill 1,229 9 03/19/91 3/19/1998 Springhill Twp PA416 12 Fayette Union 136 2 2 10/11/2005 8/31/2007 Union Twp PA417 13 Fayette Wharton 11 2 1 12/5/2005 8/31/2007 Laura Savage PO Box 1 Farmington PA 15437 (724) 329-8503 (724) 329-4230


418 1 Forest Tionesta 2,291 18 02/27/92 2/27/1999 PA2,291

419 1 Franklin Antrim 12,647 118 153 05/08/90 5/8/1997 8/31/2007 Antrim Twp PA

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420 2 Franklin Fannett 1,983 17 25 8/31/2007 Fannett Twp421 3 Franklin Greene I 7,188 106 111 08/24/83 8/24/2009 7/27/2010 8/12/2010 Greene Twp 1145 Garver Lane Scotland PA 17254 (717) 263-9160 (717) 263-6427422 4 Franklin Guilford 3,141 30 96 06/15/86 6/15/1993 8/31/2007 Guilford Twp PA423 5 Franklin Hamilton 3,357 32 50 12/20/83 12/7/2011 12/7/2011 6/15/2012 Hamilton Twp 1270 Crottlestown Road Chambersburg PA 17202 (717) 264-2946 (717) 264-2134 [email protected] 6 Franklin Letterkenny 5,300 34 56 03/29/88 3/29/1995 8/31/2007 Letterkenny Twp PA425 7 Franklin Lurgan 4,856 38 61 07/02/84 7/2/1991 8/31/2007 Lurgan Twp PA426 8 Franklin Metal 7,051 44 90 08/07/86 8/7/1993 8/31/2007 Metal Twp PA427 9 Franklin Montgomery 11,725 59 112 01/21/83 1/21/1990 8/31/2007 Montgomery Twp PA428 10 Franklin Peters 15,757 59 141 06/29/90 6/29/1997 8/31/2007 Peters Twp PA429 11 Franklin Quincy 4,708 36 74 06/12/84 6/12/1991 8/31/2007 Quincy Twp PA430 12 Franklin Southampton 8,011 2 104 12/27/88 3/28/2007 2/27/2013 4/23/2013 Maria Misner 705 Municipal Drive Shippensburg PA 17257 (717) 532-9041 (717) 532-7234431 13 Franklin St. Thomas 13,184 77 151 05/02/88 5/2/1995 8/31/2007 St. Thomas Twp PA432 14 Franklin Warren 4,055 35 8/31/2007 Warren Twp433 15 Franklin Washington 1,628 20 28 01/07/91 1/7/1998 8/31/2007 Washington Twp PA


434 1 Fulton Ayr 9,870 37 6 06/30/89 4/18/2012 5/14/2012 6/15/2012 Denise Grissinger 5844 Cito Road McConnellsburg PA 17233435 2 Fulton Belfast 4,489 48 39 11/04/96 11/4/2003 9/2/2008 10/6/2008 Paula Shives PA436 3 Fulton Bethel 3,659 16 03/04/85 3/4/1992 Bethel Twp PA437 4 Fulton Brush Creek 1,153 5 04/29/95 4/29/2002 Brush Creek Twp PA438 5 Fulton Dublin 2,059 12 10/07/96 10/7/2003 Dublin Twp PA439 6 Fulton Licking Creek I 3,593 14 01/28/92 1/28/1999 Licking Creek I Twp PA440 7 Fulton Licking Creek II 1,201 2 02/28/94 2/8/2001 Licking Creek II Twp PA441 8 Fulton Licking Creek III 960 11 08/08/95 8/8/2002 Licking Creek III Twp PA442 9 Fulton Licking Creek IV 656 12 9 10/16/06 10/16/2012 10/26/2006 10/24/2007 Joan Swope 241 Hilltop Drive Harrisonville PA 17228443 10 Fulton Taylor 2,085 11 05/04/94 5/4/2001 Taylor Twp PA444 11 Fulton Thompson 6,096 80 48 05/31/89 5/31/1996 9/12/2008 10/6/2008 D. Gene Melott PA445 12 Fulton Todd 3,232 12 02/02/95 2/2/2002 Todd Twp PA446 13 Fulton Union 4,559 40 04/16/92 4/16/1999 Union Twp PA447 14 Fulton Wells 2,358 19 07/10/95 7/10/2002 Wells Twp PA


448 1 Greene Center 1,678 7 10/15/08 10/15/2015 10/15/2008 10/27/2008 Dawn Horr P.O. Box 435 Rogersville PA 15359 (724) 499-5487 (724) 499-5701449 2 Greene Cumberland 844 6 13 05/07/07 5/7/2014 7/13/2015 8/25/2015 Debra Rush 100 Municipal Road Carmichaels PA 15320 (724) 966-5805 (724) 966-9700 [email protected] 2 Greene Greene 649 6 8 04/11/08 8/9/2012 9/6/2012 Greene Township 243 Garards Ft. Road Garards Fort PA 15334 (724) 966-5765 (724) 966-9741451 3 Greene Morgan 1,478 8 21 05/05/93 5/5/2007 5/25/1993 9/28/2010 Morgan Township PA452 4 Greene Washington 2,991 61 64 11/13/92 11/13/1999 9/21/2009 10/7/2009 Becky McCullough 112 Municipal Lane Prosperity PA 15329 (724) 627-6471 (724) 627-0731453 5 Greene Wayne 1,941 11 11 01/28/08 1/28/2015 4/20/2017 5/25/2017 Wayne Township 132 Spraggs Road Spraggs PA 15362 (724) 435-7316 (724) 435-7703454 7 Greene Jefferson 430 6 03/07/13 6/20/2013 9/10/2013 Richard L. Tekavec 173 Goslin Road Rices Landing PA 15357 (724) 883-4900 (724) 883-3629 [email protected]


455 1 Hunting Barree 1,989 25 19 07/03/06 8/24/2006 10/24/2007 Curt Steele PO Box 7 Petersburg PA 16669 (814) 643-5091 (814) 669-4117 [email protected] 2 Hunting Brady 5,078 33 77 02/13/02 2/13/2009 2/13/2002 1/31/2006 Doris Wagner PO Box 199 Mill Creek PA 17060 (717) 483-6921457 3 Hunting Cass 1,199 10 11 09/09/04 9/9/2011 9/9/2004 1/31/2006 Beth Cresswell 16020 Sportsman Club Road Cassville PA 16623 (814) 448-2618 [email protected] 4 Hunting Cromwell 3,723 27 37 11/25/91 7/18/2007 7/26/2007 Twp Secretary 10999 Valley Street Shirleysburg PA 17260 (814) 447-3163 (814) 447-5595 [email protected] 5 Hunting Dublin 3,438 16 22 12/12/90 12/12/1990 1/31/2006 Trudy O'Donnell PO Box 148 Shade Gap PA 17255 (814) 259-3774 [email protected] 6 Hunting Franklin 10,787 18 26 09/12/89 9/12/1989 1/31/2006 Darlene Lake 5054 Greystone Lane Tyrone PA 16686 (814) 632-8629461 7 Hunting Jackson 3,832 27 37 12/18/98 11/7/2005 11/7/2005 2/17/2006 Ann Wirth 4966 Scare Pond Road Petersburg PA 16669 (814) 667-2992 (814) 667-3892 [email protected] 8 Hunting Lincoln 2,688 20 27 11/28/01 11/28/2008 9/9/2002 1/31/2006 Cheryl Russell RR1 Box 80A James Creek PA 16657 (814) 658-3297 [email protected] 9 Hunting Logan 1,916 9 15 03/15/05 3/15/2012 3/15/2005 1/31/2006 Peggy Harman 7228 Diamond Valley Rd Alexandria PA 16611 (814) 669-9173464 10 Hunting Morris 3,105 12 21 04/04/96 4/4/1996 1/31/2006 Pauline Burkey PO Box 281 Alexandria PA 16611 (814) 669-9521465 11 Hunting Penn 2,863 39 44 04/14/92 6/29/2010 7/29/2010 Regina Hileman 12281 Redstone Ridge Road Hesston PA 16647 (814) 658-3951 (814) 658-2212466 12 Hunting Porter 2,780 13 22 02/05/93 5/7/2003 1/31/2006 Apryl Sparr PO Box 188 Alexandria PA 16611 (814) 669-4067 [email protected] 13 Hunting Shirley 3,261 19 29 12/11/92 12/11/1999 3/28/2008 4/28/2008 Kathy Varner 15480 Croghan Pike Shirleysburg PA 17260 (814) 542-4722 (814) 542-3107 [email protected] 14 Hunting Spruce Creek 1,827 10 15 01/05/90 12/5/2007 12/10/2007 Elizabeth Ramsey PO Box 34 Spruce Creek PA 16683 (814) 632-8474469 15 Hunting Tell 5,441 19 28 03/26/91 11/2/2003 1/31/2006 David Speer 17870 Blairs Mills Rd Blairs Mills PA 17213 (814) 259-3862470 16 Hunting Todd 1,161 8 9 12/13/10 9/9/2013 11/22/2013 Lawrence Newton 6688 Old Plank Road Broad Top PA 16621 (814) 448-2433 (814) 448-2318471 17 Hunting Walker 5,052 30 50 10/12/95 10/30/2002 1/31/2006 Julie Johns PO Box 116 McConnellstown PA 16660 (814) 627-1890 (814) 627-2562 [email protected] 18 Hunting Warriors Mark 8,317 48 91 05/11/89 6/3/2003 6/3/2003 1/31/2006 Catherine Noll PO Box 114 Warriors Mark PA 16877 (814) 632-7223 [email protected] 19 Hunting West 5,368 18 34 08/11/03 3/5/2004 1/31/2006 Danielle Taylor 5484 Bethel Rd Petersburg PA 16669 (814) 667-3401 (814) 667-3405 [email protected]


474 1 Indiana Armstrong 2,518 25 38 09/27/88 9/27/2016 10/3/2016 12/13/2016 Patricia George 977 Parkwood Road Indiana PA 15701 (724) 465-4755 (724) 465-0503475 2 Indiana Blacklick 4,436 96 12/27/90 12/27/1997 Tiffany Stewart 132 Hill Road Blairsville PA 15717 (724) 388-5383 [email protected] 3 Indiana Brush Valley 2,967 14 07/02/90 7/2/1997 3/13/2008 3/28/2008 Robin Brilhart P.O. Box 21, 5869 Rte. 56 Hwy EBrush Valley PA 15720 (724) 479-3358 (724) 479- 0803477 4 Indiana Buffington 435 1 04/01/90 4/1/1997 Twp Secretary PA478 5 Indiana Center 5,435 45 08/29/91 8/29/1998 Twp Secretary PA479 6 Indiana Cherryhill 5,456 37 02/18/93 2/19/2000 Twp Secretary PA

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480 7 Indiana Conemaugh 3,372 17 35 09/06/07 9/4/2014 9/4/2014 4/14/2015 Robin L. Harman 16980 Rt 286 Highway West Saltsburg PA 15681 (724) 639-9330 (724) 639-9473481 8 Indiana East Mahoning 9,785 65 10/09/91 10/9/1998 Twp Secretary PA482 9 Indiana East Wheatfield 1,126 10 10/11/89 10/11/1996 Twp Secretary PA483 10 Indiana Green 4,190 26 1 07/01/92 7/2/1999 3/13/2014 4/2/2014 Twp Secretary PA484 11 Indiana North Mahoning 8,976 125 11/13/90 11/13/1997 Twp Secretary PA485 12 Indiana Rayne 12,390 99 10/03/91 10/3/1998 Twp Secretary PA486 13 Indiana South Mahoning 2,877 34 42 08/15/07 8/30/2007 Pracilla Lambing 244 Rossmoyne Road Home PA 15747487 14 Indiana Washington 3,817 38 07/01/97 7/1/2004 Twp Secretary PA488 15 Indiana White 1,464 15 08/26/92 8/27/1999 Twp Secretary PA


489 1 Jefferso Eldred 3,843 44 10/13/94 10/13/2001 Twp Secretary PA490 2 Jefferso Gaskill 1,258 15 04/11/02 4/11/2009 Twp Secretary PA491 3 Jefferso Henderson 5,836 72 50 08/05/84 8/6/1991 10/10/2017 1/2/2018 Ruth Reitz 350 Gruda Road Stump Creek PA 15863 (814) 427-5015 (814) 427-4034492 4 Jefferso Oliver 855 5 02/07/94 2/7/2001 Twp Secretary PA493 5 Jefferso Perry 278 1 10/07/09 10/7/2009 10/15/2009 11/25/2009 Twp Secretary P.O. Box 50 Hamilton PA 15744 (814) 938-2480


494 1 Juniata Beagle 1,120 12 12 03/05/07 3/5/2014 3/9/2007 10/24/2007 Susan Sieber RR 2 Box 826 Port Royal PA 17082 (717) 436-8397 (717) 436-2795495 2 Juniata Delaware 4,632 30 11/21/96 11/22/2003 Cheri Peck PA (717) 535-5459496 3 Juniata Fayette Joyce Hart (717) 463-3443497 4 Juniata Greenwood 2,804 23 06/04/90 6/4/1997 Twp Secretary PA498 5 Juniata Lack Barbara Foster (717) 349-7481499 6 Juniata Milford 3,221 22 27 02/05/02 8/31/2004 3/28/2006 Mary Houtz RR2 Box 675 Mifflintown PA 17059 (717) 436-5523 [email protected] 7 Juniata Spruce Hill 1,613 9 13 06/02/98 2/17/2002 3/28/2006 Dorothy Sherlock RR2 Box 1105 Port Royal PA 17082 (717) 527-4501501 8 Juniata Susquehanna 2,017 15 16 04/12/99 3/28/2006 Gay Bitting RR1 Box 73 Liverpool PA 17045 (717) 444-3869 (717) 444-7651 [email protected] 9 Juniata Turbett 09/16/02 Twp Secretary PA503 10 Juniata Tuscarora Twp Secretary504 11 Juniata Walker 5,350 41 44 09/08/92 10/4/1999 3/22/2006 6/14/2006 Nancy Baillie RR2 Box 193W Thompsontown PA 17094 (717) 535-5251 (717) 535-5251 [email protected]


505 1 LackawaBenton 69,473 74 94 10/06/94 10/6/2015 Bonnie Rosiak P O Box 29 Fleetville PA (570) 945-5557 (570) 945-3005 [email protected] 2 LackawaCovington 1,525 22 27 04/07/93 4/7/2014 4/26/2005 David Petrosky 20 Moffat Drive Covington PA 18444 (570) 842-8336 (570) 842-2144 [email protected] 3 LackawaGreenfield 2,198 30 24 12/06/94 12/6/2001 10/24/2007 Twp Secretary PA508 4 LackawaJefferson 4,217 27 07/07/92 7/8/1999 Twp Secretary PA509 5 LackawaLaPlume 272 5 8 09/01/05 7/12/2012 4/12/2012 Shirley Lewis 2080 Hickory Ridge Road Factoryville PA 18449 (570) 945-5438 [email protected] 6 LackawaMadison 2,602 37 11/12/92 11/13/1999 Twp Secretary PA511 7 LackawaNewton 4,275 48 02/07/97 2/7/2010 7/14/2003 Francine Norton 1528 Newton Ransom Blvd. Clarks Summit PA 18411 (570) 587-1520 (570) 587-1674 [email protected] 8 LackawaNorth Abington 1,503 13 16 03/05/96 7/15/2011 7/15/2011 8/10/2011 Mary Redel P.O. Box 462 Dalton PA 18414 (570) 560-2385 (570) 563-1086 [email protected] 9 LackawaRansom 2,191 38 04/04/05 4/4/2012 Twp Secretary PA514 10 LackawaScott 3,762 61 02/11/91 2/11/1998 Twp Secretary PA


515 1 Lancast Bart 713 8 15 07/15/03 7/15/2010 4/2/2013 1/7/2014 Valeria Keene 48 Quarry Rd Quarryville PA 17566 (717) 786-2877 (717) 786-8463 [email protected] 2 Lancast Brecknock 7,676 147 164 05/21/91 1/6/2004 1/31/2006 Levi Hoover 1026 Dry Tavern Rd Denver PA 17517 (717) 445-5933 (717) 445-9802 [email protected] 3 Lancast Caernarvon 6,939 104 124 08/21/90 10/17/2014 11/17/2014 Kathy Norris 2147 Main Street Narvon PA 17555 (717) 445-4244 (717) 445-7119518 4 Lancast Clay 5,354 86 105 06/26/90 6/6/2005 6/6/2005 1/31/2006 Timothy Lausch 870 Durlach Road Stevens PA 17578 (717) 733-9675 (717) 733-3764 [email protected] 5 Lancast Colerain 7,990 56 125 06/19/90 1/4/2013 1/7/2014 Martha Kepler 1803 Kirkwood Pike Kirkwood PA 17536 (717) 529-2570 (717) 529-2199 [email protected] 6 Lancast Conestoga 2,745 43 53 05/24/90 9/3/2013 1/7/2014 Kelly Ream PO Box 98 Conestoga PA 17516 (717) 872-4301 (717) 872-5327 [email protected] 7 Lancast Conoy 3,707 54 83 01/29/90 11/19/2015 8/23/2016 Twp Secretary 211 Falmouth Road Bainbridge PA 17502522 8 Lancast Drumore 10,122 97 123 12/26/89 6/27/2005 2/1/2006 Anna Morris 1657 Furniss Rd Drumore PA 17518 (717) 548-2660 (717) 548-2913 [email protected] 9 Lancast Earl 3,056 47 58 10/11/90 2/25/2005 2/1/2006 Brenda Becker 517 N Railroad Ave New Holland PA 17557 (717) 354-0773 (717) 355-0599 [email protected] 10 Lancast East Cocalico 750 14 17 04/04/07 4/4/2014 12/4/2014 4/14/2015 Noelle B. Fortna 100 Hill Road Denver PA 17517 (717) 336-1720 (717) 336-1724525 11 Lancast East Donegal 10,364 136 180 02/09/90 6/21/2004 5/21/2015 1/8/2016 Twp Secretary 190 Rock Point Rd Marietta PA 17547 (717) 426-3167 (717) 426-4881526 12 Lancast East Drumore 4,843 41 69 04/18/90 10/13/2005 2/14/2013 Vicki Kreider 1246 Robert Fulton Hwy Quarryville PA 17566 (717) 786-3622 (717) 786-1217527 13 Lancast East Earl 1,389 39 47 02/27/92 7/17/2013 1/7/2014 Connie Gross 4610 Division Hwy East Earl PA 17519 (717) 354-5593 (717) 355-0426 [email protected] 14 Lancast East Hempfield 1,516 19 29 08/02/91 11/12/2004 2/1/2006 George Marcinko 1700 Nissley Rd Landisville PA 17538 (717) 898-3100 (717) 898-9486 [email protected] 15 Lancast Elizabeth 2,407 30 43 06/06/90 3/17/2004 2/1/2006 Rodney May 423 South View Drive Lititz PA 17543 (717) 626-4302 (717) 626-0102530 16 Lancast Ephrata 3,499 72 80 10/10/90 9/9/2004 2/1/2006 JR Staufer 265 Akron Road Ephrata PA 17522 (717) 733-1044 (717) 738-4344531 17 Lancast Fulton 5,902 36 61 09/12/90 2/19/2016 6/21/2016 Margaret Gordon 777 Nottingham Rd Peach Bottom PA 17563 (717) 548-3514532 18 Lancast Little Britian 5,875 56 80 06/13/90 3/15/2003 11/24/2015 1/13/2016 Margaret DeCarolis 323 Green Lane Quarryville PA 17566 (717) 529-2373 (717) 529-6160533 19 Lancast Manheim Twp 966 16 20 09/10/01 9/10/2008 9/4/2004 2/1/2006 Harry Ritter 1840 Municipal Drive Lancaster PA 17601 (717) 569-6408 (717) 560-4183534 20 Lancast Manor 9,032 88 143 05/25/90 10/13/2015 12/2/2015 J. Ryan Strohecker 950 West Fairway Drive Lancaster PA 17603 (717) 397-4769 (717) 397-7913 [email protected] 21 Lancast Martic 966 64 77 06/18/90 6/15/2005 2/1/2006 Thomas Irwin 370 Steinman Farm Rd Pequea PA 17565 (717) 284-2167 (717) 284-4425 [email protected] 22 Lancast Mount Joy 7,454 127 144 02/09/90 1/25/2005 2/1/2006 Richard Forry 159 Merts Drive Elizabethtown PA 17022 (717) 367-4959 (717) 367-9208537 23 Lancast Penn 4,672 57 67 02/01/91 4/19/2016 6/21/2016 Twp Secretary 97 N Penryn Rd Manheim PA 17545538 24 Lancast Pequea 2,107 27 33 11/28/90 1/10/2006 2/1/2006 Patsy Davis 1028 Millwood Road Willow Street PA 17584 (717) 464-2322 (717) 464-4098 [email protected] 25 Lancast Providence 1,296 26 37 07/21/94 10/19/2005 2/1/2006 Vicki Eldridge 200 Mt Airy Road New Providence PA 17560 (717) 786-7596 (717) 786-2565 [email protected]

