Bridgeport evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1911-07-24...

ffD THE FARMER: JULY 24, 1911 FINANCIAL 55 Bobber Express Companies See M The Handwriting THE liBSTlUlEPliT We are told that the Babylonians Bakery Specials of old saw with trepidation the fiery message the 'Mene-men- e. Tekal Up- - harson" on the wall. Also rats scur SNOWFLAKE BISCUITS . . . . . .8c per dozen EXTRA LARGE, MEDIUM SOFT GRABS 25c doz ry up the hawsers of a ship which, DROP CAKES . . .r .8c per dozen ( i EXTRA FANCY, PRIME SOFT CRABS by an extraordinary development of a sixth sense,- - they prevision as being doomed. Similarly "Coming Kvents Cast Their Shadows Before," and the Captain Kidds and Commodore Mor Economy Fruit Jars gans of the express monopoly are bus- ily engaged in throwing sop to Cer HARD SHELL CRABS, Live or Boiled FRESH PICKED CRAB MEAT DIRECT FROM MARYLAND' berus in an effort to placate and "Letheize" an aroused public. A maximum reduction of . 50 per . PINTS QUARTS - 2 QUARTS 75c per dozen $1.00 per dozen $1.25 per dozen ECONOMY JAR CAPS 20c per dozen Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000 cent, by August 1 is "going some." In a strenuous effort to "Get the Pub- lic's Goat" and persuade them that they have no more use for the par V. eels post than a Newfoundland dog has fpr an overcoat, in common with HAYES FISH CO. 629 WATER STREET -- TEL. 412 Bridgeport most extortionists and exploiters,they are willing to do anything except take i Flic fflarM Wane their hands out 4 of the pockets of the public and get off the backs of them Duelist Forced Himself On Club asses. However, for these small favors, many thanks, and until such a storm of protest shall overwhelm Hitchcock Public Market Building East Main St. State and Bank Sts. Telephone Nos. 404, 405, 406 PARK CITY CARPET CLEANING COMPANY Despite Vetoes whose ideas of postal economy seem to run toward reduction of salaries of employes and increase of postal rates Carpets Cleaned and Returned the Same Day. ; "Carpets Made Over" .'Mflitlce". For forty-fiv- e years we have been conducting business at the same old location, i corner of Main and John Streets; -- Bridgeport, : Conn., and our Private Bank has been - established there continuously. We have received nnd paid out on demand without no- tice millions of dollars of money de- - posited with us and we continue to Receive money subject to depositor's check at sight, on which we allow three per cent, per annum, credited Io each account monthly. , We solicit the accounts of Individuals business pnen. firms and corporations, and all Hjkho want a bank account where they can deoosit monev. checks or drafts. (instead of prying the robber rail OFFICE 121 ANN D. DRISCOLTj, McT. ' TELEPHONE 1329-- 5 It was a witty bishop who once de- - nnea a club as a Dlace "where women roads . and their greedy) accomplices in ' the government service out of the public crib) we must summon such cease from troubling and the weary Wall Papers, Room Mouldings, Painting and Decorating patience as we can command. - .vu. amusing aen- - Makers of Picture Frames, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Brushes, etc. Also, what we aspire to be and were not, comforts to us. S1Yen y rse Au TrtOTtTltTD nrtTTntTT TVin 777-78- 3 EAST MAIN STREET The day is imminent when old vox aaia. "A club," said he, "ja "V"-"1- " wuu . 4 Phone 2805-- 3 populi, with a resounding bray will leap into the arena with the initiative, a weapon used by savages to keep the white woman at a distance." Nowa- days,, however, as Ralph Nevill re- marks in his book, "London Clubs" referendum and recall, and fire the nnd leave It for one week, one attOnth or one year, and draw Interest incompetents incontinently, ride on the incoming crest of the parcel post ton It for any time It Is left wim SWe give to the business our careful personal attention as the oldest firm (as all " other civilized countries en tmngs are different. "Within the last twenty-fiv- e years or ' so the spirit of joy it) to a satisfactory service, and Continental Mousefurnishlng "V. DON'T FAIL TO GET ONE OF OUR BOOKLETS VVben in Kew Haven we would be pleased ' to have you call at our show rooms. ; ' ' 739 CHAPEL STREET Telephone 2262 Asuncion ciud life has entirely changed. an immense financial surplus. This .ine oia fashioned clubman. whose an pnvaie oaniccrs in T.Ii. WATSON & CO. we can use to increase the salary and whole life was bound ud with one or traveling expenses of the President, and pay "the Tennessee Coal and Iron r nnn and Chicago and Alton ex-tru- st bus ter to keep silent withal.. - People's Savings Bank oiner or. these institutions, is now practically extinct." Perhaps the most ' striking story which Mr. Nevill tells regarding Brooks' . club ; is that concerning the famous duelist, George Robert Fitz- gerald, who was executed for murder Meanwhile millions of people in this IMJ broad land will be privileged to avail themselves ''. of the R. F. D. Service, JOHN FV FAY, fItlii V " Marble Building i 924-92- 6 MAIN STREET and instead of a farmer leaving his IS NOW IN PUIi SWING would admit