Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and...

--TeTIvilie Lodge, No. fi76, Ir.Ertf.T. 1I., will hold its regular meeting {or Janua,ry on next Tuesday evening. BELLVILLE]- ' :ttfr $iffr'isx f I#;:;, l'. ro cor,r rn " *:# qlt'li"iigi$lr",* - ; l; " - ".. ,,^{* fir|.ffi;r; *".,,, .,ni",, *d_[li..Fji"?r,H jlf: it,""*;";;, - "",1_1.!t"!:i';'i;iri,.ill,?1r:lli";,;.,:, Editor-."fnnro* ,, . t'lJ;ft1 rG;;ilirtr:e and rarnily spenr ll f _, -- " _-," _" q u, el., s, # ;Tfili," ;f,T;,_? #'$ fii:: T:"i .:l Ll-- ru*ruM* ARnl SEOT OFT. Ort Otrller, of illonroe Torn'rrslript Loses llis l-eft Arm. Olt Culler, aged t? Years, a son of Charles Culler, of Monroe torvtlslrip, met q'ith a seriousoccident jtrst befo noon today, by which tre lost his lef &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and ncreidentnlly fell over :l lo when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io shatte-ring'the arm about half waY tween the eibow and shoulder. The youirg matt w&s conveYed to lri houte, u'hi,lch is one and n half miles east of Lu,bae, and I)r. Culler', of Lucas, wos sumnloned and arnputated the alnr. It is thouhht that he will reoover. \\rnr. Gnss stnrted orr a tlip on IIon- d.ay for the Garber: ITanufaetuling com- petty, A large builrling in thei rear of the Grange Block is being fitted up for the use of the Etar Ilaker company, rapitily inerea,sing business having cornpelled the concern to seek nlore eomrnoCious ouatters. ' lt. A. Boling does not expect to re- build his elevator which was destrovetL by fine on Tuesday tnorning. It is "ex- pected that other pnrties'vr-illpurchase the site and rebuild, as it is an old es- tablished loeation thnt has ahva d.r:awn a large trade. # There rvill be installatiort crf offieers and'rvork in the llasber'g rank. WASHINGTON. Quite a nurnber of sheep rvere kille It is said that rabbits ale yerv scarc here since the tin horn brigade was on the u'ar path. Yery feu' of the teachers of this township attended the iustitute lnst $'eek,&s the board of education allowed thenr no time to do so. Ilarrnon Swigart is not yet abie to be out. MIFFLIN. The U. B. Sabba,th school held an election last Sabbath and elected the foliowing offieers for the ensuing year: iluperirrtenclent, \Y. 1\'. Crider; assi ant superintendent, B. .f. Aby; secre' tary, Miss Nettie Baker; treasurer Frank Rerny; organist,l\Iiss Eva Hout; assistant, IIrs. Bert llatthews; choris- ter, Bert \Iatthews ; assisttntchorister, \\'. W. Crider. lh:s. B. J. Aby, rvho has been suffer- ing frorn inflamnratory rheumatism for rng lrom rnllamnr&f,ory rneum&tlsm Ior a long time, is able to be around. again. Rev. D. W. Sprinkle is holding e pr tracted rneeting at the U. B. church. Miss May Lemon, of Ashiand, is visi ing friends in this vicinity. Father Hart and l'ather Portner hav been on the sick list for some time an both are quite feeble. The attendance at the U. R. chu eYery night is quite large. been visiting here for some time, re- turned to Bitler lnst tr'r'idav' turned to Bdtler last tr'ridaY, rned to ljutler. lhsE Ir.lday' \Ye still leel the effects of thegrippe' ris sprrrnc to l'ro the crenernl comolaint This seemsto be the general eoqtP NEWVILLE. At this rvriting the weather looks as though the grouiid hog krtew- sonrething when he earneout atrd saw hrs slraoow and. dent back and pulled the hole irt after hirn. I Noble }lannel returned f::om the east last rvtlek. IIe $'as three weeks sellinc half a car-load of horses. A. 1l. Freeman is buyirrg' trp c cal- loacl of horses for the Brrflalo nlalket' He will starL about the 20th. Daniel Mowry, one of -our old c-iti- ,"n*. *o* out last Saturday for the first time in thlee li'eeks,har-irtg beell sttf- ferins with a serere attack of lagrippe' .Iolin Taylor visited 'Squire - Taylor, his fatherl near }lachelorsville' oYer Sunday. - Somb fifty yotrng t'olks tnet at tI, C' Sheehy's orieiriglrt' last week nnd had a iollv time. if iissing will ccrry diseasesthere should somiittiing be done to stop it' so as toprevent the spreadof ta glippq' H. N. Rnth and. wifewere in Loudon- ville last FridaY' Cotas seem to be general among the people here. ^ Miss Ataude Swearingen, who has SHELBY. G. NI. Skiles was in Cleveland' Thurs- dav and FridaY. * t'r;. M.-i,- witn"tm is il Tiffin'. id Hl-nuo'is was at rraRue on busi- ness FridaY. "'clfi^ve"-ffoffe teft Thursday for his ihome at ToPekao Kas' 1""ilil"Pfiil'rip* .r""t in Crestline Fri- iuT Shrefrter attended' business at Mt' lGitead FridaY. . ^r -^. i I W. J. Higgins w&s in Cleveland I Itr*".oov I &monEthose that have had the disease. Our"sirls are seriously considering the fnil-ure in ma,rringeas published in the Cvclone last week. It is the geu- eral tbpic in their club rooms. Jame-s Crowner has the stone on the sround and. most of tho timber ready ibr his barn. John Greer, Sr., has the carnenter work and. Samuel 'Wise the stoie r',-ork. Samuel Aungst - wiII move his saw-mill on the ground' and Schrader, Ilansfield. er wt d.othe sawing. lfrs. John-Ritter and daughter, of l{ansfield, are visiting among her folks over in Monroe townshiP' LUCAS. Htl. Ilurnmel, after spending a rveek u'ith his parents, has retulned to Ober:- lin, rvherb he is attending school- Jessie Collins is reported orr ttre sick list. Prof IJ. D. Williams, of 0btelbein Univetsity, gavg an elocutionary enter- cainment io'a large trudiettee nt the Consregational ch[rch Satulday ovel)- inE.December 30. The selections were *,lil ch,rsett. They wele thefinest ever siven itt tlris plac-e attd were highly ippreciated by tlre profossor's nra,ny fiibnds. He is certainly n fine enter- tainer. Wilson Eyler has mol'ed" on lris re- cently-purchased property west of town. (). E. Srvigart, one of-our-brigtrLest ooutte mett.'- has moved to l'fanslield, ivt erE he has obtained a position in Cr:oft's grocery on North 1\Iain street. The K. G. -E. lodge had a social at Dr. Mecklem's last Thursday evening' A grand time is reported by thoso whcr were present,. Abdut forty pedagogues fronr.this vicinitv attertded. the-County Instittrte at llarisfield last week' J. II. Leiter and family, who moved to Cantcln sorne tiine since, have mot'ed back and.lfr. Leiter nnd his son, \Yil iiam, expect to engage in the confec tioner"y business here. Ilev. Farrow expects to comlnelloa series of rneetings a,t the Lutheran ehurch on Thurs-day eveniug, January Llth. Rumor has it esiablishment rions soon. that a new under:takin will comm.erlce opera,- Chariey }IcCreary is spending a few weeks-with his mother. --rIrs. J. S. Charles, who hasbeen very loll' for sever:al mouths,is reported' con- va,lescent. l'r'of. I). F. Shafer and family, of ll;rnsfleld, spent l{erT'Year's wit}r }frs' [J.'s parents. Sail Stafford.. of nenr llayesvilie, an- tirripates opening a rneat market ]rere in tire near future A sensible lvoman rT'i11not fail to keep a bottle of Salvation Oil on hand for euts and bruises. It is unrivaled. 25cts. The Schumann Concert tonight will commence at 8:20, standard time, just after prayer meettn BELLVILLE. I{ervville. Mr. and trIrs. trld. llunnell. of lrlans fieid, visited Bellville friends on Sun Frank l{cCoy, of Clevelando spen Sunday at the home of his parents nea this place. lliss Jennie Gerhart. NIrs. Dairev-a,nr Nliss Clara Gerhart went to Frede"Jick town Sunday to visit relatives. Charles Myers, of Chicago, visited a.t the honre oll his rnother. on Huron street this vreck. !t!l*. Sharp andfarnily spent Sunda; and Neu. Year's day u'ith relatives a day and Monday. Iliss Ada Severns,of Chicago, was th guest of lIiss Nellie Srnith par:t of thi week. Jerry Galber returned to Cleve on \\'ednesday to resurne his studies a rnedical college. At the nreeting oflCasca f,odge, K. < Il., llondtry evening, the netvly electe officers rvele irrstailed. Grace and I:ee Shafer. of Plvmouth spent the holi<lays at the home of I{ ,Alexander: and wife. Ifr. arrd llrs.'Fred. Burr, of Cincin nati, are the guests of IIr.' and llrs I4d. Sirnpson. ''I)ayton A. Ileed, a Past llastel o Re.ilville llasonie lodge, has bee elected Grand }fastar of Arizona. A party of young people were ente tained by lliss Nora Schuler on l{ evellmg. Arthur lladden, of Columbus.visi Rellville friends this week. tsellville readers of the Dlrr,r- Sntn are greatly pleased with its improv appe&rance and make-up. OAKLAND. A number of people from this section attended'the Teachers' Institute at Mansfield last rveeh. Miss Etta Saltzgaber, of Mansfield, lvas the guest of- $'m. Redding and familv over Sunday. MrJ. Herrry I{ursh and so;r, Edwin, spent a few hays vl'ith frientls in Ash- land. Miss Ctawford. has returned to her horne at Honey Creek after spend.inga week with heraunt, Mrs. l\'allace. In our last week's corresPond.ence we should have said that 1Ir. Cunning- ham, deceased, belonge.d -to the Lutheran instead of the Presbyterian church. ilf*ii'u'-ihL-c"tt*: iHf.' T{# q-tt**. ftitir"1l #i# I b.ydogs here last u'eek. | lt is said that sever:al changes will be I rnade in this'r'icinity about Aplil lst. | .Ilorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Norriek, I a daugliter. I Wallace Leppo. of Iou'a. is visiting I rekitives here. his father, ARM SHOT OI<'F. Culler, of lUonroe Township, His Left Arm. Ort Culler, aged 17 years, a son of Charles Culler, of Monroe township, met with H serious acciden t jnst before noon today, by which be lost his left arm. He was out in the woods hUIlt ing and accidentally fell over log, when the gun was discharged, the loa shattering the arm about half wa.y be- tween the ,elbow and shoulder. The YOU(lg man was conveyed to his home, whiich is one and a half miles east of LUlcas, and Dr. Culler, of Lucas, was and amputated the al'lJ1. It is thou' ht that he will recover. BELLVILLE. Frank J\fcCoy, of Cleveland spent Sunday at the home of his pareI;ts near this place. Miss .. J ennie Gerhart, Mrs. DaireyI'nd Miss Clara Gerhart went to FrederIck- town Sunday to visit relatives. Charles Myers, of Chicago, visited at the home of his mother on Huron this week. ' 'Vils. Sharp and family spent Sunday and New Year's day with relatives at Newville. Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Munnell, of Mans- field, visited Bellville friends on Sun- day. and Monday. Miss Ada Severns,of Chicago, was the guest of Miss Nellie Smith part of this week. Jerry Garber returned to Clevelan on vVednesday to resume his studies a medical college. At the meeting of Casca Lodge, K. 0 P., Monday evening, the newly electe officers were installed. Grace and Shafer, of Plymouth, , spent the holIdays at the home of H. ! 'Alexallder and wife. Mr. and ::\lrs.' Fred. Btu']', of Cincin , nati, are the guests of .Mr.' and Mrs. I Ed. Simpson. . I "Dayton A. Reed, a Past Master 0 Be'llville Masonic lodge, has bee elected Grand 1\laster of Arizona. A party of young people were enter tained by Miss Nora Schuler on Monda evening. Arthur Madden. of Columbus, vi site Bellville friends this week. Bellville readers of the DAILY SnhL are greatly pleased with its improve appel\rance and make-up. A number of people from this section attended . the Teachers' Institute at Mansfield last week. Miss Etta Saltzgaber, of Mansfield, was the guest of 'Vm. Redding and family over Sunday. , Mrs. Henry Hursh and sop, Edwin, spent a few days with friends in land. Miss Crawford has returned to h9r home at Honey Creek after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. ·Wallace. I In our last week's correspondence we should have said that Mr. Cunning- ham, deceased, belonged to the Lutheran instead of the Presbyterian church. SHELBY. G. lV1. Skiles was in Cleveland Thurs- day and Friday. Hev. M. L. Wilhelm is in Tiffin. . M. H. Davis was at IJaRue on bUSI- ness Friday. . Oliver Wolfe left Thursday for hI! home at Topeka, Kas. .. . John Phillips was in CrestlIne FrI- day. . t Mt S. Shreffter attended busmes8 a .. . Gilead Frida,y. W. J. Higgins was in Cleveland Thursday. BELLVILLE Miss Annie H . bus on S.unday t\\C 1ey went to c< 1 .J 011l1Shafer- short visit. ) lun hon of Gov. ded the inaugura Hon. Jas. E H .ey. ' bus on Mond' OWard was in C 1 Miss C th ar· -'0 UIl1- tl a anne Ink ' ]e guest of C N' 1 ,of Mansfield David Palm : nkand Wife ' lIS on SIted friends in 'Butler , EdItor.James P . ' Sunday at Bud . l'lee and famil p; Morren Dau el. ypent guests f h. gherty and ,'t' d a 1S parents at B WI e Were the lb- . utler on SUll_ nough season t' to secure succ'ess have been sold The Town lIal1 thelectueB..c d WilS cd·' OUrse ay evening to h . ,r,ow ed On rTu '. m t ear 1'h Ii es- en of the course. .e rat entertain_ Ed. Rummel, after spending a week with his parents, has returned to Ober- lin, where he is attending school. J essie Collins is reported on the sick list. Prof E. D. vVilliams, of Otterbein University, gave an elocutionary enter- tainment to a large audience at the Congregational church Saturday even- ing, December 30. The selections were well chosen. They were the finest ever given in this place and were highly appreciated by the professor's many friends. He is certainly a fine enter- tainer. ,Vilson Eyler has moved cently-purchased property town. O. E. Swigart, one of our brightest young men, has moved to l\'Ianstield, where he has obtained a position in Croft's grocery on North Main street. The K. G. E. lodge had a social at Dr. Mecklem's last Thursday evening. A grand time is reported by those who were present. About forty pedagogues from this vicinity attended the County Institute at Mansfield last week. J. H. Leiter and family, who moved to Canton some time since, have moved back and Mr. Leiter and his son, ,"Vil- iiam, expect to engage in the confec- tionery business here. Rev. Farrow expects to commence a series of meetings at the Lutheran church on Thursday evening, January Uth. I Rumor has it that a new undertaking will commence opera- tIons soon. Charley McCreary is spending a few weeks with his mother. ::\lrs. J. S. Charles, who has been very low for several months, is reported con- valescent. I Prof. D. F. Shafer and family, of :'ILmsfield, spent N m,,' Year's with Mrs. S.'s parents. Sam Stafford, of near Hayesville, an-I ticipates opening a meat market here in the near future. A sensible woman will not fail to keep a bottle of Salvation Oil on hand for cuts and bruises. It is unrivaled. 25cts. The Schumann Concert tonight will commence at 8 :20, standard time, just after prayer meeting. r Bellville Lodge, No. B76, F. and A. I M., will hold its regular meeting for Janua,ry on next Tuesday evening. There will be installation of officers and work in the Master's rank. "Vm. Gass started on a trip on Mon- day for the Garber 1\fanufactul'ing com- I pany, I A large building in the rear of the Grange Block is being fitted up for the use of the Star Baker company, rapidly increasing business having compelled the concern to seek more comm01ious quarters. R. A. Boling does not expect to re- build his elevator which was destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning. It is ex- pected that other parties will purchase the site and rebuild, as it is an old es- tablished location thut has always I drawn a large trade. == I W I Quite a number of sheep were killed by dogs here last week. It. is said that several changes w ill be made in this vicinity about April 1st. Born, to lVIr. and Mrs. Josiah Norrick, a daughter. " '. Vall ace Leppo, of Iowa. is visiting relatives here. It. is said that rabbits are verv scarce here since the tin horn was on the war path. Very few of the teachers of this township attended the institute last week,as the board of education allowed them no time to do so. Harmon Swigart is be out. . ... MIFFLIN. The U. B. Sabbath school held an election last Sabbath and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: I Superintendent, VV. VV. Crid.er' assist- ant superintendent, B..J. Aby; secre- I tary, Miss Nettie Baker; treasurer Frank Remy; organist, Miss Eva Hout: assistant, Mrs. Bert Matthews; tel', Bert Matthews; assistant chorister 'V. W. Crider. ' Mrs. B. .T. Aby, who has been suffer- ing from inflammatory rheumatism for a long time, is able to be around again. Rev. D. W. Sprinkle is holding a pro- tracted meeting at the U. B. church. Miss :May Lemon, of Ashland, is visit ing friends in this vicinity. Father Hart and :Father Portner hav been on the sick list for some time an both are q,nite feeble. The attendance at the U. every night is quite large. At this writing the weather looks a.s though the ground hog knew something when he came out and saw his shadow and w:ent back and pulled the hole in I I after him. Noble :Manner returned from the I east la.st week. He was . three weeks I selling half a car-loud of horses. A. H, Freeman is buying l1p a car- load of horses for the Buffalo market. He will start about the 20th. Daniel Mowry, one of our old citi- zens, was out last Saturday for the first I time in three weeks, having been suf-· fering with a severe attack of lagrippe. .Tohn Taylor visited 'Squire Taylor, his father, neal' Bllchelorsville, over Sunday. Some fifty young folks met at H. C. Sheehy's aIle night last week and had a jolly time. If kissing will carry diseases should something be done to stop It, so as to prevent the spread of la grippe. H. N. Ruth and wife were in Loudon- ville last Friday. Colds seem to be general among the I people here. Miss Maude Swearingen, who has been visiting here. for some time, re-1 turned to Butler last Fridas\ 'We still feel the effects of the grippe. This seems to be the general complaint I among those that have had the disease. Our girls are seriously considering the failu.· re in marriage as published in I the Cyclone last week. It is the gen- eral topic in their club rooms. I J ames Crowner has the stone on the I ground and most of the timber read. y I for his barn. John Greer, Sr., has the carpenter work and Samuel Wise the stone work. Samuel Aungst willi move his saw-mill all the ground and I do the sawing. 'Mrs. John Ritter and daughter, of Mansfield, are visiting ,among her folks over in Monroe township. ---- ...

