Brand identity

Brand Identity

Transcript of Brand identity

Page 1: Brand identity

Brand Identity

Page 2: Brand identity

The title we have chosen for our film is “Blackout”. We chose this particular title as blacking out is a metaphor for death and death is heavily featured throughout our products. The bold and strong font, is a representation of the male antagonist as he himself is very strong and powerful, as killers within this genre appear super human as they are able to dodge injuries and death at all cost, therefore making them become scarier. The chosen colour of red for the titles displays the connotation of blood and danger, two key factors of our genre as the blood represents the killings and the danger representing the killers. Finally, the flashes of white within our font represents the small glimmers of hope for the victims as they have a very slim chance of surviving.

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The production company name will be “Voodoo Productions”, the reason for this is because voodoo is a dark ritualistic magic. Not only does this directly link into our horror genre but the ritualistic aspect also represents the ritualistic way in which the antagonist kills off his victims. The colour scheme of white and black shows the connotation of purity and evil, these are representations of the protagonists and the antagonist. The image of the sun and moon in the background of the text represents the light and the dark. The dark side is a clear representation of the antagonist, as he is of course very evil and insane. The dark also represents the night, as this period of the day is the scariest. This is due to the isolation and lack of vision. These images display the binary opposition of good vs. evil, which will run throughout all of our productions.