him. His name does not Hierh Class Furniture. Draperies and Novelties, re-uriho- l- P TinPO T in Vlrt nliiV 1 fr I - - . The Greatest Money-Savin- g Event of the Year tC , r v ' June 20, 1911. in a sort of way be regarded as hav plow, in the furrow to "hitch up" and go to town for that bottle of milk or magnesia for the : baby, or the neces- sary ingredients for the dinner he'll phone the order to the drug or gro- cery store and it will be put aboard ." The Trustees of this Bank have this v Shades and Curtains in great variety AH kinds of bedding made to order and made oTer. The only store of its the R. F. D. wagon (at present load una iu wew imgiana. Telephone 732-- 3 ed : with a minimum of twenty-fiv- e pounds) and delivered without waste Cay declared a iemi-anmi- ai amucnu, for the six .months ending June 30, JtlBlt. at the rate of FOUR per cent, her ' anmim on all accounts, payable (July 1 1911 h , f EDWARD ' W. MARSH, Treasurer. .TkMosita made on or before August of time or loss by wear. ' It i has been calculated that the ag gregate loss our agragian popula SUMMER MILLINERY WE OFFER A LARGE AND CHOICE SELECTION OF TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR SUMMER WEAR tlon from our supine acquiescence to the express company ownership of the 'jSd, will draw Interest from August 1st United States amounts to three hun- dred million dollars a year. Worth ing belonged to the club. He was. however, , in it f only once, though it was his boast that-h- had been unani- mously chosen ' a member. . Owing to Fitzgerald's well known dueling propensities no first class London club would admit him. Nev- ertheless he got Admiral Keith Stew- art who knew1 that he must fight Fitzgerald or comply, to propose him for Brooks'. . Accordingly the duelist went with the admiral on the day of the election to - the clubhouse and waited down- stairs- while the ballot was in pro- gress.' ' " I ' The result, a foregone conclusion, was unfavorable to the candidate, not even ' one white ball being among the black, the admirarhaving been among the first to deposit his. Mr. Brooks eventually went to tell Fitzgerald, who was waiting in the hall, that there 989 BROAD STREET fifiiiipRoiuid saving, - isn't it? Well, then, let's save 88 YOUR CHOICE of the most beautiful new line of IFIUIRIITIUIRIE of every description. A magnificent line of Rugs, Carpets, Matting, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Lace Cur- tains, Refrigerators, Gas Ranges, Pictures, etc. All at; an extraordinary reduction for cash while sale lasts (Whittalls' Rugs excepted). Many articles go at a double reduction, which brings them down to nearly half their actual value. - A LIMITED NUMBER OF GLENWOOD GANGES will go into this sale at 10 per cent, off for cash ; YOUK PURCHASE will be held for later delivery if necessary KEMESfBB It costs you nothing to look and it may do 70a a hmp : of good. VflT T fiPT IINJ at 1069 ltai11 St. MV , M1- - M or 135 Fairfield Ae. 6 28 .asSr 28 iu':'. THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 130 State Street was one black ball and, that therefore! it, by establishing a parcel post ana abolishing the express monopoly through atrophy (disuse), then'govern-mentallz- e the railroads and haul our mail matter at cost, instead of fool- ishly continuing to pay from three to eight times as much for hauling mail as the railroads receive for hauling a first class passenger, who loads and unloads himself. - v And let not the long-wind- ed and brain-befuddli- ng "investigators' of the obvious, and their interesting en- deavors to turn back flip flops in mid- air (vide our government's glowing report on the value of the parcel post service between the United states and Porto Rico, etc.,) pull the wool ; over thine eyes. .r. , Sic 'em, Towser, he bit your fath- er! Dr ; Edwin F: Bowers. -- FRESH FROM THE CHURN Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON SRQ nis candidature had. failed. xnrusung asiae -- $rooks, who pro- tested that non-membe- rs might not enter the clubrooms, Fitzgerald flew upstairs and ' entered the room. Walk ing up to the fireplace, he thus ad- dressed Admiral Stewart. f trTTmi Td S THAT SATISFY This price includes meals and berth both ways. 'A 1,500 mile Ocean Voyage on a magnificent ocean liner. For further particulars ap- ply to ;y! S. Loewith & Co. 116 BANK STREET "S, my dear admiral, Mr. Brooks informs me that I have been elected three times." s "You have; been balloted for, Mr. Fitzgerald, but I am sorry to; say you No matter what you pay 'or cigars at D. D. Smith's yon are cer- tain of getting greater value than elsewhere. Goods are always fresh, as stock Is moved quickly. , Biggest line in the city and prices the most reasonable. Box trade a specialty. Fine line of Pipes Cigar Holders, Tobaccos in Tins and" all Smokers Accessories. i r . PACKARD nave not been chosen," said Stewart. BLUE RIBBON GAB AG I! 283 Fairfield Avemxa LORD OF THE MANOR W LIVED AT HIS EASE "Well, then," replied , the duelist, did you blackball me?" My good sir," answered the admir al, "how could you suppose such a Telephone 99 D D