British Forces in Germany Information Brochure, BOAR, British Army on the Rhine

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  • 7/30/2019 British Forces in Germany Information Brochure, BOAR, British Army on the Rhine


    British F orces Germany

  • 7/30/2019 British Forces in Germany Information Brochure, BOAR, British Army on the Rhine




    Foreword Page 2

    British Forces Germany Page 3

    United Kingdom Support Command (Germany) Page 4

    1 st (United Kingdom) Armoured Division Page 5

    Armoured Brigades and Combat Support Page 6

    Logistics Page 8

    Communications Page 9

    Royal Air Force in Mainland Europe Page 10

    Unit Locations in Germany and Detachments Across Europe Page 12

    Military Training Page 13

    Sennelager Training Centre Page 14

    Adventurous Training Page 15

    Care of the Environment Page 16

    Anglo-German Relations Page 17

    Quality of Life Page 19

    Entertainment and Shopping Page 20

    Welfare Page 21

    Education Page 22

    Input to the Economy Page 23

    Public Enquiries Page 23

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    As Europe moves forward into a new Century, with

    memories of the Cold War and the massed Armiesdeployed in Germany on either side of the East-West divide fading into the past, British Forces con-tinue to be stationed in the Federal Republic. Alongwith Bundeswehr and other NATO allies, the Britishmilitary has adapted to a transformed strategic set-ting to a world happily free of the threat of mas-sive military confrontation but one of increaseduncertainty and a broader spectrum of risk.

    As a part of the reduction of standing forces inEurope, the British Army of the Rhine and RoyalAir Force (Germany) the two main British com-mands in Germany since 1945 disbanded in themid-1990s. Troop levels were reduced by more thanhalf and there was a major reorganisation of thoseformations that remain.

    The British Strategic Defence Review in 1998 brought about yet more changes to British defenceand security policies, to the organisation and capa-

    bilities of the Armed Forces in general and in themanagement of defence.

    UK Forces are now structured, in Germany andelsewhere, to meet the changes and uncertaintiesthat confront the world in the 21 st Century.

    While based in Germany, with the support of theGerman Government, British Forces here now oper-ate substantially overseas, often serving alongsideGerman and other NATO Forces, in operational the-atres such as Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan.

    The closure of the Royal Air Force operational air bases in Germany has in no way weakened Britishcommitment to the common defence of Europe.Some 56,000 British Servicemen and women,including their families and civilian supportingstaff, continue to be based in Germany and else-where on the Continental mainland.

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    BFG Military and Civilian strengthsBritish Forces Germany (BFG) is the composite

    name for the British Army, remaining elements of the Royal Air Force, family members and support-ing civilian personnel stationed in Germany.

    The organisation is structured in two major com-mands, both located in North Rhine Westphalia United Kingdom Support Command (Germany)(UKSC(G)) at Mnchengladbach-JHQ and 1 st(United Kingdom) Armoured Division (1 (UK)Armd Div) at Herford. UKSC(G) provides adminis-trative and logistic support for Force members sta-tioned all over Germany and in other countriesacross mainland Europe, while 1 (UK) Armd Div

    provides the combat troops to meet British and NATO defence requirements.

    Direct Support to NATOMnchengladbach-JHQ is also home to NATOsHeadquarters Allied Command Europe (ACE)Rapid Reaction Corps (HQ ARRC). The UnitedKingdom is the framework nation for HQ ARRCand UKSC(G) provides it with logistic and infra-structure support.

    Legal StatusThe legal status of BFG is set out in treaties

    between the governments of Germany and the UK and other NATO Sending States, above all the

    NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). Thesetreaties underpin BFGs day-to-day activities inGermany.

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    UKSC(G) exists above all to pro-

    vide infrastructure support to 1(UK) Armd Div and HQ ARRC,ensuring that they have everythingthey need to live and train inGermany effectively, and to deployon operations and exercises else-

    where in Europe and beyond, swiftly and efficiently.Bosnia and Kosovo are prime examples of suchdeployments in recent years.

    Under direct command of HQ Land Command inthe UK, and headed by a Major-General,UKSC(G)s formal Mission is to support opera-tional commanders and dependent units on theContinent in order to contribute to UK and NATOmilitary capability. In addition, it is responsible for Anglo-German liaison and relations with theGerman authorities from Federal to local level.

