BULLYING By Charlene Lo, Joyce Chen and Stephanie Chen.

BULLYING By Charlene Lo, Joyce Chen and Stephanie Chen

Transcript of BULLYING By Charlene Lo, Joyce Chen and Stephanie Chen.

BULLYINGBy Charlene Lo, Joyce Chen and Stephanie Chen


Bullying is a form of abuse. It can affect people physically and mentally. Bullying is normally depicted as attack but recently a new form of bullying was created called cyber bullying. As the name suggests cyber bullying is done over the internet or through phone texts. Being bullied constantly can lead to depression. Most victims never talk about being bullied.


In Australia, more than a quarter of Year 4 to Year 9 students are being bullied every few weeks. Girls are more likely to be bullied in hidden ways, like cyberbullying. Teasing is the most common type of bullying, followed by name calling then physical violence.


There are many different reasons why people bully. They could have family problems at home or they could do it because they want to feel powerful, than compared to the person they are bullying. People who bully normally have issues at home that they can’t cope with so they take the stress out by bullying other people who are usually smaller than them.


Anti-bullying policy at Sydney Girls High School 1. Preventative strategies There should be a clear understanding of what bullying is and its effects on those targeted. Therefore, for the whole school, there is--anti-bullying education in the PDHPE curriculum -Peer Support Program aiming to support younger and vulnerable students - clear policy and procedures available to all students as set out in the 2012 Anti Bullying Policy and Pamphlet school survey which informs the annual review bullying is not tolerated.

2. Early Intervention strategiesFor most people, being aware that they are hurting someone is enough for them to stop. Therefore, for those directly involved in a bullying incident the school offers--counselling -mediation and conflict resolution-assertiveness and social skills training


People who stand and watch other being bullied are called bystanders. Standing up to a bully can make a huge difference. Telling a teacher on duty is a good strategy . The best strategy is to stand up for yourself. If the bullying continues talk to a counsellor. Most bullies have problems at home causing them to take out their anger and frustration on others smaller than them. This way that bystanders can help both the bully and the victim. Bystanders can make a difference, they just don't know it. Next time you see someone getting bullied, you know exactly what to do.


• http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/cyber-bullying-statistics.html

• http://www.qld.gov.au/disability/children-young-people/bullying/facts.html

• http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/why-do-people-bully.html

• http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/one-in-four-school-students-around-australia-are-bullied/story-e6freuy9-1225719031134

• www.googleimages.com

• http://web2.sydneygirl-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/SGHS%20Information/Student%20Handbook.pdf

• http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/product/poster/keep-calm-and-stop-cyber-bullying-619/