SMITH OPP- - Poll's Theatre, Fairfield Ave.' Had a Bed and a Wagonful thing?". LOWE'S LAUNDRY "Oh, I supposed no such thing, my dear", fellow. I only want to know lOOO SEAVIEW AVE WET .WASH, ROUGH DRY AND MANCIE WORK who it was that dropped" the black THOMAS Ij. IX) WE, Prop., formerly of Wells & Love Phone 15-- 4. Delivery Free T17 tf of Plunder in Frame Under a Flat Car t , (Indianapolis News.) -- With a lair built in the steel frame ball in by accident, as it were." Fitzgerald now went up to each in dividual member and put the same question to all in turn. . "Did you i JAMES STAPLES & CO. f Bankers and Brokers J a 89 State Street Bridgeport, Conn. i;p FIRE INSURANCE - : ' ' I BURET BONDS ' REAL ESTATE Bought and Sold on Commission loans, Mad on Approved ' City Real "Estate ' ; V" SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS We re- - blackball me, sir?" until he made the 'THE, DEPARTMENT.. HARDWARE STORE' under a flat car, out of sight, but in round of the whole club, and in each the heart; of the city, a small, dusky case he received - a reply similar to Get thfr Best Beer Brewed The price is no higher than you pay for the ordinary kind MOERLETN'S CINCINNATI? BEER," case two dozen, delivered. .$1.25 MOERLEIN'S- - BARBAROSSA Perfection in Bottled Beer.dozen $1.25 mat oi tne aamirai. , young-ma- n has led a lle that harks back to the primitive, as nearly . as possible in. the - city, and the civilized When he had finished his investiga AT- - COST tions he thus addressed . the ; whole j bodyt. "You see, gentlemen, that as twentieth century. Bicyclemen Ruck- - none of you have blakballed me 1 must be . elected. . It . is Mr. Brooks er and Dickison this morning found the hiding place of the young man whose actions have been such' as to arouse lively curiosity among resi tcirts deposits subject to cneck and al- low interest on balances of $500 and over. We will, act ? as Trustees and Administrators of Estates. who has made, the mistake." dents and railroad employees : In the vicinity of Delaware and South Sts. P. T STAPLES After this nothing more was said by : the members, who determined to ignore the presence of their dangerous visitor, who drank three bottles of champagne in enforced silence, for no P. Tj. nOIiZEH They also found a miscellaneous ' col- lection of plunder, articles of clothing the balance of a fine line of hammocks are offered while they last at cost price. They include all shades; closely woven materials, strong anr! serviceable. . A good HAMMOCK COUCH with a swinging frame can tr used in the home the year 'round. They are a delight with the children, a safe and time passing accessory In the nur- sery. ; . x We take pleasure in showing you. ' t one would answer him when he spoke. V SPECIAL . LIEBIG'S 31 ALT EXTRACT, dozen . .'. $1.20 SHEBOYGAN MINERAL, WATER, Splits, dozen. 75c HOMER'S GINGER BRANDT, large bottles. V. .75c Gus. BROCH SON 347 FAIRFIELD AVENUE ?, . . , TELEPHONE 1389 . AUTOMOBILE ROW tools, soap, tin receptacles, leather belting, carpets, buckets, sponges and a trinket or two, believed . to have When he had gone , it was agreed "that half a dozen stout constables been stolen. Hoeses IFOJR, S AlLlE t TWO-FAMIL- T. They did not find the lord of -- the should be m waiting the next evening to bear him off to the watch house if he attempted . again to intrude, hut Mr. Fitzgerald, aware' probably of the manor, however. He had glided away into the railroad yards just prior to their approach. reception he might get, never did." According to the statement of rail THE LY0W AND. GRUMMAN CO. ' FATRFTEIiD AVENUE, CORNER MIDDLE STREET THE' DEPARTMENT HARD WA RE STORE 1 road men, for weeks they have seen the stranger, shabbily, and scantily Atlantic St. JJarnum Are.' Carleton Ave.. ' Colorado Ave. - Apropos of blackballing, Mr. ' Nevill mentions . the greatest instance of blackballing probably ever known which took place some years ago at a ladies' club, where one candidate received three more black balls than the number of members present a Black Rock Ave. Bunnell St. Capitol Ave. Denver, Ave. t clad, haunting the Pennsylvania yards in the evening or early morning. . He is not a friendly fellow and no one seemed to know him. Several times out of curiosity his actions were watched. He seemed interested' in case, of excessive zeal indeed! The practical joker is naturally not A Large Assortment of nothing in particular, at. ' least not Iranlstan Avenue. ; " - THREE-FAMIL- Y. Connecticut Ave. , Denver Ave. unknown m the most solemn of clubs. and "some irrespressible jokers have while observed, and he always had a way of disappearing under a line of steel flat ears that have stood for paid for their love of fun by having mmmmm to resign their membership. One of them, whose escapades were notorious some time on a spur track Just west Fairfield Ave. Madison Ave. State St. Dewey St. Hancock Ave. (Pembroke St. of Delaware Street and south of South A in London twenty years ago, sitting Street. Where he hid no one knew. nair asleep in a" certain bohemian An - employee of the Osborn Manu club, became annoyed at a verv red BMW" COATS West Avenue, headed waiter who kept buzzing about facturing Company missed some tools He had seen the stranger in. the vicin- ity and followed him.