Brand thatsets the Standard KAYCEE INDUSTRIES...

Brand that sets the Standard 12' h March, 2018 KAYCEE INDUSTRIES LTD. Regd . Off.: Old Kaman i Chamber, 32, Ramj ibha i Kamani Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001 . Te l.: +91 -22-2261 352 1 /22 /23· Fax: + 91 -22-22 61 610 Ema il : [email protected] Web : www.kayceei nd ustri • CIN No.: L70102MH1 942PLC006482 BSE Ltd., Corporate Relation Department, Listing Department , Phrioze Jeejeeboy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400023 Scrip Code : 504084 Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Submission of Newspaper Advert isement for Notice of Hearing of Petition filed in National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai for Approving the Scheme of Demerger In Compliance of with th e provision of Securities and Exchange of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement s) Regulation , 2015. Please find enclosed her ewith copies of Newspaper Publication for Notice of hea ring of Petition filed in National Company Law Tribunal , Mumb ai Bench for approving th e Scheme of Deme rger of Kaycee Industries Limited (Tran sferor Company) with RDJ Construction Private Lim ited (Transferee Company) and their respective shareholders and Credito rs ('Scheme ') . The adverti sement is published on Saturday, io" Mar ch, 2018 in following newspapers: "Free Press Jour al" in English "Navshakti" in Marathi You are requested to ta ke note of sam e. ... ----- =-==-==== - -- --- - - --- - ;g 5 §--= GROUP FACTO Y: PLOT NO. F-25, ADDITIONAL AMBERNATH INDL.AREA, ANAND NAGA R, MIDC , AMBERNATH (E) , D18T. THANE - 421 502 TE L.: (02 51 ) 2621 138 FACTO Y: 70 ,L AKE ROAD , BHANDUP, MUMBAI 0'400 078 . KAYCEE IND. LTD. IS O 9001 : 2001 FILE No.;; 20001 52SOUOI

Transcript of Brand thatsets the Standard KAYCEE INDUSTRIES...

Page 1: Brand thatsets the Standard KAYCEE INDUSTRIES · Brand thatsets the Standard 12'hMarch, 2018 KAYCEE INDUSTRIES LTD. Regd. Off.:

Brand that setsthe Standard

12'h March, 2018

KAYCEE INDUSTRIES LTD.Regd. Off.: Old Kamani Chamber, 32, Ramjibhai Kamani Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001 .Tel.: +91 -22-2261 3521 /22 /23· Fax: +91 -22-2261 6106· Email : [email protected] • CIN No. : L70102MH1 942PLC006482

BSE Ltd.,

Corporate Relation Department,

Listing Department ,

Phrioze Jeejeeboy Towers,

Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400023

Scrip Code : 504084

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Submission of Newspaper Advert isement for Notice of Hearing of Petition filed in National

Company Law Tribunal, M um bai for Approving the Scheme of Dem erger

In Compliance of with th e provision of Securities and Exchange of India (Listing Obligations and

Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015. Please find enclosed herewith copies of Newspaper

Publication for Notice of hea ring of Petit ion f iled in National Comp any Law Tribunal , Mumbai Bench

for approving th e Scheme of Deme rger of Kaycee Industries Limited (Tran sferor Company) with RDJ

Construction Private Limited (Transferee Company) and their respective shareholders and Cred ito rs

('Scheme ') . The advertisement is publ ished on Sat urday, io" March, 2018 in following newspapers:

"Free Press Jour al" in English

" Navshakt i" in M arat hi

You are requ ested to ta ke note of same.


