Brit seriously..‘ · 1/10/1992  · said. teel that teaching tinder-graduates is beneath them....


Transcript of Brit seriously..‘ · 1/10/1992  · said. teel that teaching tinder-graduates is beneath them....

  • 3043.


    Volume LXXII, Number 45

    The men‘s basketball team dropped their firstcontereiice game of the season to the Yellow Jackets.Sports/Page 3

    Brit seriously..‘Will Commander F’liner and the restoi the crew survive this week‘s battle?\Vill River Phoenix ever get real?

    Serious Page/Page 5

    North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920

    Friday, lanuary 10, 1992 Raleigh, North Carolina Printed on 60% retycled paper

    Mostly sunny Saturday”with a high near 50 and amorning low in the 203.

    ea- st E

    Weather/Page 2A

    Editorial SI 5-241 1 / Advertising 515-2029

    Dissident student arrested while returning home

    Taiwan jailssubversive editorBy Trace) Neal.Z'u‘?‘ .k' for

    \ l'aiwanese strident lr'oiii .\ (‘ State1 tiitci'sit) was arrested by l'aiwaii's gotci'niiicni Aug 30 tor trim: to return to hisown country I \Kiio l’eirllorng. president ot the \\oildl titted l-'oi‘mosans tor Independencel'S.r\.\\ as arrested at t'hiang Ktllwllt'ls -\iiport


    office target

    of thiefBy Eric Liehhauser13-3" ‘y‘t' '9'Not men the hallowed olticeol Chancellor .\lontcith isimper-lt‘ U sit‘c H the.-\ lllllvlengthblacklt‘ctlllL’lL U .l laluedat 54th) .was stolen troni \ltiiitc-iili'sotlicc in llollada} Hall .Ianbetween I!” and 430 pmRachel Dtipree. the owner ofthe coat. said that iipoit enteringMonteith's ol'licc. she hinig herct‘al U” a tacit .idlttcclll ltl llk‘door ()thct coats were alreadyhanging on the rack\thn she returned lt'oiii herappointment with the chancellot. her coal was gotic.-\ccording to Public Satet}lltlicct' Ashley Reid's report.Monteith's secretary was in theroom and within eyesight ot thecoat rack throughout the tonetrame in w their the their tookplace Motitctth‘s secretary saidshe didn't see anyone suspiciouslea\ e or enter the rooml)ttpt’cc concluded that the coalcould not hate been mistakentor an} ot the others on the rackl‘ccatlst‘ tl httl'ctl llti resctiiblartccto an} ill lliclttlzle\cn dollars in cash was lcltin the coat pot kct()iher crimes on campus metthe holida} break included tiicl)\\'l's. the thclt ol a PhysicalPlant truck which was recoi-cred the nest day at an l(i..-\marker in tar). and minorbreaking and entering at lii‘agawResidence Hall and (iardeiier

    when he returned to laiwari to attend theliist \\ l H meeting iii Taipei.He is lacing trialin I'aiw aii oti\‘lltllglt‘s ill lllt'gtlll)cntciing the countryand engaging inactitities aimed atsci/trig statc tci‘rtto—ry. changing theconstitution by illcLgal means and met-throwing the go\-eriinient,\Vl'l‘l is an organi/ation adiocating the

    independence ot lliiwan and has been outlatter] and banned by the Kiltlllllllldllg. theruling Nationalist Party ol' laiwati sinceIll-15.The incident started in NH: when Kooand another 'l‘aiwancsc stirdciit. Kiio(‘licng. were charged with ha/ing torputting up postct's about a third strident.(‘hoii l‘ih-Naii. The posters accused ('hoiiol being a spy tor the 'l'aiwancsc goict'nnient,Kiio was the publisher ol 'l'aiwancscCollegian. a newspaper critical ot theTaiwanese goiet'nmcnt. and because ol thishis passport and i'e-enti‘ancc permit. a docii

    1’ gm ohmic...» siti‘tymaw.

    nicnt laiwanesc are required to lime to beable to return to laiwati. were not i‘cncwt-t'"'l'he reason was that was one ol thetl\l|\t' people in the laiwanese ('ollegtirnKilt) Mlitlln tiisti. .i lr‘ttv‘r limit a ’laiwanesc studentthat going to a member ol thelaiwaiicsc \ssociation in New York wasintercepted. l'lic lcttei included the iianitsol loin |'aiwan-:sc students at NCSI', claini~mg the} w crc nienibcis ol' the 'l‘aiwanese(‘ollcgiaiiMany laiwanese who ha\e iniiiiigi'atedare now being denied access back to theirhomeland on the grounds ol tlllll'lltflt‘lll'


    Strait Wider.-\s a history

    ncss tounderstandretoldlions,Hill iiiI‘lb‘l.he gotclosetto aans would want.r\s NC


    retains an accent


    As a history

    est iii the English

    tioti firsthand.

    was able to get

    (’harles (‘arlton makes it hisb ii s l 7 _._.__-___._

    rc\oliition thaii most histori»State University‘st’irst exchange professor to(‘hina in I988. he was presentin NW) at the outbreak of therevolution inTiananmen Square.Alter li\ing oier It) years inthe [hired States. (.‘arlton still

    hiiii undeniably British Hornand raised in london. Carltonreceited his undergraduatedegree at the l'niiet‘sity otWales, .»\t the age of 22. he leftfor [CLA with the intent ot'studying bUsitiess. Brit he “telliii with a bad crowd” andL‘\t‘li[llull_\ earned a PhD inHe arrived at NCSl' in 196‘)and has been here ey er since.

    ('arlton specializes iti Britishhistory with a particular inter“It's interesting to see howpeople react." he saidtimes it‘s frightening." ('arltorihas had the dtibioiis expertcrice ol witnessing a re\olu-leaching in Shenyang. theltltll‘llt largest city in (him. he

    country shortly belore the

    merit action Wl'l-l‘s support lot the cre—ation ot an independent Taiwanese statecontradicts the unilied policy ol thelam iticse goyet'nmeiil l nder the tinit'icdpolicy. ll l‘aiwan dcclarcs independence.the (‘hincse go\ernmcnt has threatened toivitatlc l'aiwaii.'laiwant e~ -\nici'icatis across the l'iiiicd\tatcs are protesting the 'l'tiiwancsc authori-ties” t'eccnt arrests ol the leaders ol theindependence llltHL‘ll'lClll They urge allAmericans to torn with them and supportthe laiwanese quest tor democracy. humanrights and independence tor the people ot’laiwati

    History professor

    makes differenceB} Shannon Morrison toe." he said('arlton. howeser. is notcompletely idealistic- He is\ery realistic in recogni/ingthe shortcomings ol his gener—ation. “My generation mightbe the first in American histo-ry to leroe thcir kids poorerot't' than they found them."“l tliitik the quality ot educa—tion here is \er) good consid-ering the costs and the numberot' students we educate Butthe climate ol education hasgotten less friendly and imper-sonal the last few years.“(‘arlton said.He said he tell quite stronglyagainst the “yes" attitude edu-cation has recently taken.“My job. what the taxpayerspay me for. is teaching theyoung people of this state."Carlton said. “l bet you. if youlook. the money is not beingappropriated to best facilitateteaching H“l‘d like to see students say.'cter') faculty member shouldteach one treshnian class a

    War" Wouldn‘t it be wonderto] it a dean could come iiiand teach a class." he said.”Teaching is what we‘re heretor. Vie need to remember that.and not grow away from it."Some pt‘olesot‘s. t‘arltonsaid. teel that teaching tinder-graduates is beneath them. Butthat's why Ill the historydepartment. e\cr_\otic teachesfirst semester students. “Wethink that it's important.“Carlton said"Education l‘ a personalthing. and I think studentsshould demand more ot pro~l'fsst‘rs,” lli.‘ \dltl.-\ real problem on campuswas the adnirnistratiie deci-spill to split trito two campus~es Students and t'acultyweren‘t asked their opinion.(‘arlton said “I‘m not saying


    that marks



    oiit ol theHill incident at l‘iaiiannicn Square

    Student ’5

    stock hits

    ('atltoii said he was supporritc ot the students there andwas saddt'tit'tl the tilt“ L‘tltclllhad been Lrushed The setbarks triggered by that metdent were truly a shame. hesaid. ltct‘attsc the slttthIilsthere had been lldl\L' about the\\cst and had been \cr_\ eager

    this “as a good or bad deci-sion. but I think you must askmeryine intol\ed what is besttoiidticite to studying."(‘atlton is currently \Cl’Hnghis third term on the tactiltysenate and is chair at the ADlloc t‘oniniittee on t'acultygoxernnient llis committee isin charge ot looking at the$700,000B\ Chrissy Williams andMark Tosczalt‘3'0‘? noes