- - As before.the stranger crawled under one of the cars and was seen no more. The his chair, .The sight of the fiery locks was eventually too much for this wild spirit, and darting up and seizing the man, he emptied a bottle of black ink Inquire of I7hen You Oomo to Plan Your Summer Vacation You'll need the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad's summer resort book. It con- tains a list of two thousand summer hotels and board-in- g cottages,and tells their location and capacity and rate per day and per week. Ask for the Manual of Summer Resorts The easily accessible and most popular resorts of Southern New England are mentioned in this book places where you can enjoy a most delightful vacation at very moderate cost.- - .. Write today for a copy Address Advertising Bureau, Room 537, South Station, Boston The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. owner of the tools watched for him over his head before he could escape. to come out on the opposite side of RUBBER COATS (all weights-- , OIL COATS, HORSE COVERS, WAGON COVERS, ARMY BLANKETS, WAGON-BbOTS- , WAGON UMBRELLAS RUBBERHIDE BOOTS The result, of course, was expulsion the car, but he didn't appear. Exas from the club, besides which very substantial compensation was rightly perated, he crawled under the car, BURR & KNAPP 023 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. CONN. and the mystery was explained. paid to tne waiter The small stranger had built a false bottom under the car with pieces of LOWEST PRICES AT Roger Bresnahan smoked a Nugget lumber, leaving a small opening to wiiiie in town. a crawl up Into the apartment. He had a comfortable bed there, and room NAMES NEW CURATE for so much plunder a wagon was re quired to take it to the Police Sta Bishop Mian Assigns Rev. Patrick Tttn Peck &z LiriKBS Co. 185-20- 7 MIDDLE ST., BRIDGEPORT, CT. Phone 470 tion. The police are looking for the i! young man. They have a description "r JV Dut nave oeen unaoie io ODtain a name. They destroyed the cave man's home at the request of the rail- road men. si $10 and Upwards vacation mm YOUR VACATION AND CREDIT TO ALIj YOUR WATCH Connors of Newtown to St. John's, ' New Haven New Haven, July '24. Bishop Nllan has " assigned ; Rev. Patrick Connors, for three years curate -- at Newtown, this state, to the curateship of St. John's R. C. parish, this city, to suc- ceed the Rev. George Coyle, who died last week in St. Francis hospital. Father Coyle had been at St. John's a little over three weeks when he was taken seriously ill. , He succeeded Rev. James Keating .. who assumed pastorship of the church in Sharon, Conn. Father Connors is a native of Stam- ford and received his elementarv edu- cation there, after which he entered Villonaova college, and finally the Grand seminary, Montreal. His first charge was in Newtown, where he was popular with all classes. He will Junior . assistant to Rev. John Coyle, the pastor. In addition to his pastoral duties he will visit the sick at the New Haven hospital. 01Q to SlOO LOANED OX YOUR PROMISE TO PAY NO PAYMENTS FOR TWO MONTHS Housekeepers and Workingmcn We want no advantages; care very little about security, promise satisfaction and guarantee a square deal. , OUR PLAN Ask us what you want to know. Convince us of your ability and honest intention to live up to your agreenjent.and we will satisfy you that you will be given a square deal under all conditions. .That's all the is to it. No fuss, annoyance, red tape or de- - M2 must both be considered. What is a vacation without a good watch ? Time slips away on a vacation and you must gauge the time for doing everything in order to get the most out of :these days of pleasure. mil 3 ITo A good new watch, or your old No matter what rate you are now paying or may have paid some other company wo will make you a lioan at Lower Rates and Easier Terra. OUR REGULAR RATES Borrow $15 you pay back $17.00 Borrow $20 you pay back $22.25 Borrow $25 you pay back $27.50 Borrow $50 you pay back $55.00 17 FT. X 43 FT. watch made as good as- - new for you in our repairing department will save you many annoyances and much In la?. Just pia.. every dayhon. s convenience. 1 We are featuring a Waltham Watch BRIDGEPORT FifMGE G , 83 Fairfield Avenue, 105 Warner Bldg. of the handy 12 size at $9.00. It will not disappoint you. . 177: FAIRFIELD AVE. For particulars call at office of EVENING FARMER Nuggets sold all over the town, a esty from you ana to you. Satis- faction on both sides and a pleas- ant and , perfectly understood agreement. Call, 'Phone or Write TJa American loan Asso. ' Oft fiOLDEX HELTj ST. PRONE 2333 . OFFICE OPEN 8 A. M. TO C SATURDAY AND MONDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. M. J. BUECEJLER to.. i: V-- B CHICK FEED and V-- B SCRATCH GRAIN VINCENT BROTHERS 'PHONE SlOl Over Caesar Miscli New Store ' j The Reliable Jeweler WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WORD . 48 FAIRFIELD AVE..Near Middle St. V