- - ------=-==-====- - - ---- - ---- ;g 5 §--=GROUP


FACTO Y : 70, LAKE ROAD, BHANDUP, MUMBAI 0'400 078.KAYCEE IND. LTD.IS O 9001 : 2001FILE No.;; 2000152SOUOI

Page 2: Brand thatsets the Standard KAYCEE INDUSTRIES · Brand thatsets the Standard 12'hMarch, 2018 KAYCEE INDUSTRIES LTD. Regd. Off.:

PUBLIC NOnCENOTICE is here by given that Mr.AkshayAnw1 Madane & Mr.HrishikeshAru n Madane propose 10mortgagetheir Room No. L-12/90, TUakVru1dawanCo-op. Hsg.see, Ud" TilakNagar,Chembu',MLnbJl l.e. '!heRoom'in favour of my clients L & T HousingFinance LId. 10secu re the loan to beavailed by the m an d they haverep resented to my clients thaI theyare notInpossession orits prioraiginaltltJedeeds viz. a) Orig inal AllotmentLetter from MHADA to Mr. AtvIndKondopati Kanadeand b)Agreemenldated 6/11/1996 between Mr.ArvindKondopati Kanade as 'Vendor' andMrs . Nanda Venkatrao Ga ikwad as'Purchaser' as the sa d orig inal tltJedeeds have been los t/m isplacedand not traceable.ALL Persons claiming any Inlerestin the said roomor anypart thereofbyway of sale , gift. lease, inheritance,exch ange, sha re, right, interest,mortgage, hypoIhecaIion. charge. lien,tusl, possessiln. easerTlllI"I. alIadmentor othe rwise etc, howsoever arehereby required to write 10 theundersigned al his office with in 14days from the dale hereof alongwilhdocu mentary eviden ce , falling wllIchmy clients shall proceed with theproposed mort gage , without anyreferencetosuch claimand the same,Ifany,shall be coosJdered as waived.


705JA, Bonanza , Sahar PlazaA.K. Marg, J.B. Nagar

Andheri (E), Mumba i 400059.

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Registered OffIce: ICICI Bank LId, ICICI Bank Towe r. Near Chakll Circle . Old Padra Road . Vadodara- 390007.Corporat e Office: ICICI Bank Towers. Bandra Kurta Complex, Bandra (E), Mumb 1- 400051

WhereasTh u ndR conslrulh pow r




COMPANY CHEME APPLICATION NO . 848 OF 2017In therrratter ollhe CompaniesAcl, 2013

AndIn the rrntter of Scheme of Arrangerrent belwe n Kaycee Induslrles L1rn1ed(Derrerged Company) and RDJ Construcllons Private Lim/ted (ResuitlngCompany) and their respective shareholders and eredftors ('Scheme ofArrangemenl' )

AndIn therrraller of Section 230to 232read wrth Section 66andSection 52ol lheCompaniesAct, 20t3 andolherapplCableprovisions 01theCompanies Act,2013andrules frarred lhereunder

RDJ Constructions Private limited,i Company Incorporatedunder tl1ll provisions ofCompanies Ad, 1956having fts registered oIfieaat CMSl akeRoad Center. 70 Lake Road, Kaycee IlOustrialCo~. Bhandup (West). Mumbal ·400078

NOTICE OF HEARING OF PE11110NAPetllonunder Section 230to232read wtthsection 66andsection 52el theCompaniesAct,2013 (. . n' ) IOfanordersanctioning theScherre ofArrangermnt, was presenledby RDJ Constructions Private Limlled, lhe PelitlonerCompany, having rts registeredoll icesttualedat CMSLakeRoad Center. 70 Lake Road. Kaycee InduslrialCOrTllOund,Bhal'liup (West), Mumbal ·400078 on15'"January, 2018 andthePetrtion wasadmltledon9 March, 2018andIs f edlor hearlng beforetheNational COfTllany law TrlbunalMumbal Bench. onFriday. 23"day 01March. 2018.Anyperson desiringofsupporting oropposingthePelnion should sel'li to thePetitionerCompany's advocale al theaddresses rrentloned below. a noticeot h1s(herintention.signed by him'herorhls( heradvocales, w4hh1s(her name andaddress, soasto reachlhe Petdloner Company's advocale al'li the Hon'ble Nattoml Company Law Trlbunal,Mumbal bench at 6'"Floor, fountainTelecom Building, 1 Mahatrrra Gandhi Road, FOfI.Murrbal-4OO 001 notlalerthantwodays before lhedatelbeed lor hearing of tl1ll PeIJlIon.Where I1ll seeks 10oppose thepelitlon. thegrounds of opposrtlon or acopyof his! heramdavft shartbefurnished wtIhsuchnotice.A copy oflhe Pellion w be furnished by the Petitioner Company's advocate to anyperson requiring lhe same on payrrent of the prescribed cI1arges lor thesarre.Dale; 10"'day ofMarch2018 SdI·Place . MLIl'baI Nfs. He III Set & Co1602Nav f>drmarJJ,AWIng. Betlnd Amar Cnema. Chembur. Mootlal400071 . Maharashlra


