Bsphcl Project

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Introduction of the study Objective of the study Importance of the study Methodology of the study Limitation of the study

INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDYA promotion is usually a move by an employee to a vacant position at a higher grade level either within the current department or in a different department. Changes to a higher grade level obtained through intradepartmental/interdivisional promotion, job audits or career paths are covered in other policies.Promotions generally result in a salary increase at the time of promotion. The general guidelines for these increases are covered in this policy, but supervisors should contact the compensation section of the Human Resources Department for specific information.A transfer is usually a lateral move to a vacant position. A transfer within the department may provide an opportunity for an employee to assume different responsibilities and develop new skills. Transfers to other departments may also provide career development by enhancing skills and learning about other functions of the University. A transfer will not normally result in a change in compensation.When there is a significant business need, division/department heads have the authority to transfer employees from one position to another at the same grade and salary in the same division/department without announcing the vacancy through the posting process. In such cases, the division/department head should discuss the situation and submit a memorandum to the employment section of the Human Resources Department in advance of the reassignment , indicating the rationale for the change and, if applicable, attaching a Personnel Action Form (PAF) for the employee. In effecting such transfers, the department should attempt to make the most effective use of the employee's skills and abilities and should consider the employee's interest whenever possible.


1. The basic objective is to understand the process of Promotion & Transfer policy in BSPHCL.

2. The second objective of the research is to find out the opinion of employee about Promotion & Transfer policy in BHPHCL.

3. To study the level of changes in organizational structure necessitating Promotion Transfer policy in BHPHCL.

4. To bridge the gap between theory & practice.


Theory without practice is of little use. It is an undisputed fact that the theory provides foundation stone for the guidance of practice, but practice or fieldwork examines and tests the elements of thought in theory. Thus, knowledge cannot itself claim to be perfect unless and until there is a healthy synthesis of theory and practice.Therefore, field work assumes a very significant role in all branches of knowledge. Theoretical and practical knowledge are complementary to each other. So, theoretical principals supplemented with practical work.


The main sources of the information in this study are as follows :-

Files and records of personnel department

Interviews of the officials and discussion with them

Magazines and circular issued by B.S.E.B.



Although I tried my best to gather information for the preparation of this project report and management of the BSPHC Ltd. was kind enough to permit me to conduct the study on "A BRIEF STUDY OF Promotion & Transfer".During the study, I suffer from a number of limitations. Some limitations which can't be ignored are :- Busy schedule of the employees was exclusive factor because of which a lot of time was wasted during data collection.

All the expenses are borne by the trainee.

The time is limited so small sample is taken. So there may be error in the study.

The study can be expanded further as there is enough scope for in depth research but the time allotted for this project was limited.




A promotion is the advancement of an employee's rank or position in an organizational hierarchy system. Promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance, i.e., positive appraisal. Before a company promotes an employee to a particular position it ensures that the person is able to handle the added responsibilities by screening the employee with interviews and tests and giving them training or on-the-job experience. A promotion can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and benefits, and in some organizations the type of job activities may change a great deal. The opposite of a promotion is a demotion.A promotion can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and benefits, and in some organizations the type of job activities may change a great deal. In many companies and public service organizations, more senior positions have a different title: an analyst who is promoted becomes a "principal analyst"; an economist becomes a "senior economist"; or an associate professor becomes a "full professor". The amount of salary increase associated with a promotion varies a great deal between industries and sectors, and depending on the what parts of the hierarchical ladder an employee is moving between. In some industries or sectors, there may be only a modest increase in salary for a promotions; in other fields, a promotion may substantially increase an employee's salary.The same is true with benefits and other privileges; in some industries, the promotion only changes the title and salary, and there are no additional benefits or privileges (beyond the psycho-social benefits that may accrue to the individual). In some not-for-profit organizations, the values of the organization or the tightness of funding may result in there being only modest salary increases associated with a promotion. In other industries, especially in private sector companies, a promotion to senior management may carry a number of benefits, such as stock options, a reserved parking space, a corner office with a secretary, and bonus pay for good performance. The degree to which job activities change varies between industries and sectors. In some fields, even after an employee is promoted, they continue to do similar work. For example, a policy analyst in the federal government who is promoted to the post of senior policy analyst will continue to do similar tasks such as writing briefing notes and carrying out policy research. The differences may be in the complexity of the files that the individual is assigned to or in the sensitivity of the issues that they are asked to deal with. In other fields, when an employee is promoted, their work changes substantially. For example whereas a staff engineer in a civil engineering firm will spend their time doing engineering inspections and working with blueprints, a senior engineer may spend most of their day in meetings with senior managers and reading financial reports. In symphony orchestras, when a musician such as a violinist is promoted to the position of concertmaster, their duties change substantially. As a violin player, the individual played the music as part of the violin section. As a concertmaster, the individual plays solo parts, decides on the bowings and interpretation of the music, and leads the violins during performances. Different organizations grant the hiring and promoting managers different levels of discretion to award promotions. In some parts of the private sector, the senior management has a very high level of discretion to award promotions, and they can promote employees without going through much procedures or formalities such as testing, screening, and interviewing. In the public sector and in academia, there are usually many more checks and balances in place to prevent favoritism or bias. In many Western public service bodies, when a manager wants to promote an employee, they must follow a number of steps, such as advertising the position, accepting applications from qualified candidates, screening and interviewing candidates, and then documenting why they chose a particular candidate. In academia, a similar approach is used, with the added safeguard of including several layers of committee review of the proposed promotion using committees which include members of other faculty and experts from other universities.

Advantages:- Present employees if promoted can handle the process products and problems easily as they are already connected to organization but new incumbent may take some to adjust him or may not adjust himself at all. The cost of training the insiders for the higher position is nearly nil hence no extra training cost. Employees will give their best as they know that reward of giving good performance is sure. High morale of the employees is achieved.PROMOTION POLICYPromotion or upgrading maintains organizational effectiveness through maintenance of employee morale and favorable attitude towards the organization. Promotion of employees also enables the Transition to utilize expertise to the optimum level by providing adequate opportunities to those who have developed it through training and experience within the organization.Promotion should be fair and on the basis of merit of the employees, as promotion is a great morale booster for an employee. Promotions are a major incentive for hard work and better performance. They usually mean more power, salary and perks along with the responsibilities of the job.A few characteristics of Promotion are that is is:a recognition of a job well done by an employee,a device to retain and reward and employee for his or her years of service to the company,to increase individual and organizational effectiveness,to promote a sense of job satisfaction in the employee,to build loyalty, morale and a sense of belongingness in the employee, andto impress upon others that opportunities are open to them also.

ii) Promotion PolicyAs mentioned earlier, promotion is the incentive for getting motivated and staying motivated. Sometimes favoritism is shown or else some employees are discriminated against on the basis of sex, age and so on, and are overlooked when promotion time comes up. Also if an employee is being constantly bypassed for promotion, no matter for what reasons, the employee will tend to be resentful, angry and hurt. So, it is very important that all the promotions in an organization are properly monitored and for this there is the need of a promotion policy. Organizational policy on promotion helps to state formally the organization's broad objectives, and to formulate both the organization's manpower and individual career plans. Such documents are being increasingly issued by organizations in keeping with the changed environment of employee awareness and the increasing emphasis on career planning.One of the first requirements of a promotion policy is a statement of the ratio of internal promotions to external recruitment at each level, the method and procedure of selection (trade-test, interview), and the qualifications desired. Such a statement would help individuals as well as manpower planners to project numbers of internally available candidates for vacancies. In some organizations, such a ratio is fixed by a collective bargaining agreement, or in government and public sector it is laid down in rules.The second exercise is to identify the network of related jobs and the promotional Development channels of each job, taking into account job relatedness, opportunities to interact with higher-placed executives to foster job learning, and qualifications both academic and work experience required. Such an exercise will help in succession planning and also help aspirants to acquire the necessary formal qualifications or on-the-job training, and encourage them to attend suitable external development programmes. The network of related jobs can be established by job analysis. This process would also help in identifying promotion channels and stepping-stone jobs, which once finalized should be made known to the employees concerned. Such channels and training leading to promotion are well defined in organizations. While exercising the right of promotion, 'the criterion of seniority (length of service) has to be given the highest weight age along with eligibility and suitability. Seniority is given very heavy weight age in government and this has led to the law also providing for its consideration.To show favoritism or partiality to one set of workers regardless of merit will be considered to be unfair and under the law, trade unions or officers associations can take it to courts as an "> Industrial Dispute". It is pretty common in government and

also frequently resorted to even by officer's associations in public sector and private sector.Therefore, in some countries promotion does not remain only a matter of rational personnel policy, as it is subject to legal disputes and unfavorable court awards.


