Breakdown Of Krugman's Definition


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Transcript of Breakdown Of Krugman's Definition

Page 1: Breakdown Of Krugman's Definition

Table 1. Presentation of the implications of Krugman‟s theory of “learning without involvement” on the specific marketing tactics and their real-life implementation

Krugman‟s definition of …

…requires marketers to utilize TV medium

Those two objectives can be achieved by employment of the marketing tools such as

…that assure the benefit of

Some examples of these specific tactics

…and its real life modern implementation

…consumers as involved in a passive and low involvement activity of TV watching that does not allow for the connection between the product and the consumers’ lives/system of beliefs

as a tool not to drive conversion but…

to build associations between customers’ lives and the product

repetition of the marketing message assuring for

the message being recalled in a situation of purchasing decision/ behavior

Jingles Free Credit Report Dot Com

Earworms Check‟N‟Cash commercials

Repetition of the product name

Head On (“Apply Directly To The Forehead)

Taglines „Yes, we can!”

“Ultimate Driving Machine”

Constant presence

Product placement

Bond movies,

Friends and Instyle magazine

Top Chef

Hollywood and cigarettes

Notoriety (“Bad publicity is good publicity”)

Paris Hilton


Idea placement

Soap operas introducing the public to vital social issues

Increased acceptance of gays via TV modeling though Will & Grace or Ellen Degeneres Show vs fiascos of the direct propaganda campaigns (Proposition 8 failure)

…product’s intangible attributes (the perception of the brand) being primary source of influence on the future purchasing decisions (“brand awareness/equity”)

to establishing the brand awareness/ equity

constructing a brand identity

Describing the spirit of the product

Pepsi (a drink of the young (at heart)

Geico (so easy a cavemen can do it)

Corona (Sun)

Creating aspiration


Luxury bags