Building an Infrastructure for Quality

An Inventory of ECE and An Inventory of ECE and OST Facilities in OST Facilities in Massachusetts Massachusetts


Building an Infrastructure for Quality. An Inventory of ECE and OST Facilities in Massachusetts. Facilities Inventory Advisory. Dianne Bruce , Edward Street Child Services Lesley Christian , Crispus Attucks Children’s Center Maryellen Coffey , BOSTnet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Building an Infrastructure for Quality

An Inventory of ECE and An Inventory of ECE and OST Facilities in OST Facilities in MassachusettsMassachusetts

Facilities Inventory AdvisoryFacilities Inventory Advisory


The Program Facilities The Program Facilities StandardsStandards

1. Inspections2. Site location, orientation3. Vehicular access & parking4. Building entry5. Building envelope &mechanical

systems6. Child activity space7. Adult work space8. Support space9. Environmental health10. Outdoor space



Assessed the built environment: building envelope and systems, vehicular access and parking areas, the building entry, child activity spaces/classrooms, administrative and support areas, and outdoor space.


Inventory ProtocolInventory Protocol

Inventory Tool Regulatory Standards: 76 items

Professional Standards: 60 items

Best Practices Standards: 132 items

Program Visit Visual inspection by On-Site Insight

Supplemental documentation

Program information survey


The Findings in Context

Quality Enhancement Efforts QRIS implementation Educator Scholarships Act Relative to the Achievement Gap

Governor’s Education Agenda 2011 Every child reading at grade level by 3rd grade Healthy platform for education Education system that meets each student,

particularly English Language Learners, where they are

Preparation for college and career success.


Concurrent Efforts

Brain Building in ProgressPartnership for American Economic

Success Early Educators Compensation ReformStrategies for Children/Early Education

for All Summit on Early Childhood: Investment in our

Future with Mass chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics

Talk/Read/Succeed in SpringfieldEarly Learning Leadership Advisory

Council in Worcester


Reading at Grade Level: Acoustics & Reading at Grade Level: Acoustics & DaylightDaylight


Healthy Platform for Education: IAQ, Healthy Platform for Education: IAQ, Handwashing Handwashing


Healthy Outdoor SpaceHealthy Outdoor Space


Professional WorkspaceProfessional Workspace


Building an Infrastructure for Quality

Released report: Federal Reserve Bank in October

Five Regional Meetings Worcester Springfield Fall River Metro Boston Reading

Outreach to public officialsRealization that providers cannot fund capital

improvements from their operating budgets


Capital Funding in Other Capital Funding in Other StatesStates

Funding Funding SourceSource

Total Funding Total Funding PoolPool EligibilityEligibility Center Center

MatchMatch # of Projects# of Projects

Connecticut Connecticut School School Readiness Readiness ActAct19971997

Revenue bond financing30 year term

$4 M per year $94 M since 1997

Nonprofit ECE in high need areas 20%


5141 children

IllinoisIllinoisEarly Early Childhood Childhood Construction Construction Act GrantsAct Grants20112011

State funded capital grants$5 M limit

$45 M – Nonprofit ECE orpublic schoolsin high need areas

10% TBD – new program

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Child Care Child Care Challenge Challenge GrantsGrants2002 - 20042002 - 2004

State funded capital grants$1 M limit 1st Year, $500K 2nd & 3rd Year

$30 M Nonprofit ECE In high need areas 25%


3315 children



Address Hazardous Conditions

Build Partnerships with Utility Companies

Leverage Community-Development Resources


Leverage the Focus on Quality Improvement

Identify a Public Capital Funding Source

Thank YouThank You““Everyone needs a Everyone needs a

place that is furnished place that is furnished with Hope” with Hope”

-- Maya Angelou-- Maya Angelou