Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-03-11 [p ]

Im ItY t > T- fi A HOW T6 STERILIZE WArE IMirlnciillini KITcrlcit by V lnit n Lll c lln Clilorlilo or Silver Time constantly Increasing demand j fur prim water anil for some method liy means of which this cnn be ob tained renters till recent communica tion made by Professor Palerno to till llcalo Acailemla del Lined especially Interesting Professor Pntcrno has suggested a process for the purification of drinking water which constitutes a forward In the study of this 1Important problem From numerous and extensive exper ¬ iments made by this author It appears that by adding to Impure water oven that containing pathogenic microbes nn extremely small Quantity or chi ¬ ride of sliver there Is accomplished the complete disinfection of the water For this purpose two milligrams or nt Roost two and suer half milligrams of the chloride are sufficient toabtolutely sterilize a liter of ttater and to elluil note every danger of Infection The process is so simple that one cannot expect any Improvement upon It In the future It may be used by any- one and III every condition of life tho sterilization being complete after a few minutes ten at the most anti no apparatus being necessary beyond a stand vial with a solution of chloride silverThe keeps Its flavor and all of its properties without modification only undergoing a slight whitening which disappears after a few hours of repose Water purified by means of boiling ozone and all other processes known up io the present when exposed to tho air soon becomes Impure where- as the process of Professor Paterno keeps tho water puro for many months to Homo Trlbuna 3Ilss Ethel Crukcr One of the prettiest young women in New York is Miss Ethel Croker tho sdcteen year old daughter of Itlclmrd Broker Miss drokcr Is often to be seen Madison avenue cars traveling to and from her mothers home at 5 rat Seventyfourth street Mrs Cro ker HvosTh strict retirement and U v known to only a few New Yorkers Occasionally she goes to Lakewood for jn few days and folks express surprise at tho exlfstenco of a Mrs Croker Miss Ethel goes to one of tho most fashion ¬ able girl schools in the city and Is mak log friends who will be valuable to her when sill comes out She is devoted to her brother Frank and like him she takes an interest in dogs and horses Miss Croker is tall and dark haired She has unusually high color and when swathed In a mass of gray fur sbclg as pretty as a picture This yioungfwoman has had every advan tag r7nioncy can obtain Until two i 1fi rcaI81U0 she had governesses and JjI every art Since her fa t ther migrated to Wantage England i Miss Ethel has not seen him Now r Yorl Press lpcriLosing R Scalp Ilcccntly n girl In New York was scalped by having her hair caught In a r revolving shaft TIle ready verdict is 4that while sire may recover she must always bo sadly disfigured Perhaps e notSeveral years ago an accident similar but worse deprived u San Francisco girl of her scalp down to and Including the eyebrows Doctors employed skin grafting anti supplied her with a new scalp with n luxuriant growth of hair The handmade eyebrows were as deli ¬ 1 cutely penciled as tho originals The new ImlrSwas of a different color from t i tho natural which had been of a rare shRIll dllDcult to match The girl was beautiful before the accident and she was beautiful afterward although t much changed Vhlethe ordeal through which this patient lTd to puss was long and pain- ful o any yontg woman would rather I try it than to go through life either 1bald rbcwlggedow York World J ° Fnaliorin No More IJ nnqlO of Fashoda Is to vanish J froiittlionip This Is In consideration This is an ofllciajjilccreo and henceforward Fa- eliodaYls iiHlioUn no more The prey IIICQ rif that name becomes the upper Nile Hnre the tort and outskirts beconicjlCoilol and the village which load teen known as Fashoda is ivrehainedrabwar Theso changes are all future maps oil cinly reports and recognized books of referencp t t y 4 J > r FnrmliiK In Korea Koreans cultivate their fields largely 1tclth spades One of these Implements tins n handle about eight feet long 4 bowl is tipped with iron r and Inns two straw ropes fastened to Ii ir Tho man manipulating the handle feSimsheg the spade into the grou ll Then Vthose holding the rofeathrow an lu significantly small anibunf of earth a iRK distance of about two feet In tire Ko dun fields ono may ofteittce ulna men thus employed on one spade The SlnylnK Sex Do women lip longer than men luring tho past year no fewer than MUsx hove died who were nfJMGharlansr In several cases they to eC nJt1erll bly oer n hundred of ngi and it is rcniarkublQ that jo T vAfiiTcso persons thirty sIX were worn n fejn Men mind women jallke belonged to stations of life blitit Is noticeable that by far the greater proportion of 11 vr time women were iiarrled London World t Germnnri I are government employee Each oust f > bo of good character and live In a je ji spectable family The pay 11i3V n r 1 cents n day with on ndvanceQf A 1 r tents in two years nnd thoseyfour years In service secure 71 cents a day ± > Applicants for these positions usually i i d fI4 jralt two yenta for an opening Dont qverlook onrapecialofTur l Colds arc Dangerous tf neW often lJOIl hear it remarked Qllt onlV red and n few dnyg later Jearn tlmt iJiewiftn U on his back wlti- lcitP911I10nJo Tins U of tuch common oaeiirrpncn tht n eotd hewerer slight ftkftiild lint Iw disregarded Clinmber ° t rhuh Uoufih Hell1 < v- teliltssay counteracts any towgpd pnemnonla Itf ali f 1W pkrer AMI t t w take raNQgrhl b1 flr r 1 1U4 a < ti fs 1 The SPORTING WORLD Skntcr Ilellervulllc SliniTluir George IlellOfenlllc of Winnipeg who was picked to win the mllo nUll tho live mile events at tho recent chum plonshlp meet nt Verona luke Sew Jersey did not skate the race he was I supposed to have in him timid tho hest ho did was to come In second in the five mllo racy mutt skate third In tho hull mllo went In the live mllo race Ucllefoulllo was tho only one Champion Morris Wood of Long Branch N J hud to fear The Canadian showetl that he was used to going the distance and it was n question whether Wood could hold to the last mile and then have n sprint left Ile proved that lie could The condition of the Ice prevented extreme spued Tim top ice was soft In spots and would not hold the strong stride of time skaters Most of time fastest amateurs In the United States wore entered along with a Canadian entry or two Itrnu After Ollrlcn Affnln Tommy ftyan the clever middle weight Is hot on the trail of Phil delphia Jack Oprten whom he met recently in n six round bout tlnn rords barn n tweer nun 1I16 JMw TOMMY UTAH meeting with Ollrlen says Ryan I want a chance toshow that I am time better man The Philadelphia fight wan in favor of Ityan throughout null ho Is sure that be can bund OUricn his quietus A 1lorlila Sporting