Transcript of Bridgeport evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1911-07-24...

Page 1: Bridgeport evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1911-07-24… · Duelist Forced Himself On Club asses. However,

ffD THE FARMER: JULY 24, 1911

FINANCIAL55 Bobber Express

Companies SeeMThe Handwriting


liBSTlUlEPliT We are told that the Babylonians Bakery Specialsof old saw with trepidation the fierymessage the 'Mene-men- e. Tekal Up- -harson" on the wall. Also rats scur SNOWFLAKE BISCUITS . . . . . .8c per dozenEXTRA LARGE, MEDIUM SOFT GRABS 25c doz ry up the hawsers of a ship which, DROP CAKES . . .r .8c per dozen (i EXTRA FANCY, PRIME SOFT CRABSby an extraordinary development ofa sixth sense,- - they prevision as beingdoomed. Similarly "Coming KventsCast Their Shadows Before," and theCaptain Kidds and Commodore Mor Economy Fruit Jarsgans of the express monopoly are bus-ily engaged in throwing sop to Cer


MARYLAND'berus in an effort to placate and"Letheize" an aroused public.

A maximum reduction of . 50 per. PINTS QUARTS - 2 QUARTS

75c per dozen $1.00 per dozen $1.25 per dozenECONOMY JAR CAPS 20c per dozen

Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000 cent, by August 1 is "going some." Ina strenuous effort to "Get the Pub-lic's Goat" and persuade them thatthey have no more use for the par

V. eels post than a Newfoundland doghas fpr an overcoat, in common withHAYES FISH CO.

629 WATER STREET -- TEL. 412Bridgeportmost extortionists and exploiters,they

are willing to do anything except take iFlic fflarM Wanetheir hands out 4 of the pockets of thepublic and get off the backs of them

Duelist Forced

Himself On Clubasses.

However, for these small favors,many thanks, and until such a stormof protest shall overwhelm Hitchcock

Public Market Building East Main St.State and Bank Sts. Telephone Nos. 404, 405, 406PARK CITY CARPET CLEANING COMPANYDespite Vetoes whose ideas of postal economy seem

to run toward reduction of salaries ofemployes and increase of postal ratesCarpets Cleaned and Returned the Same Day. ; "Carpets Made Over"

.'Mflitlce".For forty-fiv-e years we have been

conducting business at the same oldlocation, i corner of Main and JohnStreets; -- Bridgeport, : Conn., and ourPrivate Bank has been - establishedthere continuously. We have receivednnd paid out on demand without no-tice millions of dollars of money de--posited with us and we continue toReceive money subject to depositor'scheck at sight, on which we allowthree per cent, per annum, creditedIo each account monthly. , We solicitthe accounts of Individuals businesspnen. firms and corporations, and allHjkho want a bank account where theycan deoosit monev. checks or drafts.

(instead of prying the robber railOFFICE 121 ANN D. DRISCOLTj, McT. ' TELEPHONE 1329-- 5It was a witty bishop who once de--nnea a club as a Dlace "where women

roads . and their greedy) accomplicesin ' the government service out of thepublic crib) we must summon suchcease from troubling and the weary Wall Papers, Room Mouldings, Painting and Decorating patience as we can command.- .vu. amusing aen-- Makers of Picture Frames, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Brushes, etc. Also, what we aspire to be and werenot, comforts to us.S1Yen y rse Au TrtOTtTltTD nrtTTntTT TVin 777-78- 3 EAST MAIN STREET

The day is imminent when old aaia. "A club," said he, "ja "V"-"1- " wuu . 4 Phone 2805-- 3populi, with a resounding bray willleap into the arena with the initiative,

a weapon used by savages to keep thewhite woman at a distance." Nowa-days,, however, as Ralph Nevill re-marks in his book, "London Clubs"

referendum and recall, and fire thennd leave It for one week, oneattOnth or one year, and draw Interest incompetents incontinently, ride on

the incoming crest of the parcel postton It for any time It Is left wimSWe give to the business our carefulpersonal attention as the oldest firm (as all " other civilized countries entmngs are different. "Within the last

twenty-fiv- e years or ' so the spirit of joy it) to a satisfactory service, and

Continental Mousefurnishlng "V.DON'T FAIL TO GET ONE OF OUR BOOKLETS

VVben in Kew Haven we would be pleased' to have you call at our show rooms. ; '

'739 CHAPEL STREET Telephone 2262

Asuncion ciud life has entirely changed. an immense financial surplus. This.ine oia fashioned clubman. whosean pnvaie oaniccrs in

T.Ii. WATSON & CO. we can use to increase the salary andwhole life was bound ud with one or traveling expenses of the President,and pay "the Tennessee Coal and Ironr nnnand Chicago and Alton ex-tru- st buster to keep silent withal.. -People's Savings Bank

oiner or. these institutions, is nowpractically extinct."

