Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI...

fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO. 40. EASTER HAS GONE nnd left hehind lIew 5uilH, new halH, new of 'every kind, Did you tnke yotll ilhnrc'in Ihese locnl into If lIot, lhere is no 10 tOHe. Spring is here and New Suits nre In Order lTe:p lo fOlgcl "inler by dressing r or .the new season'- SE£ OUR RANGE OF SUITS AT S 13 TO S20, Bugs Green \ ... I /I

Transcript of Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI...

Page 1: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.


I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction

NO. 40.

EASTER HAS GONE nnd left hehind lIew 5uilH, new halH, new l!lg'~ of 'every kind, Did you tnke yotll ilhnrc'in Ihese locnl into pro\'e\1!elll~? If lIot, lhere is no li11l~ 10 tOHe. Spring is here and

• • New Suits nre In Order

lTe:p lo fOlgcl "inler by dressing r or .the new season'­





... I

• /I

Page 2: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.

0000000000000000 00 o o o

o '0 o o o

,0 o o

lJne Eternal Thing.

By R. B, SHELTEN. o 0----1 o Copyrighted, 1009, by Aslloclated o Literary Press. 0 000000000000000000

Tbe Hslling wns bud. Eh:en tile jlldge, who bod whipped tbe pools nlong the Little Beaver tor yeurs, could member n dny wben tbe trout bud~lla-' nored tbe tempting Illes so ·persl.slent< Iy nnd nnnoyingly. ~Vucn they gntbered,on the bnnk or

the stream for lunch-tbe judge, tho blsho[) nnd tho bnnker~thll subject or IJslllng, nrter n few tnrt ~cmllrks by tile judge nnd the bnnker wblcb mnde the bishop elevnle his eyebrows In mlill reproof, was'tnctfully lI\'olded.

So engel' "" CI e tbey not to mcntion or e,'ell tblnk ot tbose mlsclnble trout thnt they 'tnlked at everything, nllY' thing, lind finnlly tho couIClsntiOIJ drilled Into un uDebnrtell channel.

"ltomonce," snld tbe judgo dlctll' torlllUy, tnklng up 0 remnrk or, the bnul(cr, "Is Ilend. ~'hcro Is no room tor It In tbls bustling nge. It hos gone the WilY or sentlmeut nnd old tlmo , courtcsy and tbe gentlemen of the old school."

~ "Oood rlddunce to It," snld the bonker Inzlly. "Let It go. It hns given wny to better tblngs-good borso sense, for Instnnce."

'.rho bishop looked nt the purling wn­ter. ITe wns n gray hulred mnn, wIth Idndly eyes nnd tho most wlonlng smile. ITe wns dmlllng now as he turned to tho two mcn.

"Yoll nre both wroog," snld he, wIth deep com Ictlon. "Romnnce Is eternnl! You cnn't kill It with n club or with hustle. Bnt, or course, yon two would IlOt 1lI1lliit It even It you Hnw It."

Tbc judge' brlstlcd •• Tbe bnnker roused himself, nnll bls plpo glo" cd like n blnst fur unce.

II nOOla nce," cnr,ctullY Iin:ple.nso.nf,.em

THE QUEER RUSSIANS. They Are KIndly and Cruel at Ono and

the Samo T,mo. No one cnn, be long n~soclRted with

Russians "ltbolll r~uciling U condition or IIltel nnlllzl'meut ut the extrnor­dlnary IIICOIl81.tl·nc$ of tbclr'menrnl mnkeup 'l'he khltllrst of men to Iccehe pllultlly the 1Il0st blood curdling doctrlllc~ '1'hc~ enrolce the cruelest of III\IS III ttll' gClltlcHI lIllY, 01 "Iee ,ersn An odd lule IIluNtrnllng their queer 1111'.15 of dl.,lplino Is told by n rt'~ol\ltlllnl"t \\ ho hnA just COlllO to this countlY II\' tho"" "ho ought

Is the best -remedy knOwn for lunburn. beat. rashes, eC%ema sore feet., stinss an;t blisters. A skin food I

to I<now It Is snit! to be t~plcnl ot n _________ _ 'l'he 'young mii,ii:jini'IIii(l; ;~j~~~~{;~~tr:::~jl~}~~~l~~~~~~~~;:!~.~to"utl,ulI'''1 the camp at tbe (OlrK!I.': ·.~~~·tl2~t~I'r~~!j·;rl~~~~t~~fY~~~~~~ 'rbls Is not!IOl)en,,;.i ..,.;, .... , ulng pal~en~ts';',o ,.u""I~ ",Itb::'bl

_Iugulnr ~ll1ll'lIllt$ of mimI which Is Mother Was Present. also suld to be IlPrllllur to th!! Hus·

TL WIIS tho 111"( tllll!' In thrce do}'" sill liS. ~ thnt MIS Vell Hoch hud S('ulI 1"'1

A follollor of '1'"lsloy \\,118 cnltt'l1 on ClllldlCll, 80 1I1111l0,ons lIe'e hel sOClll1 ra t~, bothering ~U~U.' IIlUI ry ~ollle one else.

"lrreguIur, 1lI0!srt~~1~~'!~~~:;~~~' bishop. "I hll\'o n IlIg ~oullie In my c' cr:" he "cut on ,Q.IICIKIY the blunll eX(lresslon t" a fnces, "tbnt IIIny not II ct. Explllln, ~CIY brletly. tho clrcuIDISUllic!cs' bn 1'0 ImluctoU yon

tor mlllbll Y SNI Icc Ile (Ireson ted cnglll{emelltH hhllself 10 thp '''1111 oUltels. os rcqllir 'Mtll""." naked I.lt\e !tuth n~ I"'r c(\, onll l'~lllulLwd Ihul he could not I\lOtlWI took! Il!'r up III It '" 111111" fOl Il Borl'C bectlu o ,. ot hl~ hpllcf!!., kl"" "on II hilt rillY 1\ flR I hOi II ~ ,

