MEDICAL AND SANITARY NOTES. I SCHOOL HYOIENE- It ti on Inu»iestlng Met, e******- r.lslly In view ot certain compsrlsons nearer home thst lt siiRoests, thst tn Austrslls the subject of school hygiene has received speclil sttenUsn for som* yooro In the Sut¬ er public ochools. The teachers are partlculsrly In¬ structed to be care fail about the apresd of lnfocllous dis- eosea, snd the public health law ls sufficiently stringent to secure the exclusion of scholars snd M-sihers from hou-'s in which romnninlcible dlees-ae* exlut In tho Rtate schools of Victoria, now for a number of years, s system ot object leaton-, bas boen given, ol th a view to tmpsrtlng elementary instruction bes ring upon the health of the people; these lessons generally Include such sub- ten* as food, clothing, ventilation cleanliness and the prevention of infectious diseases. There havo also been given at slated times lea-eon* for the treatment of snake¬ bite, for the resuscitation of tbe drowned, and for the flret aid to the Injured. The department of education require* also some elementary knowledge on the part ol teachers upon tbe subjects ol sanitation and physiology. INTELLECTUAL AND PSYCHICAL INTERAC¬ TION. -In s recent discourse on the psychical function sf the entire body, Dr. Morselll, of Kaple*. refers lo tho cneral opinion lhat the spirit ls restricted to the brain, or even to the cortical substance, becauao the only phe¬ nomena that enter Into thc field of consciousness are Hmso which are developed In tbe gray milter of the corves bul the idea of consciousness In tho old sense of tho word. Dr. Morselll assen*, can no longer bo entertained,.it ie more properly to be spoken of as conscious psychical phenomena,.and ss these states of ooniiclousness, or con¬ scious psychical phenomena follow each other In time by arousing one another by reai-on of a physlopsychologi- cal law of carnality ,their succession causes them to seem to be an Indlvlduil unit. According to Dr. Morselll, however, this supposed consciousness one ind indivisible, ls In ra'sllty esrh moment conii,osed of Intellectual ind affective psychical states very diverse, having origins more varied in proportion ss the residua left by previous sensations are varied, snd the multitude ot impressions proceeding from sll .ari* of the organism is greater. RECENT INVESTIGATIONS OF BRlOlTrs DIS¬ EASE. -Some recent investigations of Bright's disease, by M. Semmola. have led him to advise strongly against allowing s patient to come In contact with cold In any ivoidable way, for such patients ire excessively senslthe !<> cold, and cold baths are followed by greet shock anti depression masssgo and exercise of the muscle* ire also strongly to be deprecated, as followed by great shock and weakness. M. Semmots emphasizes the re- maiksble sensibility of the skin of a sufferer from this disease lo all variations of temperature, tbe desirableness, thc rc fi. re, ut living lu a dry snd (qualm- cllinato, the necessity ot avoiding strictly all exposuie or going sboui in winter -*_ather, snd the tenefll to be derived from practising mild gymnasties In a comfortable room rather flinn wnlure Inlo a temperature below elgbloen or dc greta Cent. Sodium, Iodide snd chloride are P < v.d to bo beneficial In doses as large as tolerated; sud when, after two or three weeks, albuni'ii has not entirely dlsaj.i^ared and dropsy has boen relieved, phos¬ phates of sodium or calcium are efficacious In quantities as large a* forty grains or s drachm dally the methodical Inhalation of o\yg*>n has also been repeatedly proved to be of tho highest benefit. CHEAP AND HEALTHFUL ANIMAL FOOD.-A recent medical writer expresses surprise st the want of appreciation.even among medical the real value of milk. In comparison with other articles of food, and. In th* case of housekeepers especially, who frequently find lt difficult to achieve as great a variety tn articles of diet ss ls desirable, this article ls profuse in the facilities thus provided. In tiartlcular. lt would appear that, so far as l's nutritive \alue ls interned, milk ls far fi.i'm being in... rsu.od. as comparei ivith other irtlcles of inlmal food. Acaln, there ls leas difference between the economics' \alue of nil'.k, beefsteak, eggs or fish than ls commonly supposed. Thus the quantity of water In g..*d milk ls 87 per cent. In round aleak 75 per cent. In falter beef 00 per tent, and In egga about 6S per cent. Now, from analyse* made, lt ls estimated thal sirloin steak, reckoning the loss from bono, ls ss dear at 35 cent* s pound ss milk Ot 21 cents a quart; that round steak at SO cents a pound is as dear aw. milk st 14 cents a quart; and corned beet st 17 cents as dear as milk at 15. The result fra.m the*e Seductions seems to be that milk at even li. centa a quart I* the i hes pent animal food tbat can be used. INCREASED I'.SF. OF NICKF.I. BROMIDE.-The in¬ creased eiu-.o.vtiK'iit of nickel bromide as a hypnotic and sedative has been rec-tilly remarked. It I* conveniently prepared by treating granulated nickel with bromine under water, and carefully evaporating the dark given solution, Whoa the salt ls obtained In deep green deliquescent crys¬ tal**, freely soluble In water, but much les* soluble In a:_i.hol. The salt ls conveniently administered In the form of a sirup, which nay be prepare! by placing 377 glOBM <>f bromine mid 137 gralua of nickel in a flask con¬ taining twelve ounces of water, digesting st a gentle heat until the reaction liss cca.-ed, filtering snd then adding twenty-four ounces of sugar and sufficient water to mako thirty-two fluid ounces. The elrup, which ls of a beautiful {reen color, contains In each fluid drachm five grains ol IJ-tofllloS nickel bromide, which ls an svereago dose. Kea pabiuatione. AMERICANS A CENTURY AGO AND TODAT. ' BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT. IM THI- WEEK'S ' AMERICA. THB KEW WEEELY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF AMERICAN IDEAS AND THE PRESERVING OP AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS. 0 BOT. SALE BT ALL NEWSDEALERS J-RICE, 10 CENTS. SUBSCRIPTION. S3 50. THE AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., ISO 112 MONROE STREET; l |__- crricAoa. A ET ol FENCTCi. f(,r LA~DIKS. Health. ** ._vle_,r- RrV VROF. ANDRE UERC.ER (1'arls., <._t H'.i-'l-ir, Doowdt Hulloing._ jRatnutlon, For Boys and Young Men.City. A -CIRCULARS OF GOOD SCHOOLS fro«_ . sui*, aal.ettii-r for boya or «irla.an_l locality preferr-d. R AVl.ItV. Am. rican School Bureau.2 W. Uta st. N Y. UNIVERSITY li KA UM A ll SCHOOL. 1.473 ;way, nea .-tm., ult,; yftr. prlm4ry Mra. ... sad c^**,i- *l;P»',^1»l^1,'J».ructlon th.rimal*. M. M |IOBBV_W. I, AKIN, .v ".¦N'DltKKbiiNri'rlns. WUODBKIDUK -SCHOOL, _2 Kant _5th-st". TT ..untie. l..a_»lc_L Two hundred siudeuu have U-en prepared for _.l_i__i» School of Minst "*" M For Youiifr Ladies.City. ISS CHISHOLM .^SCHOOL FOR QIRLS, 16 Esat e-lh-st.. Nsw Tors. Will reopen Ocpt/rnBer SS. Boys' Ols___a_ REV DR. hikI MUS. GARDNER'S .school FOR Ol UL?. «.7 6U.ev_. Mrs. OsrUser saUer ef ¦ History la Rhyme-" _______ Musical Instruction. RBW-10RK CONSERVATORY of MUSIC l. ..-.ted oula al 6 I- AM 14 lll-h I., t* Door East of -TH-AVE. (.bartereal in 1 **<_>. At this KAMOCS SCHOOL OK VOCAL AND IN'f-TRU- BKNTAL Mf>;* U.nnony and -.mpoaUloo. Elocution. toreiifii I aaa .»¦-.* - Unwin* aa*l Paloona (th. Aral ..ini. ned aaO beat a»i*olnt*- tn th. concur >. Bi adenu receive »L.rjo»li.'l a_vaa.ea._- NfcW tVI'lLS RECEIVED Day md Evening, instruction. For Both Sexes.City. 4 -MEISTERSCHAFT SCHOOL OF LAN- J:\m ot'At.Es, n 42dri opDoalte Reservoir. EDMOND oAsriNEAl', A. M., Ports, l'tli.'l|>_l. All UndUAg*'- QOlekly spoken, fclelst.r_.haft Hntexm. SiH-clal Claseeia for intendiiiR trnv* 11-r*. to l'.-rop*'. Na¬ tive lOOOfcOM- ClOOOOl I.ow f...Ili!li(?. _ A BUSINESS EDUCATION .-Bookkeeping, wrlttnir. arltt-.n.etlr. correspondence, applllnc. irnnmur steno :raii!iT. tvpewrltinr. Li.lies" Depsrtmeul d.iy an.l eveniny. I'AI.VKS Hl-lNI.*aS COLLEOE, 0!I llnwery. corner Csnal-al.. uptown. 107 West :;4.ii.»t.. ror. Broadway. rrttlV. BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANOD Ati KS. A K8 We»t 2:*d-st. Cnnvrsst'o.ial ttnowlealge In shortest time; terms, sin. Head for circular ot sumrasr schools. Brooklyn. THE CRITTENDEN. i-REI'AKATORT, FRENCH BCHOOL and Kliiderua. '..>. for both M>\e. 97 Hlck*-.t.. comer of rin**appl*. SECOND YEAH September 22 Mis II M. WHEELER, K.fftit veer. eoa__.t_d aaitl. th.- l'a* kel CUleg- Ute Institute. F..rth term b«'flns April IL Boys And Yoting Men.Country. BORDENTOWN (N. J.) MILl PARY IK8TI- '1T TR. on the II luff* *>f the Delawaie, between Near- York nnd I')i!la*!el)ihla. BolM loooSotlons li Knjtllsh.Amiir. lean icA<!einio*. aarelul pri-parati.uia lor olleito amt tusker ecieni. iii ii nola. Uptons V. .**. a. indies _ REV. T. H. LANDON, A. M.. Bnnclpal. BRYANT SCHOOL, Ro.lvn. L. I-. N. *.. RoardliiR .School of tho highest class for buys; Erl- mary, liiOern.edl.ite, Academic; Military organization. -Ko. BRICK ('OKThLVOD, l'niict[iaL FREEHOLD 1NST11 I'l'l-, Fiv.-lnl.l. N. J.". roity-Iiiuith year; tot Uv* and yount tooti. Atl lie*. Rev. A. G. CHAMBBBB, A. M.. PrtnetpeL __ ELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR HoYS.-At .MiL Cann. Parents who ure aniortanatc in tin- Dian. OS! a_snl of theirs'ins will do well to profit hy the advst.tT-Kes offered by this achoi.l. Addrtss FRANK M. HOWE Mo.'.. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Wor- ce-tcr, Mas*.--__1 rear. English, Scientific. ClasalcaL C. R. METCALF, A. M., (Superintendent. IRVING INSTITUTE, Tarry tovrn-on-ilti.t-" X sam,offa ra unusual advantages to parents seeking th. best lnatructlon for their boya. Adrtrcas A. AKMAti.NAC, l'h.D. HUMMER school at Worral] Hall, Peeks-- O kin, n. y. circular address _COU C. ,1 WBIQHT, A. M. A YEAH FOR » )YS. SWITHIN C.SHORTLIDUF_,A.M.,(Hsrvarl) Media il'enn.) Academy. For Youni* Ladies.Country O.ME and DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS $500 ¦"***"THE F.I.Ms" Bprlnffleld, Masn. mks Porter. Principal, l'upiis sdmitt'fl t<. Vassar, Wellesley arid Smith on our certiSeat_._ Quincy method f'.r children. STAMFORD, conn- miss Aiken's Schorl for Young Ladles and Cl.ll- (Den; commeuees Oct. 3, 1888. After July 1 address CATHERINE AIKEN*. South Yat mouth, .Mass. TRINITY HALL Revert*-, N. J. A Established 1807- A thorough home school fur twenty young ladles Varied advantages of the highest order. Careful tra!nln_r In ti mind a_d hear.. Solid culture tu English,Music, Art at.) Lsag-SfOS. a prescribed course for students preparing for sny college. Spring tenn begins tcLruary 'j. loi circular »-SlO-S thc principal. RACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT. WEST WALNUT STREET HOARDING vf SCHOOL for young ladles and little Girls; eighth year: terms moderate. Mlsa J. TRAL'TMANN. ..SOI Walnut-si, 1-liiladeli.ilia. Pena .JD QUARTER..ROCKLAND COLLEGS. ?J MYACK, N. V WUl ..pen AprU 3 for Eiigll-h, liuslnesiv, University Preparatory Curso for Ladles, Mu¬ sic and Art Bend for ratalofoe. W. H. BANNISTKR, A. M., rrlnclpaL Miscellaneous. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIMITED X__ BU If BES Ol' UOYR-Tiavel In Europe tinder'roto- t.etent sui.lance, a companionship and a tl.oronch ey-iens of private tata.rtns. The llradma»ti-r of st. John's stln... Manlin*. .N. V., with tim experienced aaslstsats, prnposea to take al.out «li bovs atiroa>! uexl slimmer to re¬ main len aiontlis. Application ahoulil tte ma.le at once te Hie Kev. WILLIAM J. WII.KIK, Mian11ns, N. Y. 1ADY haying country home in Westchester A (nuntv desires to taite .har?,, of and Instruct Ut. ' Biri, English, French, German and uni*!.