Transcript of Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and...

Page 1: Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and ncreidentnlly fell over :l lo when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io shatte-ring'the arm about

--TeTIvilie Lodge, No. fi76, Ir.Ertf.T.1I., wi l l hold i ts regular meeting {orJanua,ry on next Tuesday evening.BELLVILLE]-

' :ttfr $iffr'isx f I#;:;, l'. ro cor,r rn" *:# qlt'li"iigi$lr",* - ; l; " - "..,,^{* fir|.ffi;r; *".,,, .,ni",,*d_[li..Fji"?r,H jlf: it,""*;";;, -

"",1_1.!t"!:i';'i;iri,.ill,?1r:lli";,;.,:,Editor-."fnnro* , , .t'lJ;ft1 rG;;ilirtr:e and rarnily spenrl l f _, -- "

_-," _"

q u, el. ,

s, # ;Tfili," ;f,T;,_? #'$ fi i:: T:"i .:lL l - -ru*ruM*


Ort Otr l ler, of i l lonroe Torn'rrslr ipt Loses

l l is l-eft Arm.

Olt Culler, aged t? Years, a son of

Charles Culler, of Monroe torvt lslr ip,

met q ' i th a ser iousoccident j t rs t befo

noon today, by which t re lost h is lef

&rm. He was otr t i l t the rvoods hurr

ing and ncreidentnl ly fe l l over : l lo

when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io

shatte-r ing'the arm about half waY

tween the eibow and shoulder.The youirg matt w&s conveYed to lr i

houte, u'hi,lch is one and n half miles

east of Lu,bae, and I)r. Culler', of Lucas,

wos sumnloned and arnputated the alnr .

I t is thouhht that he wil l reoover.

\\rnr. Gnss stnrted orr a tlip on IIon-d.ay for the Garber: ITanufaetuling com-petty,

A large builrling in thei rear of theGrange Block is being fitted up for theuse of the Etar Ilaker company, rapitilyinerea,sing business having cornpelledthe concern to seek nlore eomrnoCiousouatters.'

lt. A. Boling does not expect to re-build his elevator which was destrovetLby fine on Tuesday tnorning. It is "ex-

pected that other pnrties'vr-ill purchasethe site and rebuild, as it is an old es-tablished loeation thnt has ahvad.r:awn a large trade. #

There rvill be installatiort crf offieersand'rvork in the l lasber'g rank.

W A S H I N G T O N .

Quite a nurnber of sheep rvere kille

It is said that rabbits ale yerv scarchere since the tin horn brigade was onthe u'ar path.

Yery feu' of the teachers of thistownship attended the iustitute lnst$'eek,&s the board of education allowedthenr no time to do so.

Ilarrnon Swigart is not yet abie tobe out.


The U. B. Sabba,th school held anelection last Sabbath and elected thefoliowing offieers for the ensuing year:i luperirrtenclent, \Y. 1\'. Crider; assiant superintendent, B. . f . Aby; secre'tary, Miss Nett ie Baker; treasurerFrank Rerny; organist, l \ I iss Eva Hout;assistant, IIrs. Bert llatthews; choris-ter, Bert \Iatthews ; assisttntchorister,\\'. W. Crider.

lh:s. B. J. Aby, rvho has been suffer-ing frorn inflamnratory rheumatism forrng lrom rnllamnr&f,ory rneum&tlsm Iora long time, is able to be around. again.

Rev. D. W. Sprinkle is holding e prtracted rneeting at the U. B. church.

Miss May Lemon, of Ashiand, is visiing fr iends in this vicinity.

Father Hart and l 'ather Portner havbeen on the sick list for some time anboth are quite feeble.

The attendance at the U. R. chueYery night is quite large.

been visiting here for some time, re-turned to Bitler lnst tr'r'idav'turned to Bdtler last tr'ridaY,rned to ljutler. lhsE Ir.lday'

\Ye still leel the effects of thegrippe'r is sprrrnc to l ' ro the crenernl comolaintThis seems to be the general eoqtP


At this rvriting the weather looks asthough the grouiid hog krtew- sonrethingwhen he earne out atrd saw hrs slraoowand. dent back and pulled the hole irtafter hirn.I Noble }lannel returned f::om theeast last rvtlek. IIe $'as three weekssel l inc half a car- load of horses.

A. 1l. Freeman is buyirrg' trp c cal-loacl of horses for the Brrflalo nlalket'He will starL about the 20th.

Daniel Mowry, one of -our old c-iti-,"n*. *o* out last Saturday for the firstt ime in thlee l i 'eeks, har- ir tg beel l stt f-ferins with a serere attack of lagrippe'

.Iolin Taylor visited 'Squire - Taylor,

his fatherl near }lachelorsville' oYerSunday.-

Somb fifty yotrng t'olks tnet at tI, C'Sheehy's orieir iglrt ' last week nnd hada iol lv t ime.

i f i issing wil l ccrry diseases thereshould somiittiing be done to stop it' soas toprevent the spread of ta gl ippq'

H. N. Rnth and. wifewere in Loudon-ville last FridaY'

Cotas seem to be general among thepeople here.^

Miss Ataude Swearingen, who hasSHELBY.

G. NI. Skiles was in Cleveland' Thurs-

dav and FridaY.* t'r;. M.-i,- witn"tm is il Tiffin'.id Hl-nuo'is was at rraRue on busi-

ness FridaY."'clfi^ve"-ffoffe teft Thursday for his

ihome at ToPekao Kas'1""ilil"Pfiil'rip*

.r""t in Crestline Fri-

iuT Shrefrter attended' business at Mt'

lGitead FridaY. . ^r -^. i

I W. J. Higgins w&s in Cleveland IItr*".oov I

&monE those that have had the disease.Our"sirls are seriously considering

the fnil-ure in ma,rringe as published inthe Cvclone last week. I t is the geu-eral tbpic in their club rooms.

Jame-s Crowner has the stone on thesround and. most of tho timber readyibr his barn. John Greer, Sr., has thecarnenter work and. Samuel

'Wise the

stoie r',-ork. Samuel Aungst - wiIImove his saw-mill on the ground' and

Schrader,I lansf ie ld.

er wt

d.o the sawing.lfrs. John-Ritter and daughter, of

l{ansfield, are visiting among her folksover in Monroe townshiP'


Htl. I lurnmel, after spending a rveeku'ith his parents, has retulned to Ober:-l in , rvherb he is at tending school-

Jessie Collins is reported orr ttre sickl is t .

Prof IJ . D. Wi l l iams, of 0btelbeinUnivetsity, gavg an elocutionary enter-cainment io 'a large t rudiet tee nt the

Consregat ional ch[rch Satulday ovel) -

inE.December 30. The selections were*, l i l ch,rset t . They wele thef inest ever

s iven i t t t l r is p lac-e at td were highlyippreciated by tlre profossor's nra,nyf i ibnds. He is certa in ly n f ine enter-ta iner.

Wilson Eyler has mol'ed" on lris re-

cently-purchased property west of

town.() . E. Srv igart , one of-our-br igtrLest

ooutte mett. '- has moved to l 'fanslield,ivt erE he has obtained a position in

Cr:oft's grocery on North 1\Iain street.The K. G.

-E. lodge had a social at

Dr. Mecklem's last Thursday evening'A grand time is reported by thoso whcrwere present,.

Abdut for ty pedagogues f ronr. th isv ic in i tv at ter tded. the-County Inst i t t r teat l larisfield last week'

J. II. Leiter and family, who movedto Cantcln sorne ti ine since, have mot'edback and. l f r . Lei ter nnd his son, \Yi li iam, expect to engage in the confectioner"y business here.

Ilev. Farrow expects to comlnelloaseries of rneetings a,t the Lutheranehurch on Thurs-day eveniug, JanuaryL l th .

Rumor has i tesiablishmentr ions soon.

that a new under:takinwill comm.erlce opera,-

Chariey }IcCreary is spending a fewweeks-wi th h is mother.

--rIrs. J. S. Charles, who hasbeen veryloll ' for sever:al mouths,is reported' con-va, lescent.

l 'r 'of. I). F. Shafer and family, ofl l;rnsfleld, spent l{erT'Year's wit}r }frs'[J . 's parents.

Sail Stafford.. of nenr l layesvil ie, an-tirripates opening a rneat market ]rerein tire near future

A sensible lvoman rT'i11not fail to keepa bottle of Salvation Oil on hand foreuts and bruises. It is unrivaled. 25cts.

The Schumann Concert tonight willcommence at 8:20, standard t ime, just

after prayer meettn


I{ervvi l le.Mr. and trIrs. trld. llunnell. of lrlans

fieid, visited Bellville friends on Sun

Frank l{cCoy, of Clevelando spenSunday at the home of his parents neathis p lace.

ll iss Jennie Gerhart. NIrs. Dairev-a,nrNliss Clara Gerhart went to Frede"Jicktown Sunday to visit relatives.

Charles Myers, of Chicago, visited a.tthe honre oll his rnother. on Huronstreet this vreck.

!t!l*. Sharp andfarnily spent Sunda;and Neu. Year's day u'ith relatives a

day and Monday.Il iss Ada Severns,of Chicago, was th

guest of lI iss Nellie Srnith par:t of thiweek.

Jerry Galber returned to Cleveon \\ 'ednesday to resurne his studies arnedical col lege.

At the nreet ing of lCasca f ,odge, K. <Il., l londtry evening, the netvly electeofficers rvele irrstailed.

Grace and I:ee Shafer. of Plvmouthspent the holi<lays at the home of I{

,Alexander: and wife.I fr . arrd l l rs. 'Fred. Burr, of Cincin

nati, are the guests of IIr.' and llrsI4d. Sirnpson.''I)ayton A. Ileed, a Past llastel oRe.ilvil le l lasonie lodge, has beeelected Grand }fastar of Arizona.

A party of young people were entetained by ll iss Nora Schuler on l{eve l lmg .

Arthur l ladden, of Columbus. visiRellville friends this week.

tsellville readers of the Dlrr,r- Sntnare greatly pleased with its improvappe&rance and make-up.


A number of people from this sectionattended'the Teachers' Inst i tute atMansfield last rveeh.

Miss Etta Saltzgaber, of Mansfield,lvas the guest of- $'m. Redding andfamilv over Sunday.

MrJ. Herrry I{ursh and so;r, Edwin,spent a few hays vl'ith frientls in Ash-land.

Miss Ctawford. has returned to herhorne at Honey Creek after spend.ing aweek with heraunt, Mrs. l\'allace.

In our last week's corresPond.encewe should have said that 1Ir. Cunning-ham, deceased, belonge.d -to theLutheran instead of the Presbyterianchurch.

ilf*ii'u'-ihL-c"tt*:iHf.' T{# q-tt**. ftitir"1l #i#

I b.y dogs here last u'eek.| lt is said that sever:al changes will beI rnade in this'r'icinity about Aplil lst.| .Ilorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Norriek,I a daugliter.I Wallace Leppo. of Iou'a. is visitingI rekitives here.

his father,


Culler, of lUonroe Township,His Left Arm.

Ort Culler, aged 17 years, a son ofCharles Culler, of Monroe township,met with H serious acciden t jnst beforenoon today, by which be lost his leftarm. He was out in the woods hUIlting and accidentally fell over ~1 log,when the gun was discharged, the loashattering the arm about half wa.y be­tween the ,elbow and shoulder.

The YOU(lg man was conveyed to hishome, whiich is one and a half mileseast of LUlcas, and Dr. Culler, of Lucas,was sumn~onedand amputated the al'lJ1.It is thou' ht that he will recover.


Frank J\fcCoy, of Cleveland spentSunday at the home of his pareI;ts nearthis place.

Miss ..Jennie Gerhart, Mrs. DaireyI'ndMiss Clara Gerhart went to FrederIck­town Sunday to visit relatives.

Charles Myers, of Chicago, visited atthe home of his mother on Huron~tl'eet this week. '

'Vils. Sharp and family spent Sundayand New Year's day with relatives atNewville.

Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Munnell, of Mans­field, visited Bellville friends on Sun­day. and Monday.

Miss Ada Severns,of Chicago, was theguest of Miss Nellie Smith part of thisweek.

Jerry Garber returned to Clevelanon vVednesday to resume his studies amedical college.

At the meeting of Casca Lodge, K. 0P., Monday evening, the newly electeofficers were installed.

Grace and ~~ee Shafer, of Plymouth,, spent the holIdays at the home of H.

!'Alexallder and wife.

Mr. and ::\lrs.' Fred. Btu']', of Cincin, nati, are the guests of .Mr.' and Mrs.I Ed. Simpson. .

I"Dayton A. Reed, a Past Master 0

Be'llville Masonic lodge, has beeelected Grand 1\laster of Arizona.

A party of young people were entertained by Miss Nora Schuler on Mondaevening.

Arthur Madden. of Columbus, visiteBellville friends this week.

Bellville readers of the DAILY SnhLare greatly pleased with its improveappel\rance and make-up.

A number of people from this sectionattended . the Teachers' Institute atMansfield last week.

Miss Etta Saltzgaber, of Mansfield,was the guest of 'Vm. Redding andfamily over Sunday. ,

Mrs. Henry Hursh and sop, Edwin,spent a few days with friends inland.

Miss Crawford has returned to h9rhome at Honey Creek after spending aweek with her aunt, Mrs. ·Wallace.


