

Transcript of Bromeliads



INTRODUCTION Kingdom:- Plantae. Order:- Poales. Family:- Bromeliaceae. Subfamilies:- Bromelioideae. Pitcairnioideae. Tillandsioideae. Bromeliads are monocot flowering plants of around 3170 species native mainly to the Tropical Americas. The largest bromeliad is “Puya raimondii”, which reaches 3–4 m tall in vegetative growth with a flower spike 9–10 m tall, and the smallest is “Spanish moss”.


  Plants in the Bromeliaceae are widely

represented in their natural climates across the Americas.

They can be found at altitudes from sea level to 4200 meters, from rainforests to deserts.

Approximately half the species are epiphytes, some are lithophytes, and some are terrestrial.


USES:- Humans have been using bromeliads for thousands of

years. The Incas, Aztecs, Maya and others were used for food,

protection, fiber and ceremony, just as they are still used today.

  Only one bromeliad, the pineapple (Ananas comosus), is a

commercially important food crop. Bromelain, a common ingredient in meat tenderizer, is extracted from pineapple stems. Many other bromeliads are popular ornamental plants, grown as both garden and houseplants.



Most bromeliads will bloom only once in their lifetime. As they age, they add new leaves from the center. At some point, the bromeliad will no longer be able to produce more leaves due to spacing and will begin to die off.

Luckily, bromeliads are easy to propagate and can do so both asexually by pup production/offsets and sexually via seed.


Potting soil:- Although they are epiphytic, bromeliads can be grown in a fast-draining potting soil. A mixture of 2/3 peat-based soil mix and 1/3 sand is a good idea. Bromeliads can also be grown mounted to boards and logs. These plants will need to be watered more often and consistently throughout the year.

Light:- In general, bromeliads with stiff leaves that have spines on the edges can tolerate much brighter light than bromeliads with soft, spineless leaves.

Temperature:- Bromeliads are also highly tolerant of temperature variations, but it should be remembered that plants in hotter conditions will need more humidity. Ideally, bromeliads prefer temperatures between 55ºF and 80ºF. They should not be exposed to temperatures under 40ºF.

Watering:- As a general rule, soft leafed bromeliads require more water and humidity than stiff leafed bromeliads. If a bromeliad has a central cup (formed by the overlapping leaves), some water should be kept in that cup at all times. The root mass likes to be moist, but never soggy.

Nutrition:- When planted in the landscape bromeliads can do quite well without any fertilizer at all.

One can safely use either Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 watersoluble fertilizer at a rate of one-quarter to one-eighth of the recommended strength. Apply to the leaves as well as in the bromeliad cup during the early, cool morning hours and never in the sun. Flush the cups a few hours after applying to prevent burn of the leaves.

Bringing bromeliads into bloom:- All bromeliads will flower when they are mature. Most bromeliads bloom only once; offsets tend to flower within 8 months to 2 years later.

Grooming:- As with all plants, the lower leaves will decline. Remove old leaves by holding the base of the plant and gently peeling off the old leaf.

Disease and Pest Problems:- Bromeliads are essentially free of pest and disease problems. Scale is a problem and can be treated with Insecticidal Soap.

Fungus is generally caused by cultivation problems. Bromeliads should not be crowded and it should be made sure that they are in an area with good circulation (if grown indoors, keep them away from heat and air conditioning vents).

A popular misconception is that bromeliad cups encourage mosquito breeding - usually the small frogs that live in bromeliad cups eat mosquito larvae as fast as it is produced. Regularly flushing leaves and debris out of bromeliads will also lessen any mosquito impact.