In order to conduct business effectively, certain changes need to be made in the organization's structure. This necessitates the regrouping of jobs, changes in departmental functions, repositioning of jobs and status, grade-wise changes in departmental functions, elevation or lowering job categories and the physical relocation of employees, jobs and departments. Moreover, the expansion of business and the introduction of new products, services, processes and methods of operations, necessitate the creation of new jobs and promotion of employees to positions with greater scope and responsibility. Shifting of personnel is also necessitated by employee turnover, vacancies created by resignation and dismissals, and when suitable persons are promoted or transferred to fill the vacant posts. Change in employee status and job is also necessary to satisfy employee aspirations and needs. Such movements of employees within a hotel establishment, is a usual phenomenon reflecting internal mobility.However, in a certain context, transfer is also used as a convenient device to punish and remove an undesirable employee or officer from his or her present post, as other disciplinary actions require lengthy procedures under the rules. This Unit-takes into account the various issues listed above.

Types of TransferAs you know transfer is a change in job assignment. One might be transferred from one job department to another or from one city to another city. The transfers in an organization can be categorized as:

i) Personal TransferPersonal transfers are those occasioned by desires of the employee and are primarily in his or her interest.The reasons for such requests could be to:1) To correct erroneous placement,2) relieve the monotony of a job, acquire better working conditions or join friends/spouse/family,3) Provide an outlet from blind alley jobs,4) Avoid interpersonal conflicts,5) Consider the interests of age health, education of children, housing difficulties and to join immobile dependents,6) Avail of training elsewhere to facilitate later advancement or promotion,7) Seek financial gains like high frequency or overtime payments, or the feeling that opportunities for advancement are better in another department.In such cases there is a need for some probing because if it is found that a number of employees want a transfer from a unit, the real issue may be a difficult supervisor, a promotion or some other ulterior motive. In such cases simple transfers would not solve the problem and other measures such as counseling might have to be taken.ii) Organization Initiated TransferA company may initiate transfers for the following reasons:1) The need for temporary adjustments for the convenience or benefit of the organization or the employee, such as leave replacement or very short assignments.2) To meet emergencies or changes in operations, to deal with fluctuations in work requirements necessitated either by volume of output or separations.3) To make use of the increasing versatility and competence of key employees.4) Where there is more than one shift and shift assignments are not rotating, transfers are also made from one shift to another on the same type of work.5) To manage new responsibilities, etc.The nature of transfer should be taken into account while determining the type of transfer, keeping in view the purpose for which it is made. One major type, the discipliner-transfer is a remedial transfer, which is extensively used in government and public sector, etc. The second type of personal convenience based transfer is also pretty common in some countries. Thirdly based transfers are also based on the boss's wishes. Many a times, a higher level manager moves on, he or she gets the personnel under him or her transferred along to the new position. They are, transferred along as every higher level manager usually forms a team consisting of personnel working under him or her and prefer to work with the team in new environment to get a good result and also the personnel know the working manner and pattern of the manager which makes working easier in the new position also.

NEED FOR TRANSFER AND PROMOTIONAt the beginning of 21" century, the impact of rapid technological changes, increasing automation, computerization, and other changes are the most prominent factors affecting government, public sector and private sector. However the need for continual training and retraining at many levels for employees is imperative. As most of the routine, repetitive and clerical jobs are being remodeled by Electronic Data Processing Machines, it is necessary for managements to give more and more thought to retraining employees for changing over to jobs, or to the remodeled roles.As we are witnessing in the hospitality and tourism sector, electronic revolution is fast is fast taking over. The rapid far reaching changes that are taking place is imperative for all the organization to remain their employees for adopting new techniques.


Introduction History of the BSEB BSPHC Ltd. Today Organizational Structure

INTRODUCTIONThe greatest scientific achievement of the nineteenth century is the discovery of electricity. The twentieth century is making use of electricity so extensively that it has almost changed the face of the earth. "Electricity-carrier of light and power, devourer of time and space, bearer of human speech over land and sea, is the greatest servant of man, though it is itself unknown.Lenin saw Russia's hydro-electrical potentialities. The application of electricity to industry and agriculture was Lenin's dream. In India, we have staked our whole future on a rapid growth of our hydroelectric power.The modern age is the age of machinery. The true object of substituting human labour by mechanical labour is to find greater leisure for man. Machines must be driven by natural power. And the most pervasive of all sources of natural power is electricity, mechanical, hydro wind followed by electronics now-a-days.Look at life today in a modern city. Electricity regulates the clock that rouses us from bed, boils the water that makes our tea, cooks our food on heat-proof cooking ranges or cookers, works the radio and TV that tell us the news, rings the bell that announces a visitor, carries our telegraphic message to distant places, conveys us to our office in luxurious tram-cars and trains, takes us to our room somewhere in some multi-storied building on elevators, electricity lifts, refrigerates the food to keep it completely fresh, lights our rooms when the sun goes down, warms it in winter and cools it in summer, in short, does everything for our comfort and convenience with the utmost efficiency at all hours.To generate and harness electricity on a large scale means the development of machinery capable of doing so. The various multipurpose schemes, which we are running at such a heavy cost over the years, are for the production of large-scale electricity.

But most of our electricity was based on coal: the total output was lamentably low. Now that such multipurpose schemes as those OT Bhakra Nangal, Damodar Valley or Hirakud have made it possible to provide to even remote villages with electric powers, and help change life beyond recognition. India's resources for generating electricity are second to no other century in the world. Even some Atomic plants have generating electricity.

HISTORY OF THE BSEB AT PRESENT (BSPHC LTD.)The Bihar State Electricity Board is one of the biggest public sector undertaking of the state government of Bihar, has been the service of the people of Bihar. B.S.E.B. is essentially a technical cum commercial agency which is accredited with the development, operation and maintenance of economic system of electricity supply in the state. The board of the B.S.E.B. is the apex body for decision making. All major appointments, formation of schemes, allotment of finance and other allied matters decided by the board itself.Position before independence:Before independence there were no separate wings and the public works department used to tackle up all the works connected to electricity. Till 1947, electricity was available only for 15 towns. Supply was also limited and insufficient, the generation and distribution, which was cheaply confined to private undertakings, self generation industrial units.About 19 licensed companies were operating through the state, the condition of many of these were far from satisfactory. These companies wee function at Gaya, Hazaribagh, Giridih, Deoghar, Buxar, Samastipur, Chapra, Shahebganj, Motihari, Muzaffarpur, Ranchi and Bhagalpur and so on.

Position after independence:In 1947, when the national government came into power under the leadership of Pd. Jawaharlal Nehru, it was felt that agricultural India was too been the industrial map of the world. Even in agricultural sector, it was decided to organize the irrigational system and to introduce mechanical forming in a gradual but consistent way through the system of five year plans.In this way, the importance of electricity was realized, To improve the situation of electricity, it was being felt that the government should undertake suitable legislative measure to originate co-ordinate power development in the country especially in rural area. So the government of India passed a bill named the electricity (supply) Act 1948, to frame law governing equitable generation and distribution of electricity for agricultural as well as industrial development. Thus the state government has organized a separate electricity department.In pursuance of this act, B.S.E.B. formed on 25th March, 1958 and it came existence on 1st April, 1958 undersection-5(1) of the electricity (supply) act, 1948. This will provide an opportunity to various state government and make law for rapid generation and distribution of electricity in their states.As a result government of Bihar, through an official notification no. 2552-A/A1-121/57 dated 25th March, 1958 constituted the B.S.E.B. the statutory organization, thus the board is autonomous body for promoting and coordinating the development of power generation, supply and its distribution. With the creation of B.S.E.B. private (companies) agencies dealing with power generation etc. were transferred to the B.S.E.B. dated 17th July 1975 through an ordinance issued by the state government. The following private companies well taken over by the undivided B.S.E.B. with effect from the same date.

ADMINISTRATIVE WINGSThis wing consists of following dept. :-

General administration Personnel relation dept. Security and vigilance dept. Legal affairs dept.

The members (administration) who is usually Sr. IAS officer (Bihar cadre) is the head of the administration wings, who is supposed to be an expert on administration matters.The secretary of the board is the board is the head of the administrative wing.The general administrative department is the headed by member administration but presently direct under the chair-man.The secretary except the vigilance dept. head the other dept. which is under the control of the director of vigilance on IPS officer (D.I.G. Rank) on deputation in the board by the state govt.The chairman is the administrative head of the whole electricity board but the member and secretary are the top of administrative wings.


Member (technical) is the head of this wing. There has been provision for three technical members. Member of supply & distribution Member of transmission Member of generationPresently transmission & generation are charge of all technical members. In this engineering wing, there are three sub wings. These are :- Supply & distribution Generation Transmission


These are headed by engineers:- Engineer in- chief (general cadre) Engineer-in-chief (G.T.O. cadre)

This wings has following department:- Generation dept. Transmission dept. Store & purchase dept. Energy accounting Commercial Rural electrification Operating & maintenance PlanningOPERATION AND MAINTENACE DEPT.It is responsible for distribution of energy for all categories of consumers both in rural as well as in urban are G.M. cum-chief engineer is head of this dept. seven electricity supply area of B.S.E.B.P.E.S.U.: PatnaCentral electric supply area: PatnaMagadh Electricity Supply area: GayaKoshi electric supply area: SaharsaBhagalpur electric supply area: BhagalpurMithila electric supply are: DarbhangaTirhut electric supply area: MuzaffarpurGeneration departmentGeneration is the most important wing involved with the production electricity at present B.T.P.S. are the generation units under B.S.E.B.Transmission department

The transmission wing is responsible for construction and maintenance of transmission lines with the state of Bihar. The transmission wing has been divided in two zone.Planning departmentA chief engineer is the head of this department and this responsible for formulation five year & annual plan covering and execution of various schemes.Store and purchase departmentA chief engineer is the head of the department. He is responsible for procurement of material for supply and distribution inventory control, stock verification and their proper storage.Energy accountancy departmentThis department is responsible for conduction audit of all technical works executed by the various department ACE head.REVENUE & FINANCIAL WINGFinance revenue department of B.S.E.B. is combined with the following section.Finance dept. (budget & lone)Accounts dept. (expenditure & preparing of monthly & annual accounts) Internal audit dept. (establishment section & internal audit inspection their compliance)Revenue dept.The member (finance & revenue) is head of finance wing but these four dept. are headed by the financial controllers. Recently there are two financial controllers working in the headquarter.AT THE FIELD LEVELAt the field level, the personnel department is divided into area board level, power station, transmission zones, circles and divisions.