Perhaps the most ' striking storywhich Mr. Nevill tells regardingBrooks' . club ; is that concerning thefamous duelist, George Robert Fitz-gerald, who was executed for murder

Meanwhile millions of people in this IMJbroad land will be privileged to availthemselves ''. of the R. F. D. Service,JOHN FV FAY, fItliiV " Marble Building

i 924-92- 6 MAIN STREET and instead of a farmer leaving his IS NOW IN PUIi SWINGwould admit him. His name does not Hierh Class Furniture. Draperies and Novelties, re-uriho- l-P TinPO T in Vlrt nliiV 1 fr I - - . The Greatest Money-Savin- g Event of the YeartC ,

rv ' June 20, 1911. in a sort of way be regarded as hav

plow, in the furrow to "hitch up" andgo to town for that bottle of milk ormagnesia for the : baby, or the neces-sary ingredients for the dinner he'llphone the order to the drug or gro-cery store and it will be put aboard

." The Trustees of this Bank have thisv Shades and Curtains in great variety

AH kinds of bedding made to order and made oTer. The only store of its the R. F. D. wagon (at present loaduna iu wew imgiana. Telephone 732-- 3ed : with a minimum of twenty-fiv- e

pounds) and delivered without waste

Cay declared a iemi-anmi- ai amucnu,for the six .months ending June 30,JtlBlt. at the rate of FOUR per cent,her ' anmim on all accounts, payable(July 1 1911 h ,

f EDWARD 'W. MARSH, Treasurer..TkMosita made on or before August

of time or loss by wear. '

It i has been calculated that the aggregate loss our agragian populaSUMMER MILLINERY


tlon from our supine acquiescence tothe express company ownership of the'jSd, will draw Interest from August 1stUnited States amounts to three hun-dred million dollars a year. Worth

ing belonged to the club. He was.however, , in it f only once, though itwas his boast that-h- had been unani-mously chosen ' a member. .

Owing to Fitzgerald's well knowndueling propensities no first classLondon club would admit him. Nev-ertheless he got Admiral Keith Stew-art who knew1 that he must fightFitzgerald or comply, to propose himfor Brooks'. .

Accordingly the duelist went withthe admiral on the day of the electionto - the clubhouse and waited down-stairs- while the ballot was in pro-gress.' '

" I

'The result, a foregone conclusion,was unfavorable to the candidate, noteven ' one white ball being among theblack, the admirarhaving been amongthe first to deposit his. Mr. Brookseventually went to tell Fitzgerald,who was waiting in the hall, that there

989 BROAD STREETfifiiiipRoiuid saving, - isn't it? Well, then, let's save88

YOUR CHOICE of the most beautiful new line of

IFIUIRIITIUIRIEof every description. A magnificent line of Rugs,Carpets, Matting, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Lace Cur-tains, Refrigerators, Gas Ranges, Pictures, etc. Allat; an extraordinary reduction for cash while salelasts (Whittalls' Rugs excepted). Many articles goat a double reduction, which brings them down tonearly half their actual value. -

A LIMITED NUMBER OF GLENWOOD GANGESwill go into this sale at 10 per cent, off for cash

; YOUK PURCHASE will be held for later delivery if necessaryKEMESfBB It costs you nothing to look and it may do 70a a hmp

: of good.

VflT T fiPT IINJ at 1069 ltai11 St.MV , M1-- M or 135 Fairfield Ae.

628 .asSr 28iu':'.THE


130 State Streetwas one black ball and, that therefore!

it, by establishing a parcel post anaabolishing the express monopolythrough atrophy (disuse), then'govern-mentallz- e

the railroads and haul ourmail matter at cost, instead of fool-ishly continuing to pay from three toeight times as much for hauling mailas the railroads receive for haulinga first class passenger, who loads andunloads himself. - v

And let not the long-wind- ed andbrain-befuddli- ng "investigators' ofthe obvious, and their interesting en-

deavors to turn back flip flops in mid-air (vide our government's glowingreport on the value of the parcel postservice between the United states andPorto Rico, etc.,) pull the wool ; overthine eyes. .r. ,

Sic 'em, Towser, he bit your fath-er! Dr ; Edwin F: Bowers.

-- FRESH FROM THE CHURNTel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON SRQnis candidature had. failed.

xnrusung asiae -- $rooks, who pro-tested that non-membe- rs might notenter the clubrooms, Fitzgerald flewupstairs and ' entered the room. Walking up to the fireplace, he thus ad-dressed Admiral Stewart. f trTTmi Td S THAT SATISFY

This price includes mealsand berth both ways. 'A

1,500 mile Ocean Voyage ona magnificent ocean liner.For further particulars ap-

ply to ;y!

