Bringing innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship education to humanities students, roisin mc...


Transcript of Bringing innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship education to humanities students, roisin mc...

Page 1: Bringing innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship education to humanities students, roisin mc glone


Page 2: Bringing innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship education to humanities students, roisin mc glone

What is Entrepreneurship Education for the Humanities?

Creating a framework for embedding entrepreneurship education in Humanities outside the traditional “business school chalk and talk model”

Creating an intellectually stimulating arena for enterprise activity that translates into tangible social and economic benefits for our community.

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What is a Social Entrepreneur? Social Entrepreneurs : agents of change who act for public or social benefit

eg Sr Stanislaus Kennedy, Mary Davis

Use innovative approaches/methods to address problems

Have an ability to effectively develop/grow ideas to create positive impact

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Social EntrepreneurshipIs not about marketsIs about needsHuman needsIt embodies the ideals of HumanitiesBut requires the exact same ‘skillset’

as traditional entrepreneurship

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Social Entrepreneurship is..Taking Risks for a Social CauseSeeing a gap between people’s needs and

the services provided for them and seeking to develop a project that fills the gap in a way that prioritises ‘meeting the need’

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Social Entrepreneurship in Ireland

Local community groups such as Sligo Family Support Project

National Projects such as LifestartNational Voluntary Bodies such as

Rehabcare, Special Olympics

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How do we achieve this as educators?

Customise the Accelerating Campus

Entrepreneurship model for Humanities

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What is ACE?

HEA funded research/development/implementation collaborative commenced in 2008

Aim: to ‘Create the Entrepreneurial Graduate’ IT Sligo-Humanities Dundalk IT lead partner-Technology Blanchardstown IT-Engineering Cork IT-Science National University of Ireland Galway

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Key Questions

Provision-informs and equips students

Curriculum- experiential learningSkills Based-problem solving, team

work, start upInternational Best Practice –Finland,

Finnish Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Higher Education ,US MIT Magnet model,

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Undergraduate skills, knowledge required in entrepreneurship education

Creativity and Innovation Communication Skills Opportunity Identification Developing a Business Plan Assessing the risks/benefit of self employment Selling an idea and Finding Customers

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Success Factors

Policy support to ensure strategic integrated approach Senior Management support -visible leadership Coordination and promotion of activities and

collaborative working between academics, ,researchers, enterprise support staff and the wider voluntary and economic community

Entrepreneurial educators, entrepreneurs and mentors

Innovative assessment methods , greater flexibility within education design and delivery systems

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competition ECCE Finalist

Enterprise and Innovation week

Train the Trainer Programme-Larry Farrell

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IT SLIGO ACE ACTIVITIESStudent InternsEnterprise Society-

Bothar Fund RaiserNorth West Hospice

Humanities BallBright Sparks


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Our Goals………..….in IT SLIGO

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1. To provide the opportunity for all Humanities Students in IT Sligo, to develop entrepreneurial skills

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Having developed a model that really ‘fits’ Humanities – to share it with other institutions and support them to adapt and adopt our model so that humanities students throughout Ireland gain the opportunity to learn more innovative, creative and problem solving skills.

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.To support other departments in our Institution access the suite of modules and programmes that have been developed by the wider ACE Team in accordance with the needs of their individual disciplines.

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Our Current Focus is on our first goal

Roll out of Semester 6 for Early Childhood Care and Education, Performing Arts and Creative Design

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What is Semester 6?

It’s a full semesterIt’s about project startingIt builds in sustainabilityIt is delivered through a model of experiential learning using real life projects

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How will this work? Teams to be selected , 4 members ideally cross

disciplinary Projects identified with skills of each team Mentor/coach allocated to each team Work plan developed with targets and objectives All students undertake the Entrepreneurship and

Innovation in the Humanities module Assessment by attendance ,reflective journal, project

portfolio, presentation and Q and A to panel

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ACE Programme Semester 6Inducti0nWorkshopsWhat is Entrepreneurship?What is idea creation?Team work /time managementCommunication-presentation


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Early childcare group

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ACE Programme

Guest speakers from social enterprise/industry Funding sources-Pobal, County Enterprise Board,

Enterprise Ireland Attendance at Enterprise and Innovation week Rocket Pitch and Poster presentation Launch of ACE Space Final Objective Present Idea proposal to panel and

take questions and answers

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ACE Programme

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What is the ‘Entrepreneurial Skillset’

A vision/ideaA belief in this visionLeadership/Project Starter/Risk TakerCreativityFast thinking/reacting/problem solvingPlanning/thinking ahead/Sustainability

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Fine Art Students might developCommunity Art ProjectsChildren's Art ProjectsArt with Youth GroupsArt for People with a DisabilityArt with Older people and

intergenerational projectsCommunity cultural sculpture groups

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Performing Arts Students

Performing Arts Students may develop projects for drama/dance or performance

Community TheatreChildren’s TheatreYouth Drama groupsDrama Therapy

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Social Studies

Social Care students have the broadest choice of all as their remit is the care and development of all groups of people.

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Early Childhood

Early Childhood Students can focus on any project that benefits children age 0-6 using any medium from outdoor pursuits to creative mediums and beyond, family support projects are also an option for groups with Early Childhood members.

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Creative DesignParent and child tree house building

workshops Innovative childcare equipment built in

consultation with childrenYouth projects incorporating community

designPlaygroundsMobility Projects

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VisionWould you like your students to leave your institute with the confidence and skill set that would allow them to say…

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I know what my community / country really needs?

I’m going to do it!Thank [email protected]