The area board and generation thermal power station at Barauni and Kanti there is Dy. Director of personnel officer. At the circle and division level office personnel officer and labour welfare are posted.Personnel departmentThis department has two functions:- Industrial relation Welfare activities

Industrial relation:-a) Settlement of industrial disputes within the board frameworks policies.b) Negotiation with union and settlement of grievances.c) To coordinator with department authorities i.e. State government regarding the labour problem and personnel matter.To implement the provision of welfare under provision act, shop and establishment act and labour contract regulation and abolition act.Besides these P.D. has work of recruitment training, manpower planning and establishment of workman these days.Today the of personnel department has become very vital and complex. It is not only procuring manpower but also manages to utilize them in most effective manner. Now manifold aspects of human and industrial fields are being added day-by-day and this compelled or necessitated to let. The personnel department of B.S.E.B. rectified to the extent.Hence is nutshell, it can be concluded that personnel department is very sensitive department and exemplary character.


Bihar State Electricity Board divided into five companies

Post Electricity Act 2003 the government of Bihar undertook reforms programme for the power sector to enhance the operational & commercial efficiency and financial viability of the state owned power utilities. The Gob has restructured the erstwhile Bihar State Power Holding Company Ltd., Bihar State Power Generation Company Ltd. (BSPGCL), Bihar State Power Transmission Company Ltd. (BSPTCL), North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NBPDCL) and South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. (SBPDCL), with effect from 01 November 2012 capacity building programme was major component of such Reforms initiative.In the transition phase of the policies and p.rocedures as existing in Bihar State Electricity Board upto 31.10.2012 shall mutation mutindis apply to the successor companies till the same is notified by the successor companies as an interim arrangement the corporate office of the new successor companies is at Viddut Bhawan, Baily Road, Patna.All the existing officer and workmen of Bihar State Electricity Board will continue to work on "as is- where" basis on the existing term and condition in the respective companies.Re-organization of departments is under process.


The duties of the B.S.E.B. at present (BSPHC Ltd) have been defined in section 18 of the Electricity Supply Act, 1948. It has been charged with the responsibility of promoting a co-ordinated development of generation, supply and distribution in the state of Bihar or an efficient and economic basis of management.Though BSPHCL deals in only one product, i.e., electrical power, its significance and utility value is enormous for the state. Almost all aspect of modern life-style are dependent on it in one way or another.In order to ensure that its responsibilities are discharged effectively and efficiently, the company has engaged various staffs on various posts to generate its own power and to maintain proper distribution system. It arranges to supply the electricity properly to the consumers and maintain their equipments.The responsibility of catering to entire state means BSPHCL must always be able to understand present as well as future trends of power consumption. It has to formulate and implement schemes for power generation so that growth in demand can be met successfully in time.The company has its full-fledged Accounts and Audit Department for proper keep-up of its financial transaction as also to ensure efficient financial management on the commercial line.The company has also its personnel wing to safeguard the interest of all its employees. The bio-data and service records of the employee have been computerized at its headquarters.The entire organization of the Bihar State Power Holding Company Ltd. Has been set up keeping in view the functions instructed to it i.e. coordinated development of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the state.



Chairman cum ManagingDirector



Principal EnergySecretary, Energy Dept.., BiharPrincipal Secretary Finance Dept., BiharDirectorGenerationDirectorTransmissionDirector Finance and RevenueDirectorAdministration



Managing Director(Mr. Sanjay Kumar Agrawal)

Board of Directors

DirectorAdministrationDirectorFinance &RevenueDirectorTransmissionDirectorGenerationEnergySecretary,EnergyDept.Bihar


Managing Director(Smt. Palka Sahni)

Board of Directors

DirectorAdministrationDirectorFinance &RevenueDirectorTransmissionDirectorGenerationEnergySecretary,EnergyDept.Bihar


Present Status of Rural Electrification Grid substations completed under RSVY phase-II (part-1):SLGrid Sub-StationsProgress

1.Tekari 132/33 KV GSSCharged in August, 2009

2.Katra 132/33 KV GSSCharged in March, 2009

3.Begusarai 220/132/33 KG GSSTest charged in November, 2009

4.Muzaffarpur 132/33 KV GSSReady for charging by January, 2010

Capacity Augmentation of Old Grids completed under RSVY Phase-II (Part-1):SLGridsCapacity

1.Fatuah2x50 MVA, 1x100 MVA

2.Bodh Gaya2x50 MVA

3.Chandauti2x50 MVA

4.Jakkanpur1x50 MVA

5.Biharsharif1x50 MVA

6.Rajgir1x20 MVA

7.Darbhanga1x50 MVA

8.Sabour1x50 MVA

9.Purnea1x50 MVA

10.Sultanganj1x20 MVA

11.Jehanabad1x20 MVA

12.Jamalpur1x50 MVA

13.Bettiah1x20 MVA

14.Khagaria1x20 MVA

15.Motihari1x20 MVA

16.Samastipur1x50 MVA

Total Capacity970 MVA

Village Electrification:SLName of Scheme withTarget of villages ElectrificationAchievement of village ElectrificationCumulativeAchievement




1RGGVY10thPlan (5Districts)


2RGGVY11th Plan (6 districts)



1RGGVY10th Plan (20Districts)



2RGGVY11th Plan (4Districts)










1RGGVY10th Plan (8Districts)



Work awarded to contractors. Survey work in progress.

Implementing agency-wise Targets and Achievements for Household Electrification under RGGVY BPL households(As reported by NHPC/PGCIL) as on 31-07-2009.SLImplementingAgencyCoverageUnder projectCoverageUnder projectAchievement ofHHTotalTarget (2009-Achievementfor 2009CumulativeAchieve%Achievement


UnderImplementatIon (RGGVY)Electrificationupto 31-3-2009 10) Col. 5-8- 10)MentWrt.TotalTarget


123456 7

8 91011





Implementing agency-wise Targets and Achievements for Construction of 33/11 KV PSS under RGGVY(As reported by NHPC/PGCIL) as on 31-07-2009No. of PSS coveredUnderProject underImplementation(AREP)No. of PSS coveredUnderProject underImplementation(RGGVY)CumulativeAchievement(No. of PSSconstructed





Progress of Village Electrification under Different Old Schemes:


Name of Scheme

Target (villages to be

Achivement(villages)Village Electrification (Nos.)CummulativeAchievment

22005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2010-06 07 08 09 11

Electified Electified ent upto upto March'20 July'2009 05) 1 RE State981-4371418217-677Plan


3.MNP4758251--- 8

4.BADP1611253-3-- 131

5.TALDIARA20032122-- 40

6.MNP2,378-----3 1094(PGCIL) 858

Note: MNP Scheme merged into* Infrastructure Developed** chargedRGGVY wef April'2005.

Rural Electrification State Plan 2005-06:

Out of selected 981 villages, 677 villages have been electrified till date. Out of selected 24 nos. Power substations, 13 nos. have been constructed till July 2009Rural Electrification State Plan 2007-08 (ACA):Under this scheme 40 nos. 33/11 KV power sub-stations are to be constructed. Work has been awarded after completion of tender process. The construction work is under progress & is expected to be completed by June 2010.