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540 26 Lancast Rapho 7,560 85 109 08/01/90 12/4/2014 4/14/2015 Nancy Halliwell 971 N Colebrook Rd Manheim PA 17545 (717) 665-3827 (717) 665-7685 [email protected] 27 Lancast Sadsbury 643 10 12 08/06/90 11/16/2005 2/1/2006 Linda Swift 1077 White Oak Road Christiana PA 17509 (610) 593-6796 (610) 593-2389542 28 Lancast Salisbury 13,427 165 203 09/26/90 9/18/2015 8/23/2016 Damian S. Clawser 5581 Old Philadelphia Pike Gap PA 17527 (717) 768-8059 (717) 768-3660 [email protected] 29 Lancast Strasburg 7,761 91 116 02/14/90 10/10/2002 2/1/2006 Thomas Willing 400 Bunker Hill Rd Strasburg PA 17579 (717) 687-6233 (717) 687-9780544 30 Lancast Warwick 3,769 53 67 06/19/90 3/17/2004 2/1/2006 Dan Zimmerman 315 Clay Road Lititz PA 17543 (717) 626-8900 (717) 626-8901 [email protected] 31 Lancast West Cocalico 3,490 39 58 04/08/92 5/31/2013 1/7/2014 Norma Enck 156B W Main St Reinholds PA 17569 (717) 336-8720546 32 Lancast West Donegal 2,833 42 53 02/09/90 4/15/2002 6/20/2003 2/1/2006 Roger Snyder One Municipal Drive Elizabethtown PA 17022 (717) 367-7178 (717) 367-4622547 33 Lancast West Earl 1,518 28 32 10/09/03 1/4/2013 1/7/2014 Richard Horst 157 W Metzler Rd Brownstown PA 17508 (717) 859-3201 (717) 859-3499548 34 Lancast West Hempfield 3,002 39 52 08/09/90 10/12/2005 2/1/2006 Charles Douts 3401 Marietta Avenue Lancaster PA 17601 (717) 285-5554 (717) 285-2879 [email protected] 35 Lancast West Lampeter 2,531 35 42 03/10/92 10/1/2015 11/12/2015 Twp Secretary 852 Village Road Lampeter PA 17537 (717) 464-3731 (717) 464-5047


550 1 LawrencLittle Beaver 1,332 12 10/03/01 10/3/2008 Twp Secretary PA551 2 LawrencNew Beaver Boro 1,795 12 03/08/94 3/8/2001 Twp Secretary PA552 3 LawrencNorth Beaver 7,502 52 06/12/95 6/12/2002 Twp Secretary PA553 4 LawrencPlain Grove 4,256 42 02/03/92 2/3/1992 Twp Secretary PA554 5 LawrencPulaski 7,646 105 5 06/14/94 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 6/21/2016 Samuel J. Varano 1172 State Route 208 Pulaski PA 16143 (724) 864-8891 (724) 964-1028555 6 LawrencShenango 802 14 04/03/95 4/3/2002 Twp Secretary PA556 7 LawrencSlippery Rock 2,450 81 10/09/00 10/10/2007 Twp Secretary PA557 8 LawrencWashington 5,242 43 10/11/93 10/11/2000 Margaret Lutz 1413 George Washington Road Volant PA 16156 (724) 533-5733558 9 LawrencWilmington 5,985 57 08/06/90 8/6/1997 Twp Secretary PA


559 1 LebanonBethel 5,450 48 62 05/23/91 11/29/1999 4/17/2017 5/30/2017 Melissa Johnson 3015 S. Pine Grove St Fredericksburg PA 17026 (717) 865-4005 (717) 865-0906560 2 LebanonEast Hanover 3,881 34 47 03/05/02 7/18/2003 7/26/2007 Larry Miller 1117 School House Road Annville PA 17003 (717) 865-3614561 3 LebanonHeidelberg 4,852 88 99 04/10/90 5/14/1999 9/29/2015 10/8/2015 Bruce Kramer Mill Road Schafferstown PA 17088 (717) 949-3885 (717) 949-2915562 4 LebanonJackson 5,306 89 91 01/06/97 1/6/2011 2/9/2018 3/5/2018 Clyde Deck 60 North Ramona Road Myerstown PA 17067 (717) 866-4771 (717) 866-2159563 5 LebanonMillcreek 3,377 34 44 07/14/93 7/14/2000 9/10/2009 6/6/2011 Lorie Kupp Newmanstown PA 17073 (610) 589-4750 (610) 589-9923564 6 LebanonNorth Annville 6,721 86 106 07/07/92 7/7/1999 1/12/2007 10/24/2007 Rodney Hostetter 1020 N. Rte 934 Annville PA 17003 (717) 867-1814 (717) 867-1539565 7 LebanonNorth Cornwall 2,605 35 43 03/06/90 8/18/1998 6/17/2003 7/26/2007 Robin Getz 320 S. Eighteenth St Lebanon PA 17042 (717) 273-9200 (717) 274-0466566 8 LebanonNorth Lebanon 4,319 64 85 03/18/91 8/27/2012 8/19/2016 9/9/2016 Cheri F. Grumbine 725 Kimmerlings Road Lebanon PA 17042 (717) 273-7132 (717) 273-7672 [email protected] 9 LebanonNorth Londonderry 2,455 52 39 12/21/01 12/21/2016 12/21/2016 1/17/2017 Gordon Watts 655 E. Ridge Road Palmyra PA 17078 (717) 838-1373568 10 LebanonSouth Annville 6,984 69 89 08/01/90 6/18/1998 5/20/2005 7/26/2007 Donald Umberger 1000 Clear View Lane Lebanon PA 17042 (717) 867-2685 (717) 867-1934569 11 LebanonSouth Lebanon 6,207 74 100 11/06/89 12/28/1998 12/30/2002 7/26/2007 Curtis Kulp 1800 S. 5th Ave Lebanon PA 17042 (717) 274-0481 (717) 274-1272570 12 LebanonSouth Londonderry 4,559 65 73 02/09/93 3/9/1998 5/13/2015 9/8/2015 Shawn Arbaugh 20 West Market Street Campbelltown PA 17010 (717) 838-5556 (717) 838-4122571 13 LebanonSwatara 4,020 44 61 04/12/90 7/18/2003 7/26/2007 Elias Adams, Jr 2196 Quarry Rd Lebanon PA 17046 (717) 865-5227 (717) 865-9056572 14 LebanonUnion 1,609 40 30 10/10/07 7/21/2017 8/17/2017 Union Twp573 15 LebanonWest Cornwall 1,597 18 21 08/14/89 7/26/2007 Carol McLaughlin 73 S. Zinns Mill Rd Lebanon PA 17042 (717) 272-9841 (717) 272-6438


574 1 Lehigh Heidelberg 5,626 58 08/05/88 8/6/1995 Twp Secretary PA575 2 Lehigh Lower Macungie 1,482 24 10/06/88 10/7/1995 Twp Secretary PA576 3 Lehigh Lower Milford 6,977 117 6 06/08/89 6/8/1996 10/16/2012 12/12/2012 Gina Wooler 7607 Chestnut Hill Road Coopersburg PA 18036 (610) 967-4949 (610)967-1013577 4 Lehigh Lowhill 1,830 20 12/07/88 12/8/1995 Twp Secretary PA578 5 Lehigh Lynn 13,586 141 22 07/07/88 7/8/1995 2/14/2018 3/6/2018 Tammy White PA579 6 Lehigh North Whitehall 2,832 47 5 10/16/96 10/17/2003 6/9/2017 7/6/2017 Brenda Norder 3256 Levans Road Coplay PA 18037 (610) 799-3411 (610) 799-9629580 7 Lehigh South Whitehall 86 1 10/06/88 10/7/1995 Twp Secretary PA581 8 Lehigh Upper Macungie 2,087 20 09/03/98 9/3/2005 Twp Secretary PA582 9 Lehigh Upper Milford 1,808 50 34 08/02/95 8/2/2002 6/7/2017 7/7/2017 Twp Secretary PA583 10 Lehigh Upper Saucon 207 5 06/08/89 6/8/1996 Twp Secretary PA584 11 Lehigh Washington 2,090 20 03/09/93 3/9/2000 Twp Secretary PA585 12 Lehigh Weisenberg 6,653 100 08/04/88 8/5/1995 Twp Secretary PA


586 1 LuzerneBlack Creek 1,097 10 10/02/02 10/2/2009 Twp Secretary PA587 2 LuzerneButler 4,343 50 50 12/06/00 12/6/2007 5/21/2015 7/9/2015 Maryanne Petrilla 415 West Butler Drive Drums PA 18222 (570) 788-3547 (570) 788-5938588 3 LuzerneDorrance 6,961 209 127 04/01/91 4/1/1998 7/17/1998 James Schneider 439 W Broad Street Hazelton PA 18201 (570) 454-2489589 4 LuzerneFairmount 666 5 11/06/98 11/6/2005 Twp Secretary PA590 5 LuzerneFranklin 1,554 36 36 12/18/02 12/18/2009 9/17/2004 2/1/2006 David Roberts RR3 Box 220M Dallas PA 18621 (570) 333-5131 (570) 333-5950 [email protected] 6 LuzerneHollenback 1,646 29 05/10/07 5/10/2014 Barbara Wasiakowski 660 East County Road Wapwallopen PA 18660 (570) 379-2535 (570) 379-2515592 7 LuzerneHuntingdon 2,891 29 29 07/18/02 7/18/2009 7/18/2002 2/1/2006 Twp Secretary 815 Municipal Rd Shickshinny PA 18655 (570) 864-2303 (570) 864-0815 [email protected] 8 LuzerneJackson 1,986 26 04/29/85 4/29/1992 Twp Secretary PA594 9 LuzerneNescopeck 3,939 49 62 08/04/94 1/10/2001 10/21/2005 2/1/2006 Jolinda Becker PO Box 314 Nescopeck PA 18635 (570) 379-2117 (570) 379-1003 [email protected] 10 LuzerneRoss 703 8 14 05/25/01 5/25/2008 6/14/2002 2/1/2006 Terry Davis PO Box 330 Sweet Valley PA 18656 (570) 256-3703 (570) 256-2989596 11 LuzerneSugarloaf 3,195 37 48 06/19/87 6/19/1987 2/1/2006 Earl Miller PO Box 61 Sybertsville PA 18251 (570) 788-3575 (570) 788-3964597 12 LuzerneUnion 646 7 12 12/27/00 12/27/2007 2/26/2003 2/1/2006 Mary Beth Search 21 Municpal Road Shickshinny PA 18655 (570) 256-7600 (570) 256-9032 [email protected]


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598 1 LycominAnthony 4,205 54 10/19/01 10/8/2015 1/25/2016 Twp Secretary PA599 2 LycominClinton 2,084 20 05/26/92 5/27/1999 Twp Secretary PA600 3 LycominCogan House 4,984 31 02/06/90 2/6/1997 Twp Secretary PA601 4 LycominEldred 2,132 23 04/18/96 4/19/2003 Twp Secretary PA602 5 LycominFranklin 4,719 45 08/03/92 8/4/1999 Twp Secretary PA603 6 LycominGamble 3,181 35 04/04/91 4/4/1998 Twp Secretary PA604 7 LycominJackson 5,734 20 08/11/92 8/12/1999 Twp Secretary PA605 8 LycominJordan 5,232 57 11/21/92 11/22/1999 Twp Secretary PA606 9 LycominLimestone 5,911 54 08/06/90 8/6/1997 Twp Secretary PA607 10 LycominLycoming 3,918 33 12/22/90 12/22/1997 Twp Secretary PA608 11 LycominMifflin 2,213 26 11/09/98 11/9/2005 Twp Secretary PA609 12 LycominMoreland 10,210 89 07/10/90 7/10/1997 Twp Secretary PA610 13 LycominMuncy 5,004 37 06/14/89 6/14/1996 Twp Secretary PA611 14 LycominMuncy Creek 4,712 41 08/09/89 8/9/1996 Twp Secretary PA612 15 LycominNippensose 385 3 07/17/92 7/18/1999 Twp Secretary PA613 16 LycominPenn 7,394 52 12/14/93 12/14/2000 Twp Secretary PA614 17 LycominPorter 1,361 20 33 07/14/92 7/15/1999 7/14/1992 8/25/2008 Judie Herr 5 Shaffer Lane Jersey Shore PA 17740 (570) 398-4526 (570) 398-2060615 18 LycominShrewsbury 1,845 11 09/29/97 9/29/2004 Twp Secretary PA616 19 LycominSusquehanna 1,249 13 13 05/29/08 5/29/2015 5/29/2008 6/9/2008 Susquehanna Twp. 91 East Village Drive Williamsport PA 17702617 20 LycominUpper Fairfield 3,530 33 05/16/89 5/16/1996 Twp Secretary PA618 21 LycominWashington 7,282 69 08/09/84 8/10/1991 Twp Secretary PA619 22 LycominWolf 2,859 25 02/16/99 2/16/2006 Twp Secretary PA


620 1 McKeanKeating 2,689 15 10/03/95 10/3/2002 PA621 2 McKeanLiberty 3,548 33 07/10/89 7/10/1996 PA


622 1 Mercer Coolspring 4,771 48 65 02/11/99 3/1/2006 6/6/2006 6/27/2006 Karen Philson 852 N. Perry Hwy Mercer PA 16137 (724) 475-2010 (724) 475-2245 [email protected] 2 Mercer Deer Creek 2,367 24 38 06/10/04 6/10/2011 6/12/2006 Orrie Long 463 Condit Road Sandylake PA 16145 (724) 253-2295624 3 Mercer Delaware 8,511 123 10/02/91 8/3/2006 7/26/2007 Melissa Osborne 53 Oniontown Road Greenville PA 16125 (724) 588-2040 (724) 588-2499 [email protected] 4 Mercer East Lackawannock 5,205 40 41 06/12/90 2/10/2004 3/22/2011 4/28/2011 Linda Hittie 1019 Mercer Rd New Wilmington PA 16142 (724) 533-5171 (724) 533-5171626 5 Mercer Fairview 5,265 49 58 03/09/94 2/14/2001 4/5/2006 Jane Clark 1578 N Perry Hwy Fredonia PA 16124 (724) 475-2082 (724) 475-3953 [email protected] 6 Mercer Findley 4,317 46 74 11/08/01 3/28/2006 Elliott Lengel 369 McClelland Road Mercer PA 16137 (724) 748-4808 (724) 748-5668 [email protected] 7 Mercer French Creek 2,885 29 09/13/01 7/13/2015 8/17/2015 9/1/2015 Sherian Biggs 540 Creek Road Carlton PA 16311 (814) 425-2283629 8 Mercer Hempfield 1,350 22 06/07/94 6/7/2001 Twp Secretary PA630 9 Mercer Jackson 4,751 46 06/01/94 6/1/2001 Twp Secretary PA631 10 Mercer Jefferson 4,539 43 46 04/28/90 4/28/2004 3/28/2006 Naney Little 7407 Lamor Road Mercer PA 16137 (724) 662-3310 (724) 662-0313 [email protected] 11 Mercer Lackawannock 3,792 43 07/13/93 7/13/2000 Twp Secretary PA633 12 Mercer Lake 5,084 46 05/10/93 5/10/2000 Twp Secretary PA634 13 Mercer Liberty 3,024 31 42 08/13/98 7/14/2005 4/5/2006 Robert Gregg 2783 Mercer Butler Pike Corove City PA 16127 (724) 794-1773 [email protected] 14 Mercer Mill Creek 3,978 31 25 06/07/93 6/8/2000 8/13/2007 8/30/2007 Lorraine Roberts 3947 Sandy Lake Rd Sandy Lake PA 16145 (724) 376-7009 (724) 376-7009636 15 Mercer New Vernon 4,528 44 62 07/08/93 7/14/2014 9/26/2014 Kathleen Elder 905 Borland Rd Sandy Lake PA 16145637 16 Mercer Otter Creek 3,366 43 09/14/94 9/14/2001 Twp Secretary PA638 17 Mercer Perry 6,307 92 130 04/06/94 2/7/2001 5/29/2008 8/5/2008 Karen King PO Box 69 Hadley PA 16130 (724) 253-4300 (724) 253-4300 [email protected] 18 Mercer Pine 1,395 11 17 04/20/01 7/31/2015 7/31/2008 8/25/2008 Shirley Vinten 545 Berkeyville Rd Grove City PA 16127 (724) 458-7229 (724) 458-4070 [email protected] 19 Mercer Salem 1,800 10 17 08/13/01 3/28/2006 Carol Maybee 444 Osborn Road Hadley PA 16130 (724) 253-2084 (724) 253-4003641 20 Mercer Sandy Creek 2,242 28 09/05/95 9/5/1995 Twp Secretary PA642 21 Mercer Sandy Lake 2,754 32 50 04/04/95 12/2/2008 12/23/2008 1/12/2009 Deborah Beith PO Box 205 Sandy Lake PA 16145 (814) 376-2213 (724) 376-4150 [email protected] 22 Mercer Shenango 3,939 62 06/12/01 6/12/2008 Twp Secretary PA644 23 Mercer South Pymatuning 4,724 68 02/09/98 2/9/2005 Twp Secretary PA645 24 Mercer Springfield 2,529 35 30 09/01/93 8/18/2014 8/21/2014 4/14/2015 Patricia Wimer 406 Old Ash Road Mercer PA 16197 (724) 748-4999 (724) 748-3589646 25 Mercer Sugar Grove 2,828 44 09/03/96 9/4/2003 Twp Secretary PA647 26 Mercer West Salem 5,081 89 69 02/14/95 4/16/2016 4/16/2016 11/21/2016 Kelly Fenton 610 Vernon Road Greenville PA 16125 [email protected] 27 Mercer Wilmington 4,948 50 50 04/10/90 3/10/2004 4/5/2006 Wendy Campbell 35 Auction Rd New Wilmington PA 16142 (724) 946-8074 (724) 946-2903 [email protected] 28 Mercer Wolf Creek 3,738 25 08/14/91 8/14/1998 Twp Secretary PA650 29 Mercer Worth 3,670 33 53 07/06/93 3/6/2000 4/5/2006 Leroy Geibel 610 Kilgore Road Jackson Ctr PA 16133 (814) 786-9457 [email protected]