    \' (' State l iiisctsit) senior(Gregg lzllis has a stock portlolioworth more than $700.00“ Theonly prohlcni is. it's not tealiiioncyl.l|is. a business riiaioi with aconcentration in tinaricc. is com-peting in the Ali‘k'l (‘ollegiatelll\L‘\llllt.‘lll (‘liallenge and so lathas riiariaged to assemble a port-lolio worth oter S7tlll‘tltltltltll‘hc L‘titilcsl is sponsored byATdr'l~ and l'SA Today The ideaol trading stocks with playmoney was created by WallStreet l’ortlolios in hopes otencouraging students who ha\ean interest in the Stock Market"A lrierid iii an in\estnicntclass iiist handed me a lot'iii.“[:llis said ol how he gotl'l\t)l\t'tl ()ltc Icasoti l',ll|\entered the contest was thatsome ot the top ten linisht-is ol‘w‘ STUDENT, tut-t- .‘

    'l'hc los\ ot a liicnd is bad enough. when he‘syour lt'atetiiit_\ brother, it can he tit-\tisttitirig.“\\c were considering holding a memorial scr-\ILL‘ but it was inst too much.” said Mike Scliriiitt.\ice president ot Pi Kappa ~\|pha liatcriiit).Brandt \kcinhold. a brother at l‘ika. was killed iiia plaric trash on December In l‘l‘ll along withhis parents. sister. and auntThe brothers ot l’ika arc instead establishing aniciiioiial scholarshipMeritorial l‘lllltl will award iii state tiiitioii to thelhe Brandt Wciiihold

    This book costs HOW much?!?!A familiar scene at this time ot year, Cato DeVane, a sophomore in chemistry shops for textbooks at theNCSUBookstore.

    Pika brothers mourn lossMemorial scholarshipfund to be establishedBy (,‘hristopher .Iost .lr.News l (mini

    brother with the highest (3 l’ each semester Inaddition to the scholarship llllltl. a tree will beplanted in \keinliold'sname at the house otilratcrnity (‘oiirt\\L‘lllllttltl had been aninitiate ot the chapter loi'Met a tear and was actiicin st"t‘ial areas"llc had great gtadCs.played on the sottballteam and thc llagdootl‘al' team. and was dLll\t‘ insocial." said Schniitt\\Cllllltlltl was also iii charge ol se\ tiindraising eteiits according to Sclinittt"He was iiist a great grit all around We‘re allgoing to really miss him." said Siliiitiit

    to learn

    more radicaltimest liallgt‘tl


    t‘arlion comes trom a gcncrratiori whosc college lllt‘ wasthan current“Studentslhis \sliolc countryhas become more coiisct‘ia-

    way tactilty gmernmentworks at this unnerstty andsuggesting changes(‘iirretitl) the committee isha\’t' PROFESSOR, l’ily't' 3

    Court archives

    made availableBy L. Reed KingsleyStart WriterRecords ot l'.S. ('ircriit (‘ourt l79t)-1897are now aiailahle for research at the NC.Archives. A gilt from N C. GenealogicalSociety. the records consist of civil cases,mixed case files from l79tl-l86t) and crimi—nal cases. mixed case tiles from l79tl—l897.State archivist David J. Olson said. “This isan enormously important gift which providesaccess to outstanding primary source materi-als tor Archives‘ researchers."

    St’t' ARCHIVES, Page 2

  • 2 Ianuarv It), 1991 lethnii tan \(‘\\s

    FYIJanuary 1 O, 1992


    Indian StudentsEK'I‘.\;\.Assoetiittoii. proudl) announees itsthespring ”\\eleoiiie Haels” gel‘togethrer Sunday at 7:30 phi in theWalnut Room of the NL'SI‘ Student(‘eiiteii .»\ (ienertil Bod} Meetingheld that night “I” he _\otir lastopportuiiit} to proxide input torIndia Night. (Kill Sillitlo or 8337[‘70, CI.WOMEN OF THIi WORLD. ii\ioiiien‘s intereulttirtil dinner anddiscussion group. meets at will pinMonda} in the (‘oniiiiuiiin (‘enterot' liS. King Village. Students.spouses and members ot the eiinipusand Ioe'al L‘Ullittttllttl} are \ieleonie(lptionul: Bring .i dish or hexeriigeto share and _\oiit U\\II utensils ineoiisideratioii ot the en\ iioiiineiit'l‘he Nt‘Sl' (‘tll l.l{(‘ilv\'l'|i 4 II(‘I ['8 meets Honda) at (rill p inin 308 Rielss llall \ll interestedstudents are united and eiieoui‘agedto attend.THE JOHN l.()(‘l\'ti li()t'Nl).-\-TI()N eordiall} iii\ites )ou to attenda reeeption and speeeh \\ itli


    L‘oiitiiiiitd tt't‘m l’it‘ei' llast _\eiii"s eontest Vier‘e ott'ered iohsh) hig brokerage t'irnis iiei'ossAnieriea.Ellis is ranked sL‘\L‘ttlI1;ltt]Ull:_y par-tieipating North (Uirolinii eollegestudents and Mom out ot' more thanllfitltl students iititioiiuide lilieannual eoiiipetitioii reti'eates stoekmarket trading \siihout .ietual t'inari-eial risk to the plaiersl’l;i\ei's the gum \5lltl,tllltltltl tostint-and .ire alloued to lttdlsL‘ 5Hll'dttstllths \\lIltlll .1 into nioiithl‘eriod. the students hax e been hading sinee No\ lEllis said hes reall} eniosed theeontest hut is surprised that he‘sdoing so Hell "I \\.is itist tt‘_\ing tohe iespeetahle iii rt. htit no“ I eouldlt;t\ e d ehanee to \\ in."


    t'mittittitd tree: the“ lThe niierolilnied ieeoi'ds “eremade iii (ieorgiii at the l‘ederalRecords (‘enter at d eosi or iHct‘5513.1“) The (ieneulogieal Soeiet}hopes to raise additional funds tocontinue tilmiiig reeoi‘ds related toNorth Carolina.For more itit'oriniition. eull theState Archives at (UN) 733-1952

    EDWIN .'\II{I{SI‘ lll. toiniei :ittoilie} general. .l.iii l~l l'i‘oiii o .s' p iniii the Brownstone Hotel onHillshotough Street Student tieketsmay he puiehased tot \l‘v tioin(‘eleste (‘oolse .tt hhl I‘I5ll,II.The N(‘Sl' l‘t‘tl'l Sl‘lx’l \\ (‘l t itmeets \\ediiesd.i_\ .it E ii iii in Illlrl('tii'iiitehael (i_\t]llltt\|l|lll. \ll .ite“eleoiiie, II.l’.\'\lS (‘ouiitil \\lll meet inDahne} Iltl. " ill ii iii \\ediiesil.o0..WM (‘t)\tl- |’\Rl'\ to greet .illtie“ and eoiitiriuiiig iiiteinattoiialstudents on eaiiiinis. ‘ til l‘ in inthe Walnut Room, Lot to lll theN(‘Sl' Student t‘entei \ll nieniheisot' the editions et‘llltlttlllll) .iie \ieieonie.Sl.\l\ll"R l-.\Il’I(l\ \ll.\'l'IN l'l‘.R\ ll \\ S (Kiteei Planningand I’ldL'L‘ltlt‘lll ('entei. :lllll t’ulleiiHall. ('heek seliedtile til the eeiiteilot sign updates

    ’UC\ t' Sl \l'l: [\(ilNl l'l\’\, thestudent itiii engineering: iii.ig.i/iiieon edlttl‘tts. needs \\l|tL't\. artists.photogiiipheis and ediioiial stattl‘he positions he open to .ill Illtllt‘IS(iontaet l\’.iiid\ in S5" tlrss'i r\l 4|".‘ZJo V(‘l ,v\S.\\\(lRI\S ll." ('|.iss\\oil\sis haek Ihe student. lilkllll\ andstall .iit e\hihition \‘.lll he held iii\ptil, \ll those inteiestetl. \ltlllpreparing _\oiii uorks ot illl I’ii/es.iiiaided htit entries are limited toNo pet person. loi inore iiitorniatioti eall 350 '415In addition to the knouleilge hehas gained lroni the espei'ieiiee. hehas L'lllt‘)L'tl the eoiiipetitioii "It‘spiett) tun." l-llis siiid ot the trailing-\l'tet' graduation. I‘Ill\ \tould llIsL‘to \\t‘t'l\ tor .i higiiaine ltl\L‘sltthtllhiiiiking eoiiipan} like Sheatsoii.l.ehni;iii Bios liteStudents it'i'ttl S‘IS eolleges and“till protessois \\lll eoiitiiiiie tradingllttltl the Ithtl'lu‘hs el‘dsttt}: l‘t‘ll IL'I‘2s()lll} .i haiidtul ot \(‘S‘t‘ studentsenteied the tontest l llis indeed theiiutiiher to he in the upper teensBut iii oi‘dei to ieeei\e llltil\itllt..l.iuatds tioiii the siioiisois. itieietiiust he at least I“ \lllilt'tll\ litttllUtlk'll L‘t‘llL‘fJL‘I'he eotitpetitioii u‘llk‘ls more thanSllilltltlll iii eash and iiieithaiidiselioin :\li\l. le\.is liistiuiiieiits.Delta '\ll'ltlti.‘\ and (‘tirnntils(t\sletl l‘.tlttec It‘ .ltltlllh‘ll. lltt‘ [01"It) eoiitestants iii the nation \\tll \\ in.i trip to the li;ili;

    For more mtormatiori

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    8 in. Steak 8: Cheese. French Fries. and DrinkFor only $4.25 plus tax

    *Dit‘l‘crent topping each day on the Steak 6'; (‘heeseSandwich so check us out every day.”

