Bridge Church Launch Plan

Launch Plan For more info and updates about getting involved, see:


The Launch Plan for The Bridge Church in Baldwinsville, NY. The plan describes our Core Elements, launch strategy and how others can be involved.

Transcript of Bridge Church Launch Plan

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Launch Plan

For more info and updates about getting involved, see:

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IntroThank you for taking the time to read The Bridge Church’s Launch Plan. I am grateful for the opportunity to present this plan to you. My prayer for this plan to give you an accurate picture of what can be and how we need you to be involved in helping to start The Bridge.

Plans are both vital and unessential. A plan keeps us on track. A plan gives us accountability. A plan lets us know how things are going.

We could also use a plan to attempt to replace God’s Spirit and direction. It could be used as an inflexible document. It can be the death of the start.

That is why we need your involvement. We want this plan to function on the “good list.” That will happen with the involvement of other people. We pray that you are so captivated by what God could do in Central New York that you get involved.

I am indebted to Jim Collins for the flow of this document. His books, Built To Last and Good To Great, and his online supplemental works have allowed me to think systematically about our core elements.

Term Definition:

“Core Elements”: The elements expressed throughout this document. The DNA of The Bridge Church.

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Core ideology

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Core Values

• Jesus/God.“There is no doubt that they really think that this Jesus guy is something.”

That is a quote that we hope to hear a lot from people who do not know Jesus. They might not see Jesus as God or Savior, but we want them to see the imprint he has made on our lives. That way, they will desire this same imprint.

What will it take for people to notice this? Hopefully the rest of this document spells out what it will take. Simply, it will take a people who align their lives with him, no matter the cost and will let others know about the transformation he gives.

cf. Psalm 24; Isaiah 2:1-4; Micah 4:1-5; Matthew 6:33; John 3:14-15.

• God's Word.“I may not believe what is in the Bible, but I know they do by the lives they lead.”

We know we’re headed in the right direction if we hear people who come from an unchurched background say something like this.

What matters most to us.

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Core ValuesIt is through the Bible and Jesus that God revealed his plan of salvation and life to the whole world. This is only way people can truly find the salvation they need. Salvation is how people experience the abundant life people desperately desire.

We want people to find salvation and abundant life in Jesus. This is done through the reading, explanation and application of (in other words, “obedience to”) God’s Word.

cf. Psalm 1; Malachi 4:2; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:16-21.

• People.“Wow. These people really are friends toward those who don’t go to church.”

We want people to recognize who we are and Who we belong to by the love we have for people.

People matter to God. On several occasions, Jesus was asked by the Pharisees why he hung out with sinners. One time, Jesus replied with three stories explaining lost people are the highest priority to God.

Jesus communicated God and God’s Word in a way that all people could understand. We, like Jesus, want to be a friend to sinners. We want to communicate Jesus and God’s Word in a way all people can understand. We want to show people that they matter to God by showing they matter to us.

cf. Zechariah 9:16-17a; Luke 15; John 3:16-18; Romans 5:6-11.

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Core PurposeTo create God imitators by bridging all people to God.

People were created in God’s image in order to imitate him. Every human who has ever lived has destroyed that image through sin. Sin leaves broken and damaged people--many who don’t even know it. We need a way, or a bridge, to God.

The good news is that God himself is the bridge (John 3:16). Jesus, as God, came so broken people could be healed (Mark 2:17). Jesus came so we can imitate him (Ephesians 5:1).

Jesus then gave the awesome responsibility to his followers to continue the task to all the world. We are to go (be the bridge) and make disciples (create God imitators) of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Our ultimate purpose is to go to people, see God make them into his image again, and send them back out to see more broken people healed.

We don’t do a worship service...we are creating God imitators. We don’t do missions...we are bridging people to God. We don’t do children’s ministry...we’re bridging kids so they will imitate.

This is the why of The Bridge Church’s existence.

Why do we exist?

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This is a 20-year goal (or more) that is not 100% certain it could be reached. This inspires people to give their time, money, resources and gifts.

This may become a little more clear over time as it is fleshed out, but here is what we want to see years down the road, but we would also never see if we settled for the “status quo.”