651 1 Mifflin Armagh 3,096 26 29 08/01/89 8/1/1996 2/24/2005 3/28/2006 Mark Sunderland PO Box 396 Milroy PA 17063 (717) 667-6260 (717) 667-9429 [email protected] 2 Mifflin Bratton 1,249 7 9 11/08/93 12/14/2001 3/28/2006 Tina Rittenhouse 460 Mountain Lane McVeytown PA 17051 (717) 899-6815 (717) 899-6890 [email protected] 3 Mifflin Brown 2,574 30 32 05/05/09 5/5/2016 6/8/2010 6/22/2010 Eugene Glick 7748 State Route 655 Reedsville PA 17084 (717) 667-2531 (717) 667-9472654 4 Mifflin Decatur 3,015 32 1 06/28/82 6/28/1989 9/21/2009 10/7/2009 Michelle Snook 3585 US Highway 522 Borth Lewistown PA 17044 (717) 543-5442 [email protected] 5 Mifflin Derry 3,806 22 29 12/04/89 9/20/2010 8/8/2015 10/6/2015 John E. McCullough, Jr. PO Box 445 Yeagertown PA 17099 (717) 248-8151 (717) 248-0063 [email protected] 6 Mifflin Granville 3,623 36 51 05/25/89 7/9/2005 3/28/2006 Lisa Swisher 100 Helen Street Lewistown PA 17044 (717) 242-2334 (717) 242-1524 [email protected] 7 Mifflin Oliver 4,195 24 48 08/01/89 7/28/2006 7/26/2007 Lisa Heckman 4670 US HWY 522 south McVeytown PA 17051 (717) 899-7343 (717) 899-5218 olivertwist @acsworld.com658 8 Mifflin Union 2,861 25 45 07/03/89 7/28/2006 7/26/2006 Michelle Shirey P.O. Box 5625 Belleville PA 17004 (717) 935-2890 [email protected] 9 Miffliin Wayne 4,471 29 40 12/12/90 12/12/1997 11/3/2015 1/7/2016 Denise Coder 3055 Ferguson Valley Rd McVeytown PA 17051 (717) 899-7430 (717) 899-0921 [email protected]

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660 1 Monroe Chestnuthill 2,974 41 09/19/89 9/19/1996 Twp Secretary PA661 2 Monroe Eldred 3,928 53 11/20/91 11/20/1998 Twp Secretary PA662 3 Monroe Hamilton 4,268 61 12/18/89 12/18/1996 Twp Secretary PA663 4 Monroe Jackson 1,391 20 07/06/89 7/6/1996 Twp Secretary PA664 5 Monroe Polk 4,733 49 09/25/89 9/25/1996 Twp Secretary PA665 6 Monroe Ross 2,581 27 08/07/89 8/7/1996 Twp Secretary PA666 7 Monroe Stroud 1,073 33 12/13/00 12/14/2007 Twp Secretary PA667 8 Monroe Tunkhannock 788 6 10/02/96 10/3/2003 Dot Trauger PA (570) 646-3008


668 1 MontgomDouglass 2,804 45 54 10/03/88 3/1/2010 Georgeann Rohrbach Gilbertsville PA 19525 (610) 367-6062 (610) 637-7124669 2 MontgomFranconia 2,538 52 52 08/28/89 3/1/2010 Kevin Baver Franconia PA 18924 (215) 723-1137 (215) 723-4167670 3 MontgomHorsham 687 13 14 12/08/99 3/1/2010 Richard Kirkman Horsham PA 19044 (215) 643-3131 (215) 643-0448671 4 MontgomLimerick 1,517 21 22 10/17/89 7/1/2003 3/1/2010 Limerick Twp Limerick PA 19468 (610) 495-6431 (610) 495-0952672 5 MontgomLower Salford 1,578 45 47 12/09/92 7/1/2000 3/1/2010 Delton Plank Harleysville PA 19438 (215) 256-8087 (215) 256-4869673 6 MontgomNew Hanover 1,932 37 37 01/03/94 3/1/2010 Anne Klepfer Gilbertsville PA 19525 (610) 323-1008 (610) 323-5173674 7 MontgomSalford 1,309 36 37 10/20/99 3/1/2010 Lawrence Anderson Tylersport PA 18971 (215) 257-5664 (215) 257-1093675 8 MontgomUpper Frederick 1,749 34 36 09/14/89 8/5/2008 3/1/2010 Gael Hahn Frederick PA 19435 (610) 754-6436 (610) 754-6828676 9 MontgomUpper Hanover 2,835 40 34 07/09/91 3/1/2010 Upper Hanover Twp East Greenville PA 18041 (215) 679-4401 (215) 679-3585677 10 MontgomUpper Providence 1,051 27 29 03/18/96 3/1/2010 George Waterman Oaks PA 19456 (610) 933-9179 (610) 983-0355678 11 MontgomUpper Salford 992 24 24 01/03/94 3/1/2010 Dorothy Terhune Salfordville PA 18958 (610) 287-6160 (610) 287-9435679 12 MontgomWorcester 2,086 48 67 11/20/91 9/29/2017 7/10/2017 Tommy Ryan 1721 Valley Forge Rd Worcester PA 19490 (610) 584-1410 (610) 584-8901


680 1 MontourAnthony 4,278 35 48 01/07/91 8/7/2006 7/26/2007 Penny Rishel 1295 White Hall Road Turbotville PA 17772 (570) 437-3270 (570) 437-3640 [email protected] 2 MontourCooper 1,948 22 65 07/01/92 8/7/2006 7/26/2007 Paula Heimbach 216 Reinaker Rd Danville PA 17821 (570) 271-1380 [email protected] 3 MontourLiberty 5,480 46 56 08/22/90 8/7/2006 7/26/2007 Linda Llewwllyn 197 Mooresburg Road Danville PA 17821 (570) 275-2211 (570) 275-5654683 4 MontourLimestone 3,641 37 40 05/10/88 9/13/2004 7/2/2007 10/11/2007 Alice Laidacker 270 Laidacker Road Milton PA 17847 (570) 437-2811 (570) 437-3580 [email protected] 5 MontourMayberry 2,780 38 50 11/01/93 8/7/2006 7/26/2007 Richard Woodruff 310 Sharp Ridge Road Danville PA 17821 (570) 672-2847685 6 MontourWest Hemlock 3,529 36 52 07/19/87 8/7/2006 7/26/2007 Eugene Billing 162 Billing Road Danville PA 17821


686 1 NorthamAllen 994 5 1 03/03/93 3/3/2000 4/8/2010 6/1/2010 Twp Secretary PA687 2 NorthamBushkill 907 18 33 09/07/95 8/22/2006 7/26/2007 Aaron Hook 1114 Bushkill Center Rd Nazareth PA 18064 (610) 759-1250 (610) 759-8565688 3 NorthamEast Allen 2,778 21 06/09/83 6/9/1990 Twp Secretary PA689 4 NorthamForks 823 10 22 06/28/90 2/8/1991 7/6/2006 Cathy Kichline 1606 Sullivan Trail Easton PA 18064 (610) 250-2251 (610) 438-3889 [email protected] 5 NorthamLehigh 1,616 20 48 07/01/91 8/22/2006 7/26/2007 Alice Rehrig 1069 Municipal Rd Walnutport PA 18088 (610) 767-6771 [email protected] 6 NorthamLower Mount Bethel 6,592 79 154 12/13/83 8/15/2011 8/8/2016 11/1/2016 Lori Stauffer P.O. Box 257 Martins Creek PA 18063 (610) 252-5074 (610) 253-8971 [email protected] 7 NorthamLower Nazareth 1,166 8 26 07/12/95 7/23/2003 7/6/2006 Lori Seese 306 Butztown Road Bethlehem PA 18020 (610) 759-7434 (610) 746-3317 [email protected] 8 NorthamMoore 4,373 52 157 06/03/91 7/16/2004 7/16/2004 7/6/2006 Rodney Jarinko 2491 Community Drive Bath PA 18014 (610) 759-9449 (610) 759-9448694 9 NorthamPlainfield 3,553 42 95 03/25/91 7/6/2006 Joyce Lambert 6292 Sullivan Trail Nazareth PA 18064 (610) 759-6944 (610) 759-1999 [email protected] 10 NorthamUpper Mount Bethel 3,696 48 90 12/01/91 12/1/2012 12/15/2016 3/7/2017 Melissa Mastrogiovanni P.O. Box 520 Mt Bethel PA 18343696 11 NorthamWashington 1,783 18 47 06/20/90 9/28/1999 12/14/2011 1/24/2011 Rick Weaver 1021 Washington Blvd Bangor PA 18013 (610) 588-1524 (610) 588-0245 [email protected] 12 NorthamWilliams 1,688 44 63 08/12/99 11/13/2014 4/17/2015 Jonathan Reiss 655 Cider Press Road Easton PA 18042 (610) 258-6788 (610) 258-6080


698 1 NorthumDelaware 6,903 78 12/05/89 12/5/1996 Bill Michaels PA699 2 NorthumJackson 1,264 8 08/06/96 8/7/2003 Twp Secretary PA700 3 NorthumJordan 6,752 79 07/19/89 5/1/2017 5/19/2017 6/6/2017 Michele Wiest 444 Jordan Township Road Herndon PA 17830 (570) 425-2322701 4 NorthumLewis 4,977 55 09/14/91 9/14/1998 Twp Secretary PA702 5 NorthumPoint 3,293 27 10/12/82 10/12/1989 Twp Secretary PA703 6 NorthumRockefeller 4,059 57 01/06/97 1/7/2004 Twp Secretary PA704 7 NorthumRush 5,996 40 06/13/89 6/13/1996 Twp Secretary PA705 8 NorthumShamokin 6,706 112 144 02/12/92 12/12/2012 12/12/2012 12/20/2012 Stephanie McKinney RD 4 Sunbury PA 17801706 9 NorthumTurbot 3,804 36 05/14/84 5/15/1991 Twp Secretary PA707 10 NorthumLower Augusta 3,667 46 49 01/13/97 1/13/1997 3/12/2009 Karen Campbell PA708 11 NorthumUpper Augusta 3,978 38 56 06/04/90 6/4/1997 2/17/2011 3/7/2011 Amy Horne PA709 12 NorthumUpper Mahanoy 9,292 130 12/09/86 12/9/2003 Twp Secretary PA710 13 NorthumWashington 7,190 56 09/15/86 9/15/1993 Twp Secretary PA711 14 NorthumWest Chillisquaque 3,366 27 1 08/01/83 8/1/1990 9/4/2007 10/7/2009 Robert Pardoe, Jr 346 Covered Bridge Road Milton PA 17847


712 1 Perry Buffalo 4,966 61 78 06/18/92 4/1/1996 2/1/2006 Shirley Zaring 750 Hunters Valley Rd Liverpool PA 17045 (717) 444-7398 (717) 444-2268713 2 Perry Carroll 2,320 22 31 03/12/02 3/12/2009 2/7/2006 2/17/2006 Natalie Sieber 50 Rambo Hill Shermansdale PA 17090 (717) 582-8200 (717) 582-0049714 3 Perry Centre 3,259 21 31 08/27/91 11/6/2000 2/1/2006 Ann Chubb PO Box 727 New Bloomfield PA 17068 (717) 582-8784 (717) 582-8896715 4 Perry Greenwood 9,172 68 76 04/24/90 10/12/2000 6/5/2002 2/1/2006 Katy Black 608 Moutain Rd Millerstown PA 17062 (717) 589-7417

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716 5 Perry Howe 1,402 13 16 09/13/94 12/20/2000 2/1/2006 Wendy Brunner 210 Red Hill Rd Newport PA 17074 (717) 567-3424 [email protected] 6 Perry Jackson 6,718 46 75 06/27/84 11/30/2002 9/28/2006 10/27/2007 Darlene Cauffman RR1 Box 921 Blain PA 17006 (717) 789-5585 (717) 536-3001 [email protected] 7 Perry Juniata 7,011 69 88 01/05/89 7/9/2014 7/9/2014 7/30/2014 Trudy Fleisher 16 Milford Road Newport PA 17074 (717) 567-9514 (717) 567-9414 [email protected] 8 Perry Liverpool 4,815 31 44 06/06/89 1/14/2003 2/1/2006 Donna Wood RR2 Box 478 Millersbrown PA 17062 (717) 444-7321720 9 Perry North East Madison 6,393 47 77 07/06/90 1/9/2001 2/1/2006 Terri Greene RR1 Box 107E Loysville PA 17047 (717) 789-9175 (717) 789-9175721 10 Perry Oliver 3,119 37 40 08/11/92 11/22/2000 2/1/2006 Twp Secretary PA722 11 Perry Penn 3,056 66 62 07/20/84 4/29/2014 9/11/2015 12/9/2015 Helen Klinepeter 100 Municipl Building Road Duncannon PA 17020 (717) 834-5281 (717) 834-6854 [email protected] 12 Perry Rye 3,412 49 49 07/24/89 11/13/2000 11/22/2000 2/1/2006 Daisy Lightner 1775 New Valley Rd Marysville PA 17053 (717) 957-2348 (717) 957-9419 [email protected] 13 Perry Saville 3,615 29 37 03/14/91 1/3/2001 2/1/2006 Terry Urich 3954 Veterans Way Elliottsburg PA 17024 (717) 438-3344 (717) 438-3358725 14 Perry Spring 5,526 47 73 08/27/91 12/1/2000 2/1/2006 Stan Richard 185 Richard Lane Landisburg PA 17040 (717) 789-4550726 15 Perry South West Madison 4,881 26 38 03/30/90 12/8/2000 2/1/2006 Debra Smith RD1 Box 186A Loysville PA 17047 (717) 536-3163727 16 Perry Toboyne 1,328 10 11 03/11/02 3/11/2009 1/31/2007 10/24/2007 Craig Zerby RR1 Box 1013 Blain PA 17006 (717) 536-3641728 17 Perry Tuscarora 6,196 55 63 12/14/90 11/9/2000 10/28/2003 2/1/2006 Sandra Swab 3429 Raccoon Valley Rd Millerstown PA 17062 (717) 589-3613 [email protected] 18 Perry Tyrone 3,496 28 34 12/10/90 11/22/2000 2/1/2006 Michael Shaffer PO Box 1116 Landisburg PA 17040 (717) 789-4414730 19 Perry Watts 1,965 22 27 03/26/01 3/26/2008 11/16/2004 2/1/2006 Wendy Brunner 210 Red Hill Rd Newport PA 17074 (717) 567-3424 [email protected] 20 Perry Wheatfield 2,628 38 40 07/06/92 3/6/2006 6/27/2006 Vicki Jenkins 1280 New Bloomfield Rd New Bloomfield PA 17068 (717) 834-5467 (717) 834-0157 [email protected]


732 1 Pike Lackawaxen 726 9 8 08/23/07 8/23/2014 10/10/2013 11/20/2013 Brian Stuart 169 Urban Road Hawley PA 18428 (570) 685-7288 (570) 685-2550733 2 Pike Greene 669 18 14 12/29/09 12/29/2016 10/25/2017 1/22/2018 Judy Kleeman Brink Hill Road Greentown PA 18426 (570) 676-9325 (570) 676-9867734 3 Pike Dingman 852 5 10 02/14/08 2/14/2015 6/16/2009 7/15/2009 Karen Kleist 118 Fisher Lane Milford PA 18337 (570) 296-8455735 4 Pike Westfall 926 2 8 08/04/09 8/4/2016 8/4/2009 6/6/2011 Westfall Township 102 LaBarr Lane Matamoras PA 18336 (570) 491-4065 (570) 491-6353


736 1 Potter Abbot 1,185 7 09/02/96 9/3/2003 Twp Secretary PA737 2 Potter Allegheny 10,380 39 09/01/84 9/2/1991 Twp Secretary PA738 3 Potter Bingham 2,109 9 04/02/97 4/2/2004 Twp Secretary PA739 4 Potter Eulalia 4,187 22 05/01/95 5/1/2002 Twp Secretary PA740 5 Potter Genesee 6,937 36 02/04/84 2/4/1991 Twp Secretary PA741 6 Potter Harrison 7,008 57 07/03/84 7/4/1991 Twp Secretary PA742 7 Potter Hebron I 3,940 35 02/07/92 2/7/1999 Twp Secretary PA743 8 Potter Hebron II 2,330 1 11/03/95 11/3/2002 Twp Secretary PA744 9 Potter Hector 538 4 03/13/85 3/13/1992 Twp Secretary PA745 10 Potter Oswayo 5,366 41 07/07/95 7/7/2002 Twp Secretary PA746 11 Potter Pleasant Valley 989 10 10/03/89 10/3/1996 Twp Secretary PA747 12 Potter Roulette 3,394 25 10/11/91 10/11/1998 Twp Secretary PA748 13 Potter Sweden 5,968 15 10/07/91 10/7/1998 Twp Secretary PA749 14 Potter Ulysses 11,863 56 08/18/83 8/18/1990 Twp Secretary PA750 15 Potter West Branch 2,093 12 07/03/95 7/3/2002 Twp Secretary PA