S. Loewith & Co.116 BANK STREET

"S, my dear admiral, Mr. Brooksinforms me that I have been electedthree times." s

"You have; been balloted for, Mr.Fitzgerald, but I am sorry to; say you

No matter what you pay 'or cigars at D. D. Smith's yon are cer-tain of getting greater value than elsewhere. Goods are always fresh,as stock Is moved quickly. , Biggest line in the city and prices the mostreasonable. Box trade a specialty. Fine line of Pipes Cigar Holders,Tobaccos in Tins and" all Smokers Accessories. i r .

PACKARDnave not been chosen," said Stewart.BLUE RIBBON GABAG I!

283 Fairfield AvemxaLORD OF THE MANOR

W LIVED AT HIS EASE"Well, then," replied , the duelist,did you blackball me?"

My good sir," answered the admiral, "how could you suppose such aTelephone 99 D D SMITH OPP- - Poll's Theatre, Fairfield Ave.' Had a Bed and a Wagonfulthing?". LOWE'S LAUNDRY"Oh, I supposed no such thing, mydear", fellow. I only want to know lOOO SEAVIEW AVE WET .WASH, ROUGH DRY AND MANCIE WORKwho it was that dropped" the black

THOMAS Ij. IX)WE, Prop., formerly of Wells & LovePhone 15-- 4. Delivery Free T17 tf

of Plunder in FrameUnder a Flat Car t

, (Indianapolis News.) --

With a lair built in the steel frame

ball in by accident, as it were."Fitzgerald now went up to each in

dividual member and put the samequestion to all in turn. . "Did you

i JAMES STAPLES & CO.f Bankers and BrokersJ a89 State Street Bridgeport, Conn.


I BURET BONDS ' REAL ESTATEBought and Sold on Commission

loans, Mad on Approved' City Real "Estate ' ;


blackball me, sir?" until he made the 'THE, DEPARTMENT.. HARDWARE STORE'under a flat car, out of sight, but inround of the whole club, and in each the heart; of the city, a small, duskycase he received - a reply similar toGet thfr Best Beer Brewed

The price is no higher than you pay for the ordinary kindMOERLETN'S CINCINNATI? BEER," case two dozen, delivered. .$1.25MOERLEIN'S- - BARBAROSSA Perfection in Bottled Beer.dozen $1.25

mat oi tne aamirai. ,

young-ma- n has led a lle that harksback to the primitive, as nearly . aspossible in. the - city, and the civilizedWhen he had finished his investiga AT- - COSTtions he thus addressed . the ; whole j

bodyt. "You see, gentlemen, that as twentieth century. Bicyclemen Ruck- -none of you have blakballed me 1must be . elected. . It . is Mr. Brooks

er and Dickison this morning foundthe hiding place of the young manwhose actions have been such' as toarouse lively curiosity among resi

tcirts deposits subject to cneck and al-low interest on balances of $500 andover. We will, act ? as Trustees andAdministrators of Estates.

who has made, the mistake."dents and railroad employees : In thevicinity of Delaware and South Sts.P. T STAPLES

After this nothing more was saidby : the members, who determined toignore the presence of their dangerousvisitor, who drank three bottles ofchampagne in enforced silence, for no

P. Tj. nOIiZEH They also found a miscellaneous ' col-

lection of plunder, articles of clothing

the balance of a fine line of hammocks are offered whilethey last at cost price.They include all shades; closely woven materials, strong anr!serviceable. .

A good HAMMOCK COUCH with a swinging frame can trused in the home the year 'round. They are a delight withthe children, a safe and time passing accessory In the nur-sery. ; .


We take pleasure in showing you. '

tone would answer him when he spoke.

V SPECIAL. LIEBIG'S 31ALT EXTRACT, dozen . .'. $1.20SHEBOYGAN MINERAL, WATER, Splits, dozen. 75cHOMER'S GINGER BRANDT, large bottles. V. .75c



tools, soap, tin receptacles, leatherbelting, carpets, buckets, sponges anda trinket or two, believed . to haveWhen he had gone , it was agreed

"that half a dozen stout constables been stolen.HoesesIFOJR, SAlLlEt TWO-FAMIL- T.

They did not find the lord of -- theshould be m waiting the next eveningto bear him off to the watch houseif he attempted . again to intrude, hutMr. Fitzgerald, aware' probably of the

manor, however. He had glided awayinto the railroad yards just prior totheir approach.reception he might get, never did." According to the statement of rail THE LY0W AND. GRUMMAN CO.


THE' DEPARTMENT HARD W A RE STORE1 road men, for weeks they have seen

the stranger, shabbily, and scantilyAtlantic St.JJarnum Are.'Carleton Ave..

'Colorado Ave.