Produce Next Generation leaders who will take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

We are to make disciples of all ages, but we also need to be intentional about making disciples of the next generation--because there is always a “next generation.” It takes parents intentionally discipling their children. It takes those who are older intentionally discipling those coming behind them. It takes staff intentionally giving into young adults in a way that will prepare them to take the Gospel everywhere.

Having this goal doesn’t limit our age bracket. Quite the opposite. It requires all ages to see this accomplished.

The Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal.

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Envisioned Future

• I see people adoring God with all their heart.• I see people advancing God's Kingdom to all parts of the world.• I see people being amazed by who God and Jesus are.• I see people being transformed through the power of God's Word.• I see people giving into each other so gifts and the Gospel are multiplied into

others.• I see people celebrating who God is and what he is doing in lives.• I see people sharing aspects of their lives with others.• I see people using their gifts, talents, passions and resources to serve others.• I see parents becoming primary disciplers of their children.• I see children growing up mature in Christ and start campus churches in college.• I see the Next Gen having a place to train in leadership growth and be able to cut

their teeth in leadership.• I see local communities depending on the church to meet people's needs.

What does the future look like?

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Envisioned Future• I see the church using their own staff, expertise and resources to benefit

communities.• I see a place where people will experience peace, joy and community--anytime of

the week.• I see a place where people come with their questions, skepticism, worries, fears,

objections and anything else and receive a loving answer of Truth.• I see a people honoring the farthest away from God just as much as any member

of the church.• I see music that even the unchurched has on their ipod.

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Core Strategy

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Core MissionThe core mission to accomplish.

Adore the Father Advance His Kingdom• Loving God with all our heart.

(Dt. 6:5; Mt. 22:37)• Seeking, hearing, and doing the Father’s

will.(Mt. 7:21, 21;28-32; Jn. 6:40)

• Being transformed in heart, mind and action.(Mt. 5:3-16; Rm. 12:1-2; Eph. 2:20; Col. 3:10)

• Praising God everywhere and in every way. (Psalm 150)

• Using our gifts, passions, experiences and resources to bridge people to God.(Mt. 25:14-46; 1 Cor. 12:1-31; 2 Cor. 5:16-21)

• Making disciples of all nations.(Mt. 28:18-20; Ac. 1:8)

• Using our treasures to glorify God.(Mt. 6:19-21, 25-34; 2 Cor. 8:1-7)

• Loving neighbor as self.(Mt 22:39-40; Luke 10:25-37; 1 Cor 13:1-13; Eph. 4:1-6)

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Core Process

Amaze Transform MultiplyThis is the first step in being a disciple. Being amazed by God gets people ready to want the complete change that God brings.

People are amazed by having an encounter with God through seeing and hearing. Jesus and the early church amazed people. We want God to still amaze people.

cf. Matthew 15:29-31; Mark 5:20; Acts 4:13.

When a holy God intersects an unholy life, nothing remains the same.

Transformation is God replacing the old person with Jesus. God does this in an instant and he does it over time.

When a person is ready for a complete change (believe), they ask God for that change (repent). Then, baptism is how they show the world what God has done.

cf. Ezekiel 36:24-30; Mark 5:20; Colossians 1:21-23.

When someone encounters and is changed by a holy God, they want that for others.

Their lives are given to make as many people mature in Christ as possible.

Multipliers see themselves as “God’s co-workers.” They constantly grow. They seek to show an amazing God. They look for ways to transform others.

cf. Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 3:9, 11:1; Colossians 1:28

The process of making disciples.

We expect these qualities to come from a disciple naturally as God works in someone’s life. As someone is amazed by God, they will desire the transformation he offers. As they are transformed, they will desire to multiply into others what God has given them. Also, for a “mature believer,” all three are present. They never graduate from being in awe of God. They’re never done transforming. Multiplication occurs until death.

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Core Practice

Celebrate Share ServeWe expect a disciple to practice celebrating God because we have a God worthy of celebration.Individually, we celebrate through coming to him by reading his Word and prayer.  Corporately, we celebrate through weekly celebration services that shows off what God is doing through people’s lives.

We expect a disciple to share their lives with others because we have a God who shared everything with us.People will come together in groups of 2-4 to encourage, challenge and pray.  To encourage each other to closely follow Jesus.  To challenge each other to lay down their former way of life.  To pray for each other and the lost.  

