Bruschetti’s Gifted Building and Destroying. deleterious Having a harmful effect; injurious.

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Transcript of Bruschetti’s Gifted Building and Destroying. deleterious Having a harmful effect; injurious.

  • Slide 1

Bruschettis Gifted Building and Destroying Slide 2 deleterious Having a harmful effect; injurious. Slide 3 despoil To deprive of possessions or property by force; plunder; rob. The army of Alexander the Great despoiled the ancient city of Tyre. Slide 4 effectual Producing or sufficient to produce a desired result; fully adequate. Slide 5 jettison Trans. Verb To discard as unwanted or burdensome. To cast off or overboard. (From the Latin word jacere, meaning to throw) After listening to her staffs objections, the manager jettisoned the marketing plan. Slide 6 obviate To prevent by anticipating; make unnecessary. By careful planning, the operators of the new business obviated many of the difficulties often encountered by young entrepreneurs. Slide 7 pinnacle The highest point; summit; acme. The pinnacle of achievement for many dramatic actors is to perform the role of Hamlet. Slide 8 raze Trans. Verb. To tear down or demolish; level to the ground. From the Latin word rader, meaning to scrape) Slide 9 stultify Trans. Verb. To render useless or inadequate; cripple. To cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous. Forcing a reluctant piano student to practice may stultify a natural interest in music. Slide 10 surmount Trans. Verb. To overcome (an obstacle, for example); conquer. To ascend to the top of; climb. In his poem Invictus, William Ernest Henley wrote of his determination to surmount all difficulties. Slide 11 wrest Trans. Verb. To obtain by or as by pulling with violent twisting movements. To usurp forcefully; to wrest power. To extract by force, guile, or persistent effort; wring: to wrest the meaning from an obscure poem.