Power Generation Status Separation of Jharkhand from Bihar has left us with only three power Generation plants. Details of which are as follows:1. Barauni Thermal Power StationUnitNo.Capacity(in MW)Date ofCommissioningPresent Status

1.15 MW26/01/1966Retired on16/02/1983

2.15 MW16/01/1963Retired on26/11/1985Due to uneconomical operation

3.15 MW20/10/1963Retired on05/10/1985

4.50 MW09/11/1969Under shut down since 24/04/1996

5.50 MW01/12/1971Under shut down since 15/03/1995

6.110/10501/12/1984In operation

7.110/10531/03/2005Proposed for R & M


Unit No. 1, 2 and 3 (3x15 MW) of this station were declared obsolete. Sale of these units on as is where is basis is under process by S & P Dept, BSEB, Patna.Unit No. 4 & 5 (2x50 MW) are of (Polish-make) of this station are under shutdown since 1996 & 1995 respectively due to pollution problem. The proposal for revival and R & M of Unit No. 4 & 5 was sent to CEA for getting approval of the scheme but CEA declared revival/R & M of these units not Techno-economically viable.Now Board has decided to revive these units on LROT (Lease, Renovate, Operate and Transfer) basis subject to approval of Govt. of Bihar. The proposal has already been submitted to Govt. of Bihar for approval.Unit No. 6 & 7 (2x110 MW) are of BHEL-make. After completion of restoration work, Unit No. 6 (110 MW) was synchronized on 24-11-2007 and is generating 70-80 MW. R & M work on these two units will be carried out by BHEL one by one after getting approval from the planning commission, Govt. of India.2. Muzaffarpur Thermal Power StationUnitCapacityDate ofPresent status

No.(in MW)Commissioning

1.11031/03/1985Proposed for R & M

2.11017/03/1986In operation

Total220 MW----

Present status may be obtained from CEO, KBUNL, Kanti, Muzaffarpur.On 8-Sep-2006, MTPS stands transferred to JVC of BSEB and NTPC in the light of MOU signed on 26-11-2005 vide notification no. 36 dated 08-09-2006 of Energy Department, Govt. of Bihar.R & M work of Unit No. 1 & 2 (2x110 MW) are of BHEL make. After completion of restoration work, unit No. 2 was put in operation on 29-Jan-2008 and it is generating 80-90 MW.R & M work on both these units will be carried out by BHEL one by one after getting approval from the Planning Commission, Govt. of India.3. Koshi Hydel Power StationUnitNo.Capacity (in MW) Date of CommissioningPresent status

1.4.8April, 1970Koshi Hydel Power Station has been handed over to Bihar State Hydel Power Corporation on 16/11/2013 vide Notification No. 11 dated 26-06-2003 of Energy Dept., GoB and BSEB Notification No. 46 dated 31-7-2003.

2.4.8March, 1971

3.4.8October, 1973

4.4.8October, 1978

Total19.2 MW----

Thus, the total installed capacity of BSPHCL as on 1/02/2006 is 320+220=540 MW. The derated capacity comes to just 530 MW.New Power Projects To help improve power generation capability, some new projects are already being processed by the BSPHCL. They are as follows:1. State Sector/Joint Venture

Barauni TPS Extension Distt: Begusarai. Under BSEB 2 x 250 MW Extension at Barauni TPS DPR prepared by M/s DCPL, Kolkata, Estimated Cost Rs. 3066 Crores based at prices in Jan-Mar 2009 excluding cost of Land. Additional Land requirement 615.37 acres. Present estimated cost Rs. 67.05 crores. Rs. 38.54 Crores has been deposited with concerned DM for acquisition of about 355 acres. MoP has recommended MoC in August 2010 for allocation of Coal for 12th Plan. Coal requirement 2.65 MMTPA. Processing fee of Rs. 5.00 Lakh submitted to Ministry of Coal by BSEB vide letter no. 682 dated 27.06.06 for coal linkage. Probable Coal linkage from Rajmahal coal field or Urma Pahari Tola. Firm Coal linkage still awaited. BHEL to implement BTG package (Boiler-Turbine-Generator) as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Techno-Commercial Offer will be submitted by BHEL shortly. BPIC JV of GoB, BSEB & ILFS is BSEB's consultant for carrying out Pre award project development activity for setting up 2 x 250 MW Extension project at BTPS. State Plan outlay amounting to Rs. 180 crores has been released in the FY 2009-10. M/s DESEIN appointed as Technical consultant for preparation of technical specifications of BOP Package. Appointment of single BOP EPC Packages by M/s Desein though bidding process is in progress. M/s BARSYL appointed as Technical consultant for development of Rail infrastructure at BTPS. M/s Bhagawathi Anna Lab Ltd., Hyderabad appointed as Environmental consultant for EIA study and obtaining Final Environmental clearance from MoEF, New Delhi. NOC from Airport Authority of India has been obtained for Chimney height 275 mtrs. Water requirement for consumptive use to be met from river Ganga. Water resources Dept., GoB has accorded clearance for 60 Cusecs for BTPS units (Existing & Extension Units) and approval from CWC is accorded for 45 Cusec. Ganga Water Scheme: M/s WAPCOS is consultant for preparation of DPR. Draft DPR submitted. Final DPR could not be submitted by M/s WAPCOS as clearance from Railway is yet to be obtained. Expected schedule of Commissioning 1st Unit synchronization in June'2014, 2nd Unit after 4 months of synchronization of 1st Unit. 100% power generated to be utilized by BIHAR/BSEB. Muzaffarpur TPS Extension Distt: Muzaffarpur Under KBUNL (Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Ltd. JV of BSEB & NTPC Ltd.) 2 x 195 MW Extension at Muzaffarpur TPS. Unit size reduced from 250 MW to 195 MW as per aviation clearance of chimney height to 146.5 mtrs accorded by from Airport Authority of India on 16.07.2008. FR prepared and approved by Company board in May 2009. Estimated cost Rs. 3154.332 Crores. Coal linkage accorded for 2.92 MMTPA from ECL by Min. of Coal Dec'08. NTPC Ltd. is consultant. Budget for equity share of BSEB for FY 2010-11 is Rs. 166 Crore. State Plan Outlay for 2010-11 Rs. 129.28 Crore released to BSEB. BSEB has released Rs. 78.849 Crore for 2010-11 as Equity Share to KBUNL. LOA awarded to BHEL for main plant package on 28.04.2010. Contract agreement for BTG package signed with BHEL on 06.05.2010. Water Resources Dept., GoB has given consent for 45 Cusecs from River Burhi Gandak. CWC has given clearance on 19.02.2010. 85% generated power to Bihar/BSEB. PPA signed in Jan'10. Kick-off meeting held on 24.05.2010. Expected Schedue of Commissioning 2012-13. Nabinagar Super TPP Dist.: Aurangabad Under NPGCPL (Nabinagar Power Generating Co. Pvt. Ltd. JV of BSEB & NTPC Ltd.). 3 x 660 MW at Nabinagar and Barun blocks. FR prepared and approved by NPGCPL board. Estimated cost 12759.879 Crores (Revised in July 2010). NTPC Ltd. is consultant. Estimated cost for consultancy Rs. 120 crores. Land area approx 2832 acres for the project demarcated. Land cost estimated Rs. 173 Crores (approx.) has been deposited to District Administration. 1871 acres Land acquired & remaining Land acquisition is under progress. The topographical survey and geotechnical survey has been completed. Water Resources Dept., GoB has given consent for drawl of water from Indrapuri Barrage on River Sone. CWC clearance accorded on 11.08.2010 for utilization of 125 Cusecs of Sone water as per Banasagar Agreement, 1973. State Plan outlay amounting to Rs. 128 Crore for year 2009-10 for the equity share of BSEB in NPGC has been released. Budget estimate for FY 2010-11 Rs. 324 Crores. State Plan outlay for equity share of BSEB of Rs. 150 Crore for year 2010-11 has been released to BSEB. Rs. 50 Crores released to M/s NPGC. Various Statutory clearance have been/are being obtained. Coal requirement 11.25 MMTPA. Coal linkage accorded in Mar 2010 by Min. of Coal from North Karanpura Coalfields. PPA signed in Jan 2010 for 75% of generated power for BSEB. Expected schedule of commissioning 12th Plan (2015-16).2.IPP Power Stations under Case II Tariff Based Bidding (85% of Power to be procured by BSEB, 15% of Power to be procured by Haryana, Rajasthan & Assam in order to avail the benefits under Mega Power Policy). Buxar Bijlee Company Pvt. Ltd. Dist: Buxar. Buxar Thermal Power Station at Chausa, District Buxar. Being processed by BPIC (Bihar Power Infrastructure Co.) SPV promoted by Govt. of Bihar/BSEB and IL & FS, New Delhi. 2 x 660 MW at Chausa, Dist- Buxar. Estimated Cost: Rs. 6791.37 Crores (approximately) Expected date of Commissioning 12th Plan, (2015-16) SIPB approval received vide letter 163 dated 27/02/2009. Demarcation of land 1167 acres done. Land Acquisition is under process through Industrial Development Authority (IDA), Bihar. Section 4 notification to be issued shortly. MoP has recommended MoC in August 2010 for allocation of Coal for 12th Plan. Coal requirement 6.25 MMTPA. The processing fee of Rs. 5.00 lakh deposited by BSEB vide letter no 745 dated 03.09.2008. Water Resources Dept., GoB has given consent for 55 Cusec from River Ganga. CWC clearance accorded on 24.09.2010. Terms of Reference (TOR) & site of TPP approved by Ministry of Environment & Forests, EIA report is completed & public hearing conducted on 30.07.2010.

