Build your Own Storage

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Transcript of Build your Own Storage

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage




    *FreeNASis a free and open-source softwarenetwork-attached storage(NAS) system based on

    FreeS!and the "FSfi#e system$%&t runs on commodity ' and *-bit +,hardware$

    %FreeNAS supports indows./S 0and1ni+c#ients and 2arious2irtua#i3ationhosts such as0enSer2erand 45wareusing the 6&FS. AF7. NFS. iS6S&. SS8. rsyncand F97:9F97protoco#s$

    "FS Fi#e System--------------------

    FreeNAS supports the #egacy 1ni+ Fi#e Systemand the "FSfi#esystem which pro2ides dataintegrity checking to pre2ent data corruption. enab#e point in time snapshotting.rep#icationand

    se2era# #e2e#s of redundancy inc#uding striping.mirroring.mirrored striping(RA&! ;

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    Snapshot:a read-on#y point-in-time copy of a fi#esystem$ Snapshots can be created ?uick#y and. if

    #itt#e data changes. new snapshots take up 2ery #itt#e space$ For e+amp#e. a snapshot where no fi#esha2e changed takes 5 of storage. but if you change a ; fi#e it wi## keep a copy of both the

    o#d and the new ; 2ersion$

    Clone:a writab#e copy of a snapshot which can on#y be created on the same "FS 2o#ume$

    Deduplication:the process of e#iminating dup#icate copies of data in order to sa2e space$ /nce

    dedup#icaton occurs. it can impro2e "FS performance as #ess data is written and stored$ 8owe2er.

    the process of dedup#icating the data is RA5 intensi2e and a genera# ru#e of thumb is RA5per 9 of storage to be dedup#icated$

    ZIL:("FS &ntent Gog) is effecti2e#y a fi#esystem Hourna# that manages writes$ 9he "&G is a

    temporary storage area for sync writes unti# they are written asynchronous#y to the "FS poo#$ &f the

    system has many sync writes. such as from a database ser2er. performance can be increased byadding a dedicated #og de2ice (s#og) using "FS 4o#ume 5anager$ &f the system has few sync writes.

    a s#og wi## not speed up writes to the poo#$



    & wi## be showing the insta##ation and configuration with an 45 with basic setup to show how it

    #ooks and how can you start the initia# setup$

    Steps >-

    ;) 6reating the 4irtua# 5achin

    & am mounting the &S/ image of FreeNAS @$;$;$ hich is the #atest one now$
  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    &t wi## automatica##y take FreeS! as the defau#t option$

    Since i am making this !oc for a !emo. & am naming it as an !emo 4m$( Iou can gi2e anything u

    want >)

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    Since my #aptop is not of high configuration. i am #ea2ing this defau#t$ Again depending on your

    ser2er. u can increase the resource and #ike the thumb ru#e says . the better the resource the betterperformance$

    9he reason we use *bit architecture is to get support RA5 more than *$ Since its a demo i am

    showing wi## ; of RA5$

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    Setting up the network for the 45$ After the insta##ation is comp#eted. we wou#d re?uire network

    connection to access FreeNAS from an another ser2er$

    Now. Gets create the 2irtua# hdd of $Note>- whi#e insta##ing i am creating on#y a sing#e 2irtua# dri2e of $

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    i2e a disk fi#e name>-

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    6omp#ete the creation of 45$

    Start the 45

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    And Hust #ike other #inu+ distribution . FreeNAS gi2es boot options

    Start insta##ation of FreeNas

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    Just fo##ow the simp#e instructions

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    &nsta##ation process wi## be started $

    And fina##y

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    9hen fina# reboot

    After restarted$ Iou wi## get the #ogin screen here$

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    /pen the browser and point to the ip of the insta##ed machin

    As the recommended first step . you need to change the password$

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    e#ow is where you ha2e to change

    Now you know the basic insta##aion of FreeNAS$ Get us try adding ' 2irtua# hard dri2es to thecurrent running FreeNas and create the storage space$ e#ow is the steps to add the 2irtua# harddisk

    to the 45$

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    & adding ' 2irtua# harddisks of ; each$

    Now you can see ' 2irtua# harddisks in 8ardware tab

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    /ther option which you need to know $$$$$

    Snapshot techno#ogy$ Gike a## other smb storage ser2er and other fi#ers. FreeNAS supports

    un#imited snapshots.

    Add the snapshot

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    For !R setup . we can ha2e rep#ication as we##

    Iou can #ogin to she## as we## and do a## the acti2ity which are done in 1&$$$$

  • 8/13/2019 Build your Own Storage


    e## since this is a beginnerKs guide i ha2e demonstrated the basic insta##aion part and ha2e gi2e you

    a basic info on the FreeNAS$ 8ope this guide he#ps you in your #earnings$ 8appy e+po#ring $$$>)

    Regards4adiraH Joish
