Building an eBook with Powerpoint: An Activity/Resource with Multiple Applications Julia Hengstler...

Building an Building an eBook with eBook with Powerpoint: Powerpoint: An An Activity/Resource Activity/Resource with Multiple with Multiple Applications Applications Julia Hengstler Julia Hengstler EdTech Faculty of EdTech Faculty of Ed Ed Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University
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Transcript of Building an eBook with Powerpoint: An Activity/Resource with Multiple Applications Julia Hengstler...

Building an Building an eBook with eBook with Powerpoint:Powerpoint:

An Activity/Resource An Activity/Resource with Multiple with Multiple ApplicationsApplications

Julia HengstlerJulia HengstlerEdTech Faculty of EdEdTech Faculty of Ed

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

The PlanThe Plan

• Introduction– Explanation of an ebook:

• What is it?• What can it do?• What can it be used for?• Advantages & Challenges

• Process & Activities– How to build an ebook– Choose Activity Strand– Build the ebook

• Feedback Form

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

The IntroductionThe Introduction

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

What is an ebook?What is an ebook?

• Imagine a book on electronic steroids• Generated using software

– Eg.’s: • MS PowerPoint (which we’ll use)• OpenOffice Impress (free open source software• May include combinations of (*’ed ones we’ll use

today)– Text*– Images*– Narration*– Multimedia Objects: video clips, sound bites,

animations, demos, screen captures

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

What could an ebook do?What could an ebook do?

• Useful for organizing & combining text with items such as– Oral histories– Eportfolios– Interviews (text, audio, video)– Processes– Explanations– Illustrations & Photos– Demonstrations– Cameo appearances by specialists– Lectures– Music

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Why use an ebook?Why use an ebook?

• Use for– Promotion– Archiving events, historical snapshots,

etc.– Instruction– Assignments– Presentations– Creating reuseable editable resources

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

What are the advantages?What are the advantages?

• Currency—easy to modify data• Versioning—easy to tailor versions• Scalability—can share with many at no

additional cost• Accessibility—deploy on Internet• Uniqueness—activities/resources• Networking with others• Raising profile—individuals/

departments, achievements/projects• Developing Info Tech skills• Establishing quality benchmarks

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

What Are SomeWhat Are Someof the Challenges?of the Challenges?

• Allocation of resources (time/personnel) to develop

• Pro-D to support creation• Digital Divide (connectivity/bandwidth)• Reliability of technology• Proprietary software• Compatibility when embedding objects• Copyright: clearance, protection esp.

when collaborating• Safety & individual data protection• Release forms for all images, sounds,

videos where an individual is identified

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Initial Steps & Strand SelectionInitial Steps & Strand Selection

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

1. Select Theme & Storyboard the eBook • Collect data or pick theme(s)

– Know your purpose & know your target audience(s)

– If you are building the books from existing resources—get your materials together

– Select the “theme” or message of the ebook• Brainstorm to draft a storyboard

– What do you want the book to say—or is the development of a narrative an “assignment” for users interacting with the book?

– Develop a potential “plot” by organizing a flow of story or data

– Use “stickies” if useful (Google “free sticky notes” if you like an e-version)

Preparing for eBook

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

2. Identify & Collect Media • Identify appropriate media object types:

– Images– Sounds– Videos

• Identify possible media objects egs.– suitable to theme & possible plot lines– eg. interviews with this or that person;

video clip of “X”; oral history clip• Locate/create actual media resources• Collect the media resources

Preparing for eBook

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Activity Strand SelectionActivity Strand Selection

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

To do the activities, you need to pick an option:A) “Pirates”: Workshop suggested example

– intentionally kept basic– appropriate if you are unfamiliar with

using PPT, authoring narratives or just don’t want to have to think this soon after New Year’s

– Media search completed by presenter: links will be provided for you to collect images & embed in PPT ebook

– Storyboarding concept for flow completed by presenter: narrative & book to be completed by you according to prearranged steps

– Finished eBook Eg. with Text & Audio (ppt)

Strands for Workshop

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

B) “?”: Design your own– select this if you’re fluent with

technology & the Internet, are quick thinking, have experience with Power Point & designing narratives

– You’ll need to quickly select a theme– You’ll need to quickly search & locate 2

or more media examples online (or previously collected)