- taught, li. st or cir,-, u pleasant home, a ¦>. companion in stu sro offered; terms moderate: references. \V. H., Dos .ii..- j... v i., i 2*01 Brosdway, STUTTGART, OER.MANY.~A Christian .' Priieatant wish ia board a ymng lady dealrlag to atteii'l sc h. mt. A daughter of Hie fsinilr speaks English ami French city referenci-s. F. O. Box ...777. -.etui* r.s. A GAUTHEROT, from Paris, Offlcier ex e 9At -ndemie. Professor of Kr.-iic!i. 120 West SSS st. Highest refereueea. \ GOVERN ESS of music, Oermaa and French lsngna.'es wl«hr» a position lugheat reference. Call Moaday, between ll au.l J o'clock, corner SUtli-sU and Lei- iugien-ave._ A REST TEAClIERSrTuiors and Govors- . eases supplied; BO c..a:__e. TEACHERS legist I frte: vacancies alwavs on liniid ; form for stamp. R. t. AVERY, Amerlc*_a Behool Bureau. 2 W. Htb-st, N. Y. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY supplies l'rofii-..s<.r.-. Teachers, Tut-.ts Gov¬ ernesses, Sc. to I ..lieges, bch.ols sud Families. Apply to MUS M. J. YOUNG-FULTON, 23 Union K'juare._ 1 PROMINENT PROFESSOR in s Urge _»'_ Westera town, beloi.oinir to tba l>*"t Paris an sseletv, wishes t<> sptii. the siimrirr vacation with as Fa.tern (amity la. Instruct laSles aail dill.tren In l-'ronrli. Sneaks several languages. ss H. H., Box 2d. Ttlbuna* ..ttl. o. BROOKWAY TEACHERS' AGENCY (for- merty of Chiosgo] snppllea teaeben for the bi si schools In all parts ol the i tuted States. Mrs. I.. FREE- MAN-BROCKWAY, 28 Wesl 28_*st _ POR SCM.MER VACATION.-A itroicssor of * modern laagna_:ea, drawing ami painting, coiineetia.l (or manv reais with nae of the must prnmiueiit SOUeelS, wants au engagement either to navel willi __jra or .as tutor iq v pri¬ vate tarn;lv in the couatry ..nh- Hrs' claas families need appiv. PRUFE8SOB. care of Henry Se.del's art store, 'lit alth ava._ _ i^ ERM AN ARTIST, experienced teacher in Fainting and Drawing, will tu'.:-, full fharc*' of Bdvanced pui^ls; ho *aTii,!.i tia\el or teach !i. the country; highest cltv roferencea, terms modersto. Address ARTlbT, R..'v <*:¦». Tribune Uptown Office 1.288 Bmodway. rpEACHER*. WANTED fop Seotember..Far 1 West. I-Milne 1 Matliesi itlea. *7D0 (I«rniin m.rt Freucli (native uerman preleruuli, *70ti. B.itli Kpisc.i,.a l m. S\. I). BEBB IS Astor p'.a.-a. J^ rT()RS-(;()YON!:>sK--i,i;()ri:.-soiis Teaclieraj all bran'-...-*.; cliculars, sch...;!s; supplied to poi en ts; .Vu. li, OerDsn, Spanish noken: wanted many teachers, ladles and gentlemen'; nil branches. 3 MIRIAM COYRIERE 31 East 17ths_., bclwetn Sth-svc and Broadway. AV ANTED..A positiOB as Governess hy m ,T ladv having ¦ rears1 experience. i- eonm- tent to liistru-t in all English branches, rreneh, Latin and musk. Addie-, Nf lt 0 No. ll Is*' WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BD- KI.SU (for both s-'\es. supplies Profeaaoi-i Teaeh- tr.. Governesses, Musicians, IIi.ui_ekeei.eria. ', f.c, to collects, schools and families; also Bookkeepers, bten.igraplitrs Hnd C.ipvlst- to Arma MRS. A. I). CULVER. 829 6th-ave New-York City. W ANTED..Superior Enclish or Atiirrirrni ff IQVOfaOMk niUilc, Fretiih. drawing; German, n.u*.lcai, middle-aged nove-nea*: Fi'-n-Ii. i.iUnlcal u.iv- ei-ness; go...d posltlonA HESSE'S AGENCY, ll 1 Iti 17th- st_ WANTED..Sever:), temilers for September vacanel'-s; governwaaea (Immediately), English, Herman. French; pan., matron, houMeke.per; reromma-nda mirf'rifir English snd foreign leaehera govemeasea, trev- elllncr ci.. ns hons. pe .. irratts M'<_* DONO- VAN'S TI.ACHF.P.S' BUBEAU, 30 Bast 14!l.-»t. YOUNG FRENCH LADY wishes n few more 1 pstptlOJO French. Music, Or.winr and Paint nt; mini, .rat., pin e. Mrs c TEH MRBR Ml Wei: l _ VOUNG North German lady, tt-icher of Ger- -*¦ man, I ngllsh, Frei.* li xnd rnuM'_, '--rT-duat'd 1882, "Isl.*- po'ltlon; boat rcfciences. Addre** K. L.. 141 W. 12Ht-st. I Drcoomnking. COME .turi see the Sarah Renihardt nerk culls at H. Ol II.MAllU. «41 Hroailwav. opposite Mar Theatre._ DRESSMAKING..By an -urtistie dies* nukar; ln.|...rte.l »-f!is; airest carnaff and f.ncv costnir*.*. Sit i periect flt an.l fl-iesi finish.' Mra McKi¬ ll* .Y. SI Baal Sth st.. opposite iit-oi.n.f's. DRESSMAKER..Parisian dresiB_tke_i per- loei St, Isoet fushli.ns rubes can be n-cn. HUH. Fi I.U W* Ul B*0OI I Sth-Ot_ riRESSMAKER -Parisian; latest fashions: 1/ sh. ri i. iti .- I-OU1SE *.las*. :.,¦ , DRESSMAKER..By s flrst-classdri ism by the .lav or tak. trott hims, cattm*. Ottlacor dravlni la Hie laleal inij.orteil laslitens hifh-st retereoc A'.lresa COM IT. 1 KN r, Tittmiie t'ptown Offlce, ijts I'.r a.lwav._'_^^ D~ RI.SSMAKER.-Ry Mrs, Ilavei, liirmol-rY wltli Mme. D!e.lea; -«e« dressmaker's work lu lat. st designs I.V ttie >is*. »¦! SSS Sth-ave._ DRESSMAKING at reasonable tennsrp_r^ fest fit guaranteed heat refsrenree slven. Mra. OATF.h, 12 Unlversltv pla.e._ PARISIAN DRKtJSMAKtR.-Walbnf, ft,! I posStaS an<1 evenliiK dresses [va,rfe<l f!tt;n>r onaranteeal moderate prlr.-s short notiie. Bo WOO! ,1'Uli st. Citp ProprrtD <£o Cd. \' . ..TH-AVE., no. 469..Van desiiablo . 4-atorr brownstone: rent, S3.(K'0. F. W. M08F.ll, SSS Mh-uVe. A Ii STORY, Ililli baBBBMOt brownstone ilwel :m nu Eaat SSth-ol, i.ear LeilnsL.ti ava rent, SI 3-0 Ii.pniie ot t has. II. com K ll. Me. 10 West SSS. st., or J. F-. Kl.LIHON .'.. WUIUm-SL_ 4 -H4EA.SI HisisT..berweea Lexinf. __\a tou sn.l Park avus. Vetf choice street, near L'eatral Park; 0 l.Kiit rooms, t.r,;..' and i.»«i sham h*-al lian 1- someir decorated; U*w rants : a few more lett._ DESIRABLE ROUSES, .minmi .h-d aad turi ¦lishet In ail ti ns af id cit, FOLSOM BHOTHI I'.-, Ml Kasl Ilk st Ln.*r Broadway. DOR BALE or TO LEASE. -Valuable water .l fraini, Kaat I'.iver. near Whltesteue ; 34 acres ef land suitable for busiutas pur*.*.ses or buii.iiiiK sit*«. ? l pia lo SBTOB MISBMABX, _70 oedar-sL.* 1_J OG SE..12 rooms j si,title, tami ind fruit; A eorner Hickman and KlBiiibriar* lloa«t; would eui in food ordarj rent low. Apply to HOWARD BaDOLY. 73 Wall sk BROOKLYN FURNI Exceptional l.artfiiins .in First- FOR THI It will pay you to visit thia Immen tivi'ly sa BOTO 40 P S PFC IA /_ Tl FS IX CO UN TORE COMPANY. Class Furniture Mid Carpetings S WEEK. eerslalilishiiHMit as you can posi- vf from EE C-E-TSTT. TR 1 HOM F FFli SI SH I IfQB : -_*5»l!ifl_H_____--SE-2 3___slC«C3^^ z-aa______\\ S35, Reduced from S55. Fur this hand*.mo willd lllark Walnut, Chnmher Snit, hand-carved, Bedstead , Dressor, -eh stand 7. In h * lilah, e\tn» .!/.. Dresser, lan.-' deep ors. iar_e swinging Bevel-Piste Olose, wonanus vofrsnaa mak*.. PARLOR SUITS. $300 Parlor S'llts that are OOTOtOi In Satin'-lt,¦Ho or TapeottT, - Noss- S_00. OBIS Portee Sui's, the Arpyle and tho Empress, e..v- fred tn linport<-(l Wiltons, Now ti Kl. Noss *»S<). Noss l*»7 t. Now SS5. OHO Parlor Sult-s In Mettled Silk Plushes, si I.* Porto? Bolto ta Mofcoli Pl-Skeo, Sb3 I'arlor Suits In Silk or Crushed Plushes, MANTEL CABINETS. $iin ifohofsay Maatol CoMaot. Now sri $70 Mahogany *.r Coeobolo Mantol Cabinets, Nosv ...H-iO $18, Reduced from $30. PH this elecnn. Antin.*!** Oak Chamber Suit, hand- som.-ly served, rxiro Iorgo Dresser, large -.winging Plate .,1:.--. ms i" Hare bargain. CHAMBER SUITS. $.V. IfoOogSOy Ot OOS M..nv! Cabinets, til Cht.*ry Mantel Cabinet*," $.3 Walnut or Cherry Mantel Cabinets, No av *.'l;i. o Mom s.o. Now BIO SIDEBOARDS. Oi*o solid Mahogany sideboards, Now M-fl. S7S "ld Enclloh Oak or Cherry Sldehosrds, Now SS* $40 Cherry .«r A&Uoao Oak si '-beards Now .MH 50. SSS Natural or Ash or Solid Walnut, side, boards, Sow $__. $-.7 Ash or Antlrjue or S.illil WfllaOl Sid'li-ar ls, Nosv BIS Our Styles are Correct and Wo BUY OF THE MAKERS Illustrations Prices of all Styles of $270 Solid Mahogonv Chamber suits, Nosv 11 HO. $.10 K.illl MahoK.-iny or Old Oak Chamber Bolt* Novr Bl-IO. $145 Walnut or Old Kn.lish Onk Chamber Sui.*, Nosv sor $..*(> Wiilrmt, ur Cherry ( It.-iiti!i. r Balta, Sort OHO. $*... Old English Oak or Cherry Chamber Suns, \..av _* 13..10. OD.. Natural ami or ci,, irv Chamber Suit.-.. Noss (SS. $24 Antique AMi Chamber Suit*, Now 910 CHIFFONIERS. $00 S.tid Mohogony french lt.-wipiate Chiffoniers.. Nina S li) $r.o om Rngllsh Chiffoniers, Designs, Bos-el iPreach Plat--, Now t.:»4. $40 Combination !>. -k nn-1 ('Miff, nb-rs, _ll Woods Now Xiii SB. $25 Solid Walnut Chiffonier*-, . ~ . .t Now * I fl..0. fl. Oak or Cherry 6-Drowor Chiffoniers, swinging Glass, Now SIS* DESKS, $*0 Fancy Mahogany ol nil na... D*sks, $30 Antoine DOOkO, Main ..-any i.r nan, S2-* iMille.'.-T...* DeskOi SIS Upright li. iko, $.Vl K.,11.Top nnice ne--**, .40 Cyllnder-T.>p I). >... 024 Flat-Top Table I. -ks, Bow SSS Baw SB*. V. va -al*" Now Sll Kow s:l. Now 9'IT Now Slii rkmanship guaranteed first-class, AND SAVE MONEY. Furniture sent Free upon application. BROOKLYN FURNI TURE COMPANY, LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST RELIABLE FURNITURE AND CARPET WARE | HOUSE IN THE WORLD, 559 TO 571 BROOKL FULTORS-ST., YN, Um Yo Cud Drou-.tD £o £"t- H^O RENT.-Furnished or unfurnished, ¦ K. I OWN Kit PAUL-ABB. AND HOTll ST.. for ose year or tersa nf years, sn attractive, ¦OStOSMlSO house In perfect order throiiRliout; tltio plumbing; newly decorsted; poOOOOOlOa 00/ M0_0 ttttO UOJ XI private family only. Fnlly furnished, $:i,r,o.); utifiirnl-heil. $1,209. Apply to ..avuer, ,'!7 Pars ave., from 2 te 4 v. ra. rpo RENT..Furnished or unfurnished; the A three-story house n, eorner Wee! ind ase. and 71st-s_ j decorated, snd na Sstnres, chaki.l*. E. s>; * 00., 1*167 l*th .tv., ror. 71st. st. rP0 LkT.. I lu* fine three-story brownstone A dwelling. No. ;t..y l.i-nox-nvta., nnitliwest corner 127th- st. Io<|ii!rc SBA*** CO ,61 West l'J.itti-SU npOLEl FURNISHED. -149 East 34th-st.( I boase tu be»t of repair. To be. se.-s at any tune. ?TX) LE I .. Tlie vcrv desirable nnd convenient A 3 story and tutti* stoop rick mid alnim dwelling, :>.- 147 \s .-st li 'il. si Oetweoo Broadway sui ilth ave. Applv tn J. Kl)*.AK LBAYCKAKT. i.'.U ltiua.t«»y.___ rpti LET..The iiL'.ily desirable four-story A l.lglistoop. brownstone dwellings. Nos. ISL 'l:t lind ii fc.MlSl-.-Sl, i.1-0 Ma lO.n-iv... an! Ul dal VJ st. Ap- Vi.vtoAitNiil.ii. cns*-Ha ni,;; .tr co, line st. mm .".ts-iTB. r\\) LET.From Muy L.Four-storyshousc in A Weat 73.1-st, tiatwoea 'Jtli loth aves, Calilnet llnlatL B. il. HOC UNI*. Agent, __!3 Weet 3»dSt. rV0 LET or for 8ALE.-A choice house be- * tv.-e.-n 6th and Cth ava., near Central Park (about 1'..'*.lo\ 100; in excellent*r. HORACE H. BLT. 22 Plao-Ot HPO LET..Thai elegant new four-story, hij.'lt JL stoop boase balli bj samuel icot a bilie nnl*h tim uch..ut. N... ii-, w* ¦¦¦ Blot-*, *_,.*.* ... Coll ond ess mine. r|*u LEr..Handsome four-story brownstone 1 hon SS, SOI I.e s.ngtou ave at.»ve lltth st., tu Bas can. ditton. W. Il I A VI.ult .t MONS, 7*w Otb ave. rVO LE 1..On Mnrrav Hill .'115 East 38th- L at. ). three 10 ft. stairr, h.g.isteei> low rent to a small fsmily or for silo. JOHB BBIBLEY, 17S lirsadw.-.v Tn RENT nn WEST 71ST-ST.-Furnished 1 or unfnriilfhed A three-Otory browvstOOO houie, d.'Corai*'*!, ai.d .-'».¦* natures; ul! imi roveinenta. CHAS. r. *-. iii' t o. _ 16. Ninth TO LE I' FIKS'ISUKI). r-H3d-St., No. '.Ci 1 West: K.-it-a wi lo ho is.-, tiinlsli.l. ov.-rlu.ililsr I'ark: *._.' OOO, with tlrsi el .ss tioiLi-Uceii-.r uar sr ami fr Ut,.ts will liu__ril if doatred. W. *-. li.uiherliri. lift B' wsv, rsom 1 r.\ Oil WEST WTH-ST..This desirable rcni- .r\t deore. In excellent iisiglibor'imit. to lot aiifurnlalisl from Msv 1 to strictly private family nant .'.'.'I.*'. Permits from 7'J Cedar st., roo a &'». t.etweou 1 ami 4 o"cl..i k. §_%_ WEST SSTH-ST.-To li t,~uiiiiirni8he"d. \)\) Irem May 1 to strl-fly private faruilv rent BSOOU. Permit I'rotu 7u Cedor-st., rom. f>n. between 9 sod retook, ||i| WEST J5TH-ST.. near OTIKAVE.