Building your case for sustainable remediation using a high resolution approach by john sohl...

Building Your Case for Cost Effec5ve Sustainable Remedia5on Using a High Resolu5on Approach Rapid, RealTime High Resolu5on Site Characteriza5on John Sohl, President/CEO COLUMBIA Technologies [email protected] +13014557644

Transcript of Building your case for sustainable remediation using a high resolution approach by john sohl...

Page 1: Building your case for sustainable remediation using a high resolution approach by john sohl 20141124

©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

Building  Your  Case  for  Cost  Effec5ve  Sustainable  Remedia5on  Using  a  

High  Resolu5on  Approach  

Rapid,  Real-­‐Time  High  Resolu5on  Site  Characteriza5on

John  Sohl,  President/CEO  COLUMBIA  Technologies  [email protected]  


Page 2: Building your case for sustainable remediation using a high resolution approach by john sohl 20141124

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Our  Mission?  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

Efficient  Sustainable  

Social  Economic  Environment  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

Our  industry  spends  over    $1  BILLION  each  day  assessing,  

remediaVng,  and  making  decisions  on  informaVon  that  is  incomplete,  inaccurate,  and  too  


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Where  does  all  the  money  go?  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

EPA  2011  NaVonal  Backlog  Study  

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80%  of  the  errors,  waste,  and  resources  are  spent  on  the  wrong  

and  insufficient  samples.  

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The  NAPL  Challenge  

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The  NAPL  Challenge  

Oil  Soil  

Water  Bugs  

Vapor  ??  

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The  OIL  Challenge  Where  is  it  (really)?  Leaking  or  not?  Moving  or  not?  

Transmissive  (recoverable)  or  not?Above  saturaVon  or  not?  

Degrading  –  YES  but  how  fast?  

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NAPL  =  Non-­‐Aqueous  Phase  Liquid  -­‐   Do  not  mix  with  water  and  remain  as  a  separate  phase  -­‐   Include  petroleum  hydrocarbons  and  chlorinated  solvents  

LNAPL  =  NAPL  that  is  less  dense  than  water  -­‐   Gasoline,  diesel  fuel,  jet  fuel,  and  crude  oil  -­‐   MulV-­‐component  mixtures  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  ©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  


Courtesy  of:  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  ©  2013  by  Taylor  &  Francis  Group,  LLC    

Is  it  sand  or  clay?    Or  should  we  measure  whether  it  is  permeable  or  non-­‐permeable?  

The  SOIL  Challenge  

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Mass  Discharge:    Chemical  Mass  and  Transmissivity  

Across  any  Transect,  a  Contaminant  Plume  Conveys:    

 Groundwater  Discharge,  Q  (e.g.,  L/day)  

 Contaminant  Mass  Discharge,  Md  (e.g.,  g/day  or  kg/year)  

Md  =  Q  x  C  (L/day  x  mg/L  =  mg/day)  

Figure  2-­‐1  

Source   Plume  



Q   } C=Concentra5on  



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It’s  a  Science  Based  Decision  Tens  of  Thousands  of  Data  Points  to  Define  Problem  

Is  it  worth  the  investment?  

Ground  Truth  

Groundwater  Flux  



Contaminant  Concentra5on  


Slow  Figure  2-­‐4  

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Heterogeneity  Measured    

•  Scale  mahers  –  what  needs  to  be  measured  •  How  to  interpolate  between  highly  variable  data  •  Most  transects  sample  <  1%  of  the  groundwater  


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Clarity  of  Typical  Site  CharacterizaVon  Power  of  High  ResoluVon  

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80-­‐90%  of  the  contaminant  mass  is  moving  or  stored  within  10-­‐20%  of  

the  geospaVal  volume  

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MIP  (Membrane  Interface  Probe)  (MIP-­‐EC,  MiHPT,  MIP-­‐HTL,  LL  MIP,  MIP-­‐XSD)  

Vola5le  Organic  Compounds  (VOCs)  (Dissolved  phase  petroleum  and/or  Solvents  )  

LIF  (Laser  Induced  Fluorescence)  (UVOST®,  ROST®,  TarGOST®,  FFD)  

LNAPL/Residual  phase  petroleum  Light  petroleum  fuels  to  coal  tars    

HPT  (Hydraulic  Profiling  Tool)   Soil  hydraulics  (pore  pressure,  soil  permeability)  

PST  (Pneuma5c  Slug  Test)   Soil  characteris5c  -­‐  permeability  

EC  (Electrical  Conduc5vity)   Soil  characteris5c  -­‐  electrical  

CPT  (Cone  Penetrometer)   Soil  characteris5c,  behavior  type  

Discrete  Groundwater  Profiling  Short,  discrete  screen  interval  (0.2  –  1.0  meter)  

VOCs,  SVOCs,  Metals,  Biologics,  Gases  

Onsite  Laboratory  Analyses  Rapid  Laboratory  grade  GC,  GCMS,  HPLC,  other  

VOCs,  SVOCs,  Metals,  Gases  

Real  Time  Data  Management  Mapping  and  verGcal  profile  charts  

Quality  Assurance  and  Decision  Making    Results  presented  via  Internet  in  real  5me  

24  ©  2013  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

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Direct  Push  Drilling  Rig  with    Membrane  Interface  Probe  for  VOCs  

MIP  Transfer  


Drill  Rods  

Ultra  Pure  Compressed  Gases  

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Op5cal  Spectroscopy:  