    HQ UKSC(G) commands a garrison West of theRiver Rhine, designated Rhine Garrison, comprisingmainly of a signal brigade and logistic supportunits. It also has administrative control over the four other British Army Garrisons in Germany atOsnabrck, Bergen-Hohne, Paderborn andGtersloh.

    It has a key deployment role for both the ARRC and1 (UK) Armd Div which is critical to the success of the peacekeeping and other operations these forma-tions are asked to carry out. It can be likened to anaircraft carrier - providing the life support for itsstationed personnel and launching them elsewhereto carry out their tasks when called on to do so.

    The Command provides administrative support tomembers of all three British Armed Services Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force - servingthe length and breadth of Western Europe, in awhole variety of units. This support includesschooling, medical care, housing, construction plan-ning and social services; in many ways it equates tothe responsibilities of a civilian local authority inthe UK.


    As such, UKSC(G) is a unique Command, embrac-

    ing a wide variety of roles which call for every kindof logistic, administrative, educational and welfare profession among its military and civilian work-force.

    Joint HeadquartersThe heart of the Mnchengladbach complex is theJoint Headquarters (JHQ) building The BigHouse. Around it is a small but thriving townincluding barracks, Messes, housing, schools, cine-mas, shops, clubs, and sport and leisure facilities of every kind.

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    1 (UK) Armd Div has had a longand illustrious history. It has exist-ed within the British Army since1809, when the Duke of Wellington formed it in Portugalfrom two British brigades and one

    Hanoverian brigade of the Kings German Legion.It therefore has had strong ties with Germany sinceits inception. It has been stationed in the FederalRepublic since 1960, first at Verden-Aller and from1993 in Herford.

    The Division, the biggest and most powerful in theBritish Army, has seen significant operational serv-ice in recent years, having spearheaded the Britishland commitment in the Gulf War in 1991 and, sub-sequently, provided troops for the United Nationsand NATOs peace-keeping commitments in theBalkans. The Division has the charging white rhi-noceros - the most heavily armoured of all ani-mals - as its insignia.

    Commanded by a Major General, it comprises threearmoured brigades 4, 7 and 20 - and combat andlogistic support elements. Its teeth-arm units areequipped with the Challenger Main Battle Tank andthe Warrior Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

    Although the Division is under direct command of HQ Land Command in the United Kingdom, itrelies on UKSC(G) for infrastructure, administrativeand welfare support within Germany.

    1 (UK) Armd Div is assigned to the ARRC and iscapable of undertaking national or NATO operationsranging from peace-keeping duties to high intensityconflict; on ARRC operations the Division can beaugmented by the Danish Reaction Brigade.


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    Scimitar armoured reconnaissance

    vehicles, as well as Milan anti-tank missiles. Warrior provides theinfantry with outstanding tacticalmobility, very high levels of protec-tion and significant firepower.

    The Brigades are to reduce from two to onearmoured tank regiments, equipped with theChallenger 2 main battle tank and Scimitar recon-naissance vehicles. The second tank regiment wouldreturn in the event of an operational deployment.

    The mobility, protection and firepower of theChallenger-equipped regiments provide the brigades main punch.

    The three armoured brigades under

    operational command of 1(UK)Armd Div are 4 th Armoured Brigadewith its HQ in Osnabrck,7th Armoured Brigade with its HQin Bergen Hohne and 20 thArmoured Brigade with its HQ inPaderborn.

    Each armoured brigade is com-manded by a Brigadier and containsthe following units:

    Two armoured infantry battalionsequipped with Warrior ArmouredInfantry Fighting vehicles and


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    Combat Service Support TroopsThese troops sustain the fighting elements before,during and after operations:

    One close support medical regiment.

    Two logistics regiments - to supply food,fuel and ammunition.

    One Royal Military Police Regiment

    Three battalions of Royal Electrical andMechanical Engineers - to keep vehiclesand equipment operating.

    Combat Support Troops

    Combat support troops provide additional firepower and mobility to the Division and consist of:

    One armoured reconnaissance regimentequipped with Scimitar light armouredvehicles.

    Three artillery regiments with AS90 self- propelled 155mm tracked howitzers.

    One air defence regiment with High

    Velocity Missile (an air defence missile).Four engineer regiments with armouredassault and amphibious bridging equipment.