We expect a disciple to serve others because we have a God who came to serve, not be served.They find ways to serve in their families, neighborhoods, jobs, hobbies and church.  Serving is using gifts, talents, passions and resources for other people’s benefit to advance God's kingdom.

The practices of a disciple.

The practices of a disciple are what we see are the essentials of what a disciple does to continue the “process” above. Even though there will be natural high and low times, a disciple who consistently celebrates, shares and serves will be amazed by God, continue to be transformed by God, and multiply themselves into others.

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Core MetricStories of transformationHow will we know that we are accomplishing what God wants us to accomplish?

Stories of transformation.

People telling their stories of how God wooed them off their feet. Stories of how a holy God loved them and transformed their lives with the righteousness of Jesus. Stories of how they are currently multiplying the Gospel and their gifts into other people.

Ultimately, we want these stories of transformation to be popping up all over the world.

What do we mean by “stories of transformation”?...

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Stories of TransformationWhat will these stories include?

I depended completely on myself. BECOMES Now I depend completely on God.

I sought comfort in “things.” BECOMES God now is my comfort.

I had no protection. BECOMES Christ is my protector during trouble.

I hungered for what the world had to offer. BECOMES I hunger for the righteousness of God.

I really only cared for people when it benefited me. BECOMES I now willingly share in the troubles of others.

I had no peace. BECOMES I have to go to those without God’s peace.

I only cared for my own causes. BECOMES I do God’s will, even if it brings personal discomfort.

I tried to fit in. BECOMES I now see people change when they are around me.

I caused all kinds of godlessness. BECOMES I now show God in the godless of places.

For example, here are some things that we envision people saying when they are transformed by God.

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Launch Strategy

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T-MinusWe want to see our core elements function at Ribbon Cutting.  This will take an intentional progression of teaching and practicing the core elements prior to weekly public launch.  The following is a process by which we will progress towards launch.

Between January 1 and March 31, we will be in Blueprint Phase. This is the phase in which the “blueprints” are created for The Bridge. Through us and any additional leadership that joins during this time, we will begin outlining the structure and culture of The Bridge.

Between April 1 and October 10, we will be in Building Phase. This is the phase in which we begin to actually “build out” the blueprints that were created. During this period, we will flesh out the Core Elements for all to see.

October 10 will be our Ribbon Cutting. Ribbon Cutting will mark the end of building the Core Elements and start the maintaining and expanding of the Core Elements. Like a ribbon cutting with a literal bridge, the only difference between the bridge before and after ribbon cutting is that the bridge is “open to the public.” A traffic bridge sees changes through its lifespan according to the needs of the time. The Bridge Church will continue to go through changes that will allow as many people as possible to be bridged to God.

How will we progress towards weekly launch?

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Who?Generally, Baldwinsville people are:

• People who are figuring out why they should trust us. Trust is a huge value here. They first ask, “Why should I trust you as a person?” Then they ask, “Why should I trust your organization (church)?” I believe this is true of any organization and any person, but it is especially true of an evangelical and Southern Baptist Church.

• People who, once they trust you, you are “family.” Family is another high value. “Family” is whoever I trust. For a crude example, think Godfather. When you go to a social event, you are likely to see people kiss each other on the cheek. Just an example of being a part of the “family.” This also means we may be able to culturally practice “greet each other with a holy kiss.”

• People who don’t typically share with others outside their “family.” They’re skeptical of a “free lunch.”

• People who have some spiritual curiosity, but most of how they satisfy it is through The History Channel. This means they don’t ask too many questions about it in public. They also are getting bad information.

• People who have a mixture of eclectic, education, outdoor sports and team sports interests. The community as a whole, and people as individuals have these interests. It makes for a well-rounded area.

• People are busy, but enjoy their “3rd places.” These are the places they go to socialize. These places often fall

within the 4 categories above. People will “add something to their plate” if it is worthwhile.

• “Live and let live” is a personal motto of many. This means that personal, confrontative, unrelational evangelism is a “sin” to them.

More specifically, we want to get the interest of:

• Those who have spiritual curiosities, but do not know where to turn to satisfy their curiosities. The area is only 5% evangelical; so they just do not have enough contact with people or churches they trust to search out answers.