    I‘.l('k.lll( ('o. ’Vltill

    (it\\ \Nl‘ l l SliHN lllil l’l lNl'.ot \\.il«e ('otint\ olteis .inoii_\iitotiseoiiiiseliiig intoiitiatioii .iiid i‘eleii'als ‘ d.i_\s‘\\eel\. E ltl l‘ iii .it .‘x’llr(iiiiiI’lt‘dw (all .‘IlQ 52H! lit \t‘ltlttIL‘L‘t'to assist “tilt the Slel-Nl‘ll\\'\'l \l \I \lx’l'lN ll‘l‘lll'RKINUJR. ('l l I‘l'R-\l l‘l‘S|l\7\lIan 3* one

    I'lie \(‘Sl (‘I ”(L(IINU II \\1 holds |'R\()t'l'S\Nediiesila) .it E I‘ lit. in Rooiii It)?tl).iiiee Stiidioi ()irniiehael(i)tllll.l\ltltlt \ll niteiested students.taeult} .ind statl ate in\iied. lotmore tttlttl'ttt‘dlltltl. e.i|l SISVZIISE.t‘\l I:

    (I ()(itithi'

    l\ IR \\'-\N'l l'tHit) l'() \\ \Sll[\(iltIN. l)(~ ’ l‘UR illlil‘t'KS""" lilie I'\ll \i’t(‘oiiitnittee and Steiiait lheatiel’iogi.iiiiiiiiiig eoiiiinittee sponsoi dtrip to IH' l-eh l4 to lhe tripIIIkIIILI\'\ tiaiispoitatioii lioni \‘(Sl~

    l"rida\ .it ‘ ill nni in Room lll7.l'iii\ersit_\ Student Center \iine\(WRUI lN;\ Nl l\\()RK “MIt)” SIARt‘lI St l’l’()RI‘ (iRUl'l’iiieets til l3 l5 ii iii exer} \Ioiida)at lititt/(ii‘ant .\ssoti.ites. 5V)"('reediiioor Road. lot more inloiiii.ittoii. etill “stool:


    (‘elehrating 35 fears et exeel-leiiee. the National (’oiiiieil onlidtieation tor the ('eiaiiite .\its [‘H‘rsents Nt‘l’('l\ I‘l‘ll (1.“N.-\'I‘l().\' \l .Iati lI l‘eh 3‘ at l'he('iatts (‘enter (i;i||ei\. \('Sl' ('iill5|5 34V lot more iiitoitnation...It )oii are a senior oi graduate student \\|lltt|t l\\o seiiiesteis ol graduatioii. )ou need to attend a onerhouiorientation \Csslttll to learn hon to

    Corrections andClarifications(‘haiieellor Bruce I’oultonealled tor the moratorium thatbrought about the end ot theN( SLI—H‘L' series Toddlurner did not eonie to Ne SL‘until l'Wt‘, not HST as it .said in\VetlnesddV's paper.

    ioh orientation session eitlteiIlttll'NtId) or Ian. 39 from 4-5 p in.l).ihiie) 220. lot more information.L‘Llll SlSVZ-lll|)I'Rll:\l\1 WITNESS I'UR|‘l.;\('li and BALANCI: ANI).I\('('I'R.-\(‘\' IN J()l7RN.-\I.ISM[\iesent “NEWS (‘()\'IiR.-\(il1 ()l'(‘l-NI‘RAI. AMERICA: thiet orliietioii‘" Inn to dl the linniaeulate('oiieeptioii (‘iitholie (‘hui’eh inDurham at 7:30 pm.

    Weather OutlookSaturday . f.\Iostl_\ sllltll} . \,\\ ith a high ‘ t .l\near 7’“ l andlo“ iii the IllsSunday \Mostl) . , 3 l estlttlt} \\ itli udintiine highnear 5( l mid aIon in the30s.Monday('hitiiee olmin \\ ith ithigh oiH H15£UItI‘dIU\\lltthe-ltls.


    to the Re) Bridge Miii‘iott \\ hereL‘\t't)tlllt‘ “I” he si.i)iiig. the shinsl‘( )R \\'l\ 12S and .i nuinher ot optional touts, (‘onie h)lllL‘tillCiiioie iiiloriiiatioii ot’ eiill 5157 W27

    .S( VIIUHISte\\.iit

    tise (Kiteer Planning and l’laeenientSet‘nees -\ttetid enhei Honda} inthe \Itllllrl’lttt‘t‘u‘ i'ooni ol the('ultural ('entei III the N(‘Sl'Student (‘eiiter \tine\ or\Vednesda} in llihne) 33“, Bothsessions ‘ne 5 t» ii iii

    Compiled by Carlton A. Cook

    lIo\ ()ltiee lotFYI Policy j”Sign ti \ deadline is Jan .‘itl. htit .n W . . . .. - i .'Lt l. h [‘I ‘ . y [I . .. . g l*\l IS a public SL‘t‘VICt‘ proVided ti_\ in. to k\lilltltsll daid'to“-1 M1“ ll“ H ‘\ MI d‘ the \( SI l-itiantial \id ()ttiet . . - . . ittdee lttL‘lllH s\steiiis \\ \\e \e... . , h\' lethnitian soleh toi tam~ .holds meetings to diseuss |'|.\.\\ m it"ini/ m m ‘ \ll it in looked .il is the \\.t\ other minor' i ‘ .- ' ‘ ' . - s t . t .s. .- e .sll (“\l l l ll\r\~\( r\l~\- (1,“, -\|l) INII()Ii‘\ ll I‘ll \i.” It tr I‘ll\ilt1'\\\ttlelt'tils‘ this is the not it t th’l. lt

    distrihute applieatioris tor the I‘M}‘H sehool _\e;ii iii Steuart llieatre at4 ii iii Itiesd;i_\. I p in \\eiliiesd;i)and 7’ p it]. Ian. 3‘L‘IIIIldkl noist‘Ri-ts'i- \()t R ('tl,-\N(‘t'.\'oi l~th)l.\'(i .sixxixiiitl t l l B mum ow") li\tl’t.()\ .\tl-Nt' \ttend .. summer

    and must he turned in to theleehnieian ot’tiee by noon toodays helore puhlieation. .-\llsuhniissions are printed at theeditor's discretion.

    1t rt ‘x\t‘l‘l\lll\,j siiiai‘ttyi. .'\lttl there are others. l,ll\L' thet. u So \t‘tl \lt‘ll‘l lt.i\t' II M, .ll: .t\l\.lltt ed \k ieiitiht thatto\\orl. harder. \i\l\t'\ttt‘litll\'t'\llttltlttlttt'tlllSCLIUH— handlestiiiie\‘.iltiirot lth‘ttt‘\ .iri.,l

    otters \1I\IIIli‘\\ .iii;il\'sis it Ir lltlt'l'lt.tlIll tits. tiertt ii‘iiis UIIII \le\ tititi'ihers.Illsl nth rs tornitiln prograriiiiniiu.

    ll‘\ II IIIVIIII‘v .III k‘ltL'k‘lItLliiite HI t‘t‘tttt‘lt llRlil .iiitl llt‘l t‘t‘t wiitvalue tNl‘Vl. l‘liis .i ulit ‘lt' li it Hit \tt‘.

    Nit ttittttet‘ \\li;it \titii littllt tr, ltt‘tmatter \\'lt.’tl the « ttlt~~t'. llu 7t «- .ill st lt’ltllllt or l‘tl\lltt'=\ r .Ilt lll.llt it‘that's right tot \‘t‘tl. lit tl.r imiitthing: Ithtlst‘i‘llt't‘l them .i tuttinit'tittt' pt'tiit‘vtwtiiil :, t': st ill.llll'.tion', and for the nuns ti . r tittt.