751 1 Schuylk Barry 4,326 92 02/12/90 2/12/1997 Twp Secretary PA752 2 Schuylk East Brunswick 3,384 28 10/25/90 10/25/1997 Twp Secretary PA753 3 Schuylk Eldred I 4,542 31 04/04/89 4/4/1996 Twp Secretary PA754 4 Schuylk Eldred II 1,569 18 08/04/92 8/5/1999 Twp Secretary PA755 5 Schuylk Hegins 5,070 39 02/06/95 2/6/2002 Twp Secretary PA756 6 Schuylk Hubley 1,829 19 12/03/90 12/3/1997 Twp Secretary PA757 7 Schuylk Pine Grove 1,626 19 04/10/91 4/10/1998 Twp Secretary PA758 8 Schuylk Porter 1,362 18 05/29/02 5/29/2009 Twp Secretary PA759 9 Schuylk Ryan 1,112 22 04/10/02 4/10/2009 Twp Secretary PA760 10 Schuylk South Manheim 2,746 36 67 06/03/91 11/6/2006 10/24/2007 James Wallbillich P.O. Box 450 Pottsville PA 17901 (570) 622-0767 (570) 622-0798761 11 Schuylk Union 4,268 1 11/05/90 11/5/1997 Twp Secretary PA762 12 Schuylk Upper Manhantongo 4,427 33 02/01/93 2/2/2000 Twp Secretary PA763 13 Schuylk Walker 2,365 26 04/17/91 4/17/1998 Twp Secretary PA764 14 Schuylk Washington 3,641 28 06/30/89 6/30/1996 Twp Secretary PA765 15 Schuylk Wayne I 4,099 43 09/27/89 9/27/1996 Twp Secretary PA766 16 Schuylk Wayne II 1,969 73 08/21/91 8/21/1998 Twp Secretary PA767 17 Schuylk West Brunswick 1,009 17 7 03/06/96 3/7/2003 4/7/2011 4/28/2011 Twp Secretary PA768 18 Schuylk West Penn 14,415 138 458 02/04/85 2/5/1992 12/27/2010 2/16/2011 Twp Secretary PA


769 1 Snyder Adams 4,450 36 08/02/90 8/2/1997 Twp Secretary PA770 2 Snyder Beaver 4,641 38 12/06/90 12/6/1997 Twp Secretary PA771 3 Snyder Center 5,436 48 04/04/91 4/4/1998 Twp Secretary PA772 4 Snyder Chapman 765 8 02/04/02 2/4/2009 Twp Secretary PA773 5 Snyder Franklin 6,796 43 12/28/89 12/28/1996 4/28/2010 6/1/2010 Paula Snook 430 Iron Bridge Road Middleburg PA 17842774 6 Snyder Jackson 6,348 64 08/13/90 8/13/1997 Twp Secretary PA775 7 Snyder Middlecreek 5,205 57 01/02/90 1/2/1997 Twp Secretary PA

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776 8 Snyder Monroe 3,013 32 11/12/91 11/12/1998 Twp Secretary PA777 9 Snyder Penn 5,172 46 12/03/89 12/3/1996 Twp Secretary PA778 10 Snyder Perry 984 2 05/11/89 5/11/2003 Twp Secretary PA779 11 Snyder Spring 4,860 41 05/28/91 5/28/1998 Twp Secretary PA780 12 Snyder Union 2,985 22 2 05/08/90 5/8/1997 6/9/2008 Twp Secretary PA781 13 Snyder Washington 5,815 43 09/15/86 9/15/1993 Twp Secretary PA782 14 Snyder West Beaver 3,591 37 09/17/90 9/17/1997 Twp Secretary PA783 15 Snyder West Perry 1,730 22 07/24/03 7/24/2010 Twp Secretary PA


784 1 Somers Allegheny 5,116 34 10/04/93 10/4/2000 Twp Secretary PA785 2 Somers Brothersvalley 15,227 130 5 12/27/93 12/27/2000 2/21/2017 3/6/2017 Marilyn L. Baker 589 Mason Dixon Highway Berlin PA 15530 (814) 267-4505 (814) 267-6873 [email protected] 3 Somers Conemaugh 5,812 47 06/20/95 6/20/2002 Twp Secretary PA787 4 Somers Jefferson 6,137 36 09/13/95 9/13/2002 Twp Secretary PA788 5 Somers Jenner 8,573 60 06/13/91 6/13/1998 Twp Secretary PA789 6 Somers Larimer 4,397 33 10/04/93 10/4/2000 Twp Secretary PA790 7 Somers Lincoln 6,695 56 12/03/93 12/3/2000 Twp Secretary PA791 8 Somers Milford 6,906 54 12/30/93 12/30/2000 Twp Secretary PA792 9 Somers Northampton 3,777 18 03/04/93 3/4/2000 Twp Secretary PA793 10 Somers Paint 2,187 22 05/17/93 5/17/2000 Twp Secretary PA794 11 Somers Quemahoning 5,959 34 08/12/91 8/12/1998 1/12/2015 3/12/2015 Amanda Wyant PA795 12 Somers Shade 2,507 16 12/30/92 12/31/1999 Twp Secretary PA796 13 Somers Somerset 8,093 56 06/10/92 6/11/1999 Twp Secretary PA797 14 Somers Stonycreek 4,417 24 07/09/93 7/9/2000 Twp Secretary PA798 15 Somers Southampton 3,014 20 02/01/94 2/1/2004 2/15/1994 2/18/2009 Faye Long 164 Palo Alto Road Hyndman PA 15545 (814) 324-4564 [email protected] 16 Somers Summit 5,623 55 03/04/84 3/5/1991 Twp Secretary PA800 17 Somers Upper Turkeyfoo 13,540 79 02/11/93 2/12/2000 Twp Secretary PA


801 1 Sullivan Cherry 2,059 15 35 07/13/92 6/4/2013 6/14/2013 6/25/2013 Diane Fitzgerald 11961 RT 87 Dushore PA 18614 (570) 928-9228 [email protected] 2 Sullivan Elkland 3,954 20 07/02/90 11/1/2012 11/1/2012 5/20/2013 Twp Secretary 6883 Route 154 Forksville PA 18616 (570) 924-3282 (570) 924-4055803 3 Sullivan Forks 4,496 33 4 08/01/90 8/1/1997 8/9/2013 2/12/2015 Twp Secretary PA804 4 Sullivan Fox 1,653 16 2 08/11/96 8/12/2003 9/11/2012 5/20/2013 Robert Henderson, Jr P.O. Box 11 Shunk PA 17768805 5 Sullivan Shrewsbury 1,034 7 9 07/03/03 7/3/2011 7/3/2003 1/24/2012 Twp Secretary


806 1 Susque Apolacon/L. Mea. Boro 3,599 36 01/05/90 1/5/1997 Twp Secretary PA807 2 Susque Ararat 13,851 43 10/07/91 10/7/1998 3/9/2007 10/24/2007 Mavis Cottrell R R 2 Box 342B Thompson PA 18465 (570) 727-3115 (570) 727-2993808 3 Susque Auburn 6,267 45 12/24/91 12/24/1998 Twp Secretary PA809 4 Susque Bridgewater I 8,749 55 07/01/88 7/2/1995 Twp Secretary PA810 5 Susque Bridgewater I 1,245 13 03/10/93 3/10/2000 Twp Secretary PA811 6 Susque Bridgewater/Montrose 2,648 22 09/01/92 9/2/1999 Twp Secretary PA812 7 Susque Brooklyn 9,362 62 12/14/88 12/15/1995 Twp Secretary PA813 8 Susque Choconut I 3,060 36 09/04/90 9/4/1997 Twp Secretary PA814 9 Susque Choconut II 1,555 43 08/03/92 8/4/1999 Twp Secretary PA815 10 Susque Clifford 2,953 18 04/02/85 4/2/1992 Twp Secretary PA816 11 Susque Dimock 6,568 64 09/12/88 9/13/1995 Twp Secretary PA817 12 Susque Forest Lake I 2,815 17 05/29/90 5/29/1997 Twp Secretary PA818 13 Susque Forest Lake II 1,614 9 11/02/92 11/3/1999 Twp Secretary PA819 14 Susque Franklin 4,133 59 07/11/89 7/11/1996 Twp Secretary PA820 15 Susque Gibson 7,006 54 61 11/04/85 6/5/2006 6/5/2006 6/24/2006 Cindy Bartkus RR1 Box 137H Susquehanna PA 18847 (570) 756-2022821 16 Susque Great Bend 3,193 35 10/04/90 10/4/1997 Twp Secretary PA822 17 Susque Harford 8,259 64 05/03/89 5/3/1996 Twp Secretary PA823 18 Susque Harmony 626 12 08/06/95 8/6/2002 Twp Secretary PA824 19 Susque Herrick 6,128 62 07/07/86 7/7/1993 Twp Secretary PA825 20 Susque Jackson 3,441 17 03/04/91 3/4/1998 Twp Secretary PA826 21 Susque Jessup 8,027 55 09/08/87 9/8/1994 Twp Secretary PA827 22 Susque Lanesboro 583 7 01/03/95 1/3/2002 Twp Secretary PA828 23 Susque Lathrop I 3,430 14 07/09/87 7/9/1994 Twp Secretary PA829 24 Susque Lathrop II 4,928 66 07/13/89 7/13/1996 Twp Secretary PA830 25 Susque Lenox I 12,121 116 11/08/88 11/9/1995 Twp Secretary PA831 26 Susque Lenox II 4,415 45 05/06/92 5/7/1999 Twp Secretary PA832 27 Susque Liberty 10,618 66 08/25/89 8/25/1996 Twp Secretary PA833 28 Susque Middletown 9,275 98 04/10/92 9/7/2007 9/7/2007 10/7/2009 Mary Long RR #2 Box 2173 Friendsville PA 18818 (570) 744-2444834 29 Susque New Milford 7,750 85 05/30/90 5/30/1997 Twp Secretary PA835 30 Susque Oakland 1,358 10 11/19/92 11/20/1999 Twp Secretary PA836 31 Susque Rush I 6,994 42 08/03/88 8/4/1995 Twp Secretary PA837 32 Susque Rush II 4,246 40 11/04/92 11/5/1999 Twp Secretary PA

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838 33 Susque Silver Lake 3,839 71 03/13/89 3/13/1996 8/8/2017 10/16/2017 Sandy Brink PO Box 126 Brackney PA 18812 (570) 663-2126 (570) 663-2124839 34 Susque Springville 12,092 95 09/19/88 9/20/1995 Twp Secretary PA840 35 Susque Thompson 4,449 41 11/04/91 11/4/1998 Twp Secretary PA


841 1 Tioga Brookfield 3,461 19 33 06/05/02 6/5/2009 3/4/2005 2/1/2006 Larry Schmidt RR4 Box 282 Westfield PA 16950842 2 Tioga Charleston 11,098 135 118 10/29/90 6/17/2003 6/17/2003 2/1/2006 Patricia Reese RR2 Box 226 Wellsboro PA 16901 (570) 724-5353843 3 Tioga Chatham 4,307 50 39 01/25/91 1/25/1991 2/1/2006 Shelly Wattles RD1 Box 850 Little Marsh PA 16931844 4 Tioga Clymer 4,214 24 43 10/02/08 10/2/2015 10/2/2008 10/20/2008 P. William Plummer P.O. Box 7 1105 Locust St Sabinsville PA 16943 (814) 628-3931845 5 Tioga Covington 4,783 27 33 10/13/92 2/1/2006 Lisa Everett RR1 Box 87 Covington PA 16917846 6 Tioga Deerfield 1,121 13 13 12/30/11 12/30/2018 12/30/2011 2/16/2012 Karl Kroeck 5322 State Route 49 Knoxville PA 16928 (814) 326-4308847 7 Tioga Delmar 13,229 88 90 05/08/90 7/7/1997 5/3/2005 2/1/2006 Shirley Borden 610 N Lawton Rd Wellsboro PA 16901 (570) 724-5482848 8 Tioga Farmington 12,184 98 135 01/07/91 2/1/2006 Keith Baker RR1 Box 231E Middlebury Ctr PA 16935 (570) 376-3009849 9 Tioga Jackson 8,933 100 88 07/09/91 2/1/2006 Terry Wentzel PO Box 48 Millerton PA 16936 (570) 537-6367850 10 Tioga Lawrence 1,545 8 23 08/04/03 8/4/2010 3/28/2006 Lloyd Butler RR2 Box 159 Lawrenceville PA 16928851 11 Tioga Liberty 10,648 35 96 10/10/91 2/1/2006 Bambi Cramm 8082 Rt 414 Liberty PA 16901 (570) 324-3621852 12 Tioga Middlebury 724 3 14 02/25/05 2/25/2012 2/1/2006 Julie Owlett RR2 Box 1G Middlebury Ctr PA 16935853 13 Tioga Morris 1,616 10 18 06/12/90 2/1/2006 Irene Heatley PO Box 318 Morris PA 16938 (570) 353-2222854 14 Tioga Nelson 658 2 08/14/06 Brenda Arnold Box 119 Nelson PA 16940 (570) 827-7892855 15 Tioga Osceola 1,445 13 17 09/16/04 9/16/2011 7/24/2014 8/27/2014 Penny Jeffers PO Box 146 Osceola PA 16942 (814) 258-5411 (814) 258-5411856 16 Tioga Richmond 2,901 17 29 06/21/96 2/1/2006 Debra Kotulka 563 Valley Rd Mansfield PA 16933857 17 Tioga Rutland 10,070 119 124 11/02/95 2/1/2006 Arthur Powlison RR2 Box 1462 Mansfield PA 16933858 18 Tioga Shippen 2,254 20 26 09/10/90 9/16/1991 2/1/2006 George Ashley Stowell Road Wellsboro PA 16901 (570) 724-2629859 19 Tioga Sullivan 9,325 91 101 06/17/91 2/1/2006 Nancy Smith PO Box 84 Mainesburg PA 16932 (570) 549-7051860 20 Tioga Union 5,340 53 87 08/16/91 12/28/1993 2/1/2006 Marlene Boyce RR2 Box 600 Roaring Br PA 17765861 21 Tioga Westfield 4,224 17 33 08/05/03 8/5/2010 4/6/2005 2/1/2006 Steve Hanes PO Box 61 Cowanesque PA 16918


862 1 Union Buffalo 8,502 81 1 01/03/83 1/3/1990 4/5/2015 5/7/2015 Robert A. Beck 2115 Strickler Road Mifflinburg PA 17844 (570) 966-4004 (570) 966-0209863 2 Union East Buffalo 3,328 27 02/12/90 2/12/1997 Twp Secretary PA864 3 Union Gregg 3,827 22 06/11/90 6/11/1997 Twp Secretary PA865 4 Union Hartley 4,120 38 04/05/93 4/5/2000 Twp Secretary PA866 5 Union Kelly 6,725 79 04/08/83 4/8/1990 Twp Secretary PA867 6 Union Lewis 6,026 70 04/22/85 4/22/1992 Twp Secretary PA868 7 Union Limestone 7,738 70 12/14/89 12/14/1996 Twp Secretary PA869 8 Union Union 35 1 07/06/93 7/6/2000 Twp Secretary PA870 9 Union West Buffalo 6,803 88 12/09/89 12/9/1996 Twp Secretary PA871 10 Union White Deer 2,639 27 05/23/90 5/23/1997 Twp Secretary PA


872 1 Venang Canal 5,276 72 06/04/96 6/5/2003 Twp Secretary PA873 2 Venang Frenchcreek 2,133 47 11/12/98 11/12/2005 Twp Secretary PA874 3 Venang Richland 1,830 17 10/12/95 10/12/2002 Twp Secretary PA


875 1 Warren Farmington 3,418 23 09/04/92 9/5/1999 Twp Secretary PA876 2 Warren Glade 1,014 6 03/16/93 3/16/2000 Twp Secretary PA877 3 Warren Pine Grove 1,681 34 06/08/07 6/8/2014 6/13/2007 6/25/2007 John L. Angove P.O. Box 125 Russell PA 16345878 4 Warren Pittsfield 2,235 9 05/12/92 5/13/1992 Twp Secretary PA879 5 Warren Spring Creek 2,387 17 04/19/90 4/19/1997 Twp Secretary PA


880 1 WashingAmwell 3,920 36 03/25/98 3/25/2005 Twp Secretary PA881 2 WashingBeallsville Boro 850 9 10/22/99 11/22/2006 Twp Secretary PA882 3 WashingBlaine 992 14 11/06/89 11/6/1996 Twp Secretary PA883 4 WashingBuffalo 1,385 11 06/04/96 6/5/2003 Twp Secretary PA884 5 WashingCanton 1,949 38 25 02/10/05 2/11/2012 7/20/2016 8/30/2016 Twp Secretary PA885 6 WashingCecil 4,349 54 10/20/93 10/20/2000 Twp Secretary PA886 7 WashingChartiers 4,074 25 3 11/29/94 11/29/2001 1/24/2018 2/12/2018 Adam J. McGurk, AIC 2 Buccaneer Drive Houston PA 15342 (724) 745-3415 (724) 745-1744887 8 WashingCross Creek 3,404 23 02/19/89 2/20/1996 Twp Secretary PA888 9 WashingDeemston Boro 2,376 28 11/01/92 11/2/1999 Twp Secretary PA889 10 WashingDonegal 2,081 35 23 05/15/95 11/11/2015 2/29/2016 3/11/2016 Twp Secretary PA890 11 WashingForward 2,283 20 09/15/03 9/15/2010 Twp Secretary PA891 12 WashingHanover 1,973 34 08/19/99 8/19/2006 Twp Secretary PA892 13 WashingHopewell 4,660 31 10/08/93 10/8/2000 Twp Secretary PA893 14 WashingIndependence 4,492 31 10/09/83 10/9/1990 Twp Secretary PA894 15 WashingJefferson 987 3 07/19/93 7/19/2000 Twp Secretary PA895 16 WashingMorris 2,297 12 04/02/07 5/18/2007 Kathy Lesnock PA