- I 1f-1 Bstorj bon. ..: b.-i<k p-rlor r. . |enUat's ofllce; i.r!\..T.- faro I. only; pl.SOO. Call fmm 2 to i I.).) w KS r 12 111-- P.- lo let, unfurnished, I .,., from Mst 1 to siro -'Jr private hally; rout 11,700 Permits ft.mi 79 Cedor-Ot., loom io. li*!wees 2 stet 4 o',,,,, k. .>.> I MADlSuN-AVi:. (OK. i:U>-S .'.-Tli. »).) I larger portion of steam lienied, fur.ilshfll n.rser hooaoitho own-r te.orvirig ae.neroomsi fcj let trom M__v _ Apply *>'. premises Iran a t.. .1 t*. m._ .>*>/? LEXINGTON-AVE..Four-story 8tone . >»)U front in excellent order, lo let Itt LAND A STU ITIBO, fi BaOkOMO st. Citp propcrtn Sot Galt. BOMB VI UV ATT.IAITII I WEST SIDE HOUSES CHAS. L SCHUYLER" & CO., l.lf.7 MS OOO., OOO. .latet. 7il»-«s!.. NEMt ^TIi.A^^:. A very d*-s!ia!.i* 1101*0000, v< r-, oarofony built for owner's owa ... ctirjncy 3 rjro ,>m oit_anlty to MC-N a ho,:e li, '.ti- i.-^t fashlolia-le ... Wost hide. M Also, one or two bus ev ri very ftMlrahiy situated for asl, ... '.'' ir "" " houses. L. J. CARPENTER, _ll Liberty . st, l-l 3d ave_ AT LOW PRICE, easj terms, bandwme 4- J-* st..rv hioh-s-ooa brownstoBO. with extoosloo; well built; le-if.-.-t ,. let ¦.¦ui'dtii: sllvei aoto, mir Mrs, crvstai t.,n. i.-n r-. wot eonvenlool. hoolthy and plea-nut residence in nelgnborh-od; easy wallum.- disianro \,-i mar .:<. \ui..| and -nrUro ,sr»; wlJo street. Weat Twentv-tlilrd »'¦ opnoolle Loudon Terraoe. b. B. JAYNE * CO., -78 Weet MS-.-, SOO SS Lil. 4 BARE (UM'oitTI'Nn V. A beauUful four-story brownsume house for sale; frescoed, marble b__- tubs, *C Front, 18 SMI 0 In Columbls College lease k"**""! : -Atti-st. between fa o__ 6th sven., wm be sold \ ty chea,.. Ap[.!y tu Ci7 Hmad- way. A TTEXTIONJ.! J\ INSTITUTION! ______________________ A!VI.!'a|s K**r - l ..h. ¦!- ..¦ A1 I.. BS A. D. F ..'.'.:.¦ I "A. "-MHto 1-.4 West l'Jlht-Ht. S storr ant ha*«mant Prlvau Osrslltnga. Exanjiae 1'hsm. (Eitp projieitg -for Sale. AN INNOVATION IN KEW. ESTATE.-Pirtles deslrlntj to avail themselves of th" Opportunity in:.y their houses now, have ,*uih alterations made as may M desired orltfeoal expense to parehaaera, mid have them ready for ocupancy, te In every nopoot Ism wort t-.vo portiaa os al led themoelTOo ol thia offer, and selected on 7-d-.t.. between Boulevard nd \v.-.t End. a\e. Early applicants havo tie- privOefe of first soleeUoo fiom miaslnlni in u-.-., all ot which differ in roristru.;tlui_ -iSS-w »sri f m Mfi JJ%'1 mmJm *__Z__»:-i__2_:__TO Apply os promise-, T.vh-st. and West End-ave., or ot Messrs JAMI s i, LIBBY t SCOTT, US Broadway,_ BUYER.- will dn well to examine the elo- (.ni OOH -l-storv brownstone, box stoop. abluet tlnlslied boiissr 48, BO, 54 Wool B3lh st.. sotrance lo Park. J AM KM A. Flt. Ml!, owner. I jp -il;Al.l.l. i ORXER PROPERTY on .-"viv l ' noes sud other locations, prt vate house adjacent 5th. Madison sven., (.25.000 to-012-0.000. Tenement, Norfoth- .-;., SIO.OOO; Mulberry, 021.000; private bonnee, Madison, 010.000, 0-t.VDOOi '. ¦" -i. -n's sn. Weal sides; plot Otb Waul, 024,. I8AAI A. GRAVES, lil Broadway. LY. K SALK or RENT..Wes. End ave., cor". I Toth st.. th» handsoiui! three-scrr Queen Anne i all im¬ provements. OWN Lit._. 1<"*M>R SALE..Hons©, 7 roomsj fine I.urn; 1 .1 re ground; plentj (mit; price SS,SOO, easy tarma a H.. rn l M. WALL, lUdgewood, N. J. No gfonts. IA).' SALE. 1 Ni.«. 1.060. l,0d:t MiClsen ave., betwoen 8<Uk andSlsf, ? te.: No 00 Last ,'.'ih st., SAalOSi also hoi tn west eornsr Madison.nve. anl ranti-sL: pi...ea leas-liable, can be seen any time witlioiil K Iv 111' VI III. la.. Unit.!, :*-.:_ List 7-sib-st. uni! lit KnatStlth-at. FOR SALE..N. <.. nor. West Kiid-ave, and T1 -1 -' three-story -rb-k and bruwiistone hsaoo, decorated: pa flxtvree; ill Improvements. i WAI.1.1 H I SCIIUYLEB A CO., _1,157 '.Ith-ave,, cur. 71s* ld pOli SALK. I Ooo et the beet located booooo en Slot-sS., satw ooo 6th a nd .tb av. .., within a tew do.ira ut .'.t li All ne w ly amt iiM-Ti.ilken'iy .l'-cin ite.i. w.iltie sold with or without fur¬ niture. Purultureall new. roaaesalnn Kirstnf May, CUAKLI MA CU AK, f..i:t .'itti-ave., Nsw -York, I? OR SALE ob WEST 7 I S'l'-ST..A thltKV 1 storj brownstone boase, beautifully deeorotod; with gas fixtures and ever; 1-npmvetneut. ( .IA*- E. SCHUYLER CO., _I 157 Nintli .iv., cor. 7 let-st. HARLEM RIVER WATER FRONT.-Abon* .JO leta, near foot et UOlh-eL, 'lid Ward, extending lo flit- new tiulkli'.nt line, for aaln at a bargain. Anp!) tn JAM 1.3 l. \. LI LS. 'fl I', ami .tS-ave. un UUth-st rpHOROUOHL. I [RST-CLASS VVcsl Side A 11 .. itv ;i.i \. hann ol piw- i.;i\.- again gome In possession ..f No* 110 ana IM Wit rt 81 hy me); two ol th.- inns' complete anil attraetiv*. Dm ellinga oren to the publle, ml which I aain e. ii cheap Inquire on promisee of SAMl'kL i ..U'lKli rpHE CHEAPEST first-class dwelling onlho A Weal Bids la lld w.-t B'Jd-st.; four-atortee and e- w nt. bulli by Bamuel Colcord. Inquire on Drem- laaa _ WEST KM)..WK. ami s' northwi'S emir. .A doetdod bargain, willi .-asv terms; four elegaat eebtaet-trtmmed Queen Annedwslltboa; improve*! Milterv arrangements and .-ouveDlent 'or rioaaitnwn con¬ veyances. to owners and builders, Mi kinlay A tit' NB, *>n pre.nlsna. \MLl.AS....l FINK RESIDENCE*, for sale, T ol.l.u *. te #2' .ki .!, tba haodaooao quarter BEDFORD PARK In therm-of Nen \ ..ta <i:,., ni Broadway. RoomOO. <k'\X 00!) Wlu* MIY ttnelPBaul 4-story &k}Cit_-Ji, sa-foot boneo ta perfect order eu Mib-et. l^K'Stioti unexceptionable. J. ll ii Kl*. LKATCBAFT, UM llroidway. ttfiil afstot. Io (Jrchungc. AN rpMtWN HoOsI ta. eiehange Kr tann or conntry place. JOHN a HOYT. JR., SS I.roa.'.way. FREE AND CLEAR CITY HOUSE wtyth I *t,& iKiii to eiehange for a lino country place et equal value, wita or; Bra stork, tools. Ar. _te_, oa New- llavsn ar H.ids..n !t:«er lt lt.. about one hour out N. lt Bo oolloo will be taken of rm r- .;, m.lents unless description -iii- partlculara ul pr.ip.-rtr ar., givan. Aiiilr. s A., r,linne Offji-i. Jrf Cream. A FACT..'Horton - lee < ream ls made trott mn onoto, berton's Potent Bapor-frosoa iirtrkao.' lre(r»_m hi Itestai.rsi ts (biirr).es, f-aativala. Ar_, will keep hal.I one hour. < imo try ri'.eis proinplty nile*- Inpete. t084tli aar.. .Ms tli-ava., lift I'ark mw., lin taat l._th-at_ Nsw-Vurk. and 46. .'ultuu-au Broukl/o. Ilnfuruietieb -.oases .o tel. A BOOTE! A ROUSE! AROUSE! WHY LIV.. IN A FLAT, And par SOO to 0120 t***r month, when for S3. to*S05 rental you can ¦XII IJLALTI.UL COTTAOES eontalnlng; eight to thirteen rooms In tl*- upper part of New-York City, WITH I-.VF.l_7 MO I) I. KN IMPROVEMENT. GO SICK, ililli ANY DAY. Take, either West Sid*' .leva el nil to *.-, then Borthera Itailroad to Morrt.s Dock Station, two mill's dis¬ tant, or Mu ..-.'.ti Uiver trsln st l.rand Oentrol E*>|*nt, snd tn seventeen minutes you reach the projiertT. Will s..ll on aeiuiiimodatliiif terms. Circulars with AN'UIUAV 1'OWKI.Ii, No. 147 Brosdway. \'.Parties dfisirlng; to rent flrftt-clasH private . residences on nnd a IJoln.og Bth, Madison sud Park aves., can obtain same Or roinmunleaiiiig with V. K. MTKVl.NH IN <t<0.. inU Urned way aud SSS 0th.ave. A !:NFI'i:.MSHKI) HOI SHS SIM*.. tf-l.tHH), **. 01,200. et.'lOO. OLMO Ol.HOO, 02.000, 03,000. 8. M. Mi.AKr.i.v. No. i.:,2f, Brood-ray. 4 NUMBER of first-class prirata Tesidaoeea _C» ou aud adjoining 5th. Madison ind Park aves.: low rents. Sf T_- *_l-l LMffaiuev' . ,/~. V. K. HI RVKl.RO> <ft CO., Ult! ilreadwav ami 'rill .'.th-ave. 701JR-STORY brownstone hitrh-stoqpdwelE lng, 01 K.astMilli sc. Applv S. It. JoHN-ai'.V. 71 Wall st. 1 UNUSUALLY Attractive full ftiz" 4-.torv Knglish basement liouse willi spacious <trawlne-ro.iins to let na'.irnistlaMl. nu listh st. Just east of -th-ave. BKXuN * M, I-SMAN'N, 7SCedar-st. i3nGiius_ JJropcrtn for Sale ana vto Cd OFFlt'KS roi.Ll'in remote Conti. Aonir on premises to KU LAND A WHITING. 0 st. HP0 LET, with immediate poaseasioo. In whole I air thoofll es oc.uDled hy tbe Merchants' Insur¬ ance Company, ou favorablu toruis, No. 151 Iiroadavay. oqntre on pr; mises._____________ rro LET.A larne well-lighted floor in Mun¬ ji rn Huilding. 17 Ui n with power. Ac. Apply to OKOROK M I NRO. VandeWater-st._ WALL-ST. Corner office, basement floor, su.utile far bankers, brokers, lasaraueo. .fte. L. J. CARPKN'TFK, 41 I.lberty-st. oroouitin fJroprrtn -for Sale anb do Crt A GEM..An Eight-feet brown-stone, S^torr XV nid basement, In i_ne*t part sf Brooklyn, itargaiu. i. WKbUY JOSHS, Attorney, H43 broadway, N. Y. BIT OR KKN 'FThomelnBrooklyn.-2,000 houses, greatest hargalas j Investments paying 10 te -tOpereoat: circular tree. wtf.l.I AM II. UHAUK, corner Willoughby sod Jay ste Ilrooklvn._ BROOKLYN LOIS FDK SALE..Between Otb aud i*lh aves. an. Kith and 14th sta; rn j.iot of 20 lots atijoliiiug the bthave. front. Kor terms apply to j_T, rt YA I. SI Cr nberry st.. Mrooklyn._ I^u R* of th*- moat elegant private vill.i residences of ilrooklvn titted up nnd dooorafed m the most appro, oat stvlo ; ;! hath an.! toilet room*; elaborate In all Its appointments; centrally loc.1 tad convsalent t*> all laino.ids; *<uly'JJ inluutes fruin Now York: plot, hH)x'120; stable on rear. S'.'xli, JOSEPH P. Pf El.**, 181 Broadway, N. Y. city. HU Nostrenu-avw., Brooklyn. L~OTS FOR SALE..Large-oFstnall plot*, on linos of elevated roads; caa otTer Ino te 1.000 lots together that will sb**w a gnui spaieu anon. H. P. DARLI:... ,t . .... .-.oi ,'ou rt at.. BroeUlyu. s rP() LET.-FLAT8-THE LOWEST RENT5 * in Brodklya for e.juai oe_o__modatton, In tko nm gera, eii-nei et .ninton-st nnd Atlantic-are. steans hoot, elevator, attendance, tiled balla hard wood finish; every convenience; 7 rooms and both, within ti\>- nd nut. v vaalk of Wall st. and South ferries; ra-nt S*00 and up- -tird; two t.eiutlful crner flats remain, d send tot .. descriptive pamphlet CHARLES A. SEYMOOH, I CO., ac.o's 20!) Montaffue-sk, Brooklyn. Boonu nub -fiato do Let. THE CRESCENT, KI.FI-.WT AIMBT-MB .-M Tor terms app y to owners, II A HUMAN PECK <fc<:0.. PIANO WAKKKOIIMS IIS -TH-AVE. SK lit I'll il.-.T THE LANCHAM. oneei two desirable aalles, elegantly furnished, tor bal ance ol soasos. H. C. .-HANNON. Msaager. 1 MEBICAN FAMILY have part of a large /V hou.v to lot to adults; neighborhood first-class; near I, station and Blvoratdo Drive; water and conven- lences; ftrajiimla and magnificent views. Call or addreee .1. W. H.. aouthweat cor, 10-th-at snd Weat End-ave. PLATS and APARTMENTS, unturnbhed 1 OOd fm inane.1. la all parts of the olly. FOLSOM llK.iTlil.K-. i* I ott KUh-st.. near Broadway. HANDSOMELY DECORATES FLA IS, 1 1 with al lat-st improvements; rabi net finish; 8 rooms. sll light- elevator, steam heat, hall hors, ..c.. rent, SAO and Ssa. FOLSOM BBOTBBB-.6S Boot Uth-st.. near B'way. HANDSOMELY furnished door, fitted for liSlit housekeeping; ti st-eiasa order. 1,303 Broadway, "I l's I COMPLE I U>. i'he^' Leontine" and tr "Hermine," Noa. SOS and 20* west 6(>iii st 79d-aC"L** station; bili ave. and Boulevard ears; 7 light tiomi and bath roora j steam heated: ssnttarv plamblnc: beautifully der..*ate!. cabinet monists; refrigerators, storage ntl Other lui iroveraeuts; blah, healthy and attrartivo aelvhborhood; vieinitv of Central and Riverside Parks; reata *:<!> to lb". Alsoadlotatai i.bove, oa lOth-are., Nos. 1. lu:) am! 1,105: attrairtive G-ro..m fists; imj.rovemeiits |amt..r's ssrvlres. S'.*0toS84. JANITOK.or ItKITToN II A VE.Vs, Attorney, lil Nassau st. 'I 1SPENAHlX'^DU East Htittt-st., ne7r ll Ms.'Noa ave. Elegantnpartmonts Btarire li«htr-otna; Inimedlateorniraa-vj fm! anpplled; rents, $l,0tln te 11,300 per ann mn, to com moa. o Mar 1. Iin|Ulro Janitor sreu.iset IK1.0X H1 LL..Elegant flat. « rooms aaa i kath 1107 Bast .'O'hst. noar Park-avo. i au eura iiebt rooina, decorated to salt teuau*. Inoolrp Monday on ..remises. [CE FLAT, 7 rooms, hatti, i tan try: all im- provpinetits hall stairs carpeto*!. II. East l'Ji.tb sr. SE< !0ND FI.i xiii alcove room running waler and bath; ...