"Ah," ~t1I11 the ulll('('r In chorgc po- "011 'l'hllrs<ltly, delll," slIul Ihe y, "bnt ~ou ulltlmstnml thllt this ,lllolhOl

n1l'nns IIllson?" ~ I "WlISI1't tl.,,! fOllllllnlt·'" .eph,.! Ilw "Of course" llLilt' gill "h"CII.'"e Ih.,L'. '-Illll d IV

"\'ou will be SPlit" ronti!lllell the of. hOl1lo "-1'10111 "SIlCCP~H lIfngllzlllt· '

IIcrr. "to the 'CIIUPn"U~," nnmlng n \\'nrl1l~ c~u"r f.PlillilH'~' IIIHI roh pl'lson of iWPlltlful repule "l'he gunrd llll' IIIfunl uf .!t".p, thl' Cit III 1I1lIHl.h­will hnl(! to stnrt ot ollce Wltlr~oll" I'r Mllth, r (,I1II"S' W<II1Il l~xl"lnllll-

He tlllllPII to sel ('rnl other otllc('rs III or 11'111 clelll llw sllllllllch Inti Intl's­lind <1lsclIss~tl the mnltrr or the gllnrd tllle. IIl1d reslulU. hUlIlthlulnc"" tor n fell millutes. 'j'ben be hn(\ u bnl'PY thought. '"'' h\' ~plJ(l n gUllrd nt nil'/" he slIld

.IYou," lnrnln~ to th~ ,'"oung mnn-",·ou I'n n find 1 <Jur 1\ ny tbere nlone, cao't fO U?" u\,~~ It

"Well, thpn, thot sn~cs 0 lot of trou ble" 1'~1 In hllQd the otll< ('rs Ilrllj!htNI So they 'Hall! him n ('oreful ~tpr 01 Int O{HI{·tlon to the gO'Nuor ot the prl~on, esplllllllllg tllllt thp blurpr \\OS

to bp lockNI IIp liS SOOIl liS be nrrh cd In n Dlost unpl("n"lIllt cell

'''l'lInt's nil right." thpy SIIItI In grt'nt lliitlsfllctlon "We hope your journey

be too tiresome" And they pllrt. cd th grent cordlullty.

"On( half lhp. '"'' 1<1 dop', 1101 know 11011' Ille olht'l hnlf I",·s •

"W •• II It IS glllt.l\ Illg 10 IIIIuk tllIll onn hull of tI,,· lIo.11i II11Clld~ 10 lts ()\\ 11 bllS'lIle~!\ '-l'up)\

DOII't I'XPf'lll'H'nt w.tll III1HIIII,fnc­IOl~ S\lu~tltlllt'~ Wti"IJII'S 1'1)' T'lltis lull 1II1111~ lillie,; IIIllle lIoll,;c II"" Lhull allY aLhel knowlI IItlete :J

.. \,1' you tI .. • IIII1.tel of UII~ hOIl""?" /lsked II 1"". g"I, lid 1L~"glllg Iliu l(1t11),{ IIllllllNI mlLll "No, 1I

RUt1 lht.! yOllng 1111111, l\lth Il <Ilep slgh "l\ly IIlfr lllL" jl1Ht put 1111' IIIlteLcr III Lhe Cl ntlle "-Scotllsll AI\1Cllenll Tbe young mnll did ns he was told

lind Is now In prison '1'IIe chn ncp"_ lire probably evcn lbllt he nnd thp gOY Minard'. Liniment, Lumbermao', ernor \\111 become sincere frll'nds or F'lend, thnt nn order to put him to d(lnth II III IIrrll"c and be c;:ccuted In the 8nm~ It Wasn't Patriotism Impersonnl, eminently HUBsinn :Illlnll9r I "Alc lOll going nbron(\ tbls sum--New York '.flmes. J tIIel '/" 'I ''''0 George says he wnnts ns to

fled Ger.n'lums. know sonll!thlng nbout onr 011'11 COUll-Chnrles Dickens was extremelv tond tl y Lt"ron.l \\" go II brond lignin ..

of red gernnlums. It go, 0 111'01 tlle' ':?eolgo tIIust be getting ecollomlc­greatest pleosnre to sec thcUl In tho 01. wlndowR, for he snld thnt It mnde Cleu "1'hnt's It "-Clevelond Plnlll Denier

the (1001 est home look cheerful, Had to Got Close. Th" Thermometer, ·'W'h~ nro ~ 011 get ling so close to me,

lsnno Newton cxpcrlmenhll wltb ~Ir Duggins?" snW the fCllllllc yolco It!be'tlJcrllllo"nii'tcr; but bls scnte "ns not fro 111 the sorn In the dill k [llllior.

fIe nlso IIrOposcd to UHC "lin. I "Becnuse 1 cUllle to sec you," was Instcnd ot 0 leo hoi lIIeltIn~ the l'eply of the tunic volec.

t e. U.,." I I .. t" the hent of the hUll10n hody • 'cos, ,now, uU -ex'trolllE!S of heut ond cold. "I'm nenrslghtcd, you know."-

Yonkers StntesUlnn.

T",~ee'l!blef. fens.lts during ," hlCll,the Just the Color, holldnys lire I huso Jokesmllll-'1:hllt's n slIrenstlc editor

!~~l,~~~~j~~~!~~~~~~~]::~~ moon nml tbo lenr on thut comic [lllper. 1 submitted ISOIl1O jolws "lltlcn on grny 1I0pm'

•~~,~lli~:t~]~tHl~i~\~~1~~~~~]'~~i1i~~~~~);t~E Races. Poet-DI{1 he mnlm OilY cqlllmell~ ,'!}"e~lcl(l"desCllbc" n bont Jol,csmllh-Ycs He snld they "PrO 1\;;;~r.;',~;r~.;J;~;~ tonr Trojull gllileys. lIlId so olll they were tUl'lllllg grny -Ilous-

'';~'Mi!t~&~~i~t,~Jf~?r~~;~JnU.U'·i\.''-'II'''''w' " Is at Hullnn Ollgln. ~tOD Post. ,; to show \till t 'I '

on the Nile I'ery Torrlble Canclor. ElgypUlln hlatol y, "Whnt IIUlt (If illY book dill you most .;....===_..,..,-,- ("lljOY?" uskld the nuthorcUe 118 sho