In our last week's correspondencewe should have said that Mr. Cunning­ham, deceased, belonged to theLutheran instead of the Presbyterianchurch.


G. lV1. Skiles was in Cleveland Thurs­day and Friday.

Hev. M. L. Wilhelm is in Tiffin. .M. H. Davis was at IJaRue on bUSI-

ness Friday. .Oliver Wolfe left Thursday for hI!

home at Topeka, Kas. . . .John Phillips was in CrestlIne FrI-

day. . t MtS. Shreffter attended busmes8 a .. .Gilead Frida,y.

W. J. Higgins was in ClevelandThursday.


bus on S.unday t\\C1ey went to c< 1. J 011l1Shafer- a~{e~ short visit. ) lun

hon of Gov. McKi~lded the inauguraHon. Jas. E H .ey. '

bus on Mond' OWard was in C 1Miss C th ar· -'0 UIl1-

tl a anne Ink ']e guest of C N' 1 ,of Mansfield .~David Palm ~ri : nkand Wife ' lIS

on ~g~nday. SIted friends in 'Butler, EdItor.James P . 'Sunday at Bud . l'lee and famil p;

Morren Dau el. ypentguests f h . gherty and ,'t'd a 1S parents at B WI e Were thelb- . utler on SUll_

nough season t'to secure succ'ess t:~ket8have been soldThe Town lIal1 thelectueB..cd WilS cd·' OUrseay evening to h . ,r,ow ed On rTu '.m t ear 1'h Ii es-en of the course. . e rat entertain_

Ed. Rummel, after spending a weekwith his parents, has returned to Ober­lin, where he is attending school.

J essie Collins is reported on the sicklist.

Prof E. D. vVilliams, of OtterbeinUniversity, gave an elocutionary enter­tainment to a large audience at theCongregational church Saturday even­ing, December 30. The selections werewell chosen. They were the finest evergiven in this place and were highlyappreciated by the professor's manyfriends. He is certainly a fine enter­tainer.

,Vilson Eyler has movedcently-purchased propertytown.

O. E. Swigart, one of our brightestyoung men, has moved to l\'Ianstield,where he has obtained a position inCroft's grocery on North Main street.

The K. G. E. lodge had a social atDr. Mecklem's last Thursday evening.A grand time is reported by those whowere present.

About forty pedagogues from thisvicinity attended the County Instituteat Mansfield last week.

J. H. Leiter and family, who movedto Canton some time since, have movedback and Mr. Leiter and his son, ,"Vil­iiam, expect to engage in the confec­tionery business here.

Rev. Farrow expects to commence aseries of meetings at the Lutheranchurch on Thursday evening, JanuaryUth.

IRumor has it that a new undertaking

e~tablishment will commence opera­tIons soon.

Charley McCreary is spending a fewweeks with his mother.

::\lrs. J. S. Charles, who has been verylow for several months, is reported con­valescent.

IProf. D. F. Shafer and family, of

:'ILmsfield, spent Nm,,' Year's with Mrs.S.'s parents.

Sam Stafford, of near Hayesville, an-Iticipates opening a meat market herein the near future.

A sensible woman will not fail to keepa bottle of Salvation Oil on hand forcuts and bruises. It is unrivaled. 25cts.

The Schumann Concert tonight willcommence at 8 :20, standard time, justafter prayer meeting.

r Bellville Lodge, No. B76, F. and A.I M., will hold its regular meeting forJanua,ry on next Tuesday evening.There will be installation of officersand work in the Master's rank.

"Vm. Gass started on a trip on Mon-day for the Garber 1\fanufactul'ing com­

I pany,

IA large building in the rear of the

Grange Block is being fitted up for theuse of the Star Baker company, rapidlyincreasing business having compelledthe concern to seek more comm01iousquarters.

R. A. Boling does not expect to re­build his elevator which was destroyedby fire on Tuesday morning. It is ex­pected that other parties will purchasethe site and rebuild, as it is an old es­tablished location thut has alwaysIdrawn a large trade. ==

I W ASH'I~GTON.I Quite a number of sheep were killedby dogs here last week.

It. is said that several changes w ill bemade in this vicinity about April 1st.

Born, to lVIr. and Mrs. Josiah Norrick,a daughter.


'.Vallace Leppo, of Iowa. is visitingrelatives here.

It. is said that rabbits are verv scarcehere since the tin horn brigade~was onthe war path.

Very few of the teachers of thistownship attended the institute lastweek,as the board of education allowedthem no time to do so.

Harmon Swigart isbe out. . ...


The U. B. Sabbath school held anelection last Sabbath and elected thefollowing officers for the ensuing year:

ISuperintendent, VV. VV. Crid.er' assist­ant superintendent, B..J. Aby; secre-

Itary, Miss Nettie Baker; treasurerFrank Remy; organist, Miss Eva Hout:assistant, Mrs. Bert Matthews; choris~tel', Bert Matthews; assistant chorister'V. W. Crider. '

Mrs. B . .T. Aby, who has been suffer­ing from inflammatory rheumatism fora long time, is able to be around again.

Rev. D. W. Sprinkle is holding a pro­tracted meeting at the U. B. church.

Miss :May Lemon, of Ashland, is visiting friends in this vicinity.

Father Hart and :Father Portner havbeen on the sick list for some time anboth are q,nite feeble.

The attendance at the U.every night is quite large.

At this writing the weather looks a.sthough the ground hog knew somethingwhen he came out and saw his shadowand w:ent back and pulled the hole in I

Iafter him.Noble :Manner returned from the I

east la.st week. He was .three weeks Iselling half a car-loud of horses.

A. H, Freeman is buying l1p a car­load of horses for the Buffalo market.He will start about the 20th.

Daniel Mowry, one of our old citi­zens, was out last Saturday for the first Itime in three weeks, having been suf-·fering with a severe attack of lagrippe.

.Tohn Taylor visited 'Squire Taylor,his father, neal' Bllchelorsville, overSunday.

Some fifty young folks met at H. C.Sheehy's aIle night last week and hada jolly time.

If kissing will carry diseases ~hereshould something be done to stop It, soas to prevent the spread of la grippe.

H. N. Ruth and wife were in Loudon­ville last Friday.

Colds seem to be general among the Ipeople here.

Miss Maude Swearingen, who hasbeen visiting here. for some time, re-1turned to Butler last Fridas\

'We still feel the effects of the grippe.This seems to be the general complaint Iamong those that have had the disease.

Our girls are seriously consideringthe failu.· re in marriage as published in Ithe Cyclone last week. It is the gen-eral topic in their club rooms. I

J ames Crowner has the stone on the Iground and most of the timber read.y Ifor his barn. John Greer, Sr., has thecarpenter work and Samuel Wise thestone work. Samuel Aungst willimove his saw-mill all the ground and Ido the sawing.

'Mrs. John Ritter and daughter, ofMansfield, are visiting ,among her folksover in Monroe township.

----...~.~------- ~

Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Page 2: Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and ncreidentnlly fell over :l lo when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io shatte-ring'the arm about


Miss Jessie Young, of Mansfield, vis-ited her grandrnother, Ilrs. C. Young,on Saturday and Sunday.

Chas. IVfyers, of Ohicago, is visitingat the home of his mother, on HuronSbfeet,

Prof. l{orrison and Geo. }Iorn, ofShaucks, c&me to this place on Tues-d"ay to take the tratn for Columbtrs.

Will Severns of lllansfield, visitedfriends in this place on t\{onday andTuesday.

Jas. Lantz, of Garrett, Ind", was theguest of Bellville friends this weeli.

Mrs. Robert Castner, ol Cleveland.is visi t ing her par,ents, I Ir . and IIrs. J.C. Potts, at theirhome on 1![ain street.

On Monday evening, tr-eb. 19th, Cas-ca Lodge, No. 482, Knights of Pythias,celebratbd the 30th anniversary of thefounding of the order by giving an in-formal reception at the Town flall.About 300 Knights and invited guestswere present. A rnost delightful mu-sical progra,m, one which has r)everbeen equaled by home talent in thisplace, was rendered. In a short ad-dress Prof. W. 8. Lynch gave an out-line history of the order universal anda brief history of Casca Lodge. Afterthe address an hour's intermission wa-"devoterl to caring for the wants ofthe irrner man. for lvhich the Knightshad provided abundantly. Then fol-lowed another hour of musieal enjoy-ment concluding at 12 o'clock when theguests departed for their homes u'ellpleased with the knightly treatmentthey had reeeived.

The Fisher: stock is being sold at re-tai l by the assignee. j

W. C. I\IcCluer, of I\{ansfield, is talk- !ing insulance to the Beilville lllasons ith is week.


David Divelbiss, a farmerwho residesfour niles west of Independ.ence, waEthe only prisoner to be arraggned inPolice Court this morning. OfficerRemy found him in a, very befud.d.ledcondition making his bed on ,,dead.

man's erossing." The prisoner claimedit was the first drunk he had been on Isinee September and promised. to prakeit his last. Mayor Black allowed himto go, and he started to foot it home,

SHENANDOAH.David Miller is on the siek list.The Shenandoah literary societv will

elose in the near future. -

-lvlFs. D. Zartman and llrs. E. nl

S,tglnt ;l' or B utler' *Li" il^ir' r']i# ij , .Dr. Leivis was awartled six prizes ,n iihis St. Bernards a_t the Cfrf ;;;;; i

I Beneh^Sho*.__ q+", aoerj""ilu? tl,* ;i care of 'W'm.

FI. II rribited in petrot'ii?J'.,,,.X1?. being ex- ii _ Uhar les Keeeh, of lVfansf ie ld, spent i; srrndav at the t o-e ol u"l'i"rd'lti!. cl iN.^It\, on Markey street.

S. \1r: Cloakey, -evangelist,

has beu,, I;ff iJil ffi mlnf ',lti:'l"ii'

"i "^ tnr J i

;Powell transacted business in Mans-


John Disbro rrag in Mansfield last

Sugar weather ir not as good ar ex- ipeeted. I-

Robert Schrader, front near Mans- Ifield. was in town last Sunday. I

John Reitteri of Mansfield, forrnerly Iproprietor of the German House, war Iher6 Sunday and Monday looking after Ihis property. I

Alex. Fre'eman returned from New- |ark, N. j . , last Sunday. I

M. Hoyt, of Newarik, N. J., arrived ihere lait

'Eunday evening. He will I

buy a car-load of horses for the eastcrn Imarkets. i

Ruth & Fergueon returned from Oin- icinnati last l'i iday, where thoy rold a Icar-load. of horses. I

\Ye notice in the Snrnr,o that it Ionlv cost SBl2.80 to recover a stolen,horie and prosecute the thief. At rthe present prices that amount of Iilonev would buv four good horses. ;

"Sk-eet" Herriirg and*Kirk Crowner,of Mansfield, were the guests of JamerCrowner latt Eunday.

' ,

Garden-making will bo the ndxtthine in order.

IIanford. thannab'arger, a, bridga-builder, returned, home last Sundayevening.

1\Iast-6rs Frank Ruth and 'Wade

Mowery &ceompanied Ruth & Fergu-son to Cincinnati .

The sale on the Gray farm last Satur-day was well attended. The way horsersold indicates thatthereis an over-pro-duction of them.

lfield last Saturday.I l\[rs. Albert McClain visited relativeslneai Greenwich last week.I The township teachers' institute willI meet at Ganges on Saturday, Feb.24th.

Gus. Culbertson had. iris comedianshere one night last week and g&ve eshow . which pleased all who werepresenf,.

Eome of the children of this place at-tended a party at Jess Hammon's onenight .last week. A good time is re-ported.

Charles Leaman, who has been sickwith the typhoid fever for some time,is about agaiu. X .

t--- BUTLER.

I visited relatives near this place overI Sunday.I A scheme is on foot to build a tel-I ephone line from this place to NorthI Liberty, Knox county.-j Mrs.-iaekson Lang-and Mrs. A. lU.j Coon_g.tterrded the funeral of IIr. Ly-jman Hissong in Tif f in, last Saturday.I '

t . # ^

Swisher.Lorris Blintz has gone to a western

clime and_will probably locate in lowa.A. A. Race's family moved brick to

their country home last week.S. S. Dew, the township school super-

i-ntendent, has the hearty thanks of^ourdistrict for a fine, laige picture ofLongfel low.presented to t tr t i school, a,good thing in a good place. ,-

Russel lBwishdr is iunn ine an incu- :bator tlris- spring and has a*fine iot of Il ib.t le chicksbn l iand. i

] l t iss Al l ie Hamblin, a pupi l of the iI \ ' Ioodvi l le school, has.beeh lranted a Iteacher's certificate at Mansfi6ld. Miss IHamblin is a devoted student and I

The icemen &re busv.- Thg telephone office, at this place nowhas the new bridging bell inslruments,& great improvement over the oldmethod.

I{. A. Pearce, of }It. Yer.non, was thegues_t of his folks in this place overSunday.

W. B. Grubb now slings lightning atAtt ica.

The Switzer Bros. shipped. two car-iloads of eows last Saturd,ay.

Frank Catsie, Jr., of Steam Corners,

Eaturdav.JameiGreer, Sr., was in

last Eaturday on bugiii-ess.

Many thanks to Hon. M.for garden seeds sent;highly appreciated.


D. Harter& kindness

WASHINGTON.'Ihe lox hunt was a, failure as the

west side failed to turn out.Mls. Sirpless is qui-te- PoorlY.I lh 's . SirPIess is qurte Poor ly 'Lit""o"v closed at nridgeport on' last

stands the highest on the school record Iin the townshlp. Our best wishes eo Iwith her in her ehosen field of useful- Iness. I

T - ^ l ' I f - , ^ - ^ - , . ^ - J ^ r r L ^ ^ ^ r - - - - - L - , - |Jaek Byers, guard at the Columbuspenitentiar.y, is home on a visi t .

A surprise party was held. in honor. ofCarl l\Iiller last Sasurday evening byhis friends of this commuirity,as he-ex-pects to leave this vicinity soon. Therewere about 40 present.

The teachers' institute which w&sor-ganized a_t this _place a few weeks agohas over 50 members.

Nelson Yan Akin, of Carson, tr.ans-acted business in this place Mondav.

Some of the farmers of this vicinityshipped their horses to Buffalo laslIIonday.

Tuesday night.- Your'coriespondent received' an un-

merited scorifg at the village Suldaysctrool on last Sunday morning' It wason--ucaooot of the announcement- ofn"eo"itios at 2:30 in the afternot-n,whenit *ur tro"t unti l night. Now, the facts&re es fol lows: One of the members j

"i-ttre church asked the correspondent i

to announce the meeting in the Sn-lrr'o Ifor 2:30 P. h., which was done, and- we II t t int i t^ was general ly t tnderstood by :Jhe members that that was the hour' I:nd, for these smart alecks to score us I,)r what was rePorted to us in good Ifaith we think is out of Pl1:e_ I

Miss Lena Culver has been very sickwith la grippe.

Public day, witb appropriate exer-g!ses,- r1!ll be held in our- day schoolMarch 27th. Professors Knott and I. S.Donnell , of Mnnsfield, wi l l be present.

F. Streby, of Bel lvi l le, has moi,ed intothe Nooner house.

I Mrs. G. Wickert has been called toColumbus by the serious illness of herfather.

Johnston . Finney, who sustainedsevere inj.uries.by- failing down stairs,rs rmprovlng Etowly.

Ifrs. Emma Cope is on the sick listwith lung trouble.

Several members of Philip Straub'sfamily are down with Ia grippe.

Calvin Baum, a, forrn-er-lVoodvilleboy, hns shipped on &n English steamerfor Europe, &s & sai lor. hlr. Baum has.for several yea,rs, been a cow-boy irithe west and lately a mail-carriei onthe Pacific eoast. He is e young manof 23 and loves adventure.


Mother Earnest, who has been very.feeble with la srippe. is out asain.

Mr. and IIrs. ^

Jesse CaEnett. ofWashington,_ spent Sunday here wit ltheir son and wife.