¦titlein.-ii only. o't.'i West 48d-aL ^HEO-HBORMMoI iVSt Sfth-st..A hand. 1 ania., furulshed, rout modsrate fer sit i ia atna. Apply a' ..snoitNg. ' TUE NIAUASA. 1 KIKI.PCOOF RUILDIBC. Ilenantly Perorate t aparinients lo let; 6 and !> rooms, ele¬ vator, telephone, lull boys, steam lissi; rent **0 lo $80, lu- clusiux wood aad coal fur rausoa. Apply to Janitor TX) BENT.Fullj futnisbe-L.A large apart- X meat ia N tk THE OSBORNE, 37th St. and 7th ava., from May 1. Apply ai t!;c .fli.-e. r\\) LET..Furnishetl. in privuto dwelling, be- t tween Bth and nth aves., t.*-ar tOtk-ot I,," ¦ Lirg.i bedroom, Bouthom exposute, to ^ aentleinan; reference etchant. Addraaa " JDWEIX1KO," Tribune Uptown uni.-.-. 1,238 Broadway._ rpHE ELsiiiHEM ! 1 Corner BOtli-st. 10th ave. nnusually attractive fists; Grooms and hath room; a.l l.nyrovemeata; *a.> lo fto. I \Nir ul. or BBITTO** IIaVK.nS, Att'y, 111 Nassau st. -THE 1'EI'CIV \I.. 1 'J IO Wost 1!M st, near Kroadwav. Parlor and heil -room, with bath aad toilet, America plan or table .l'hete._ Como ano booma, A "FINE SE< ONO I Look still*.. parlnrTTie^ buth room, owner's residence; slsu SQ-OTO and -illirie rm,ms. Bo, BS Wost S.'.tli-su 1 AKGB HANDSOMELY ftirni-hed room to I_i let to ratitlowsa only; private house; references e\- chansel 140 Wost Slsi_ DKIVA ll. FAMILY will let two haiid-oniely I tur-iishe.I roou.s, large and small seutletaeu ouly. MO .Vest 'J 1st St. _._ Sl'FEttlaJ-- lioAKO tormentli'iniHi and their wives, also aiuitie aeotletneo, at 7o west st. I A EAST 28TH-ST., bet. 6th and Madison 1 *"§ saes.; tarnished rooms for gentlemen; brook. fasi ll .!. Ired reteron ..__^__ 7Q1 II SI'.. 22] EAST..A lurfe front and la/ .iijotiitus Lull, sc >al door fr.tat, with beard, ud third atory baeS room; two aljotnns reonas aad hall fraoat* beal ns.ul__________________-_-_-__________^____. ,) I w EAST 15TH-ST..Twoalcely-furnished -.. I * ' roosts to let In private fauitlr to slugle |enUemea hasse snd Io. allon Oral class relsreuceo. Brooklra. PURNI8HED ROOMS, with or without boarl; 1 linvale iMBIly oood I..rall.iii. near thre* Hans of cara; largoaleovs or sqoare rooaa willi uUl.i eloaaoai hotaTidooii aaaier us» ar Sat.ia. .tr. ll '.'1 st.. Ilrooklvn. I'M FIRST PLACE.-Pleasant nail bed* I ./'. loom with roo-! beard ror a youan genii.mea, ces- venleiit to oal . anl teri".«s. -\uction Oalffl of Real Oietotf._ UK'UARU M. MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer. By Rlcharl M. i!¦.-..,, en-rr * Ca, N... 07 PIME-BT. Tflll It-sLltV. AFHII. IBTH. At 12 o'clock noon. In '.he Salesroom, No 87 Plne-st.. mr «f FronNst.. *.. Y. For acrt. .f whom lt msy ron 1 SCHOONER YACHT "RAMBLER." Al 'he Hu,I.- nf sale tin fOSM vanl b*. otleied at an upeet price ut $4,000 ur oxer, tba Varht will tao sold ab¬ solutely |a the bltheat btddoi This wall Va.-h* ls tb..roughly hulll of the best materials, and win be saild. with sll her (.pars, Hulls Itouts Kurtilltii-e. Klxturasa. 4r.. In firsts lase order r*..r Ih-i to Inspect the Yacht and for further particu¬ lars aud Inventory, apply io tbe Auctioneers. OFFICES on Wall, New. Pino, Lib. i-fv, Front sfs., Hroadwav. Mal.!eu Lane, Fulton and Cort- liadt ats. Hut.dings aad lons on Frsst. l'esrl. New. Cort- Isuil t sta.. Old Slip, New * s ua.l Oreel .!¦ ueasis. _I.J. CA fl 1'K NT Kit, 41 Liberty st._ QTORE AND APARTMENTS, 5-storr, 2t3x IO tbivliiO, near Cltf Hall, ver/ cbeap. J. B. HEAKKH, 180 Keti,s«n-su, Franklin Bulldluf._ TO LET..Rear part, about 25x..O, more or I lest o.'ii wi Nome store oa Broadway, noir Froaklln-et This would Biako a verv desirable branch ..nieia for respon- sinle bai.klnn or brokerage firm ; front an l rear entrance. Aptuy te jo in a. in un, _No. 300 Broadway. rVO LKT.A store and bnsenient, 58 West 1 Houston.St., Il"I theil-.! roi with H. i.(i:-KK, 17!) U.-aml-st. _ -lotTum fial.a of Real <7otaU. JAMES L. WELLV AUCTION! I lt 6- LI1IERTY-.ST.. IQ-AVi: aND i_k__rs__m ^Il'v,-,-'1*.1' AT sUCTIOIl AT Bl Al, 1 .state tx. CHANGE, SOTO ,.; LIRERTVST, NOON?TBE iofi LOWING VMCV DI SIZABLE 23D AND 24TH WARD PROPERTIES, Tl KMIAY, AFHIL 17 230 WARD HOMES. RABV 142DST.. Koa .'.ol. SSI, 605 and ttl, neem M.rrl»-ave.~!iand.:i story frame Dwelling*, ti '.. I", n^ml improvements; aUMa with Bo 101 lot* 26 end 50 frJwi sold s-paratelv; essy ter,,..; OXOOUMI location only twa blocks fr .in L s.Htlon. * ¦ AIBO, ll I Ml BO MB *. ILLA A. BEDFORD PARK. It' 'lave, e h., Iso ft. ot S .hiirb.-in-sf., 24th w.a -2 *tory, ll rooms, every modern convenience, riot IO...u two Mocka noa d. pot. \VF.I»K*»IIAV, A PH 11. IS. mun bert chou i Third Ave. Lots. East Mia.Boadoates BO ft ~..uh <,t i.v.tthst., eon-.**, PSeh 25 front, [SS to If.7 deep, SplaOdU location, twa Mt OBI fruin ts station at lSSth -. tiii Essay, aprii. ia. COSEY 0OTTAO__S8« UNION-AV.:. Boa Ml lad BBB, timi -ide, ino f»»t norh of 1 Al st-st.. 2-d Ward.Eoek 2-etory frunn-, 7 rooma. Croton and eas; lots e\;ra looa; ilsa .ploadM lSSth St. Lott A s. 162 feet east St. Ann's-aw Mslft all well locateC good neighborhood, near station anl 0000*001* TI'E«4IMV. .-.PRU. 'ii. 14 EXTRA CHOICE LOTS. Hms. min. WK., i.lll WARU. Southwest cairner JaBOOOOOVOfc also 3 small Dw. :iini on 10*j ft. Hotilevard. with borso aol line, just suuth Croton I'ark convenient sloe to hi ave. boroo cara and station at lOftthst. Term- liberal. Maps with Jobi McMahon, Manor, IO Naaaea-st ..OMItV, APRIL 30. Ily order of Hon. Danial G. Hollins, BS00_S_B and otherv NORTH NKIV.YOKK. KOT*TIIF.n\ BOULEVARD I'mir lots on south sid' l.TJ.l at. Four lots In nar of above, 22- fret east of .*-.. Ann'asOTO, TREMONT. OPPOSITF. STATION' -22 splendid lots on lilor« bounded by Webster and Myrtie a ..¦*., 170th and 177th sta. 177T11 ST.- 2 lin.- bOSlaoOO lots on north side, 33 f> el west of Woshlnoton-ovo. WASHINGTON-A VE..A chol.-o Int ant one and ones half-story trHni.. bouao on west -ide. adjoining akora, BATHOATB-AVK..Northweet corner I7.iih--t.. 2 very handsome 8-story brick DtreUlnga and 4 lots, all improves menin. FOKDH .>t. KiNi.simTD._E and niGHBBIBOB roads-a| Junetlon, IM splendid plots snd -' -. rv uni sitte frarrW ..tor** and Dwelling; the i-ro-ti of 1-'.rdham Hill, 3 min, uu._' jvaik west of station. PO-M-fl-.-- IlKH-HT-. AQUED_.OT.AVE.New and attractive eortatre, al] Improvements, anl Io's .m weat -ile between, and Fordham Landina I'., id: 1 rory indee location. IIK-llltl-IIM.FAILLE.'y frame enttajfe and 211 lots, east Side, nbo'lt SI feet south of I), CLAREMONT-AVE.-1-etorj ' li ir. hxrn and 4 lulu, east side, OfcOUl 100 r< -' South af lliirht>r!1g.'-Kr. ttmtt- BAM MB. WMMT FARMS ROAD-" Batta RooMahosaV' neat Ilotni'-st., and attie frame rrl.ii. housO and plot- containing 20 n lu lota; ..ii In splendid order. msiN-st.-" Senofleld Homestead." 1-story and atti*, frame dwelling and ll stn larg) Tko propertlea st Tremorn Fordham fieishts, lliirh. brldK.vlllo and West Farms will t.e ..1 with TllL-S-.1" ARANTKI-.D. hy policy of Title Q___Sa_M and Trust Company free of cost to each piir.-li.-.s<»r. Term.. ItbOfoL All the above ps opel Ilea ar>- splendidly Ineatod in rapidly growing sections ne ir elevated road, hot... _t4 steam ears, mid are rennin to prov.- printable in me irs. Rape and foll particular* with JAMES L. WELLS, 39 LIBEBTT-i '. _3D-A VE. AN-* ll'.TI.'ST. aili MA Wart AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, HI'.NI) F<Jlt LIST. R.CII.I.n V. HARNETT .. CO.. Auction orr*-, WILL SELL AT AUCTION MONDAY, _PRIL 16. J At 12 o'.-l...-i: m.on. af the Real Batata ExchangO an<| Au. Hon Room, JO to 85 Liberty M 480 EAST HnisTilN.ST 8-story and frame. TUE8DAV, Al'ltll, 17. S32 EAST 8CTH-ST.. 4-story brownstone flat. 220 K. lir.TII ST.. NEAR -DAVE, 3-story kl|k QMiof brownatone dwelling, 10 4x45x100 19. KS29 avi \n: a. weet. sld*s south of slM.-st., amory brick dwelling and loo 17x40X70. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18 6S, 08 1 2. 70. 72. 71 wm.STER-ST.. AND 87 GREENE .-ai'., . oeoi Brooa Premises oeeunled hv Archer t- l'snco,.st M'f'tf Cn, 0 AND BSTORY URlCl. AM) IlloN ULTLlil.Vt. ANfl LOTS, 108.0x100 on Wooster; 25>i'.-' on dreene; 13,3'.*0 sq. H AB80L1 : 1. HAUL A liberal amount u,sy ronola at 4 per cent. 6U8 WII.I.OI'C.llllV AVE., HKOOKLYN, near ThtOO^OVO., 40x120 fr~, (Indy decorated J 1 2 story brick and fran*. realdenee: elooant dlntna-room ext* ulon; 17 ra*oms; si* conceivable Improvements; hardwood tlnUh. VERNON \\ 4on**."> ft in rear of above ABSOLUTE KALE. Bovorable Terms. 80 AVENFF.n, 3->tory t. 11-menf, 23.7x100. Tlttl'.SDAY, Al'IUL 13. HOTEL PROPERTY AT OCEAN BRACE. N. J. WINDSOR HOTEL," .TH-AVE, AND A-ST., lOOxl.'iO ft.; substantial ;<-»toiy ixn,.ljii»{, 60x130 ft.; 71 rooina; eeeaa vtewe, ,te.; 4.o*'0 ft. *>f veranda, stahl... Bc all requisites for running Srso-elaaa hotel; hm b. en Moineronaty run for tha i*as' e^ht years; will b4 open "or Inapectlon April ld, 17, le. EXECUTOR'S SALE ESTATE CHAS. HAM III HOER, DECEASED- . HOUSTON ANO . III.V--T11. STS., s. E. .-or. il-story tenement. 71 AB. BD-ST., S-stoiv brick dn*-iiina. 000 ll 111 AVE.. S-atory double Data atofOQi til AND ill li.TIl AVE. Astor I.. ..-"-holds. 60 WEST 50TII ST., d-story dwellliiK leas-hold. ALLEN AND DELANCEY STS., NORTHWEST C0_p NER 4 and 3 story brick tenement* a*tth s'nres, 25x88.4. Absolute isla IO THOMAS J. IfcREE, ESQ., Alt y. 'AM Bh.onie-st. SS MAKKITST., 6-story snd basement brick p-n. neut, plate glass atora* IS 1st HAMILTON ST., 4-story fr..nt and (oat loaonaoata with alor.. 435 EAST IsTH Mt. {?-story double ti Dement; two plate-glaoa stores. 00 per c* nt uiay reuatn .( jroon ai per c-ni WON DAY, Al'IUL 23- 12 WEST 120TB ST., Between .".ih and Lexington area., S-stoiv, box-stoop, brownstone residenre. 4'lll-AVi;. A.M. 12SD UT N. 1- COB ..lin; ai,vim.," 6-su>ry brick apartment house, 35x85x100 IU Sll l Ile- follow llitf IlEtsIllAlll.Y SIT A ri-.U \ K* \.N ri'., .l-l UTY; 64THST., NEAR Ni K.l. l'AKK WEST. 64TH-ST., Near west end-ave ll J..., SCTH-ST.. NEAR CENTRAL l'AKK WEST. 60x100 '. AND 100TH-8T., Moelc bounded by Orand u..ui.-v»nl and Tv>st End-are. H2I) ST. NEAR '.kami BOULEVARD^ 2 I. -.¦ 11 - III ST., NEAR 0BAND BOULEVARD. AL.-_'iute sale. Yeiy liberal ta«ruii». 105 WEST M. H ST.-3-story brownstono. 07T1I ST BORTTI SIDE 200 ft. .'. of HS IWO., ¦'> loi-s HilW.11 e.veh. PARB-AVE ami 66TII st.. n. w. tor. pl«t 35 0i*l.' 1. r.-ady tor imuiediste ballfl!nB COTH-ST, SollTI SI DI j w of Central i'ark. 4 ilu_.ii.hijr sltuateJ lota, 25X100A ft. «»*... TUESDAY. Al'IUL ti. 13* WEST '.Till ST.. 4.storr basement sol .-eiiur blob-stoop brownstone trt% len ., 22x65x100 WM H I*......mi. s sl.n. Agent. 378 otk-svo. 300. MR 310 BAST l-.TII ST ..-'..rv flats. 8 -tore* WEDNESDAY, -I'l.ll. 26. 7GTH ST NEAR CENTRAL I a I'.K WEST-5 Iotas 4"l FAST 11- .ll BTR1 ET-S-aiory brownstone. I'.'.', iv l ll R-hT Ustairj brick front frame. RZBCUTOR'k S.M.l ill and 414 West 53d sV LMO TO LIM TIN'TII AVE., n. e. i-..r '.fidel, and ll 3d st. adjoining., l'our R-stnry l.riek spOltatml hooooa and store on lOtW ave., snd two 8-sU.ra and tia-ement brick rosldencea ad* Joining 011 t)3d st with al! right, title and Interest la A lt ho? s lane. lt* xl 00. t-TOEBPAT. Al'KIl, 2R GUS AND 7"" \S MIK ST.. 4 t.-n-i:.'. a w ;i!i :_._. CHERRY-ST., a'»>ut MxMl ft, I len- e en ta « Uh simo. . :.AM BTH ST Tn. m. nt* with stole nay ra-n.sln at ft per rent. Mini mi; OUR? i-Ai.TirioN tAIjU 1 xtt and 1.1*3*1 Third-are. I story olooos. EXECUTOR'S SALK MO U sinKtonsve., » flory hmh st.-op brownstono reaJdencss Maps st Auctioneer'* 78 Llbertr-sh.


