Bridging the website translation - language technology gap

Bridging the website translation language technology gap LT-Innovate Summit, Brussels, 2012 Balazs Benedek, CTO


Not all website owners know, but they need their site translated to reach the 70% of the world and make more revenue. However, website translation is a painful process for translation agencies and clients, unless they have the right tool in their hands.Easyling helps to simplify the translation process with minimal technical support, thus lets translation agencies to diversify their service by providing added value to their clients.Easyling is a CMS independent website translation solution for website owners.For LSPs and freelances Easyling is a web-based tool for automatic quotation, text extraction, and CAT/TM integration.The showcase was presented by Balazs Benedek, on the LTInnovate Summit 2012, Brussels

Transcript of Bridging the website translation - language technology gap

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Bridging the website translationlanguage technology gap

LT-Innovate Summit, Brussels, 2012Balazs Benedek, CTO

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Skawa Innovation was founded in 2008 by digital natives, born in the cloud

focusing on SaaS solutions

experience in SW developmentcloud-based workflow system management

(own crowdsource system with 23000+ registered worker)

About us

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How to keep

the same format?

Can I reach my translation memory?

Xliff Import

How to give quotation now?

How to track repetition?

How can I extract the full text to translate?


Pains of Website Translation

How many words?

CAT support

What has changed on the site? Powered by Skawa Innovation

Who will solve the technical problems?

How will it look like on the site?

The website is not designed to handle many languages

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Why bother?

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Good for clients

Not all clients know already, but they need their website translated

Reasons to believe

Traffic: “9 in 10 Internet users in the EU said that, when they had a choice of languages, they always visited a website in their own language.” [EU]

Turnover: “People with no or low English skills were six times more likely not to buy from Anglophone sites than their countrymen who were proficient in English.” [DePalma et al.]

Profits: “Global Fortune 500 companies that actively localizing their products or services yields profits of $365 billion. If only 10% of their total revenues are derived from international sales dependent upon localization profits would have been reduced to -$225 billion.” [LISA]

ROI: “Companies are receiving approximately $25 of additional revenue for every $1 spent on localization.” [LISA]

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website translation tool helps to Simplify translation process Minimize technical support needs Provide more added value Cover one more medium

Reach new business goals Diversify service by offering website translation Get more clients More revenues

Good for Translation Agencies (LSPs), freelancers

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Standard website translation workflow

On „live”, frequently updated websites translation is a never-ending task.

Content GenerationWebsite (CMS)


Insert translated text Text extraction

Update website, track changes

Website ownerTranslatorWebsite developer

Players of the gameTheir problems with the game:

Website developers are not translators

Translators prefer to work on files (html, pdf, doc, xls), using TM

Website owners are neither tech people, nor translators

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What is Easyling? - web-based, SaaS solution

website owners• CMS-independent website translation solution

(Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Typo3)

LSPs and freelancers• Tool for automatic quotation, text extraction• CAT/TM integration (memoQ, Trados, …)

Marketplace to bring them together• Money escrow service (prepaid)• Quality assurance

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Market size

Total translation market size in 2011

$31.438 billion (10% website translation, $3.1 billion)


the hidden market

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“website translation” 1M+ searches monthly by website owners

Target groups

500 000+ freelance translatorsall around the world

22 000+ translation agencies(LSPs)

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“website translation”

1M+ searches monthly

Target groups

500 000+ freelance translatorsall around the world

22 000+ translation agencies(LSPs)

PPC advertisementAdWords, LinkedIn, Facebook,

Blogs, guest blogging, SEO

Social/professional online networks,,

Conferences (ELIA, memoQfest, GALA,

LocWorld, TeCom)

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Business model



200 EUR/months (or just 1999 EUR/year)

200,000 pageviews/mo.

20,000 pagewrites/mo.

Auto change notification

1-click XLIFF upload

2h tech support


Translation agencies

50 EUR/months (or just 499 EUR/year)

50,000 pageviews/mo.

5,000 pagewrites/mo.

Auto change notification

1-click XLIFF upload


Freelance translators

20 EUR/months (or just 199 EUR/year)

20,000 pageviews/mo.

2,000 pagewrites/mo.

Auto change notification



Website owners

10 EUR/months (or just 99 EUR/year)

10,000 pageviews/mo.

1,000 pagewrites/mo.





The prices above do not include the actual cost of the translation

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Source text extraction – Easyling -> XLIFF

• live website vs. offline files (Word, Excel, XML, HTML, who can provide it on the client's side), ContentManagementSystems (CMS)

• Dynamic contents: forms

• Externalization: what to translate, what not to translate. Images, PDFs, Flash

• Measuring the immeasurable: exact list of items to be translated

• Pricing: instant quotation

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Translation: XLIFF -> CAT

• CAT tools (localization settings, terminology, consistency)

• Dealing with repetition, context match (101%)

• in-house QA

• client approval (preview for review) - online testing (is this already possible?)

• client feedback implementation

• SEO, copywriting

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• copy-paste on clients admin platform

• monolingual or bilingual files

• ready made website: (memoQ, Trados) -> XLIFF -> Easyling

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• updates sent by the clients (live website vs. doc, txt, html, xml)

• automatic change tracking

• pricing of updates

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company webserver

original English website

visitor's browser

Solution & technology


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• Translated by language professionals, it is NOT a machine translation• Stored at & served by Google App Engine (SLA: 99.95%)• Original texts are replaced on the fly (proxy / javascript)

Solution & technology


visitor's browser

Original English websitewebsite translated to Chinese

company webserver

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Easyling Features & Benefits

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3 simple steps1. EasyLing discovers &

crawls the entire site

1-click text extraction & instant quote

3. Use memoQ with your TM to give instant & precise quotation

2. Export all the text in XLIFF

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P/review and edit the original context & layout

How to present the translation to the client?

1. Translate with memoQ

2. Create XLIFF3. Import to EasyLing4. Send a unique

preview link to your customer

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P/review and edit the original context & layout

List of translation elements

Editing panel

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File-based contents– Images– Pdf, doc, xls, ...– Flash, Silverlight– Special font handling

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Growing Together

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Q&AThank you for your attention.

Balazs Benedek, CTO [email protected]