Wm. West. who has beenthe ereamery at this plaee4 gr 5 months, is preparingtrip to Pennsylvania.-

working infor the last

to take a

116 vr

Casca Lodge, K,- of- _'_.,.o,, \{ondayevening, a council of Prinees of theOrient was opened and the degreesconferred on three candidates. A lunchand smoker follorved the degree rvork.

Mrs. R. lI. Algeo visited friends inMansfield on Tuesday and attended theinstaliation of the offieers of the East-ern Star on Tuesday evening.

Mrs. J. W. Lanehart, of Chicago, rsvisiting at the home of D. A. Lanehart,on Markey street.

Rellville Masonic Lodge will hold itsregular meeting for l.ebruary nextTuesday evening. ii

Cascq Irodge. No. 382, K. of P., willeelebrate the 30th anniversary of thefounding of the order on February 19th,by giving an informal reception at theTown HaJl.

I Curt Appleman and John Zudzewitz, ljcharged with stealing brass from the j

I Pennsylvania Company, rrere released Ijto0ay by habeas corpus proceerlings, II but were afterrvard taken to Crestline j

I to anslver the same charge. It is rl- |I leged the brass r.,i'ns stolen fronr ilre Irailroad companyrlelilrtlT-r


L*eorge Uwtsher ICulver 's house and"wife have moved

as moved into D.Wm. Nooner andin with Father


Miss Jessie Young, of Mansfield, vis­ited her grandmother, Mrs. C. Young,on Saturday and Sunday.

Chas. Myers, of Chicago, is visitingat the home of his mother, on Huronstreet.

Prof. Morrison and Geo. Horn, ofShaucks, came to this place on Tues­day to take the tram for Columbus.

Will Severns of Mansfield, visitedfriends in this place on Monday andTuesday.

Jas. Lantz, of Garrett, Ind., was theguest of Bellville friends this weeR.

Mrs. Robert Castner, of Cleveland,is visiting her pax:ents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Potts, at their- home on Main street.

On Monday evening, Feb. 19th, Cas­ea Lodge, No. 482, Knights of Pythias,celebrated the 30th anniversary of thefounding of the order by giving an in­formal reception at the Town Hall.About 300 Knights and invited guestswere present. A most delightful mu­sical program, one which has neverbeen equaled by home talent in thisplace, was rendered. In a short ad­dress Prof. W. S. Lynch gave an out­line history of the order universal anda brief history of Casca Lodge. Aftltrthe address an hour's intermission wasdevoted to caring for the wants ofthe inner man, for which the Knightshad provided abundantly. Then -fol­lowed another hour of musical enjoy­ment concluding at 12 o'clock when theguests departed for their homes wellpleased with the knightly treatmentthey had received. :

The Fisher stock is being sold at re-tail by the assignee. i

\V. C. McCluer, of Maysfield, is talk­ing insurance to the Bellville Masons ilthis week.



I David Divelbiss, a farmer who rel§ides

I·four miles west of Independen.. ce, WM

the only prisoner to be arra4gned inPolice Court this morning. . OfficerRemy found him in a very befuddledcondition making his bed on "deadman's crossing." The prisoner claimedit was the first drunk he had been onsince sep. ternbel' and promised to I;nake II

it his last. Mayor Black allowed him

to go, and he Bt.r~:d.to loot it hOme'jSHENANDOAH. I

David Miller is on the sick list. IThe Shenandoah literary society will

close in the near future.A su~prise party was held in hanoi· of

C!Lrl ~IIll'8r last. Saturday evening byhIS frIends of thIS communitY,as he ex- !peets to leave this vicinity soon. There I

were about 40 present.The teachers' institute which was or­

ganized at this place a few weeks agohas over 50 members.

Nelson Van Akin, of Carson trans­acted business in this place Mo~day.

Some of the farmers of this vicinityshipped their. horses to Buffalo lastMonday.

Wm. West, whohas been working inthe creamery at this place for the last4 «;>1' 5 rn,onths, is preparing to take atrIp to Pennsylvania.

AlLer Lfie close 01 LlIe lllee(jl~

Casco. Lodge, K. of P., all Mondayevening, a council of Princes of theOrient was opened and the degreesconferred on three candidates. A lunchand smoker followed the degree work.

Mrs. R: :NI. Algeo visited friends inMansfield on Tuesdayand attended theinstallation of the officers of the East­ern Star on Tuesday evening.

Mrs. J. W. Lanehart,of Chicago, ISvisiting at the home of D. A. Lanehart,on Markey street.

Bellville Masonic Lodge will hold itsregular meeting for February nextTuesday evening.

Casct\. Lodge, No. 382, K. of P., willcelebrate the 30th anniversary of thefounding of the order on February 19th,by giving an informal reception at theTown Hall.

~s.-D. ~artman-and :Mrs. EElDa;uFg~derty, of Butler,were in this piac~ I'on 1'1 ay.h .Dr'l~ewis was awarded six prizes on IBIS ht

ShBernards at the Columbus /

enc . ow. The dogs, under the'c~r~ of ~m. H. ~lston, are being eX-IIlublted 1I1 DetrOIt this week

Charles Keech, of Mansfi~ld, sent ISunday at the home of Mr. and .Mr~ C iN. InJ~: on Markey street. . .!

S. \V. Cloakey, evangelist has been iseleured for l!' series of meetings in this "n ace to begm March 18th. . I

C. F. Miller, C. M. Hunter and OthoPowell transacted business in Mans­field last Saturday.

Mrs. Albert McClain visited relativesnear Greenwich last week.

The township teachers' institute willmeet at Ganges on Saturday, Feb. 24th.

Gus. Culbertson had his comedianshere one night last week and gave ashow which pleased all who werepresent.

Some of the children of this place at­tended a party at Jess Hammon's onenight last week. .A. good time is re­ported.

Charles Leaman, who has been sickwith the typhoid fever for some time,is about again. X....


I, The icemen are busy. I

The telephone office at this place nowhas the new bridging bell inst.ruments

I a great improvement over the old


IH. A. Pearce, of Mt. Vernon was the

guest of his folks in this pl~ce overi Sunday.i . v,,:". B. Grubb now slings lightning atAttlCa.

The Switzer Bros. shipped two car-loads of cows last Saturday. i

Frank Catsie, Jr., of Steam Cornersvisited relatives near this place ave;Sunday.

.A. scheme is on foot to build a tel­eI?hone line from this place to NorthLIberty, Knox county.

Mrs. Jackson Lang and Mrs. A. 1\1.Coon attended the funeral of Mr. Ly­man Hissong in Tiffin, last Saturday.


The fox hunt was a failure as thewest side failed to turn out.

Mrs.Sirpless is quite poorly.Literary closed at Bridgeport on. last

Tuesday night.Your correspondent received an un­

merited scoring at the village Sundayschool on last Sunday morning. It wason account of the announcement ofpreaching at 2 :30 in the afternot n, whenit was not until night. Now, the factsare as follows: One of the membersof the church asked the correspondentto unnounce the meetinl! in the SHIELDfor 2 :30 p. m., which was done, and wethink it was generally understood bythe members that that was the hour,-;·~d for these smart alecks to score us"lVr what was reported to us in goodfaith we think is out of place.


, Curt Ap~l~man and John Zudzewitz, IIcharged WIth stealing brass from the'IPennsylvania Company, were released I


i today by habeas corpus proceedings, Ibut were afterward taken to crestli.ne IIto answer the same chnrge. It is al­leged the brass was stolen from therailroad company~~r that town. I



Sugar weather ill not as good at!! ex­pected.

Robert Schrader, from near Mans­field. was in town last Sunday.

.Tohn Reitter, of Mansfield, fOl'fDerlyproprietor of the German House, washere Sunday and Monday looking afterhis property.

Alex. Freeman returned from Ne....­ark, N. J., last Sunday.

M. Hoyt, of Newark, N. J., arrivedhere last Sunday evening. He willbuy a car-load of horsei! for the easternmarkets.

Ruth &: Ferguson returned from Cin­cinnati last Friday, where they lold 8.

car-load of horses.\Ve notice in the SHIELD that it

only cost $612.80 to recover a stolenhorse and prosecute the thief. At~he present prices that amount ofmoney would buy four good horses.

"Skeet" Herring and Kirk Crowner,of Mansfield, were the ~uests of JamesCrowner last Sunday. •

Garden-making will be the nJxtthing in order.

Manford Shannaharger, a bridga­builder, returned home last Sundayevening.

Masters Frank Ruth and WadeMowery accompanied Ruth &: Fergu­son to Cincinnati.

The sale on the Gray farm last Satur­day was well attended. The way horsel!sold indicates that there is an over-pro­dUction of them.

John Disbro wal!l in Mansfield last: Saturday.. James Greer, Sr., was in Mansfieldlast Saturday on business.

eorpe wisher has moved into D.Ct:lver s house and Wm. NooneI' andWIfe have moved in with FatherSwisher.

~011is Blin.tz has gone to a W<f>sternchme and wIll probably locate in Iowa.

A: A. Race's family moved back totheIr country home last week.. S. S. Dew, the to"'Vnship school super­lI~ten.dent, has the hearty thanks of ourdlstrlCt for a fine, large picture ofLongfellow presented to the school agood thing in a good place. I '

Russe~l SWis.her is running an incu­bator tlns sprmg and has a fine lot oflittle chicks on hand.

Miss. Allie Hamblin, a pupil of the, \Voodville school, has been granted a

teacheI:'s certificate at Mansfield. MissHamblm is a· devoted student andstands the highest on the school recordin the townsMp. .Our best wishes gowith her in her chosen field of useful­ness.J~ck B.yers, guard at the Columbus

pem.tentiary, is home on a visit..MISS Lena Culver has been very sick

WIth Ia grippe.. Publi~ day, with appropriate exer­

Cises, wlll be held in our day schoolMarch 27th. Professors Knott and 1. S.Donn,ell, of Mansfield, will be present.

F. Streby, of Bellville, has moved intothe NooneI' house.

Mrs. G. Wickert has been called toColumbus by the serious illness of herfather.

Johnston . Finney, who sustained~e~ere inj.uries by falling down stairs,IS Improvmg slowly.

.Mrs. Emma Cope is on the sick listWIth lung trouble.S~veral members of Philip Straub's

famIly.are down with la grippe.Calvm Baum, a former 'Voodville

boy, hits shipped on an English steamerfor Europe, as a sailor. Mr. Baum has,for several years, been a cow-boy in

I the west and lately a mail-carrier onthe Pacific coast. He is a young man

·of 23 and loves adventure.. Mothe~ Earnest, who has been very'feeble wlth la grippe, is out again.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cashell ofWashington, spent Sunday here ~iththeir son and wife.

Many thanks to Hon. M. D. Harterfor garden seeds sent· a kindnesshighly appreciated. '


Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Page 3: Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and ncreidentnlly fell over :l lo when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io shatte-ring'the arm about

Since it has been reported that a wiklauimal is roaming about here we havenoticed sonie of our young rnen "load-ed for bear" with two revblvers and rujug of hard cider. Look out, Mr.Panther.

I t looks to us as though the Mans-field Itepublican thinks a soldier whohas been dipped in the blood uf theunion aud. doesn't belong to the g. o. p.is not worthy of notice.

Wm. Ferguson was in Mansfield last1\Ionday.


Look well to your wood house andeoal shed.

Several fi'om this section attendedthe campaign opening at Mansfield lastNIondav.'We

c"an't tell whether the differenceis in the f ish or whether i t is in thepeople,as some come from Knox countyand some go from here to Knox to fisf:we thinlothe difference is in the grub. ;


The ground hog's prediction as to thewq.at-het has been good thus far.

It looks as though the peor;le here&re bound to keep cool neit surnmer.IVe notieed John Taylor filline anoilrerice-house ]ast lllondav.

H. N. Ruth is busy"buying up & ear-load of horses fof the


market.Alex. Freeman shipped a car-load of

good horses east last Fridav.- Jolrn Taylor will move inio the llinesIrote-l property the last of l\Iarch. Nolone will tiren dare say Newville has no Ihotel. r

I ̂ thannabarger Bros. were in Mans- |llieJd last Tu-esday attending the sale.I LooK out for sugar-makins soon.j lIrs. H. N. RutE is in Mansfield. visit- |I ing relatives. Ii .Ttt"- editor.-.of lhe Srrnr,n has not Ii visited Newville since the patrons of lI Industry. have started up here, or helryo"l{ not for one moment eni;ertain' the'idea that the court house at Jesup,Tenn., would be a suitable town ha^lifor Newville.

The schools will be ciosins their iwinter terms in a few days. i

Frank thannabarger -is

talkine of imoving on the Douglass farm "this,sprrng.

There is talk that Frank Ames willmove from Mansfield back to his farmin the _p"i"g.


_,A. C. Loback visited friends in IIt.Yernon d_uring the past week.

1l[r. and Illis. Frank Lanehart. of{Ia1te}, were the guesjs of his brolher,IJ. A. l,anehart, over Sundav.

Mrs. Dess Shafer has retuined froma visit with fr iends at Danvi l le. I l l .

M.iss Mollie Patman, ,of Mdrnsfield,Sundayed at the home bt frgr pa"ents irithis place.

The third entertainment of the lec-ture eoUrse was given at the townhall on Friday. e.vdning by ,,Bpedon,the earicaturist." There wds a good at-tendance.- Jotrn Parsons and family have movedon the Goodhear0 farm sii miles westof the village.

IIike Bolinger has bought from C. A.Stump the old Ordway bl-oek on Mainstreet, opposite the P-ark.

Several_young men of this place havepurchased a supply of roller skates and.have rented the Town llall for twonights of each week.

Mrs. Cyn-thia Shiner, of Gratiotcounty, I l ich., is visi t ing at the homeof her mottrer, Mrs. A.- Hendrickson,on South Huron street.

J. B. Lewis, n-ife and daushter. went ito Columbus on Tuesday, where' thev iwi l l be the guests of I Ir . ' and Mrs. R-. I\Y. Bell. The .Doctor has several of Ihis 8t. Bernards on exhibition at the.benchr%_

SHELBY.H. S. Batsford w&s in Cleveland

Tuesday.Edwin Mansfleld went to Tiro on

business Wednesday.W. R. Moore, of New London, war

in the city Tuesday.Dr. W. R. Bricker is in Cieveland.J. C. Patterson, of Clevoland, was in

the eity Tuesday.B. J. Wiiliams returned home from

Cumberland, Mo., Tuesday.Sam'l Nothacker and Geo. R. Farrer,

now located in Mansfield,were at homoover Eunday.

Chauncy Hamilton, of .Plymouth,wasin the city Sunday evening.

H. J. Byers was in Mansleld on buri-ness Tuesday.'W'.

Brodefiek left for Columlius Wed-nesday.

J. P. Gilligan, of Roek ltland, fll.,was in the city Mond.ay.

ffi-The Victor llall society is still in ffne

progress, and is verJr well attended.The question for debate last


day evening w&s "Resolved, thatsecret societies &re a benefit to theeommunity." The negative won.'Ihe Yankeetown gehool cejobratedLongfellow's day,the 27th of. February,with reeitill of po6ms, interspersddwith songs by the scholais and th-e pro-sentation of the portrait of Henry lY.Longfellow, by tho superintenderit, 8.8. Dew.

J. T. Garrison, J. Colwell and 8, 8.Smith are still very sick at this writ-ing.

Edward Ohl and wife.on their returnfrom Pennsylvania, tpe'nt a few dayswith Mrs. Elzy Charles and family.

Miss llyrti-o Kohler spent Tu-esdaywith Miss-Ella Carl.

\Ynr. Shane who came throughover land route f rom Kansas ta lks

ing back in the same manner ingolng Da,cfew days.

\Ibr:ight spent SaturdaY at

Our people who were so muchalarmed. about a, hop tea joint aregett ing so they can sleep well .

Doc. i l lcCombs is kept so busv heean't get t ime to f ish.- Typhoid fever is almost epidemichere. ' ,

The latest thing that we bave toexeite our peaeeful and quiet ci t izens Iis a great snake story tbat has been Itold and circulated by. our friend H. I

| !. Wheeler, whose reputation is beyonddispute. He arises and says he- saw"with his own eyes" the frack of asnake that was as large as a six inchstove-pipe. Now we don't say whetherthe track wes es large as the stove-pipe or wlether the snake was as bigas a six inch pipe. Some say i t wasthe track of a tract ion engine, whileothers think it was Marion Mannerhauling saw-logs. This question wil lbe brought up before the Newvillecorrnei l .