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COMPANY SCHEME APPLICATION NO. 848 OF 2017Intherrarter of theCOrT"Cl'lnles Act, 2013

AI'IiIn themaller01 Scherm 01Arrangerrent be\W98n Kaycee Industries Limled(Demerged COrT"Cl'lny) al'li RDJ Constructions Private LlmiIed (ResuttlngCompany) al'li Iheu respective shareholders and crednors ('Scherreof

Arrangerrent') AI'Ii

Inlherraner 01 Section 23010 232read w~h Section 66al'li Section 5201 theC~niBs Act. 2013 and other applicable provisionsalthe COrT"Cl'lnleS Act,2013 and rules framed thereul'lier

Kaycee Industries limited, .a cOrT"Cl'lny Incorporated under theprovisions c1ll'1iranCompanies Act. 1913 having s registered olfieaal OldKamanl Charrtlers. 32- Rarr11bha1Kaman! Marg, l r Co ny

Ballard Eslale. Mumba\-~~JE OF HEARINGOF PE11TIONAPelrtlon under Section 230to232readwrth section 66al'li section52c1the compan::Acl 2013 (' Petition') fOf anorder sanctioning lheScherm ofArrangerrenl,was presenledi<a cee Il'Iiuslrm Llrrited lhePetrtlooer COrT"Cl'lny. havingrts registBledelflce silUa~OldYKarmnl Charrtlers, 32. Rarr1lbhal Karmnl Marg, Ballard Esta\;)~ur:a~ ~~olron 15"January, 2018 and thePelIonLa~=:~::i~:~ on\~ay, 23~day atheartrY;l before theNational ColTll3l1Y w ,

March,2016. . ' the Petdlonshould sel'li 10thePeIJlIonBlAny person desiring of supporllllQ or opp05111ll notice of his/he Inteltion

C.o::~'~::~':::vr::es~~:~~aal'li address. so~ to reach~~ PetiooerCQI1ll3OY'Sadvccateand IheHon'bIe NationaiConllany Lawlriburral. MurrIlaIbenchat Floor Flullalnlelecom Building, t Mahatma GandhlRoad, Fofl.M~~001 nol terlha~ twodays before thedate filled ,lor hearing olt~:a::~ed s~~beto oppose thepaldlen. thegrounds 01oppos IOn or a copyfurnished wllh such nolice. , dv I I personA 01 II1llPetrtlonwiDbefurnished bylhePetlionerCompany sa ocae oanyr~~~ thesarre on payrrenl oIlhe presCribed chaf\les lor thesarm. SdI.

Dal 1000 day 01 March2018 MIs.HemantSethi & Co=Na~~~~rJJ , AWIng Betil'liAmarCinema.CherTtlur. Munilal400071. Maharashlra


t v. Bank Ltd.o d. Vakola

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Page 3: Brand thatsets the Standard KAYCEE INDUSTRIES · Brand thatsets the Standard 12'hMarch, 2018 KAYCEE INDUSTRIES LTD. Regd. Off.:


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