,~~r:~s~rlrl'n .. .: brushed Iwr hn Ir 01'01' hl'r (!nIB . . dIJstrlbIJUon;'!Jf In the I And uftcl' n 1lI01\1Cnt'B leOoction 1II[9S

ell' enlle lIIIS\\ CII'II ~ I ... 1: be cO'I'r design." - Wllshlngton


hns mnny victims, but tcamftten nnll horse ow lIers C"poCIlIlly ,ul. ler irom its nnnoyunCB. Look at the nbove cut lInd notice how block the front of the hnnd Is nnd how the finger nulls Rnd Joints on the bock ore lIIgrnlned "1 th blnckncss "I.hut woo',

off " L I FE Is KlIuran·

1I0t 10 billcleon the hund, lISlng or nll.erwurd ••

the horde., It soft and .. porfectl1

1ft not stlO· grc"lsj :.'hilrnARR need no\

':'~'~IUU per Ol\,llon,

Page 3: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.


Author or A BroK@n Ro .. ,.,." The Pri nco Cha p II:I&.


To the SUSlllclollN nd,enturcr tbe n at lI~tloll '"ot hIs host wns Illosl (leculllr for" Ithout ex pllln II(0n he closed nnd cnre­

fullv loclted the doO� Hlchnld s n~ prehClslol1s "ele rellevctl hOIVe,er "hen AIr nen" l ck Ilroduced n de­cnnter nnll clglll H lIghtCil hIs 0\\ u por teclo lind then Iny bnclt In hIs deop (ellther chllir lind Inugl cd till 1110 tenrs rnn dOli n hIs rllco I ha m) stlfied 1 ex nn smokod all In polito silence pn tlontly wnltlng ror ROil" explnnntlon ot tho old mnll II hUlllor flo could \Volt quietI) sInce It "118 evIdent trom Mr Itenw)cks ""ullomnt joy Unt nIchllrd hnd nolblng perRounll, to ronr -thnt hIs BCClct \\ 118 stilI hIs own. After 0 time hIs host" Iped hIs eYOB wIth lis h IIldlterchlcf nnd lI\lologlzeu tor hIs merrhl Ol1t \

I"orglvo me Lord Croylnnd ho begged btl t to Ipl1 lOll tbo tru th I ju.t cnll t help It. \Il'nlrs In Tex liS RIC not only drlftlllg my \I ay but tho w~lo sltllnllon hilS become Illlensll-Iy hUlDorons \\ hl It Is II

pIny Old DIll \\ 1I1111111B replosell trllgelly my cornflOny "III shortly ply mclodrlll11n "bllo n thh d COl'1l0,rn­tlon hnB np(lenrod 011 tbo stnge nnd Is turnlallng bolll silles wllh comedy Let 1110 Ox plaIn '

Do so I heg you mllllllUied Rlcb IIrd strl\1ng/ not to look ns un com tOI tnble liS ho nlwnl S telt \\ hen tbls Tcxus huslness cnmo IIJl ] be fioon clor Inughcd lignIn lind pi oceedcll

As ( told ~Oll betoro Bill Wllllnms company Is "orldng tor 0 uccp "n ter llllrbor nt Mntngorda Olty \\ bll" my COI11PfUlY Is equlily nnxlous to opernlo lit LOlIgmRtt. 'cry "ell Now listen I lenrned toduy' thnt n now corporu tloll \Ins orgllnlzm\ Inst month tho (OW8 of tho stnto at N~"';, .• ll"r."" :wb(cb styles Itselt tho Pence n WllI Ronlty compnny rbl .. I':'''''''·~I'' Tllo very namo will kill It Ing stnge

• Wbo nro illicit ot t1JIS!'t~~i:~~.~f~[I;~·1 .8ke~ Rlcllnrd grently: tbls now tlO\ olollmont.

I don t .0 DslJnmetl

night In wluch he IV \8 betrayed wer"l THE I pray not for the world but fOl •

tho~e wholll thou hast given me (J ohn xvu 9) Our Lord II as the greal

SUNDAY SC exemplllr for all of Ins followers whe LESSON nrc exhorted to w IIlk In Ius footsteps If he prnyed not for the "orld nel ther should we

JULY 4 1909

But whnt 18 the pllliosophy of th'Sf Did not Jesus love tho "orld? Yes veTily he so loved the \lorld as to 15-Mcmory Ver ••• dlA for us willie 'Ie were yet slnncrs Toxt Acts XVI 9~ommenlary ~_,~-'c

Iy then did he not pmy lor those pareel by Rov 0 M St. n. II hom he loved und for whom he died? ar We IIns\\ or becuuse It IS not tI t! D I (Cop)rlght 1m by AII.rlcnn I ms A,,,,elaUon ]

Ie Plan to suve people by prn) IIlg Wben \\e lett thIs \\on'tlcrCul story but ns the Apostle declur ,

cnBed God II nt through tho 10f lhe conUnlal1 llolnJS nlH1 t~nchlng "~~J~~:~'"1i of the Cro~s of Christ be of tlle nsc~ndel1 r ord by flIs SpIrit Ii should bo Mveel tho Igh this through Bls serH nts n fcw \\celts

rae IIlny seem foolish to tI e \t0r!d ogo \\0 snw Pllul lind Bnlllflbls nnll God hos mude u greut plm 01

wl11ch cventullIy WIll rench others li!nchlng nm1 111 cuchlng Lho ·wnnle "orld of mUllkllld-cvory word of the I 01(1 It . .A Illoch (x\ SU)

crcllture He does not need lhereforo Now \\(! IIle to hnl c nl C cOllsecntho thnL oaher our Lord Jesus or we lessons on luul s second IIlsslonury should pmy for the world for he hns journey ns Iccord II In cllI pters xvi every nrr tngcmcnL mlldc on lhClr be hnll tI nL Love nnd Jushee could pro XI III but we IIlIC sam Ilellllllnnrles VIde The lime lor blesslIIg the II arid In the ClosIng I CI ses of ch pter XI hng not yet come Some eIlilstlnns nr" te IIpt"d to thlnle