A. H. tr'reeman is meeting with greatsuceess buying horses, notwithstand-ing the dull nrarkets.

John Sheehy expects to send hisdaughter Bessie to Pittsburg soon tobe treated for deafness. She hae beenentire-ly deaf for the past two ye&rs,gaus-g{ by scarlet fever. She is a brrghtinteJ_ligent girl 15 years of age, butsmall for her age.

Mrs. Dr. Fainter and familv left Sat-urday for Columbiana eounly, wherelhey -will visit several weeks emongfriends.

Albert Ramsey and Cal. Teerer, of IRutler. and H. C. Sheehv. from near INewvil le, passed through

' this place I

M.g,pday enroute_to McKay, where-they Iwi l l erect a wind pump. I^ Claarl-ey Paullin-and.iamily, of Mans- |field, who have been rusticating herefor the past two weeks, returned-homeMonday.

is spending a week at Yankeetowi ' -- iir* Chiidren's nreeting at Taylor-

torn'n iast Sunday evening proved' to beo,t i t" a success. Regular--services againJu lv Bth." 'Iirylortorvn is still increasing,-thelast iddit ion being a grocery by Rev.I l i tchel l .--Mi:s-

\Iclaughlin, who h-as-beett v-isit-ins her l tarettts, ] f t : . and ][rs' JohnAd";;. ot ' Buzzard' 's Glory, returnedto her home in ] lansfield ]ast ] londay'

The Ladies' Aid Society vvi l l give adime social for the benefit of the l\tt'Bethel chur:ch at the residenee, ofLewis Bush SaturdaY evening, June23rd.

S H E N A N D O A H .

A great many PeoPle {rom,here at-tenC"ed. the rnaciifre irarade at Shelby

. SaturdayFrank" Cl ine ]ost a valuable dr iv ing

mare last \YednesdaY niglit.- t . -H;aaon, F. Chdr ' r ' ,

'Miss EsteI Ia

,Boals anit }tiss Dora Gongweri, of-DUt l , lS t t r l l l l - r r L l nD uvLa uv r ' 8 " v ^ t

i Petelsburs. spet t t Saturday at td Sut t -

lday with r"r.iends.and relatiXgl.Lgi"'- ̂ -r,v with f"riends and relatives here'i"rthur Albr:icht spent SaturdaY


WASHTNGTON. IThe Richland county Pomona Grange I

n' i l l meet with Madison Grange Inurs- |clav. Oct. 25tlt.-

ii" ftuuu received several samll-er Jalias'poiiii"ui, copies of a trfansfieldnuootiti*un newsplper but we fail tosee anything about that wash-house';' 'rir,.t.'iuket' must have side-trackedttrat isiue.' Nevertheless Jake'8 nameis-i:l-lenois," a,s Democrats do no-t carrclo oot" for a man who tras malignediirem during tris entire political .career'""o;]il;

t-.-be" froni here at'tendedthe Loudonvi l le fair ThursdaY-'-'"R;;;"

tas it that these cold nightsf,*e *e"it siarted the morringe-wheels 1and that we will have several wedorngs Ihere ere iong. i

The Demoerats here have come -ro Iilre--conciusion, a.s of old, that- the Ii jemocratic party iq the party.of.thelpeople and ttrey will vote 'er straignl Iin Noventber . - |'^'\i;;

a"tv ittu Rep.ublicansof Richland I


l &

The "kid" drum eorps will. hold anicJ6"eu- and stran'berly sccial in ihet:iirin"-l-"fut:any eveniri-q,. June 30th'ii;;;?;ll- t


-i*"nished' bY t\u.- :'ld

d"o^ "o"ps,at td

a lsoby a str inged band

co."po."a oi 'home ta lent ' . l""iTiv*"r.ing, whieh u'as begurt last'uveek. is at a standstii l on account of

'nin*:t rth erin e B owden, oil'ran sfl,elil'

i* ih; 's*. i-or n"" son, J' \ \r 'Brrtr-den''" liu""F. [l-bitt.ott nnd wtfe, -of ]Ionroe

t";;;hii;;na u''t' srlan and daughter'

"I 'Upp"'" 'sandusky, wele the guests of

i i t ;" ; ; ; rvr*.. G""w' Hobinson' last

i ""u. '"qt" iea-Uv

any Proseeutor. that ii niehtand eounty has ever htct; vote ror 1lDougtase and tlie entire ticket' II

W A S H I N G T O N .

eountY or even the state of Ohio to;;i;;"to*tr a, m&n who has made a;;l;8"

"""o"4 as Prosecutor than A' A'

Dbirelass. He has tried fortY-one;;;;il '; in Common Pleas Court and[". t""t forty-one to the penitentiaryuoO

-*o"f.horise, and' has put into the

il;;.ilt-;f ahd c-oqntY otft1 $t,8oo of1fines. This record _i: g"-1^::::l'-"i.:i

SundaY.i Ervenna trulr is seriously ill withi tvphoicl fever. n r-^!-"'i;i;;;Ho*n.', of North-Dako.ta' is

I trr i"ei. t i"" i" i ; i t sister, l rrs ' M' A' 'sirPless.

Iv i s i t i ng re la t i ves in t l i i s v i c in i t y ' -'^di;;-,; i ;-f i"t iuon,. '

of Ashl*ir9, 'd- ii Arei .seO tbe Y ' P. C. U. Iast Sunday' I" ' l i i l " .

f ; t t ie McCrorF, of I . [nvesvi]1e, I

w; ih ; guesb of Miss Eva l lout las tS r t l t rd t tY auc l SundaY.-

The fbl iolving tt 'achers l tar e Deen

" ,,piov*it Co teac\ltre- tul-"l-tiT Lll'll^:I

i ; , i t ; ; l ' , - - t i i s t ' i c t No. 1 . N. \Y. Tucker :I l ro. z, S r. iongwer; No-3, J' ' re Zehner:I N ; : t : c . B iu i t ; No . 5 , J . L . Hen ry ; No '

N E W V I L L E .

l l l rs . At tna l lcOuldy went to St . Joe,

I t t t l . , to v is i t her grand-dat tghtet ' . i rhe

is 88'yenrs o lc l , l i i ;es n lone und does al l

her owtr house work.- W-. l\raliace and wife attended the

Ilepublicatt meeting at lVlansfielcl Sat-

r r rdav night .If iher:e ls &ny lau for order and de-

eency ot t the Sa-trbat t r day we would l ike

to see i t , enforced hele.The smiling fnee of l ldr, 'ard Ruth was

seen on our st reets } lorrdaY.--Tt te l )emocrat ic meet ing Saturday

was a very enthusiast ic ot le nnd theg; t t ; * br inO being present enl ivenedthe oceasion with soll1e verY nne

mus ic .I artlrur -{r0l:rgnu spelI Sheibv.I l t"s. I larsh,of Galion,i Otto Seo:ist. this u-eek.t - ^

is the guest ofK . I . D .

i o, C. stevens.


The Victor Hall society is still in :tineprogress, and is very well attended.The question for debate last Wednes­day evening was "Resolved, thatsecret societies are a benefit to thecommunity." The negative won.

'fhe Yankeetown school celebratedLongfellow's day,the 27th ofFebruary,with recital .of poems, interspersedwith songs by the scholars and the pre­sentation of the portrait of Henry \V.I...ongfellow, by the superintendent, S.S. Dew.

J. T. Garrison, J. Colwell and S. S.Smith are still very sick: at this writ­ing.

Edward Ohl andwife,on their l'eturnfrom Pennsylvania, epent a few dayswith Mrs. ElzyCharlesand family.

Miss Myrtle Kohler spent Tuesdaywith Miss Ella Carl.


The Richland. county Pomona Grange 1

will meet with Madison Grange Thurs-day. Oct. 25th. I I

'\Ve have received several samp e,alias political, copies of a l\1ans~eld·!Republican newspaper but we faIl tosee anything about that ~ash-house."Uncle Jake"· must have SIde-trackedthat issue. Nevertheless Jake's nameis "Dennis," as Democrats do no~ careto vote for a man .who ~a.s malignedthem during his entIre polItiCal career.

Ouite a number from here attendedth~ Loudonville fair Thursday. .

Rumor has it that these cold mghtshave again started themarriage-wh~elsand that we will have several weddmgshere ere long. t

The Democrats here have come ,0

the conclusion, as of old, that .. theDemocratic party is the ~arty of .thepeople and they will vote er straIghtin November. . I d

We defy the Republicans of RICh. ancounty or even the state of OhIO to Ibring forth a man who has made a \better record as Prosecutor than A. A.DouglaEls. He has tried forty-oneprisoners in Common Pleas C<;mrt .andhas sent forty-one to the pem~entIaryand workhouse, and has ,l)llt mto thetreasury of the county ~r $1,800 offines This record is not excelled oreven' equaled by any Prosecutor that.\Richland county has ~ver.had; vote forDouglass and the entIre tIcket. I

H. S. Batsford was in ClevelandTuesday. .

Edwin Mansfield went to Tiro onbusiness Wednesday.

W. R. Moore, of New London, wasin the city Tuesday.

Dr. W. R. Bricker is in Cleveland.J. C. Patterson, of Cleveland, was in

the city Tuesday.B. J. Williams returned home from

Cumberland, Mo., Tuesday.Sam'l Nothacker and Geo. R. Farrer.

now located in Mansfield,were at homeover Sunday.

Chauncy Hamilton, of Plymouth,wasin the city Sunday evening.

H. J. Byers was in Mansfield on busi-ness Tuesday. ..

W. Broderick left for Columbus Wed­nesday.

J. P. Gilligan, of Rock bland, Ill.,waS inth~city Monday.


Mrs. Anna McCurdy went to St .•~?e,Ind .• to visit hel' grand-daught.er. t-iheis 88 Y81\r8 old. lives alone and does allher own house wurl~.

Wm. Wallace and wife atteI.:ded~heRepublican meeting at Mansfield ~at­

nrday night.If there IS any la.w for order and ?e-

cency on the Sabbath day we would lIketo see it, enforced here.

The smiling fnce of Edward Ruth wasseen on our streets Monday.

The Democratic meeting Saturda)'was a very enthusiastic one a~d theButler band. being present enlIvenedthe occasion with some very finemusic.


• • I

Mrs. John Roogle,. of .< ?,n. wert, IS I!vi:dting relatives in thIS VIelmty. ;

Charles McIlvane, of Ashland, ud-, dressed tbe Y. P. C. U . last SUlJday:

. 1\1iss ~eUie McCrory, o! IInye,wIlle,was the gU(~st of Miss Eva Bout lastS tlurday and Sunday. ,

The following teachers have D8en~ h t l ". term ofe nployed to teac .,'11e WIn .;e~ . .

s~hool: District ?'io. 1, N. ". :u~~ke~:'To 2 S Gongwer; No 3, .Tue Zt-'nn~r.No: 4: C. Blust; No.5, J. L. Henry; No.6, C. Stevens.---'--+------

A. C. Loback visited friends in Mt.Vernon during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lanehart, ofMartel, were the guests of his brother,D. A. Lanehart, over Sunday.

Mrs. Dess Shafer has returned froma visit with friends at Danville, Ill.

Miss Mollie Patman,. of Mansfield,Sundayed at the home of her parents inthis place. •

'fhe third entertainment of the lec­ture COOrse was given at the townhall on Friday evening by "Spedon,the caricaturist." There was a good at­tendance.- John Parsons and family have movedon the Goodheart farm six miles westof the village.

Mike Bolinger has bought from C. A.Stump the old Ordway block on Mainstreet, opposite the Park.

Several young men of this place havepurchased Ii supply of roller skates andhave rented the 'l.'own Hall for twonights of each week.

Mrs. Cynthia Shiner, of Gratiotcounty, Mich., is visiting at the homeof her mother, Mrs. A. Hendrickson,on South Huron street.

J. B. Lewis, wife and d'aup:hter, went"to Columbus on Tuesday, where theywill be the guests of Mr. and Mriil. R.'V. Bell. The Doctor has several of!his St. Bernards on exhibition at the,bench show in that 2!.!Y'. ., .


~ASHINGTON.\ The "kid" drum corps will. hC?ld ~n!. cream and strawberry sCCIallll theI Ice . J . 30th! village Saturday ev.emnd'S'b unt~ . oldI ;\lusic will be fl'lrmshe .y edrum corps,and also by a strInged band

ased oi home talent.CO~~ymaking, which was begun l:s~week, is at a standstill on accoun o.

th~/ainC'atherine Bowden, of Mansfield,.iu.rs. J ,~T Bowden. the guest of her son, .. ,I. .

IS Mart. Robinson and WIfe, of Mo~roe

t. h 'p and Mrs Swan and daug tel',owns 1 , • h t ofof Upner Sandusky, were t ~ gues ~ ~tMr. a"'nd Mrs. G. VV. Roblllson, a:-s,

SU~~::~na Hull is seriously ill withtyphoid fever. .

N Ison Barnes, of North Dakota, ISth~ e guest of his sister, Mrs. M. A.~irpless.



The ground hog's prediction as to theweather has been good thus far.

It looks as though the people hereare bound to keep cool next summer.W'e noticed John Taylor filling anotherice-house last Monday. .

H. N. Ruth is busy buying up a car­load of horses for the Cincinnatimarket.

Alex. Freeman shipped a car-load ofgood horses east last Friday.

John Taylor will move into the Hineshotel property the last of March. Noone will then dare say Newville has nohotel.

Shannabarger Bros. were in Mans­field last Tuesday attending the sale.

Look out for sugar-making soon. !Mrs. H. N. Ruth is in Mansfield ViSit-I

ing relatives.The editor of the SHIELD has not

visited Newville since the Patrons ofIndustry have started up here, or hewould not for one moment entertainthe'idea that the court house at Jesup,Tenn., would be a suitable town hallfor Newville.

The schools will be closing theirwinter terms in a few days.

Frank Shannabarger is talking ofmoving on the Douglass farm thisspring.

There is talk that Frank Ames willmove from Mansfield back to his farmin the spring.


MISS Maud Lantz, of Buzzard's G-lory,is spending a week at Yankeetowl·.

The Children's meeting at Taylor­town last Sunday evening pr~ved to ~equite a success. Regular serVICes agamJuly 8th. . ' th

'l'aylortown is still mcreasmg, elast addition being a grocery by Rev.Mitchell. . 't

Mrs. McLaughlin, who has been VISI -ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnA<fams, of Buzzard's Glory, returnedto her home in Mansfiel~ last ~lon.day.

The I ...adies' Aid SOCIety wIll gIve adime social for the benefit?f the l\1t.Bethel church at the resI~ence ofLewis Bush -Saturday evemng, June23rd.

I ...ook well to your wood house andcoaJ shed.

Several from this section attendedthe campaign opening at Mansfield lastMonday.

We can't tell whether the differenceis in the fish or whether it is in thepeople,as some come from Knox countyand some p;o from here to Knox to fish;we thin~ the difference is in the grub.

Since it has been reported that a wildanimal is roaming abou.t here we havenoticed SOllie of our young men "load­ed for bear" witb two revolvers and h

jug of hard cider. Look out. Mr.Panther.

It looks to us as though the Mans­field Republican thinks a soldier whohas been dipped in the blood uf theunion and doesn't belong to the g. o. p.is not worthy of notice.

\Vm. Ferguson was in Mansfield lastMonday.

\Vm"Shane who came through theoverland route from Kansas talks ofgoinp; back in the same manner in afew days.

Our people who were so muchalarmed about a hop tea joint aregetting so they can sleep well.

Doc. McCombs is kept so busy hecan't get time to fish.

Typhoid fever is almost epidemichere. .

