BRW History

Building Resilience Workshop IV March 7 – 9, 2013 The Lindy Boggs Center, University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA


The Building Resilience Workshop series I, II, and III have identified innovative strategies to reduce vulnerability and improve the sustainability of coastal communities facing natural and man-made hazards.Now in its fourth year, BRW has established itself as a unique forum that brings together local, national, and international expertise to tackle coastal Louisiana’s most pressing problems.

Transcript of BRW History

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Building  Resilience  Workshop  IV  

March  7  –  9,  2013  The  Lindy  Boggs  Center,  University  of  New  Orleans  

New  Orleans,  LA  

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•  The  2010  Building  Resilience  Workshop  I  addressed  a  broad  range  of  water-­‐  and  flood-­‐related  issues,  with  discussions  centered  on  sustainable  approaches  to  rebuilding  a  culture  of  resilience  in  south  Louisiana,  spurred  by  impending  climate  change.      

•  A  number  of  internaOonal  parOcipants  provided  us  with  a  wealth  of  new  ideas  from  the  Netherlands,  Germany,  Mexico  and  Canada.  

•  It  was  a  primary  goal  of  the  workshop  to  create  greater  awareness  in  the  Gulf  Coast  region  of  approaches  that  are  being  implemented  successfully  in  other  parts  of  the  world  but  may  not  yet  be  embraced  in  the  United  States.    The  workshop  encouraged  an  aStude  of  accommodaOng,  rather  than  fighOng,  water,  recognizing  that  we  must  learn  to  live  in  safety  WITH  water.  

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•  The  BRW  II  in  2011  focused  on  the  role  that  innovaOve,  sustainable  infrastructure  can  play  in  miOgaOng  catastrophic  disaster,  both  by  reducing  the  risk  of  harmful  consequences  from  extreme  events  and  by  facilitaOng  rapid  post-­‐event  recovery.      

 •  A  special  focus  of  BRW  II  was  to  capitalize  on  advances  

in  research  in  the  global  arena.  Experts  from  the  Netherlands,  the  UK,  France,  Belgium,  Germany  and  Australia  a[ended  the  workshop  to  share  their  research  on  innovaOve  disaster  miOgaOon  approaches  and  experiences  with  successful  transiOon  methodologies  for  facilitaOng  their  implementaOon.  

•  The  presented  approaches  and  methodologies  addressed  not  just  WHAT  are  the  innovaOve  infrastructural  and  non-­‐structural  soluOons  we  can  implement,  but  also  HOW  we  can  design  coordinated,  long-­‐term  strategies  to  manage  transiOon  and  facilitate  implementaOon.  

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•  The  BRW  III  again  brought  together  scienOsts,  environmentalists,  architects,  engineers,  city  officials,  planners,  entrepreneurs,  grass-­‐roots  community  organizers,  academic  researchers,  and  representaOves  of  federal  agencies  and  naOve  populaOons.      

 •  We  were  joined  by  a  dozen  members  of  the  pan-­‐European  

research  project  FloodProBE,  which  focuses  its  efforts  on  developing  technologies,  methods  and  tools  for  urban  flood  risk  assessment  and  reducOon.    Two  of  the  leaders  of  the  Dutch  Room  for  the  River  program  parOcipated  as  well.      

 •  One  enOre  day  of  discussions  was  devoted  to  the  Louisiana  

Dra?  2012  Coastal  Master  Plan  and  its  implicaOons  for  coastal  Louisiana  communiOes.        

 •  We  learned  about  innova&ve  flood  risk  reducOon  strategies  

from  around  the  world,  discussed  potenOal  soluOons  compaOble  with  our  unique  local  ways  of  life,  and  created  global  networks  that  will  help  us  face  the  challenges  ahead  and  support  the  changes  we  must  make  to  rebuild  a  culture  of  sustainability  and  resilience  in  the  Louisiana  Gulf  Coast  region.  

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Changes  for  2013  Steering  Commi[ee  

Miriam  Belblidia  Elizabeth  English  

Alessandra  Jerolleman  Grasshopper  Mendoza  

Jeana  Wiser        

Fiscal  Sponsor  The  Natural  Hazard  MiOgaOon  AssociaOon  (NHMA)    

is  serving  as  the  fiscal  sponsor  for  BRW  IV  

Board  of  Advisors  Bradford  Case  Craig  Colten  Mark  Davis  

Byron  Encalade  Brian  Jackson  Shirley  Laska  Steve  Mathies  

Chief  Albert  Naquin  KrisOna  Peterson  

Steve  Picou  Timolynn  Sams  Cynthia  Sarthou  

Lt.  Col.  Jerry  Sneed  Boo  Thomas  

David  Waggonner  Jessica  Wa[s  Pa[y  Whitney  Maura  Wood  

Jerome  Zeringue  

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Theme:  “AdapOng  to  Uncertainty”  

Day  1:  Bridging  Boundaries  (potenOal  panels)  –  The  Power  of  Peer  Mentoring:  Learning  from  other  Resilient  CommuniOes  –  Building  Resilience  in  NY  and  NJ:  Bridging  Gulf  Coast  Experiences  to  the  Northeast  –  Living  with  Water  in  Louisiana:  Learning  from  Overseas  –  Sustaining  Resilience  Between  Events  


Day  2:  ImplemenOng  SoluOons  (potenOal  panels)  –  Moving  Forward  with  the  Louisiana  Master  Plan  –  AdaptaOon  on  the  Ground:  Enhancing  Community  Resilience  with  Non-­‐Structural  

MiOgaOon  Measures  –  Engineering  to  Adapt:  Weighing  the  Benefits  and  Risks  of  Large  Scale  Structural  

Measures  –  AlternaOves  to  EvacuaOon:  Strategies  for  Safe  Sheltering  in  Place  

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Sponsors  Community  Partners  

Thank  You!  

Fiscal  Sponsor