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896 17 WashingMt. Pleasant 5,133 45 2 03/08/95 3/8/2002 8/26/2008 9/15/2008 Mount Pleasant Twp 31 McCarrell Road Hickory PA 15340 (724)356-7928 (724) 356-7751 [email protected] 18 WashingNorth Bethlehem 1,964 15 2 05/25/94 5/25/2001 9/17/2013 11/21/2013 Russell A. Mowl P.O. Box 112 Scenery Hill PA 15360 (724) 945-6141 (724) 945-6161898 19 WashingNorth Strabane 2,599 25 30 08/22/95 8/22/2002 1/3/2018 2/20/2018 Frank R. Siffrinn 1929 Route 519 South Canonsburg PA 15317 (724) 745-8880 (724) 745-8935 [email protected] 20 WashingNottingham 1,201 21 24 08/22/95 1/4/2017 1/24/2017 Emilie J. Gadd 909 Sugar Run Road Eighty-Four PA 15330 (724) 348-5622 (724) 348-8822900 21 WashingPeters 1,585 24 01/25/93 1/26/2000 Twp Secretary PA901 22 WashingRobinson 1,469 14 17 02/13/06 2/13/2013 2/13/2006 6/12/2006 Christine Rummell McDonald PA 15057 (724) 926-8700 (724) 926-0108902 23 WashingSmith 3,906 34 11/07/96 11/8/2003 Twp Secretary PA903 24 WashingSomerset 2,946 27 10/09/89 10/9/1996 Twp Secretary PA904 25 WashingUnion 1,831 35 07/11/84 7/12/1991 Twp Secretary PA905 26 WashingWest Bethlehem 1,042 7 07/13/93 7/13/2000 Twp Secretary PA906 27 WashingWest Pike Run 1,186 10 07/11/94 7/11/2001 Twp Secretary PA


907 1 Wayne Berlin 4,248 55 03/29/90 3/29/1997 Twp Secretary PA908 2 Wayne Buckingham 4,332 72 08/04/92 8/5/1999 Twp Secretary PA909 3 Wayne Canaan 1,488 17 06/06/01 6/6/2008 Twp Secretary PA910 4 Wayne Cherry Ridge 3,700 35 08/06/84 8/7/1991 Twp Secretary PA911 5 Wayne Clinton 8,650 97 06/05/89 6/5/1996 Twp Secretary PA912 6 Wayne Damascus 7,190 51 04/23/90 4/23/1997 Twp Secretary PA913 7 Wayne Dyberry 2,980 35 12/13/93 12/13/2000 Twp Secretary PA914 8 Wayne Lake/Salem/Paupack 3,482 38 06/19/89 6/19/1996 4/2/2013 6/27/2013 Jennifer Wargo P.O. Box 566 Lake Ariel PA 18436 (570) 698-0444 (570) 698-0512915 9 Wayne Lebanon 2,710 37 10/08/92 10/9/1999 Twp Secretary PA916 10 Wayne Manchester 4,081 17 06/07/89 6/7/1996 Twp Secretary PA917 11 Wayne Mt. Pleasant 12,971 92 09/05/90 9/5/1997 Twp Secretary PA918 12 Wayne Oregon 5,032 39 11/06/90 11/6/1997 Twp Secretary PA919 13 Wayne Palmyra 1,725 19 03/05/90 3/5/1997 Twp Secretary PA920 14 Wayne Preston 14,299 96 05/03/90 5/3/1997 Twp Secretary PA921 15 Wayne Salem 4,031 45 6 12/31/99 12/31/2006 2/12/2013 4/30/2013 Jennifer Wargo P.O. Box 278 Hamlin PA 18427 (570) 689-4663922 16 Wayne Scott 5,440 35 12/19/89 12/19/1996 Twp Secretary PA923 17 Wayne South Canaan 4,716 57 12/06/89 12/6/1996 Twp Secretary PA924 18 Wayne Straruca Borough 2,829 22 10/04/93 10/4/2000 Twp Secretary PA925 19 Wayne Sterling 4,093 30 08/09/89 8/9/1996 Twp Secretary PA


926 1 WestmoAllegheny 3,190 58 76 11/30/92 2/24/1999 12/3/2007 11/21/2007 Carol Waronsky 136 Community Bldg Rd Leechburg PA 15656 (724) 842-4641 (724) 846-9290927 2 WestmoBell 2,377 26 36 04/09/91 4/9/2005 8/31/2007 Edna Clawson Box D Salina PA 15680 (724) 697-4121 (724) 697-4121928 3 WestmoDerry 10,107 108 135 06/06/90 6/6/2004 8/31/2007 Terry Giannini 650 Derry Road Derry PA 15627 (724) 539-2961 (724) 694-5860929 4 WestmoDonegal 1,841 19 25 04/09/92 2/11/2013 4/12/2013 4/25/2013 Thomas A. Stull, Jr. 137 Hoffers Lane Jones Mills PA 15646 (724) 593-2619 (724) 593-6309930 5 WestmoEast Huntingdon 5,450 67 89 11/04/04 11/4/2011 6/4/2010 6/22/2010 Cindy Walthour PO Box 9 Alverton PA 15612 (724) 887-7480 (724) 887-3102931 6 WestmoFairfield 4,698 42 53 11/15/91 11/15/2005 8/31/2007 Emma Brendlinger RD1 Box 231A Bolivar PA 15923 (724) 235-2140 (724) 235-2752932 7 WestmoHempfield 4,591 87 121 08/13/92 8/6/1999 10/25/2013 11/6/2013 Kurt Ferguson RD6 Box 500 Greensburg PA 15601 (724) 834-7232 (724) 834-5510933 8 WestmoLigioner 10,046 33 39 12/11/90 12/11/2004 9/17/2010 10/4/2010 Keith Whipkey 1 Municipal Park Dr Ligonier PA 15658 (724) 238-2725 (724) 238-3711934 9 WestmoLoyalhanna 2,540 34 44 01/07/91 1/7/2005 7/5/2016 9/6/2016 Mary Trunzo 220 Fifth Street Saltsburg PA 15681 (724) 639-3417 (724) 639-3417935 10 WestmoMt. Pleasant 5,455 62 92 02/11/91 2/11/2005 6/22/2012 9/7/2012 Caprice Mills PO Box 158 Mammoth PA 15644 (724) 243-5653 (724) 423-1122936 11 WestmoMurrysville Borough 2,262 51 59 08/03/94 8/3/2001 8/31/2007 Murrysville Borough 4100 Sardis Road Murrysville PA 15668 (724) 327-2100937 12 WestmoPenn 3,711 165 133 08/26/92 6/12/2013 7/12/2013 10/17/2013 Bruce Light PO Box 452 Harrison City PA 15636 (724) 744-4858938 13 WestmoRostraver 2,755 51 65 12/18/91 8/19/2005 5/8/2013 6/6/2013 Andrew Temoshenka 201 Municipal Drive Belle Vernon PA 15012 (724) 929-8877 (724) 929-5009 [email protected] 14 WestmoSalem 4,192 44 65 03/13/91 3/13/2005 8/31/2007 Salem Twp RD4 Box 200 Greensburg PA 15601 (724) 688-7500 (724) 668-7476940 15 WestmoSewickley 4,328 68 78 02/04/91 2/4/2005 8/31/2007 Lois Brandstetter PO Box 28 Herminie PA 15637 (724) 446-7202 (724) 446-7330941 16 WestmoSouth Huntingdon 4,934 64 89 02/28/91 2/28/2005 4/15/2011 4/28/2011 Cindy Thorne 75 Supervisor Drive West Newton PA 15089 (724) 872-8474 (724) 872-3347942 17 WestmoSt.Clair 855 11 11 02/02/91 2/2/2005 6/10/2010 11/12/2010 Paul Maribito PO Box 506 Seward PA 15924 (814) 446-5211 (724) 539-7088943 18 WestmoUnity 4,613 57 85 05/24/91 5/24/2005 8/31/2007 Anity Ulishney 1104 Beatty County Rd Latrobe PA 15650 (724) 539-2546 (724) 727-2681944 19 WestmoUpper Burrell 425 8 23 05/04/15 5/29/2015 10/18/2017 Ross G. Walker, III 3735 Seventh Street Road New Kensington PA 15068 (724) 335-3517 (724) 335-9475945 20 WestmoWashington 724 21 22 07/14/09 7/14/2016 4/9/2010 4/15/2010 Audrey Saftner 285 Pine Run Church Rd Apollo PA 15612 (724) 727-3515


946 1 WyominBraintrim 1,845 12 10 06/20/94 2/1/2006 Bonnie Jayne RR1 Box 1943 Laceyville PA 18623 (570) 869-1938947 2 WyominClinton 2,771 21 25 07/13/00 7/13/2007 7/24/2000 2/1/2006 Karen Smith PO Box 256 Factoryville PA 18419 (570) 945-9576948 3 WyominEaton 3,225 28 42 11/10/97 11/9/2004 2/1/2006 Barbara Truax PO Box 476 Tunkhannock PA 18657 (570) 836-3725 (570) 836-5315949 4 WyominExeter 453 14 15 10/27/95 2/1/2006 Nancy Hopkinds PO Box 88 Falls PA 18615 (570) 388-6607 (570) 388-2864950 5 WyominFalls 1,965 22 26 12/23/97 2/1/2006 Susan Smith RR2 Box 12 Falls PA 18615 (570) 388-6030 (570) 388-0952951 6 WyominForkston 1,578 5 6 02/10/05 2/1/2006 Madge Severcool RR2 Box 140 Mehoopany PA 18629 (570) 833-4516952 7 WyominLemon 4,998 31 38 12/05/84 2/1/2006 Karen Tague 2 Tague Road Tunkhannock PA 18657 (570) 836-2211 (570) 836-6938953 8 WyominMehoopany 2,853 14 18 04/16/85 2/1/2006 Phyllis Adams RR1 Box 132 Mehoopany PA 18629 (570) 833-2030 (570) 833-2090954 9 WyominMeshoppen 5,102 70 72 11/16/93 2/1/2006 Diana Krewson RR2 Box 320M Meshoppen PA 18630 (570) 833-2677 [email protected] 10 WyominMonroe 2,527 27 32 09/21/00 9/21/2007 9/17/2007 9/27/2007 Arlene Traver 2605 SR 29 South Tunkhannock PA 18657 (570) 298-2369 (570) 298-1003956 11 WyominNicholoson 6,330 61 69 02/08/84 2/4/1991 6/20/2003 2/1/2006 Sandy Pedrick RR2 Box 2062 Nicholson PA 18446 (570) 942-4314957 12 WyominNorth Branch 4,326 34 42 03/20/92 2/1/2006 Mitzi Poepperling RR2 Box 253C Mehoopany PA 18629 (570) 833-4818

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958 13 WyominNorthmoreland 3,150 44 60 09/12/96 4/1/2003 2/1/2006 Judy Rusinko 15 Municipal Lane Dallas PA 18612 (570) 333-4057 (570) 333-0462 [email protected] 14 WyominOverfield 4,325 84 98 10/17/84 9/10/1991 2/1/2006 Susan Smith RR2 Box 490-1 Dalton PA 18414 (570) 378-3236 (570) 378-2842960 15 WyominTunkhannock 3,731 49 54 05/18/84 3/25/1998 2/1/2006 Judy Gingher 438 SR 92 South Tunkhannock PA 18657 (570) 836-3934 (570) 836-1321 [email protected] 16 WyominWashington 4,956 36 36 04/12/85 8/24/1992 1/7/1997 2/1/2006 Lora Seidel 184 Keiserville Rd Tunkhannock PA 18657 (570) 836-1199 (570) 836-0966 [email protected] 17 WyominWindham 3,373 28 43 05/08/89 3/24/1994 6/3/2016 9/27/2016 Twp Secretary 149 Palen Street Mehoopany PA 18629 (570) 833-4622 (570) 833-0819


963 1 York Chanceford 16,303 164 18 07/18/88 3/14/2016 12/19/2017 1/22/2017 Twp Secretary PA964 2 York Codorus 7,554 102 03/08/89 3/8/1996 Twp Secretary PA965 3 York Conewago 2,190 19 08/15/88 8/16/1995 Twp Secretary PA966 4 York Cross Roads Borough 745 18 07/14/92 7/15/1999 Twp Secretary PA967 5 York Dover 7,224 74 14 08/08/88 8/8/1995 8/9/2017 10/18/2017 Tiffany Strine PA968 6 York East Hopewell 7,635 84 2 08/14/89 8/14/1996 4/3/2013 6/5/2013 Twp Secretary PA969 7 York East Manchester 1,980 26 5 02/05/91 2/5/1998 5/14/2015 6/18/2015 Twp Secretary 137 East Philadelphia St York PA 17401 (717) 845-1524 (717) 845-6999970 8 York Fairview 1,404 8 08/19/91 8/19/1998 Twp Secretary PA971 9 York Fawn 8,930 83 3 09/28/89 9/28/1996 12/28/2016 3/21/2017 Twp Secretary PA972 10 York Franklin 708 7 06/26/01 6/26/2008 Twp Secretary PA973 11 York Heidelberg 1,754 27 12/04/96 12/5/2003 Twp Secretary PA974 12 York Hellam 5,758 72 5 09/19/87 9/19/1994 4/20/2015 5/29/2015 Elizabeth Logan 44 Walnut Springs Road York PA 17406975 13 York Hopewell 86,571 83 11 06/01/89 6/1/2010 3/7/2016 4/5/2016 Patricia R. Schaub 3336 Bridgeview Road Stewartstown PA 17363976 14 York Jackson 4,304 46 03/07/89 3/7/1996 Twp Secretary PA977 15 York Lower Chanceford 13,701 96 13 11/01/88 11/2/1995 3/10/2017 4/17/2017 Twp Secretary PA978 16 York Lower Windsor 5,776 110 03/14/96 3/15/2003 Twp Secretary PA979 17 York Manchester 1,443 23 20 10/11/88 10/12/1995 6/9/2009 6/6/2011 Manchester Twp 3200 Farmtrail Road York PA 17406 (717) 764-4646 (717) 767-1400980 18 York Manheim 3,353 113 88 05/04/95 5/4/2002 4/2/2012 6/15/2012 Loren Riebling 5191 Wool Mill Road Glenville PA 17329 (717) 229-2862 (717) 227-9446981 19 York Monaghan 1,447 20 01/08/08 1/8/2015 3/8/2010 4/12/2010 David Lenox 130 W. Church Street, Suite 100 Dillsburg PA 17019 (717) 432-9666982 20 York Newberry 1,607 21 9 02/25/91 9/24/2012 1/26/2017 3/15/2017 Don Keener 1915 Old Trail Road Etters PA 17319983 21 York North Codorus 11,240 190 247 03/08/89 3/8/1996 6/22/2017 9/18/2017 North Codorus Twp PA984 22 York North Hopewell I 5,541 77 12/06/88 12/7/1995 Twp Secretary PA985 23 York North Hopewell II 1,084 14 02/22/93 2/23/2000 Twp Secretary PA986 24 York Paradise 5,975 72 2 11/19/87 11/19/1994 4/14/2016 8/30/2016 Twp Secretary PA987 25 York Peach Bottom 9,770 86 02/06/89 2/7/1996 8/4/2008 8/7/2008 Catherine Bilger PA988 26 York Penn 606 16 12 04/21/97 4/21/2004 2/11/2009 Loren Riebling 5191 Wool Mill Road Glenville PA 17329 (717) 229-2862 (717) 227-9446 [email protected] 27 York Shrewsbury 6,898 63 12/07/88 10/8/1995 Twp Secretary PA990 28 York Springettsbury 977 25 01/11/90 1/11/1997 Twp Secretary PA991 29 York Springfield 8,640 173 164 02/01/89 2/1/2017 2/7/2017 4/4/2017 Twp Secretary PA992 30 York Warrington 3,027 46 08/02/89 8/2/1996 Twp Secretary PA993 31 York Washington 8,113 116 39 02/20/89 2/21/2016 12/27/2016 1/24/2017 Twp Secretary PA994 32 York West Manchester 2,814 17 09/28/89 9/28/1996 Twp Secretary PA995 33 York Windsor 4,481 56 1 03/08/90 3/8/1997 11/19/2007 1/24/2008 Jennifer Gunnet PA996 34 York Winterstown Borough 843 12 02/14/89 2/15/1996 Twp Secretary PA997 35 York York 2,876 53 05/25/89 5/25/1996 Twp Secretary PA


TOTALS 3,993,496 41048 35868

997 Twps.65 Counties

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Table 2 -- Agricultural Conservation EasementsTOTAL TOTAL


TOTAL 197 #### ########### ##### ########## ########## ########### ##########AVG $3,269.30 per acre 82 269,455.50 35.95 9,212.20 278,703.65 197,573.52 77,612.28


