

Transcript of Bukhari

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Bukhari Vol6-P-383

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Bukhari vol6 p-582

View of al-Bukhari

In contrast to Sunni Muslims who believe that Bukhari's Collection of Hadeeths is "The most authentic book after the Holy Qur'an".[citation needed], Shia Muslims do not share the same view. Although there are many hadeeths amongst this collection which are accepted by Shia's, there are also many clearly fabricated Ahadeeths, which Shia Muslims question, with logic and intellect. Verily, Bukhari is not infallible like Qu'ran.

Below are just a few of the many Ahadeeths Shia Muslims use to show their view:

Below are some criticism of Sahih ul Bukhari

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 651: Narrated Hudhaifa:

"I saw Allah's Apostle coming (or the Prophet came) to the dumps of some people and urinated there while standing."

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We'll let readers jusge the authenticity of this one.

Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-e-Ghusl, Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "The (people of) Bani Israel used to take bath naked (all together) looking at each other. The Prophet Moses used to take a bath alone. They said, ‘By Allah! Nothing prevents Moses from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.’ So once Moses went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes. Moses followed that stone saying, ‘My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone!’ till the people of Bani Israel saw him and said, ‘By Allah, Moses has got no defect in his body.’ Moses took his clothes and began to beat the stone." Abu Huraira added, "By Allah! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from that excessive beating."

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "When the Prophet Job (Aiyub) was taking a bath naked, golden locusts began to fall on him. Job started collecting them in his clothes. His Lord addressed him, ‘O Job! Haven't I given you enough so that you are not in need of them.’ Job replied, ‘Yes! By Your Honor (power)! But I cannot dispense with Your Blessings.’"

Do you actually believe such a thing is possible for the holy Prophet Moses, or that a stone, an inanimate object, could take away his clothes? Surely it would be impossible for a Prophet to run naked before the people.

We shall leave it upto the reader to decide whether a stone, an inanimate object, could take away his clothes ? And surely it would be impossible for a Prophet to run naked before the people.

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease."

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Here is what the medical world says:

There are many bacteria and parasites that infest the fly, making flies a major factor in spreading many diseases by touching surfaces with their legs or their saliva. After walking on much excrement, flies may carry up to as many as 6 million bacterias on their feet. SO BE WARY OF FOODS THAT HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY A FLY! Here's some information on the diseases some flies are known to help spread. (Source: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0117442/html/diseases.html)

(Bukhari Book of Nikah 3:52)

"The Holy Prophet used to visit all nine wives every night"

"The Holy Prophet used to have intercourse with all his wives in one hour of the day and night (without taking a bath) and these wives were eleven."

On the other hand, Bukhari repeatedly narrates that the Holy Prophet used to stand at prayers all night. So much so that his feet used to swell.

(Bukhari Book of Nikah 3:52)

"The Holy Prophet said that the best of his followers is the one who has the greatest number of wives"

Yet, the Qur'an (49:13) tells us that the best person is the one who is best in conduct. Direct Contradiction.

(Bukhari Book of Nikah 3:55)

"The Holy Prophet disapproved of his companion Jabir's plan to marry a widow and asked. Why did you not marry a virgin, so you played with her and she played with you"

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The Holy Prophet was extremely compassionate to widows and divorced women.

(Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:57).

"Prophet Abraham lied three times"

Insulting/Accusing the Patriarch of Faith. One of the Top 5 Prophets. Is it even possible for one second to think that one of the top five people in all the Human Race, lied three times ?

(Bukhari Beginning of creation 2:251)

"Woman was created from the rib of a man, so she will always remain crooked"

This is a Biblical statement. Later, it adds and reap advantage. The Qur'an does not state that woman was created from a rib.

(Bukhari 2:269)

"Aisha said: The Prophet used to have intercourse with us and kissed us while he was fasting"

Intercourse is not allowed whilst fasting.

"Khola bint Hakeem presented herself to the Prophet. Aisha exclaimed, 'The woman does not feel ashamed of saying this!' However, the Prophet started receiving a revelation and Aisha complained, 'O' Messenger of Allah! I see that your Lord rushes to fulfill your desires'" (Bukhari, Kitabun Nikah p.67).

Here, some criminal is trying to create doubt in the Holy Revelation.

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Do you ever see an animal born with deformed organs? (Bukhari 1:525).

Animals are born with deformities. Someone in this narration is trying to attribute his ignorance to the most knowledgeable man of all time.

"The Messenger of Allah addressed his wife Safia as 'you bald-headed perished one!'" (Bukhari, Kitabut Talaq p.143).

"Umro bin Maimoon reported, 'I saw a monkey surrounded by a swarm of other monkeys. He had committed adultery with a female monkey. So, all monkeys stoned him to death. I cast stones, too.' A variation of this hadith reports, 'The female monkey had been lying down with a middle-aged male when a young male came and gestured with his eye. The female slowly pulled her hand away from under the head of the middle-aged monkey and tiptoed away from him. Then she committed adultery with the young monkey. The older monkey got wind of what had happened so he yelled and gathered around him all monkeys in the vicinity. They stoned both (the adulterers) to death!'" (Bukhari 2:261).

In hadith #261 Syedah Mamoona is said to be not only watching the Holy Prophet unclothed but also carrying out a running commentary.

Hadith #273 states that Umm Hani, who was not even one of the household, saw the Prophet bathing.

Aisha said to the Prophet "My head is bursting". He said "I wish it did" Aisha responded "You want me to die so you can spend the next nigth with another wife Bukhari (Book of Medicine Volume 3)

A man asked "We earn from these slave girls. Can we do coitus interruptus with them ?" The prophet said "There is no sin in that" - (Kitabul Qadr 3:543)

Hoors will be full breasted and full of menstruation (Bukhari Beginning of Creation 2:231)

Satan rests at night in your noses (Bukhari Beginning of Creation 2:241) Rats are the lost tribe of Israel because they do not drink camel's milk but goat's

milk - (Bukhari Beginning of Creation 2:244) Five animals are sinful, so kill them even in Makkah - rat, scorpion, eagle, crow

and a biting dog. - (Bukhari Beginning of Creation 2:245) Prophet Ayoob was bathing. Locusts of gold started raining on him. Kitabul

Anbia Maimoona said that she gazed at the Prophet taking a bath after intercourse, until

she saw him wash his private parts (Bukhari, Book of Bath 1:193) Aisha said " The Prophet used to place a pillow in my lap even though I would be

menstrurating and then he would recite the Quran . (Bukhari, Book of Bath)

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The Prophet told Aisha that Salaat becomes null and void if a dog, a donkey or a woman come in front. Aisha said "You made us dogs" . (Bukhari, Book of Salat, #484)

The Prophet addressed his wife Safia "O you bald headed perished one" . (Bukhari Kitabul Talaq, p 143)

Once the prophet asked for a bowl of water. He washed his hands and face in it. Then he rinsed his nouth in it. Then he ordered Abu Musa and Bilal to drink that water. (Bukhari Book of Bath Hadeeth # 185)

"When a woman refuses to come to her husband's bed, angels curse her until she does" (Bukhari, Book of Nikah, page 96)

The prophet allowed Mohammad bin Muslima to kill a non-Muslim Kaab bin Ashraf, by deception . (Bukhari Kitabul Jihaad 2:134)