Bringing it all together: What we’ve learned · The BAMB project has received funding fromthe...

The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384. #BuildingCircular Bringing it all together: What we’ve learned

Transcript of Bringing it all together: What we’ve learned · The BAMB project has received funding fromthe...

  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


    Bringing it all together:What we’ve learned

  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


    Key messages from the Materials Passports team

    • Supply and value chains need to be made aware, educated and incentivized to achieve a

    greater change in the built environment towards circularity.

    • New tools and solutions are needed to support the new way of designing and cooperating.

    • Information about products that give them value for present use, recovery, and reuse, together

    with material health, is important to support the systemic changes of the BAMB vision. This

    data has to be accurate, accessible and in the format stakeholders need.

  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


    Key messages from the Digitalization team• Digitization is NOT the objective! It’s an enabler to have a better collaboration within the

    value network

    • Digitization (will) help(s) decision-makers to take sound decisions, based on traceable

    and transparent information on the current and historic use of buildings, building

    components and building materials

  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


    • The tourism sector, due to its transversal character may be a powerful enabler of circularity, particularly

    through construction.

    • The sector has a huge potential to raise awareness about circular solutions not only among professionals

    (production side), but also among consumers, notably through large sports events that have strong visibility.

    • Cross-programme and cross-sector cooperation should be further encouraged to implement and enforce

    circularity in coordinated way. Holistic approach on destination level may unlock opportunities of

    sustainability, innovation and growth.

    • The findings made in the sessions will be prioritized in the future STP work and we hope to reflect it in the

    upcoming UN General Assembly Resolution text on “Promotion of sustainable tourism, including ecotourism,

    for poverty eradication and environment protection”.

    Key messages from the STP Programme team

  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


    Key messages from the Circular Building Assessment team

    • Complex and time consuming to know best option; data is often inconsistent and hard to

    obtain - BAMB’s CBA method and tool helps to address this

    • CBA is flexible and iterative, easier to take into account the context & use of an asset, and

    drivers to change from business as usual.

    • BAMB’s CBA has created a user-friendly, proof of concept tool. We will continue to learn more in the final

    months of BAMB. Let us know if you are interested in joining us!

  • The BAMB project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642384.


    Building level

    Element level

    Space levelParts level

    Bildnummer 1Bildnummer 2BAMB – �Buildings as Material BanksOne Planet Network – �Sustainable Buildings and Construction ProgrammeBildnummer 5Will digitalization empower us to reach the vision of BAMB?Bildnummer 7Our goalHow BAMB addresses itWhat we foundWhat is practically neededDigitalization? Start at the goalEmpower who?Digitalization will help us to…Bildnummer 16Bildnummer 17ContactCircular Building Assessment- A new tool made possible by BAMBBildnummer 20Circular Building ScenariosEvolving and Flexible AssessmentWhat is Circular Building Assessment Environmental assessmentEconomic AssessmentSocial AssessmentPrototyping and PilotingComplicated engine vs. Easy user experienceBildnummer 29Bildnummer 30ContactDigitization, digitalization, and digital transformation – How Materials Passports contribute to change through the use of BAMB toolsBildnummer 33REMsDigitization, digitalization, and digital transformationBildnummer 36Bildnummer 37Bildnummer 38BIMHow many unique substances?Who should we be talking to?ContactBildnummer 43LESSONS FROM THE FIELD�the potential for digitalisation, �circular building assessement and the need for a new procurement approachBildnummer 45TOWARDS A SYSTEMIC SHIFT TOWARDS A SYSTEMIC SHIFT TOWARDS A SYSTEMIC SHIFT TOWARDS A SYSTEMIC SHIFT TOWARDS A SYSTEMIC SHIFT Bildnummer 51Bildnummer 52PILOTS – A LABORATORY FOR CIRCULARITYBildnummer 54Bildnummer 55PILOTS – A LABORATORY FOR CIRCULARITYPILOTS – A LABORATORY FOR CIRCULARITYPILOTS – A LABORATORY FOR CIRCULARITYBildnummer 59REM- SHARED INFORMATION ACROSS PROCESSES AND TIMEBRIC – EXTEND THE VALUE OF MATERIALS BRIC – EXTEND THE VALUE OF MATERIALS BRIC – EXTEND THE VALUE OF MATERIALS BRIC – EXTEND THE VALUE OF MATERIALS BRIC – EXTEND THE VALUE OF MATERIALS BRIC – EXTEND THE VALUE OF MATERIALS CIRCULAR ASSESSEMENT BUILDINGBildnummer 68Bildnummer 69Bildnummer 70Bildnummer 71BAMB PILOT PROJECTS DEMONSTRATES THAT CIRCULAR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ARE FEASIBLE��THE DIGITALIZATION FACILITATES THE DATA SHARING AND ASSESSMENT��THE DATA SHARING AND MANAGEMENT ARE PLAYING AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE STAKEHOLDERS��THE PROCUREMENT HAS THE CAPACITY TO CLARIFY ROLES AND OBJECTIVES OF EACH CONTRACTORS���ContactPotential of BAMB’s Reversible Building Design Tools for the future of sustainable procurementBildnummer 75Bildnummer 76Bildnummer 77Bildnummer 78Bildnummer 79Bildnummer 80Bildnummer 81Bildnummer 82Bildnummer 83Bildnummer 84ContactBildnummer 86Bildnummer 87One Planet Network Approach to CircularityBildnummer 89Bildnummer 90Bildnummer 91Bildnummer 92Bildnummer 93Bildnummer 94Bildnummer 95Bildnummer 96Bildnummer 97Bildnummer 98Bildnummer 99Bildnummer 100Bildnummer 101Bildnummer 102Bildnummer 103Bildnummer 104Bildnummer 105Bildnummer 106Bildnummer 107Bildnummer 108Bildnummer 109Bildnummer 110Bildnummer 111Bildnummer 112Bildnummer 113Bildnummer 114Bildnummer 115Bildnummer 116Bringing it all together:�What we’ve learnedKey messages from the Materials Passports teamBildnummer 119Bildnummer 120Key messages from the Digitalization teamBildnummer 122Bildnummer 123Key messages from the Circular Building Assessment teamBildnummer 125Bildnummer 126