Clearance for Chimney Height obtained from Airport Authority of India. Detailed Topographical Survey & Geotechnical Investigations completed. DPR prepared by M/s Fitchner Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. & submitted to MoP & CEA. CEA site selection Team visited proposed site in Mid February 2010. Clarification sought by CEA on 10.05.2010 have been furnished on 17.05.2010. Report awaited. CEA vide letter dated 21.07.2010 asked details / informations regarding project for pre-qualification and prioritization for 12th Plan Thermal Power Projects. Details as per format furnished on 03/08/2010. Lakhisarai Bijlee Company Pvt. Ltd. Dist: Lakhisarai. Lakhisarai Thermal Power Station at Kajara, District Lakhisarai. Being processed by BPIC (Bihar Power Infrastructure Co.) SPV promoted by Govt. of Bihar/BSEB and IL & FS, New Delhi. 2 x 660 MW at Kajara, Dist- Lakhisarai. Estimated Cost: Rs. 6810.10 Crores (approximately). Expected date of Commissioning 12th Plan, (2015-16) SIPB approval received vide letter 162 dated 27/02/2009. Demarcation of land 1165 acres done. Land Acquisition is under process through Industrial Development Authority (IDA), Bihar. Section 4 notification to be issued shortly. Coal requirement 6.25 MMTPA. The processing fee of Rs. 5.00 lakh deposited by BSEB vide letter no 745 dated 03/09/2008. Water Resources Dept., GoB has given consent for 55 Cusec from River Ganga. CWC Clearance accorded on 15/09/2010. Terms of Reference (TOR) & site of TPP approved by Ministry of Environment & Forests, EIA report is completed & public hearing conducted on 25/07/2010. Clearance for Chimney Height obtained from Airport Authority of India. Detailed Topographical Survey & Geotechnical Investigations completed. DPR prepared by M/s Fitchner Consulting Engineers & submitted to MoP & CEA. CEA Site Selection Team visited proposed site in mid February 2010. Clarification sought by CEA on 10/05/2010 have been furnished on 17/05/2010. Report awaited.

CEA vide letter dated 21/07/2010 asked details/information regarding project for pre-qualification and prioritization for 12th Plan Thermal Power Projects. Details as per format furnished on 03/08/2010. Pirpainti Bijlee Company Pvt. Ltd. Dist: Bhagalpur. Pirpainti Thermal Power Station at Pirpainti, District Bhagalpur. Being processed by BPIC (Bihar Power Infrastructure Co.) SPV promoted by Govt. of Bihar/BSEB and IL & FS, New Delhi. 2 x 660 MW at Pirpainti, Dist- Bhagalpur. Estimated cost Rs. 6820.50 Crores (approximately) Expected date of Commissioning 12th Plan (2015-16). Demarcation of land 1171 acres done. Land Acquisition is under process through Industrial Development Authority (IDA), Bihar. Section 4 notification to be issued shortly. Coal requirement 6.25 MMTPA. The processing fee of Rs. 5.00 lakh deposited by BSEB vide letter no 682 dated 27/06/2006. Water Resources Dept., GoB has given consent for 55 Cusec from River Ganga. CWC clearance accorded on 16/09/2010. Terms of Reference (TOR) & site of TPP approved by Ministry of Environment & Forests, EIA report is completed & public hearing conducted on 24/07/2010. Clearance for Chimney Height obtained from Airport Authority of India. Detailed Topographical Survey & Geotechnical Investigations completed. DPR prepared by M/s Fitchner Consulting Enginners & submitted to MoP & CEA. CEA Site Selection Team visited proposed site in mid February 2010. Clarification sought by CEA on 10/05/2010 have been furnished on 17/05/2010. Report awaited. CEA vide letter dated 21/07/2010 asked details/informations regarding project for pre-qualification and prioritization for 12th Plan Thermal Power Projects. Details as per format furnished on 03/08/2010.3. IPP Power Stations (MOU signed with BSEB) M/s Jas Infrastructure Capital Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur at Dist: Banka MoU with BSEB signed on 17th Oct'2007. Addendum to MoU signed on 29/12/2008 for enhancing the ultimate capacity to 2640 MW and extending MoU for thirteen months. Again MoU signed for next 13 months i.e., up to Feb 2011. BSEB has right to purchase 25% of power from the proposed project.

4 x 660 MW at Sinya, Gidhasimer, Bhalki and Gokula in Block Bhaunsi, in Banka district. Estimated Cost: Rs. 11120 Crores. Developer has requested to addendum in capacity from 4 x 660 MW to 6 x 660 MW. 1,050 acres land has been identified and its acquisition is in process. Registration of the land has started and till date approx. 790 acres of land has already been registered through private negotiations and 260 acres land are in under process. Area fencing work has been initiated at site. Full fledged office with all required infrastructure and guest house is functional at Bounsi. Mahuagarhi coal block allotted by MoC on 50:50 JV basis between JICPL & CESC. Coal quantity estimated for 1000 MW power generation. Applied for Long Term Coal Linkage for full requirement to MOC, GOI. Water linkage obtained from Water Resources Dept, GoB gave consent for 85 Cusec from Chandan Dam. Route survey is being carried out by M/s S & S Associates. Pre-feasibility Report for the Power Plant prepared and submitted. ToR finalized by MoEF, Environmental & Socio-economic data collection completed. EIA-EMP Studies & Public Hearing completed. Forest clearance not applicable. Airport Authority of India has issued NOC for construction of 275m high chimney in April'2009. Detail power Evacuation Study has been done by PRDC Bangalore. For power evacuation applied to PGCIL for the open access under long term connectivity on 23/06/2009. Approval for Private Railway siding is granted. M/s Fichtner Consulting Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd. is consultant for the project. Project Feasibility Report & DPR have been prepared. Geotechnical investigations have been conducted based on the final plot plan for the project. Land development plans are being finalized. M/s Nalanda Power Company Ltd., Kolkata at Dist : Bhagalpur MoU signed on 3rd July 2008. Validity of MoU extended upto 02.10.2011. BSEB has right to purchase 25% of power from the proposed project.

4 x 500 MW (in two phases) at South Pirpainti, Dist: Bhagalpur. Estimated Cost : Rs. 9260 Crores excluding IDC. Coal requirement: 5.24 MMTPA for 2 x 500 MW (Phase-I) Pre-feasibility Report prepared. DPR will be prepared after coal linkage. Land requirement 878 acres (2 Phases) at Khidirpur, Choudhary Basantpur, Laxmipur, Bijoram Chawk, Shadipur, Hiranand, Govindpur at Pirpainti South, Bhagalpur district. 404 acres of land identified for the main plant area. NOC received from District Collector for setting up the power station in the identified land vide letter no. 1465 dated 09/07/2009. MoEF accorded Prior Clearance for the site vide letter dated 10/02/2009. Formal application with requisite fee made to Ministry of coal for long term coal linkage on 26.07.08. Coal linkage still awaited. MECON has completed EIA Study based on ToR approved by MoEF. Public hearing to be conducted shortly. Water Resources Dept, GoB has approved drawal of 80 Cusec of consumptive water from River Ganga on 21.10.2008. CWC has approved that 80 cusecs of water provided for the project is out of the water available in Eastern Kosi Canal System within its present utilization. NOC obtained from Airport Authority of India in April'2009 for construction of Chimney. Railway siding study conducted for connectivity. Power Evacuation: Applied to PGCIL on 13/02/2009. Expected Schedule of Commissioning: 12th Plan. M/s Ganga Power & Natural Resources Ltd, Kolkata at Dist.: Bhagalpur Formerly: Adhunik Power & Natural Resources Ltd, Kolkata. Name change accorded in SIPB on 29/06/2010. New MoU with BSEB signed on 29th Nov'2010 for 1320 MW in the name of GPNRL for 13 (thirteen) months. MoU was signed with BSEB on 19th Oct'2008 for 1000 MW. Validity extended upto 19th Dec'2010. Capacity change to 2 x 660 MW (1320 MW) accorded on 01/02/2010 by GoB. BSEB has right to purchase 25% of power from the proposed project. Coal requirement: 6.9 MMTPA. Estimated Cost: Rs 7500 Crores.

BIADA has allotted 300 acres land. At villages Gobindpur, Ranganj, Jairam Bandhu, Roshanpur, Meharpur in Pirpainti block Dist: Bhagalpur Application for acquisition of 815 acres land in Pirpainti block given to GoB. Applied for aviation clearance for construction of 275 mtrs Chimney. 60 MCM water has been allocated from River Ganga by WRD, GoB. CWC clearance accorded on 17.09.2010. Water study for availability completed. Pre-feasibility report submitted to MoEF. Processing fee of Rs. 5.00 Lakh for allocation of coal deposited by the firm vide their letter no AG/AAAPL/890 dated 01.09.09 to Ministry of Coal. GoB requested MoP, GoI for grant of long term coal linkage in December 2010. M/s Fitchner has been appointed as engineering consultants for the TPP, who has finalized the tentative plot plan and bankable DPR. Specification for BTG packages also prepared. Expected Schedule of Commissioning: 12th Plan. M/s India Power Corporation Ltd, Kolkata Revised capacity proposed in March 2010 2 x 660 MW. MoU signed on 03.09.2010 for a validity of 13 (thirteen months) 1500 acres of land identified at Indragachhi, Sangrampur, Block- Areraj in East Champaran district. Acquisition process to start after obtaining Cabinet approval. Estimated Cost: Rs. 7280 Crores Coal requirement: 6.20 MMTPA. Water requirement: 62 Cusecs (Approx) permitted to draw from River Gandak from WRD, GoB in June 2010. Tendering for SG & STG Package is expected in April 2011. 25% ex-bus generation (300 MW approx.) to be allotted to Bihar state. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 53rd meeting dated 02/01/2008. Feasibility Report submitted by the firm in April 2010. Expected Schedule of Commissioning: 2014-15. M/s AES India Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon 2 x 660 MW, Coal Based Thermal Power Project at Jagdishpur in dist. Bhagalpur. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 89th meeting dated 11/08/2010.