Carnival Florida Is preparing for a solid sell son of carnival next winter automo bile racing and automobile boat racing TIe latest project assumed by Florida parties Is the ttolJOselllut lllolJlle boat raco to take place upon Luke Worth near Palm Beach Pin Immediately following the automobile meet nt Or mound A D Proctor Smith Howard Gould and Fred Sterry have each do ¬ tinted a 1000 trophy to be awarded for automobile boat racing Other tro plies are certain to be given and the meet on the placid Lake Worth waters will add materially to the interest In Florida next season Nor is this to be the only auto boat race for time Florida East Coast Automobile association pro- poses to promote in connection with the automobile meet a scrjcs of race on the Halifax rifer- Irnllatng Governor Crnuc- Hmvqrd WllleUs of White Plains N Y has bought from Daniel W Malo- ney time fast twoyearold colt Governor Crane by UltigenrSOtlVi dam Nowa ¬ day 2144 Governor Crane Is a solid tuTyof great substance although not large at the age Ills sire was next to Arlon 210 the fastest twoyearold ever to orglntudMe I started Nojvuday took n rccorSof 217 3 early lu life and loweredIt to 214V4 then was retired The mating of such a sire and dam was Indeed n happy one and fojv could possibly find a flaw In Onvertfor Gratiesjnneup gait or aught else llb istn trait r of- the good old fashioned sort and sticks to It whenever brushed seemingly knowing no other gait Jolly nachrlur a rust Green fn Jolly Hachelor regarded by horsemen as onto of the fastest green trotters In the country Is now In the stable of E E Smothers and will bp shipped to Ioulsvllle with Mr Smatters hafiiess horses at an early date George Spear who trains for the owner of Major Del mar will tit Jolly Itachelor for the races and probably piftnpalgn him lu the grand circuit Driven by his own ¬ er II C Mopes Jolly Hachelor trotted In about 212 to wagon lit Empire City park Yonklrll N Y last season Haulier SlcOoyern- Hnghey McUovern brother of the former fentber champion Is rapidly coming to the front Less than n year ago ho knew but little about tho manly I art Terry took him In hand and then sent him to Philadelphia where ho met one of tho Quaker fighters Ho won in a walk and since then he tins been meeting bantamweights through out Pennsjlvanla and other eastern ptuttts Terry believes that In a few years his brother will develop Into a great fighter Lnjole Denial Captain Napoleon Lajolo denies the rumor that lie will tako n team of Frenchmen to Prance next full to show tho natives how baseballs played The story was that Larry hind con structed a team with George Lachanco first base Larry se ynd base Parent shortstop Do AnnonJ of Cincinnati third base With the remainder of the nine to be selected from time minor leagues r A Powerful LAnlo Hunt There Is being constructed In Italy an automobile boat with three engines v of sixty horsepower each driving tin boat through ono shaft This launch Is expected lojjmjejajtiOILlmrsepQAyfiE It lit designed for use III tho great re- gatta ¬ at Monto Carlo after which It will bo shipped to America in all prclt ability for rise In the racing here JI A nice small Farm In Lee aunty for sale The Inrkin Stamper plnce on the hpad of Dear Creek Nice dwelling gosd storehouse cribs mind barn never roiling water well fenced Prjee rea- sonable > and tennis easy For pitrllau arc apply lo SAM JKTT- Winchester KV AVANTED Naiiiriii those tint spare all or a portkii or their lime for light employment at home loud pay JVFrepoh Rutay1o1IIIIr t J 1 tJJf r tJ > h r 1 f twrcf 1 11 f x > t1 FRIENDLY ADVICE It Wni Strunl dwell but Wim Uvuen she tu the Mari Who Tuiik II County Comuilxsloner JohnMcGou gluey has not the reputation of being easy but It Is coming ills wily A few days ago he was talking to a group of friends in the courthouse when a well dressed man passed and nodded pleasantly to the commissioner lIe stopped a short distance away to read a notice while McGaughcy regard ¬ ed him with a wistful look Who Is that fellow asked one of the group ties n friend of mine said Me Gougliey He borrowed 5 of me about a year ago and I dont think ho will ever pay it back I could use that the too It I had It Why dont you ask him for It ask- ed ¬ the first speaker You never wont to let your money get away without trying for it Thats right said another Be game John and go after It Snow McGaUghcy finally yielded to their suggestions and walked over to where the borrower was still engaged with tho notice After a short conversation his friends saw some sort of financial transaction take place and the stranger walked away while McGaughey re turned to the party Thats the way to do It said one Ho paid up like a little man didnt be No said McGuughey sadly he borrowed another flve IndIanapolU News r Declined to Strike Out Danny Coogun time nets baseball coach engaged by the University of Pennsylvania was a well known base ¬ hall man when ho went to the univer ¬ sity in the early nineties He was fie receiving end of the famous Uuyne Coogan battery When llnynu tiled poor Danny was nearly heartbroken Danny was very popular when at the university and possessed n fund of Irish wit and hu mor that generally kept UC crowd alaughtng He Is a little fellow with a big voice He tells n good story on himself when he started out in life after col ¬ lege Ills father had been giving him advice about his career All I have to say is this You nre now going out Into the world my son null youll find it quite different from college life The road will be rough and stormy nut strike out my boy strikeout Not on your life t saldfDanny Im going to be n baseball play Phila ¬ delphia Press 1sefnl nee cx First Student The professor in his lecture said that reverses were neces sary to stimulate n young men Second Student Thats true If It werent for an occasional check I couldnt do anything at nltew Or leans TimesDemocrat Wide Experience Mrs Snobbs I want a girl accus ¬ toned to being employed In the best families agentive got just the girl you want She was employed In seven of the best families last month Brook ¬ lyn Life DUqanllfled You will never male a reliable re- porter Wby not sir- You r never told the caliber of the re volver used In that murder story your wrote up yesterday Judge Involved DUInrbaiice Parker Weve moved again Ii Barker Youbave ParkerYes Our children wereJioj- noisy that wecpuldnt stand what tlw i neighbors said about them Detroit Free Press ir e A War Complaint DeStlchnt are the Japanese sol ¬ SfcOunbusta being fed on embalmed chop alley and canned hlrdsnest coupsew V York Times Jft of t Ins Pnluncc V How is your son getting along in his literary labors 7 JorklnsOh famously You should see how gracefully he carries hi a pen behind his car Hoston Transcript Not in Ills Line d iIi r or Do you keep IJllIItIeaUler goods Nom You will smut theme down on tile next J lock Theres arflr6 solo- s