The present IS tho lnne (or blesslIlg thnt God cnn 01 I, usc perrect pcople the Church behevers who Ufe now llod \\ hlle tbcl RI e 1001 II g tor such Q.f betnll culled ~uL of the \ orld-to fiepn wnltlng to t. come sucb tllcmselves rnte lhemseh Os liS Goy 8 peeullllr peo souls nrc perishIng Cor Inclt of somo pIe It W liS for thl'se thut J cSUS rrtly klm1 of n 11010 to holU I P the brnz\lD cd nnd for thesc there(ol'lJ IVe fol lOlling lIS oxnmple shoul I prny sOlpont tbllt the perlahllg mill HOC thl) Their nmlctll! IS lire IllS 11m ctlOns BCfl1ent not the pole nnd III e 1 sup nnd Iwnel' our 11m clio 18 bccause If pose thnt In cOIIsl1ellngtlls recorll of one mcmber of tho Body of ClmsL tbo qUnt leI botll een [llul nnd 13nrnn slIffer .. II th~ other II (!mb~r" surrer bns concerning John ~IRllt some would

~""n,,_-,I "Ith It Hence I s tho \ postle All, a tnl,o one sIde IIUll 801110 tho other but wo should pray one for tho 0 her liS tho Lord 0\ cllul, 1 It to send out fotlr well ns lubor 10 nSSlsL ~lIch other nnd lo huild one nnother up in tho mIssIon Irles InsLentl of t\\O nntl He most hoi} fmth for thiS IS tho II III of 10led tbem nil II spite of thell sIns God q 1118 IS the (lilln of Gou-thnt nm1 tloulltl~ss blessed the I J ns the~ dl rll g the present .ge tho EI cL cluss wcnt fOlth II nls 11111)0 I nul Illd SillS shonlt! be cnlled nnt! tosted nnd ehos through S, rln 111111 elllcln nnLl IJllInn en In order thllt trI the next age lhoy bns nnll Mnllt to (JJ I'lS With Chust 111 IllS Mlllelll lid l{lIlg If Pnul pnssNI tin ollgh Tnrsus on dom mnv be lho diVine IIgeney (or hIs II ny to DCIlJe IIUlI r lstm Lho ICC ~~:~t1~lessmg of 1111 tho flltllilltes of the ord does not Sl 0 lIt of hIs III onchlng

WI y shollid wo not prny for the thm e Bo sec II s to Itn \ e IJresse(l all COllVer"101I of our fn/tlliles nnd nClgh to DClbo his fnrthest poInt 011 hIs nlst bors nnd lrif!lllis? Because It IS not tour nm1 then to I Jstlll "hele he hnd lor liS to nsJt the lord lo BoleeL uc been stouod to dc Ith 110 n thellce he cordmg to our judgment thoso \I ho toolt llmothy who lint! I 1I0wn tilO shllll be of IllS elect liLLie Flock IllS ScrIpt Ires Crom hIs chlldhoou hnlll g Bnde clllss DivlI1e n les nrc III oper been w ell tnug,ht both bl 1I1s motllot nllon nml It IS for us to and bls PIli dmothel (11 I1m I (j til WIth them We mllY tell the ., I II1gs to our frlOnds nCighbors 15) bo lint! pOMslhly \1 Ilucssccl the hes \10 III lY exemplify the Gospel stonIng ot Paul lIud hIs cturn to lite our dluly I1\e8 IIml th IS brmg to beur snd It ».lny hlllO loll Lo lIs eon\C1Sl011 upon O\1r fllends II c tlllngs of tho or to n 11101 e dechlru stn IU tOI Chi 1st h uth \11101 God 111 S ordllined shllll £'oul calls 111m n y own son III tho be the slllcllf~ Ilg POWCl- SlIlIclify fnltb (1 rIm I ~) ns If he had been thorn through the trllth thy Word IS glle Instl umcllt II Il'ndllg hIm to rruth "" t C I We mny however nsk of the lord Il, .st On Lhe IlIluolp t! 0 I 01 x: WIsdom lind gruce 'lher.by \Ie muy 20 Pnul hnl lIn 01 cUlllclsod for tbp presenL 1115 message f IIlh(ully ns Ius snllO of \\ Innlllg the ell cUlllclsed to ambnssndors nnd whereby we mil, be Cbllst lIut not Ihnt he Cor OliO U1oll1en~ more Bnd n ore litllll1ng lind sllllmg thougbt c!rcumclsloll esse Ilh I to snl IIghLs nnd hVlIlg epistles kno\ln nnd \nllon (Gnl I 0 II 1I:i) I hnlo Ilever re 1(1 of lhe dear frlel1ds \I hom 1\0 been ollIe to unuelSLlIllU \I hJ t\lentl would love to serve III d to b lIIg to two l eRIS ngo tile r m] lell mo II to tl

hllll Wo mlghL nRk (or the chulcll USlllg n IIlurgl 1I1ll1 nsl(ed lIl0 lord oppor tUlllt Irllli to submIt to 11011111 g n go\\n ul11es8 lind Iorc! Bo dIu so Lbnt lIe IIIIJltt thus lenell

thl t some \\ Ilh tile sllD(lllclt, of tlla gos IIml pel nnd llHl gl01101l9 lIull s of the ling

dOlll nlld tile second COli IllS of OIirlst who mlgllt not olilel \\ Ise hn ve beon rOllched IIls Sr.I \ Icc Is (leI lcet flee­(Jom nn(J \\ e ought to be willIng to .ubml~ to IIllllllng 1II1l whele nny 1I0w If ollly He mil thus bo glor Illell

As Ibey pusscd flom plnce to pIneo believers \1 ere 1II0re nrmly eatnb

Usllod (by tho \\ Old [Jrcnched no dou,bt) anll tllo numbO! of them In erenseil tbe LOI d ulIIulfeslll \\ orklnl:! wltb thom \Vllh n IIInp of Asln MI nor, \I hleh (s necessnrl III lhls sludl

seo tillt- bin IuS (lnssod "ell thl:ouigil r tue pro\ Inces to tho \I est

~o~~~:,~!li~~~:~~!;i:U fotlildden nt tbllt lime to (oto 1I e prO\ Inco ot Aslo suffored to go north Into

Sph It hnllng Ells 0\\ II It should Ilo Ollr IIhn

\ 0 In tlle will null purpose ot nnll rely u(lon Ps xxxII 8 Isl1 21 3:lvllI 11 III the muttet' ot

guldnnce tor \\ hn t SCCIPS to us good nod wIse nnd for the glolY or God mny

ll1l~:lno,t be Bls wny ror liS just then no rOI~eiils. or slluls ns seems best to nlm

belrieclic'I;;~;',-:-: sl lIlllly d \I clI with Ellm for und lleltl to [1\111 thnt ITe

~~iLh'nv ro.,.I, und Ihrough ns nls good '(,I,.n,,,,, 23 Phil II 13

Page 4: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.