Page 1: BROOKLYN FURNI JAMES L.of Real WELLV FOR THI S WEEK.€¦ · MEDICALANDSANITARYNOTES. I SCHOOLHYOIENE-It ti on Inu»iestlng Met, e*****-r.lslly In view ot certain compsrlsons nearer



SCHOOL HYOIENE- It ti on Inu»iestlng Met, e******-

r.lslly In view ot certain compsrlsons nearer home thst lt

siiRoests, thst tn Austrslls the subject of school hygienehas received speclil sttenUsn for som* yooro In the Sut¬er public ochools. The teachers are partlculsrly In¬

structed to be care fail about the apresd of lnfocllous dis-eosea, snd the public health law ls sufficiently stringentto secure the exclusion of scholars snd M-sihers from

hou-'s in which romnninlcible dlees-ae* exlut In tho

Rtate schools of Victoria, now for a number of years, s

system ot object leaton-, bas boen given, ol th a view to

tmpsrtlng elementary instruction bes ring upon the healthof the people; these lessons generally Include such sub-

ten* as food, clothing, ventilation cleanliness and the

prevention of infectious diseases. There havo also been

given at slated times lea-eon* for the treatment of snake¬

bite, for the resuscitation of tbe drowned, and for the

flret aid to the Injured. The department of education

require* also some elementary knowledge on the part ol

teachers upon tbe subjects ol sanitation and physiology.

INTELLECTUAL AND PSYCHICAL INTERAC¬TION. -In s recent discourse on the psychical functionsf the entire body, Dr. Morselll, of Kaple*. refers lo thocneral opinion lhat the spirit ls restricted to the brain,or even to the cortical substance, becauao the only phe¬nomena that enter Into thc field of consciousness are Hmso

which are developed In tbe gray milter of the corves bulthe idea of consciousness In tho old sense of tho word.Dr. Morselll assen*, can no longer bo entertained,.it iemore properly to be spoken of as conscious psychicalphenomena,.and ss these states of ooniiclousness, or con¬

scious psychical phenomena follow each other In timeby arousing one another by reai-on of a physlopsychologi-cal law of carnality ,their succession causes them to seem

to be an Indlvlduil unit. According to Dr. Morselll,however, this supposed consciousness one ind indivisible,ls In ra'sllty esrh moment conii,osed of Intellectual indaffective psychical states very diverse, having originsmore varied in proportion ss the residua left by previoussensations are varied, snd the multitude ot impressionsproceeding from sll .ari* of the organism is greater.

RECENT INVESTIGATIONS OF BRlOlTrs DIS¬EASE. -Some recent investigations of Bright's disease,by M. Semmola. have led him to advise strongly againstallowing s patient to come In contact with cold In anyivoidable way, for such patients ire excessively senslthe!<> cold, and cold baths are followed by greet shock antidepression masssgo and exercise of the muscle*ire also strongly to be deprecated, as followed by greatshock and weakness. M. Semmots emphasizes the re-

maiksble sensibility of the skin of a sufferer from thisdisease lo all variations of temperature, tbe desirableness,thc rc fi. re, ut living lu a dry snd (qualm- cllinato, thenecessity ot avoiding strictly all exposuie or going sbouiin winter -*_ather, snd the tenefll to be derivedfrom practising mild gymnasties In a comfortable room

rather flinn wnlure Inlo a temperature below elgbloen or dcgreta Cent. Sodium, Iodide snd chloride are

P < v.d to bo beneficial In doses as large as tolerated;sud when, after two or three weeks, albuni'ii has not

entirely dlsaj.i^ared and dropsy has boen relieved, phos¬phates of sodium or calcium are efficacious In quantitiesas large a* forty grains or s drachm dally the methodicalInhalation of o\yg*>n has also been repeatedly proved to beof tho highest benefit.

CHEAP AND HEALTHFUL ANIMAL FOOD.-Arecent medical writer expresses surprise st the want ofappreciation.even among medical the real valueof milk. In comparison with other articles of food, and. Inth* case of housekeepers especially, who frequently findlt difficult to achieve as great a variety tn articles of dietss ls desirable, this article ls profuse in the facilities thusprovided. In tiartlcular. lt would appear that, so far as

l's nutritive \alue ls interned, milk ls far fi.i'm beingin... rsu.od. as comparei ivith other irtlcles of inlmal food.Acaln, there ls leas difference between the economics'\alue of nil'.k, beefsteak, eggs or fish than ls commonlysupposed. Thus the quantity of water In g..*d milk ls87 per cent. In round aleak 75 per cent. In falter beef 00

per tent, and In egga about 6S per cent. Now, fromanalyse* made, lt ls estimated thal sirloin steak, reckoningthe loss from bono, ls ss dear at 35 cent* s pound ss milk

Ot 21 cents a quart; that round steak at SO cents a poundis as dear aw. milk st 14 cents a quart; and corned beet

st 17 cents as dear as milk at 15. The result fra.m the*e

Seductions seems to be that milk at even li. centa a quartI* the i hes pent animal food tbat can be used.


creased eiu-.o.vtiK'iit of nickel bromide as a hypnotic andsedative has been rec-tilly remarked. It I* convenientlyprepared by treating granulated nickel with bromine underwater, and carefully evaporating the dark given solution,Whoa the salt ls obtained In deep green deliquescent crys¬tal**, freely soluble In water, but much les* soluble In

a:_i.hol. The salt ls conveniently administered In the

form of a sirup, which nay be prepare! by placing 377glOBM <>f bromine mid 137 gralua of nickel in a flask con¬

taining twelve ounces of water, digesting st a gentle heat

until the reaction liss cca.-ed, filtering snd then addingtwenty-four ounces of sugar and sufficient water to mako

thirty-two fluid ounces. The elrup, which ls of a beautiful

{reen color, contains In each fluid drachm five grains ol

IJ-tofllloS nickel bromide, which ls an svereago dose.

Kea pabiuatione.














A ET ol FENCTCi. f(,r LA~DIKS. Health.** ._vle_,r- RrV VROF. ANDRE UERC.ER (1'arls.,<._t H'.i-'l-ir, Doowdt Hulloing._

jRatnutlon,For Boys and Young Men.City.

A -CIRCULARS OF GOOD SCHOOLS fro«_. sui*, aal.ettii-r for boya or «irla.an_l locality preferr-d.

R AVl.ItV. Am. rican School Bureau.2 W. Uta st. N Y.

UNIVERSITY li KAUM A ll SCHOOL. 1.473;way, nea .-tm., ult,; yftr. prlm4ry Mra.

... sad c^**,i- *l;P»',^1»l^1,'J».ructlon th.rimal*. M.M |IOBBV_W. I, AKIN, .v ".¦N'DltKKbiiNri'rlns.WUODBKIDUK -SCHOOL, _2 Kant _5th-st".TT ..untie. l..a_»lc_L Two hundred siudeuu haveU-en prepared for _.l_i__i» School of Minst


MFor Youiifr Ladies.City.

ISS CHISHOLM .^SCHOOL FOR QIRLS,16 Esat e-lh-st.. Nsw Tors.

Will reopen Ocpt/rnBer SS. Boys' Ols___a_

REV DR. hikI MUS. GARDNER'S .schoolFOR Ol UL?. «.7 6U.ev_. Mrs. OsrUser saUer ef

¦ History la Rhyme-" _______

Musical Instruction.RBW-10RK CONSERVATORY of MUSIC

l. ..-.ted oula al6 I- AM 14 lll-h I., t* Door East of -TH-AVE.

(.bartereal in 1 **<_>.At this KAMOCS SCHOOL OK VOCAL AND IN'f-TRU-BKNTAL Mf>;* U.nnony and -.mpoaUloo. Elocution.toreiifii I aaa .»¦-.* - Unwin* aa*l Paloona (th. Aral ..ini.ned aaO beat a»i*olnt*- tn th. concur >. Bi adenu receive»L.rjo»li.'l a_vaa.ea._-NfcW tVI'lLS RECEIVED Day md Evening,

instruction.For Both Sexes.City.

4 -MEISTERSCHAFT SCHOOL OF LAN-J:\m ot'At.Es, n 42dri opDoalte Reservoir.EDMOND oAsriNEAl', A. M., Ports, l'tli.'l|>_l.All UndUAg*'- QOlekly spoken, fclelst.r_.haft Hntexm.SiH-clal Claseeia for intendiiiR trnv* 11-r*. to l'.-rop*'. Na¬

tive lOOOfcOM- ClOOOOl I.ow f...Ili!li(?._

A BUSINESS EDUCATION .-Bookkeeping,wrlttnir. arltt-.n.etlr. correspondence, applllnc. irnnmur

steno :raii!iT. tvpewrltinr. Li.lies" Depsrtmeul d.iy an.leveniny. I'AI.VKS Hl-lNI.*aS COLLEOE, 0!I llnwery.corner Csnal-al.. uptown. 107 West :;4.ii.»t.. ror. Broadway.

rrttlV. BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANOD Ati KS.A K8 We»t 2:*d-st. Cnnvrsst'o.ial ttnowlealge In shortesttime; terms, sin. Head for circular ot sumrasr schools.



and Kliiderua. '..>. for both M>\e.97 Hlck*-.t.. comer of rin**appl*.

SECOND YEAH September 22 Mis II M. WHEELER, K.fftit veer. eoa__.t_d aaitl. th.- l'a* kel CUleg-Ute Institute. F..rth term b«'flns April IL

Boys And Yoting Men.Country.

BORDENTOWN (N. J.) MILl PARY IK8TI-'1TTR. on the II luff* *>f the Delawaie, between Near-

York nnd I')i!la*!el)ihla. BolM loooSotlons li Knjtllsh.Amiir.lean icA<!einio*. aarelul pri-parati.uia lor olleito amttusker ecieni. iii ii nola. Uptons V. .**. a. indies

_REV. T. H. LANDON, A. M.. Bnnclpal.

BRYANT SCHOOL, Ro.lvn. L. I-. N. *..RoardliiR .School of tho highest class for buys; Erl-

mary, liiOern.edl.ite, Academic; Military organization.-Ko. BRICK ('OKThLVOD, l'niict[iaL

FREEHOLD 1NST11 I'l'l-, Fiv.-lnl.l. N. J.".roity-Iiiuith year; tot Uv* and yount tooti. Atl lie*.

Rev. A. G. CHAMBBBB, A. M.. PrtnetpeL __

ELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR HoYS.-At Cann. Parents who ure aniortanatc in tin- Dian.

OS! a_snl of theirs'ins will do well to profit hy the advst.tT-Kesoffered by this achoi.l. Addrtss FRANK M. HOWE Mo.'..

HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Wor-ce-tcr, Mas*.--__1 rear. English, Scientific. ClasalcaL

C. R. METCALF, A. M., (Superintendent.IRVING INSTITUTE, Tarrytovrn-on-ilti.t-"X sam,offa ra unusual advantages to parents seeking th. bestlnatructlon for their boya. Adrtrcas A. AKMAti.NAC, l'h.D.

HUMMER school at Worral] Hall, Peeks--O kin, n. y. circular address

_COU C. ,1 WBIQHT, A. M.


Media il'enn.) Academy.For Youni* Ladies.Country


$500¦"***"THE F.I.Ms" Bprlnffleld, Masn. mks Porter.Principal, l'upiis sdmitt'fl t<. Vassar, Wellesley aridSmith on our certiSeat_._ Quincy method f'.r children.

STAMFORD, conn-miss Aiken's Schorl for Young Ladles and Cl.ll-

(Den; commeuees Oct. 3, 1888.After July 1 address CATHERINE AIKEN*.

South Yat mouth, .Mass.

TRINITY HALL Revert*-, N. J.A Established 1807-

A thorough home school fur twenty young ladles Variedadvantages of the highest order. Careful tra!nln_r In ti

mind a_d hear.. Solid culture tu English,Music, Art at.)

Lsag-SfOS. a prescribed course for students preparing forsny college. Spring tenn begins tcLruary 'j. loi circular»-SlO-S thc principal.


WEST WALNUT STREET HOARDINGvf SCHOOL for young ladles and little Girls; eighthyear: terms moderate. Mlsa J. TRAL'TMANN...SOI Walnut-si, 1-liiladeli.ilia. Pena.JD QUARTER..ROCKLAND COLLEGS.?J MYACK, N. V WUl ..pen AprU 3 for Eiigll-h,liuslnesiv, University Preparatory Curso for Ladles, Mu¬sic and Art Bend for ratalofoe.

W. H. BANNISTKR, A. M., rrlnclpaL

Miscellaneous.AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIMITEDX__ BUIfBES Ol' UOYR-Tiavel In Europe tinder'roto-t.etent sui.lance, a companionship and a tl.oronchey-iens of private tata.rtns. The llradma»ti-r of st. John'sstln... Manlin*. .N. V., with tim experienced aaslstsats,prnposea to take al.out «li bovs atiroa>! uexl slimmer to re¬main len aiontlis. Application ahoulil tte ma.le at once te HieKev. WILLIAM J. WII.KIK, Mian11ns, N. Y.

1ADY haying country home in WestchesterA (nuntv desires to taite .har?,, of and Instruct Ut.

' Biri, English, French, German and uni*!.- taught,li. st or cir,-, u pleasant home, a ¦>. companion in stusro offered; terms moderate: references. \V. H., Dos

.ii..- j... v i., i 2*01 Brosdway,STUTTGART, OER.MANY.~A Christian.' Priieatant wish ia board a ymng lady dealrlagto atteii'l sc h. mt. A daughter of Hie fsinilr speaks Englishami French city referenci-s. F. O. Box ...777.

-.etui* r.s.A GAUTHEROT, from Paris, Offlcierex e 9At-ndemie. Professor of Kr.-iic!i. 120 West SSS st.

Highest refereueea.

\ GOVERNESSof music, Oermaa and Frenchlsngna.'es wl«hr» a position lugheat reference. Call

Moaday, between ll au.l J o'clock, corner SUtli-sU and Lei-iugien-ave._

A REST TEAClIERSrTuiors and Govors-. eases supplied; BO c..a:__e. TEACHERS legist I

frte: vacancies alwavs on liniid ; form for stamp. R. t.AVERY, Amerlc*_a Behool Bureau. 2 W. Htb-st, N. Y.

AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS'AGENCY supplies l'rofii-..s<.r.-. Teachers, Tut-.ts Gov¬

ernesses, Sc. to I ..lieges, bch.ols sud Families. Apply toMUS M. J. YOUNG-FULTON, 23 Union K'juare._

1 PROMINENT PROFESSOR in s Urge_»'_ Westera town, beloi.oinir to tba l>*"t Paris an sseletv,wishes t<> sptii. the siimrirr vacation with as Fa.tern (amityla. Instruct laSles aail dill.tren In l-'ronrli. Sneaks severallanguages. ss H. H., Box 2d. Ttlbuna* ..ttl. o.