2/16/2017 Chester Pannell Trust #1 22 $87,160.00 0.00 $3,667.65 90,827.65 3,667.65 87,160.00 county crop2/16/2017 Chester Stoltzfus, Sara B. 95 $441,016.33 0.00 $6,399.74 447,416.07 6,399.74 441,016.33 county crop2/16/2017 Northampton Monocacy Heights, L.P. 60 $263,252.00 0.00 $20,152.62 283,404.62 20,152.62 263,252.00 county/tcrop Plainfield Township2/16/2017 Northampton Schweitzer, George J. 55 $236,790.40 0.00 $13,588.62 250,379.02 13,588.62 236,790.40 county/tcrop Moore Township2/16/2017 York Miller, Lavere D. & R. Inice 29 $85,765.41 0.00 $2,595.12 88,360.53 2,595.12 85,765.41 county crop2/16/2017 Beaver Lubecki, Bonnie M. #1 101 358,014.88 0.00 11,061.30 369,076.18 344,015.14 25,061.04 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 Berks Weaver's Orchard, Inc. #1 105 263,000.00 0.00 19,591.84 282,591.84 203,691.84 78,900.00 joint crop2/16/2017 Berks Wehr, Gerald R. & Christine M. #1 82 205,750.00 0.00 16,239.11 221,989.11 160,264.11 61,725.00 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 Bucks Baringer, Richard R. & Arlene 65 750,490.00 0.00 20,000.00 770,490.00 470,294.00 300,196.00 joint crop2/16/2017 Bucks Leamer, Lois H. & Dale A. Stauffer 89 937,125.00 0.00 25,000.00 962,125.00 493,562.50 468,562.50 joint crop2/16/2017 Butler Carfangia, Roger & Julie 179 460,738.35 0.00 15,361.00 476,099.35 376,099.35 100,000.00 joint crop2/16/2017 Cambria Hines, Dennis E. & Tina M. #1 93 107,809.10 0.00 8,700.00 116,509.10 109,509.10 7,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 Chester Manfredi, Rocco #2 70 676,900.80 0.00 12,591.24 689,492.04 689,492.04 0.00 state crop2/16/2017 Chester Miller Farm Family Limited Partnership 124 1,125,804.96 0.00 17,653.84 ########## 1,143,458.80 0.00 state crop2/16/2017 Cumberland Stamy, John F. III & Diane B. #4 79 259,138.98 0.00 7,540.10 266,679.08 256,679.08 10,000.00 joint crop2/16/2017 Dauphin Feidt, David E. & Teresa M. #4 81 122,220.00 ##### 6,426.48 130,799.28 130,799.28 0.00 state crop2/16/2017 Fayette Bateman, William, Robert, & Joan #1 175 262,215.00 0.00 7,809.75 270,024.75 238,558.95 31,465.80 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 Huntingdon Nearhoof, Kenneth R. & Rebecca B. 102 110,000.12 0.00 7,050.00 117,050.12 95,050.00 22,000.12 joint crop2/16/2017 Lehigh Bennett, Michael & Susan 88 341,372.70 0.00 6,857.90 348,230.60 348,230.60 0.00 state crop2/16/2017 Lehigh Kirby, Grace 51 643,925.50 0.00 10,050.14 653,975.64 353,975.64 150,000.00 multi crop 150000 Lower Macungie Twp2/16/2017 Montgomery Mashintonio, Anthony #2 90 723,280.00 0.00 13,229.80 736,509.80 729,277.00 7,232.80 joint crop2/16/2017 NorthumberlanWaldman, Lawrence A. et al 51 93,554.50 0.00 4,775.00 98,329.50 88,329.50 10,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 Susquehanna Squier, William Boyd & Laura Ann 153 228,975.00 0.00 8,674.00 237,649.00 191,854.00 45,795.00 joint Livestock2/16/2017 Union Metzler, Dale L. & Sara Jane Farm #1 85 214,328.90 0.00 5,638.79 219,967.69 155,669.02 64,298.67 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 Union Snoddy, Terry E. & Sue E. #1 85 198,313.60 0.00 5,929.92 204,243.52 105,086.72 99,156.80 joint Crop & Livestock2/16/2017 WestmorelandFrye, Wayne C. & Hope L. #2 160 481,290.00 0.00 19,619.18 500,909.18 500,909.18 0.00 state Crop & Livestock4/13/2017 Chester Miller, John B. & Katie F. 25 115,438.50 0.00 2,977.84 118,416.34 2,977.84 115,438.50 county crop & livestock4/13/2017 Chester Pennsgrove Farm LLC 64 384,660.00 0.00 5,184.11 389,844.11 5,184.11 384,660.00 county crop & livestock4/13/2017 Chester Stoltzfus, Gideon L., Lavina B. 71 314,707.90 0.00 10,633.87 325,341.77 10,633.87 314,707.90 county crop & livestock4/13/2017 Chester White Clay Farms, LLC 18 154,148.28 0.00 5,652.25 159,800.53 5,652.25 154,148.28 county crop4/13/2017 Lancaster Bruckhart, E. Richard, L. Ruth 49 79,571.00 0.00 3,845.24 83,416.24 3,845.24 79,571.00 county crop & livestock4/13/2017 Lancaster Sensenig, Leon N. & Lucy H. 13 34,861.00 0.00 3,259.68 38,120.68 3,259.68 34,861.00 county crop & livestock4/13/2017 Lehigh Schuck, William L. & David A. 13 53,423.40 0.00 5,366.58 58,789.98 5,366.58 53,423.40 county crop & livestock4/13/2017 Lehigh Smith, Hunter M., Peter S. & Sue 34 225,153.30 0.00 9,557.20 234,710.50 9,557.20 170,711.23 county equine operation 54442.07 Upper Milford Township4/13/2017 Allegheny Cardillo, Fred 42 209,950.00 0.00 9,850.00 219,800.00 219,800.00 0.00 state crop & livestock4/13/2017 Allegheny Janoski Family Farm 105 604,670.00 0.00 16,511.00 621,181.00 621,181.00 0.00 state crop4/13/2017 Allegheny McCall, Scott 53 179,112.00 0.00 9,151.00 188,263.00 188,263.00 0.00 state crop4/13/2017 Berks Stricker, Forrest C. & Barbara D. #2 191 478,500.00 0.00 23,759.33 502,259.33 358,709.33 143,550.00 joint livestock4/13/2017 Bucks Engle, Patrick 69 725,760.00 0.00 20,575.00 746,335.00 456,031.00 290,304.00 joint crop4/13/2017 Bucks Myers, Michael & Marilyn 20 234,600.00 0.00 15,000.00 249,600.00 132,300.00 117,300.00 joint crop4/13/2017 Chester Buchanan, Edward M. 81 365,484.15 0.00 11,959.89 377,444.04 377,444.04 0.00 state crop4/13/2017 Clinton Schenck, Eric & Brenda #1 109 147,150.00 0.00 7,918.60 155,068.60 118,281.10 36,787.50 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Cumberland Central Valley Farms, LLC #2 154 439,284.24 0.00 8,681.80 447,966.04 437,966.04 10,000.00 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Cumberland McKeehan, Donald A. #5 159 582,507.38 0.00 7,678.34 590,185.72 580,185.72 10,000.00 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Cumberland Stamy, John F. III & Diane B. #1 77 297,874.50 0.00 8,198.14 306,072.64 296,072.64 10,000.00 joint crop

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4/13/2017 Dauphin Schwalm, James & Donald 73 109,725.00 0.00 0.00 109,725.00 109,725.00 0.00 state crop & livestock4/13/2017 Juniata Henry, Glen R. 111 113,000.00 0.00 10,049.89 123,049.89 118,049.89 5,000.00 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Lackawanna Hillebrand, Michael J. & Barbara J. #3 76 144,704.00 0.00 11,062.67 155,766.67 155,766.67 0.00 state crop & livestock4/13/2017 Lebanon Horst, Paul & Patricia A. 140 349,425.00 0.00 5,323.89 354,748.89 165,849.74 188,899.15 joint crop4/13/2017 Lehigh Hausman, Justin K. & April L. 34 168,150.00 0.00 7,428.20 175,578.20 175,578.20 0.00 state crop4/13/2017 Lycoming Bosch, Charles R. 109 108,720.00 0.00 5,635.00 114,355.00 112,180.60 2,174.40 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Mifflin Kauffman, Raymond J. & Rose M. 89 115,635.00 0.00 9,912.00 125,547.00 108,201.75 17,345.25 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Monroe Mountain Vineyard Realty LLC #1 80 320,240.00 0.00 10,463.00 330,703.00 330,703.00 0.00 state crop4/13/2017 Montgomery Muscara, Mary #1 52 497,800.00 0.00 16,722.33 514,522.33 265,622.33 248,900.00 joint crop4/13/2017 Tioga Norman #2, Ernest & Dorothy Ann et al 163 244,230.00 ##### 5,310.00 253,696.59 172,970.95 80,725.64 joint crop & livestock4/13/2017 Wayne Lopatofsky, Mark & Elva #1 101 182,088.00 0.00 10,300.00 192,388.00 172,388.00 20,000.00 joint crop4/13/2017 WestmorelandHarris, Nancy L. James E., Jr. #1 53 137,358.00 0.00 11,615.57 148,973.57 80,294.57 68,679.00 joint crop

6/8/2017 Chester Cohen, Ronald S. & Barbara A. 15 145,708.20 0.00 2,717.76 148,425.96 2,717.76 145,708.20 county equine operation6/8/2017 Chester Richardson, Dean & Laura 13 23,114.79 0.00 4,331.29 27,446.08 4,331.29 23,114.79 county equine operation6/8/2017 Cumberland Lebo, Earl B. & Marlene K. 10 40,141.98 0.00 2,486.65 42,628.63 2,486.65 40,141.98 county crop6/8/2017 Lancaster Dickel Inc. 54 91,749.00 0.00 8,350.62 100,099.62 8,350.62 91,749.00 county Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Lancaster Glick, John L. & Fannie B. 102 352,782.00 0.00 12,885.90 365,667.90 12,885.90 352,782.00 county crop6/8/2017 Lancaster Hoffines, Robert P. & Linda F. 16 24,180.00 0.00 3,123.33 27,303.33 3,123.33 24,180.00 county crop6/8/2017 Lehigh Dixon, Kathryn J. 11 96,096.00 0.00 5,558.19 101,654.19 5,558.19 54,601.75 county equine operation 41494.25 Lower Macungie Township6/8/2017 Northampton Schlegel, Joan L. 39 172,645.20 0.00 12,610.38 185,255.58 12,610.38 172,645.20 county crop6/8/2017 Berks Brubaker, Nelson R. & Anna S. #1 78 194,000.00 0.00 7,032.10 201,032.10 142,832.10 58,200.00 joint Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Berks Cooper, Jacquelyn M. 151 378,000.00 0.00 15,391.67 393,391.67 279,991.67 113,400.00 joint crop6/8/2017 Berks Lucas, David W. & Sharon R. #1 73 183,250.00 0.00 11,759.47 195,009.47 140,034.47 54,975.00 joint Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Bradford Harnish, Jon T. 57 57,270.00 0.00 3,212.00 60,482.00 60,482.00 0.00 state Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Bradford Sheeley, Paul & Trudy & Braund, Gary and Eunice 104 104,360.00 0.00 4,845.00 109,205.00 109,205.00 0.00 state Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Cambria Gallucci, Michael D. #1 187 262,830.14 0.00 0.00 262,830.14 255,830.14 7,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Chester Lapp, Melvin, Ruth, Douglas & Wanda 75 389,948.00 0.00 10,852.18 400,800.18 400,800.18 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Chester Pearson, Dean 63 297,806.22 0.00 9,859.90 307,666.12 307,666.12 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Chester Stoltzfus, Samuel S. & Marian L. 35 132,624.54 0.00 7,164.39 139,788.93 139,788.93 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Cumberland Jones, Donald P. & Jamie L. 121 339,335.64 0.00 5,350.00 344,685.64 294,685.64 50,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Franklin Hissong, Richard R. & Rebecca L. #1 128 277,831.68 0.00 6,902.40 284,734.08 169,749.40 114,984.68 joint crop6/8/2017 Greene Cree, William A. & Lura Ann 58 91,583.83 0.00 3,675.00 95,258.83 90,014.27 5,244.56 joint Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Lancaster Barley, Robert N. 63 212,122.00 0.00 8,467.77 220,589.77 220,589.77 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Lancaster Kopp, Galen R. & Lilli Ann 22 77,940.00 0.00 2,800.58 80,740.58 80,740.58 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Lancaster Weaver, Darryl E. & Janice K. 66 265,920.00 0.00 7,663.01 273,583.01 273,583.01 0.00 state Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Lehigh Boyd, Randall T. 86 428,066.10 0.00 9,530.30 437,596.40 437,596.40 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Lehigh Boyd, William T. & Karen A. 29 190,623.55 0.00 7,906.20 198,529.75 166,942.55 13,343.65 multi crop 18243.55 Upper Macungie Township6/8/2017 Lehigh Butters, Chad M. & Jodi S. 22 85,286.40 0.00 5,827.22 91,113.62 91,113.62 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Lehigh Herb, Harriet M. 94 467,800.00 0.00 17,680.50 485,480.50 485,480.50 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Mercer Powell, Jess #2 60 60,440.00 0.00 3,680.22 64,120.22 55,735.22 8,385.00 joint crop6/8/2017 Schuylkill Reber, Larry & Sally #1 94 187,040.00 0.00 9,029.96 196,069.96 98,029.96 98,040.00 joint crop6/8/2017 Somerset Baer Bros. Farm 141 183,495.00 0.00 11,858.05 195,353.05 190,054.05 5,299.00 joint Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 Washington Alvin M. Carter Irrevocable Trust 115 345,030.00 0.00 10,867.90 355,897.90 355,897.90 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 Washington Rush, Laurel & Dale 115 280,436.22 0.00 10,460.47 290,896.69 290,896.69 0.00 state Crop & Livestock6/8/2017 York Coleman, Ronald L. #1 200 509,973.12 0.00 5,866.68 515,839.80 515,839.80 0.00 state crop6/8/2017 York Rebert, Robert et al 228 673,520.27 0.00 6,918.10 680,438.37 680,438.37 0.00 state crop

8/10/2017 Chester Harnish, R. Lamar, et al 25 125,730.00 0.00 2,958.31 128,688.31 2,958.31 125,730.00 county Livestock8/10/2017 Chester Kauffman, Jr., Levi P. & Rachel Ann 60 244,539.00 0.00 4,708.20 249,247.20 4,708.20 244,539.00 County equine operation8/10/2017 Chester Leis, Walter M. & Barbara E. 20 109,134.00 0.00 2,721.51 111,855.51 2,721.51 109,134.00 County Livestock8/10/2017 Chester Stoltzfus, David S. & Priscilla K. 64 290,070.00 0.00 4,810.00 294,880.00 4,810.00 290,070.00 County crop8/10/2017 Lancaster Clugston, Randall & Martha A. #1 12 18,317.00 0.00 6,685.60 25,002.60 6,685.60 18,317.00 County Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Lancaster Clugston, Randall & Martha A. #2 42 72,622.00 0.00 3,541.01 76,163.01 3,541.01 72,622.00 County Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Lancaster Herr, P. Fay 11 34,592.00 0.00 3,173.48 37,765.48 3,173.48 34,592.00 County Crop & Livestock

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8/10/2017 Lehigh Bachman, Paul H. Sr. & Paul H., Jr. 93 463,500.00 0.00 18,443.80 481,943.80 18,443.80 463,500.00 County crop8/10/2017 Lehigh Heintzelman, Lawrence W., III 45 227,400.00 0.00 7,923.30 235,323.30 7,923.30 227,400.00 County Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Northampton Bocko, Sr., John 94 532,267.05 0.00 28,190.12 560,457.17 28,190.12 464,190.09 County Livestock 68076.96 Upper Mt. Bethel Township8/10/2017 Northampton Lock, Jr., Jonathan C. 87 279,976.20 0.00 15,419.36 295,395.56 15,419.36 114,594.26 County crop 165381.94 Plainfield & Lower Mt. Bethel Townships8/10/2017 Northampton Wedde, Ronald K. #1 32 141,719.10 0.00 8,826.80 150,545.90 8,826.80 141,719.10 County crop8/10/2017 Union Harris, Margaret L. a/k/a Lauver, Margaret 76 1.00 0.00 5,753.90 5,754.90 5,753.90 1.00 County crop8/10/2017 Adams Sauble, Mildred M. 127 264,988.08 0.00 7,378.42 272,366.50 219,368.88 52,997.62 Joint crop8/10/2017 Adams Tuckey Fruit Farm 30 77,124.84 0.00 3,224.31 80,349.15 64,924.18 15,424.97 joint crop8/10/2017 Berks Hunsberger, Jay D. & Monica #2 42 106,000.00 0.00 3,357.44 109,357.44 77,557.44 31,800.00 joint crop8/10/2017 Berks Manbeck, Norman L., Karen L. & Nathan D. #1 30 74,500.00 0.00 4,237.05 78,737.05 56,387.05 22,350.00 joint crop8/10/2017 Berks Naftzinger, Scott A. & Donna M. #1 63 157,000.00 0.00 8,757.22 165,757.22 118,657.22 47,100.00 joint Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Blair Hoover, D. Michael & Carol M. 375 513,914.40 0.00 9,425.00 523,339.40 448,339.40 75,000.00 joint crop8/10/2017 Bucks Arner, Robert S. & Carrie Z. 64 705,540.00 0.00 20,000.00 725,540.00 584,432.00 141,108.00 joint crop8/10/2017 Bucks Litzenberger, Edward 61 605,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 630,000.00 509,000.00 121,000.00 joint crop8/10/2017 Centre Fravel, Donald, Wayne & Scott #1 67 196,192.80 0.00 4,450.00 200,642.80 150,642.80 50,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Centre Grove, Herbert Samuel & Martha A. #1 157 474,952.50 0.00 8,650.00 483,602.50 413,602.50 50,000.00 multi crop & livestock 20000 Potter Township8/10/2017 Chester King, Marvin W. & Darryl M. #1 87 523,080.00 0.00 12,421.73 535,501.73 535,501.73 0.00 state crop8/10/2017 Lancaster Esch, Sylvan M. & Annie S. #1 181 449,152.00 0.00 15,248.00 464,400.00 464,400.00 0.00 state Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Lancaster Kunkle, Ray A., Hamon, Raeann, & Kunkle, Paul E. 54 179,758.00 0.00 7,893.57 187,651.57 187,651.57 0.00 state Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Lancaster Stoltzfus, Daniel B. & Mary L. 66 231,455.00 0.00 9,954.35 241,409.35 241,409.35 0.00 state Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Lancaster Zimmerman, Michael L. & Cheryl E. 111 412,626.00 0.00 10,333.17 422,959.17 422,959.17 0.00 state Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Lehigh Reith, Franklin A. Jr. & Kimberly A. 29 177,888.90 0.00 7,832.10 185,721.00 183,088.24 1,316.38 multi crop 1316.38 Lower Milford Township8/10/2017 Lehigh Semmel, Paul W. & Nancy J. 145 838,446.80 0.00 14,925.84 853,372.64 853,372.64 0.00 state Crop & Livestock8/10/2017 Perry JS & EA Hinkel Family LTD 212 290,903.68 0.00 9,775.00 300,678.68 250,061.44 50,617.24 joint crop8/10/2017 Snyder Hauck, Mic 227 376,303.32 0.00 9,105.00 385,408.32 361,264.47 24,143.85 joint crop8/10/2017 York Hoffman, Josh, Sundee, Wayne, Jean 207 530,584.58 0.00 6,290.36 536,874.94 536,874.94 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Chester Manfredi, R, R&A #1 96 1,033,236.00 0.00 23,235.46 ########## 23,235.46 ########## county Crop & Livestock######### Chester Stoltzfus, I&A 43 195,345.00 0.00 3,819.88 199,164.88 3,819.88 195,345.00 county Crop & Livestock######### Cumberland Brown, R&A 89 356,120.00 0.00 7,345.40 363,465.40 7,345.40 356,120.00 county crop######### Lancaster Glick, A&F 50 180,828.00 0.00 4,388.89 185,216.89 4,388.89 180,828.00 county crop######### Lancaster Harnish, J 22 42,178.00 0.00 9,744.22 51,922.22 9,744.22 42,178.00 county crop######### Lancaster Hartz, P 151 605,600.00 0.00 17,611.22 623,211.22 17,611.22 605,600.00 county Crop & Livestock######### Lancaster Hess, J&E 32 70,732.00 0.00 3,245.99 73,977.99 3,245.99 70,732.00 county crop######### Lehigh Harrison, W 57 320,050.50 0.00 11,309.70 331,360.20 11,309.70 320,050.50 county crop######### Lehigh Pattishall, D 68 335,808.00 0.00 10,472.20 346,280.20 10,472.20 335,808.00 county Crop & Livestock######### Lehigh Weber, W&F 40 253,938.60 0.00 7,828.30 261,766.90 7,828.30 253,938.60 county crop######### Northampton Fredericks, N&G 31 124,804.40 0.00 9,174.36 133,978.76 9,174.36 124,804.40 county crop######### Northampton Wedde, R #2 36 155,612.25 0.00 8,304.40 163,916.65 8,304.40 155,612.25 county crop######### Adams HANJ Enterprises, LLC 49 126,489.51 0.00 12,131.59 138,621.10 113,323.20 25,297.90 joint crop######### Adams High, Henry M. & Sharon F. 158 347,460.60 0.00 16,762.23 364,222.83 294,730.71 69,492.12 joint Crop & Livestock######### Adams McDannell, Harry E. & Linda A. 143 476,805.00 0.00 14,931.88 491,736.88 396,375.88 95,361.00 joint crop######### Berks Berger, Kerry A. & Trisha L. #1 94 234,000.00 0.00 10,306.81 244,306.81 174,106.81 70,200.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Berks Shaak, Harry P., Surviving Trustee of the Shaak Family 102 255,500.00 0.00 5,061.23 260,561.23 183,911.23 76,650.00 joint crop######### Bucks Kwartnik, Carl 57 512,730.00 0.00 20,000.00 532,730.00 327,638.00 205,092.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Butler Graham, Ryan W. 52 273,996.00 0.00 8,600.00 282,596.00 182,596.00 100,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Chester Fisher, Christian L. & Fannie K. 84 306,070.65 0.00 11,907.28 317,977.93 317,977.93 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Cumberland Fry, Robert B. 84 248,589.00 0.00 5,150.00 253,739.00 243,739.00 10,000.00 joint crop######### Cumberland Wenger, Lester M. & Lori L. 150 508,919.76 0.00 5,650.00 514,569.76 504,569.76 10,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Dauphin Byerly, Mark A. & The Byerly Irrevocable Residential & 99 122,052.90 0.00 0.00 122,052.90 122,052.90 0.00 state crop######### Dauphin Faust, Dale F. & Susan A. #1 119 178,035.00 0.00 0.00 178,035.00 178,035.00 0.00 state crop######### Dauphin Wentzel, Timothy M. & Tammy #2 88 131,400.00 0.00 0.00 131,400.00 131,400.00 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Erie Brown, Earl J. & Patricia R. #1 147 239,005.00 0.00 12,032.80 251,037.80 203,236.80 47,801.00 joint crop######### Erie Hinkler, Terril J. & Bridget M. #1 51 81,712.00 0.00 5,381.00 87,093.00 46,237.00 40,856.00 joint Crop & Livestock