The latest thing that we have toexci te our peaceful and quiet citizens;is a great snake story that has been Itold and circulated by our friend H. IA. Wheeler. whose reputation is beyonddispute. He arises and says he saw"with his own eyes" the track of asnake that was as large as a six inchstove-pipe. Now we don't say whetherthe track was as large as the stove­pipe or whether the snake was as bigas a six inch pipe. Some say it wasthe track of a traction engine, whileothers think it was Marion Mannerhauling saw-logs. This question winbe brought up before the Newvillecouncil.

A. H. Freeman is meeting with greatsuccess buying horses, notwithstand­inp; the dull markets.

John Sheehy expects to send hisdaughter Bessie to Pittsburp; soon tobe treated for deafness. She has beenentirely deaf for the past two years,caused by scarlet fever. She is a brIghtintelligent girl 15 years of age, but Ismall for her age.

Mrs. Dr. Painter and family left Sat­UJ'day for Columbiana county, wherethey will visit several weeks amongfriends.

Albert Ramsey and Cal. Teeter, ofButler. and H. C. Sheehy, from nearINewville, passed through this placeMonday enroute to McKay, where theywill erect a wind pump.

Ct.J.arley Paullin and family, of Mans-:field, who have been rusticating here'for the past two weeks, returned homeMonday.


A great many people from here at­tenied the machine parade at ShelbySaturday. d . .

, Frank Cline lost a valuable rIvm.gmare last vVednesday night. 11

J. Huston, F. Chew, Miss Este aBoals and Miss Dora Gongwer, ofPetersburg, spent Saturd~y and Sun­day with friends and relatIVes here.

Arthur Albright spent Saturday atShelby. t f

lVII's. Marsh,of Galion, is the gues 0

Otto Secrist, this week. K. 1. D.


Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Page 4: Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and ncreidentnlly fell over :l lo when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io shatte-ring'the arm about

PLYMOUTH. PLYMOUTH.L. D. Cain and wife, of Columbus,

are spending a week with friends andrelqtives at this Plaee.

\\ i l I Kirkpatr ick, Jr ' , exPects toi leave in a fe* days to spend the rvinterin Oali fornia." '11;;:- i i .

d'Jnht.on, of Newark, wasin town recently with a view of rnovinghere.-

Wilt Young, of Chicago Juhctlon,spent flunclaY irt towtt-- iake

Zeidlbt hasreturnetl from CleYe-Ilnd.wrhere lre had gone to have a pieceof steel removed from his eye. . -

Mrs. G. A. Hi l ls is now on the siek

A p leasant surpr ise was- g iven at . tbebeadti ful truw rei i t lentte of E. ChatlainanA iamity last Wednesdav . evening'Air;rrt fif';y gttests assernbled' Tbe

ievening wirs rirelriiy spent in sociall"tr.i-^l?o ntte *usic bv trIiss- Edithidt";tdt"- und *o-,, of

-the fliends'

ieto"t I o'cloclt they were invited tol l i i . ?inin!-"ooot, wl iere a bounti fuli sunoer was served. The oecasion wasian'tinioyable one and, afte-r some ex-i ""-tiii-tiC

iirigin g of b ymn s, .ali - return edl lrome feel ing-that they had spont aI nleasant'evening'I ' - i r i i t*

Palmer, -

of Penttsylvania, is

ioi.it,ing t,ei' un'cte, F. B. Palmer, and! f am i l v .i -- t trd

Oakland Sunday sehool reorg&n-i i ruO b".umber gth with the tol lou' ing| .ai"ui'Ji Superintendent, J' O' &Iot-I ; ; f f i , secrdturv, I t l iss Eva Garrison;i iriu.ui'"". C. \Y.' Carl ; or&uui-st, llissi 0nlr ie Pueh: chorigter, A' l jush'

i -

ntry Edfrai'ds, of -Perr.vsvt]J"' tp,9l!

O A K L A N D .

i rveek.I

.Wirts Bros. nre erecting their snw

"oa ie"O mill and will soon be ready for

,bus iness.r- T[tYurlkeetown school wi l l havea'it*,i**[.ti vacation during the holi-I tlavs.i-'ir.:.. INlzy Charles a-nd $on, Trocy,

lfrs. !-red Schaefler, of lIarion, isthe _guest of her sisber, Mrs. Chas.l\IcClinchey. l_ Mrs. Henry Trauger and doushter. iJessie, spent Saturday and Sunday ir i IMansfield. I

l l rs. I lmrna Holl iday and familv Ihuve.returned to their hbme in Cleve'- |land after visi t ing for some t ime in Ith is v ic in i ty . I_ -Mr.. Norton, a, theological student of iOberl in, del ivered an address in the ILuthera l r church or r Sunr lav evenine in ithe in terest o f t l re Ohio Ant i -Sa loorr I

lLeague. He spoke in an earnest man- iI ner', rnaking a practical address. Ile Ij a<ivocated the plan of workins the Il:?T:T::-j:-^ l"^"_1,1 g-" nomin*arion Iof temperanee candidates, and. then n e Icould look for the enforcenrent of the Ianti- l iquor laws, no matter whieh party Iwas rn power. I

I ist."'lUi*, Loie King, of l[ansfield,.spent

Sundav with her i :ousit t , Letla Shutt '--Theiecture at the I!I. E. churoh by

C. II. !.raeer on "The Greatest'T\ingrirr Enrth" was weli atbendgd and mbstneople expresB themselvd's asr welji,letiseat with the entertaiument..'

Miss Pershing, the Evange-list. -hatg96p(rnced a ievival at }leKendreeeh ureh.- -rileb.

& O. people had a emoll wreelis.bout a mile s6ut[ of rown one day last*or*. A freigtrt train partq$ whiienoming down dhe grade. Tbe fi.r.et' part,'i-iiiei*oirr stopped to take the side-track, when the second patt csmc lrp

"iirt u t ox-car w&B thrown on top of a

coal-car, besirles rlisarranging thingssontewhat.-- iJn

Sunaoy evening -about 7 o'e' lockthe t,own wes &roused lty the fire. bell'til; fir'" proved to b-e at lrichaelStteelev's 6arn, about a nrile north oftowlr.

-The barn and eontents were

entirety consumed. 1\Ir. Sheeley lcstten ton-s of hay, a, straw -staek- fourteen&cres of corn

'and fodder, !vq- cows'

f,itu ho"t** and two rnules. IIr. Sh-eeleyhas $1.200 insurance in the Huron

I ) . . IJ . K ingFas gone to Chicago topurcnase goods.

PJymouth is to have a leeture eoursethis winter. The f irst lecture of theseason will be dehvered on Saturdaygpning pr LOot._ Copeland; subjeed,"Seeing the EIephant . ' ,

IVlrs. Rev. John ilfontgomery, of rNewark, is visi t ing her parents on-[test Ibroa,dway. i

Mrs. L. R. Dronberger returned to Iher home in Mansfieldbn Tuesdav. 1

Lem. Lyon went to Columb-us onTuesday in the intereste of the Fate-Gunsaullus Co.

i" ru# ctays witit \rl'm. \Yailace last! w e e k .i

' 'ciiiite a nunber of our people at-

I t"r iOeO the dedication of the newiU;it;a nrltttren chttrch southeast ofi t tr is-pluce, Dec. 9th.i --e

,'Mu*vel, formerly day opetat-or ati t,he l\Iadis-on ttrlegraph offiee, now has ai nosit ion at Pavoniai ' A.-t- I lursh went to Cleveland' last

1 SututAay to accept a position in u' drugj store.i- i ' t t" two Misses Selhyandthel\Iessrs'iC.-". of Miff i in, visi ted our sohool last

PLYMOUTH. ID. W. Cummins, of Mansfield, was in i

town last Wednesdny. IAs an evidence of how the Republi- |

cens secured their large pluraj i iv we Inotiee that thirty Democirats in- this Itown s taved nws.v f rom fha nn l l c n r r I

Wm. Loekwood has returned fromPetoskey, Mich.

to'wn- stayed awa,y from the polls onelection day.

Eome of the owners of land on theprairie west of town are agitatrng thesubject of opening & new ioad .acrossthe muck,paral lel With [be county I ine,one and one-fourth miies nolff i of tnatr_oad, gxtending from the Plymouth andNew Haven road directly west to theRichmond township hn-e. This roadwould be of much value to Plvmouthin the way of trade in the cour.'se of afew years,and should be encouraged byour e i t izens.

The lodges in -the vi l lage are takingon new l i fe,mueh interest-being shown.The K. o f P. and I . O. O. F. lodseshave bgen increasing their memb6r-sh ip .

Nelson Bodley returned home fromCleveland on Monday, where he hadbeen to have a tumor removed at theLakeside bospital. He was gone justtwo weeks. Dr. Al len remarked in-thepresence of the ciass of medical stu-dents that this wes one of the mostremarkable eases of suceessful opera-t ion ever performed at that hospital.

Colonel Copeland's lecture oD^ ,.see-ing the Eleph-ant-," -was attended hyquire & good sized audience. ThaColonel is a pleasing oretor.

Rev. A. C. Miller,r,accompanied byE. K. Trauger, as delegate.- attendedthe eastern eonference of W'ittenbergsynod at Galion this week.

A lady evangelist wi l l eonduet arevival at the i l I . E. church during nertweek.

Mrs. Butler and }fre. Georse Hanichave lately fallen heir to quite a sumof money.by the deatf of a

-relat ive at

i l Ionroevi l le.


l ir;tfi 'f itt,i.i it iorance co. ii the- Plymouth township -trttstees II rrrr- p"tcliiio tn"*" neit^ ct'untpio.n Iiild 5r"upe"*. The se-rapers.,3r9 first- |i c l a s s a n d w e h o p e t h e y w t l l - b e u s e o II freely. The trustees &re to be 9oT- |I menriea for the- interest thef take in

I! the u'elfare of the PeoPIg. ,i --U.

f,. Tho*ts, of'T,rl'edo, was in town !

' l \,Irs. INlzy Charles and $oll ' -rr&cy'

i .p""itn""Jduy and tr'riday $'it ir friends

t i n Ash la r td co t tn tY .i"' i lrs.-i. Colwetf and daughtet', IIag', g ie. have moved to Lexing-t<ln 'l - ' fne Vietor l la l l sehool l r terary soei-ietv i 'e-organizecl las l ' Tr test lay evening

i t rv e lect ing the fo l lowing ol l iders:

! Piesident , C. \ \ t . Robinson; secret 'ary '

i rif i.t a*alda Stober; treasurer, Cal-

lv in Fisher. The society meets everyi l - 'uesdav etett ing.i

- T[u tlukland Sunday sehool will have

lChristmas exercises on Christm&E eYe'i AU are cordiallY invited.

Scnooi, Grnr,.

of Springfield, visi ted this plaee lastweeli in- the interest of WittenbergCollege. Dr. Gotwald remained overSabtrablr and fa,vored thd Lutheranswith two very nble sermons.

Christmts cxerctses were held in al lof the churches. They consisted ofs ing ing, speak i r tg , respons ive readi l lgs ,tableaux au<I a treat of gooti things forthe scholars.

Plyrrouth has been favored with aeood mauy visi t t t ls this week.-

Lotbie Brultaker is at home fromCleveland and Abbie Parker fromOtrerl in: I ' I r . and Mrs. L. R. Dron'berger,

'Jesse LaDorv and Mr. Ward,

of Mansfield, tpeni Christmas in town.David Ecker, of Canal Dover, rvas

orr Tt tesday.Wm. Seiters, of New Washington'

was in town WednesdaY.Samuel Aumend is quit 'e teeble;ther€ I

*ee*s -[o

ne but little -hopes

of hie re-

W E T L E R T O l w N S H I P .

"oiit*to"* readi'g room Beems to 9e ;*eft rrut i 'onized' Ui t i re young-people,and. our people should do al l they canto

"neouiase them in this direetion'

I I rs . C. D. l far t in , whovisit , i rrg her daughter, trh.s. A.

has beenI i . Cl ine,\\rednes-i of Bloomvi l le, returned home

I t l a v .I dav .j \\'e very d"eeply regret the departure

Foster Ilrich has recorered from an

a t tack o f qu i t t sY 'There wrlt t)tr a Christmls le,stl-v3.I


th;' i ;6*;i i i vulle-v ehurch Christmas

I "t ' i 'rrr*"ory society wil l soon be orgun-

I ized at Am-oY'.I A rerival ts tn pr'ogress qt tihef.lr:r!;

i " ' " ; ; ; ; ;A- , . n9t ' I -oo'r is is leuding tn

! the ev&ngelre.at i i t " 'k ' Plof ' CI ine

i leads the s ingi t tgi on last F'rit luv Iriglr1 about -:t iq}lv


i o"r'i..Liitoia;J ""uiEhuo"t and


i surtrl ised t i" ' "t--i l is ltome tl:o1, th"

i i, j iJi-,-r ' i i i t*tt. ()ra expects to lelr 'e

i iX"ti?,i"'tti. '''ett ltotne i* I(tttts6X'. a.

i o f one of our good rre ighbors, \4rm.I Shade , who has len roved to Mans f i t l d .i t l u r l oss i s l l aus f ie ld ' s ga in .j The i i terary soeiety is in good run-I n ing order at 1\ro l ford 's school house.iA l l a te co rd ia l l y i nv i ted ; eve rJ i Tues -: d a y e v e u i u g .i

' l he Y ic to r l l a l l schoo l i s p rog tess -; i r rg f i ne l y u r rde r G . H . HugheS.i A. Cast le and wi fe were t reated to an1 old- fashioned bel l ing by about l i f ty ofi the boys. I lard <r ider anr l c igu". *""*

I set up tg t t 9 l roys and they al l u 'ent' no rne reJo lc lug .I The ( i range I fa l l is being r .epainted,w l r i ch i s he ip ing the appearance o f i texceed ing ly .

Vrc lon I { . , i r , r , Sorroor, ( i rnr ,s.

friends, fioir. lt l D. Harter nnd farnil.y,from llansfield and vicinity, and hopethe Qurrker City wiil soon lose itscharrns for them and thoy will hie totheir beautiful lt"estern home andmany friends.

Oouxtxv Grnr,.


I .f . n. Sellers visited lriends in Shiloir, Tuesdav.r M. li. Davis returned from Toledoi Sunday evening.i V. 0.' Peteis, after undergoing a

the guest of T. 1![ . Trauger's farni lyand t i-re Kirrgs on i l londay and Tuesday. I

Charles l 'enner, of Cleveland, spent iChristmas at home with his parents. I

A party consist ing of the fol lo-wing icentlemen went to Medina on \Yednee-dav: F. W. K i r t land, B. E. LaDow' '

rJai. Moore. Franklrwin, Jno. ! 'ate andD. Troup.

The taxpavers &re in a bad humor,owirrg to the large inerease in the taxes,whiei i are considerably larger than lastvear. The sehool board and. townshiplrustees are held responsible for theinerease, and they are a mueh-talked- 1about set of officials. ,

Mint ie Bevier is spending her v&c&- iI t ion in Newark.I t J l u t l r r t . L \ u w a ! r ^ . I

I Miss Lottie Taylor and sister Jennie i| - LY I IUS . U ( ,UUI I t r aa l r v r o r r ( . E rous r t ' v r

l spent Cbr is tmas in ShelbY. i|

-U iss Ber tha Fenner enter tn ined u i

i nor . f tw n f vnr rno neon le on Chr is tmas iiRariv of young people on Christmas II eve. I

Ilarlev Fate expeete to go to Chiea-so on WednesdaY nlght." Mrs. Ifenry Tiaug-er q ent to llans-field on Tuesd.ay.

I sureicai operation a.t Canal Dover, 0.,!rettirned tiorne Tuerday gieatly irn-

I lrgved.


Mrs. Fred Schaeffer, of Marion, isthe guest of her sister .Mrs ChasMcClinchey. ".

M:s. Henry Trauger and daughter,JessIe, spent Saturday and Sunday inMansfield.

