Building Apis in Scala with Playframework2

Building APIs in Scala with Play! Framework 2 Silicon Valley Code Camp Oct 5 th , 2013 Manish Pandit @lobster1234


My talk at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2013. Two years ago I gave a talk on PlayFramework with Java at SVCC. As with everything, PlayFramework has evolved into a far mature ecosystem with native Scala support, and Typesafe backing. PlayFramework 2 is a simple, MVC-based, convention over configuration web application framework for Java and Scala. It is rapidly gaining popularity as more and more companies are adopting it for building scalable, performant, share-nothing architectures. In this talk I'll cover the fundamentals of Play! Framework2, a brief overview of Scala, and demonstrate building a simple, RESTful API. This will be a very interactive, and hands-on session. It'd be awesome if you have played around with Scala, but if you have not, the scope of this talk does not require you to be a Scala expert. It will however be very useful if you've worked with other Web Application Frameworks like Jersey, CXF, etc. so you can cross-relate the concepts.

Transcript of Building Apis in Scala with Playframework2

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Building APIs in Scala with Play! Framework 2

Silicon Valley Code Camp

Oct 5th, 2013

Manish Pandit@lobster1234

Page 2: Building Apis in Scala with Playframework2

Manish Pandit


[email protected]

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Typesafe Platform



Hands-on API

Open Floor

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Concise, yet expressive

Statically Typed via Type Inference

Rich Constructs

Functions as First Class Citizens

Power of DSL

Interoperability with the Java Ecosystem

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Typesafe Platform

Scala Programming Language

PlayFramework for Web Applications

sbt for builds


Typesafe Activator

Misc. Tools

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Typesafe Activator

A very simple way to start with Scala and Play!




Comes with a good number of templates

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Typesafe Activator

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Typesafe Activator

Use if you do not have an IDE

Use it to play with various templates it comes with

Yet to mature but a (very) good start

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Play! Framework


Convention over Configuration

Focus on Developer Productivity

Asynchronous Processing Model

Makes testing easy

JSON support for RESTFul Applications

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Play! Framework

Not a J2EE compatible framework

Does not follow the traditional request/response model

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Creating a Play! Project

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Using an IDE

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Eclipse Import

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Start with a fresh installation of ScalaIDE

Go to Install New Software – Select ScalaIDE – Check

Play2 Plugin

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Run the App!

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And Play! with it


Test the app with play test

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Play! Core Concepts

Uses sbt as the build system

(In a special way to support always-on builds)

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Play! Core Concepts


Folder Structure


Routes File


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Play! Actions

In simple terms, an Action takes function, that takes a

request Request, and returns a Response.

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Play! Actions

All routable methods of a Controller are Actions

(Request => Result) function

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The almighty Action

A simple, no-request that returns a result.

A function that makes the Request available to the block

You can pass a BodyParser to the Action as an argument

Default BodyParsers are available for common content


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Play! Console Demo

run vs. ~run

With ~ run or run, change the app with syntax error

Fix the app and retry

Use the app with ~ test in Play! Console

Change the code and watch the tests fail

Change the tests and watch them pass

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The Routes file

Type-safe way to define mappings from URLs to Actions

Rich support for basic data types

Handling of defaults

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Not JSON over HTTP

Not JSON representation of your Database

No Spec or official standard

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Envision the entities as HTTP resources

Envision the interactions as HTTP methods

Read RFC 2616

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Play! Hands-on API

Model – A Person

APIs – Get all, Get by First/Last/Zip, Add a person

JSON Request and Response

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object PersonModel {

val persons = ArrayBuffer(Person("Manish", "Pandit", 94568), Person("John", "Doe", 95051), Person("My", "Neighbor", 94568))

def add(p: Person) = persons += p

def getAll = persons

def getByFirstName(first: String) = persons.filter(_.first == first)

def getByLastName(last: String) = persons.filter(_.last == last)

def getByZip(zip: Int) = persons.filter( == zip)


case class Person(first: String, last: String, zip: Int)

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object SimpleAPI extends Controller {

implicit val personWrites = Json.writes[Person] implicit val personReads = Json.reads[Person]

def getAll = Action { Ok(Json.toJson(PersonModel.getAll)) }

def add = Action(parse.json) { request =>"Body is $request.body") request.body.validate(personReads) match { case x: JsError => BadRequest case x: JsSuccess[Person] => PersonModel.add(x.get) Created } }

def getByFirstName(first: String) = Action { val list = PersonModel.getByFirstName(first) if (list.isEmpty) NotFound else Ok(Json.toJson(PersonModel.getByFirstName(first))) }


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Routes# ~~~~# Routes# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)# ~~~~

# Home page

GET /persons controllers.SimpleAPI.getAll

GET /persons/first/:first controllers.SimpleAPI.getByFirstName(first)

GET /persons/last/:last controllers.SimpleAPI.getByLastName(last)

GET /persons/zip/:zip controllers.SimpleAPI.getbyZip(zip:Int)

GET /persons/default controllers.SimpleAPI.getByFirstName(first="Manish")

POST /persons controllers.SimpleAPI.add

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Play! Packaging

Use play dist to package the app as a zip file

Run using the start script

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Play! Advanced Topics

Reactive Programming

Akka, Futures, Promises

Play WS Library

Anorm and Slick

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Further reading


Source :

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We are hiring!

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Manish Pandit


[email protected]