    One aviation regiment with Lynx anti-tank helicopters armed with TOW missiles.

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    102 Logistic Brigade

    102 Logistic Brigade, with its HQin Gtersloh, is under direct com-mand of HQ LAND Command inthe United Kingdom and comprisesfive regular units, based inGermany and UK:

    Two transport regimentsOne supply regimentOne Field HospitalOne military police regiment

    With operational experience in the Balkans, theBrigades role is to receive troops and equipmentinto an operational theatre and organise their move-ment up to the battle area, whether by road or rail,as well as to set up hospitals and evacuate casual-ties. This highly complicated role involves



    detailed logistics and an in-depth understanding of ammunition, fuel and the transport of everythingfrom Challenger tanks to foodstuffs.

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    1st Signal Brigade


    Signal Brigade was formed inApril 1995. Since then it has beenassociated with the ARRCHeadquarters, providing its commu-nications and information systemsand life support both on operations

    and training. The Brigade also has a commitment tofulfil UK tasks from Headquarters LAND.

    The Brigade comprises two Signal Regiments and aSupport Battalion for the ARRC Headquarters. The

    units are structured to provide communications andadministrative support for the ARRC CommandPosts and General Communications and InformationSystems Support to the Corps subordinate forma-tions.

    It achieves its tasks by using a combination of spe-cialist military equipment enhanced by a plethora of commercial off the shelf systems, utilising thevery latest advances in technology. These items of equipment range from digital telephones andexchanges providing data transfer and video tele-

    phone conferencing capabilities, to satellite termi-nals capable of communicating all over the world.

    Since its formation, 1 st Signal Brigade has servedon operations in Bosnia and Kosovo. It remains athigh readiness to deploy anywhere it is required.


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    The closure in early 2002 of the

    Royal Air Forces last operating base in Germany - RAF Brggen -was an important historical mile-stone, bringing to an end an era of some half-a-century of stationingcombat squadrons in the FederalRepublic, in the defence of Germany and of NATO.

    However, the RAF continues to maintain a firm presence in Germany and elsewhere in mainlandEurope, with over 700 personnel stationed in a vari-ety of formations and HQs, great and small, fulfill-ing a variety of staff and specialist roles.


    These include air and other specialist staff with

    the ARRC in Mnchengladbach, Air LiaisonOfficers with 1 (UK) Armoured Division inHerford, exchange officers at Luftwaffe basessuch as Memmingen in Bavaria and Wunstorf inLower Saxony, winter warfare experts at theRAF Winter Survival School in Bavaria, aircrewat the NATO E3A AWACS reconnaissance air-craft base at Geilenkirchen, and parachuteinstructors at the Joint Services Parachute Centreat Bad Lippspringe.

    RAF staff are also attached to NATO Commandssuch as Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers

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    Europe (SHAPE) in Belgium, RegionalHeadquarters Allied Forces South Europe (RHQ AFSOUTH) in Italy. Regional Headquarters AlliedForces North Europe (RHQ AF NORTH) in the

    Netherlands, and Regional Headquarters SouthAtlantic (RHQ SOUTHLANT) in Portugal.

    Although RAF aircraft are no longer based inGermany, the long-standing association between theRAF and the German Air Force continues. Besidesexchange posts, RAF squadrons regularly visitGermany to train with their German counterparts.Joint exercises and on-going partnerships betweenRAF and German squadrons ensure the links remainas strong as ever.

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    U N I T L O C A T I O N S I N G E R M A N Y A N D D E T A C H M E N T S A C R O S S E U R O P E

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    M u n s t e r

    O r t z e

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    H a m m e

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    V i e n n a

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    P c k i n g

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    L j u b

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    L i s b o n

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    M n s t e r

    D l m e n

    W u l

    f e n

    H a l

    t e r n

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    Increasing use is being made of simulators to lessenthe impact of training on the surrounding communi-ty and the environment and to reduce costs. Indeed,at brigade level and above, this is now the mostcommon method in use. Highly sophisticated simu-lation facilities are available within units, whileSennelager Training Centre now boasts one of theworlds most advanced Combat ManoeuvreSimulation Centres, featuring a computerised, state-of-the art, Combined Arms Tactical Trainer.

    Multinational trainingIn keeping with the concept of multinational forces,BFG train regularly with other NATO allies. Thistraining takes place at all levels through individualand unit exchanges, joint exercises, joint courses in

    peacekeeping operations and participation in the NATO Partnership for Peace programme.