MoU signed on 02/12/2010 for a validity of 13 (Thirteen) months. Land required: 1500 acres (as per MoU). Coal requirement: 8.00 MMTPA. Water requirement: 42 MCM from River Ganga which is 15-20 KM distant from proposed site. Total investment: Rs. 8120 Crores. BSEB shall have the first right to claim to purchase/refusal of power up to 25% maximum from the proposed power plant. Expected date of Production: 31/03/2016. M/s MIRACH Power Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon 2 x 660 MW Coal Fired Thermal Power Project at Lakhisarai distt. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 89th meeting dated 11/08/2010. MoU signed on 16/11/2010 for a validity of 13 (Thirteen) months. Water requirement: 40 Cusecs (Approx.) permitted to draw from River Ganga from WRD, GoB in September 2010. BSEB shall have the first right to claim to purchase/refusal of power up to 25% maximum from the proposed power plant. Total investment: Rs. 7360 Crores. Land required: 1000 acres.4. Other IPP projects approved by State Investment Planning Board (SIPB) M/s Subhas Projects & Marketing Ltd, Kolkata. 1200 MW at Dist. Lakhisarai. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 53rd meeting dated 02/01/2008. Progress has not been reported by the firm. M/s Cement Manufacturing Company Ltd., Kolkata 500 MW at Kahalgaon Dist.: Bhagalpur Approval accorded by SIPB its meeting dated 26/03/2007. 600 acres of land identified at Kahalgaon, Dist- Bhagalpur. Application submitted to MoC for Coal Block allocation. Progress has not been reported by firm. M/s Essar Power, Ranchi 1800 MW at Pirpainti, Bhagalpur. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 61st meeting dated 29/09/2008. Progress has not been reported by the firm. M/s Usha Martin, New Delhi.

1200-1320 MW at Meherpur in Pirpainti Block, Bhagalpur. Estimated Cost: Rs. 6000 Crores. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 66th meeting dated 29/06/2009. Pre-Feasibility Report submitted to SIPB. 1200 acres of Land required. Coal requirement: 6.50 MMTPA for 1200 MW capacity or 7 MMTPA capacity for 1320 MW. Requires a captive coal block with reserves of 350-400 MT. 5300 Cusecs of Water for Industrial use for the project from River Ganga by WRD, GoB. Progress has not been reported by the firm. M/s East-West Power Generation Co. Ltd., Maharastra 1000 MW at Kahalgaon, Bhagalpur. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 62nd meeting dated 18/11/2008. PFR prepared and submitted to Industry Deptt. GoB. Progress has not been reported by the firm. M/s Triton Energy Ltd., Gurgaon, Haryana 1320 MW at village Kochar, Block Barun, Dist : Aurangabad. Coal Requirement : 6.65 MMTPA. Pre-feasibility report has been prepared and submitted to SIPB, BSEB & Dept. of Energy. 1400 acres land identified in Kochar village at Barun block, Dist.: Aurangabad, Bihar. Application has been made for acquisition of identified land to GoB. Negotiation with consultant for conducting EIA is in advance stage. Application made to WRD, GoB for withdrawal of 52.8 cusecs water from River sone. Progress has not been reported by the firm M/s Krishak Bharti Co-operative Ltd, New Delhi 1320 MW. Approval Accorded by SIPB in its meeting dated 17/03/2008. Firm has proposed to establish a power project at Chausa (Dist-Buxar), one of the three sites identified by BPICPL through MoU route. Proposal is under active consideration of GoB. M/s Arrissan Power Limited, Kolkata 2 x 660 MW Coal Based Thermal Power Plant at Prabhawati Nagar in Banka District of Bihar. Approval accorded by SIPB in its meeting dated 24/05/2010. Application made to WRD, GoB for withdrawal of Water. Estimated investment around Rs. 7260 Crores. M/s Global Powmin, Ranchi 4 x 660 MW, Coal Based Thermal Power Project. Approval accorded by SIPB in its 86th meeting on dated 08/06/2010. At Sirdala District Nawada in Bihar State. Land requirement: 2200 acres. Estimated cost: Rs. 11000 Crores. Expected Date of commissioning: January, 2014.5. Nuclear Power Project NPCIL proposed for installation of 4 x 700 MW Nuclear Power Plant at Rajauli, Dist. Nawadah. 23,000 hectare-meter (320 cusecs) quantity of water is required, of which 14016 hectar-meter (160 cusec) would be consumptive. Water Resources Dept., GoB indicated adequate quantity of water not available from proposed Dhanarjay reservoir and existing Phulwaria reservoir for plant of 4 x 700 MW. Water Resources Dept., GoB indicated availability of 12785 cubic meters per hour (127 cusecs) water to meet requirement of 2 x 700 MW or 4 x 450 MW. NPCIL has been requested to process with regard to expected availability of water.Ongoing short-term and long-term projects For improvement of transmission and distribution of power in the State of Bihar.

Rashtriya Sam-Vikas Yojna: Phase-II (Part 1): Execution to start Estimated Cost : 629.22 Crores Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station.

Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.Construction of new GSS (i.e. one no. 220/132 KV at Sipara and 6 nos. 132/33 KV at Muzaffarpur, Katra, Naugachia, Hulasganj/Ekangarsarai, Buxar and Tekari). Augmentations of capacity by 1170 MVA & R & M of major Grid Sub-Station. Capacity augmentation by 1070 MVA at 21 nos. existing GSS. Renovation and Up-Gradation of Protection System of 6 nos. of GSS (i.e., Biharsharif, Baripahari, Bodhgaya, Dehri, Fatuha and Jakkanpur). Completion of remaining works of incomplete GSS at Begusarai and 220 KV DC Begusarai-Purnea Line.

Reconductoring of 3 nos. of existing lines (i.e., Gaya-Jakkanpur, Begusari Samastipur and Barauni-Purnea).

On-Going Works of Grid Sub-Stations under Phase II (Part-1) : RSVYSLName of SiteLeveling workControl room BuildingCivil worksStructure ErectionEquipment

1Naugachia 132/33 KV G.S.S.CompletedIn ProgressIn ProgressIn Progress-

2Raxaul 132/33 KV GSSCompletedIn ProgressCompletedCompletedCompleted

3Hulasganj 132/33 KV GSSCompletedIn ProgressCompletedCompletedCompleted

4S.K.M.C.H., MuzaffarpurCompletedIn Progress---

5Ekangarsarai 132/33 KV GSSCompletedIn ProgressIn Progress--

6Sipara 220/132/ 133 KV GSSAcquisition process of land completed. Physical possession of land yet to be had.Revision of compensation amount is under process.

Capacity of New Grids under Phase-II (Part-I) : RSVY

SL220/132 KV GridsCapacity

1Sampat Chak2 x 150 MVA

2Begusarai2 x 100 MVA

Total: 500 MVA

SL132/33 KV GridsCapacity

1Katra2 x 150 MVA

2Tekari2 x 20 MVA

3Naugachhia2 x 20 MVA

4Hulashganj 2 x 20 MVA

5Raxaul2 x 20 MVA

6Ekangarsarai2 x 20 MVA

7S.K.C.M.H. (Muzaffarpur)2 x 50 MVA

8Buxar2 x 20 MVA

9Begusarai2 x 50 MVA

Total: 640 MVA

Capacity Augmentation of led Grids under Phase-II (Part-1) : RSVYSL220/132 KV GridsCapacity

1Sheikhpura1 x 20 MVA

2Kanti1 x 100 MVA

Total : 640 MVA

Associated Transmission Line (523 Kms) under Phase-II (Part-I): RSVYSLTransmission LineLength

1LILO of one Circuit of 220 KV D/C Fautah-Khagaul-Sipara (Terminated at POWER GRID, Patna)15.3 ckm