tiersLe dcrlCeikly j lore Vainer C 1GIIssleSIIPI > 1JIi1Hbehaaa- coat of arms w Charley What good isnhat Wby I haws a coat of clothr Cleveland Plain Dealer W Pure bred Fekiii DticksiCinilsh In dlan Oninecliickeni nncTiileJglnn Hares for solo by M k 3h JDckon Kf If Its n billions nltiiokaka Ohain Ierl0lue Stomach stunt tier Tablets i> quick Vecoreryis certain For tall by Day Bros Cu- t v > WANTED To buy poplar logs for once work 10 liicheeand apt any length j will pay caJliS rGlbiQfllW Ys G fC S 1f l1fY It PEOPLE OF THE DAy The SlilklnK of AexpyR Admiral ItxMr till lIre ll l com mander of Huiislun uric fittvv naval rind land In Silo fur east rOle from the ranks In the lhlsslull 12nvy4tlte lint nttrttcteiT ultcntiiii coun try n young lloutoimiiL wfUiout In tluciuo and wiihiiit fiimlly Ho I mil landed at Sun Fruwl lt tram n cruise Jn Ahmknii water ouh thin battleship llurlck when war was Imminent bo tweon Husslii anti treat Drltnln river the Balkans Ho at oneo cabled to the 1natM nCtJiu L u AlOIIllAIi AiKXKlKf f to purchase In this vutintry n number of vessels to be used as commerce de stroyers to prey on English commerce and received u reply to the effect that there was out time for the dual Alex cleft telegraph buck a respectful messuKc to the effect that he perhaps knew tine situation better In America than it was known In lluxsla ulul ILl ceived time necessary permission In ten days he hind purchased eight ships nnd although the war cldud soon blow over the Incident was the waking of Alcxeleff ttxm his return to ltussli he was gives command of n shill and in three years ho was an admiral irnater and llnnnn Volncy W Foster nt whose request bills lave been introduced In congress to provide for arbitration of labor ills putes Is assistant treasurer of the Ito publican national committee No one connected with the committee has been a more ardent admirer uf tho late Sen ator Hanim who was chairman of the committee than Foster Foster was not the choice of Ilanna but tho sena tor learned to appreciate the assistant treasurer during the lust campaign There Is nn Interesting story about the manner In which Poster wins chosen It wan found necessary to have an assistant treasurer and Pres ident McKlnley suggested Foster to Ilunniu TIe chairman sent for Pot- ter in Chicago mud said McKinley wants you for assistant treasurer I know half n dozen union In Chicago that I would rather have but ns > you are McKlhleys choice I have appointed you 11ell you are delightfully cornp- lltnentatieportcJ Foster If If were you me I wouldnt touch the place but I want to do something for Mcllnlcy and I nui gong to serve him In tlie place ho wants we whether yea like It or riot Before the campaign tins over thcso two men who begmi their nogrclatlon rather lifausplclously became the best qf friends f j Slinfrollii Unique Actliiiu John F Sbafroth of Colorado enjoys the unique distinction of being ute only inan who voluntarily rcllnqnlghed a seat in the congress of the United States because of evidence of fnhid Ih the returns by which ho was elfcteil Mr Shafroth served the First Denver district of Colorado In tho Fiftyfourth Fiftyfifth Fiftysixth and FiftySev ¬ enth congresses Ills contestant for tine seat In the Flftyelhth congrcsi lens Robert W Boiiynge who filed n pro test agnlnst the returns as made bythe I H II JOUK V SIUFIIOTII Colorado secretary of btate The test took tilt usual course lit Wash ington and when the investigation made by the housJ electlonscommlttod revealed fraud and the evidciicQ was on Feb 15 laid before Mr jBUufratu gMitlcinan arose In time houW awl licked that tht committee prcsVat UH rcsplutldn seatllig Mr Bonyngc which vus done The StvUr There lii a new iiresrii1 IttvItElr land every yearAissI l far tW new president Is tqp- rosldent T of true r year he III M Robert Copt M Comlcsse wears n to on one side to HUV lie U I He cakes everybody Iktr j manners are inost IngratlaUattJl kl eloquence altogether lrresilbl13wS- ides ire lias n splendid 0WrtwIV- Which lie received In Nctjci ff net lilbcrg and Parlrt 7 He is flftyaevcn yearn old Il4AJ1I lej1 height of hla powersI Coal nnil Timber in mi Wantd Vanted ono hundred thousand acres of coal and timber land In Kniterij Kentucky for OASII for Eastern Oapl talltlt Write M 0 E duiTii Lexington Ky r l Aiiil the iormntlons fn which It fuuim Send 26 Ct for the 01 Prospectors Guide W HFACtKNBR I- r n W4InItdldt Ydi 4 0 J 0 tldii Wftfit Y fl J + tI > > 1 c TILE SUNDAY SCHOOL I LZSSON XI FIRST QUARTER INTER NATIONAL SERIES MARCH 13 Text uf tha Irut Mutt xlr 113 Miiior > frosts IIttuldea rest Hrv II ll l miiiiMitnrjr Irriinreit by UPV ni M Slvurtic- Coirtlilil I 101 tr Aimilcin Prcw Auoclatlon J Again we pass over iuany events be tween the lessons After the stilling of the donut Ho cast the demons out of thin man Matt vlll 23 says two at Uadam ninth suffered them to enter the swine Then nt the earnest request of the Uaduivnes lIt departed out of their coasts thus granting their mule ¬ lieving Veiiueat vhllo lie denied tho request of the healed man who wanted to abide with Him lIe then healed the women who hall been twelve years sick and raised to llfo the rulers daughter who was just twelve years of age Luke vlll 42 436 lie onco uncle revisited Nazareth and tiiujht In the synagogue but they were offended ut Shim amid He left them marveling at their unbelief Mark vl 10 After tills He sent forth the twelve nnd at the time of our lessor way perhaps at Caporniium or on Ills second circuit teaching intuit preaching in tho cities of Gnllliv Our lesson opens with the fame of Jesuit nnd tilt perplexity of tiered compare Verso 1 and Iuke Ix 7 though Herod wns In time eyes of men- the one to be envied ninth Jesus was the despised mutt reJccttHl ore We need to be oft reminded that things and pvo pie highly esteemed among mim iiiui bo nbnnilnatlon In the sight of Gal ninth there Is n woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you Iuke xvl IS vl 21 Another helpful and- ncrnesary Worth Is Fret not thyself because of evil doers because of him who prdaperetl h wino bring fill wicked deVlcosHlsL IIOU ls xxxvll J 71 There are ropy evil things nnd ovll people that 1101 lhly we lire not cnlUM upon to meddle with but the fact that John hUll Herod for a hearer left him no alternative but to be blind to Her ads sill for peaces nuke or faith fully agaln t them for Christ sake The former as n servant of God he could not do but time latter he did nod was Imprisoned for It John did not seek honor trove mm He wins great In the sight of the Lord and lived to pipage Him hence he did right In the sight of the Lord at any cost Ve will newer help to make known the tame of Jesus If we compromise with the world or III any way wink at sin We must be over and always whole hearted for Him wholly ills Ills own purchased people to show forth Ills praises I Pet II Oi Our lives by purity and meekness