Mrs. Emma Holliday and familyhave~returne~.t? their home in Cleve- Iland after VISItIng for some time in'this vicinity. I

Mr. Norton, a theological student ofOberlin, deiivered an address in theLuth~ran churc~ on Sunday evening inthe Interest of the Ohio Anti-Saloon

!l"eague. He spoke in an earnest man­Iner, making a. practical address. HeI advocated the plan of working theIcaucuses to secure the nomination

Iof temperance candidates, and then ".recou!d .look for the enforcement of theantI ,.lIQ uor laws, no matter which party


was In power.D. B. King has gone to Chicago to

purchase goods.Plymouth ilS to have a lecture course


this winter. The first lecture of theseason will be dehvered on Saturdayevening by Col. Copeland' subject

I"Seeing the Elephant.'" ,.. Mrs. Rev. John Montgomery of

INewark, is visiting her parents on \\restBroadway. .

IMrs. L. R.. Dronberger returned to

her home in Mansfield on Tuesday.Lem. Lyon went to Columbus on

. Tuesday in the interests of the Fate­Gunsaullus Co.

Wm. Lockwood has returned fromPetoskey, Mich.


D. W. Cummins, of Mansfield, was intown 1ast Wednesdny.

As an evidence of how the Republi­can~ secured t~eir large plurality wenotIce that thIrty Democrats in. thistown stayed away from the polls onelection day.

Some of the own.ers of land on theprairie we:'lt of town are agitatIng thesubject of opening a new road .acrossthe muck,parallel with the county line,one and one-fourth miles north of thatroad, extending from the Plymouth andNew Haven road directly west to theRichmond township hne. This roadwould be of much value to Plymouthin the way of trade in the course of afew y.e~rs,andshould be encouraged byour CItIzens.

The lod~es in the village are takingon new life, much interest being shown.The K. of P. and 1. O. O. F. lodgeshave b~en increasing their member­ship.

Nelson Bodley returned home fromCleveland on Monday, where he hadbeen to have a tumor removed at theLakeside hospital. He was gone justtwo weeks. Dr. Allen remarked in thepresence of the C1l1SS of medical stu­dents that this was one of the mostremarkable cases of successful opera­tion ever performed at that hospital.

Colonel Copeland's lecture on "t'lt:,P­in~ the Elephan~," was attended toyquIte a good sIzed audience. TheColonel is a plea8ing orator.

Rev. A. C. Miller,."accompanied byE. K. Traug~r, as delegate. attendedthe eastern conference of Wittenbergsynod at Galion this week.

A lady evang/"list will conduct arevival at the M. E. church during nextweek..

Mrs. But.ler and Mrs. George Haniehave lately fallen heir to quite a sumof money by the deat,of a relative atMonroeville.


Foster Urich ,has recovered from anat,tack of quinsy. . " ..

There will be a ChrIstmas fe~t~~al a~the Pleasant Valley church Chrl~tmat\

evl' literary society will soon be organ-ized at Amoy. h I) k

A revival is in pr()gl'es~ll;t t e . nn. -ard church. Rev. LoomiS IS IpadHlg. III

the evangelical work. Prof. elmeleads the singing. . ..

On last Friday night about mgh.ty ofOra Fireovid's neighbors and friends;urprised him nt his borne near tl:etownship ball. Ora exyests to letH esoon for his new homl" 1111~nn8as. _, Co. X.

- -IPLYMOUTH.L. D. Cain and wife, of Columbus,

are spendi-ng a week with frierids andrel"thres at this place.

! 'Vill Kirkpatrick, Jr., expect.s toi leave in a few days to spend the wlllter, in California.

Rev. H. C. Johnson, of Newark, wasin town recently with a view of movinghere.

Will Young, of Chicago .Tu'ncHon,spent Sunday in t,own.

Jake Zeidler has returned from Cle-ve­ll\,nd. where he had gone to have a pieceof steel removed from his eye.

Mrs. G. A. Hills is now 011 the sicklist. . .

Miss Loie King, of Mansfield, .spentSunday with her cousin, Lena Shutt.

The lecture at the M. E. church byO. If. Fraser on "The Grell,test Tbjng011 Earth" was wellattend\l4 an~ mustpeople . express themselves as wel_lIJleased with the entertainment...

, Miss Pershing, the Evangelist, haEcommenced a revival at McKendreEchurch.

The B. & O. people had n. sronll wrecllabout a mile south of town one day lastw~ek. A freight train parted whilef'oming dovl'l1 the grade. The first partof the train stopped to take the side-

Itrack, when the second part came upand a box·car V\'RS thrown on top of acoal-car, besides disarranging thingssomewhat.

On Sunday evening about 7 o'clockthe town was aroused hy the fire bell.The fire proved to be at MichaelSheeley's barn, about a mile north oftown.· The barn and contents wereentirely consumed. Mr. Sheeley lesttt>n tuns of hay, 8, straw stack, fourteenacres of ('orn and fodder, five cows,two horses and two Inules. Mr. Sheeleyhas $1,200 insurance in the HaronCounty Mutual Insurance Co. \

I The Plymouth townshiptrnsteeshave purchased three new Championroad scrapers_ The scrapers' are first­class and we hope they will be usedfreely. The trustees ara to be com­mended for the interest they take inthe welfare of the people. i

' D. L. Thoma:;, of Toledo, was in town Ion Tuesday. i

·Wm. Beitel'S, of New Washington, j

was in town Wednesday. .:Samuel Aumeud is quit.e feeble ;there

seems to be bnt little hopes of his re- i



The new reading room seems to bewen patronized by the young people,and our people should do all they canto pncourage them in this direction.


I, :;\11'8. C. 1<:. :'Uartin, who has been. visiting her daughter, :Mrs. A. F. Clineof Bloomville, returned home 'Vednes~day.

'Ve very d.eeply regret the depa.rtureof one of our good neighbor~, "TIll.

~hade, who has removeu to Mansfield.()ur 103s is Mansfield's gain.

The literary society is in good run­ning order at 'Volford's school house.AII are cordially invited; every Tues­day evening.

'rhe Yictor Hall school is progress­ing finely under G. H. Hughes.

A. Castle and wife were treated to anold-fllshionf'd belling by about fifty ofthe boys. lIard eider and cigars wereset up to the boys and they all w~nt

. horne rejoicing.I The Grange Hall is being repainted, which is helping the appearance of itexeeedingly,


He Ueepty fegteclOBIilg our kIlld oldfriends, HOll. 1\'1. D. Harter and family,from Mansfield and vicinity, and hopethe QUhker City will soon 10iie itscharms for them and they will hie totheir beautiful western home andmany friends.

COUNTIW GIRL.. _ .. _----.-....- •..----


J. E. Sellers visited friends in ShilohTuesday.

M. R'. Davis returned from ToledoSunday: evening.

V. O. Peters, after undergoing n.surgical operation at Canal Dover, 0.,returned home TueSday greatly irn­pr2yed.

OAKLAND.A pleasant :mrp:ise was g~ven 'at t~e

beautiful new rel':Hlenoe of E. ChatlaIlland family last 'Vednesday evening.About fifty g\les~s assell1b~ed. T~e

revening w.asmerrdy spen.t. 111 SOCIalchats and fine music by 1\1iss Edith

1 Chatlain and some of the friendsII About 9 0'.C.....IOC1'.t.. hey we.re invite~ tothe dining-room,. where a bountIful

I supper was served. The occasion wasIan enjoyable one and, after some ex-

I,cellent 8il.l.g.in.g of hymns, all return. ed.home feeling that they had spent apleasant evening.

Miss Palmer, of Pennsylvania, isIvisiting bel' uncle, F. B. Palmer, andi family. .! The Oakland Sunday school reorgan :..l ized December 9th "..ith the tollowingIoftleers : Superintendent, J. 0 .. Mot­i tayaw; secretary, Miss Eva G.arrisop;1 treasurer, C. \V. Carl; orgamst, MISSiCarrie Pugh; chorister, A. Bush. :! Elzy Edwards, of Perrysville, spent \Ia few days with 'Ym. 'Vallace lastI week.

IQllite a number of our people at­

tended the dedication of the new; United Brethren church southeast ofi this place, Dec. 9th.\G. Mowyer, formerly day operator ati the Madison telegraph office, now has aIposition at Pavonia. I\ A. J. Hursh went toCleve]and last:. Sa.. turduy.to accept a position in it drug\ store.\. l 'he two MissesSelhy and the Messrs .. \I Conn, of Mifflin, visited our school last'week. .,I Wirts Bros. are erectin~ their saw I\ and. feed mill and will soon be ready for 1,busIlless. ,: The Yankeetown school will have a·: two-weeks' vacation during theholi-\ dalS.i Ml'~. Elzy Oharles and son, Tracy,1 spent Thursday and Friday V\'ith friends! in Ashland county.: Mrs. J. Colwell and daughter', :Mag­gie. have moved to Lexington.

The Victor Hall school lIterary soci­8ty re-organized last. Tuesday eveningbv electing the following offit~(-lrs:President, C. \V. Robinson; secretary,Miss Amanda Stober; treasurer, Cal­vin Fisher. The society meets every'luesday evening.. .

The Oakland Sunday school will haveChristmas exercises on Christmas eve.All are cordially invited.

SCHoo'i, GIRL.

Dr. Gotwald and Dr. Breckenridge,of Springfield, visited this place lastweek in the· interest of WittenbergCollege. Dr. Gotwald remained overSabbath and favored the Lutheranswith two very able sermons.

Christma8 ~xerClses were held in allof the churches. They consisted ofsinging, speaking, responsive readings,tableaux and a treat of good things forthe scholars.

Plymouth has been favored with agood many visitors this week.

Lottie Brubaker is at home fromCleveland and Abbie Parker fromOberlin; Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dron­berger, JessE' LaDow and Mr. Ward,of Mansfield, "vent Christmas in town.

David Ecker, of Canal Dm.·er, wasthe guest of T. M. Trauger's familyand the Kings on Monday and Tuesday.

Charles Fenner, of Cleveland, spentChristmas at home with his parents.

A party consisting of the followin~

gentlemen went to Medina on Wednes­day: F.W. Kirtland, B. E. LaDow,;.Tas, Moore, Frank Irwin, Jno. Fate andD. Troup .

The taxpayel's are in a bad. humor,owing to the large increase in the taxes,which are considerably larger than last·year. The sehool board and. townshiptrusteesar8 held responsiblft for theincrease. and they are a much-talked-:about set of officials.

~1intie Bevier is spending her vaca­tion in Newark.

Miss Lottie Taylor and sister ,Tenniespent Chris.tmas in Shelby.

Miss Bertha Fenner entertained;< aparty of young people on Christmaseve.

HarlpyFate expects to go to Chica­go on Wednesday night.

Mrs. Henry Trauger went to Mans- I

field on Tuesday.

Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Page 5: Bud ru*ruM*ohrichla/News1894Binder1.pdf · &rm. He was otrt ilt the rvoods hurr ing and ncreidentnlly fell over :l lo when the g,utt was dischnrged, the io shatte-ring'the arm about

N E W V I L L E .

Business is st i l l on the increase ei 'the rrew tari f f bi l l became a law.

Pro[racted meetitrge continue tothe a[tract ion here

We are infonned that a neighborWrn. Garret6 went to one of thugreab ln i r id readers or for tune-te l lersto huve him loeate the robbers,who recent iy burglar ize I Mr. Gnr ' -ret t ts house. The "prufessor" wents0 far as to te l l the distancethev l i ved f rom town and the d i -reci ion. At l that is to be dt t t te nowis to f ind out who they are and arres[them. ' f heore fortutre-tel lers &te agreat help to the people. You general lylinow as much ef[eri you .get bAck asvou ct id befure You wetrt.'

Dr. McComds was taken verY sicklastr Saturday. While he was sit t ing atthe dinrrer table he suddenly fel l frornh is ehai r u t teonsc iou$. Dr J . M. Mc-Laughl in , o f But ler , was immediute lysumrnoned. He found the pt t ient , in aconscious state but sufferingfrom heartand k idney t roubles. Ac th is wr i t ingthe sick doctor is mueh better.

A. FI Freelnan is on the road buying\orses. He wil l buy al l winter for T.H. B*overS.

Miss Nella Ruth, of Mansfield,visi tedhere lust, week.

Miss Martha Crowner, of Mansfield,v is i ted f r ie r rds here over Sunday '

H. C Sheehy ass is ted. Ioseph l lami l -f , ,r)n cal l & sale ft l r Mr. Bnl l iet, nearIIansfielr l , lasb TuesdaY.

Asain the wi ld an imal has been seenThis t i rne by a man who cannot l ie i fhe want"d to- lV l r , H ive ly , f rom nearBrr t le r . t le c la i rns he Eaw i t near

i "Fot r r Cot ' t ters"upa t ree at to t t t l2 feet1 He cannot te l l exact ly whether i t u 'entl r r p backwards t t r no t bu t he i s su re i tI , ,n, 'u" down hentl f i rst. He said i t harl aI head l ike a cat nnd looked l ike a eat ,l o r , l y i t wa r much l a rge r . ,Now weI u 'or - rder i f i t was a ' fhomas eat magni -l f i e d . T h i n s s w i l l m a g n i f y w h e n p e o -

I t r le e 'et f r igh tened. . , aFn , - - . . - !L ^Johrr t lei te.r dropped $70 into the


Doc. 25th, we hoPe' w&8 -4, merrYChristmas to all Sur*r,n writers and 1Unf lB[mAS L() e ' r r l ] r l l t lJ 'L v l r luvrs arru

{readers. - - |--Ttt

Chnstmas exereises given Sab- ibnth afcenroon by the tJunday school i$ a s & v e ry . e n j o y

" XI:-?:."-:.^:t "; _ f,T,.-jj: I

readers.The'Qhrtstmas exerelses glven ua&u-

bnlh afcernoon by the fJunday Fshool

*ho *us quito i l l 'with'dl 'oPsY, is irrr- iprovrng. I

-, J, i fe is blof our young

*men here sinee Sunday

I evening. He t lrought he would be gal-I larrt and, after having plucked upi oourage errough, asked, as ho supposec,ione of our fair damsels to aceompanyI trer home, but, lo ! and behold ! shei turned out to be a nrarr ied lady with al ln , r 'ge fam! ly . The young m&l l shunsI the vi l lage by eutt iug across Iots now.I l-or full particulars a,sk Fred. Taylor.i A. G. llcQlgger and fanrily, fromi ut-ra,r Mansfield, were the guests of thei former's parents. ChristmasI \ \ 'ashington Grange elected ihe fol-i lowing off ieers at [heir* last meeting:Nlaster, Conrad Dinges; overseer,Phi l ip Bner ; lec turer , J . F . K lauer ;s tewar<I , I ) .L . Sheck ler ; A. S. , G. M:Kraus; chaplain, Jacob S0rater: treas-urer, . f acob Sheier; recretary, ThomasLutz ;G.K., Geo.II .Dinges. The Grangewil l give an oyster dinner at the reei-denee of Phit ip Koehheiser on .Ianuaryl0 t ,h .

len[ remaiks -on

Christrnas by Euper- t

intendent R. Sears, reeitot ions by thel i t t le oned. with good musie and c la'rgetreao 0f candies, nttts ond orengesclosed the PlensanG afbernoon.-

M". and lvlrs. Jacob Grabill, of Cleve-lanO. sDent Chfistmas with theirmotheri l l rs. L. Rummel.

The shooting:match nt- .Rtls'*"Swisher's Tuesday atternoon rvas l$rge-lv attended.-"

G*otge Logan ancl wife' are epending 'the troiidrys"wittr friende'at Canton' O' I

Irwin G-ecldes had a eale last week !and wil l lnove to Denver, Col., i t t- the inear future.

Mre. Jacob !'unk,. of MoPle GrolPl

last week with 11$cin"i.''.lurriu. I'irst, of Lueas, Bpent'r t wnek wi th X[&c Hsmbl in 's fami13' .

The Riehlattd eounty Pomona Grangemet with Weller Grange Thursday,Drlc. 20bh. Weller 'e la,rge and eom-modious hal l was f i l led to overf lowing.' f he order is growing so fast in thiscounty that bhe sutvordinate iralls, al-thou.qh large, are being taxed to theirutmost to aeeommodate the PomonaGrange. W. G. Roberts, delegate tothe sbete grange, reported that Rich-land county had made ove.r one-thirdof the whole gain in the etate during1694. The forenoon vras taken up in

i the discussion of meny important:lquestions, one of whieh Was tn-e c.om-I plet, ion of the organization of tbeI Farmers ' Protect ive Assoc ia t ion. ' I l re

Borry to lose such a kind and. honestneighbor as Mr. Graham.