Groce; z'es.

Y' and Sell for You


May hu cUlllmlted nor), Thnrsdny, l'''rlllny nnd SaLurlhiYt ll'or dolO or 110:1.10 vl!lt t.u Trohoruo

n(ldro8M box 2-&·11 Urnuc.lon ~ ~


,. /

, "

Page 5: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.

-------- _.$- - - •

. 04 ••. · •• · .... ~O· ••• ·.·4~ •.••• 4 ..... ~.9 •• ~~ ....................... ',,::·,.,:;(;t':

in Good Shoes,

Children's Shoes· ell itt! "f.!O'" Sho,,~ :1l'C "Ill: 01 Ol'r

.r._--" Ul'sl spcciah ICS, \\'e feci th:, ~~."t1~ \1 e might as wl'll he oul of hnsi­

ness. as offend the lit tic folks hy

TR.BI1ERNE'S BIG .. ~.4~.~ .. ' •.•. : ..... O .....

'h)t ca, rying' }lObby little shoes e ... '.:\:,~.;.!':'~

1'0" them .\\1 colors tlml widths in the III Nil popular Icalhe, at pi ice~ thaI 1ll.lke your pocket 1.IIlgh . . • . . . "ac. l,) !/:!.oo

FREE; We give n "icc pencll.box noaa with each pair 0: School Shoes.

_TREHERNE i LI:.ATHER HOUSE : ~ •••••••••• e •••••• ".

.. I

. ,

Page 6: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.

Aristocrat I n the Empire

STILL ANOTHER EMPIRE father 01 the mfant Emperor

who IS achng ns Regt!ut SOl S InmoTltv IS domg

abolish tl c dlstlollctlons be tw'eiin the Manchus and the Chmese Until now the Manchus th It IS to

tho conquci ng rucc to A 11Ich e rellllllug dynasty belO! sa I 0\ c

;;~~~~~~~.,t~~~~1~:[~l'1;!~~~;~~}~~~S,t~8\':1 nJo~ed all sorts 01 specml privilege-before tho la\\ now nil WIll be troal od alike Should tim rege It cnrr) nto effect h 9 lIltentlOu of betroth

illS his sbu the three yellr old em oeror to a \ mllulen of PUI c ClllneR" blood probably either a daughter or "rnnddaughter of Chill' R Hal) Duke instead 01 to one of the Mlln 011\1 prmcesses [rom Vi hom the man ~rch S consorts IHlve until nO\~ been -hosen ho Will havo mnde a long 1tcp to\mrd leconellmg tho bulk 0'1 1I e CIlIncBc people to the ra gnll I! Iy nnsty and toward obhtcrat I g IhC' 'lntllgolllsm lhllt eXlBts between the 'Jhlllcse nnd the Mllnchus

1 he Holy Dulll) IS full) nl vc to he nd\ nl tnges of relorm A moll

nbout fitLy yenrs of ago nnd sevenlY sixth III unbroken descent III the malo Inc Irom ConfucIUs 10 may bo regnrded ns lhe IlOsl blue blood ld noble 111 lho world tho more so

he IS sllU in possessIOn of lh In,"'"'r' proporly wInch bolonged to lhe IlluslrlouB fOllndor of IllS hOllso moro than lhreo thousllnd yenrs ngo hal s to sny some lwelve centUr1CF

boforo lho birth of CI rlst TI e pro nerty IS sltunted 111 lhe province of Shan lung Ilnd It comprises lhe tomb of ConfucIus al K) fll and IllS real dence The duke IS very r ch 5 llC~ ench ~CncmtlOl1 01 emperors 0111110"0 as wc1I as Manchu 1 ns I!lVlshed ~lrtB upon tJ e Holy Duke of Its dn, ThiS one s nnme IS Kung T IIlgl llnl IS to soy Duke Ll1Igl nnd 11IR 01 flcrnl dllslgnnllOn IS Shol1g KIII1I! \I hlCh means Holy Duke He IS a lllll heavy fnced Chlllnmnn of somewhat massive bUild wlLl n rnthcr mnJostlc. presenco nnd n 1I00d humorod fnce the moulh lIlel ne 1 to

rll'.l1e"'1 lllughter nn<L..,in keeplllg WIt! lhe s~~c~I~!(~~!~':':~:l~~ 6hl ewd cheery eyes Though ro

gardeil as a snlllt he IS a very Jovlnl SDlm't, and extremely fond of a1l lhe

lle:cept(~(1 Dluc:n thlllgs of IIle Every now Ilnd ,C()lII:!!O;: ho VISits PelclIl whero he IS rc

ImposlIlg honors nnd on ho docs not, thsdnlll



Col Owen Thomas Wr tes of Britain S

Little Known Possess on on the Enst Coast of tho Dark Cont nent -Slnver and Missionary Has Opened Up the Land But Travel mg Is Difficult