and Holiness and tho Joy of silli forgiven unmet proclaim llchold the iJimb of God The Spirit lllllni iw we will be u rebuke to those who I conform to the world nnd live unto tllCIUHClVf Turning to the birthday party of Tiered what u sample we hive of the world lying lu the wicked one n very llclehaztnrs feast the devils owu and he knew what he was up to for he was running this timing to accomplish his purpose How well he enabled that imor sinful girl to dance that day How he enablid tier to captivate the sinful heart of tiered and to lend him In lips excitement to make a rush prom hue which led to time dentin of John What n devil possessed woman Hero iliac want that she could think of noth ¬ lag to ak of the king no desirable as the dath of the man she so hinted be cause ho land rebuked her sinful life Yet other mothers have counseled tlelr children to do wickedly II Chron xxll 3 Gun xxvll 12 13i nand theI- IIUIH devil still lives and work Hoywrethpil a specimen of silt In dnl ijit lunnanlty was this man who had placed himself uudcrdho control of this sinful woman for lusts sake wile feared her and feared people nUll lilul some fear of the hereafter hut had 110 true fear of Oath We have come to a lime when In church and state In public amt private life the devil controlled Herods und Herodl uses tire without number but the worst phase of line work of the adversary to day Is tilt control of the tenders In spiritual things who do not hesitate to teach that however ungodly people tinny be there will be salvation for them after they leave this world there I Is no everlasting punishment and even the devil himself Is to be saved They Lord keep us faithful to Himself au- to lilt truth eves though It should mean prison or Palmos suffering o death fur Ills sake and may the heari of Ills true people bo stirred to give he gospel more quickly to bole wlfo awe not hoard It yet that Ills chuirh may he oompleteil and tints ungoJiy age may cad How awful the last sceiiQ In todals I IM sonl John has been mouths In liu onely prison seemingly neglected etui I iy our Lord for wo have no ret itl hat Jesus ewer went to see him r though the prophets had testified UHnliili would glee liberty to copt and open time prison to then IIla- thounlllIn Ixl D But now Is li he trnmp of feet Sonic one is coi 0 c o him Is It hU Lard and In- JU cell door swings open H Via Iited not for earth hut 3fi inompnt It Is over for Vslt her gift and hlnIIn pints or thU11eml1 i WNP the faithful iiios I i > nml Ills ti nlullIf iJs perfecting all tlAt con Hasay Be sin and 10i au e In the 118011 of piiVkVorJobn or of Iii je peat Rem vIII 2832 II Ir lMa1M 1 f 1 Den II it rfprl3rick nml Work Liino and silo Oive k needing asf JACKSO f Y- I C Hon JV tJA ne Jeaelr- 4yp J r 2Qjeari t + sar- k t l t TK K > AT Till WORLDS FAIR r On ol tin rut > s t lit LoiiUUiiit 1urclinM agwahtoa at SI I III will U rhirat I form of a star iriifUiiir rile Star I Ad Tin build rill ilyvalioii Tin writer of lit dt0aIi If i iit iimi- rtoui space urudualed I central jiuiut imllutu lilt lira otiiti of th star FR 111R01111 x A FLYOK w J t 1 HE NOW AT HOMK IN ClLH f Cfiwford Building I IJIIIur triule so fur Inns cxcewlwl our Indent hope Wenro ire 11 grateful for T u jefibroiis patroimgo vo litive rwiivwl in- C L J pat und will try to merit oven more in lie future Our stock U t ThE V CLEAN AND FRESH And we propose to iniiinlnin or ropntntion for lluudling the best goods und Fair and Honorable Dealing And the Inmost courteous tronlinotit CALLand SEE UE3 c Respectfully AJ Ps CRAWFORD t 00 47lJr1L1Lar7aL7r ICLtJ CJ4 CICJI CJ J IC14 ICLCf 4ar KfiiVl lutYPualdent J SAM Id IIKH ln Hii liirr- h u l KlWFOItD Vice Preldini UOIIT VVNAUaUAl Asst CUtloa s37tia7i + tnrC m L JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK I- ui j I IJackson Kentucky l- j Paid up Capital 1500000 j Surplus e t l0500o tj- 1Ve n J y solicit tho Daukiu ofit rn Lumber Manufacturers > l P Timber Dealers r iit Business Men r W W P 6 1Melcllnnts v > In v f Is I I farmers IU m e R- Tli G ou bout lC 3tern Kentucl and oSTar our stout r 1 the most r t- m LIBERAL TERIfe I- Cj AVithtn the Hiniiia of Ivgitiiiuitu ImaiiiKss n I COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY t rffi5i15t5i5ii Si5 nGaCit ari i Tlti iMtr Korcaml- ii hardly an exaggeration to say t time Koreans are the laziest people earth All day long they lie about streets smoking their gigantic os A native pipe Is a six fdot length bamboo with u metal bowl und In frlfrd tucked Into tho neckband and iwn the trousers leg All work of very arly every kind Is done by the worn i who occupy perhaps tine most di raided held by the sex of army atlon The unfortunate female jtopu Ilion Is collectively a beast of bunl u ml denied even tine mont elementary recognition us human beings A Ko ¬ lean girl lias no name She Is merely known as daughter of So and so her father Bleep Fee the Young Mud AurA A fouryearold requires 12 hours one of 7 yenta hours of 12 years 10 hours and of 10 or 18 0 hours Aft er that 7 or 8 hours is sufficient until after CO then tho hours should bo in ¬ creased gradually with each decade aa the man or woman of 80 teijulrea as much sfeep as a child of 10And It hoTfld be remembered Unit the most Lealthglvlng beauty waking time ta early It All Dependea Dont >vo go oily lilgherru k libe facetious guest In the botelwJiwth elevator stopped at the twentyfourth doorNot unless the elevator dropsi Hrl inswered the truthful elevator boy Judie + j r r Iluttar tear liMiilun In Scllly nnd tlnun i iy till Inilujstry of growing early powers for thu 1 if don market tins rrnchcd largo propor ¬ lions Prom that foriuor Island an ninny ns fifty tons of surly sprfng liliMnnma aro shlpiied to till nciliiland In n Hlnplo dnr11ut llower autHon beglna In Jan uary when Ilue rally v U rte II eel lire com ¬ hug Into bluoni Often when the vend er is cold aural cloudy time Ijudu nre tar- dy ¬ In oiicning nod It Is scary to re ¬ sort to iirtlllclul aid In order thiit time waiting morkelH many III supplied Iii lower heads iiry Jilckiil us twin iin nij hind penetrates tho calyx ami placed In jars of water which lure upon till Hhfilvrs of agrceuitnuye kept litII tpiiipvruturi of 00 to 70 degrees Inn few Lot w lurinrlvfiTfl buds respond to tho gnnliil warhith Hjinad their pet silt assume their μ lgwliigcolors mid lire ready tor butjichMg and piicklnir An Anrclolf of 11hlltlern A friend in vonferaatloti With Mr > thlttlerthi > poet riinarked that ho va atielmt to contract tu fnrnlijh n lot of oak tlniber for thu govcrnnicnt gun bants anil asked him If he thought It was In couslstcnco with tho peace doc trln 5 of the Quaker ikiioiulnntlon Without saying anything Calculated to decide the nuentlou the two arrived at their iwrtlng place when Mr Wnlttler shaking hla friends laudsaid lose If thee ides furnish any of that oak mbar thee spoke of pdsure that It is- all sound r ii C + i 1