BROOKWAY TEACHERS' AGENCY (for-merty of Chiosgo] snppllea teaeben for the bi si

schools In all parts ol the i tuted States. Mrs. I.. FREE-MAN-BROCKWAY, 28 Wesl 28_*st _

POR SCM.MER VACATION.-A itroicssor of* modern laagna_:ea, drawing ami painting, coiineetia.l (ormanv reais with nae of the must prnmiueiit SOUeelS, wantsau engagement either to navel willi __jra or .as tutor iq v pri¬vate tarn;lv in the couatry ..nh- Hrs' claas families needappiv. PRUFE8SOB. care of Henry Se.del's art store, 'litalth ava._ _

i^ ERMAN ARTIST, experienced teacher inFainting and Drawing, will tu'.:-, full fharc*' of Bdvancedpui^ls; ho *aTii,!.i tia\el or teach !i. the country; highestcltv roferencea, terms modersto. Address ARTlbT,R..'v <*:¦». Tribune Uptown Office 1.288 Bmodway.

rpEACHER*. WANTED fop Seotember..Far1 West. I-Milne 1 Matliesi itlea. *7D0 (I«rniin m.rt

Freucli (native uerman preleruuli, *70ti. B.itli Kpisc.i,.a l m.S\. I). BEBB IS Astor p'.a.-a.

J^ rT()RS-(;()YON!:>sK--i,i;()ri:.-soiisTeaclieraj all bran'-...-*.; cliculars, sch...;!s; supplied

to poi en ts; .Vu. li, OerDsn, Spanish noken: wantedmany teachers, ladles and gentlemen'; nil branches.

3 MIRIAM COYRIERE31 East 17ths_., bclwetn Sth-svc and Broadway.

AV ANTED..A positiOB as Governess hy m

,T ladv having ¦ rears1 experience. i- eonm-tent to liistru-t in all English branches, rreneh, Latinand musk. Addie-, Nf lt 0 No. ll Is*'

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BD-KI.SU (for both s-'\es. supplies Profeaaoi-i Teaeh-

tr.. Governesses, Musicians, IIi.ui_ekeei.eria. ',f.c, to collects, schools and families; also Bookkeepers,bten.igraplitrs Hnd C.ipvlst- to Arma

MRS. A. I). CULVER. 829 6th-ave New-York City.

W ANTED..Superior Enclish or Atiirrirrniff IQVOfaOMk niUilc, Fretiih. drawing; German,

n.u*.lcai, middle-aged nove-nea*: Fi'-n-Ii. i.iUnlcal u.iv-

ei-ness; go...d posltlonA HESSE'S AGENCY, ll 1 Iti17th-st_WANTED..Sever:), temilers for September

vacanel'-s; governwaaea (Immediately), English,Herman. French; pan., matron, houMeke.per; reromma-ndamirf'rifir English snd foreign leaehera govemeasea, trev-elllncr ci.. ns hons. pe .. irratts M'<_* DONO-VAN'S TI.ACHF.P.S' BUBEAU, 30 Bast 14!l.-»t.

YOUNG FRENCH LADY wishes n few more1 pstptlOJO French. Music, Or.winr and Paint nt; mini,

.rat., pin e. Mrs c TEH MRBR Ml Wei: l

VOUNG North German lady, tt-icher of Ger--*¦ man, I ngllsh, Frei.* li xnd rnuM'_, '--rT-duat'd 1882,"Isl.*- po'ltlon; boat rcfciences. Addre** K. L.. 141W. 12Ht-st.



COME .turi see the Sarah Renihardt nerkculls at H. Ol II.MAllU. «41 Hroailwav. opposite

Mar Theatre._DRESSMAKING..By an -urtistie dies*

nukar; ln.|...rte.l »-f!is; airest carnaff and f.ncvcostnir*.*. Sit i periect flt an.l fl-iesi finish.' Mra McKi¬ll* .Y. SI Baal Sth st.. opposite iit-oi.n.f's.

DRESSMAKER..Parisian dresiB_tke_i per-loei St, Isoet fushli.ns rubes can be n-cn. HUH.

Fi I.U W* Ul B*0OI ISth-Ot_riRESSMAKER -Parisian; latest fashions:1/ sh. ri i. iti .- I-OU1SE *.las*. :.,¦ ,

DRESSMAKER..By s flrst-classdri ismby the .lav or tak. trott hims, cattm*. Ottlacor

dravlni la Hie laleal inij.orteil laslitens hifh-st retereocA'.lresa COM IT. 1 KN r, Tittmiie t'ptown Offlce, ijtsI'.r a.lwav._'_^^D~ RI.SSMAKER.-Ry Mrs, Ilavei, liirmol-rY

wltli Mme. D!e.lea; -«e« dressmaker's work lu lat. stdesigns I.V ttie >is*. »¦! SSS Sth-ave._DRESSMAKING at reasonable tennsrp_r^

fest fit guaranteed heat refsrenree slven.Mra. OATF.h, 12 Unlversltv pla.e._

PARISIAN DRKtJSMAKtR.-Walbnf, ft,!I posStaS an<1 evenliiK dresses [va,rfe<l f!tt;n>r onaranteealmoderate prlr.-s short notiie. Bo WOO! ,1'Uli st.

Citp ProprrtD <£o Cd.

\' ...TH-AVE., no. 469..Van desiiablo. 4-atorr brownstone: rent, S3.(K'0. F. W. M08F.ll,

SSS Mh-uVe.

A Ii STORY, Ililli baBBBMOt brownstoneilwel :m nu Eaat SSth-ol, i.ear LeilnsL.ti ava rent,

SI 3-0 Ii.pniie ot t has. II. com K ll. Me. 10 West, or J. F-. Kl.LIHON .'.. WUIUm-SL_4 -H4EA.SI HisisT..berweea Lexinf.

__\a tou sn.l Park avus. Vetf choice street, near L'eatralPark; 0 l.Kiit rooms, t.r,;..' and i.»«i sham h*-al lian 1-someir decorated; U*w rants : a few more lett._

DESIRABLE ROUSES, .minmi .h-d aad turi¦lishet In ail ti ns af id cit,

FOLSOM BHOTHI I'.-, Ml Kasl Ilk st Ln.*r Broadway.

DOR BALE or TO LEASE. -Valuable water.l fraini, Kaat I'.iver. near Whltesteue ; 34 acres ef landsuitable for busiutas pur*.*.ses or buii.iiiiK sit*«.


_70 oedar-sL.*1_JOGSE..12 roomsj si,title, tami ind fruit;A eorner Hickman and KlBiiibriar* lloa«t; would eui in

food ordarj rent low. Apply to HOWARD BaDOLY. 73Wall sk

BROOKLYN FURNIExceptional l.artfiiins .in First-

FOR THIIt will pay you to visit thia Immen

tivi'ly sa


TORE COMPANY.Class Furniture Mid Carpetings

S WEEK.eerslalilishiiHMit as you can posi-vf fromEE C-E-TSTT.TR 1 HOM F FFli SISH I IfQB :


S35, Reduced from S55.Fur this hand*.mo willd lllark Walnut, Chnmher Snit,

hand-carved, Bedstead , Dressor, -eh stand 7. In h *

lilah, e\tn» .!/.. Dresser, lan.-' deep ors. iar_e

swinging Bevel-Piste Olose, wonanus vofrsnaa mak*..

PARLOR SUITS.$300 Parlor S'llts that are OOTOtOi In Satin'-lt,¦Ho or TapeottT, -

Noss- S_00.

OBIS Portee Sui's, the Arpyle and tho Empress, e..v-

fred tn linport<-(l Wiltons, Now ti Kl.

Noss *»S<).

Noss l*»7 t.

Now SS5.

OHO Parlor Sult-s In Mettled Silk Plushes,

si I.* Porto? Bolto ta Mofcoli Pl-Skeo,

Sb3 I'arlor Suits In Silk or Crushed Plushes,

MANTEL CABINETS.$iin ifohofsay Maatol CoMaot. Now sri$70 Mahogany *.r Coeobolo Mantol Cabinets,

Nosv ...H-iO

$18, Reduced from $30.PH this elecnn. Antin.*!** Oak Chamber Suit, hand-

som.-ly served, rxiro Iorgo Dresser, large -.winging Plate.,1:.--. ms i"

Hare bargain.


$.V. IfoOogSOy Ot OOS M..nv! Cabinets,

til Cht.*ry Mantel Cabinet*,"$.3 Walnut or Cherry Mantel Cabinets,

Noav *.'l;i.o

Mom s.o.


SIDEBOARDS.Oi*o solid Mahogany sideboards, Now M-fl.S7S "ld Enclloh Oak or Cherry Sldehosrds,

Now SS*$40 Cherry .«r A&Uoao Oak si '-beards

Now .MH 50.SSS Natural or Ash or Solid Walnut, side,

boards, Sow $__.$-.7 Ash or Antlrjue or S.illil WfllaOl Sid'li-ar ls,

Nosv BIS

Our Styles are Correct and Wo

BUY OF THE MAKERSIllustrations Prices ofall Stylesof

$270 Solid Mahogonv Chamber suits,Nosv 11 HO.

$.10 K.illl MahoK.-iny or Old Oak ChamberBolt* Novr Bl-IO.

$145 Walnut or Old Kn.lish Onk Chamber Sui.*,Nosv sor

$..*(> Wiilrmt, ur Cherry ( It.-iiti!i. r Balta, Sort OHO.$*... Old English Oak or Cherry Chamber Suns,

\..av _* 13..10.OD.. Natural ami or ci,, irv Chamber Suit.-..

Noss (SS.$24 Antique AMi Chamber Suit*, Now 910

CHIFFONIERS.$00 S.tid Mohogony french lt.-wipiate Chiffoniers..

Nina S li)$r.o om Rngllsh Chiffoniers, Designs, Bos-el

iPreach Plat--,Now t.:»4.

$40 Combination !>. -k nn-1 ('Miff, nb-rs, _ll WoodsNow Xiii SB.

$25 Solid Walnut Chiffonier*-,. ~ . .t

Now * I fl..0.fl. Oak or Cherry 6-Drowor Chiffoniers, swinging

Glass,Now SIS*

DESKS,$*0 Fancy Mahogany ol nil na... D*sks,$30 Antoine DOOkO, Main ..-any i.r nan,

S2-* iMille.'.-T...* DeskOiSIS Upright li. iko,$.Vl K.,11.Top nnice ne--**,.40 Cyllnder-T.>p I). >...

024 Flat-Top Table I. -ks,


V. va -al*"

Now SllKow s:l.

Now 9'ITNow Slii

rkmanship guaranteed first-class,

AND SAVE MONEY.Furniture sent Free upon application.




Cud Drou-.tD £o £"t-

H^O RENT.-Furnished or unfurnished,¦ K. I OWN Kit PAUL-ABB. AND HOTll ST..

for ose year or tersa nf years, sn attractive, ¦OStOSMlSOhouse In perfect order throiiRliout; tltio plumbing; newlydecorsted; poOOOOOlOa 00/ M0_0 ttttO UOJ XI private familyonly.Fnlly furnished, $:i,r,o.); utifiirnl-heil. $1,209.

Apply to ..avuer, ,'!7 Pars ave., from 2 te 4 v. ra.

rpo RENT..Furnished or unfurnished; theA three-story house n, eorner Wee! ind ase. and71st-s_ j decorated, snd na Sstnres,

chaki.l*. E. s>; * 00.,1*167 l*th .tv., ror. 71st. st.

rP0 LkT.. I lu* fine three-story brownstoneA dwelling. No. ;t..y l.i-nox-nvta., nnitliwest corner 127th-

st. Io<|ii!rc SBA*** CO ,61 West l'J.itti-SU

npOLEl FURNISHED. -149 East 34th-st.(I boase tu be»t of repair. To be. se.-s at any tune.

?TX) LE I .. Tlie vcrv desirable nnd convenientA 3 story and tutti* stoop rick mid alnim dwelling, :>.- 147

\s .-st li 'il. si Oetweoo Broadway sui ilth ave. Applv tnJ. Kl)*.AK LBAYCKAKT. i.'.U ltiua.t«»y.___rpti LET..The iiL'.ily desirable four-storyA l.lglistoop. brownstone dwellings. Nos. ISL 'l:t lind iifc.MlSl-.-Sl, i.1-0 Ma lO.n-iv... an! Ul dal VJ st. Ap-Vi.vtoAitNiil.ii. cns*-Ha ni,;; .tr co, line st. mm .".ts-iTB.

r\\) LET.From Muy L.Four-storyshousc inA Weat 73.1-st, tiatwoea 'Jtli loth aves, CalilnetllnlatL B. il. HOC UNI*. Agent,

__!3 Weet 3»dSt.

rV0 LET or for 8ALE.-A choice house be-* tv.-e.-n 6th and Cth ava., near Central Park (about

1'..'*.lo\ 100; in excellent*r.HORACE H. BLT. 22 Plao-Ot

HPO LET..Thai elegant new four-story, hij.'ltJL stoop boase balli bj samuel icot a bilie nnl*htim uch..ut. N... ii-, w* ¦¦¦ Blot-*, *_,.*.* ... Coll ondessmine.r|*u LEr..Handsome four-story brownstone1 hon SS, SOI I.e s.ngtou ave at.»ve lltth st., tu Bas can.

ditton. W. Il I A VI.ult .t MONS, 7*w Otb ave.

rVO LE 1..On Mnrrav Hill .'115 East 38th-L at. ). three 10 ft. stairr, h.g.isteei> low rent to a smallfsmily or for silo.

JOHB BBIBLEY, 17S lirsadw.-.v

Tn RENT nn WEST 71ST-ST.-Furnished1 or unfnriilfhed A three-Otory browvstOOO houie,

d.'Corai*'*!, ai.d .-'».¦* natures; ul! imi roveinenta.CHAS. r. *-. iii' t o.

_16. Ninth

TO LE I' FIKS'ISUKI). r-H3d-St., No. '.Ci1 West: K.-it-a wi lo ho is.-, tiinlsli.l. ov.-rlu.ililsr I'ark:

*._.' OOO, with tlrsi el .ss tioiLi-Uceii-.r uar sr ami fr Ut,.ts willliu__ril if doatred. W. *-. li.uiherliri. lift B' wsv, rsom 1 r.\

Oil WEST WTH-ST..This desirable rcni-.r\t deore. In excellent iisiglibor'imit. to lot aiifurnlalislfrom Msv 1 to strictly private family nant .'.'.'I.*'. Permitsfrom 7'J Cedar st., roo a &'». t.etweou 1 ami 4 o"cl..i k.

§_%_ WEST SSTH-ST.-To li t,~uiiiiirni8he"d.\)\) Irem May 1 to strl-fly private faruilv rent BSOOU.Permit I'rotu 7u Cedor-st., rom. f>n. between 9 sod retook,

||i| WEST J5TH-ST.. near OTIKAVE.-I 1f-1 Bstorj bon. ..: b.-i<k p-rlor r. . |enUat'sofllce; i.r!\..T.- faro I. only; pl.SOO. Call fmm 2 to i

I.).) w KS r 12 111-- P.- lo let, unfurnished,I .,., from Mst 1 to siro -'Jr private hally; rout 11,700Permits ft.mi 79 Cedor-Ot., loom io. li*!wees 2 stet 4 o',,,,, k.