2132 KV Dehri-Sonenagar28.9 ckm

3132 KV Dumraon-Buxar16.1 ckm

4132 KV Gaya-Tekari28.9 ckm

5132 KV D/C Supaul-Kataiya118.4 ckm

6132 KV D/C (S/C Strung) Darbhanga-Phulparas71.3 ckm

7LILO of 1st Circuit of 132 KV Fatuah-Gaighat Line7.2 ckm

8132 KV S/C (on D/C Tower) Bettiah-Raxaul Line37.1 ckm

9132 KV Biharshari-Hulasganj44.5 kms

10LILO of Circuit of 132 KV Buxar-Purnea Line at Naugachia1.7 ckm

11LILO of 132 KV, S/C Biharsharif-Hulasganj at Ekangarsarai44.5 ckm

12LILO of S/C Sitamarhi-Muzaffarpur (Ramdayalu Lines) at SKMCH1.0 ckm

13132 KV Kant-SKMCH14.1 ckm

14LILO of 220 KV Fatuah-Khagaul18.6 ckm

15220 KV Power Grid Sipara0.89 ckm

16LILO of 2nd Circuit of 132 KV Gaya-Jakkanpur21.0 km

17LILO of 132 KV Gaighat-Mithapur Line20 ckm

18LILO of 132 KV D/C Baxaur-Samastipur Line at Begusarai7.7 ckm

19Stringing of 2nd Circuit of 132 KV D/C Phulparas-Supaul Line63.8 ckm

R & M of Old Grids under Phase-II (Part-I) : RSVYR & M work on Dehri-on-Sone, Fatuha, Jakkhanpur, Barauni, Samastipur has been completed while work at Biharshari, Bari-Pahari and Bodhgaya is under progress and is expected to be completed shortly. Tender for rest of the Grid Substations is also likely to be finalized.Re-conductoring of Old Lines (362 kms) under Phase-II (Part-1) : RSVYSLTransmission LineLength

1Chandauti-Jakkanpur 132 KV D/C188.04 ckm

2Barauni-Khagaria 132 KV D/C

3Purnea-Naugachhia 132 KV D/C70.00 ckm

4Barauni-Samastipur 132 KV/DC

On-Going Works of Grid Sub-Stations under Phase-II (Part-2): RSVYSLName of SiteLeveling workControl Room BuildingCivil WorksStructure Erection Equipment Erection

1Dalsingsarai 132/33 KV GSSCompletedIn Progress---

2Goh 132/33 KV G.S.S.CompletedIn Progress---

3Wazirganj 132/33 KV G.S.S.CompletedIn Progress---

4Karpi 132/33 KV G.S.S.CompletedIn Progress---

5Mushrakh 132/33 KV G.S.S.CompletedIn Progress---

6Aurangabad 132/33 KV G.S.S.In ProgressIn Progress---

7Digha 132/33 KV G.S.S.Land Arranged recently----

8Haranaut 132/33 KV G.S.S.Land handed over to power grid on----


9JagdishpJagdishpuur 132/33 KV G.S.S.CompletedIn Progress---

10Hazipur 220/132 KV G.S.S.Tender invited price bid opened in December 2009.----

11Madhepura 220/132/33 KV G.S.S.

Land yet to be handed over to PGCIL.

12Kudra 132/33 KV G.S.S.

13Dinara 132/33 KV G.S.S.

14Kusheshwarsthan 132/33 KV G.S.S.

15Runisaidpur 132/33 KV G.S.S.

16Nalanda 132/33 KV G.S.S.

17Sonebarsa 132/33 KV G.S.S.

Capacity of New Grids covered under Phase-II (Part-II): RSVYSL220/132 KV GridsCapacity

1Madhepura2 x 100 MVA

2Hajipur2 x 100 MVA

Total : 400 MVA

SL220/132 KV GridsCapacity

1Dalsingsarai2 x 20 MVA

2Goh2 x 20 MVA

3Wazirganj2 x 20 MVA

4Karpi2 x 20 MVA

5Mushrakh2 x 20 MVA

6Aurangabad 2 x 20 MVA

7Digha 2 x 50 MVA

8Harnaut2 x 20 MVA

9Jagdishpur2 x 20 MVA

10Kudra2 x 20 MVA

11Dinara2 x 20 MVA

12Kusheshwar Asthan2 x 20 MVA

13Runnisaidpur2 x 20 MVA

14Nalanda2 x 20 MVA

15Sonebarsha2 x 20 MVA

16Madhepura2 x 20 MVA

Total: 700 MVA

Associated Transmission Line under Phase-II (Part-2): RSVY220 KV: 136 kms, 132 KV: 1,037 kms, 33 KV: 340 kmsSLTransmission LineLength

1 LILO of Gopalganj-Siwan 132 KV S/C at Mushtrakh-

2Hazipur (old) Hazipur (new) 132 KV D/C-

3Khagaul-Digha 132 KV D/C-

4Jamui-Sheikhpura 132 KV S/C line on D/C Tower49 ckm

5LILO of Bodh Gaya-Nawada 132 KV S/C line at Wajirganj-

6Banjari-Sasaram 132 KV S/C on D/C Tower-

7Dinara-Kudra 132 KV S/C Line on D/C Tower-

8Biharsharif-Nawada 132 KV S/C line on D/C Tower41 ckm

9Biharsharif-Sheikhpura 132 KV S/C line on D/C Tower39 ckm

10Stringing of 2nd Circuit of Dehri-Dumraon 132 KV Line90 ckm

11Begusarai-Kusheshwar Asthan 132 KV S/C on D/C Tower65 ckm

12Sonenagar-Aurangabad 132 KV D/C-

13LILO of Dehri-Karmanasa 132 KV S/C (BSEB line) at Kudra-

14Ara (Power Grid) Jagdhispur, 132 KV S/C on D/C Tower28 ckm

15Stringing of 2nd circuit of Gopalganj-Bettiah 132 KV D/C70.7 ckm

16Purnea (400/220 KV Power Grid) Madhepura-Darbhanga, 220 KV D/C-

17Stringing of 2nd circuit of Samastipur-Chhapra 132 KV Line via Hajipur (new)107 ckm

18LILO of SKMCH (Muzaffarpur) Sitamarhi 132 KV S/C at Runnisaidpur-

19Termination of Hazipur-Muzaffarpur (Kanti) 220 KV D/C line at Muzaffarpur (P.G.)-

20LILO of one circuit of 132 KV D/C Begusarai-Samastipur at Dalsingsarai-

21Jehanabad-Karpi 132 KV S/C line on D/C Tower22.7 ckm

22LILO of Bari Pahari-Fatuah Lines at Harnaut-

23Madhepura-Simri-Bakhtiyarpur, 132 KV S/C on D/C Tower-

24Tekari-Goh 132 KV S/C on D/C Tower22.3 ckm

25132 KV Kahalgaon (NTPC)-Sultanganj-Lakhisarai Line135 ckm

Capacity Augmentation of Existing Substations under Phase-II (Part-2): RSVYSLSubstationsCapacity

1Banjari1 x 20 MVA

2Katihar1 x 20 MVA

3Ramnagar1 x 20 MVA

4Lakhisarai1 x 20 MVA

5Jamui1 x 20 MVA

6Hajipur1 x 20 MVA

7Kaliya1 x 20 MVA

8Bari Pahari1 x 50 MVA

9Hathidah1 x 20 MVA

10Khagual1 x 100 MVA

11Dehri1 x 100 MVA

12Chapra1 x 50 MVA

Total: 540 MVA

Re-conductoring of Old Lines under Phase-II (Part-2): RSVYKahalgaon-Sabour-Sultanganj-Jamalpur-Lakhisarai 132 KV Line and Gaya (Chandauti)- Sonenagar 132 KV D/C Line totaling 180 kms have been reconduted. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION SCHEMESRajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna (RGGVY) All un-electrified & de-electrified villages are to be electrified in 5 years under RGGVY. All electrified villages are to be extended to provide electricity to all household by 2012 under RGGVY. All un-electrified, de-electrified & partly electrified villages under 30 districts (out of 38 districts) to be electrified by Central Agencies namely PGCIL and NHPC under RGGVY. All un-electrified, de-electrified & partly electrified villages under remaining 8 districts to be electrified by BSEB. PGCIL have developed infrastructure in 14332 villages up to July 2009. Out of which 7345 villages have been energized. NHPC have developed infrastructure in 1848 villages up to July 2009. Out of which 870 villages has been energized. In 8 districts BSEB have awarded work to contractors on 29.05.09. The survey-works have been started. Village electrification works are likely to be completed by the end of Dec. 2010.Primary Transmission Lines Particulars as on 1st January 2009.SLName of LineSC/DCLength (kms)