Transcript of Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-03-11 [p ]

Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-03-11 [p ] lit designed for use III tho great re-gatta ¬ at Monto Carlo after which It will


ItYt >




IMirlnciillini KITcrlcit by V lnit n Lllc lln Clilorlilo or Silver

Time constantly Increasing demandj fur prim water anil for some methodliy means of which this cnn be ob

tained renters till recent communication made by Professor Palerno to tillllcalo Acailemla del Lined especiallyInteresting Professor Pntcrno hassuggested a process for the purificationof drinking water which constitutes a

forward In the study of this1Important problemFrom numerous and extensive exper ¬

iments made by this author It appearsthat by adding to Impure water oven

that containing pathogenic microbesnn extremely small Quantity or chi ¬

ride of sliver there Is accomplished thecomplete disinfection of the waterFor this purpose two milligrams or ntRoost two and suer half milligrams ofthe chloride are sufficient toabtolutelysterilize a liter of ttater and to elluilnote every danger of Infection

The process is so simple that onecannot expect any Improvement uponIt In the future It may be used by any-

one and III every condition of life thosterilization being complete after afew minutes ten at the most anti noapparatus being necessary beyond astand vial with a solution of chloride

silverThe keeps Its flavor and all ofits properties without modificationonly undergoing a slight whiteningwhich disappears after a few hours ofrepose Water purified by means ofboiling ozone and all other processesknown up io the present when exposedto tho air soon becomes Impure where-as the process of Professor Paternokeeps tho water puro for many months

to Homo Trlbuna

3Ilss Ethel CrukcrOne of the prettiest young women in

New York is Miss Ethel Croker thosdcteen year old daughter of Itlclmrd

Broker Miss drokcr Is often to be seenMadison avenue cars traveling

to and from her mothers home at 5

rat Seventyfourth street Mrs Croker HvosTh strict retirement and U

v known to only a few New YorkersOccasionally she goes to Lakewood for

jn few days and folks express surpriseat tho exlfstenco of a Mrs Croker MissEthel goes to one of tho most fashion ¬

able girl schools in the city and Is maklog friends who will be valuable to herwhen sill comes out She is devotedto her brother Frank and like himshe takes an interest in dogs andhorses Miss Croker is tall and darkhaired She has unusually high colorand when swathed In a mass of grayfur sbclg as pretty as a picture Thisyioungfwoman has had every advantag r7nioncy can obtain Until two

i1fi rcaI81U0 she had governesses andJjI every art Since her fa

t ther migrated to Wantage Englandi Miss Ethel has not seen him Nowr Yorl Press

lpcriLosing R ScalpIlcccntly n girl In New York was

scalped by having her hair caught In ar revolving shaft TIle ready verdict is

4that while sire may recover she mustalways bo sadly disfigured Perhaps


notSeveral years ago an accident similarbut worse deprived u San Franciscogirl of her scalp down to and Includingthe eyebrows Doctors employed skingrafting anti supplied her with a newscalp with n luxuriant growth of hairThe handmade eyebrows were as deli ¬

1 cutely penciled as tho originals Thenew ImlrSwas of a different color from

t i tho natural which had been of a rareshRIll dllDcult to match The girl wasbeautiful before the accident and shewas beautiful afterward although

t much changedVhlethe ordeal through which this

patient lTd to puss was long and pain-

fuloany yontg woman would rather

I try it than to go through life either

1bald rbcwlggedow York World

J ° Fnaliorin No MoreIJ nnqlO of Fashoda Is to vanish

J froiittlionip This Is In considerationThis is an

ofllciajjilccreo and henceforward Fa-

eliodaYls iiHlioUn no more The preyIIICQ rif that name becomes the upperNile Hnre the tort and outskirtsbeconicjlCoilol and the village whichload teen known as Fashoda isivrehainedrabwar Theso changes are

all future maps oilcinly reports and recognized books ofreferencp tt y


J> r FnrmliiK In KoreaKoreans cultivate their fields largely

1tclth spades One of these Implementstins n handle about eight feet long

4 bowl is tipped with ironr and Inns two straw ropes fastened to

Ii ir Tho man manipulating the handlefeSimsheg the spade into the grou ll ThenVthose holding the rofeathrow an lu

significantly small anibunf of earth aiRK distance of about two feet In tire Ko

dun fields ono may ofteittce ulna menthus employed on one spade

The SlnylnK SexDo women lip longer than men

luring tho past year no fewer thanMUsx hove died who werenfJMGharlansr In several cases they

to eC nJt1erll bly oer n hundredof ngi and it is rcniarkublQ that

jo T vAfiiTcso persons thirty sIX were wornn fejn Men mind womenjallke belonged to

stations of life blitit Is noticeablethat by far the greater proportion of

11 vr time women were iiarrled LondonWorld


are government employee Each oustf > bo of good character and live In a je

ji spectable family The pay 11i3Vn r 1 cents n day with on ndvanceQf A

1r tents in two years nnd thoseyfour

years In service secure 71 cents a day± > Applicants for these positions usually

i id fI4 jralt two yenta for an opening

Dont qverlook onrapecialofTur

lColds arc Dangeroustf

neW oftenlJOIl hear it remarkedQllt onlV red and n few dnyg laterJearn tlmt iJiewiftn U on his back wlti-

lcitP911I10nJo Tins U of tuch commonoaeiirrpncn tht n eotd hewerer slightftkftiild lint Iw disregarded Clinmber

°t rhuh Uoufih Hell1 < v-

teliltssaycounteracts any

towgpd pnemnonla Itf ali

f 1W pkrer AMI t t w takeraNQgrhlb1 flrr 1

1U4 a

<tifs 1


Skntcr Ilellervulllc SliniTluirGeorge IlellOfenlllc of Winnipeg who

was picked to win the mllo nUll tholive mile events at tho recent chumplonshlp meet nt Verona luke SewJersey did not skate the race he was I

supposed to have in him timid tho hestho did was to come In second in thefive mllo racy mutt skate third In thohull mllo went

In the live mllo race Ucllefoulllo wastho only one Champion Morris Woodof Long Branch N J hud to fearThe Canadian showetl that he wasused to going the distance and it wasn question whether Wood could holdto the last mile and then have n sprintleft Ile proved that lie could

The condition of the Ice preventedextreme spued Tim top ice was softIn spots and would not hold the strongstride of time skaters Most of time

fastest amateurs In the United Stateswore entered along with a Canadianentry or two

Itrnu After Ollrlcn AffnlnTommy ftyan the clever middle

weight Is hot on the trail of Phildelphia Jack Oprten whom he metrecently in n six round bout

tlnn rords barn n tweer nun


meeting with Ollrlen says Ryan I

want a chance toshow that I am time

better manThe Philadelphia fight wan in favor

of Ityan throughout null ho Is surethat be can bund OUricn his quietus

A 1lorlila Sporting CarnivalFlorida Is preparing for a solid sell

son of carnival next winter automobile racing and automobile boat racingTIe latest project assumed by Floridaparties Is the ttolJOselllut lllolJlle boatraco to take place upon Luke Worthnear Palm Beach Pin Immediatelyfollowing the automobile meet nt Ormound A D Proctor Smith HowardGould and Fred Sterry have each do¬

tinted a 1000 trophy to be awardedfor automobile boat racing Other troplies are certain to be given and themeet on the placid Lake Worth waterswill add materially to the interest InFlorida next season Nor is this to bethe only auto boat race for time FloridaEast Coast Automobile association pro-

poses to promote in connection withthe automobile meet a scrjcs of raceon the Halifax rifer-