.>.> I MADlSuN-AVi:. (OK. i:U>-S .'.-Tli.»).) I larger portion of steam lienied, fur.ilshfll n.rserhooaoitho own-r te.orvirig ae.neroomsi fcj let trom M__v _

Apply *>'. premises Iran a t.. .1 t*. m._.>*>/? LEXINGTON-AVE..Four-story 8tone.>»)U front in excellent order, lo let


Citp propcrtn Sot Galt.BOMB VI UV ATT.IAITII I


CHAS. L SCHUYLER" & CO.,l.lf.7 MS OOO., OOO. .latet.

7il»-«s!.. NEMt ^TIi.A^^:.A very d*-s!ia!.i* 1101*0000, v< r-, oarofony built for

owner's owa ... ctirjncy 3 rjro ,>m oit_anlty toMC-N a ho,:e li, '.ti- i.-^t fashlolia-le ... Wosthide. M

Also, one or two bus ev ri very ftMlrahiy situatedfor asl, ... '.'' ir "" " houses.

L. J. CARPENTER,_ll Liberty . st, l-l 3d ave_

AT LOW PRICE, easj terms, bandwme 4-J-* st..rv hioh-s-ooa brownstoBO. with extoosloo; wellbuilt; le-if.-.-t ,. let ¦.¦ui'dtii: sllvei aoto, mirMrs, crvstai t.,n. i.-n r-. wot eonvenlool. hoolthy andplea-nut residence in nelgnborh-od; easy wallum.- \,-i mar .:<. \ui..| and -nrUro ,sr»; wlJostreet. Weat Twentv-tlilrd »'¦ opnoolle Loudon Terraoe.b. B. JAYNE * CO., -78 Weet MS-.-, SOO SS Lil.

4 BARE (UM'oitTI'Nn V.A beauUful four-story brownsume house for sale;

frescoed, marble b__- tubs, *C Front, 18 SMI 0 In

Columbls College lease k"**""! : -Atti-st. between fa o__6th sven., wm be sold \ ty chea,.. Ap[.!y tu Ci7 Hmad-


A TTEXTIONJ.!J\ INSTITUTION!______________________A!VI.!'a|s

K**r - l..h. ¦!- ..¦

A1 I.. BS A. D. F ..'.'.:.¦ I

"A."-MHto 1-.4 West l'Jlht-Ht.S storr ant ha*«mant Prlvau Osrslltnga.

Exanjiae 1'hsm.

(Eitp projieitg -for Sale.AN INNOVATION IN KEW. ESTATE.-Pirtles

deslrlntj to avail themselves of th" Opportunity in:.ytheir houses now, have ,*uih alterations made as may Mdesired orltfeoal expense to parehaaera, mid have them

ready for ocupancy, te In every nopootIsm wort t-.vo portiaa os al led themoelTOo ol thia offer,

and selected on 7-d-.t.. between Boulevard nd \v.-.t End.a\e. Early applicants havo tie- privOefe of firstsoleeUoo fiom miaslnlni in u-.-., all ot which differ inroristru.;tlui_

-iSS-w »sri fm MfiJJ%'1mmJm*__Z__»:-i__2_:__TO

Apply os promise-, T.vh-st. and West End-ave., or otMessrs JAMI s i, LIBBY t SCOTT, US Broadway,_BUYER.- will dn well to examine the elo-

(.ni OOH -l-storv brownstone, box stoop. abluet tlnlsliedboiissr 48, BO, 54 Wool B3lh st.. sotrance lo Park.

J AM KM A. Flt. Ml!, owner.

I jp -il;Al.l.l. i ORXER PROPERTY on .-"vivl '

noes sud other locations, prtvate house adjacent 5th.Madison sven., (.25.000 to-012-0.000. Tenement, Norfoth-.-;., SIO.OOO; Mulberry, 021.000; private bonnee, Madison,010.000, 0-t.VDOOi '. ¦" -i. -n's sn. Weal sides; plot OtbWaul, 024,. I8AAI A. GRAVES, lil Broadway.LY. K SALK or RENT..Wes. End ave., cor".I Toth st.. th» handsoiui! three-scrr Queen Anne i all im¬provements. OWN Lit._.1<"*M>R SALE..Hons©, 7 roomsj fine I.urn; 1

.1 re ground; plentj (mit; price SS,SOO, easy tarmaa H.. rn l M. WALL, lUdgewood, N. J. No gfonts.IA).' SALE.1 Ni.«. 1.060. l,0d:t MiClsen ave., betwoen 8<Uk andSlsf,? te.: No 00 Last ,'.'ih st., SAalOSi also hoi tn west eornsrMadison.nve. anl ranti-sL: pi...ea leas-liable, can be seenany time witlioiil

K Iv 111' VI III. la.. Unit.!,:*-.:_ List 7-sib-st. uni! lit KnatStlth-at.

FOR SALE..N. <.. nor. West Kiid-ave, andT1 -1 -' three-story -rb-k and bruwiistone hsaoo,decorated: pa flxtvree; ill Improvements.

i WAI.1.1 H I SCIIUYLEB A CO.,_1,157 '.Ith-ave,, cur. 71s* ld

pOli SALK.I Ooo et the beet located booooo en Slot-sS., satwooo 6tha nd .tb av. .., within a tew do.ira ut .'.t li All ne w ly amtiiM-Ti.ilken'iy .l'-cin ite.i. w.iltie sold with or without fur¬niture. Purultureall new. roaaesalnn Kirstnf May,CUAKLI -« MA CU AK,f..i:t .'itti-ave., Nsw -York,I?OR SALE ob WEST 7 I S'l'-ST..A thltKV1 storj brownstone boase, beautifully deeorotod; withgas fixtures and ever; 1-npmvetneut.

( .IA*- E. SCHUYLER CO.,_I 157 Nintli .iv., cor. 7 let-st.

HARLEM RIVER WATER FRONT.-Abon*.JO leta, near foot et UOlh-eL, 'lid Ward, extending lo

flit- new tiulkli'.nt line, for aaln at a bargain. Anp!) tnJAM 1.3 l. \. LI LS. 'fl I', ami .tS-ave. un UUth-st

rpHOROUOHL. I [RST-CLASS VVcsl SideA 11 .. itv ;i.i \. hann ol piw-i.;i\.- again gome In possession ..f No* 110 ana IMWit rt81 hy me); two ol th.- inns' completeanil attraetiv*. Dm ellinga oren to the publle, ml whichI aain e. ii cheap Inquire on promisee of SAMl'kLi ..U'lKli

rpHE CHEAPEST first-class dwelling onlhoA Weal Bids la lld w.-t B'Jd-st.; four-atortee ande- w nt. bulli by Bamuel Colcord. Inquire on Drem-laaa

_WEST KM)..WK. ami s' "¦ northwi'Semir. .A doetdod bargain, willi .-asv terms; four

elegaat eebtaet-trtmmed Queen Annedwslltboa; improve*!Milterv arrangements and .-ouveDlent 'or rioaaitnwn con¬veyances. to owners and builders, Mi kinlay Atit' NB, *>n pre.nlsna.

\MLl.AS....l FINK RESIDENCE*, for sale,T ol.l.u *. te #2' .ki .!, tba haodaooao quarter

BEDFORD PARKIn therm-of Nen \ ..ta <i:,., ni Broadway. RoomOO.<k'\X 00!) Wlu* MIY ttnelPBaul 4-story&k}Cit_-Ji, sa-foot boneo ta perfect order eu Mib-et.l^K'Stioti unexceptionable.

J. ll ii Kl*. LKATCBAFT, UM llroidway.

ttfiil afstot. Io (Jrchungc.AN rpMtWN HoOsI ta. eiehange Kr tann

or conntry place.JOHN a HOYT. JR., SS I.roa.'.way.

FREE AND CLEAR CITY HOUSE wtythI *t,& iKiii to eiehange for a lino country place et equalvalue, wita or; Bra stork, tools. Ar. _te_, oa New-llavsn ar H.ids..n !t:«er lt lt.. about one hour outN. lt Bo oolloo will be taken of rm r- .;, m.lents unless

description -iii- partlculara ul pr.ip.-rtr ar., givan.Aiiilr. s A.,

r,linne Offji-i.

Jrf Cream.A FACT..'Horton - lee < ream ls made trott

mn onoto, berton's Potent Bapor-frosoa iirtrkao.'lre(r»_m hi Itestai.rsi ts (biirr).es, f-aativala. Ar_, willkeep hal.I one hour. < imo try ri'.eis proinplty nile*- Inpete.t084tli aar.. .Ms tli-ava., lift I'ark mw., lin taat l._th-at_Nsw-Vurk. and 46. .'ultuu-au Broukl/o.

Ilnfuruietieb -.oases .o tel.A BOOTE! A ROUSE! AROUSE!

WHY LIV.. IN A FLAT,And par SOO to 0120 t***r month, when for S3. to*S05

rental you can

¦XII IJLALTI.UL COTTAOESeontalnlng; eight to thirteen rooms In tl*- upper part of


GO SICK, ililli ANY DAY.

Take, either West Sid*' .leva el nil to *.-, thenBorthera Itailroad to Morrt.s Dock Station, two mill's dis¬tant, or Mu ..-.'.ti Uiver trsln st l.rand Oentrol E*>|*nt, sndtn seventeen minutes you reach the projiertT. Will s..llon aeiuiiimodatliiif terms. Circulars with AN'UIUAV1'OWKI.Ii, No. 147 Brosdway.

\'.Parties dfisirlng; to rent flrftt-clasH private. residences on nnd a IJoln.og Bth, Madison sud Park

aves., can obtain same Or roinmunleaiiiig withV. K. MTKVl.NH IN <t<0..

inU Urned way aud SSS 0th.ave.

A !:NFI'i:.MSHKI) HOI SHS SIM*.. tf-l.tHH),**. 01,200. et.'lOO. OLMO Ol.HOO, 02.000, 03,000. 8. M.Mi.AKr.i.v. No. i.:,2f, Brood-ray.4 NUMBER of first-class prirata Tesidaoeea

_C» ou aud adjoining 5th. Madison ind Park aves.: low rents.Sf T_- *_l-l LMffaiuev' . ,/~.V. K. HI RVKl.RO> <ft CO.,

Ult! ilreadwav ami 'rill .'.th-ave.

701JR-STORY brownstone hitrh-stoqpdwelElng, 01 K.astMilli sc. Applv S. It. JoHN-ai'.V. 71 Wall st.1

UNUSUALLY Attractive full ftiz" 4-.torvKnglish basement liouse willi spacious <trawlne-ro.iins

to let na'.irnistlaMl. nu listh st. Just east of -th-ave. BKXuN* M, I-SMAN'N, 7SCedar-st.

i3nGiius_ JJropcrtn for Sale ana vto Cd

OFFlt'KS roi.Ll'in remote Conti. Aoniron premises to KULAND A WHITING.

0 st.

HP0 LET, with immediate poaseasioo. In wholeI air thoofll es oc.uDled hy tbe Merchants' Insur¬

ance Company, ou favorablu toruis, No. 151 Iiroadavay.oqntre on pr; mises._____________rro LET.A larne well-lighted floor in Mun¬ji rn Huilding. 17 Ui n with power. Ac.Apply to OKOROK M I NRO. VandeWater-st._

WALL-ST. Corner office, basement floor,su.utile far bankers, brokers, lasaraueo. .fte.

L. J. CARPKN'TFK, 41 I.lberty-st.

oroouitin fJroprrtn -for Sale anb do CrtA GEM..An Eight-feet brown-stone, S^torrXV nid basement, In i_ne*t part sf Brooklyn, itargaiu.

i. WKbUY JOSHS, Attorney, H43 broadway, N. Y.

BIT OR KKN'FThomelnBrooklyn.-2,000houses, greatest hargalas j Investments paying 10 te

-tOpereoat: circular tree. wtf.l.IAM II. UHAUK, cornerWilloughby sod Jay ste Ilrooklvn._BROOKLYN LOIS FDK SALE..Between

Otb aud i*lh aves. an. Kith and 14th sta; rn j.iot of 20lots atijoliiiug the bthave. front. Kor terms apply to

j_T, rtYA I. SI Cr nberry st.. Mrooklyn._

I^u R* of th*- moat elegant privatevill.i residences of ilrooklvn titted up nnd dooorafed m

the mostappro, oat stvlo ; ;! hath an.! toilet room*; elaborateIn all Its appointments; centrally loc.1 tad convsalent t*> alllaino.ids; *<uly'JJ inluutes fruin Now York: plot, hH)x'120;stable on rear. S'.'xli,

JOSEPH P. Pf El.**, 181 Broadway, N. Y. city.HU Nostrenu-avw., Brooklyn.

L~OTS FOR SALE..Large-oFstnall plot*, onlinos of elevated roads; caa otTer Ino te 1.000 lots

together that will sb**w a gnui spaieu anon.H. P. DARLI:... ,t . .... .-.oi ,'ou rt at.. BroeUlyu.

srP() LET.-FLAT8-THE LOWEST RENT5* in Brodklya for e.juai oe_o__modatton, In tko nm

gera, eii-nei et .ninton-st nnd Atlantic-are. steans hoot,elevator, attendance, tiled balla hard wood finish; everyconvenience; 7 rooms and both, within ti\>- nd nut. vvaalk of Wall st. and South ferries; ra-nt S*00 and up--tird; two t.eiutlful crner flats remain, d sendtot .. descriptive pamphlet CHARLES A. SEYMOOH,I CO., ac.o's 20!) Montaffue-sk, Brooklyn.

Boonu nub -fiato do Let.


IIS -TH-AVE. SK lit I'll il.-.T

THE LANCHAM.oneei two desirable aalles, elegantly furnished, tor bal

ance ol soasos.H. C. .-HANNON. Msaager.

1 MEBICAN FAMILY have part of a large/V hou.v to lot to adults; neighborhood first-class;near I, station and Blvoratdo Drive; water and conven-lences; ftrajiimla and magnificent views. Call or addreee.1. W. H.. aouthweat cor, 10-th-at snd Weat End-ave.

PLATS and APARTMENTS, unturnbhed1 OOd fm inane.1. la all parts of the olly.FOLSOM llK.iTlil.K-. i* I ott KUh-st.. near Broadway.

HANDSOMELY DECORATES FLA IS,1 1 with al lat-st improvements; rabi net finish; 8 rooms.sll light- elevator, steam heat, hall hors, ..c.. rent, SAO andSsa. FOLSOM BBOTBBB-.6S Boot Uth-st.. near B'way.

HANDSOMELY furnished door, fitted forliSlit housekeeping; ti st-eiasa order. 1,303 Broadway,

"I l's I COMPLE I U>. i'he^' Leontine" andtr "Hermine," Noa. SOS and 20* west 6(>iii st 79d-aC"L**station; bili ave. and Boulevard ears; 7 light tiomi andbath roora j steam heated: ssnttarv plamblnc: beautifullyder..*ate!. cabinet monists; refrigerators, storage ntl Otherlui iroveraeuts; blah, healthy and attrartivo aelvhborhood;vieinitv of Central and Riverside Parks; reata *:<!> to lb".Alsoadlotatai i.bove, oa lOth-are., Nos. 1. lu:) am! 1,105:

attrairtive G-ro..m fists; imj.rovemeiits |amt..r's ssrvlres.S'.*0toS84. JANITOK.or ItKITToN II A VE.Vs, Attorney,lil Nassau st.

'I 1SPENAHlX'^DU East Htittt-st., ne7rll Ms.'Noa ave.