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######### Erie Mongera, Michael W. #1 60 84,588.00 0.00 6,002.76 90,590.76 90,590.76 0.00 state crop######### Franklin Hissong, Richard & Rebecca #2 161 360,206.88 0.00 8,132.60 368,339.48 368,339.48 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Greene Bell Farm #1 89 140,365.75 0.00 3,675.00 144,040.75 137,780.44 6,260.31 joint Crop & Livestock######### Lawrence Stewart, Leonard & Patricia #2 48 60,475.00 0.00 7,694.75 68,169.75 37,932.25 30,237.50 joint crop######### Lehigh Fink, David O. & Sonia E. #2 73 382,469.40 0.00 13,403.10 395,872.50 395,872.50 0.00 state crop######### Lehigh Hausman, Andra C. 11 64,032.00 0.00 6,190.55 70,222.55 70,222.55 0.00 state crop######### Lehigh Schantz, Russel L. & Sandra R. 13 75,484.00 0.00 13,284.52 88,768.52 88,768.52 0.00 state crop######### Lycoming Bower, Harlan 99 123,125.00 0.00 5,151.41 128,276.41 115,963.91 12,312.50 joint Crop & Livestock######### Lycoming Tickner, Charles 153 191,250.00 0.00 3,721.20 194,971.20 175,846.20 19,125.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Mercer Steele, Todd 73 72,700.00 0.00 3,870.60 76,570.60 71,970.60 4,600.00 joint crop######### Mercer Walker, Mark 89 89,270.00 0.00 4,199.66 93,469.66 85,084.66 8,385.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Monroe Baumgartner, Bryan 92 329,688.00 0.00 15,060.00 344,748.00 344,748.00 0.00 state crop######### Monroe Green, Roger & Sandra #2 28 138,500.00 0.00 10,463.00 148,963.00 148,963.00 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Montgomery Wentz, Joint Trust of John S. & Verna M. #1 81 807,875.25 0.00 16,610.33 824,485.58 729,406.83 8,078.75 multi crop $87,000.00 Upper Hanover Twp######### Northampton Ackerman, Thomas E. & Jean P. 113 285,485.20 0.00 28,698.84 314,184.04 314,184.04 0.00 state crop######### Washington Paul Family 155 407,305.11 0.00 10,572.72 417,877.83 417,877.83 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### WestmorelandClevenger, Helen M. 91 269,895.50 0.00 15,045.70 284,941.20 284,941.20 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Chester Clark, William D. & Louise A. 15 104,935.34 0.00 2,457.89 107,393.23 2,457.89 104,935.34 county Crop######### Lebanon Speck, George A. & Gloria F. 67 1.00 0.00 13,223.92 13,224.92 13,223.92 1.00 county Crop######### Lehigh Arnold, Kathleen a/k/a Fleming, Arnold, Kathleen T., Ex 25 159,432.80 0.00 8,047.50 167,480.30 8,047.50 159,432.80 county Crop######### Lehigh Malburg, Richard P. 14 84,180.00 0.00 6,299.45 90,479.45 6,299.45 84,180.00 county equine operation######### Northampton Ianniello, William A. & Mary 10 38,529.80 0.00 4,618.45 43,148.25 4,618.45 38,529.80 county Crop######### Adams Williams, Russell C. 104 242,875.17 0.00 11,791.75 254,666.92 128,229.33 116,437.59 multi Livestock $10,000.00 Conewago Twp######### Armstrong Shirey, Richard A. #2 53 106,700.00 0.00 7,879.09 114,579.09 106,508.09 8,071.00 Joint crop######### Blair Hemlock Ridge Acres, LLC 125 178,178.00 0.00 5,150.00 183,328.00 123,328.00 60,000.00 Joint crop######### Bucks Good, Aaron & Nathan (Rocky Mountain) 38 401,100.00 0.00 20,000.00 421,100.00 300,770.00 120,330.00 joint crop######### Bucks Wassmer, John M. & Diane M. 51 508,300.00 0.00 20,000.00 528,300.00 375,810.00 152,490.00 Joint crop######### Butler Dwinnell, Ronald E. & Kerins, Ilene #2 106 614,992.00 0.00 12,946.00 627,938.00 577,938.00 50,000.00 joint Crop & Livestock######### Columbia Hayman, Kendall L. 73 81,356.80 0.00 5,284.90 86,641.70 75,284.90 11,356.80 joint crop######### Dauphin Mauser, Brandon E. & Marcia J. #1 95 142,110.00 0.00 0.00 142,110.00 72,110.00 70,000.00 joint crop######### Fayette Miller, Danny #3 87 94,775.67 0.00 5,175.00 99,950.67 96,609.00 3,341.67 joint crop######### Franklin Hollenshead, Ray V., Jean L, & Stuart V. 129 321,850.00 0.00 9,219.50 331,069.50 331,069.50 0.00 state crop######### Lackawanna White, Elwood J. & Beverly I. #1 46 115,750.00 0.00 9,453.92 125,203.92 125,203.92 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Lancaster Denlinger, Kenneth M. & Beverly M. 74 294,440.00 0.00 10,358.22 304,798.22 304,798.22 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Lancaster Hess, Timothy S. & Deborah Y. 68 243,180.00 0.00 9,350.53 252,530.53 252,530.53 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Lancaster Smucker, Emanuel J., Jr. & Suzanne K. 86 343,960.00 ##### 3,993.38 348,726.11 348,726.11 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Lancaster Strickland, Steven W. 54 215,800.00 0.00 8,459.51 224,259.51 224,259.51 0.00 state crop######### Lebanon Zimmerman, Albert R. & Carolyn F. 106 263,750.00 0.00 4,386.51 268,136.51 164,528.34 103,608.17 joint Crop & Livestock######### Lehigh Gross, John E. & Erica L. 28 127,320.20 0.00 8,764.60 136,084.80 136,084.80 0.00 state crop######### Lehigh Henninger, Kyle L. #2 36 293,121.40 0.00 7,995.80 301,117.20 206,057.93 17,997.65 multi crop $77,061.62 Upper Macungie Township######### Lehigh Rutherford, Derick L. & Natasha J. 17 92,923.60 0.00 6,381.11 99,304.71 99,304.71 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Susquehanna Holofchak, Nick & Paula 50 75,240.00 0.00 6,135.70 81,375.70 66,327.70 15,048.00 joint Livestock######### Union Metzler, Dale & Sara Jane #2 74 195,411.00 0.00 5,120.18 200,531.18 200,531.18 0.00 state crop######### Washington Ovington, Christopher & Debra 135 395,184.74 0.00 10,909.10 406,093.84 406,093.84 0.00 state crop######### WestmorelandDolan/Yuris #1 106 312,759.00 0.00 12,305.50 325,064.50 325,064.50 0.00 state Crop & Livestock######### Wyoming Dziuba, Benjamin & Lou Ann 223 290,453.80 0.00 9,060.00 299,513.80 215,282.20 84,231.60 joint crop

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Total TotalCounty County Approp Total Grant Total Match Redistributed State Funds Pct of Total State & CountyAdams $329,241 $227,534 $422,404 $37,735 $687,673 1.91% $1,016,914Allegheny $4,254 $1,250,710 $5,458 $45,681 $1,301,849 3.62% $1,306,103Armstrong $8,071 $64,327 $10,355 $8,043 $82,725 0.23% $90,796Beaver $80,000 $245,132 $102,638 $6,181 $353,950 0.98% $433,950Bedford $1,065 $75,271 $1,367 $14,427 $91,065 0.25% $92,130Berks $1,024,492 $869,817 $1,314,386 $78,347 $2,262,550 6.28% $3,287,042Blair $80,000 $147,105 $102,638 $15,077 $264,819 0.74% $344,819Bradford $14,034 $79,135 $18,006 $16,237 $113,377 0.31% $127,411Bucks $2,616,601 $1,250,710 $1,711,322 $96,020 $3,058,052 8.49% $5,674,653Butler $150,000 $506,437 $192,445 $16,476 $715,358 1.99% $865,358Cambria $7,000 $98,654 $8,981 $7,123 $114,758 0.32% $121,758Carbon $26,767 $106,225 $34,341 $2,671 $143,236 0.40% $170,003Centre $375,834 $496,333 $482,182 $24,317 $1,002,832 2.79% $1,378,666Chester $4,152,571 $1,250,710 $2,075,510 $187,164 $3,513,384 9.76% $7,665,955Clearfield $0 $84,835 $0 $2,839 $87,674 0.24% $87,674Clinton $31,787 $45,625 $40,782 $5,888 $92,294 0.26% $124,081Columbia $11,599 $86,124 $14,881 $7,819 $108,824 0.30% $120,423Crawford $5,000 $83,001 $6,415 $16,718 $106,134 0.29% $111,134Cumberland $824,627 $817,416 $1,057,966 $46,222 $1,921,605 5.34% $2,746,232Dauphin $66,102 $666,417 $84,806 $21,746 $772,969 2.15% $839,071Erie $50,000 $366,493 $64,148 $19,588 $450,229 1.25% $500,229Fayette $56,599 $119,449 $72,614 $7,194 $199,257 0.55% $255,856Franklin $150,000 $376,282 $192,445 $47,050 $615,777 1.71% $765,777Fulton $3,880 $16,830 $4,978 $5,315 $27,122 0.08% $31,002Greene $8,485 $203,516 $10,886 $4,413 $218,815 0.61% $227,300Huntingdon $6,053 $49,826 $7,766 $9,966 $67,558 0.19% $73,611Indiana $0 $91,326 $0 $11,059 $102,386 0.28% $102,386Juniata $17,934 $29,941 $23,008 $13,534 $66,483 0.18% $84,417Lackawanna $60,000 $334,456 $76,977 $7,255 $418,689 1.16% $478,689Lancaster $1,825,115 $1,250,710 $1,523,656 $188,405 $2,962,770 8.23% $4,787,885Lawrence $25,204 $89,103 $32,336 $8,208 $129,647 0.36% $154,851Lebanon $164,274 $298,113 $210,757 $38,655 $547,525 1.52% $711,799Lehigh $2,021,126 $942,977 $1,570,131 $62,367 $2,575,476 7.15% $4,596,602Luzerne $2,842 $458,245 $3,646 $9,476 $471,366 1.31% $474,208Lycoming $54,441 $195,905 $69,846 $12,015 $277,766 0.77% $332,207Mercer $45,000 $136,882 $57,734 $14,645 $209,261 0.58% $254,261Mifflin $45,012 $44,438 $57,749 $12,059 $114,246 0.32% $159,258Monroe $85,938 $427,159 $110,255 $8,630 $546,044 1.52% $631,982Montgomery $1,103,066 $1,250,710 $1,352,453 $76,183 $2,679,345 7.44% $3,782,411Montour $7,251 $32,374 $9,303 $3,682 $45,359 0.13% $52,610Northampton $558,846 $764,590 $716,979 $27,874 $1,509,442 4.19% $2,068,288Northumberland $10,000 $84,413 $12,830 $14,110 $111,353 0.31% $121,353Perry $43,015 $65,045 $55,186 $15,666 $135,897 0.38% $178,912Pike $2,412 $180,800 $3,095 $2,987 $186,882 0.52% $189,294Potter $13,438 $24,646 $17,240 $4,330 $46,216 0.13% $59,654Schuylkill $53,889 $203,319 $69,137 $17,254 $289,710 0.80% $343,599Snyder $0 $74,367 $0 $16,796 $91,163 0.25% $91,163Somerset $3,433 $78,239 $4,404 $13,947 $96,590 0.27% $100,023Sullivan $5,375 $20,910 $6,896 $1,762 $29,569 0.08% $34,944Susquehanna $56,555 $56,485 $72,558 $7,946 $136,988 0.38% $193,543Tioga $80,120 $64,401 $102,791 $10,866 $178,058 0.49% $258,178Union $161,672 $79,805 $207,419 $15,871 $303,095 0.84% $464,767Warren $672 $48,945 $862 $3,675 $53,482 0.15% $54,154Washington $113,177 $634,377 $145,202 $15,682 $795,261 2.21% $908,438Wayne $33,006 $132,877 $42,346 $6,012 $181,235 0.50% $214,241Westmoreland $200,000 $538,321 $256,592 $19,127 $814,040 2.26% $1,014,040Wyoming $40,619 $33,633 $52,113 $3,247 $88,994 0.25% $129,613York $293,271 $1,010,710 $376,256 $44,809 $1,431,775 3.98% $1,725,046

$17,210,765 $19,262,133 $15,279,478 $1,458,390 $36,000,000 100% $53,210,765

PA Department of AgricultureBureau of Farmland Preservation

2017 Allocation of Funds

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PROGRAM RECERTIFICATION COUNTY APPROVAL STATUS ADAMS 08/15/90 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 ALLEGHENY 11/16/00 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 ARMSTRONG 12/18/03 RECERTIFIED 02/14/13 BEAVER 12/28/95 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 BEDFORD 12/17/96 RECERTIFIED 06/14/12 BERKS 08/16/89 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 BLAIR 02/14/91 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 BRADFORD 12/13/01 RECERTIFIED 12/10/15 BUCKS 11/20/89 RECERTIFIED 10/11/12 BUTLER 10/13/94 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 CAMBRIA 11/14/99 RECERTIFIED 06/12/14 CARBON 12/20/90 RECERTIFIED 02/14/13 CENTRE 08/15/90 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 CHESTER 08/16/89 RECERTIFIED 02/15/18 CLEARFIELD 12/08/16 7 YEAR ENDS 12/08/23 CLINTON 12/20/94 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 COLUMBIA 04/16/92 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 CRAWFORD 12/16/04 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 CUMBERLAND 09/27/90 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 DAUPHIN 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 DELAWARE 04/16/92 RECERTIFIED 12/18/97 (expired 12/18/04) ERIE 07/15/93 RECERTIFIED 10/11/12 FAYETTE 12/17/96 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 FRANKLIN 11/28/90 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 FULTON 12/28/95 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 GREENE 12/15/05 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 HUNTINGDON 12/13/01 RECERTIFIED 12/10/15 INDIANA 12/17/98 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 JUNIATA 10/01/98 RECERTIFIED 08/23/12 LACKAWANNA 08/20/92 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 LANCASTER 08/16/89 RECERTIFIED 10/11/12 LAWRENCE 12/20/94 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 LEBANON 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 08/22/13 LEHIGH 02/12/90 RECERTIFIED 12/14/17 LUZERNE 10/07/99 RECERTIFIED 06/13/13 LYCOMING 12/14/91 RECERTIFIED 08/22/13 MERCER 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 MIFFLIN 12/20/94 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 MONROE 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 MONTGOMERY 06/27/90 RECERTIFIED 10/13/11 MONTOUR 12/21/92 RECERTIFIED 02/12/13 NORTHAMPTON 02/14/91 RECERTIFIED 10/11/12 NORTHUMBERLAND 07/16/92 RECERTIFIED 12/12/13 PERRY 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 10/11/12 PIKE 02/15/07 RECERTIFIED 12/11/14 POTTER 12/16/99 RECERTIFIED 12/12/13 SCHUYLKILL 07/25/90 RECERTIFIED 06/14/12 SNYDER 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 08/23/12 SOMERSET 12/18/97 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 SULLIVAN 12/28/95 RECERTIFIED 08/10/17 SUSQUEHANNA 03/28/91 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 TIOGA 12/16/99 RECERTIFIED 12/11/14 UNION 10/25/90 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 WARREN 12/15/05 RECERTIFIED 12/13/12 WASHINGTON 12/20/94 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 WAYNE 07/17/91 RECERTIFIED 10/11/12 WESTMORELAND 10/02/91 RECERTIFIED 06/16/11 WYOMING 12/18/97 RECERTIFIED 12/12/13 YORK 08/15/90 RECERTIFIED 12/15/11 TOTAL: 58 participating