Irnllatng Governor Crnuc-Hmvqrd WllleUs of White Plains N

Y has bought from Daniel W Malo-

ney time fast twoyearold colt GovernorCrane by UltigenrSOtlVi dam Nowa ¬

day 2144Governor Crane Is a solid tuTyof great

substance although not large at theage Ills sire was next to Arlon210 the fastest twoyearold ever to

orglntudMe I

started Nojvuday took n rccorSof217 3 early lu life and loweredIt to214V4 then was retired The matingof such a sire and dam was Indeed n

happy one and fojv could possibly finda flaw In Onvertfor Gratiesjnneupgait or aught else llb istn trait r of-

the good old fashioned sort and sticksto It whenever brushed seeminglyknowing no other gait

Jolly nachrlur a rust Green fnJolly Hachelor regarded by horsemen

as onto of the fastest green trotters Inthe country Is now In the stable of EE Smothers and will bp shipped toIoulsvllle with Mr Smatters hafiiesshorses at an early date George Spearwho trains for the owner of Major Delmar will tit Jolly Itachelor for theraces and probably piftnpalgn him luthe grand circuit Driven by his own ¬

er II C Mopes Jolly Hachelor trottedIn about 212 to wagon lit Empire Citypark Yonklrll N Y last season

Haulier SlcOoyern-Hnghey McUovern brother of the

former fentber champion Is rapidlycoming to the front Less than n yearago ho knew but little about tho manly

I art Terry took him In hand and thensent him to Philadelphia where homet one of tho Quaker fighters Howon in a walk and since then he tinsbeen meeting bantamweights throughout Pennsjlvanla and other easternptuttts Terry believes that In a fewyears his brother will develop Into agreat fighter

Lnjole DenialCaptain Napoleon Lajolo denies the

rumor that lie will tako n team ofFrenchmen to Prance next full to showtho natives how baseballs playedThe story was that Larry hind constructed a team with George Lachancofirst base Larry se ynd base Parentshortstop Do AnnonJ of Cincinnatithird base With the remainder of thenine to be selected from time minorleagues

rA Powerful LAnlo Hunt

There Is being constructed In Italyan automobile boat with three engines

v of sixty horsepower each driving tin

boat through ono shaft This launchIs expected lojjmjejajtiOILlmrsepQAyfiEIt lit designed for use III tho great re-


at Monto Carlo after which Itwill bo shipped to America in all prcltability for rise In the racing here


A nice small Farm In Lee aunty forsale The Inrkin Stamper plnce onthe hpad of Dear Creek Nice dwellinggosd storehouse cribs mind barn neverroiling water well fenced Prjee rea-


and tennis easy For pitrllauarc apply lo SAM JKTT-

Winchester KV

AVANTED Naiiiriii those tintspare all or a portkii or their lime forlight employment at home loud pay


Rutay1o1IIIIrt J 1tJJfr tJ> h r 1

f twrcf 111 fx> t1


It Wni Strunl dwell but Wim Uvuenshe tu the Mari Who Tuiik II

County Comuilxsloner JohnMcGougluey has not the reputation of being

easy but It Is coming ills wily A

few days ago he was talking to agroup of friends in the courthousewhen a well dressed man passed andnodded pleasantly to the commissionerlIe stopped a short distance away toread a notice while McGaughcy regard ¬

ed him with a wistful lookWho Is that fellow asked one of

the groupties n friend of mine said Me

Gougliey He borrowed 5 of me abouta year ago and I dont think ho willever pay it back I could use that thetoo It I had It

Why dont you ask him for It ask-


the first speaker You never wontto let your money get away withouttrying for it

Thats right said another Begame John and go after It Snow

McGaUghcy finally yielded to theirsuggestions and walked over to wherethe borrower was still engaged withtho notice After a short conversationhis friends saw some sort of financialtransaction take place and the strangerwalked away while McGaughey returned to the party

Thats the way to do It said oneHo paid up like a little man didnt

beNo said McGuughey sadly he

borrowed another flve IndIanapolUNews r

Declined to Strike OutDanny Coogun time nets baseball

coach engaged by the University ofPennsylvania was a well known base ¬

hall man when ho went to the univer ¬

sity in the early nineties He was fiereceiving end of the famous UuyneCoogan battery

When llnynu tiled poor Danny wasnearly heartbroken Danny was very

popular when at the university andpossessed n fund of Irish wit and humor that generally kept UC crowdalaughtng He Is a little fellow with abig voice

He tells n good story on himselfwhen he started out in life after col ¬

lege Ills father had been giving himadvice about his career

All I have to say is this You nrenow going out Into the world my sonnull youll find it quite different fromcollege life The road will be roughand stormy nut strike out my boystrikeout

Not on your life t saldfDanny Imgoing to be n baseball play Phila ¬

delphia Press

1sefnl nee cxFirst Student The professor in his

lecture said that reverses were necessary to stimulate n young men

Second Student Thats true If Itwerent for an occasional check Icouldnt do anything at nltew Orleans TimesDemocrat

Wide ExperienceMrs Snobbs I want a girl accus ¬

toned to being employed In the bestfamilies

agentive got just the girl youwant She was employed In seven ofthe best families last month Brook¬

lyn Life

DUqanllfledYou will never male a reliable re-

porterWby not sir-You


never told the caliber of the revolver used In that murder story your

wrote up yesterday Judge

Involved DUInrbaiiceParker Weve moved again IiBarker YoubaveParkerYes Our children wereJioj-

noisy that wecpuldnt stand what tlwineighbors said about them DetroitFree Press ir e

A War ComplaintDeStlchnt are the Japanese sol ¬

SfcOunbustabeing fed on embalmed chop alley andcanned hlrdsnest coupsew V YorkTimes Jft of

tIns Pnluncc V

How is your son gettingalong in his literary labors 7

JorklnsOh famously You shouldsee how gracefully he carries hi a penbehind his car Hoston Transcript

Not in Ills Line d

iIi r orDo you keep IJllIItIeaUler goodsNom You will smut theme down on

tile next J lock Theres arflr6 solo-

stiersLe dcrlCeikly j

lore VainerC 1GIIssleSIIPI > 1JIi1Hbehaaa-

coat of arms w

Charley What good isnhat Wby Ihaws a coat of clothr Cleveland PlainDealer W

Pure bred Fekiii DticksiCinilsh Indlan Oninecliickeni nncTiileJglnn Haresfor solo by M k 3h

JDckon KfIf Its n billions nltiiokaka Ohain

Ierl0lue Stomach stunt tier Tabletsi> quick Vecoreryis certain For tallby Day Bros Cu-



WANTED To buy poplar logs foronce work 10 liicheeand apt anylength j will pay caJliS