– You’ll need to develop a quick narrative structure

– You’ll need to flip between process steps, the guided activities for “Pirates”& your own activities

Strands for Workshop

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Select Your Strand NowSelect Your Strand Now

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Organizing Folders

3) Prepare a place to collect & organize the media – Use an intuitive folder structure with names

that suit the media or project– For this workshop:

• Go to your U drive (or other location on personal computer) & create a folder called “pirate_images”

• Right-click in a blank area of the drive & select New then Folder

• Right-click on the New Folder and rename it to “pirate_images”

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

4) Search for necessary media (This has been done for you, but if you had to do it here are the steps)

– Determine a sufficient number of media objects (eg. 3,4,5)

– Find the images (preset images for the Pirates activity strand)

• Go to Google• Click on Images• Click on Advanced Image Search at the right of

the text bar• Collect the URL (addresses) if providing links

to others– Note: Images are also available through PPT or

Word clip-art—we’ll try that route after locating/storing online images

Finding* the Media Objects

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

• Copyright issues

– Find copyright-free media (old pictures, Creative Commons licensed images, etc.)

– If copyrighted, request permission to use by contacting image owner & secure permission

• Release requirements:

– VIU requirements

– Department requirements (if any)

Some Media Issues

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Pirates: Collecting Images5) Collect* necessary media

– Download these 6 pictures from which to build a story—with a beginning, middle and end in mind. (You’ll be renaming them with names that make sense for this project and their use.)

• Go to the image at Right-click on the image. Select “Save File As”. Change the name to “pirate” & save to your “pirate_images” file on the U drive (or other place on your computer you would like it)

• Go to the image at & repeat as above to save as “map” to pirate_images on your U drive.

• Go to the image at & repeat as above to save as “ship” to pirate_images on your U drive.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Collecting Remaining Images

• Go to the image at & repeat as above to save as “battle” to pirate_images on your U drive.

• Go to the image at & repeat as above to save as “divvy_loot” to pirate_images on your U drive.

• Go to the image at & repeat as above to save as “celebration” to pirate_images on your U drive.

– The one thing missing is the treasure image. We’ll add that later, but assume that you’ll have one.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Organizing & Starting eBook Draft

6) Create “Plot” or Narrative Flow for Media• Determine a rough narrative flow for the images

– For Pirates, presenter determined: – piratemap shipbattle

treasuredivvy lootcelebration

7) Create eBook Draft without Text Placeholders• Open a new Power Point document to create the

wordless storybook as a new Blank document. – Under “Content Layout,” select the blank

option – Into this file you will either insert or copy the

images saved so far. (Instructions follow.)

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

PPT Drafting Story “Pages”: Images

8) Creating “Page” with Image & Text• Find main PPT Menu• Select InsertPicturefrom file• Navigate to the pirate_images folder on the U

drive• Select “pirate” image• Resize the image so it fits about ½ of the slide

vertically.– Click on the image. (You should now see

little squares around the border.)– Click & drag one from the corner to make

the picture smaller. – Make it a reasonable size so text (and/or

more pictures) can be added to the page• Move & place the picture on the slide where

you would like it, leaving room for text

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

PPT Drafting Story “Pages”: Text

Create a text box next to it (or where desired)• Make sure the Drawing tool bar is active

first: – Go to ViewToolbarsmake sure Drawing is


• Select the square boxed icon with the “A” in the upper left & a series of lines

• Click on the “slide” or page with the pirate image to make a text box.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Text Boxes as Placeholders

– Type in the text box “Add Words Here”. This will be a placeholder for later text

• You can set the text font, colour, size, etc.– If not highlighted, click on the text box to

select it. – Go to the Format menu at the top and

select “Text Box”. – Click on Colours & Lines and choose a

line colour and style. This will create a rectangle where text can be entered later.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Create Remaining “Pages”

9) Create remaining “Pages”• Create a new slide: InsertNew

Slideselect the blank Content Layout again.

• InsertPicturefrom filenavigate to the pirate_images folder on the U drive and select “map”; resize & move; create text box; create new slide

• InsertPicturefrom filenavigate to the pirate_images folder on the U drive and select “ship”; resize & move; create text box; create new slide

• InsertPicturefrom filenavigate to the pirate_images folder on the U drive and select “battle”; resize & move; create text box; create new slide

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Using PPT Clip Art10) Adding the treasure/chest from PPT’s Clip Art

– From the top menu in your PPT document select InsertPictureClip Art

• (If the box appears with “Add Clips to Organizer” click on “Later”)

– In the search field enter “treasure” or “treasure chest” and click on “Search”

– Scroll through quickly & quickly pick an image in the interests of time.