A400 K.V. Line

1Biharsharif Kodarma BorderSC75.00


B220 K.V. Line

1Biharsharif to FatuhaDC80.00

2Biharsharif to Fatuha to Bodh GayaDC160.00

3Bodh Gaya to Patratu Thermal Power Station (under Bihar)DC78.00

4Bodh Gaya to Patratu Thermal Power Station (undr Bihar)SC42.00

5Mugalsarai to Dehri with LILO at PusauliSC92.00

6Fatuha to Muzaffarpur Thermal Power StationSC125.00

7Link line at Biharsharif (TTPS Biharsharif)SC2.00

8Link line for Gaighat sub-stationSC9.00

9Fatuha to KhagaulDC35.00

10Biharsharif to BegusaraiDC150.00

11Begusarai to Purnia (Kursela river crossing)SC4.02

12Bodhgaya Dehri-on-SoneDC180.00

13Muzaffarpur (KANTI)- GopalganjSC101.35

14Muzaffarpur (KANTI)- DarbhangaDC68.53

15LILO of one circuit of Fatuha-Khagaul line at Sipara (PGCIL)DC0.45

16LILO of one Circuit of Fatuha-Khagual line at Sipara (PGCIL) PatnaDC9.30

17D/C Patna (Powergrid) Sipara BSEBDC0.45

18Termination of Hajipur-MTPS line at Muzaffarpur (PGCIL)DC4.00


C132 K.V. Line

1Biharsharif to FatuhaSC55.00

2Fatuha to PatnaSC25.00

3Patna to JehanabadSC44.80

4Jehanabad to GayaSC48.00

5Dehri to DumaraonSC89.60

6Dumaraon to ArrahSC60.00

7Biharsharif to FatuhaDC130.00

8Lakhisarai to JamuiSC35.00

9Hathidah to SheikhpuraSC28.00

10Hathidah to SheikhpuraSC28.00

11Link line at LakhisaraiDC3.40

12Nawada to Bodh GayaSC56.00

13Lakhisarai to JamuiSC45.00

14Jamalpur to SultanganjSC38.00

15Biharsharif to BarahiSC142.00

16Biharsharif to Baripahari (Line line)DC10.00

17Rafiganj G/S/S to T/S/S RafiganjDC9.20

18Link line at JehanabadSC2.00

19Patna to GayaSC92.80

20Sonenagar to Japla Border of Sone Nagar Pipari Trans. LineDC358.00

21Sultanganj to Deoghar (Under Bihar)SC65.00

22Lalmatiya to SultanganjSC69.00

23Bodh Gaya to PaharpurDC65.02

24Dehri to KarmnasaDC86.00

25Chandauti to SonenagarDC152.00

26Chandauti to Bodh Gaya CKT I & IIDC32.00

27Chandauti to Bodh Gaya CKT III & IVDC28.00

28Dehri to BanjariSC38.00

29Mathurapur to R.I. DalmianagarSC9.00

30Purnia to SaharsaSC101.20

31Purnia to DalkolaSC44.00

32Purnia to KatiharSC29.00

33Purnia to BirpurSC120.00

34Purnia to N.H.P.C.DC2.00

35B.T.P.S. to H.F.C.SC2.00

36B.T.P.S. to KhagariaSC50.00

37Khagaria to PurniaSC147.50

38Link line at KhagariaSC5.00

39Sonenagar to Japla BorderDC156.00

40Ramnagar to Surajpura/Valmikinagar LILOSC4.00

41Sabour to SultanganjSC35.00

42Surajpura to RamnagarSC77.77

43Ramnagar to BettiahSC41.50

44Bettiah to MotihariSC45.00

45Motihari to M.T.P.S.SC70.00

46M.T.P.S. to MuzaffarpurSC15.50

47M.T.P.S. to MuzaffarpurSC16.27

48M.T.P.S. to SamastipurDC170.40

49Samastipur to ChapraSC110.00

50Chapra to SiwanSC70.00

51Samastipur to PandaulSC62.00

52Samastipur to B.T.P.S.DC134.40

53Muzaffarpur to SitamarhiSC65.00

54Tapping at HajipurSC1.00

55B.T.P.S. to Hathidah (Cable)DC14.00

56Samhauta KCL Line line at BanjariSC1.35

57Link line for Rajgir Sub-stationSC14.00

58Kataiya DuhabiSC3.50

59B.T.P.S. to NaugachiyaSC134.00

60Naugachiya to Purnea Line line.SC63.50


62LILO of Hazipur-Chapra line at SheetalpurDC0.45

63Sivan Gopalganj BettiahSC100.75

64Motihari Dhaka SitamarhiSC76.62

65Pandaul Madhubani Jainagar PhulparasSC95.84

66Phulparas Supaul SaharsaSC63.84

67Kishanganj Forbesganj KatiyaSC128.50

68LILO of Purnea Dalkola line at KishanganjDC29.90

69LILO of Purnea Katiya line at ForbeshganjDC8.50

70LILO of Lalmatiya Sabour line at KahalgaonDC1.02

71Sabour BankaSC41.58

72LILO of Biharsharif Barhi Line at RajgirDC5.76

73LILO of Dehri Dumraon line at BikramganjDC0.53

75LILO of Dehri Karamnasa line at BhabhuaDC 0.76

76LILO of Dehri Kudra Karmnasa line at SasaramDC4.28

77Saharsa UdakishanganjSC50.35

78LILO of Biharsharif Hathidah Line at BarhDC25.49

79Khagaul Bihta lineDC13.99

80LILO of one Ckt of 132 KV D/C Fatuha Gaighat TL at KatraDC3.6

81LILO of 132 KV S/C Gaighat Mithapur TL at SiparaDC10.02

82LILO of one Ckt of 132 KV D/C Barauni-Purnea TL at SiparaDC1.4

83LILO of second Ckt of 132 KV D/C Gaya-Jakkanpur TL at SiparaDC10.915

84LILO of one Ckt of 132 KV D/C Sitamarhi-Muzaffarpur (Bhikanpura) TL at SKMCH DC0.5

85LILO of one Ckt of 132 KV D/C Barauni-Purnea TL at NaugachiaDC0.85

86LILO of 132 KV D/C Barauni-Samastipur line at BegusaraiDC1.6

87132 KV D/C Dehri Sonenagar TLDC14.68

88132 KV S/C (on D/C Tower) Dumraon-Buxar TLSC16.139

89132 KV S/C (one D/C Tower) Gaya (Chandauti)- Tekari TLSC28.995

90132 KV S/C (on D/C Tower) Bettiah-Raxaul TLSC37.19

91132 KV S/C (one D/C Tower) Muzaffarpur (Kanti TPS) SKMCH TLSC14.116

92132 KV S/C (on D/C Tower) Biharsharif-Hulasganj TLSC42.485

93LILO of Chapra Siwan 132 KV S/C Line at MushrakhDC20

94Stringing of second circuit of Gopalganj-Bettiah 132 KV D/C lineSC70.425

95Stringing of second circuit of Samastipur-Chapra 132 KV D/C lineSC116

96Hajipur (old) Hajipur (New) 132 KV D/C lineDC1

97LILO of one circuit of Begusarai-Samastipur 132 KV D/C line at Sarairanjan/DasingsaraiDC15

98LILO of SKMCH (Muzaffarpur-Sitamarhi 132 KV S/C line at Runni SaidpurDC8

99Sonenagar-aurangabad 132 KV D/C lineDC25

100LILO of Dehri-Karamnasa 132 KV S/C (BSEB line at KudraDC4

101Ara (Powergrid)- Jagdishpur 132 KV S/C line (on D/C tower)SC30

102Stringing of second circuit of Dehri-Dumraon 132 KV D/C lineSC90

103Tekari-Goh 132 KV S/C line on D/C towerSC25

104Re-conductoring of Gaya (Chandauti)- Sonenagar 132 KV D/CDC95

105LILO of Bodygaya Nawada 132 KV S/C line at WazirganjSC20

106LILO of 132 KV Baripahari-Fatuha line at HarnautSC16

107Khagaul-Digha 132 KV D/C line (*scope includes only overhead portion of line)DC30

108Jahanabad-Karpi 132 KV S/C line on D/C towerSC38

109LILO of 2nd circuit (New) of Dehri-Dumraon 132 KV D/C Line at DinaraDC15

110Banjari-Sasaram 132 KV S/C Line of D/C towerSC30

111Dinara-Kudra 132 KV S/C line of D/C towerSC45


Capacity of Transformers in Grid Sub-Station [132 KV and above]SLSub-StationTransformers (MVA)Nos.Capacity (MVA)

A220/132 KV Grid Sub-Station

1Bodh Gaya1502300









B132/33 KV Grid Sub-Station


12.5 (Rly)225

2Bodh Gaya502100


20 (Rly)120





12.5 (Rly)112.5




8Biharsharif (Baripahari)20120














19Patna (Jakkanpur)503150



















































Transmission Circle-wise operating Grids1 Patna Transmission Circle2. Biharsharif Transmission Ciccle3 Gaya Transmission Circle

1. Jakkanpur1. Biharsharif1. Bodh Gaya

2. Fatuha2. Baripahari2. Chandauli

3. Masaurhi3. Rajgir3. Belaganj

4. Khagaul4. Barh4. Rafiganj

5. Bihta5. Sheikhpura5. Nawadah

6. Gaighat6. Hathidah6. Jehanabad

7. Mithapur7. Lakhisarai7. Tekari

8. Katra8. Jamui

4 Dehri-on-Sone Transmission Circle5 Purnea Transmission Circle6 Bhagalpur Transmission Circle

1. Dehri-on-Sone1. Purnea1. Sabour

2. Sasaram2. Naugachia2. Sultanganj

3. Mohania3. Forbesganj3. Jamalpur

4. Karmnasa4. Katihar4. Banka

5. Sonenagar5. Khagaria5. Kahalgaon

6. Buxar6. Kishanganj

7. Dumraon7. Uda Kishanganj

8. Ara8. Saharsa

9. Banjari9. Kataiya

10. Bikramganj10. Supaul

7 Muzaffarpur Transmission CircleA Total of 67 Grids across 7 Transmission


1. Muzaffarpur

2. Sitamarhi

3. Hajipur

4. Vaishali

5. Chapra

6. Shitalpur

7. Gopalganj

8. Siwan


9. Dhaka

10. Ramnagar

11. Bettiah

12. Darbhan