    \iiti‘ll lie on \i itii‘ \\.l\ ti zit ttlzlllLIsiiiiirtei‘. Instead t it h.iixlei'.In the entire litit- \ it l'l st it-titilii

    and htisiiiess \ .Ilt ltlitlt ~i'~ .tI ‘tlt'IOtill 'l‘l retailer.


    lrllt' ll it'.\ \K ‘l..\l{. ii uetiettilt‘ttt't‘t me Hi tt'llh tt"~t pi Met‘etl l\\‘:\\ill I l‘. ... In t t‘ll\ st i youtit'\ t't tit't'tl l‘ulttt’t'tt“.


    ers and twist Isl.\ it“ that“ill l“..tltll'



  • Technician January 10. 1992

    Pack stung by

    Tech inside game

    McCuller ruled ineligible, misses gameIii ()w en (iood

    lint-tip noes \l‘llllllllt'tl loi \otlhlair-titta \t.t|c"s \.i-.'eis \\ediiesda\nwht Ilie \\itlll‘.lsls staited its .r\(‘(‘\iheilnle I.l\lll‘_' llth tanked (ieoi'gialet h bctoie .i patked tctit at ReynoldsI olisetiin and the\ did it \\lllll'lll startlllL‘ tteshman eiiatd lakista \lcl‘ttllet‘.llte cttd tcsitlt Hello“ .lackcts XII.\lalc Iii\Itt tillei \ias on the bench. declared|llt.'l!;ll‘lk‘ lot Jk-lliL'IIll\ teasons. Hespent the night .iii.il_\/itig the game\\Illl lit}.llll l‘egg' .s. \ilio has been outsuite the ptesc. st‘ll \\lIIl a leg meant anotltet ticslinian. (‘ttrtts\|. \\tlllltl make his titst start ofthe season against a toinndable loc.linen llt.‘ slioit Ill‘llsk'. \latshall didan .iditittable iob \Ianhed tip againstIiaxis liest. a tieshinan plietioiii lotthe \ellow Iaekets .oi-iaging met I}points. \Iaishall .illoned only se\enpoitits on i" shooting(It; the otlense. State \\L'lll treoti.l‘otuatd Iotii (itigliotta was again thebig name. Il.lIllllL‘ tlitee tieys In a towen toiite to II total points Ilo\se\ct'.lech consistently c\poscil the fresh-man taniiess ol the team and pilleredI" tiittto\cts. ll bx lialltnnc State‘stookics wetc tcspotistlile lot nittc'\\e \c got a lot ot \oung gins.” said(itigliotta. "and they don‘t teali/e thatwhen you pass the ball .ttotintl it makesthe otltet lt'.|lll plat detensc loi atiL'\ll.l lH sci itltils HIn what head coaih les Robinsondubbed. ".in old tashioned spanking.”'lit' \ellow I.I\I\L‘I\ tolled tip 5‘ b pet'rtent shooting tot \tl points. oiittc-bounded the l’.uk 1-1 45 and hit ltecwhen Il totititeil .\tlet(iitgliolta tanned .i l.ill .l\\.l\ baselineshot \\IIlt ti SS lett lit the lust hall, tiaitowing the lead to sis Ieth sttuck lot.i ‘l H lllll etentt . lix taktne .i H pointlead to the I\‘\l\\'l tooiii lt.i\ts liest


    contributed a tht‘ee~pointer.State opened the new hall with itspants on lire. running tip a 9»: burstbehind center Is'eim Thompson‘s sixpoints The lead \\as slashed to eightpoints. but State couldn't get any clos-er lot the rest ol the game, The YellowJackets sent the lam Itome early afteranother W3 stretch. espandmg the mar-gin to It) with forward |\ano New bill‘sdunk at 5:tlb i'eiiiainmg.Despite the eoiiiiiicing \tctory. nei-thet Robinson nor (ieorgia Tech headcoach Bobby ('ientins thought the.lackets put their best foot forward."I‘d like to say (‘ieorgia 'I‘ecli playeda great game." said Robinson. “buthonestly. I don't belieie they playedthe best gatiie tl.e_\ shoitld play."“They came to our le\eI at times."Rol‘lttsiiti added."We‘re ttot a great team." said('reinms. “but I like to see them work-ing like this."(‘retnins Ielt (iiigliotta dominated andintimidated man) of I‘ech's players.especially the lreshmen. "I got veryupset at the players. I said. ‘I'm tiredof seeing (iiigliotta put on a cliiiic.‘(itigliotta \\ as doing whate\ er he want»ed to out tltere. Ile was on his way to a50-point game,”(‘i'emins also praised freshman forward laines Forrest. \\ho buried a ITfooter to staunch the I’ack's earl) sec-iillddldll run. “He gaxe its a great twopoints right at the time we were hClld~mg We were bending. and I thought\\ e \\ ere going to break." said('i'ctntns. He then inserted I‘orrest. \\ hocanned the crucial t\\o.\s fot the olt-eotirt situation.Robinson has no idea “lien McCullercan ietinn to the lineup. \lc('uller'ssituation \\ as determined by whatRobinson called "a new rule at NC.State. one that the basketball programSt e JACKETS, I‘llxt' o Freshman Mark Davis (4) goes up strong against a Georgia Tech defender. Davis had 11


    T Backcourt

    void filled

    by MarshallByJethewStaff WriterAccording to Curtis Marshall. his sudden inset>tion into the starting lineup Wednesda) nightagainst l4th~ranked Georgia Tech wasn't esactlyequatable with being thrown to the lions.“After the tip—off. I wasn't really neryoUs." the5~foot~| I freshman said in the wake of the Pack‘s80-63 loss. “Their defensive pressure wasn't thatgreat. They didn‘t press. They didn‘t trap. They~iust played st'aight up man—to-man defense. Wejust didn‘t run our offense."()nl) minutes before tip~off. Marshall was handed the reigns of the Wolfpack ollense as the Packreturned to the dressing room after initial warmups. Earlier that afternoon. State‘s starting pointguard. freshman Lakista McCuller. had beendeclared academically ineligible. and N. ('. StateL'tiiyersity head coach Les Robinson found hintself with the task of choosing a replacement.Enter Marshall."I was told night before the game. I was going tostart." Marshall said. “We thought we could justgo in stride and not let McCuller‘s suspensionaffect us that tnucb. but obvioust it did."NCSU struggled in almost all aspects of itsoffensne play against Georgia Tech Ihe Packcommitted II first-half lumoyers. stumbling to aiJ—point half time deficit. \Mien they held on inthe ball. the frustrated Pack players hit otin 34percent of their field goal attempts.Marshall‘s perfomiance was typical of the strugrgling Pack. The Omaha. Nebraska. Hill” e missedboth of his field goal attempts. connected on oiinone of four free throws and dished out Just oneassist."I think we had a lot of hurried shots and a lot otrushed shots.” Marshall said. "l wasn't reallylooking for my shot on offense."The night, however. was not a total loss forMarshall. In 3| minutes of play. Marshall Cuntmitted only three tumovers and play ed suffocatingdefense on Tech freshman sensation Tras'is Best.Best. who came in aieragmg I35 points petgame shooting 45 percent from the held. tallied

    M, a t: LitLtl‘Si‘i' MARSHALL, Page b

    points in State's 80-63 ACC home opening loss to the Yellow Iackets Wednesday night.

    Swimmers dunked twice

    Pack salvages wins in tri-meet over Loyola, DelawareIi) Jennifer lioiick

    Illc \ (iwomen‘s s\‘.llll tc.ittts had tough\iate men's andmeet stheditles vie! Illi’ semestetbleak Ilie nieti llll!\l‘.\'il i l in thetotiletents .tllil o _" l"~\ tall ill tliialItlct'ls. \\lltlc Ilti‘ \stiiiM-it \M'Itl :3and a 4III conteiente .lslli‘ll. the\\Hlll‘.l\l\ then new «lelcalcd l\\llotiila \late I}; II\ and the\\otttcii lost HI " III] S \\inneistor the men intltitletl l>.i\id lo\ iiillic‘ llllt \.tlsl .llltl :llll ydiil llt't'Nl}ls'laces. lllllllt\ Ioiiestet iii the DIN)_\.ittl lllil|\lill|.ll nietlle\ .iiid ( 'luicky(o\ in the SH \.llil ltci‘sl}lc l'lt'stplatt \\tlllit‘ts among the womenk.llIlL ttom lleitli (anther on tltc ].nietei doe \gnes (ieilach on theiiiictet tl|\t‘ \niia Iiiestcket iii thelllll }.tlil lteestile and \lichellel’.ilniei III the RH" \atil lieest_\lc

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    In othet competitions. both teamslost to \ubtttn llie men's score“as Is" lilti. and the women'sThe menhad only one ll1d|\ldll‘.tl “inner..lesse ('yi. iii the l-meter and t.metet does The women were ledby two indi\ idual winners. (ierlachm the l and itneter dixes andIitcsecker iii the Hill-yard freestyle.In an additional meet. both Packteams l.o_\ola andDelaware in a [ti-relay meet iiiI‘lorida. The Pack men mercamelo\ola 32ll~52 and Delaware 220—IU. lhe I ad} Wollpack defeatedlo\ola _‘l\' 5b and Deleware llb—I33

    stoic was IiZ.‘lv-lll‘).5.