G fC

S1f l1fY It


The SlilklnK of AexpyRAdmiral ItxMr till lIre ll l com

mander of Huiislun uric fittvv navalrind land In Silo fur east rOle from theranks In the lhlsslull 12nvy4tlte lintnttrttcteiT ultcntiiii country n young lloutoimiiL wfUiout Intluciuo and wiihiiit fiimlly Ho I mil

landed at Sun Fruwllt tram n cruiseJn Ahmknii water ouh thin battleshipllurlck when war was Imminent botweon Husslii anti treat Drltnln riverthe Balkans Ho at oneo cabled to the

1natM nCtJiu Lu

AlOIIllAIi AiKXKlKffto purchase In this vutintry n numberof vessels to be used as commerce destroyers to prey on English commerceand received u reply to the effect thatthere was out time for the dual Alexcleft telegraph buck a respectfulmessuKc to the effect that he perhapsknew tine situation better In Americathan it was known In lluxsla ulul ILlceived time necessary permission Inten days he hind purchased eight shipsnnd although the war cldud soon blowover the Incident was the waking ofAlcxeleff ttxm his return to ltusslihe was gives command of n shill andin three years ho was an admiral

irnater and llnnnnVolncy W Foster nt whose request

bills lave been introduced In congressto provide for arbitration of labor illsputes Is assistant treasurer of the Itopublican national committee No oneconnected with the committee has beena more ardent admirer uf tho late Senator Hanim who was chairman of thecommittee than Foster Foster wasnot the choice of Ilanna but tho senator learned to appreciate the assistanttreasurer during the lust campaign

There Is nn Interesting story aboutthe manner In which Poster winschosen It wan found necessary tohave an assistant treasurer and President McKlnley suggested Foster toIlunniu TIe chairman sent for Pot-ter in Chicago mud said

McKinley wants you for assistanttreasurer I know half n dozen union

In Chicago that I would rather havebut ns > you are McKlhleys choice I

have appointed you11ell you are delightfully cornp-

lltnentatieportcJ Foster If If wereyou me I wouldnt touchthe place but I want to do somethingfor Mcllnlcy and I nui gong to servehim In tlie place ho wants we whetheryea like It or riot

Before the campaign tins over thcsotwo men who begmi their nogrclatlonrather lifausplclously became the bestqf friends f

j Slinfrollii Unique ActliiiuJohn F Sbafroth of Colorado enjoys

the unique distinction of being ute onlyinan who voluntarily rcllnqnlghed aseat in the congress of the UnitedStates because of evidence of fnhid Ihthe returns by which ho was elfcteilMr Shafroth served the First Denverdistrict of Colorado In tho FiftyfourthFiftyfifth Fiftysixth and FiftySev ¬

enth congresses Ills contestant for tine

seat In the Flftyelhth congrcsi lensRobert W Boiiynge who filed n pro

test agnlnst the returns as made bythe


Colorado secretary of btate Thetest took tilt usual course lit Wash

ington and when the investigationmade by the housJ electlonscommlttodrevealed fraud and the evidciicQ wason Feb 15 laid before Mr jBUufratu

gMitlcinan arose In time houW awllicked that tht committee prcsVat UH

rcsplutldn seatllig Mr Bonyngc whichvus done

The StvUrThere lii a new iiresrii1 IttvItElr

land every yearAissI l far tWnew president Is tqp-


of true ryear he III M Robert Copt

M Comlcsse wears n toon one side to HUV lie U I

He cakes everybody Iktr jmanners are inost IngratlaUattJl kleloquence altogether lrresilbl13wS-ides ire lias n splendid 0WrtwIV-Which lie received In Nctjci ff netlilbcrg and Parlrt 7

He is flftyaevcn yearn old Il4AJ1Ilej1 height of hla powersI

Coal nnil Timber in miWantd

Vanted ono hundred thousand acresof coal and timber land In KniterijKentucky for OASII for Eastern Oapltalltlt Write M

0 E duiTiiLexington Ky

r lAiiil the iormntlons fn which It fuuimSend 26 Ct for the 01 ProspectorsGuide W HFACtKNBR I-


W4InItdldt Ydi4 0 J

0 tldii

Wftfit Yfl J +

tI >> 1





Text uf tha Irut Mutt xlr 113Miiior > frosts IIttuldea restHrv II ll l miiiiMitnrjr Irriinreitby UPV ni M Slvurtic-


101 tr Aimilcin Prcw Auoclatlon J

Again we pass over iuany events be

tween the lessons After the stillingof the donut Ho cast the demons outof thin man Matt vlll 23 says two atUadam ninth suffered them to enter theswine Then nt the earnest request ofthe Uaduivnes lIt departed out oftheir coasts thus granting their mule ¬

lieving Veiiueat vhllo lie denied thorequest of the healed man who wantedto abide with Him lIe then healedthe women who hall been twelve yearssick and raised to llfo the rulersdaughter who was just twelve yearsof age Luke vlll 42 436 lie onco

uncle revisited Nazareth and tiiujht Inthe synagogue but they were offendedut Shim amid He left them marvelingat their unbelief Mark vl 10 Aftertills He sent forth the twelve nnd atthe time of our lessor way perhaps atCaporniium or on Ills second circuitteaching intuit preaching in tho cities ofGnllliv

Our lesson opens with the fame ofJesuit nnd tilt perplexity of tieredcompare Verso 1 and Iuke Ix 7

though Herod wns In time eyes of men-

the one to be envied ninth Jesus was thedespised mutt reJccttHl ore We needto be oft reminded that things and pvo

pie highly esteemed among mim iiiuibo nbnnilnatlon In the sight of Galninth there Is n woe unto you when allmen shall speak well of you Iukexvl IS vl 21 Another helpful and-

ncrnesary Worth Is Fret not thyselfbecause of evil doers because of himwho prdaperetl h wino bringfill wicked deVlcosHlsL IIOU lsxxxvll J 71

There are ropy evil things nnd ovllpeople that 1101 lhly we lire not cnlUM

upon to meddle with but the fact thatJohn hUll Herod for a hearer left himno alternative but to be blind to Herads sill for peaces nuke or faithfully agaln t them for Christ sakeThe former as n servant of God hecould not do but time latter he did nodwas Imprisoned for It John did notseek honor trove mm He wins greatIn the sight of the Lord and lived topipage Him hence he did right In thesight of the Lord at any cost Ve willnewer help to make known the tame ofJesus If we compromise with the worldor III any way wink at sin We mustbe over and always whole hearted forHim wholly ills Ills own purchasedpeople to show forth Ills praises I