    For any Armed Force to be effective it needs to

    train, and British Forces Germany is no exception.Military training plays a central part in the work of BFG without it soldiers would be ill-prepared for todays operations in places such as the Balkans,threatening both the success of the mission and their own lives.

    The German Government fully accepts this needand gives BFG every support. Although it is impos-sible for this training to be completely unobtrusive,every effort is made to reduce its impact on the

    local civilian population, while protection of theenvironment is taken extremely seriously. BFGworks alongside the Bundeswehr and other NATOallies to balance such considerations with the needto be ready and prepared to protect European securi-ty and interests at any time, and to provide the fullytrained forces that NATO requires.

    Army training takes place at all levels and differentfacilities are required to reach the required stan-dards. Individual and sub-unit training normallytakes place in barracks or on small local trainingareas. Larger permanent training facilities are usedfor a higher level of dry (no use of live ammuni-tion) training and live firing takes place on sitessuch as the British-operated training areas atSennelager and Haltern and Bundeswehr and U.S.facilities such as Bergen-Hohne and Grafenwhr.

    Occasionally, with the agreement both of thelandowner and the German authorities, BFG use

    private land for dry training. This might involvefieldcraft, navigation in open countryside andrehearsal of command and control procedures.

    As far as possible, BFG exports its large-scale bat-tlegroup training to extensive training areas in light-ly populated areas of Canada and Poland. As well asallowing units to rehearse their battle procedures,these training deployments provide the added spin-off of practising the movement of large numbers of troops and their equipment over vast distances byroad, rail, air and sea.

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    Much of the training for British Forces Germany is

    carried out at the Sennelager Training Centre (STC)near Paderborn.

    This is a 120 square kilometre facility in which awide range of courses and exercises are carried outat all levels, from the training of individuals andsmall cadres in such skills and disciplines as physi-cal fitness, dog handling and environmentalhygiene, right up to combined arms collective train-ing at battlegroup level. Training includes live firingand field manoeuvres. The very latest computerised

    simulators are used to train commanders in a wholerange of realistic scenarios, of the kind that they arelikely to encounter in the Balkans and elsewhere.The Centre also boasts urban and close quarter

    battle facilities, an engineer training circuit and amilitary dog training wing.

    Fully acknowledged by all of the NATO forces sta-tioned in Germany as being at the forefront of mili-tary training, STCs facilities are regularly used bythe Bundeswehr and other forces. Managed by theLand Warfare Collective Training Group (Germany)(LWCTG(G)), STC carries on a long-standing tradi-tion of military training on this expanse of land dat-ing back to the 1890s.

    A wide range of military training teams and schoolsnow come under the control of LWCTG(G), ensur-ing fully coherent and co-ordinated training usingBritish Army best practice and the latest trainingtechniques. These include Artillery, Armoured,Armoured Infantry and Engineer Training Teams.

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    Adventurous and survival training exposes individ-

    ual soldiers to challenge, to the need to make rapiddecisions and to a degree of danger, and is an essen-tial element of personal training. British ForcesAdventure Training centres are to be found in Kielon the Baltic, the Allgu Alps in Bavaria and theHarz Mountains, offering sailing, mountaineering,skiing, canoeing and more besides.

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    As a direct result of the military activity at

    Sennelager which has protected the area fromdamage through modern farming methods, industri-al or housing development and uncontrolled publicaccess - a wealth of rare flora and fauna flourish onthe training area. Now considered to be the mostimportant conservation area in North RhineWestphalia and one of the most important inGermany, the Senne contains many sites of scien-tific and botanical interest. The British Army worksclosely with the German authorities to ensure thatthis unique national asset remains unspoilt, whilst

    allowing public access on as many weekends as possible throughout the year, training permitting.

    BFG personnel receive careful briefings in the careof the local ecology, flora and fauna in all areasused for training and in the need to abide byGerman environmental laws. Training areas aremanaged with the express aim of harmonisingdefence requirements with those of the local popula-tion, who wish to enjoy the environment andscenery. Wildlife conservation habitats have beenfostered in a number of areas entrusted to BFG care.

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    British Forces are in Germany at the invitation of

    the German government. Their presence on Germansoil, along with that of other NATO allies, con-tributes to the common defence partnership inEurope.

