Buell Fellows Great Futures Colorado Feb 2010

Great Futures Start with a Great Education Winter/Spring 2010

Transcript of Buell Fellows Great Futures Colorado Feb 2010

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Great Futures Start with a Great Education

Winter/Spring 2010

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Great Education ColoradoMission

Great Education Colorado is a statewide, nonpartisan, grassroots organization, focused on improving public education through wise,

increased and equitable investment in our schools, colleges and universities.

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Is Colorado Investing In Our Children’s Future?

Do All Colorado Kids Have Access to a Quality Education?

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What do we want for our kids?

•{Optional: Discussion Element}

We’ve asked, and this is what we heard consistently

• GOALS: Prepare for lifelong learners (Creative Thinking, Technological Literacy

•STRATEGIES: High Quality Teachers, smaller class size

How is Colorado doing?•40th in per pupil funding (adjusted for cost of living)

•$1,397 below the national average in per pupil spending

•38th in pupil to teacher ratio

•40th in technology in our schools

•49th in per capita spending on higher education

•$0 for professional development of teachers

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Why the gap?

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PERAHealth CareSalariesProf. Dev’t

MaintenanceBuildingsInsuranceHeating Transportation

Achievement GapCSAP improvement21st C. curriculumNew StandardsCareer Tech Ed.

Diverse Learners:ELLSpecial EdAt-RiskGifted & Talented

District Budget =Local + State + Federal $$

Concurrent Demands on a Limited Budget = TRIAGE

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Meeting Kids Where They Are

•Special Education – High % of unreimbursed costs [DPS paid 60% of total costs in 2007-08]

•English Language Learners –$293 per student (2008-09) [DPS covered 98% ELL costs (2007-08)]

•Gifted and Talented – State funded 18% of cost to educate GT students (2007-08) [$9 per GT kid in DPS]

•At-Risk – State adds 12% for each at-risk student

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Cost of Categorical Program Gap to All Districts


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2007-08 Cost of Gap in DPS

$143,560,259Special Education English Language

LearnersVocational Education

$45.4 million $79.4 million $3.7 million

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Proposed Cuts to P-12Education

Statewide – 7.5% $431 million $over $500 per student

Tough Decisions:Cut school days; close schools; increase class size; freeze wages/reduce benefits; teacher layoffs; eliminate/charge for transportation; eliminate special art/music/electives; cut instructional coach and literacy staff…

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“But K-12 Funding is Taking More and More of the Budget!”

•Schools were funded 60% local, 40% state. Now the reverse.

• Gallagher + TABOR + School Finance Act = huge reduction in property tax ($3.1 billion annual average)

• State share of K-12 funding: $3.15 billion

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Higher Education Investment Trend

•Families shoulder greater cost burden over time•2008:

•30% of Family Income needed to pay for 4 year college in Colorado (27% national avg.)

•Tied for 48th in State & Local Support for Higher Ed per $1,000 of Income

•Cutting at least $56 million this yr

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• Individual attention/smaller classes

• Highly qualified/effective teachers

• Updated technology & textbooks

• Well-rounded curriculum

• Pre-School & Full Day Kindergarten

• Affordable higher education system

More Money is Not the Goal But it is the Means

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Great Futures Map and Petition


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Today We Can….

•Sign the Great Futures Pledge (as an individual)•Donate $10 or more if you can•Join the Great Futures Colorado Campaign (as an organization)•Buy a t-shirt for $20

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For More Information

Liane MorrisonExecutive Director

Great Education Colorado303-722-5901

[email protected]