    In upcoming action. the Wollpack\Hll traxel to (‘liailottes\iI|e. \a. tochallenge the l'nisersit} of\it'gitita I'he (.‘a\aliet' women arepiesently 3 II III the .-\(‘(‘ and 54)iI\L‘t.lll."ll \E\'s[ women are yet} good—-.





    and haie an escellent chance atgrabbing the conference title." Statehead coach Don liasterling said.noting that the ('avahers‘ chanceswill be enhanced by the absence ofSarah Perroni from defending ACCchampion l‘NCthapeI Hill.Perroni will be training for theOlympic trials.In the men‘s meet. State will faceanother undefeated l'VA squad.The Cauiliers are 2-0 in the ACCand 6-0 oierall.“l.'\'A‘s men are dottig very welland base o\ ercome tnuch adversi-ty." Easterhng said. It should be agood meet because we liaien’tbeaten them in their pool in 10years."The State-[VA women's meetwill begin at I pm. Saturday withthe men‘s meet following at 4 pm.

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  • Technician

    lanuan ltt, l‘t‘tlltriipit that .\ i iniu‘\Ii. trim/n. i ,. t/tL inn/Lt in Lit .‘u v. ”1'! . a: t‘Ntt tin 4 ,vi,, L. oxen-vi t’lv'i tiel. iivlt‘ -i "iiJ/titltet’i'v flit at {ii iii .rt t Mi Mi Win it H 1/. tit. .i.‘l'.’/7H\ H‘lt ii (at. iii! t ”for Lg, ’.‘i it vrv‘mii. in sun”... .Lritual lit/tuition iii/ /' mv / lt/‘Hlill\ Mfr!

    Programs heroically helpan} N.(' State l'ttt\et‘sit) students ll‘Lt\L‘ special needs that tit-Likeatharder to Lttl_|ll\l to L‘\ei"\LlLtt college lite;congratulate the tiniiersiti's special programs and groups that tr}~ to make this ll'dll\lllttll less ot a hurden. Three ot the specialgroups on campus tltat h.i\e \ll‘HL‘Ll to help these students are tlte Student

    ()t‘gani/atton tor the Dittei‘enth ;\hled. tlte Black Student Board arid the PeerMentors program.SODA was started t'tie tears ago to help tl\ titettthet's teel good ahotit

    tltetnsehes and accept \\ hat the} can and cannot do. 'l‘lns I\ an e\eellentprogram hecattse. in addition to helping those \\ tth tllNdl‘HllllC's it also attemptsto help others understand and accept the ditterentlt .ihled. lti order topromote these gtttlls. an .t\\;tI‘L‘llL‘\\ da_\ is held each \L‘lllk'\lL'T. gi\ trig studentsthe Uppt‘l‘llltlll) to tertiporarth e\perience \\ hat it I\ like to he dillei'enthLthled.Tlte Black Student Board l\ otie ot l3 l'iii\et'sit_\ '\L‘ll\ll|L‘\ Board

    L'UlttllllllCL‘\ and otters »\tiiL‘att-\tnertctiti prograintnnig lot the L‘;tlll|\tl\ in anettort to increase anarenesx ot' the .\tt'icaiir:\titet‘icaii e\pet'teiice. llll\ I\ notUlll) t'ot‘ .\tt'icanm-\ntertcan studenh httt tor eieiwoiie \\|io wants to getin\o|\ed. - iThe Peer \lL'ttIttl‘\ program l\ Llestgned to ltelp c\l'l‘lL‘dll~.‘\lllL‘l‘lL'Llll treslinien

    adjust to Inc at .\‘('Sl' academically ettiotiotiall) and \ttL‘l‘Llll), her) \ti‘icatt-.~\nicric;in t'reshirien t\ assigned .i ntetttot‘ n ho acts as a htg ht‘otliei' or \INIL‘I' tothe tt‘eshinan. In addition to helping .i\lit‘lL‘;llt*~\lltL‘l’lL‘Ltll ll‘L‘dllltltll. the mentorshetielit lt‘tttll the program h) de\eloping leadership \l\|ll\ and learning thehetielits ot helping others.These programs help students adjust to college lite and serie c\ei’_\otie h}helping them understand and accept others tor \\ lto the\ are. Congratulations

    are dead} iti or‘Llct'.’ '

    Textbooks too expensivetudents planning on hitting te\thooks this semester should he sure tonear a raincoat \\ hen going to the hookstot‘e. Once again. .\.t'. Statel'tiriet‘stt} students are getting soaked h_\ greed} puhltshei'x attduproteLLot's \\ ho seem to he tinauare ot the recession that has hit

    America. .\ \L‘lltttl' ni lingltsli t'ceetith spent Sill“ at .-\le.iin\. .i tttitiot‘ Illaerospace engineering spent Sl‘ttt and .i ll't‘\lllll.ttt tti L‘hcnnsti't spent neath’27t)l'titorttitiateh. \('.\'l' students .itett‘t knonn lt‘I then wealth .l‘vtact. l‘ot' titan) students \( .\l "x Ion tuition has .i inatoi' tLiL tot iii the decision

    to Lorne here ~\nd although tuition l\ loner here. it doesn't mean that\ltltlL‘ttt\ time more tnone) to spend on tL‘\lhttok\ lh‘N'flllL‘ lltl‘x‘. puhlisliL-isand the bookstores llt\l\l on .i \k} rhigli pricing policj»And the hook sellers aren‘t the only responsible p;ll’llL‘\ l at too llldll)prolessors ttt\l\t on tic“ Ctlllll‘ll\ til the \.nnL old tL\thLvok\. hut the otil\thing neit about some ol those neu L'LillltHh is the LoiLt and the ptiKLL .\tiLlmen it the tc\ts do h t\L‘ tnoiL thiti a nut LoiLt hL‘i\L thL PllllLlPlL\ olele‘.ant it) LLilLtilu~ Lh. inged iti tliL p rst tL\\ _\e. lt\ ’ H l\ Sh ll\L\llLLlrk \\ltllLlla hut pla} or puhlishLLl .inotth LollLLttott ol \tlllllLl\ iLL-L nth

    Lt tl‘iLtltL‘l oi

    Students are eiitirL-l). pouet'less \\ hen it comes to making LleLrsions ahotittex'lhook pt'tLex The "tree” in.irket I\ dottiin iteLl h\ a ten large. tiit. lll htlliottdollar puhiishine houses. andM \lllklklll\ \iho htii thL tL\thook\ don t in. dothe purchase deL‘ision Rather it \ thLit Pltllk\\t‘l\ ottL-ii thnteid.\.livv dLLidLVihat purchases students llltl\l tnLike \s a lL\tlll thL pttl ll\ll|ll:.‘ Ll‘lllptlllL\aren‘t t'eLttitt'edt o tnit‘ket their te\thook\ oit thL h tsl‘ ot pttLLle\thooks Lt‘ll\l\ltllll\ Lost niotL thin hoot“ or tliL \tlllk I‘ll\\l\L ll \l/k soldat trade hookxtoth l’-tihli\ltLts. ol course. \r. ill Ll. ittii tli it hLL lll\L tL\thook\sell itt loitLt tlllLtllllllL\ than popttl. it hooks the‘ tiLLd to pttLL ttht hteth to

    rLco\Lt their Lost\ and iiiikL .i lLLl\tlll. ihlL ptotitBttt tthe LitL truth in\ ol LolngL \llltlLlll\ Limo“ th-L Lounti) and otth .llL‘\\

    ptthlislnng Ltllllp’dllIL\ SLarx. (iLnLtal \litltth Lind lB'\l llLt\L .ill LinnoitnLL-dIll'Lt\\l\L‘ Ltits in their noik ltllLC\. hitt ha\L \ou sLLti ll.iiLoutt Br. iLL l.i\itigott Lrnplo}Le\ oi tiling toi l\.tlll\lllplL\TherL \ inuLh talk lllLM. dais .ihotit tltL pooih LduLatLd st.rte ot todai \\Illde‘lth th truth is tliL .oLrLigL student Lani .iltoid to he \\L|l LLItiLalLLlInt 1 it turn tor a little \oLtaI it‘\pttll\lltllll_\ on thL piit ot the ptthlishtngLttlllpitlllC\ Lind the prothsots \klltt Lhoose iLLidtng lMLthlllLlltkllh.’more than tust the hunk accounts ol students Lit stake.


    Quote of the Day“Come. away: povei‘ty‘s catching."

    —A/)/tt'rt lie/tit

    ._ TECHNICIANthii/invin ,.Editorin (hiefManaging Editor \‘. illiani lliiliriwlli‘allti‘t K tattié Assoc iate Managing Editorit! ittl lllllt‘News EditorAssistant News EditorSidetraclts EditorHappenings Editor .Assistant Happenings EditorSports EditorAssitant Sports EditorOpinion EditorAssistant Opinion EditorEditorial Staff

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    Advertising l't‘v llltrteltitt

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    Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed in tho editorials, editorial cartoons and (ulumm appearing in Tl’(hnltlJndo not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the university's Student Government. administration, faculty or staff. Opinionsexpressed in the columns and cartoons ot Technician editorial pages are views ot the individuat (Uiutnnhh and ( artoonists.The unsigned editorials that appear on the left are the opinion of Technician and are the responsibility ot the Editor in ( hiel.Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student newspaper ol N.C. State and is published every Monday. Wednesday andfriday throughout the academic year from August through May except during scheduled holiday and eumination periods. Thesummer edition is published every Wednesday horn May through August. Offices are located in Suite 521 iii the Universal»Student Center Ann", Cate! Avenue. Raleigh, NC 2760?. Mailing address is Bot 8608. Raleigh, N( 27695-5608. Subscriptioncost is $45 per year. Printed by Hinton Press, Mebane, NC POSTMASTER: Send any address changes to Tet hnician. Bot mam,Mirth. N.(. 17695-0608.