    Germany and Britain are political and militaryallies, sometimes known as the quiet alliance

    because of their excellent, yet rarely boasted, rela-tionship. The two countries share common interests,resting on their fundamental attachment to demo-cratic procedures and structures, to freedom withinthe rule of law, to liberal economic policies and tosocial responsibility. And, not least, to a strong

    NATO Alliance as the foundation of security and prosperity in Europe.

    BFG place great emphasis on good Anglo-Germanrelations, on both official and personal levels.German-language courses are available for all BFG


    personnel and their families and they are fully

    encouraged to get to know the country and the peo- ple. There are very active Anglo-German organisa-tions on many British bases, while Open Days arelaid on whenever possible; these all give

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    the local German community an insight into the

    activities and lifestyle of the British Forces and their families living in their midst. The German commu-nity readily responds to this hand of friendship, andindeed many units have forged partnerships withtheir local towns, reinforced by Freedom of theCity parades.

    British Forces LiaisonOrganisationThe British Forces LiaisonOrganisation (Germany) (BFLO(G)) has responsibility for liaisonand negotiation with the Germanauthorities at local, state and federal

    level. The Commander of UKSC (G) is also Head

    of the BFLO(G), which has its HQ inMnchengladbach-JHQ, offices in Berlin and inBonn, and representatives at the state capitals of

    North-Rhine Westphalia and Lower Saxony. Thereis a network of Service Liaison Officers stationedalongside the units in all the Garrison towns, withdirect contacts to the German local authorities.Highly experienced and with a deep understandingof German customs, culture and legislation, theseindividuals provide a key link with British units,ensuring that BFG activities, whether training,

    building work or sport and leisure pursuits, arelegally and properly carried through, taking accountof the host nations views and wishes.

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    BFG Commanders regard a good quality of life as

    essential for the well being and professionalism of their Servicemen and women, particularly bearingin mind the difficult conditions they often have toaccept on operational tours of six months at a time.Quite rightly, therefore, the investment of staff,resources and funds to promote their welfare, edu-cation and amenities when at their home bases isconsiderable.

    Sport and HobbiesSport is an essential means of keeping fit and build-

    ing team spirit. As a young community, members of BFG thrive on keeping busy in their leisure time,and facilities for almost every sport are available inall Garrisons. At the same time a wealth of clubsand organisations cater for most hobbies and inter-ests, from photography and stamp collectingthrough to bird watching and bowling.

    AccommodationAccommodation is provided for married personnelin family homes, some 15,000 of which are spreadacross the Garrisons in Germany. Most of thisaccommodation is in houses with gardens and,increasingly, houses are replacing those flats whichare still in use. Single soldiers live largely in sharedrooms but a major programme is underway to pro-vide single bedrooms with sharing of other facili-ties.

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    The Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes

    (NAAFI) NAAFI is the official trading organisation of theBritish Armed Forces worldwide, offering retail andleisure services which as far as possible mirror those found in UK. In Germany and elsewhere inEurope, NAAFI run family shops, junior ranksclubs and leisure facilities.

    Services Sound and Vision Corporation/BritishForces Broadcasting ServiceSSVC Retail runs shops on major military basesselling entertainment systems and household whitegoods and operates 9 cinemas. Its broadcasting

    branch, BFBS, provides an English-language TVand radio service for the BFG community. Live andrecorded television programmes are transmitted onthe BFBS Forces Television channel, while BFBS 1and 2 radio channels broadcast a mix of pop, lightand classical music, entertainment and currentaffairs programmes, with on-the-hour news broad-casts. Although primarily aimed at the Forces audi-ence, BFBS is appreciated by many members of theGerman community in the transmission areas, whogain an insight into the activities of BFG and also of life in the UK.

    Community EntertainmentVariety shows and discos for messes and unit clubsare arranged by NAAFI and SSVC throughoutBFG.

    Of course, thousands of soldiers, their families andother members of BFG take advantage of the excel-lent local entertainment and leisure facilities in their German communities.

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    An enormous investment is made in welfare provi-

    sion for the whole BFG community, both Service personnel and their families, to ensure that the samestandards of medical, pastoral and social servicesare available to them as they would find in UK.

