British culture rosa

United Kingdom When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” Samuel Johnson Rosa Castro October 2011 I.E.F.P.
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Transcript of British culture rosa

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United Kingdom “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in

London all that life can afford.” Samuel Johnson

Rosa Castro October 2011


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The Making of the Union Flag

• St George - England The National Flag of England

• A red cross on a white ground

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The Making of the Union Flag

• St Andrew - Scotland The National Flag of Scotland

• A diagonal white cross form (called a saltire) on a blue field

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The Making of the Union Flag

• The Union Jack consists of the three crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick (British national anthem "God Save the Queen" with lyrics)

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The UK map

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• ‘upper class’

• the middle class

• the working class

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Traditions are very important for the British

• Left-hand driving• English breakfast is famous (full English)• British value home and relatives• British love animals• Sport games: golf, cricket, polo • British value pure English Language• The most important holidays are Christmas and Easter

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Good Luck• Lucky to meet a black cat. Black Cats are

featured on many good luck greetings cards and birthday cards in England.

• Lucky to touch wood . • Lucky to find a clover plant with four

leaves. • A horseshoe over the door brings good

luck. But the horse shoe needs to be the right way up. The luck runs out of the horse shoe if it is upside down.

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Good Luck (Cont.)

• On the first day of the month it is lucky to say “white rabbits, white rabbits white rabbits," before uttering your first word of the day.

• Catch falling leaves in Autumn and you have good luck. Every leaf means a lucky month next year.

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Bad Luck• Unlucky to walk underneath a ladder • Seven years bad luck to break a mirror. • Unlucky to see one magpie, lucky to see

two, etc.. • Unlucky to spill salt. If you do, you must

throw it over your shoulder to counteract the bad luck.

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Bad Luck (Cont.)

• Unlucky to open an umbrella in doors. • The number thirteen is unlucky. Friday the

thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

• Unlucky to put new shoes on the table. • Unlucky to pass someone on the stairs.

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Greeting Etiquette in Britain (UK)

 How to Greet someone in Britain:

• The Handshake

• The Kiss

• Formal greetings

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DO’s• stand in line: • take your hat off when you go indoors (men

only) • say "Excuse Me" • Pay as you Go (Pay for drinks as you order

them in pubs and other types of bars.) • say "Please" and "Thank you": It is very good manners to say "please" and

"thank you". It is considered rude if you don't. You will notice in England that we say 'thank you' a lot.

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DO’s• cover your Mouth:

When yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand.

• Shake Hands: When you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with your own right hand.

• say sorry: If you accidentally bump into someone, say 'sorry'. They probably will too, even if it was your fault! This is a habit and can be seen as very amusing by an 'outsider'.

• Smile: A smiling face is a welcoming face.

• Drive on the left side of the road

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DON’ts• Do not greet people with a kiss:

We only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.

• Avoid talking loudly in public

• It is impolite to stare at anyone in public.Privacy is highly regarded.

• Do not ask a lady her ageIt is considered impolite to ask a lady her age

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DON’ts (Cont.)

• Do not pick your nose in public: We are disgusted by this. If your nostrils need de-bugging, use a handkerchief.

• Do not spit. Spitting in the street is considered to be very bad mannered.

• Do not burp in public

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Why is it not enough to know

only the language to understand

a foreigner?

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