The township clerk says he posit ivelywil l issue no order,to teaehers unless aeorrect report accompanies tbeirvoueher.

i n ' s fam i l yThe L R. C: met at the horne

of l trs. P. T,ane, Thursday at !-p' .m'The eubJect fordiseu\sion was "Chris6'm&s. t '--tviiss

Marv tsell, ofAshland, io spenrl-ing the hol idays with l l r . and }trsR.' farleton. I

Wm. t lesstl l ton is lying rery lot - ' atthic;riting, frnm an-attack of portialuaro lvs is .-

tn* Ouy sehool is ciosedJfor n twoweeks' v&ca,tion.

Mis: Camie B. l'iokle is slowlY re-eovering from e, a9vere ettaek of la'{rr iope.-

Siieak thieves artl around' investigat-ing smoke-houses and hdn eoops. Keepori old sbotgun handy; i t 's good fureuch toughe.-

The enlertainment given by the Sab'b*th school lretted $15..-'Jot

o Finney,aformer Wo-odville bos'anived ab hilq brother'q tere !. feu

| . r O t l l l 1 1

I Treasut 'eI Dow tax.Ii -

r 's coffers for taking out the;b;i(;E; fioin Knnsas,'hating diiventlre errtiie distanae in a wagon.the errtiree entire distanae in a wagon. I

ii;"y il;is- 9p99oin g u:hristmas.at l

friU come bobbing -up serenely just at 1will come bobbing up serenely Jtl^8r. ar I

iL" "isi;iti1"-", "iittt

^ the ranks fllled I

itiea of tho association is to enforce thelow on trespassing, as the farmers areberng annoyed more aud rnore everyyear. The organization wil l nobbe confined to the " grange, bufwili be extended to the frrrnersin general. The offieerg elected&re: Presid.ent, T. L, Garber; Eecre-tary, P. B. Kohler; treasurer. JohnWallace. A viee president frorn eaehtdwnship in thcl eounty w&s alroelected. The rroorl recess followednith the usual picnic dinner. Theafternoon session was taken up in theeleetion and installation of officers.which &re as fol lows: l l laster. J . L.Garber: overseer. Al len Wolford: lee-turer, Mrs. E. L. Harris; steward,Henry Tongue i A. S. , Newel l Smirh ;

! clraplain, . Iohn Wallace; treasurer, G.lA. I fentzer lsecretary , P. B. Kobler ;I G. K., W. G. Roberts; Ceres, l l f rs.i Ror iek ; F lora, Miss Ol l ie Grabi l l ;IPor lona, l { iss Mary Ral r ton; L . A. S. ,I Miss Lulu Baker. The meeting thenlr:eeessed unti l evening. when quite ai large class were ushered into themysteries of the f i f th degree. Thequestion-box was tben passed and the

1 members wero kept busy answeringI the many questions asked. The dele-lgate to Btate Grange

' then gave an in-, toresting report of the meeting of theOhio State Grange.

James Graham expects -to-

moi6-td,his farm near Adario soon. We are


ivlelvin Hughes and wife and son-in-law. of Nlans-field, were the guests of1\{r.'and. llrs. \y. H. Shoup last \Yed-r resdav.

Mr.-and Mr;. D. H. Charles and son,Clark. of Martsfield, were the guests ofJ . W. 'Boden and wi fe , SundaY.

Rev. Galleher, of Martel, Preached.at the Cesarea church SundaY.- -A

number of boYs from south oJ thevi l lase raised such a disturbanceurou"nd the cburch Tuesday eveningdurins the entertainment that thelectuiirr could not be heard at times.

iThe cit izens talk of having the boysI arrested.

i !'rottt another Correspondent.

i Ltbert Baker, while working at Mr.i Belrv's last week, had the misfortuneI to loie one of his eyes, by a nai l , whichhe was driving, glancing and strikingft.

Jos. Ilamilton. of Butler, called at\V. H. Shoup's WednesdaY.'

The receiilts of tbe show TuesdaYnieht were about $12.

I Charles McGreggor-has been visitingI in Columbiana eeveral daYs.I John Pearce, who has been sick for ai couple of weeks, is able to be otrt again'

peh"o,itg, O., with his motber and ris-ter. :

l{iss Glennie'lYickert has been qui{esiek the Past vreek-

Jesse Byers has returned from'Clevg-lrnd andis apgain aetingas.saleemanat IHarrouln's store in l\{ansfield. r' i-nG. -and

Mrs. Geo. Cashell spoflt l

Christmas with Mr. C.'s parents neat'Luc&s.-

Grandmother l3it tenger, who hasbeen very sick at her daughter '8 horneiri

- Mansfield, ig able to be around

aga. i t t .l -with a happy New Yeail to'everybodysre elose the, yiu 1894 and turn.to greetthe nerrv yearj 1895, with fond hopes ofinereased prosperitys Peace and gooowil l throughout oo"' t$u*rnr


be savs it -seems

as if heaven had come;G[i" ao*n to earth. Never mild' isintlemen, we are as strong in thq i[ood old Demo.cratin faith uE

"o.91 ?191

Well. well, all is calm after tbe greatI stctrm and old Washington is ftill trueto l)emocraeY.

Mr. and Mrs. PhilliP Baer will moveto Mansfield next TuesdaY.

The early winter caught a number of itarmeri with co"n and potatoes stili iout.

;"tnu of our l lepubli-can Jriends ,hasi U"un so joyful sirice the electior-r that

,.The.f ish. ing exeitement has begun to Idie out,although al l the f ishermen bave inot had their tr ials yet. The tr ial iheld in Shelby last week

'w&s & tame I

aff.rir. IDaniel Hoftman, the hustlins i

machine agent of thelby: wa{ "rlli_lg ion prospective buyers last week. Dan. I

has learned to take abuse witb a heartylaugh. Co. X.

and inv inc ib le .- M"s. Beniamin Pulver, of Jaekson,

l f ict i . , who- has been visi t ing fr iendehere during tlre past week, left for her 'home ThursdaY. I

- - -----


Business is still on the incrt'ase si'the new tadtI bill becllme a IIlW.

Protractea meetings continue tothe attraction here

We are informed that a neighborWIll. Garrett went to one of thugrt-'at mind readers or fortune.tt'ller51to have him locate the robbers,who recently burglarize 1 Mr. Gar­rett's. house. The •'prufessor" went8U far as to tell the distancethey lived from tuwn and the di­rection. All that is to be done nowis to find out who they are and arrt>stthem. The~e fortulle-t ... lJer8 are agreat help to the people. You genel'allyknow as much after you get back asyou did before you wellt.

Dl'. McCombs was taken vpry sicklast Saturday. While h... wus sitting atthe dinner table he suddenly fell fromhis ehltir ullcon8ciou~. Dr J. M. Mc­Laughli ll , of Butler, was immediatelysummoned. He found the patie~t, in aconscious stat~ but sufft'ring fl'om heartand kidllt>y troubles. At this writingthe sick doctor is much better.

A. E:I Freeman is on the road buyinghorsP !3. He Will buy all winter for T.H. Bpavers.

Miss NelJaRuth, of Mansfield,visited Ihere last week.

Miss Martha Crowner, of Mansfield,visited fdellds here over Sunday.

H. C Sheehy assisted ,Joseph Hamil­tlln call a sale for Mr. Blllliet, nearMansfi... ld, last Tuesday.

Again the wild animal has been spenThis time hy a man who cannot lie ifhe wantt-'d to-Mr. Hively, from nearHI.tler. He claims he saw it near"Four Corners"up a tree ahout 12 feptHe cannot tell exactly whether it wenttip backwal'dl'i or not but he il'i sure itl('anw down head first. He SHirl it had ahearl like a cat Rnd lookpd like a CRt,olily it wal' much larger. Now weIwondel' if it was a 'fhomas cat magni­fied. Things will magnify when peo-Ipip gpt fl'ightened. . . I

John Reite.;: dropped .$iO into the ITrpasurer's coffers for tllking out th~ r

Dow tax.• • I


I lVlelvin Hughes and wife and son-in­law, of Mansfield, were the guests ofMr. and Mrs. W. H. Shoup last \Ved­nesday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Charles and son,Clark, of Mansfield, were the guests ofJ. W. Boden and wife, Sunday.

Rev. Galleher, of Martel, preachedat the Cesarea church Sunday.

A number of boys from south of thevillage raised such a disturbancearound the church Tuesday eveningduring the entertainment that thelecturer could not be heard at times.The citizens talk of having the boysarrested.

:From another Oorrespondent.Albert Baker, while working at Mr. \

Berry's last week, had the misfortune Ito lose one of his eyes, by a nail, whichhe was driving, glancing and strikingit. ,

Jos. Hamilton, of Butler, called atI \V. H. Shoup's Wednesday.. The receipts of the show Tuesdaynight were about $12.

i Charles McHreggor has been visiting.: in Columbiana several days.

John Pearce, who has been sick for acouple of weeks, is able to be out again.


Oec. 25th, we hope, was a merry~::J:~.~as "to all" SUUU,D writers and I

The ChrIstmas exercises given· sab-Ibath afternoon by the Sunday schoolwas a very enjoyable occasion. Excel­lelit remarks on Christmas by Super­intendent R. Sf>ars, recitations' by thelittle one8, with good music and a la.rgetreat of candies, lIuts and orangesclosed the pleasant afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Grabill, of Cleve­land, spent Cbtistmas with theirmother, Mrs. L. Rummel.

The shooting-IDl\tch at_,Rll~~f-'

Swisher's Tuesday afternoon washu·ge:.Iy attended.

1 George Logan and wife are spendingIthe holtdays with fri..end8~at Cant.on, 0.. ,' Irwin Geddes had a sale last weekand will move to Denver, Col., in the I

near future. -Mrs.•Tacob }1'llnj{,. of Maple~tqve\

;r~~i~:~quite in;~ithdl'OP8Y, ,IS Im-.\Mrs. .James :First,of Lucas, spent,'

,last week with Ma~ Hamblin's family.

IThe L . R. C; met at thf.,\ boml"'

of Mrs.P. Lane, Thursday at 2 p.- ru.The ii1ubject fordiscu'ssionwas "Chrhit-mas." .

:Miss Mary Bell, of'Ashland, is spend­ing" the holidays with Mr. and 1\11'$R. Tarleton. ..

Wm. Hesselton is lying very low, at

Ithis writing, from an attack of part.. i31 j

pal·alysiB. ..• . ,

!The day school is closefl...!for a two

weeks'vacation.I Mis5 Carrie B. Fiokle is slowly re-

Icovering from a. Severe attack of la­grippe.

~I.}eak. thieves I'll'.e around inv.estigat-II inFt smoke-hollses and hEm coops. KeepIan old shotgun handy ; it's good lUI

Isuch tougbs.I The eatertainment given ·by the 8a~~,I bath school netted $15. ".. '

IJohn FinneY,aformer Woodville bos;

arrived at his brother'~ llerea" fp~.weeks ago from Kansas, having driven

Itheentire distance in a wagon." Harry Race is spending Uhristmas at

IDefiance, 0., with his mother and his­ter. _ ".""

Miss Glennie 'Vickert has been tiuite

ISiek the past week.

J esse Byers has returned from' Cll!ve-

Ihmd and is again acting a~salesmanat IHarroun's store in Mansfield. I

I <Mr. and Mrs. Geo. CasheU gpent~i Christmas with Mr. C.'s parents llelirI Lucas.

Grandmother Rittenger,who hasbeen very sick at her daughter's h01ll1"'in Mansfield, is able to be aroundaga.in. .." \- With a happy New Yea/to everybodywe close the yenr 1894 and turn to greHthe new year, 1895, with fond hopes ofincreased prosperity, peace and gooowill throughout our land.



I Wp,ll, well, all is calm after the great: storm and old Washington is ,till trueto Democracy.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Baer will moveto Mansfield next Tuesday.

The early winter caught a number of :farmers with corn and potatoes still:out. I

One of our Republican friends hasbeen so joyful since the election thatbe says it seems as .if heaven had comerit!ht down to earth. Never mind, Igentlemen, we are as· strong in the ·1

good old Democrati~ faith as ever andwill come bobbin~ up serenely just at I

the right time, with the ranks filled:and invincible.

Mrs. Bpnjamin Pulver, of Jackson,Mich., who has been visiting friendshere during the past week, left for her Ihome Thursda.y.

I' Life is being make a buruen lOr onbof our young men here since Sundayevening. He thought he would be gal­

l lant and, after having plucked up

Icourage enough, asked, as be supposeu,one of our fair damsels to accompanyher home, but, 10! and behold! sheturned ou t to be a married lady with alarge family. 'J'he young man shunsthe village by cutting across lots now.For full particulars ask Fred. Taylor.

I A. G. M('Gregor and family, from

IlnOlt.!' MansfieJd,w.ere the guests of theformer's parents, Christmas. '

Washington Grange elected tbe foI­I lOWing officers at" their- last meeting:~'la8ter, Com'ad Dinges; overseer,Philip Baer; lecturer, J. F Klauer;steward, D. L. Sheckler; A. S., G. M.Kraus; chaplain, Jacob Strater: treas­urer, .Jacob Sheier; secretary, ThomasLutz ;G.K., Geo.M.Dinges. The Grangewill give an oystedHnner at the resi­dence of Philip Kochbeiser on .January10t;h.

The Richland county Pomona Grangemet with Weller. Grange Thursday,DIlC 20th. Weller's large and com­modious hall was filled to overflowing.The order is growing 80 fast in thiscounty that the suhordinate halls, al­though large, are being taxed to theirutmost to accommoda.te the PomonaGrange. W. G. Roberts, delegate tothe state grange, reported th8t Rich­land county had made ove.r one-thirdof the whole gain in the state during1894. The forenoon was taken up inthe discussion of many." importantquestions, one of 'which was the ~m·

pletion of the organization of tbeFarmers: Pl'otective Association. 'fileidea of the association is to enforce thelaw on trespassing, as the farmers arebemg annoyed more and more everyyear. The organization will notbe confined to the'· grange, butwill be extended" to the farmersin general. The officers electedare: President,T.L, Garber' secre­tary, P. B. Kohler; treasurer: .TohnWallace. A vice president from eacht 6wnship in the county was also.ejected. The noon recess followedwith the usual picnic dinner. Theaftel'noon session was taken up in theelection and installation of officerswhich are as follows: Master. J. L:Garber; .overseer. Allen Wolford; le('­turer, Mrs. E. L. Harris; steward,Henry Tongue; A. S.,Newell Smith'chaplain, .lohn 'ValIace; treasurer, G:A, :Mentzer; secretary, P. B. Kohler'G. K., \V. G. Roberts; Ceres, ~frs:Rorick; Flora, Miss Ollie Grabill ;PmJlona, Miss Mary Ral~ton; L. A. S.Miss Lulu Baker. The meeting the~recessed until evening. when quite alarge class tVere·· ushered into themysteries of the fifth degree. Thequestion-box was then passed and themembers were kept busy answeringthe many questions askt'd. ,The dele­gate to State Gran~e·then gave an in~tf>resting report of the meeting of theOhio State Grange. .

James Graham expects to move tohis farm near Adario soon. We are isorry to Jose such a kind and honest'neighbor as Mr. Graham.

The township clerk says he positivelyw~lI issue no order, to teache!"s unless a Icorrect report accompames their,voncher.

The fishing excitement has be~un todieout,although all the fishermen have Inot had their trials yet. The trial/held in Shelby la.st week was a tameatl'·tir.

I· Da~iel Hoffman, . the hustling I

machme ~ent of Shelby, was calling I

Ion prosppctive buyers last week. Dan. Ihas learned to take abuse with a heRrtylaugh. Co. X.


Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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Amy E. Armstrong
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No date
Amy E. Armstrong
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Franklin Twp. 11/27/1894