    Technician \iotild like to



    Fear accompanies fall of communism\\'ith the collapse ol' the Sim iet l'nion andthe splirtteting ol |l\ constituent republicsinto independent so\eretgn states. thel'nited States has linall) and officially \Hlltthe longest on it has e\ er t'ottght.The ('old War hcgan Itlllllt‘tll‘dlL‘l}tolloiiing World “at ll. alter ourL'tHHt'lilL‘lll alliance \Hlll Stalin‘s Soiietl nioii tll\\ttl\L'tl. ()ttt’ nation‘s tear ot' theprospect ot spreading glohal communismLind Soxiet \\or‘ld Llotritnation led us toadopt PttllL'lL‘\ such ;t\ L‘oiitaititttent. theMarshall Plan. the Truman doctrine and\St‘ (is lit \ar‘)tiig degrees. all ot~ thesettteaslltes “ere designed to tllltlltlllL‘l}desttot the communist regime eitherlllllll.ll'tl\. L'Loiiotnicall) or diplomaticall)\Lvu ittLr l‘iLL!ll\ \o \t‘Lllx ot LonlliLt andnaix in hoth l\L\tr‘.l Lind \iLttiatn. plusL'oinitlsss lhitd \\otld pto\_\ \\.it\ hetneetithe ~itpeipo'detx. the poll.) ohteL‘tnes ltLi\heeti iealt/ed llLi\\L-\ei. the ne\\(‘oiinnoimealtli iii Russia. which replacedthe Letitiah/ed goxernttient ot the hunter.\o\tet l'nioti. tita} he a tttore threateningand tltl\l.lhlt‘ \xoild pimer that itslilt‘ilt'LLNsitl\iiiorig the l'aL’tors supporting a theor} otlllt\ nature are the tll\l]lill economic\lltlLtllittl. the enormous stoL kp'lc ot nuclearand Li'll\L‘l|llttllLll “cartons tit \ttlllt ot thelr‘t‘lll‘llt‘\ and the lack til .i hittdtitg central.lillliv‘lll} to Lootdtltttte pt‘ltL)


    BrentPotent ‘

    ()pt'nt'onColunmistAs tor the economic \llllLIlIttll. llie \lttllttmard a market econoiii) \\tll lee theprices tor llL‘L‘L‘\\lltL'\ oitt the range ol theaierage \\RI‘HC*CLlllllL‘l.\ \Lilat} \\ltile lltt\tita} he necessat‘) lot the ltittit'e. the regularciti/en \i ho can no longer .illoid to teed Lindclothe lll\ or her lannh \klll tl|\ll'tt\l andhecottte outraged at the go\erninent leadersl’lus. \sidespiead ttL'l'\.t\t\L‘ discontent lL‘dtlsto social lll\lLtl‘tl|l§. and iii e\tieirie cases.t‘e\oltttioii lit the wt) least. the U'lltllllttlh\Hll he so thlltLttlt that the llL‘\\ RthsldllgoiL-iiinient \\lll h.i\e to struggle tiiiglitilito maintain Lottltnttil) and progress iii thelace ot the ti’eiiiettdous ptihlic tll\\L‘IllThe ltlll\\l\ e Ltl\CllLll accuttitilated dtitittgthe arms race also ptI\L‘\ a threat to thetll\l‘.|l‘tlll\_\. \Nhile (liirlniL‘liLw rccetttl\turned o\er the kt‘klt'\ to the nuclear\ieapons to Yeltsin. the LoniL-ittioiialiieapotts are \llll under the control of the\L'irious independent reptihlics \l\o. \\ hatahottt the tllltll} tnilitat) .iiiltelih .ttid naxalports tti Riissia‘ \tirel) eLtLh ieptihliL \\lll\\ ant to retain \iliateiei l\ on Its \ttll as .i

    7?) Commit/V Bur’DEAD BEAR 30.37”DOESN'T TASTE}A5 600D A5‘ (UEKEXL.

    x»‘\ it

    tL/ 'LJ55/AN CQMMOA/WEALTH __.

    means ol protection and deterrence lt “I“he a great challenge tor the ('ointnoimealtlito ensure cohesi\e Ltttd stahle tnilitai) lorL'etor the entire region \\llllttttl alienating oiupsetting an) ot the independent lL‘t‘tll‘llL'\The last factor. the role ol the('omtitotmealtlt gowt'nttietit as L'ottiparedto that ot the pt)\\L‘l'ltll Kremlin leadershipot' the Souet l7ttion. I\ ptohahh the higgestllllktltt\\ll. What “I” he the nature ol thet'Cl'Ltllttl1\lllP hetnecn the centralgoiernnietit and the tepiihlics ' It is pimihlethat there “I” he a \l‘L'k'lllL tll\|\lttll otponer‘s hetneert the No. perhaps men asistein ot cliL-Lks and halarices Brit it'spi'ohahl) inote |ikel_\ that the roles otleadership and l'k'\[‘t\tl\ll‘lltl) “I“ he \Ligtiearid largel) tttidetitted. llns could result inhitter contlicts hetiieen the t intL-d States,the ('ointiionmuilth .itid exert the tepiihlicxlllL‘lll\L‘l\t‘\ ll there is no nitnnal teLognitionot the central go\eitttiiciit\ pouet toLleteriiiine and eiiloiL'e poliL res lot the\\ hole (‘oniniotm eLiltltOnce again. it l\ Home that alter Ltllllttsl it)years ot policies designed to L'ltiitiiiateL'otiiiniititstn \xe xxould leel .i LollL-Lii\L-t\\inge ol tear and apprehension at what .idi\ided Rtl\\lu would he like

    [it'i'tlt I'M/tit! it it emit/rm}: ilv‘iifitt/\Iitrhtttg [tilts/i'\t1‘/lll‘i Lain/pt firm i..' Li it in:

    NBC axes Saturday morning cartoonsIt um .i tl‘iit\L' hroadcaxttng lll\|tlL‘t\ suitLonnng \onie titiie ago. htit otil} late lastwhichuntil llll\ tear had been the most dominantnteinhet ot the hie three. decided late lll

    \L‘ai did it Lorne to ltiiition. NBt'.

    l‘t‘tl to do Ll\\Lt_\ \Hllt its lineup ot Saturdaytttot'lttttg LLitloittl\litattlctl.lot lltllllllll\ \ll )tttltlgslet'sLt lL‘\\ L'ttllk‘g‘t‘\llllllllL'lthe long run. tlldtl) people “I” hetielit\s ll \l.llttl\ non. NBC will he the higgest\lltlt‘l'lt‘t’tlt it inner iii llll\ 'Lit'tartgeittent. l.ikeot'gLini/aliotis. NBC and Itspatent Lonipaii}. (iettet‘al lileetrtc. liiiieheen e\pei'ienciiig \tttllL‘ l'itianL'tal strainlhe peacock \\.t\ literall} ltlslllglllllllitth ol the gteett leathers that we liketo Lall th'llLtls due to aging. and tailed IIL‘\\

    otliet large


    L.irtoons didn't help,\lso Lottstdet‘ that ('BSLregained .i\IL'l\L'll tttllllL‘rlllllt‘