Pet II Oi Our lives by purity andmeekness and Holiness and tho Joy ofsilli forgiven unmet proclaim llcholdthe iJimb of God The Spirit lllllniiw we will be u rebuke to those who I

conform to the world nnd live untotllCIUHClVf

Turning to the birthday party ofTiered what u sample we hive of theworld lying lu the wicked one n veryllclehaztnrs feast the devils owu andhe knew what he was up to for hewas running this timing to accomplishhis purpose How well he enabledthat imor sinful girl to dance that dayHow he enablid tier to captivate thesinful heart of tiered and to lend himIn lips excitement to make a rush promhue which led to time dentin of JohnWhat n devil possessed woman Heroiliac want that she could think of noth ¬

lag to ak of the king no desirable asthe dath of the man she so hinted because ho land rebuked her sinful lifeYet other mothers have counseled tlelrchildren to do wickedly II Chronxxll 3 Gun xxvll 12 13i nand theI-

IIUIH devil still lives and workHoywrethpil a specimen of silt In

dnl ijit lunnanlty was this man whohad placed himself uudcrdho controlof this sinful woman for lusts sakewile feared her and feared people nUll

lilul some fear of the hereafter huthad 110 true fear of Oath We havecome to a lime when In church andstate In public amt private life thedevil controlled Herods und Herodluses tire without number but the worstphase of line work of the adversary to

day Is tilt control of the tenders Inspiritual things who do not hesitate toteach that however ungodly peopletinny be there will be salvation forthem after they leave this world there I

Is no everlasting punishment and eventhe devil himself Is to be saved TheyLord keep us faithful to Himself au-

to lilt truth eves though It shouldmean prison or Palmos suffering o

death fur Ills sake and may the heariof Ills true people bo stirred to givehe gospel more quickly to bole wlfoawe not hoard It yet that Ills chuirhmay he oompleteil and tints ungoJiyage may cad

How awful the last sceiiQ In todals I

IM sonl John has been mouths In liuonely prison seemingly neglected etui I

iy our Lord for wo have no ret itl

hat Jesus ewer went to see him rthough the prophets had testifiedUHnliili would glee liberty to coptand open time prison to then IIla-thounlllIn Ixl D But now Is li

he trnmp of feet Sonic one is coi0 co him Is It hU Lard and In-

JU cell door swings open HVia Iited not for earth hut

3fi inompnt It Is over forVslt her gift and hlnIInpints or thU11eml1 iWNP the faithful iiios


i> nmlIlls tinlullIfiJs perfecting all tlAt con

Hasay Be sin and10iau e In the 118011 ofpiiVkVorJobn or of Iii je

peat Rem vIII 2832 IIIr lMa1M 1

f 1 Den II

it rfprl3rick nml

Work Liino andsilo Oive

k needingasf


I C Hon JV tJA ne Jeaelr-4yp J r 2Qjeari




t l t


On ol tin rut> s t lit LoiiUUiiit 1urclinM agwahtoa at SI I IIIwill U rhirat I form of a star iriifUiiir rile Star I AdTin build rill ilyvalioii Tin writer of lit dt0aIi If i iit iimi-rtouispace urudualed I central jiuiut imllutu lilt lira otiiti of

th star

FR 111R01111 x A FLYOK

w J t1


Cfiwford BuildingI IJIIIur triule so fur Inns cxcewlwl our

Indent hope Wenro ire 11 grateful forT u jefibroiis patroimgo vo litive rwiivwl in-

CL J pat und will try to merit oven more inlie future Our stock U


ThE V CLEAN AND FRESHAnd we propose to iniiinlnin or ropntntionfor lluudling the best goods und

Fair and Honorable DealingAnd the Inmost courteous tronlinotit




47lJr1L1Lar7aL7r ICLtJ CJ4 CICJI CJ J IC14 ICLCf 4arKfiiVl lutYPualdent J SAM Id IIKH ln Hii liirr-hu l KlWFOItD Vice Preldini UOIIT VVNAUaUAl Asst CUtloa

s37tia7i + tnrCm



I IJackson Kentucky l-

j Paid up Capital 1500000 j

Surplus e t l0500o tj-


n Jy solicit tho Daukiuofit rn

Lumber Manufacturers > l

P Timber Dealers riit

Business Men rW W P

6 1Melcllnnts v >In v f

Is I I farmersIU m

e R-

TliG ou bout lC 3tern Kentucl and oSTar our stout r1 the most r t-


Cj AVithtn the Hiniiia of Ivgitiiiuitu ImaiiiKss nI


rffi5i15t5i5ii Si5 nGaCit ari i

Tlti iMtr Korcaml-ii hardly an exaggeration to say

t time Koreans are the laziest people

earth All day long they lie aboutstreets smoking their gigantic

os A native pipe Is a six fdot lengthbamboo with u metal bowl und In

frlfrd tucked Into tho neckband andiwn the trousers leg All work of veryarly every kind Is done by the worn

i who occupy perhaps tine most diraided held by the sex of army

atlon The unfortunate female jtopuIlion Is collectively a beast of bunl uml denied even tine mont elementary

recognition us human beings A Ko ¬

lean girl lias no name She Is merelyknown as daughter of So and so herfather

Bleep Fee the Young Mud AurA

A fouryearold requires 12 hoursone of 7 yenta hours of 12 years10 hours and of 10 or 18 0 hours After that 7 or 8 hours is sufficient until

after CO then tho hours should bo in ¬

creased gradually with each decade aa

the man or woman of 80 teijulrea asmuch sfeep as a child of 10And It

hoTfld be remembered Unit the mostLealthglvlng beauty waking time ta


It All DependeaDont >vo go oily lilgherru k libe

facetious guest In the botelwJiwthelevator stopped at the twentyfourth

doorNot unless the elevator dropsi Hrlinswered the truthful elevator boy

Judie +j


Iluttar tear liMiilunIn Scllly nnd tlnun i iy till Inilujstry

of growing early powers for thu 1 if

don market tins rrnchcd largo propor ¬

lions Prom that foriuor Island an ninnyns fifty tons of surly sprfng liliMnnmaaro shlpiied to till nciliiland In n Hlnplodnr11ut llower autHon beglna In January when Ilue rally vU rte II eel lire com ¬

hug Into bluoni Often when the vender is cold aural cloudy time Ijudu nre tar-


In oiicning nod It Is scary to re ¬

sort to iirtlllclul aid In order thiit time

waiting morkelH many III supplied Iiilower heads iiry Jilckiil us twin iin nijhind penetrates tho calyx ami placed Injars of water which lure upontill Hhfilvrs of agrceuitnuye kept litIItpiiipvruturi of 00 to 70 degrees Innfew Lot w lurinrlvfiTfl buds respondto tho gnnliil warhith Hjinad their petsilt assume their µ lgwliigcolors midlire ready tor butjichMg and piicklnir

An Anrclolf of 11hlltlernA friend in vonferaatloti With Mr

>thlttlerthi > poet riinarked that hova atielmt to contract tu fnrnlijh n lot

of oak tlniber for thu govcrnnicnt gunbants anil asked him If he thought Itwas In couslstcnco with tho peace doctrln 5 of the Quaker ikiioiulnntlonWithout saying anything Calculated todecide the nuentlou the two arrived attheir iwrtlng place when Mr Wnlttlershaking hla friends laudsaid loseIf thee ides furnish any of that oak

mbar thee spoke of pdsure that It is-all sound



C +

i 1