~Il Onental proverb hilS Il thll~ lIeekOls nflor Honvell not ,n[requenl ly II ISS 1 nrntllBe BllyS Col OWOIl 1 homns III 1 be Stu,lIdllrd of Emplr<! "hothar tl e stntolllent be sound thoology or 110 I Will 110t SUI 111180 but nt lellJlt 1I 0 sonti mont seems nppropnate \\ hen Vi h 10

sottlement III Afncn IS the 51 bJec~ UI del diSCUSSIon for 111 Ihat groll~ contlllont mllny gOllls Illvo lured tho Engl sh nlln mony I 1 Dorudos hnvu 81 ow n for Illn II fieotlllg pt nornnl! South Afncn No th \frlCIl 11111 tho pOisonous \\ cst Ihe lIlystonons Con trnl (hstrlcts-llllrnclive by Ii e VOl y Ullcertll I ty n \I 11I~h (hst,nce lind sllonc3 1111 ve ,1Ikc \ rapped their wellith-cach nits 1\If I hus Ct lled nCloss lho Bens to II 0 Br lIsh pIOneer nnd IllS renpod lIs hllrv sl n cun q 101 ed nlltt ro oxtendo I I II\lIre nnd nnrrow grn vos

Beclluse on tho bones of 1I 0 1 n!; I sh li 0 I ngl sh To Illg IS Slll~ ad No 1111111 \lho log lids OVUlS" 1 Set

UmtleJlt n8 I logllrd t regrets U b\ es Iud dow I by thesa a Ifthl) HellVCl Boekers It \IIlS Ilnd IS IIml "Ill be pnrt o[ lhe 11Istory IlIllklllg of all I eoplo but I do mlirvel some tlln09 UtlLt RO fe\\ hnvo IIInl kod OUI htllo l'UrtldlRC lWIlY 10 th C 1St whoro the TlIlllnl1 OCOIII Inps n \lldo ne v Illld of 111111110 prom ISO

And now to hft very I ghlly nnd olely II corllor of tI c 011 rttl! I tha~

tho real Brillsh } nst \[rlca [rom the comprehenslol of tho BrilonR of tho Emplro I \t LI e ollHet 01 Ellro pelln VlsltatlOl1 tho wi ole I Ilst COllst of Afrlcn sooms to hnve been II1ll1nly rogm led as menl" 10 III end 1 ho first lortuglloso govorno of J.fo II bllsn \Ins nppo IIled III 15£2 nul lho er I of Portuguese cOlltrol lilly be smd 1.0 hove co III U lied till 1129 COliS den If,( tho dl r Iliun o[ lhls oc cupntwll tho l t IIIgl ble results wero remnritllhly fow M osiem lulo 101 10 \ od und listed Will varIOus ups III d dOlI I1S \II to the 11fl t 1110 of the PlO80llt IlCnOrnl101l \11 on tho cxplorl tlon 01 Centml \lr ell I lid tho nctlv lies of Ch Islim II ISS OllllrleS all lho onu hnnd Ilnd slnvo de Ilers on tho othor begm to I roct nttentlon to tillS gront country 1)lIIg bot\\ocn Lhe IndlRI OCOI I Ilnd the IHg Inil08 I ho pm tltlO 1 of lIst UrlCIl nlld tho oponing o[ tho \ I ole oren dIes It Olll tI e grnnt of n chnrter 01 \Ilcorporn lIOn to n Ger linn call PIlIlY 111 .... 1885 1hreo )ollrs Inlcl the Impenal DnlJsh Enst \lrlCIl Call pllny \\lIS hkewlso ostnbhshod by ROYIlI Oh lrtor nnd lustory beglln III tho Emplru SOl se '1 ho first rnll of lhe so e ,Iled Uglll1 d, Rnlh ny (of \I h eh not 0110 ynrd IS III Ugllndll) wnB Inld 11 189u tho ProfctornlC I lV ng II e I1IWllllo becn ostll 1I8hod ll11d len 584 111108 101leh cd all plotlOn nL tho cnd rf 1901 \Ire Hly recclpts lur 011\\0 gh ex pOJl(hture though It IIIIISt bo so no porhaps mnny yonrs 1 e[oro tho enrl tal expend I tu ro 111 \HI LtOll off

These few \lords about tho railway may suggest a countl y of modern COl1VOIllOnCC In lravel but thnt IS slill Ilnd Will 10llg be "'nn UI rOI I zod dream Tho 111( 111 IIna ...rUI s from

bORIl to Taka VlCtorlU Nynnzn trnvorslI1g III Ita course onch St cces SIVO belt of tho Protectomte but lin medlnloly lhe traveler or sottler gets nViay II on thnt ono Iron road ho fnlls bncl( upon Sllfllrl ns 10 dRYS o[ yore BU[lIn lel It bo understood is lhe S\\ nlllh cxpreBSIO 1 for lhe traveling enlllp lifo Ilmld prllnevlll forests nnd along untrodden ~t etcl es of pllthlo~s wilds peopled only by th(' wluspcrlng mOIllOrll!8 of prlnll

~f~~~i~!~:~:~r!lkir~~:~~i(f;,\J~'v~;():wm~:n~n; For EnsL Afrlen ii· tho big gamo [rom

leopnrds no., ... ro,s. buffalo

i J)I)Of)otmn us Ilnd and 11

t tho

Page 7: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.

.. t

of being a mono­lonous drudgery becomes a labour of love when SunU&ht hclpA you Remember-Sua-

lIa:ht docs all the work, at half the cost and In half the time o. otber


, A Broad Discrimination

1 here HI 1m • IdOl 01 II c'rlalll ohllreh 1111 t3Lnti \1 ho tIIlUI(K thnt LII1J1gs U ouly llIlif d)ll( 01 1101 \1111 stlu tod In \I Inch lle hus lin volel \t,n IJllljel IIlCCllllJ,l ho offl red thllilim 101 lilt Hule! If IUIII fro II Ih'll vile It I< n of tho IIUII IHlm IIlld hlri II II. \\ ILh pi OJlel lllg lilt) IUld In nloul \Olce ho B HI 0 J olcl, \\e thullk Ihoe for bJlII!pg nUl pl1M!)r sule hOlllo IUIlI III~ deul \I Ih Loo 0 I orll 101 I hOIl Jln SCI VI at IUUII nnd uellst -Success l\fllgU~lI1C