    No First Amendmentobligation to print ads

    I ‘.\l\ll to alert ion to a matter that:iL‘L~'\\ItatL‘\ _\ottt‘ ittittlL‘thLile attention and\igtlatice \ti organi/ation ktltt\\ll its't'otittittttec l‘itt ()pL-n ()n theunder the directorship otBraille) \ititlh. has hecit placing decepttiethl‘iL‘l'll\t‘lllt‘lll\ tit Lol'tcge newspapers in the[tilted \tates llie thrust ol Smith‘s


    lilk"‘-l),'k' ls lllLll lllL‘ llt'lttLLtllxl 1\ Li ht).t\\lost recently tltesc lllll page thl\ haieappeared tit Ldlllltlh |lL'\\\t‘dpL‘[\ at Duke1 lll\‘L‘l\|l_\. ('oi'nell l lll‘iL‘l\|l}. 'L'niiersit}:\rhor and\tillll\\L'\lL‘lll l lll\L'Isll) ltlllttt's at Yale.lllI\L‘tsll_\ otl‘lll\L‘l'\l[_\ oi

    oi \ltL'liigan at \iinll.ll\.lltl. Briton.l‘L-iitisiliania and the\oittlieriit .ilttoitna liLoe relused to run the.ltl‘.t'lll\t‘lllL‘lllth- tath ol Iltr‘ lloloLaiist and the mass.liilllllllitllttll ot lllllllttllx of lens arid non»l.‘\\\ are llltll‘d‘ltllll‘lt‘ lllxltll‘lCLll l'rtet NotL'piitahle lll\lttllLtll ttas L‘\L‘l questioned thei‘ealrt) ol histori'x lllttsl heinous andLloLutnented Litiiie \tntth. liouexer. l\ panot an organt/ed attempt to den} and'v\ll|lL'\\Ll\l‘. the L-iiniL-L ot the Third Reich.lllx agenda is largely 'dlllleCllllllL'. seekingto brand the \tll\.l\t)t'\. \\llttC\\L‘\.lllsltll'ldll'» ltltt\l\ .iiid liheratorx ot the

    getting up to \\.itcli cartoons on\atiiida\ titorttitigs l\ |tl\l as htg a traditionand more thanstudents and parents asnuke} tor llianksgniiig and hasehall in theln lllls L'th‘. thotigli. a break tronitradition \iax llttll‘L‘ than \\ attained. and in

    \xlllt‘ll hasseat ol prominence iii theratings. and :\B(‘ are



    no“ the head llotlLlltH ol netuorkSaturday \\Ill't stiL‘li otteitttgs as TeenageMutant .\'iii|.i lur'tles .uid l);it‘k\\ing Dinkiii their \laltles in has L'\L‘ll .idLlL-Ll its o\\nslate ot aritiiiLited late lot‘ Saturdaytnot'ning\.-\iid cahle llL‘l\\ttrk\ h.i\e ;ll\tt ttitiiped into claim their piece ot the pie. \ctuotkssuch as l‘S.-\. Nickolodeon and 'l .\l tttnhotli L'l;t\\|L‘ and original cartoons and)otitig-‘Lidult \ltt\\\\ during the Saturdayiiioi'iting hlockWho “I” hetielit lrotii \Bt‘ s inoxe in thelong ttiti’ \\e. the \lL‘\\L‘t\ \Bt‘ l\plaittitiig to replace ll\ cartoons \tith li\e~action \lt(t\\\ toi adolescents and _\outtgadults iiiost likeh speat‘lteaded h} Sawd h}the Bell. Much has heeii .i hit tor tour tearson the netiiork and |\ iii ll\ l|l\l tear ot


    concentration camps as liars l'LiL'tuallllslttt'lL‘Lll e\tdenLc tot Braille} Smith andothers ol ltl\ ilk IltL‘Llll\ nothing“e are all. ol L'oitrxe. concerned \xith llf\laineiidttient guarantees There I\. obligation tor art) tteuspapet‘ to printtalse and tittsleadtitg tttalet'tal. BradleySmith‘s .ltl\L‘t'll\ClllL‘lll l‘~ talse andmisleading lot the record. Tliotnas TJohnson ot the Superior ('oui't ol the stateot ('aliloritta took tttdtLtLil notice that "thellolocattst I\ not reasonahl) wheel to"it is simply Lidispute" and continued thatlLtL't '8mm “tl\t.\llt\l ('txtt-itBikes blocking ‘egress’is bovine excrementAx .iti)one it. ho has tL-Lent|_\ ridden a\. ll is trimillegal to kids ttlt'L"\ lacicle to tlte railingsitt limit of it Antone \\ ho does so \\ Ill haxeAllegedly. llll\ l\due to thc tact that these hikes could "hloLkarid in an emergency sllULtlltlll

    htL‘}L‘lL‘ to the lihtar'_\ kttou

    \Llld hiL'i L'le tinpotitidedCg fess"ttrtpede progress

    sindtcatioiiNBC t\ also planning to htoadLaLtSaturda} Today. .i llt‘\\\ Lind intotiiiationprogram \tlllllitt to II\ ahead} L'\lLll‘ll\llL‘tlSunda) riiorntng cousin llie \lltt‘.\ “I” hegeared more toward .tLllllhIt you tliittk Lihottt the programmingaltettiati‘ies that are i\ .ii.| ihle on Saturdaymorning and!\ Saturda} alteriioonriot Lountitig LolngLports or mice )eat'l)eitiergetic)action notrttcattotis ot tttiL'leLit'siren texts there isn‘t a liL-Ll. ot .i lotnorth \MllL'lllllg‘ on lL‘lk'\l\ltlIl (ltd lat/airtiioiies and flash} episodes ol Soul lTLlllltll\l don't Litt ll.lot .i societ) that has hecoiiic inLteLixingl}aware ot \\lt;tl k0lllL'\ on tltc tithe and thereasons some \lltt“ \ thtttil tlL‘L‘tl lit he ”left.NBC's tnoie tittglit he relteshttig aride\L‘iting enough to “ill haLk some \ieitersThis little new seat \\L' \lltltlltl kiiou lionand it lllt\ gainhle paid otl

    tlllt‘Il (mt/tutti it it \r/llt” maritime It]titHlHllUlIt

    (otne oit lien ll the \\llttlt' tailing “asLoiered “lllt htLtLlL-s ol the \ei) largestsort. there \iould \llll he a lit to lQ lootpathita) tn liottt ol the htitldtiig ll halt ol'the student population \\.t\ to ilce thelihrar} at once t\\lll\ll nould he |Illtttt\\lhlL‘due to the limited number ot tlttorsl. there\Ntttlltl \llll l‘C LttlL‘tllldlL‘ “Cgl'k‘\\ ..In these dam or budget Luis. it l\ alarmingto discmet’ that \lltllt'ttltt' l\ hetng paid tointerpret the lite salet) Lodes in such amanner that students are put to the greatestpitssllTlL' tnLonieiiiL-nce \tlitle \Lilet} l\iiiipro\ ed in the least posxihle lthllttttl.ll these stale einploiecs ie.i|l_\ haieriothitig hettL'r to do than to come tip withho\tne eereinent like lltl\. I suggest thatthe chancellor tire tlieitt ttiittiedtatel). Theirsalaries Lari he LliLiiinL-lcd into the library'shudget or \tllHL‘\\.hC['c L'lxt‘ \‘. here it wouldhe spent to the hetielit ot the studentslit the meantime. the school would do wellto install adequate hike taL ks llL'\l to theIihrar) The little one ll;tll\\.l} across theBrickyard |ll\l isn't going to cut it Still. 1ant \er_\ tempted to park in\ hike upon thetall titt)\\ti). tllxt to see it some \ktll't’lL‘Lllittle tiiaii does come along \iith Linacettletie totLli and lit to Liit oil in)ht'HTltttlllC lockWitt l\\l Kittt st(iraduate student. llt\lt>t'_\




    Whiskers Int/[01111 SlzullCommanderenema Straps‘ Ii rtnuLI‘ rt»W4“ , [u /

    I J \_

    neari“? I“)1rdL",ssmnmmn cm rm 5m:

    -- HEY. nus ts Mb- ,,)\‘ .L.tVE I'HLM r4\LV of mt.rtF'T‘I-mttttou- ram/w;LnLLLLttVr, r»: T v o“. I; v‘ NTown-mt... I‘M HERtr! MLW vireo wmt V” rktMMZHM “tutti. MIN N.(Lubc, CA5?! wow/K,SUSAN DLY bALLySTNTHEK’; MILNAELfut.1tx4,A~b EONdbvt,

    Arltr Iona m1bong“ ToThe (trues, wrttxFINALLY DO:rOMLTNINL9 F02tats (ammo/LsHWLLESS VEDPLE '3‘Vanna“; RHJHT


    ,1! ftkr’m6 sham-{mas '

    If": WE‘RE Linux;LIUYLD‘W It» DbSoMtTImJuHuntIII

    ~*t I I! I


    I detattcdl

    , . “ I. ‘ (v ITI: r/curtks WT R I . . . . .\v“ CLOSING m1 _ ‘39 .'