    MedicalThe reduction in the number of personnel inGermany has made it impractical to retain theBritish Military Hospitals of the past. Instead, thehighest standards of medical support have beenmaintained by providing in-patient treatmentin local German Hospitals, in Bielefeld, Paderborn,Viersen, Hannover and Osnabrck. British consult-ants, midwives and Hospital Liaison Officers work alongside German hospital staff. Primary medicalcare and dental care are still provided at health anddental centres within barracks.

    Field medical units are stationed in Germany, train-ing with and supporting the fighting arms ondeployment.

    Soldiers, Sailors and Airmens FamiliesAssociation (SSAFA)SSAFA is a worldwide organisation of volunteersand professional staff devoted to the welfare of Service families. In BFG it provides a CommunityHealth and Social Work Service using health visi-tors, midwives, school nurses and social workers.

    The Community Health Service contributes to pri-mary health care. The Social Work Service dealswith family problems and advises in welfare cases.

    Spiritual WelfareThere are Service chaplains across the whole of BFG. Places of worship are to be found in eachGarrison. The chaplains provide spiritual and pas-toral care for Service personnel in barracks and onfield deployments and for Service families.

    Other Welfare OrganisationsAdditional welfare services for the BFG communityare provided by, among other organisations, TheService Hospitals Welfare Department (St. John andRed Cross), the Young Mens and Young WomensChristian Associations (YMCA/YWCA), SalvationArmy and Help and Information Volunteer Exchange (HIVE).

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    Community Adult Education

    The Army Educational and Training ServicesBranch is responsible for education centres through-out BFG. They assist Service personnel to obtaincivilian and military qualifications. A wide range of academic and general interest courses are availableto Service and civilian personnel and dependants.

    Service Childrens Education (SCE)SCE is a Defence Agency whose responsibilitiesinclude the provision of education in overseasCommands for the children of entitled MOD per-sonnel. HQ SCE is based at Wegberg, near the HQUKSC(G) complex at Mnchengladbach-JHQ, andco-ordinates Service childrens education through-out the world. Primary schools are sited in themajority of bases and secondary schools are locatedin JHQ, Rinteln, Gtersloh and Hohne. The majori-ty of special educational needs can be provided for in SCE schools, and a careers service is also avail-able in SCE secondary schools.

    Vocational Training Services (VTS)VTS is a youth training scheme open to dependantsin BFG, aged 16 to 19 years (older when places areavailable). It offers work experience and training,leading to a UK national vocational qualification.


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    BFG is a significant contributor to the German

    economy, particularly in North Rhine Westphaliaand Lower Saxony. The two Germany-based com-mands, HQ UKSC(G) and HQ 1 (UK) Armd Div,have a combined budget of 800 million (Year 2001/02). With increasing contracting-out of servic-es property management, vehicle hire and cateringare examples very large sums are being spentdirectly in the local economy. The 56,000 service

    personnel, civilian support element and dependantsin Germany are themselves a major economic factor in the shops, entertainment facilities, car repair

    workshops, etc, in the towns and cities in whichthey are stationed.

    British Forces provide employment for 5,500 localcivilian workers and for a further 4,700 dependantsof members of the Forces.


    The following BFG agencies will be glad to offer assistance with inquiries or questions:

    Press and Public InformationBFG provides two press offices (Media Ops) to dealwith German and British press and public interest.Media Ops HQ UKSC(G) is responsible for all unitsWest of the Rhine, for infrastructure mattersthroughout Germany, and British Forces issues else-where in continental Europe. Media Ops HQ 1(UK) Armd Div provides a service for all units of the Division.

    Points of contact are:

    Media Ops, HQ UKSC(G), Mnchengladbach02161 4722169E-Mail: [email protected]

    Media Ops, HQ 1(UK) Armd Div, Herford05221 9953118E-Mail: [email protected]

    British Forces Liaison Organisation

    Responsible for liaison with all the German authori-ties and first point of call for local inquiries. Pointsof contact are:

    HQ BFLO(G)02161 472 3636

    BFLO(G) Berlin030 308 19096

    Chief Services Liaison Officer

    05221 82351

    Services Liaison Officer Gtersloh05241 842479

    Services Liaison Officer Bergen-Hohne05051 962209

    Services Liaison Officer Osnabrck 0541 9602288

    Services Liaison Officer Paderborn05251 282578

    Services Liaison Officer Rhine Area02161 4724683

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