Building Your Foundation

Building the Foundation The importance of mission, vision, and values


Overview of the role of Mission, Vision, and Values in establishing the company's foundational culture.

Transcript of Building Your Foundation

  • 1. Building the Foundation
    The importance of mission, vision, and values

2. Why it matters
Why should companies care about their mission, vision, and values?
3. Company Foundation
Why is the company in business?
What problems does the company solve?
What does the company value?
Where is the company headed?
4. Mission Overview
Fundamental purpose of the company
Beginning of value proposition
What would our clients miss?
What would they lack?
What are you bringing to market?
5. Values Overview
What does the company believe in?
Determines behavior standards
Centerpiece of company character
Outwardly exhibited
Must be authentic
6. Vision Overview
Mid- & long-term goals
Defines goal in terms of future market position
7. To Learn More
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