    - i " _. , . ,



    For Sale m AutosFor SaleW(:Irrw tu SIrIII’ and lwltltrw (III-.mResumes (twat It'ttvrx wvrtrur‘. mtrtm I45.” . F Q.» or" non _~___________ ..printed DRIIIMHH‘HII‘V “1mm TV” years SPRING BREAK 92 EARN FR‘EE TR'IPS taxiizgsegfgf ngr‘mSv/‘tkfv Aquitms mnokrt dehml m wohfihmn‘” wefwmd SPRINGEREAK '92 A YOU'VE ONLY GOT FOR SALE 1981 How HPgaI Nreo

    eXpeIanfiP VISA MC Rogers Word AND CASH' mengs Mm db“) W components Mug! hear to GDWPI'MIP 5400 Hunt 15 $25000 plus I ;’ lIIIIITH-f; 851 8646 ONE WEEK TO LIVE 50 DON'T BLOW IT! condition 30"" "“"""J*' """ “W'w' VE’V1304 Hmsbomu hSt,834~0000 aggressive IndtvuluaIs clubs 0t 481’0800leaw‘6e55598 ‘ " rrrrgtrrsra92 1618mm) MAKE IT JAMAICA WITH LOW. LOW ComIorIatHP MUST SELL $1000 Catt——————L—_——-WORD PROC E SSING' Twm organizations To promote "IDS I0 DAVTONA __.___—.:___————— Gar d V A mnmvm ’m Re» ‘ PRICES STARTING AT 5429” CALL SUN 515 531mm,",,mwmmnBEACH Have Inn meet people and gain MUST SELL computer desk WIIII hutth ‘9 I ‘ til SPLASH TOURS 1780074267710papers thesm nit-yttrium tum-r~ letters valuable work ““9“va Call Mike Ar 1 Asking $125 00‘ but Will nego Contact 5350 ()0 rtmrtth I ? hlmlk from (.rmtpusar;;:,,:dr'r,..:::3.r::;:.:::;; ..,2i:r:;;;;”n;t:“ eoo a' 2:111 :1:i:;t:':;.:"": ,.‘ ‘51'. “931:3: ,WORD PROCESSING Tr-rrr: [tapers SIUD’ENTS JUDS Available Guaranteed Imus». VV‘iIIIttIItI D‘II‘ILIIIII:‘>IIII,Iy: [\j:::::‘\l::lhesm WHIP t-tltt It‘)lrIItt‘> letters Open 85 0010 $5 50 ”kc home, pet hour Hours Vrrlpntuws Ptuptaitu-s 834 5180Mon Sat IVISA MLII ROGERS WORD available weekdays (IndweeIrenrlsrrv1 We WIII'. work WIIII your dusts schedule, ust haveSERVICE 1304 Htllstmmu‘JhSt 833 0000 H” Call Kim M 851 8236 83” m 12 00 7 B )d 1‘] CRYl-yr()QUlP

    dITKI I? 3!) to ‘1 30 for mtwvrew date and h— L r()()I]]httw ‘ t ‘ ‘- > r t ySTUDENTS' The Rr-ttIurt Edurzrrtmtml qrourr Flll‘lll81‘1Cd $59() (’ .I K N L () V A l I I \ I\ IN VVwrrlnrornon JDIHII'dIII‘IIS Iur tht- lullowmgIt Tr-lr'ttmtkvtr-m NI‘ (Irrm'tImurs' h It) his wr-vk$0 In tIlu~r bunust's NI‘SU \tutlvnts with'1‘} Ilrtntpur. Ruprr-sz-nmtrvmr Mrttkvt oursr-ryu‘vs on campus We newt rwpa hunt rt\\IIUTIIy rt IIdIt‘IITIIV South tumoua Northrumpus tmrIw ututit‘nts involved In i‘anrpusorganizations $6 in pluglmnuws Flexiblepart IIITIO hours (‘all 932 9400 lur IIIIapplication Equal Ottportuntty EnthuyPtToIemarketors Wanted 5) ()0 9 00 u mwraokdayr. and weekend fihrItq avurtnhtwAvk'hlgt‘ Pay $6 00 3900 Hour Call 5717706Telemarketrng,

    Roomates needed I X N M , B K W J K S K N

  • O Iaiitiai\ ltl I‘N.‘ It‘t him Iaii Spoits v‘ ._—_——————

    Cavs, Terps next opponentsI!) .IeIT Dre“111 1"». '(721Ihe \ t' State men and \xoiiieti'shaskethall Ieaiiis \\III I‘1IIII II_\ toiehound tioIII ke_\ Loiiteieiiee lossesas IIIL‘§ taee tuo III\IIIILII\ ditteteiitopponents this Sat111da\Ihe IIIII ranked I.Id_\ \\oltp;1eklIeehtie, tioiii aDuke I'Iiesd.n IIIL'III. \slII taee itstoughest test at the season \\lIe11 lIIia\eIs to (‘IIaiIoItestIILn \a.. tohaIIIe Iiiideteated and top tanked\ IIL‘IIIId. I'IIe LInaIieis enter the11mm shonduuii \\1th .1 perted I: llIeenid aIIeI deteatiiig.’ pie\1oIisI\Iiiiheateii I \t' ('hapel lIIII Siam

    s 1‘ 1‘“) IIUIIIL‘ I\‘\\ I0

    \\ed1iesd.1) III_L‘IIISeiuoi poitit L‘tiaid I);i\\11 Stale}.the [HUI national player ot the )ear.leads l \a. \\III\II ieaehL‘d thenational title game last seasonIietoie tillmL‘ to Ieimessee 1n mertime \\IIIL' quit I I11mm Reiss 111d{VF ' mms IILatIILi 111d Ileidi Bingepimide nioie Ihm ILIL 1111in supIN‘IIState 1s led h} seIiioI eeitteiRhonda \Iapp \\ ho a\e1a:_'es IIIpoints and III I rehotiiids pei gameIaIeI that night at ’ ill. the\\1IIIpaek IIIeII \\1|| Ir\ and I‘ehotmdtwin .1 stinging: Mitt? home loss toI—lIII IdIIkL‘LI (IL‘UI‘L‘IJ IL‘L‘I‘. \\IIL‘IIhe) host a slitiL'L'IIIiL' \Iai_\IaIId

    stlllddI'he IL‘I‘IIIMIIx 775. lia\e droppedIUIII L'L‘ltst‘L'tIIHL‘ L'dlIIL‘s. IIIL‘IULIIIIgIne tiist I\\11L1111terenee games. :\II-»\ineriea eandidatt- Walt \VllIIdlIIx aiiieniher ot I‘Wl I'SA I’aii\IIIL‘I‘LJII team. Is the undisputedIeadei ot the Ieriipaii squad.1 W '7I'he “\M/ard" awrages __ 1points and 5 assists per game. Ii\ersBiiiiis ehips In unit 15.0 points agame

    State “I” eoutilei' \\Ith senior lor-\\ar1l I‘om titigliotta is ho leads theeontei'enee 111 storing and re hound-ing. tingliotta a\ei'ages-_o pointsand HW Iehouiids per game.

    Marshall adequate in first start

    with sL‘\L'II I‘UIIII\ hitting 1iiII\ i”1;:_1111st \IaishaII"I thought I plated ptett\ gooddL‘teIIse.” \IaishaII said. "It's prett)hard to sa} hon I played U\L‘I';IIIheeatn.‘ at the seore. hut I thoughtplayed pietl} good e\L'ept I111 .1 L‘UII'pIe Lil‘sIlI} ttiritmeis ‘“L‘tirtis did an adequate 11in t‘IIrtisMarshall did not lose this game




    1 1:..11' “3" Riosupports"IIe \\III go through the appealpi'oeess like an) other student."added Riil‘ziis1iiiIn \IIIIIIIIdIIt‘II. RHI‘IIIMIII statedthat he L‘1IIIILI :Int disLtIss thespeeitits 111 the eiade sIIIIatioII“He did nork I‘i;‘tl\ doggone “ell.though I don‘t 1111111 IIIIII I11 heIahL'Ieif as .1 p111): sILIdeIII II; s tintI1thlsld"~\tll 31.11Iaate €11»III '\ t~Mate. l .t\\IIiL‘ thatGEORGIA YECH ML 1; tr .1 A L 9'5\111 .1».1 m1.11a 9eEast aBow .1 .1 1 , L 1 'wN111 1 LNewtn. -,1 ~HarriesvuwTOTALS I‘X‘ 3895 8‘} “'6 ”380NC Qt-to w st; :1 n Aggvs

    ‘8811-“1--.01,my‘qu" .iv.13"-TOTALS J’X {\55 3"“ 35“ ‘3 SJGEORGIA TECH 1} J! SCNC Slam 25 35 63

    For l-800-695-5l50or I- 305 294 - 3773

    tonight tot 11s.” Robinson said "Ithought he p111 good pressure on thehall. “hen \oii look .It Best's stats.11mm» prett) Lompaiahle \\ hat(‘Iii'tis did t'urtis didn't seore asIIIIIL'I‘I but I thought he did a pie")good ioh ”Robinson. Marshall and the rest ofthe Pack squad \\1|I attempt toregroup m Imie to host MarylandSatui‘da} night at ReuioldsColiseum. With MeL'uIIer‘s sUspen-


    sum going through appeal aeeord—mg to unnersit) regulations.Rohmson eould not sit) it' and when\Iet‘uller \\III I'etiim. III the meantime. Marshall \\1|I remain at thehelm oI the Paek attack. hoping thatState‘s oI't'eiise can regain some oI~the hue that “as lacking againstll‘L‘k'II."We \xere Just out of syne."Marshall said. "That‘s all I can sa).he were out of sync.”

    K a LI“ Q“, I‘V‘QHO‘ 3‘11”Curtis Marshall (III drives through the lane against a Teth defender.


    Use positive thoughts. Remind yourself ofhow much )ou' \cCOIIIC.

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