Building your DevOps for Node.js

1 Building Your DevOps for Node.js Chetan Desai, Intuit DevOps Architect, TurboTax @chetanddesai

Transcript of Building your DevOps for Node.js

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Building Your DevOps for Node.jsChetan Desai, IntuitDevOps Architect, TurboTax


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1. TurboTax SOA Journey2. Node.js in the TurboTax Stack3. Enterprise Principles for Node Services4. Best Practices for Publishing Node Modules

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Go from this…

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… to this …

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… but we came from here.

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Doing Taxe


Beautiful Sunset

Tropical Paradise

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• 30 Million users filed their taxes with TurboTax

• 5 Million used desktop• 25 Million used online

• Mobile is the biggest growing segment• TurboTax is 25 years old• Roots as a Desktop App

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Tax Engine


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Intuit’s SOA

Application Services

Capability Services

Utility Services

User Experience Multi-device user experiences (cares about layout)

Application specific services (data interaction for UX)

Re-usable capabilities across applications (tax engine)

Data platform type services (login & identity)

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My First Reaction• I come from deploying in containers like JBoss & Tomcat• What do you mean the whole thing dies if there is an exception?!– Run 30 million+ customers through it.

• Consult some experts: NodeSource

• Our DevOps practices was integral to our success

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Enterprise Principles for Services

1. Isolation: Shared build farms2. Reproducibility: Build once / deploy multiple

times3. Reliability: Minimize failure points during

deployment4. Availability: Keep server running

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Build & Deploy Flow at Intuit

Build Farm


npm on-site

NexusArtifact Repo

Intuit Data Center

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Isolation: Shared Build Farms

Problem: global npm dependencies• npm WARN prefer global <pkgName>@<ver> should be installed with –g– No root access or sudo privileges– Other node services with different versions

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Isolation: Shared Build Farms• Solution: package.json npm scripts!

• Add global dependencies to devDependencies section

• Add your CLI calls as npm scripts• Execute Scripts– npm run <script>

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The power of the package.json

Other Benefits1. Local setup documentation:

- scripts for building, testing, running.2. Obtain consistency between developer workstations

- at least compatible3. Works in shared build environments!

- dependencies localized

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Reproducibility:Build Once / Deploy Multiple

• Problem: Transitive Dependencies in package.json• semver major.minor.patch– ~1.1.1 "Approximately equivalent to version”– ^1.1.1 "Compatible with version”– 1.1.1 "Specific version”

• Did you install version 2.0.0 or version 2.0.0?– Transitive dependencies still had ~ or ^ notation.

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• Solution: npm shrinkwrap –dev– Full transitive dependency list and versions installed

• Somewhere in the middle– Don’t check in shrinkwrap.json– Generate it once at build time

• How to balance dev speed and compliance?

|-----------------------------------------|Developer Speed Reproducibility / Compliance

Reproducibility:Build Once / Deploy Multiple

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Reliability: Fast and Reliable Deployments

• Problem: when deploying, choose between1. massive node_modules folder compared to the code size2. dependency on an npm registry to download modules – potential failure point

• Solution:– Our build OS (RHEL) is same as runtime OS– Reduce size of node_modules with npm prune –production– Zip up the remaining contents with service code• Never run npm at deployment time

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Availability: Keep Server Running

• Problem: Process Management– Let it die and restart– Lots of options: pm2,

forever, strongloop pm, cluster


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Availability: Keep Server Running

• Who can manage processes better than the OS itself?– RHEL6 upstart & RHEL7 systemd– Enterprises have heterogeneous set of languages• Deploy & monitor features needs to work across stack

• Upstart Approach– Multiple stateless processes, 1:1 with CPUs– Load balanced & SSL termination with nginx– If the process terminates, upstart restarts it• Configurable respawn window• Splunk for log monitoring

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Upstart Parent (Start) Script

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Upstart Instance Script

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Recap: Node Services

1. Isolation: Shared build farms- localize dependencies through npm scripts

2. Reproducibility: Build once / deploy multiple times- shrinkwrap for transitive dependencies

3. Reliability: Minimize failure points during deployment- only run npm at build time- prune out dev dependencies

4. Availability: Keep server running- upstart (RHEL6), systemd (RHEL7)

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Best Practices for Node Modules

1. Only publish what’s needed2. Reproducibility: Tagging codebase3. Traceability: Server side publishing

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Publish only what’s needed

• We’re all familiar with .gitignore - used to exclude:– generated files– secrets

• Use .npmignore to only publish what’s needed. Exclude:– Same items in .gitignore – Test data and files

• Understand .npmignore precedence – There are default items ignored during a publication– .gitignore will be used if .npmignore is missing– .npmignore won’t combine with .gitignore

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Tagging Codebase

• Reproducibility: version bumps and tagging– maven-release-plugin for maven pom.xml– bumpversion library for python

• Solution: npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch …]for your package.json• Add git repository type for tagging support

• Push commits back to origin

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Server Side Publishing

• Server builds for traceability and reproducibility• Local builds have too much risk– Forget to check-in a file– Out of sync with other changes

• Same applies for publishing node modules

How to provide publishing credentials from the server?

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Server Side Publishing

• .npmrc for npm configuration

• Devs had to have something set for NPM_TOKENError: Failed to replace env in config: ${NPM_TOKEN}

• Solution: Split them up– Project home .npmrc specifies internal registry (line 2)– Build user home ~/.npmrc contains credentials (line 1)

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Recap: Best Practices for Node Modules

1. Only publish what’s needed- Use of .npmignore file

2. Reproducibility: Tagging codebase- npm versions to tag codebase- postversion script to push

3. Traceability: Server side publishing- Two .npmrc files for registry and credentials

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The solutions will evolve…

continue the conversation.

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Thank you!Chetan Desai, IntuitDevOps Architect@chetanddesai

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