-­‐   FOUR  different  frequency  bands  -­‐   Fluorescent  light  received  from  the  down  hole  window  -­‐   Lighter,  shorter  chain  hydrocarbons  blue-­‐green  -­‐   Heavier,  longer  chain  hydrocarbons  orange-­‐red  -­‐   Matrix  effects  -­‐   Reference  Emiher  (RE)  source  test  required  

Kerosene/Diesel  at  water  table  

Deeper  but  lighter  LNAPL  

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The  WATER  Challenge  

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Quick  Notes:  -­‐   LNAPL  share  pore  space  with  other  fluids  including  air  -­‐   The  head  pressure  of  the  LNAPL  must  overcome  the  pore  entry  pressure  for  LNAPL  migraVon  


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Water  LNAPL  



For  water  wet  media  

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Fined  Grained  Soil  

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“Upgradient”  Transect  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  The  WATER  Challenge  

GW  changes  vs.  Vme  

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$$  of  Monitoring  



istribuVon   Cost-­‐effec5vely  characterize    Contaminated  sites  

33  ©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

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If  you  have  a  groundwater  problem…you  sVll  have  a  

source  problem.  

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The  answer  is  not  likely  in  the  monitoring  well.  

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MulVple  Lines  of  Evidence  

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1.    Isolate  and  

Refine  the  

Source  Area  

2.  Determine  


of  permeability  

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Sample  HPT  Log  

Quick  Notes:  -­‐   Used  to  profile  hydraulic  pore  pressure  and  permeability  “effecVve  K”  -­‐   Integrated  EC  -­‐   PosiVve  pressure  flow  of  water  supplied  from  surface  -­‐   Determine  migraVon  pathways,    remediaVon  injecVon  regions,  and    placements  for  monitoring  wells  

©  2013  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  


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Classic  “shark  fin”  Evidence  of  higher  NAPL  saturaVons  above  

Supported  by  high  pore  pressure  –  low  flow  zone  beneath  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

Quick  Notes:  -­‐   VolaVle  Organic  Compounds  (VOCs)  -­‐   Vapor,  Dissolved  Phase,  Sorbed  Phase,    

 some  NAPL  -­‐   Typical  DL:    1  ppm  fuel  /  200  ppb  solvent    

 (can  be  lower  with  special  procedures)  -­‐   Integrated  Electrical  ConducVvity  and/or    -­‐   Hydraulic  Profiling  Tool  -­‐   OpVonal  Heated  Trunk  Line  -­‐   Matrix  effects  -­‐   Performance  Test  Required!  

©  2013  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  


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Think  Sponge  

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Quick  Notes:  -­‐   Performance  test  is  GOOD  -­‐   Background  check  is  GOOD  -­‐   Material  in  the  formaVon  is  different  than  performance  test  standard  and  repeatable  -­‐   Material  is  at  17  and  19  feet  below  grade  

42  ©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

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Quick  Notes:  -­‐   Performance  test  is  GOOD  -­‐   Background  check  is  GOOD  -­‐   Material  in  the  well  is  lighter  (more  fresh,  less  degraded)  than  product  in  the  formaVon  -­‐   Material  in  the  well  is  different  than  the  performance  test  standard  -­‐   Response  is  repeatable  

43  ©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

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Remember  Csat  

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The  answer  is  not  likely  in  the  monitoring  well.  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  

Sample  MiHpt  Log  

Combined  MIP-­‐HPT  Probe  –  mulVple  lines  of  evidence  in  the  same  push!  

-­‐   Contaminant  distribuVon  of  VOCs  -­‐   Measurements  of  EC  -­‐   HPT  pore  pressure  and  EffecVve  “K”  

©  2013  COLUMBIA  Technologies.  


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More  Permeable  

Less  Permeable  

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Stable  Baseline  


•   Linear  response  to  number  of  chlorine  atoms  •   20  measurements  per  foot  •   Stop  for  heaVng  every  1-­‐foot  

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Confirms  chlorinated  compound  


•   Linear  response  to  the  number  of  double  bonds  (e.g.  Benzene)  •   Compounds  with  IP  <  10.2  eV    


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Non-­‐Benzene  and  Non-­‐Chlorinated  (Methane?)  


•   Linear  response  to  organic  C-­‐H  bonds    



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PID  with  no  XSD  


•   Linear  response  to  the  number  of  double  bonds  (e.g.  Benzene)  •   Compounds  with  IP  <  10.2  eV    


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FID  confirms  PID  


•   Linear  response  to  the  number  of  double  bonds  (e.g.  Benzene)  •   Compounds  with  IP  <  10.2  eV    



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More  Permeable  

Less  Permeable  

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Finer  Grains?  


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More  Permeable  

Less  Permeable  


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Probable  Transport  


•   ConVnuous  comparison  of  chemical  and  soil  parameters  

PID   Press  

Probable  Storage  

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.   MW PM-503/19

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.   MW PM-503/35

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.   MW PM-503/30.1

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©  2014  COLUMBIA  Technologies.   MW PM-503/30.1

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The  answer  is  not  likely  in  the  monitoring  well.  

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Do  we  want  to  guess  (and  pay)  for  more  hardware,  chemicals,  and  lab  analyses  or  do  we  want  to  pay  for  


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Think  and  


John  Sohl,  President/CEO  COLUMBIA  Technologies  [email protected]  