Elegantnpartmonts Btarire li«htr-otna; Inimedlateorniraa-vjfm! anpplled; rents, $l,0tln te 11,300 per ann mn, to com moa. o

Mar 1. Iin|Ulro Janitor sreu.iset

IK1.0X H1 LL..Elegant flat. « rooms aaai kath 1107 Bast .'O'hst. noar Park-avo. i au eura iiebt

rooina, decorated to salt teuau*. Inoolrp Monday on ..remises.

[CE FLAT, 7 rooms, hatti, itantry: all im-provpinetits hall stairs carpeto*!. II. East l'Ji.tb sr.

SE< !0ND FI.i xiii alcove room running walerand bath; ...¦titlein.-ii only. o't.'i West 48d-aL

^HEO-HBORMMoI iVSt Sfth-st..A hand.1 ania., furulshed, rout modsrate fer sit i

ia atna. Apply a' ..snoitNg. '

TUE NIAUASA.1 KIKI.PCOOF RUILDIBC.Ilenantly Perorate t aparinients lo let; 6 and !> rooms, ele¬

vator, telephone, lull boys, steam lissi; rent **0 lo $80, lu-clusiux wood aad coal fur rausoa.

Apply to Janitor

TX) BENT.Fullj futnisbe-L.A large apart-X meat ia


tk THE OSBORNE,37th St. and 7th ava., from May 1.

Apply ai t!;c .fli.-e.

r\\) LET..Furnishetl. in privuto dwelling, be-t tween Bth and nth aves., t.*-ar tOtk-ot I,," ¦ Lirg.ibedroom, Bouthom exposute, to ^ aentleinan; referenceetchant. Addraaa " JDWEIX1KO," Tribune Uptownuni.-.-. 1,238 Broadway._rpHE ELsiiiHEM !1 Corner BOtli-st. 10th ave. nnusually attractive fists;Grooms and hath room; a.l l.nyrovemeata; *a.> lo fto.I \Nir ul. or BBITTO** IIaVK.nS, Att'y, 111 Nassau st.

-THE 1'EI'CIV \I..1 'J IO Wost 1!M st, near Kroadwav.Parlor and heil -room, with bath aad toilet, America plan

or table .l'hete._

Como ano booma,

A "FINE SE< ONO I Look still*.. parlnrTTie^ buth room, owner's residence; slsu SQ-OTO and

-illirie rm,ms. Bo, BS Wost S.'.tli-su

1 AKGB HANDSOMELY ftirni-hed room toI_i let to ratitlowsa only; private house; references e\-

chansel 140 Wost Slsi_DKIVA ll. FAMILY will let two haiid-onielyI tur-iishe.I roou.s, large and small seutletaeu ouly. MO.Vest 'J 1st St. _._

Sl'FEttlaJ-- lioAKO tormentli'iniHi and theirwives, also aiuitie aeotletneo, at 7o west st.

I A EAST 28TH-ST., bet. 6th and Madison1 *"§ saes.; tarnished rooms for gentlemen; brook.

fasi ll .!. Ired reteron ..__^__

7Q1 II SI'.. 22] EAST..A lurfe front andla/ .iijotiitus Lull, sc >al door fr.tat, with beard, udthird atory baeS room; two aljotnns reonas aad hall fraoat*beal ns.ul__________________-_-_-__________^____.

,) I w EAST 15TH-ST..Twoalcely-furnished-.. I * ' roosts to let In private fauitlr to slugle |enUemeahasse snd Io. allon Oral class relsreuceo.

Brooklra.PURNI8HED ROOMS, with or without boarl;1 linvale iMBIly oood I..rall.iii. near thre* Hans of cara;largoaleovs or sqoare rooaa willi uUl.i eloaaoai hotaTidooiiaaaier us» ar Sat.ia. .tr. ll '.'1 st.. Ilrooklvn.

I'M FIRST PLACE.-Pleasant nail bed*I ./'. loom with roo-! beard ror a youan genii.mea, ces-

venleiit to oal . anl teri".«s.

-\uction Oalffl of Real Oietotf._UK'UARU M. MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer.

By Rlcharl M. i!¦.-..,, en-rr * Ca,N... 07 PIME-BT.

Tflll It-sLltV. AFHII. IBTH.At 12 o'clock noon.

In '.he Salesroom, No 87 Plne-st.. mr «f FronNst.. *.. Y.For acrt. .f whom lt msy ron 1

SCHOONER YACHT "RAMBLER."Al 'he Hu,I.- nf sale tin fOSM vanl b*. otleied at an upeet

price ut$4,000

ur oxer, tba Varht will tao sold ab¬solutely |a the bltheat btddoi

This wall Va.-h* ls tb..roughly hulll of the bestmaterials, and win be saild. with sll her (.pars, HullsItouts Kurtilltii-e. Klxturasa. 4r.. In firsts lase order r*..rIh-i to Inspect the Yacht and for further particu¬lars aud Inventory, apply io tbe Auctioneers.

OFFICES on Wall, New. Pino, Lib. i-fv,Front sfs., Hroadwav. Mal.!eu Lane, Fulton and Cort-

liadt ats. Hut.dings aad lons on Frsst. l'esrl. New. Cort-Isuil t sta.. Old Slip, New * s ua.l Oreel .!¦ ueasis.

_I.J. CA fl 1'KNT Kit, 41 Liberty st._QTORE AND APARTMENTS, 5-storr, 2t3xIO tbivliiO, near Cltf Hall, ver/ cbeap. J. B. HEAKKH,180 Keti,s«n-su, Franklin Bulldluf._TO LET..Rear part, about 25x..O, more orI lest o.'ii wi Nome store oa Broadway, noir Froaklln-et

This would Biako a verv desirable branch ..nieia for respon-sinle bai.klnn or brokerage firm ; front an l rear entrance.

Aptuy te jo in a. in un,_No. 300 Broadway.

rVO LKT.A store and bnsenient, 58 West1 Houston.St., Il"I theil-.! roi

with H. i.(i:-KK, 17!) U.-aml-st.


-lotTum fial.a of Real <7otaU.




230 WARD HOMES.RABV 142DST.. Koa .'.ol. SSI, 605 and ttl, neem

M.rrl»-ave.~!iand.:i story frame Dwelling*, ti '.. I", n^mlimprovements; aUMa with Bo 101 lot* 26 end 50 frJwisold s-paratelv; essy ter,,..; OXOOUMI location only twablocks fr .in L s.Htlon. * ¦


BEDFORD PARK.It' 'lave, e h., Iso ft. ot S .hiirb.-in-sf., 24th w.a

-2 *tory, ll rooms, every modern convenience, riotIO...u two Mocka noa d. pot.

\VF.I»K*»IIAV, A PH 11. IS.mun bert chou i

Third Ave. Lots.East Mia.Boadoates BO ft ~..uh <,t i.v.tthst., eon-.**,

PSeh 25 front, [SS to If.7 deep, SplaOdU location, twaMt OBI fruin ts station at lSSth -.

tiii Essay, aprii. ia.

COSEY 0OTTAO__S8«UNION-AV.:. Boa Ml lad BBB, timi -ide, ino f»»t

norh of 1 Al st-st.. 2-d Ward.Eoek 2-etory frunn-, 7 rooma.Croton and eas; lots e\;ra looa; ilsa .ploadM

lSSth St. LottA s. 162 feet east St. Ann's-aw Mslft all well locateCgood neighborhood, near station anl 0000*001*

TI'E«4IMV. .-.PRU. 'ii.

14 EXTRA CHOICE LOTS.Hms. min. WK., i.lll WARU.

Southwest cairner JaBOOOOOVOfc also 3 small Dw. :iinion 10*j ft. Hotilevard. with borso aol line, just suuthCroton I'ark convenient sloe to hi ave. boroo cara andstation at lOftthst. Term- liberal. Maps with JobiMcMahon, Manor, IO Naaaea-st

..OMItV, APRIL 30.Ily order of Hon. Danial G. Hollins, BS00_S_B and otherv

NORTH NKIV.YOKK.KOT*TIIF.n\ BOULEVARD I'mir lots on south sid'

l.TJ.l at. Four lots In nar of above, 22- fret east of .*-..Ann'asOTO,

TREMONT.OPPOSITF. STATION' -22 splendid lots on lilor«

bounded by Webster and Myrtie a ..¦*., 170th and 177th sta.177T11 ST.- 2 lin.- bOSlaoOO lots on north side, 33 f> el

west of Woshlnoton-ovo.WASHINGTON-AVE..A chol.-o Int ant one and ones

half-story trHni.. bouao on west -ide. adjoining akora,BATHOATB-AVK..Northweet corner I7.iih--t.. 2 very

handsome 8-story brick DtreUlnga and 4 lots, all improvesmenin.

FOKDH .>t.KiNi.simTD._E and niGHBBIBOB roads-a|

Junetlon, IM splendid plots snd -' -. rv uni sitte frarrW..tor** and Dwelling; the i-ro-ti of 1-'.rdham Hill, 3 min,uu._' jvaik west of station.

PO-M-fl-.-- IlKH-HT-.AQUED_.OT.AVE.New and attractive eortatre, al]

Improvements, anl Io's .m weat -ile between,and Fordham Landina I'., id: 1 rory indee location.'y frame enttajfe and 211

lots, east Side, nbo'lt SI feet south of I), ' li ir. hxrn and

4 lulu, east side, OfcOUl 100 r< -' South af lliirht>r!1g.'-Kr.ttmtt- BAMMB.

WMMT FARMS ROAD-" Batta RooMahosaV' neatIlotni'-st., and attie frame rrl.ii. housOand plot- containing 20 n lu lota; ..ii In splendid order.

msiN-st.-" Senofleld Homestead." 1-story and atti*,frame dwelling and ll stn larg)

Tko propertlea st Tremorn Fordham fieishts, lliirh.brldK.vlllo and West Farms will t.e ..1 with

TllL-S-.1"ARANTKI-.D.hy policy of Title Q___Sa_M and Trust Company free ofcost to each piir.-li.-.s<»r. Term.. ItbOfoL

All the above psopel Ilea ar>- splendidly Ineatod inrapidly growing sections ne ir elevated road, hot... _t4steam ears, mid are rennin to prov.- printable in ve.sime irs.Rape and foll particular* with


_3D-A VE. AN-* ll'.TI.'ST.




At 12 o'.-l...-i: m.on. af the Real Batata ExchangO an<|Au. Hon Room, JO to 85 Liberty M

480 EAST HnisTilN.ST 8-story and frame.TUE8DAV, Al'ltll, 17.

S32 EAST 8CTH-ST.. 4-story brownstone flat.

220 K. lir.TII ST.. NEAR -DAVE,3-story kl|k QMiof brownatone dwelling, 10 4x45x100 19.

KS29 avi \n: a.weet. sld*s south of slM.-st., amory brick dwelling and loo


6S, 08 1 2. 70. 72. 71 wm.STER-ST..AND 87 GREENE .-ai'., .

oeoi BrooaPremises oeeunled hv Archer t- l'snco,.st M'f'tf Cn,


108.0x100 on Wooster; 25>i'.-' on dreene; 13,3'.*0 sq. HAB80L1 : 1. HAUL

A liberal amount u,sy ronola at 4 per cent.

6U8 WII.I.OI'C.llllV AVE., HKOOKLYN,near ThtOO^OVO.,

40x120 fr~, (Indy decorated J 1 2 story brick and fran*.realdenee: elooant dlntna-room ext* ulon; 17 ra*oms; si*conceivable Improvements; hardwood tlnUh.

VERNON \\4on**."> ft in rear of above

ABSOLUTE KALE.Bovorable Terms.

80 AVENFF.n, 3->tory t. 11-menf, 23.7x100.

Tlttl'.SDAY, Al'IUL 13.


.TH-AVE, AND A-ST.,lOOxl.'iO ft.; substantial ;<-»toiy ixn,.ljii»{, 60x130 ft.; 71

rooina; eeeaa vtewe, ,te.; 4.o*'0 ft. *>f veranda, stahl...Bc all requisites for running Srso-elaaa hotel; hmb. en Moineronaty run for tha i*as' e^ht years; will b4open "or Inapectlon April ld, 17, le.


HOUSTON ANO . III.V--T11. STS.,s. E. .-or. il-story tenement.

71 AB. BD-ST.,S-stoiv brick dn*-iiina.

000 ll 111 AVE..S-atory double Data atofOQi

til AND ill li.TIl AVE.Astor I.. ..-"-holds.

60 WEST 50TII ST.,d-story dwellliiK leas-hold.


4 and 3 story brick tenement* a*tth s'nres, 25x88.4.Absolute isla IO

THOMAS J. IfcREE, ESQ., Alt y. 'AM Bh.onie-st.

SS MAKKITST.,6-story snd basement brick p-n. neut, plate glass atora*

IS 1st HAMILTON ST.,4-story fr..nt and (oat loaonaoata with alor..

435 EAST IsTH Mt.{?-story double ti Dement; two plate-glaoa stores.00 per c* nt uiay reuatn .( jroon ai per c-ni


12 WEST 120TB ST.,Between .".ih and Lexington area.,

S-stoiv, box-stoop, brownstone residenre.4'lll-AVi;. A.M. 12SD UT N. 1- COB

..lin; ai,vim.,"6-su>ry brick apartment house, 35x85x100 IU

Sll l Ile- follow llitfIlEtsIllAlll.Y SIT A ri-.U\ K* \.N ri'., .l-l UTY;


64TH-ST., Near west end-avell J...,


AND 100TH-8T.,Moelc bounded by Orand u..ui.-v»nl and Tv>st End-are.

H2I) ST. NEAR '.kami BOULEVARD^2 I. -.¦

11 - III ST., NEAR 0BAND BOULEVARD.AL.-_'iute sale. Yeiy liberal ta«ruii».

105 WEST M. H ST.-3-story brownstono.

07T1I ST BORTTI SIDE200 ft. .'. of HS IWO., ¦'> loi-s HilW.11 e.veh.

PARB-AVE ami 66TII st..n. w. tor. pl«t 35 0i*l.' 1. r.-ady tor imuiediste ballfl!nB

COTH-ST, SollTI SI DI jw of Central i'ark. 4 ilu_.ii.hijr sltuateJ lota, 25X100A

ft. «»*...


13* WEST '.Till ST..4.storr basement sol .-eiiur blob-stoop brownstone trt%

len ., 22x65x100WM H I*......mi. s sl.n. Agent. 378 otk-svo.

300. MR 310 BAST l-.TII ST ..-'..rv flats. 8 -tore*WEDNESDAY, -I'l.ll. 26.

7GTH ST NEAR CENTRAL I a I'.K WEST-5 Iotas4"l FAST 11- .ll BTR1 ET-S-aiory brownstone.

I'.'.', iv l ll R-hT Ustairj brick front frame.RZBCUTOR'k S.M.l ill and 414 West 53d sV

LMO TO LIM TIN'TII AVE.,n. e. i-..r '.fidel, and ll 3d st. adjoining.,

l'our R-stnry l.riek spOltatml hooooa and store on lOtWave., snd two 8-sU.ra and tia-ement brick rosldencea ad*Joining 011 t)3d st with al! right, title and Interest laA lt ho? s lane. lt* xl 00.


GUS AND 7"" \S MIK ST..4 t.-n-i:.'. a w ;i!i

:_._. CHERRY-ST., a'»>ut MxMl ft,I len- e en ta « Uh simo.

. :.AM BTH STTn. m. nt* with stole

nay ra-n.sln at ft per rent.

Mini mi; OUR? i-Ai.TirioN tAIjU1 xtt and 1.1*3*1 Third-are. I story olooos.EXECUTOR'S SALK MO U sinKtonsve.,» flory hmh st.-op brownstono reaJdencssMaps st Auctioneer'* 78 Llbertr-sh.