An Always Roady Pill - ro those 01 regullir Iud It melIJclllc IS of htlle COil CIIII l.Jllt the gro nt rnuJolll~ of lIIell uro not 01 regulllr hublt ] he nnd cureR of I.UBllICSS prevent It II

out 01 Ihe lrlCgUlllfity of hI. comCB , dy~p pRill IlIdlgc~tJOIi liver lind 1(1t!

lIey troullics ILK 11 plolest down systum demllnds II lind till re IS 1I0lle uetlor thl1l1 l'lIrme Icc s V~l!utllble l'llIll ~ hey Ole 8un (lit III their composllloll I1IHI Clln III lultcll b~ thl!. most t1ehclLtely COll8tl tuted

Sh,,- Do YOIl hollevc cottnge?

lIo-Do you upllevc -"'--"'--

The Many Trial. of the Is Advised

rber~ nre some women "bo gil 0 till Ir fl II lids

--"' -How a Frenchman Won Out by a

Show of Force


• A show of force IS ollen the best lund of (hplomncy A wrltcr 10 u Pllns newspnper tolls n story of tho ["rench Admlrnl Dupclll-Thounrs wllo hud becn enlrusled with the 1lllSSl0n


ILL HEALTH of eXllctlll!; repnrllllon from nn Aftl can bey who hud lIIs11ltcd u Frclleh consul. As Dupetll Thounrs demllids were slIpporLeiJ by tho lorcelul nrgu ment of londed cannon the bey ncknowledgcd thut he hud been loo hnsly nnd proffered profuse upologlCB He even lIIvllod lhe IIdlll1rul to hiS table lind hlld n sumptuous repnst

Charles Dayon suffered from en Iy youth bllt the Old Rei able KIdney Remedy banished hiS Ills lind

name 01 prepured for IllS guest The consul style II Ith "nrned the udmHul to be on Ins

nfter.! succeeded guurd t!~,~~'~l'i~~:~1 rdll nrll VI , • the bey IS JIlchned to be mnll

01105e:s N IIsll eourt hand '~I~~n~:;~~:~~~~lclOus sllld he, 1111(.\ \1 hen he strokes 01 W rltmg u his benrd nnd snllIes you muy be Bure \ Wntmg wns thut he IS concocting some nllscluel' \lestern 11ulIonso We shull sce, "US DupeUL-Thou ellrly l'hoelllClnn ern From nrs reply PhocmclOns the Greek roninns "nm.,\1 Ho reuched the bey s pnlnce 10 ad theIr nlphllbet ns mdeed good lime Profuse cOlllplunents WId oth-er nllllons of the world sululnllon. \I ere exchungcd- All nt mcwn. themselves hnd once the tho ndllllrni s 100L met some Eg) phlln hwrllllc or pnestly slylc salt hairy substnncc Iymg on the which differed from the lueroglypluc carpeL undcr the bible He bent down nnd the populnr nnd wns IUld Sln~ n huge lion showing Ius for fOI officlOl lind sncred nudable teeth I he bey swlcd IUld very ,\ ord alphnbet comes stroked his beard l'hoclllcIun 'alnfn" nnd Duprotlt Thounrs did not WlDca Imt mellnmg n nnd' b ' cnUed Ius drngollll\ll

thorclUghl)'1 IiJeogrnplllc ns opposed 'to phonehc My pistols was 1\11 ho sUld W\ltlllg stIll to some extent »ICVlllls 'l'ho servnnt snlutcd rotued /lDd \11 tho C1llnose, who ulso use lhe brought bllek u plnr of plslols on a phonetiC method common to the He Silver trn) 'f he ndnllru! took them brews und the MeXIcans In the CI\! l\Ud placed them on the tnble belore nese the Signs nre rcnd Irom the lop h1111, but the bey still suuhnJ; COil to the bottom III columns 111 the tmued to stroke Ius pulnurchul Moxlcun Irom boLtom to top m thc bellrd Hebro,w from right to left In LutlO • fell the eommundcr he 81l1d to GI eel(, Sllllsknt and rul Europoan Inn tho dragomun, that If those pIstols gUl'ges from left to rIght nrc for the purpose of blowmg out

JlOllIIUIN,1 The IIlphabets of different my lion s brnms they UIC qUIte 111 VUI'Y 11l tho number of suffiCient 1111(1 peJlcclly \\sp]ess AmhlC has 2B letlers Thlm bkc n slnUed fencer counlilr CoptIC 32 Dutch, mg Ius opponent s thrust nfter tho

l!>(Il1llLllfiOIld hsh 26, Fronch 25, GeorgIan boy s nomeul ndvIcc hnd been truns enucnsllLO) 3D Greek 24 Hebrew 22 luted, DupeLlt thounrs replied Itnhun 21 I ntm 23, Persmn 45 Rus "'I'ell Ius lughness thnt my pIst()ls 811m 33 SunskrIt 49 Siavomc 40 nre not there to kill hIS han but to Spnll1sh 27 nnd SYriac 22 Tho 0111 blow IU8 own brn1l1s out lit the first nese hnve no alphabet, but they have movemcnt 01 tins obJcctionablo Cllr

)lllI",!'"UII 20000 syllabiC slgns-:thcIt phonebc pet • ulphabet Grnvoly but II httlc pale the mun

mtorpreted Thc slInlo died a,my on the boy s hps und he no longer strck

:My bon, BUld he, .)"IS t()O well

mad. him strong St .Q.eolg' :Mun (Spcellll) -) et

1I10lhel CI BI! III \\ll1ch III III 11th 111-

hl'rlled flOIll PII1(lItS hilS becn ,nn !]llIshed b) Dodd s hltlnc~ PIlls IS thllt 01 M I Ollll1le~ J)u~ all u IUIIIlcr \I ell I 11011 I 111 thiS nelgl bOl hood

l-suflmc I flOill II numb I of Ills hom 1111 C \11) Igl SU) 5 ~[) DII) Oil \\ho nOlI thnt) hID )CllS old 1

cd 11\) (rouble flom 111) )lllonls I WII. \\0 lIt nen 01 ~ Illltl 11111 dOI\ II [. Buffcled hom BllcI,tCh" ulld 111)

museles \wull ClllInp I h Itl II ht)l"y 111 ngglllg sellsatlOn Ilcro~~ t1, 10l11s [ IIUS d\\ll)S thll.1\ 1 hlld glcnt (ilf 41cultv 111 coli, dl11g 111\ thoughts lind III) I1W1II0I ~ ,,11' fll1ln g 1110