- Apropos of blackballing, Mr. ' Nevillmentions . the greatest instance ofblackballing probably ever knownwhich took place some years ago ata ladies' club, where one candidatereceived three more black balls thanthe number of members present a

Black Rock Ave.Bunnell St.

Capitol Ave.Denver, Ave.

tclad, haunting the Pennsylvania yardsin the evening or early morning. . Heis not a friendly fellow and no oneseemed to know him. Several timesout of curiosity his actions werewatched. He seemed interested' in

case, of excessive zeal indeed!The practical joker is naturally not A Large Assortment ofnothing in particular, at. ' least not

Iranlstan Avenue.; "- THREE-FAMIL- Y.

Connecticut Ave. , Denver Ave.unknown m the most solemn of clubs.and "some irrespressible jokers have while observed, and he always had a

way of disappearing under a line ofsteel flat ears that have stood for

paid for their love of fun by having mmmmmto resign their membership. One ofthem, whose escapades were notorious some time on a spur track Just westFairfield Ave.

Madison Ave.State St.

Dewey St.Hancock Ave.

(Pembroke St.of Delaware Street and south of South Ain London twenty years ago, sitting Street. Where he hid no one knew.nair asleep in a" certain bohemian An - employee of the Osborn Manuclub, became annoyed at a verv red BMW" COATSWest Avenue, headed waiter who kept buzzing about facturing Company missed some toolsHe had seen the stranger in. the vicin-ity and followed him.- - As before.thestranger crawled under one of thecars and was seen no more. The

his chair, .The sight of the fiery lockswas eventually too much for this wildspirit, and darting up and seizing theman, he emptied a bottle of black ink

Inquire of

I7hen You Oomo to Plan YourSummer Vacation

You'll need the New York, New Haven andHartford Railroad's summer resort book. It con-

tains a list of two thousand summer hotels and board-in-g

cottages,and tells their location and capacity andrate per day and per week. Ask for the

Manual of Summer ResortsThe easily accessible and most popular resorts of Southern New

England are mentioned in this book places where you can enjoy amost delightful vacation at very moderate cost.- -

.. Write today for a copy

Address Advertising Bureau, Room 537, South Station, Boston

The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co.

owner of the tools watched for himover his head before he could come out on the opposite side of



The result, of course, was expulsionthe car, but he didn't appear. Exasfrom the club, besides which very

substantial compensation was rightly perated, he crawled under the car,BURR & KNAPP

023 MAIN ST.,


and the mystery was explained.paid to tne waiter The small stranger had built a falsebottom under the car with pieces of LOWEST PRICESATRoger Bresnahan smoked a Nugget lumber, leaving a small opening towiiiie in town. a crawl up Into the apartment. Hehad a comfortable bed there, and roomNAMES NEW CURATEfor so much plunder a wagon was required to take it to the Police StaBishop Mian Assigns Rev. Patrick Tttn Peck &z LiriKBS Co.

185-20- 7 MIDDLE ST., BRIDGEPORT, CT. Phone 470tion. The police are looking for thei! young man. They have a description"r

JVDut nave oeen unaoie io ODtain aname. They destroyed the caveman's home at the request of the rail-road

$10 and Upwards vacation mmYOUR VACATION ANDCREDIT TO ALIj


Connors of Newtown to St.John's, ' New Haven

New Haven, July '24. Bishop Nllanhas " assigned ; Rev. Patrick Connors,for three years curate -- at Newtown,this state, to the curateship of St.John's R. C. parish, this city, to suc-ceed the Rev. George Coyle, whodied last week in St. Francis hospital.Father Coyle had been at St. John'sa little over three weeks when he wastaken seriously ill. , He succeededRev. James Keating .. who assumedpastorship of the church in Sharon,Conn.

Father Connors is a native of Stam-ford and received his elementarv edu-cation there, after which he enteredVillonaova college, and finally theGrand seminary, Montreal. His firstcharge was in Newtown, where hewas popular with all classes. He will

Junior . assistant to Rev. JohnCoyle, the pastor. In addition to hispastoral duties he will visit the sickat the New Haven hospital.



Housekeepers and WorkingmcnWe want no advantages; care

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M2must both be considered. What is avacation without a good watch ?Time slips away on a vacation andyou must gauge the time for doingeverything in order to get the mostout of :these days of pleasure.

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No matter what rate you arenow paying or may have paidsome other company wo willmake you a lioan at Lower Ratesand Easier Terra.

OUR REGULAR RATESBorrow $15 you pay back $17.00Borrow $20 you pay back $22.25Borrow $25 you pay back $27.50Borrow $50 you pay back $55.00

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la?. Just pia.. every dayhon. s convenience.1We are featuring a Waltham Watch BRIDGEPORT FifMGE G

, 83 Fairfield Avenue, 105 Warner Bldg.of the handy 12 size at $9.00. It willnot disappoint you.


For particulars call at office of

EVENING FARMERNuggets sold all over the town, a

esty from you ana to you. Satis-faction on both sides and a pleas-ant and , perfectly understoodagreement.

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