Bristol School S. Mamede - Carnival Test 2015

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Bristol School S. Mamede - Carnival Test

Transcript of Bristol School S. Mamede - Carnival Test 2015

Bristol School S. MamedeCarnival Test - February 2015Teacher: Paul Class: B2.1 Name: ................

Mark: SECTION I: READING AND COMPREEHENSION 1. Read the text and complete the blank spaces with a letter from the options below.

2. You are going to read a newspaper article about a television presenter. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) below.

SECTION II: USE OF ENGLISHA. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. Use either the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous in each space.

1.a. Pete ______________________________ (travel) to over twenty countries.

b. Pete ______________________________ (travel) for over a month.

2.a. Hes tired. He ______________________________ (record) all day.

b. I ______________________________ (just, record) a single. Do you want to listen to it?

3.a. I ______________________________ (run) a total of five marathons.

b. You sound out of breath. ______________________________ (run)? 4.a. How long ______________________________ (go) to that gym?

b. How many times ______________________________ (go) to the gym this week?

5.a. I ______________________________ (search) for my Beyonc DVD for ages. I cant find it anywhere!

b. I ______________________________ (find) my Beyonc DVD! B. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets and choose the correct word. 1. You ______________________________ (read) that book for/since ages. When are you going to finish it?2. Jim ______________________________ (not come) back from his holiday yet/already.

3. ______________________________ (you finish) your lunch still/already? You eat much too quickly, you know.4. I dont know many people in this town as I ______________________________ (only live) here ago/since January. 5. Harry _________________________ (arrive) two hours ago/already, but Jenny still _________________________ (not come).

C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between TWO and FIVE words. 1. This is my first time in a sauna. (never) I ______________________________ sauna before.

2. I came here last month. (been) I ______________________________ a month.

3. He started to write his first book a year ago. (writing) He ______________________________ a year.4. He hasnt given a concert for a year. (last) He ______________________________ year ago.

5. Its a long time since I last saw him. (not) I ______________________________ a long time.

D. Complete the sentences with the form of the words in bold.1. Shes had to face many ______________________________ during her career. CHALLENGING

2. Hes not very ______________________________. He needs to believe in himself more. SELF-CONFIDENCE

3. He first won ______________________________ as a singer before becoming a politician. FAMOUS

4. Theyre quite a ______________________________ group. Their last song was a hit. TALENT

5. Earnings loads of money has never been one of my main ______________________________ AMBITIOUS

E. Choose the correct phrasal verb from the box to complete the sentences.

1. If you watch her, you can ______________________________ some dancing techniques. 2. I must ______________________________ on my English before we fly to London.

3. The other students are too clever. I cant ______________________________ them.

4. If I dont start studying, Ill ______________________________ the other students.

5. Lets ______________________________ the main points. Theres no time to study everything.

F. Complete the conversations with the future form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Look, Ive told you already. I ____________________________ (not watch) another Spielberg film and thats final. OK. We ____________________________ (watch) something else then.

2. I ____________________________ (climb) Mont Blanc next month. Do you want to come?

I dont know if I __________________________ (be able) to get the time of work. I __________________________ (ask)

my boss this afternoon.

3. ____________________________ you / buy) the house?

No. The roof is in a terrible state. It looks like it ___________________________ (fall down) soon!

OK. I ___________________________ (give) you a call when Ive got another house for you.

4. I __________________________ (sign up) for the rock climbing expedition. __________________________ (I / sign) you up as well? No thanks. I dont think I ____________________________ (have) time to go in it.

5. Your son is a great tennis player.

Yeah. I hope he __________________________ (be) a professional when hes older. But only if he wants to. I __________________________ (not force) him. G. Complete the notes with the Future Continuous or Future Perfect of these verbs. You will need to use some verbs more than once. 1 Dont call me at nine today. I _______________ my Geography exam then. I _______________ by about twelve oclock, so call me after that.

2 Ill try and send you an email this afternoon. Hopefully, my computer _______________ by then.

3 Can you let the builders into the house this morning? They _______________ at around eight oclock.4 Call after seven oclock if you want to speak to Phillip. He _______________ home by then.

5 Dont come to the studio before lunch time. We _______________ our new album all morning.

6 Ill see you tonight. Hopefully, _______________ my driving test by then.

7 When youre half way through the marathon, your legs _______________ a lot.

8 While theyre still climbing the mountain, we _______________ the bottom.

H. Complete the conversation with the Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous of these verbs.

1. Jens part was great. She _______________ loads of interesting people. Why didnt you go? Well, I _______________ all day and I was too tired.

2. Did you buy the jacket you wanted?

No, when I got to the shop they _______________ the last one. I was really annoyed because I _______________ a

jacket like that for ages.

3. Mr. Andrews wanted to speak to you yesterday. He said he _______________ to phone you all day.

Yes, I _______________ to turn my mobile on.

4. I missed Doctor Who last night. It _______________ when I got home. Did you see it? No, I let my dad watch the football match. He _______________ about the match all week.

I. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. a. After leaving home, Alan _______________ (go) to the office and _______________ (work) for two hours.

b. He found the work easy. He _______________ (know) how to classify documents as he _______________ (work)

in an office before.

2. a. Carl _______________ (not be) hungry, as he _______________ (already/have) something to eat.

b. James was hungry so he _______________ (go) to a caf and _______________ (have) something to eat.

3. a. They told him they _______________ (just/hear) some strange noises coming from the cellar.

b. I heard some people talking in the garden, so I _______________ (go) out to see who was there. When I

_______________ (get) there, the people _______________ (disappear).

SECTION III: WRITINGYou are interested in attending a language course in England next summer. You have seen the advertisement below. You have also talked to your English teacher and he has suggested some things that you should check before you register.

Read the advertisement below, together with your teachers note. Then write to the language school, asking for information about the points mentioned by your teacher, and anything else that you think is important.

Write a letter between 160-180 words.



Already / finish Forgetinvitejust / selllook fortalktry work

Arrive finish hurt passreachrecordsit work

go over/focus on Pick up/brush upkeep up with/fall behind pick up/brush upkeep up with/fall behind