More specifically, we want to get the interest of:

• 18-30 year olds who do not go to church.

• They are the most “unreached” in this area. There are more in this age bracket who do not have enough relationships inside church to trust any existing church (again go back to only 5%).

• A church is more likely to move up the age ladder than move down the age ladder. Meaning, if we focused older, we probably won’t get younger.

• We (see below) are most equipped to currently reach this age group.

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Why Us?First, anything that can and will happen will only happen because of God’s power and will. We (especially I) wonder often about this question, “Come on God, what on earth could we do to actually make any difference?”

We don’t have anything.

But God has given us:

• Unchurched friends who are intrigued with our life who are watching and will come with something established. Trust is a high value in our culture. The reality is that it is hard to fully trust until establishment occurs.

• The ability to quickly make friends and become a part of the community. This is because our personalities are similar to the people of Baldwinsville (even though our accent might be a little different).

• A hunger to meet the spiritual needs of the community in the way the community will most likely pay attention.

• The experience and desire to see families train up their own children and to, as a body, train up the Next Generation.

Why will we accomplish this?

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Other LeadershipI don’t know.

But God does.

We need people who:

• Love to create God imitators.• Love to bridge all people to God.• Attempt to adore God with all their heart.• Use their gifts to advance God’s kingdom.• Think that adoring the Father and advancing his kingdom is the mission of the church.• Will serve, even outside their main area of giftedness.• Want to see people be amazed by God, transformed with Christ and multiplied into others.• Already practice celebrating, sharing and serving.• Want to see the Gospel be carried by well trained disciples all over the world.• Have an envisioned future of the church something like our envisioned future.• Have a track record of multiplying the Gospel and their gifts into other people.This is what we want in people who join us. If you are jazzed by what you see, contact us.

Who will accomplish this with us?

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Blueprint Phase• Bringing in key people to help draft the "blueprints." 

• Creating the “blueprints” of The Bridge.

• Recruiting for the "Building Team."

• Prayer support increase.

• Financial support increase.

• Working on building phase elements (preparing for the celebration services and the community events).

January 1-March 31

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Building PhaseGeneral:• Have initial "Building Team"* and use events to

recruit towards Building Team.

• The Building Team puts flesh on the core elements.

• Meet together regularly for planning.

Celebrate:• 6 monthly celebration services between April 1

and September 30.

• Develop daily habits of celebration in Christian Team Members.

• Utilize celebration elements during Building Team meetings.

• Show off God through celebration to non-Christians.  

*Building Team is the group of people working to build The Bridge Church.

Share:• Utilize Team Meetings to build foundation of

sharing life with each other.

• Officially start Life Transformation Groups (groups of 2-4 people) in June.  Some groups may already meet, but that will be in the "background."

• Double the number of LTG's by Ribbon Cutting.

• Develop people who can share their lives with non-believers.

Serve:• 6 times of intentionally serving the community

as a group between April 1 and September 30.

• Develop habits of personal serving in daily lives.

April 1-October 10

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Ribbon Cutting• Aka, “The Launch.”

• The time we are ready for the world to "drive on" The Bridge. 

• The core elements must be in place at this time.

• This does not mean they are "perfect," but each core element is recognizable.

October 10

After Ribbon CuttingContinually maintaining and expanding the core elements of The Bridge Church out to as many people and people groups as possible.

October 10 and Beyond

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct

Blueprint Phase


Financial Support


Prayer Support


People Support

Writing systems

to support


Planning for

Building Phase

Building PhaseTaking concepts

and making

them reality.

One Celebration

Service each


One Community Event each month.




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Using “mission teams” to help build DNA.


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Be a part of the storyWe need people to be a part of the story of Building The Bridge. We need people who will be a part of the story by praying or giving or coming or all three. The desire is to build a community of people who interact with each other so that The Bridge can move from a concept to a reality.So, how can you be a part of the community?

First, check out for more details about being involved.Then, “Follow,” “Be a fan,” or “Subscribe.”Follow on Twitter: a fan on Facebook: Yeah that’s long, you can also search for The Bridge on Facebook.

Subscribe to The Bridge Blog and Shane’s