I WIIS I HOgl tl" I III 11 blld \\ IlY whell 1 stnrlcti to u-r. Do Id S )'dlillev Pills IJIIl lillY II Ipld me Illn ost Ir01ll the filet bOle J h j gll\e no stllllglh -­lIlId he1pClI liC so 11111<11 1 I CHI \ WI') t hit 1 1111 s ,tl.hed II I t tic longer tWlltUl! lit WIll 1111lk IIIn , well UII\II

liT! 1)11)011" Sjlllilolll~ "ere thl s) II1pt[HIlS 01 1\1 III) DISCI.' ulHl Do Id s I~lll nr) Pills CUI ( IlH r) [01111

of hill! I Y lllsNl"C I 0 mIll' r what sLuge It IS 1Il 01 how II I~ coutlilcte 1

As M a Bl01ln \Ins gOlllg !lI11\) lor the d I) 8he lc 11 hOI colOi cd Illiud IIIIL tllllt shl IInght 11I1\e II hohd L~ too bll t tllll t she 1111 Ht loci til( honso up BeCUlCI) nnrl put lilt Silver nllllY 111 IL ~nfe pi Lce

\\ hClI 111 rb I,ro\lll crul1c bnck m the Into IIltOllior II her fe IIllJ(H IlII1Y bo Imngl ,cd ns Ahc lend the lollo\\lIlg not Jllllncd to the flo It tlOOI

UOOI 1111 B 0\\11-[ III I thc 811101

seClll e lInrim YIII" herl I 0' IIlgl) Elln -Hili pel 8 Mllg 11.1110

~~~:~~;:r~;!l(;::~rt~:~~;~~I~r{{ eil Ius benrd A1:at'h()lclos. "j"ttllUII.cUI, even to smutch ono of lilY gllests t S1I1CC ho IS not wunted hc shall be sent nlloy ,

At u \I ord from tho bey tho han slowly !lnd heuvily left the room, like an obedient dog

Externally or Internally It IS G.od _\\ hen IIppholi extull Illy II} bllsl! luhullIg Dr J homns I clecllle 011 opons tne PO) es IIl1d ponctliltc. tho IISSllC as few hnllnontil rio louclnng the scut 01 tlouulo lind IIl1l11cclJlltely II!ford1l1g rIel AdllllllblllOil 111tor lIn11), It will slll1 the nnlnlton 111 tho thlont \\ 11Ici IIlducc5 COIIgllllg lind \1111 cUle lIf1ectlollS of tl 0 blOllCh ILl lubes IIml 1C'llllnlol) OIgnns Iry


Jealousy "'Among Monkeys When a monkcy gives wny to Jent

ousy It shows !l degree 01 hutrod for the nnnllnl Umt has mnoccnUy urous ad Its mnhce thut mnkes It for the time u monster of cruelty On n ship returnmg from 0110 of her tours m troplcnl lands wns a monkoy winch became a great Incnd of the stewmd ess One duy she fed unother mon key n protty gentle creatme nus trIllmg nltentlon enroged the othcr

willch coaxed the litllo Its sll.\e and then before lhe

steWllrlaeils had tnllc to realIzo thnt mennt took it by the

I L OVOI boaI d Of III the Slime POrsOIl tells

prepullng dmner lor a

"~~~l~ilci'\n~.r~rr the cook wus nbsonl from t: for a IIlmute No Booner been turned thun the

,ml~!ll~~~r;sJ~It;cC~~jll Intloll of winch It oj oulous mto thc soup

, ,.;.;;.:~----

It allli be COllI mee 1

She S Vel} home!) bllt seem to lCIIII1.0 It •

HnslI t Rho nl' IIOIllOn fllemlg?

]\[olhel~\\ h} bub) whal nil ~ou dOlllg? "Ir

Bilby (WIth cllr tn Cl nclt III floor nbow the dllllllg 100m)-Don t ItIlow, bnL nurse does It -Pullch

\VII'on s I II' P Itl. tht h~"t of nil fly lollels loll uoth the flied lind thu dlse ldO gOlllla 3

If you IglIC WII! cVclythlllg 1\ POIHOll HllyS thllt po 8011 Will • "nl, you hll\e goal Judgment ...

I IIIInl10 I I (J Lilt rI tlmt Ill1sn:: cesslully on my 1\110 ' - l)ltt~buq: Post


Page 8: Bugs - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne · fair I will sell }'our gooc!. .no [or. ,'cry sm;,lI D,scount rou can bave your cash day of s~le, Prices reasonable and .,lisfaction NO.

III i1c~. I from

5.-Quarter Section, u miles n· of Ralh \\'cl1; ,1.j aCI ell under clIltl\'ntioll, 50 1II00e ('as), to clcar, balance wood; gntl1:\1'y,

. 'Ye !W\'C \linn\, othc'rs 011 Ollr lisl lhal are cqnally' as goud bargains "'rile or call in and see liS,

UIABLE HARDWARE. in COI'l.necdon. ;,';;, ;;;;;;;;;;:;:::::;

WOODYJ\T1' RED STAR ( Bulh Oood) • ...

Ice Cream Freezers. i ("wo arlicle,; thaI WIll make Ihe hotle~t \\'ealher eudnrnble ) j -- . It

..... Washing Machines : See Ihe Boss Quick W.lsher,-Our " De,;t Vel" : properly geared. •

ensy Tuuuillg, strongly 11I1IIt, :

HARDWARE AND LU~;BEI:! BRICK AND LI~IE! i i\ ,Practical Tinsmith to do Your Repairing', • :

~==========~~======: A DI A M FOR B E S , ~

RATHWLLL, -.- MANITOBA.: , .. ;.: ••• j~'~~;"~~~ •••• ~"i'~~~ ..• ~I~*~~~.".~~ •• ~' •


to Need Land Packers

Gasoline Engines

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "" Treherne: • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••





( 1

o (