• Later, if you want a wider selection, you can click on “Clips Online” at the bottom of the search panel and find more options—but leave that for another day.

– Click on the picture you want and select “Insert”. – Resize (you may want to enlarge this)

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Create Remaining “Pages”

11) Create remaining “pages” using the blank Content Layout.

– Insert the remaining pictures in each new slide• InsertPicturefrom filenavigate to the

pirate_images folder on the U drive and select “divvy_loot”; resize & move; create text box; create new slide

• InsertPicturefrom filenavigate to the pirate_images folder on the U drive and select “celebration”; resize & move; create text box

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Optional Title “Page”

12) Create a Title Slide & Seting as First “Page”InsertNew Slide select the first choice in “Text Layouts” at upper left that shows two grey bars

– In the first text box, type “Add Title Here”.– In the second text box, type “By” then on

another line “Your name Here”Moving Title Page to front of “book”

– In “Slides” tab if visible on the left or using ViewSlide Sorter; click on the Title Page slide and drag it to the head of the slide

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Move “Title Page” to Front, Credits, End Page

13) You can add additional “pages” such as “credits”, reference, “The End” & place them where you’d like.-To duplicate an existing slide & edit: select the slide you want to duplicate in the “Slides” tabEditDuplicate (or Control+D)Drag the duplicate where you want and edit.-To create a new layout: Insertselect appropriate choice in “Slide Layout” to right of screendrag slide into placeedit slide

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Draft Accompanying Text

14) Return to “pages” & create a narrative with a beginning, middle & end to connect the Pirate images.

15) Add your title and any other data

16) Save the file on your U drive.

-Call it “pirate_ebook”

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Quickly Narrating the eBook

Use Power Point’s “Record Narration” • Neat function of Power Point that records

your voice and the timing with each slide as you click along and narrate

• Use a good headset with a good mic to record your narration

• Record narrations in a fairly quiet spot where you’ll be free from interruptions

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Recording a Narration

17) Record Narration-Test your mic levelsIn PPT, go to “Slide Show” “Record Narration” “Set microphone level” test your mic and make sure it’s registering properly. You may need to unmute the mic in the computer’s main sound controls:

In Windows, StartControl PanelSounds & Audio DevicesAudio (tab)sound

recording sectionVolume(takes you to Recording Control)make sure microphone is not muted and adjust levels if necessary.

-Start narrationSlideshowRecord NarrationOkay

This launches the slideshow view. You speak and click through the slides as appropriate for your pacing. When complete, push the “ESC” key. When prompted, save the timings as well as the narrations with each slide.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Save eBook & Printing18) Save this eBook to your U: drive again

– Call it the same name (“pirate_ebook”)

19) Printing (may not be appropriate for all ebooks, or only selected pages) [We’re not doing this now, but you might want to know for later.]– FilePrint– When the dialogue window appears:

» At bottom left under Print What, select Slides

» Set Color at either grayscale, black/white, or whatever you want

» Set Slides per Page: from 1-4 depending on how large you want the images & text areas

» Scaled to Fit Paper» Select Unframed (or framed) Slides

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University


20) Once an ebook is created, it can easily be shared:-post it on a website as a download-share via email-place it on a shared drive on the Mala server-save it on memory sticks-burn it on DVDs or CDs-other…..

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Great Work!

Congratulations: You have downloaded images from the Internet, used PPT’s clip-art, created an ebook & added narration. Give yourself a pat on

the back! Well done.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Feedback Form

Please take the time to complete my workshop feedback form. I take all your comments under advisement to

improve each workshop that I deliver for Malaspina & Faculty of Education classes.

Please do not put your name on the form—unless you would like me to follow-up with you regarding any

questions you might have had.

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University

Further questions?

Contact me:Julia Hengstler

Education Technology [email protected]

Days/Hours @ VIU: Wed/Thurs. 8:30-2:30Office: 356-223

Phone: 753-3245 x 2630EdTech Website:

EdTech Bits & Bytes ezine:

Julia Hengstler Faculty of Education Vancouver Island University