(REV. 03/22/18)

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County Number of Farms Number of Acres Purchase Price Average Price/AcreAdams 169 22,045 $39,882,322 $1,809Allegheny 33 3,458 $20,140,847 $5,824Armstrong 6 539 $1,023,431 $1,897Beaver 27 2,933 $7,908,738 $2,697Bedford 17 3,786 $2,138,333 $565Berks 729 71,862 $153,513,286 $2,136Blair 50 7,560 $7,779,000 $1,029Bradford 16 3,902 $3,352,309 $859Bucks 183 15,350 $133,203,906 $8,678Butler 52 5,879 $18,599,717 $3,164Cambria 16 2,718 $2,946,914 $1,084Carbon 21 1,556 $3,923,850 $2,522Centre 48 7,290 $16,284,520 $2,234Chester 327 27,804 $155,056,323 $5,577Clinton 26 2,560 $2,632,791 $1,028Columbia 38 4,165 $3,957,090 $950Crawford 5 1,094 $1,094,494 $1,000Cumberland 156 18,052 $48,291,052 $2,675Dauphin 175 16,905 $23,556,331 $1,393Delaware 2 198 $2,678,360 $13,527Erie 68 8,406 $14,879,264 $1,770Fayette 22 2,422 $2,757,804 $1,139Franklin 133 17,299 $32,634,832 $1,886Fulton 4 239 $637,362 $2,671Greene 7 739 $782,238 $1,059Huntingdon 9 1,068 $1,395,650 $1,307Indiana 9 932 $1,725,940 $1,852Juniata 20 2,590 $1,829,157 $706Lackawanna 63 5,055 $9,036,116 $1,788Lancaster 843 70,651 $182,231,635 $2,579Lawrence 25 2,509 $2,696,172 $1,075Lebanon 161 18,494 $32,114,315 $1,737Lehigh 299 23,145 $76,424,290 $3,302Luzerne 28 2,906 $8,114,477 $2,792Lycoming 80 9,611 $9,273,848 $965Mercer 55 8,777 $7,054,668 $804Mifflin 23 2,559 $2,891,468 $1,130Monroe 114 7,774 $23,010,545 $2,960Montgomery 154 9,449 $107,491,878 $11,376Montour 12 921 $781,056 $848Northampton 178 15,404 $65,673,887 $4,263Northumberland 21 2,338 $2,912,412 $1,246Perry 58 9,022 $6,488,807 $719Pike 2 210 $584,164 $2,788Potter 7 1,136 $821,615 $723Schuylkill 101 10,805 $12,488,674 $1,156Snyder 24 2,707 $3,506,831 $1,295Somerset 12 1,617 $2,734,070 $1,691Sullivan 8 706 $810,957 $1,148Susquehanna 34 6,515 $5,705,909 $876Tioga 18 2,542 $2,696,264 $1,061Union 81 8,329 $10,735,906 $1,289Warren 2 310 $294,652 $951Washington 38 5,914 $10,925,588 $1,847Wayne 48 5,897 $7,460,961 $1,265Westmoreland 97 12,814 $26,972,152 $2,105Wyoming 11 1,793 $1,977,615 $1,103York 277 41,636 $75,113,860 $1,804Grand Total 5,242 544,892 1,403,630,648 $2,576

PA Department of AgricultureSummary of Easements by County December 2017

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CALENDAR STATE COUNTY TOWNSHIP FEDERAL NUMBERYEAR FUNDING FUNDING CONTRIBUTION REIMBURSEMENT OF FARMS1989 25,000,000 3,417,138 11990 20,000,000 2,454,369 211991 21,000,000 3,973,515 871992 15,000,000 3,822,000 1081993 19,000,000 5,082,442 1691994 20,000,000 5,498,113 1021995 21,000,000 5,792,476 911996 31,000,000 6,318,987 1,000,000 1151997 35,000,000 7,404,865 270,000 1551998 28,000,000 9,240,574 964,000 1951999 70,000,000 16,367,116 1,543,282 1492000 45,000,000 24,307,112 1,170,062 2832001 47,000,000 23,730,741 353,000 368,700 3082002 40,000,000 23,912,272 1,510,618 2,318,556 2892003 40,000,000 25,630,314 1,117,499 3,584,163 2492004 43,000,000 25,762,300 2,613,252 2,218,183 2142005 36,000,000 26,236,539 1,315,623 2,467,500 2102006 102,000,000 45,067,886 1,522,058 882,900 2932007 40,000,000 37,263,323 3,042,332 736,719 3502008 33,000,000 41,268,987 1,002,557 3,293,191 3072009 23,000,000 27,664,185 1,289,577 3,805,479 2322010 20,000,000 17,047,576 902,780 3,858,057 1682011 22,000,000 16,546,150 322,966 1,570,087 1332012 24,000,000 15,857,736 551,346 2,098,803 1352013 33,000,000 15,433,043 277,000 2,792,673 1672014 30,000,000 16,562,596 3,380,601 0 2002015 30,000,000 17,703,423 350,054 0 1602016 36,000,000 14,096,501 548,921 1,033,550 1542017 36,000,000 17,210,765 719,752 692,100 1982018 37,000,000 16,767,620 (tbd) (tbd) (tbd)

Total/Ave 1,022,000,000 517,440,664 23,533,280 33,954,660 5,243

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LAND TRUST REIMBURSEMENT GRANT PROGRAM Background: Act 15 of 1999 authorized the state board to allocate up to $500,000 from the Supplemental Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Account for reimbursement grants to be awarded among qualified land trusts. Act 46 of 2006 amended the Agricultural Area Security Law (P.L. 128, No. 43), re-establishing the Land Trust Reimbursement Program by authorizing the State Agricultural Land Preservation Board to allocate $200,000 per year to the Grant Program. The program will reimburse qualified land trusts up to $5,000 for expenses incurred in the acquisition of agricultural conservation easements. These expenses include appraisal costs, legal services, title searches, document preparation, title insurance, closing costs, and survey costs. Objective: To accelerate Farmland Preservation activity by developing partnerships with Land Trusts. Land Trusts registered with the State Board (24) as of 12/14/2017: Adopt An Acre, Inc. Allegheny Land Trust Berks County Conservancy Brandywine Conservancy Central Pennsylvania Conservancy Centre County Farmland Trust Countryside Conservancy Delaware Highlands Conservancy Farm and Natural Lands Trust of York County French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, Inc. Heritage Conservancy Lancaster Farmland Trust Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County Land Conservancy of Adams County Lebanon Valley Conservancy, Inc. Manada Conservancy Merrill W. Linn Conservancy Montgomery County Lands Trust Natural Lands Trust, Inc. North Branch Land Trust Pennsbury Land Trusts, Inc. Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Wildlands Conservancy Application Reimbursements: Adopt An Acre, Inc. 43 acres $9,879.50 Berks County Conservancy 168 acres $9,945.30 Brandywine Conservancy 3,903 acres $249,093.59 Central Pennsylvania Conservancy 849 acres $40,981.50 Centre County Farmland Trust 703 acres $24,835.00 Delaware Highlands Conservancy 307 acres $10,000.00 Farm and Natural Lands Trust of York County 4,343 acres $226,564.99 Lancaster Farmland Trust 16,407 acres $1,351,533.99 Land Conservancy of Adams County 5,782 acres $235,112.60 Lebanon Valley Conservancy, Inc. 416 acres $7,689.57 Montgomery County Lands Trust 57 acres $4,104.27 Natural Lands Trust 197 acres $4,988.78 Wildlands Conservancy 69 acres $5,978.00 TOTALS (472 easements) 33,019 ACRES $2,180,707.09

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TABLE 8 -- Clean and Green Survey ResponseCounty Responded Participate County Responded Participate

Adams YES YES Lackawanna YES YESAllegheny YES YES Lancaster YES YESArmstrong YES YES Lawrence YES YESBeaver YES YES Lebanon YES YESBedford YES YES Lehigh YES YESBerks YES YES Luzerne YES YESBlair YES YES Lycoming YES YESBradford YES YES McKean YES YESBucks Yes YES Mercer YES NOButler YES YES Mifflin YES YESCambria YES YES Monroe YES YESCameron YES YES Montgomery YES YESCarbon YES YES Montour YES YESCentre YES YES Northampton YES YESChester YES YES Northumberland YES NOClarion YES NO Perry YES YESClearfield YES YES Philadelphia YES NOClinton YES YES Pike YES YESColumbia YES YES Potter YES YESCrawford YES NO Schuylkill YES YESCumberland YES YES Snyder YES YESDauphin YES YES Somerset YES YESDelaware YES YES Sullivan YES YESElk YES YES Susquehanna YES YESErie YES YES Tioga YES YESFayette NO YES Union YES YESForest YES NO Venango YES YESFranklin YES NO Warren YES YESFulton YES YES Washington YES YESGreene YES YES Wayne YES YESHuntingdon YES YES Westmoreland YES YESIndiana YES YES Wyoming YES YESJefferson YES NO York YES YESJuniata YES YES

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TABLE 9 -- Clean and Green ParticipationCOUNTY AG USE AG RESERVE FOREST USE TOTAL ACREAGE PARCELSAdams 149,469 10,776 66,058 226,303 5,012Allegheny 20,282 3,267 28,113 51,662 1,684Armstrong 105,175 2,062 136,784 244,021 5,027Beaver 26,210 3,008 27,897 63,810 1,613Bedford 140,651 1,803 206,905 349,358 5,052Berks 201,342 6,301 68,685 276,328 7,659Blair 60,947 3,569 101,480 165,996 3,102Bradford 325,066 121,517 87,563 534,146 8,723Bucks 69,564 5,696 29,424 104,684 4,929Butler 207 500 0 707 7Cambria 56 0 328 385 22Cameron 408 0 70,576 70,984 445Carbon 1,655 2,544 4,022 8,221 1,362Centre 98,625 22,359 214,087 335,071 5,301Chester 132,586 0 71,677 204,263 8,155Clearfield 2,455Clinton 186,660 2,842Columbia 84,828 20,435 91,951 197,214 4,280Cumberland 112,525 9,612 50,446 172,573 4,003Dauphin 124,344 3,209Delaware 0 198Elk 2,551 5,349 103,449 111,349 530Erie 77,027 7,161 52,750 136,937 6,517Fulton 55,132 14,656 125,249 195,037 2,882Greene 163,593 2,828Huntingdon 78,879 0 193,967 272,846 3,777Indiana 89,321 514 165,465 255,333 4,346Juniata 18,161 307 29,893 48,361 497Lackawanna 57 12 530 599 38Lancaster 360,717 152 28,915 389,784 9,621Lawrence 41,967 5,324 23,860 71,151 1,785Lebanon 103,077 440 21,445 124,962 3,148Lehigh 41,302 6,531 24,572 72,405 3,595Luzerne 36,692 12,433 137,442 186,567 5,046Lycoming 80,951 11,807 275,447 368,236 5,102McKean 34,566 13,825 316,680 367,484 3,312Mifflin 62,042 1,654 80,624 144,320 2,502Monroe 17,831 7,801 85,810 111,442 2,266Montgomery 31,397 12,306 3,751 47,455 1,721Montour 28,962 1,475 11,297 41,734 653Northampton 75,956 3,572Perry 81,649 11,859 133,225 226,734 4,460Pike 817 9,040 117,531 128,812 1,258Potter 32,971 28,566 231,050 292,587 3,196Schuylkill 68,708 1,877 89,359 159,943 4,722Snyder 104 11 1,247 1,363 10Somerset 219,016 5,032 119,537 343,585 4,261Sullivan 101,477 22,360 125,607 1,632Susquehanna 100,852 44,928 264,155 409,935 8,534Tioga 145,061 56,006 158,464 359,531 5,890Union 54,913 1,334 38,231 94,478 1,976Venango 25,200 5,146 147,315 180,692 3,073Warren 66,506 457 193,055 260,018 3,305Washington 170,080 102,920 110,000 383,000 8,366Wayne 36,462 1,477 136,093 174,032 3,003Westmoreland 14,488 439 3,521 185,447 305Wyoming 40,182 5,237 101,431 146,850 2,288York 281,068 2,673 56,394 340,135 9,871Totals 4,129,781 592,198 4,860,111 10,315,030 204,968Counties not listed either do not participate in the program or cannot break down enrollment categories.

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TABLE 10 -- Acres Terminated in Each Category of Clean and GreenCOUNTY AG USE AG RESERVE FOREST USE TOTAL ACREAGE

Adams 158 1 10 170Allegheny 0 8 159 167Armstrong 9 0 0 9Beaver 0 9 0 9Bedford 9 0 15 23Berks 478 76 77 631Blair 48 42 46 136Bradford 107 39 6 152Bucks 338 4 35 376Carbon 0 0 15 15Centre 0 0 903 903Chester 346 0 44 390Clinton 39 0 100 139Columbia 106 0 10 116Cumberland 409 4 52 465Erie 557 12 29 598Greene 2,998Indiana 25 6 18 49Juniata 0 3 31 35Lancaster 476 51 1 528Lebanon 151 0 42 193Lehigh 311Luzerne 56 12 211 279Lycoming 131 0 0 131McKean 89 12 0 101Mifflin 5 0 20 25Monroe 36 0 26 62Montgomery 340 0 0 340Montour 49 0 0 49Northampton 225 0 0 225Perry 158 0 103 261Pike 0 87 347 433Potter 0 14 5 19Somerset 6 0 9 15Sullivan 156 0 143 298Tioga 19 47 6 72Union 75 0 78 153Venango 0 77 307 383Warren 4 0 51 55Washington 1,300 800 900 3,000Wyoming 330York 342 0 30 372Totals 6,248 1,304 3,828 15,019Counties not listed either do not participate in the program, had no terminations to report, or do not have the capability of breaking down enrollment categories.

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Applications Appeals to Board of Appeals to Board ofCounty Rejected Assessment Appeals Common Pleas CourtAdams o 23 2Beaver 2 6 0Berks 2 2 0Blair 5 0 0Bucks 4 16 0Carbon 4 0 0Chester 0 1 0Cumberland 0 1 0Dauphin 0 2 0Delaware 1 0 0Indiana 0 181 3Lackawanna 6 0 0Lancaster 2 155 1Lebanon 0 6 0Lehigh 1 4 0Luzerne 5 15 0McKean 0 1 1Monroe 0 2 0Northampton 1 2 1Perry 3 0 0Pike 0 2 0Susquehanna 2 1 0Tioga 0 2 0Union 1 0 0Washington 0 12 0Westmoreland 2 0 0Wyoming 1 1 0York 1 1 0Totals 43 436 8

TABLE 11 -- Appeals Made to Board of Assessment Appeals or Court of Common Pleas

Counties not listed have no violations to report or do not participate in program.

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Dollar Amount Received Dollar Amount ReceivedCounty as Rollback Taxes as Interest on Rollback TaxesAdams $219,900.62 $30,417.93Armstrong $4,481.97 $665.70Beaver $18,284.57 $1,643.95Bedford $6,541.81 $1,214.24Berks $457,098.52 $85,561.75Blair $8,533.04 $0.00Bradford $67,402.64 $10,947.89Bucks $78,473.00 $12,453.00Carbon $9,065.04 $1,421.08Centre $112,994.24 $15,750.98Chester $1,132,031.90 $173,873.57Clearfield $32,012.75 $5,810.74Clinton $26,506.99 $4,628.07Columbia $83,550.25 $13,413.13Cumberland $383,921.00 $69,312.88Dauphin $163,791.23 $34,463.68Erie $139,281.78 $25,699.38Fulton $10,219.05 $1,614.02Greene $2,594.14 $624.19Huntingdon $30,476.79 $4,315.58Indiana $11,079.00 $120.00Juniata $348.45 $135.02Lancaster $499,957.86 $72,634.22Lawrence $36,869.26 $5,304.56Lebanon $169,601.17 $18,159.80Lehigh $262,050.44 $41,727.34Luzerne $13,148.11 $1,563.39Lycoming $24,179.54 $4,709.32McKean $12,655.85 $2,969.74Mifflin $17,579.37 $2,701.30Monroe $77,770.11 $15,341.39Montgomery $968,656.29 $192,169.10Montour $38,388.47 $5,655.67Northampton $327,805.54 $46,474.13Perry $71,239.79 $9,344.78Pike $52,965.13 $7,574.77Potter $9,720.00 $3,198.18Schuylkill $14,425.87 $1,839.95Somerset $3,663.85 $1,958.66Sullivan $39,705.48 $5,739.27Susquehanna $79,101.00 $12,619.15Tioga $32,925.31 $4,885.93Union $34,470.25 $1,950.97Venango $29,949.61 $5,198.40Warren $4,240.52 $737.03Washington $315,000.00 $54,000.00Wayne $5,051.00 $503.00Wyoming $67,706.28 $12,243.35York $586,536.00 $84,707.00

Totals $6,793,950.88 $1,109,997.18

Counties not listed have no roll-back to report or do not participate in the program.

TABLE 12 -- Rollback Tax Summary

Page 47: Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report Act ... · bureau and the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Land Preservation Board, which safeguards prime agricultural land in

2017 Values PDA Base Year PDA Values County ValuesAllegheny Adams BeaverCameron Armstrong BerksClearfield Blair JuniataCumberland Bradford LawrenceDelaware Bedford McKeanLancaster Bucks MonroeLebanon Butler PotterWashington Cambria Schuylkill

Carbon SnyderCentre WarrenChesterClintonColumbiaDauphinElkErieFultonGreeneHuntingdonIndianaJuniataLackawannaLehighLuzerneLycomingMifflinMontourMontgomeryNorthamptonPerryPikeSomersetSullivanSusquehannaTiogaUnionVenangoWayneWestmorelandWyomingYork


TABLE 13 -- Clean and Green Use Value Implementation by County

Page 48: Bureau of Farmland Preservation 2016-17 Annual Report Act ... · bureau and the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Land Preservation Board, which safeguards prime agricultural land in


2017 CW Values 2017 CW ValuesBase Year CW Values Base Year Values County Values

County Average Six Timber Types County Average Six Timber TypesAllegheny Adams Centre BeaverArmstrong Bedford Westmoreland ChesterBerks Blair Wyoming LawrenceButler Bradford MonroeCameron Bucks PotterCarbon Cambria SnyderClarion Clinton WarrenClearfield ColumbiaCumberland DauphinDelaware ElkHuntingdon ErieLancaster FultonMcKean GreeneMontour IndianaWashington Juniata


TABLE 13 -- Clean and Green Use Value Implementation by County