brew or Aramaic. So it is Aegean Pergamum Sea

A S I A Aegean Sea Laodicea Hierapolis Ephesus Smyrna Pergamum Sardis Philadelphia Thyatira Colosse 100 mi 50 0 0 100 km 50 Cities of the seven churches Map 30.1. Asia Minor: Churches addressed in Revelation. Published by Baker Academic © 2018 Mark Allan Powell

Transcript of brew or Aramaic. So it is Aegean Pergamum Sea

write Greek as one whose native language was He-brew or Aramaic. So it is often suggested that (like the apostle) he was a Jew-ish Christian from Pales-tine who immigrated to Asia Minor at some point during or after the Jewish war with Rome. Since he seems to assume that the churches in that part of the world will regard him as a prophet (1:3; 22:7, 10, 18–19), he may have served those churches in a capacity similar to that of the itinerant prophet Agabus mentioned in Acts 21:10–11. Eventually, he ended up on the island of Patmos, probably banished from the mainland by political authorities.

When was Revelation written? The dominant theory places it during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian (81–96), most likely toward the end of that period. This was the view of the early church, as reflected in testimony from Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen. The time period also fits concerns addressed in the book: Domitian referred to himself as a god and demanded emperor worship in a manner similar to what is attributed to “the beast” in Revelation (13:4). Domitian, however, is not known to have inflicted the sort of violent persecution on Christians that is prominent in this book (2:10, 13; 6:9; 17:6; 18:24; 20:4). The emperor Nero (54–68) was more famous in that regard, and some scholars think that connections to him can be found as well (such as the interpretation of 666 as a cipher for “Caesar Neron” mentioned above). Do those connections mean that the book might have been written earlier, during Nero’s reign? Possibly. Or, perhaps, the book simply means to present Domitian as a “second Nero.” Some scholars take a reference to the beast having recovered from a mortal wound (13:3) as a hint that Domitian is “Nero redivivus”: everyone thought the beast was gone when Nero died, but now it is back. Discussion continues, but the most common approach today is to date Revelation around 95, during the reign of Domitian. One popular suggestion accepts this date but holds that our version of the book could be a “second edition,” an expansion of an earlier work that hailed from the time of Nero.

The visions of Revelation were received by John on the island of Patmos and sent to seven churches in Asia Minor (now western Turkey; see map 30.1):

EXPLORE 30.14 The Date of Reve-lation: Clues within the Book Itself?












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Cities of theseven churches

29-01_alt - Cities of the Seven ChurchesPowell, Introduction to the New Testament

International Mapping

Map 30.1. Asia Minor: Churches addressed in Revelation.

545Historical Background

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Published by Baker Academic © 2018 Mark Allan Powell