Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is...

Brain Development & Neuroplastici ty

Transcript of Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is...

Page 1: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Brain Development & Neuroplasticity

Page 2: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Neurodevelopmentan ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic

A complex process Genetics order but experience modifies Dire consequences when something goes


Page 3: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.
Page 4: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Brain Development During dev: 250,000 neurons per minute At birth..100 billion neurons; 50 trillion to 1

quadrillion synapses Use it or lose it!

Page 5: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Phases of Development

Developing neurons accomplish these things in five phases Induction of the neural plate Neural proliferation Migration and aggregation Axon growth and synapse formation Neuron death and synapse rearrangement

Page 6: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Induction of the Neural Plate A patch of tissue on the dorsal surface of the

embryo becomes the neural plate Visible three weeks after conception Three layers of embryonic cells

Ectoderm (outermost) Mesoderm (middle) Endoderm (innermost)

Page 7: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Neural Tube Defects Neural tube closes about 28 days after

fertilization—WOW! Anencephaly-missing or partial dev of cerebral

hemispheres Spina bifida

Nearly 50-70% can be prevented with folic acid in diet

Page 8: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Induction of the Neural Plate (continued)

Neural plate cells are often referred to as embryonic stem cells

Have unlimited capacity for self renewal Can become any kind of mature cell

Totipotent – earliest cells have the ability to become any type of body cell

Multipotent – with development, neural plate cells are limited to becoming one of the range of mature nervous system cells

Page 9: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

How the neural plate develops into

the neural tube during the third

and fourth weeks of human

embryological development

Page 10: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Neural Proliferation Neural plate folds to form the neural groove, which

then fuses to form the neural tube Inside will be the cerebral ventricles and neural

tube Neural tube cells proliferate in species-specific ways:

three swellings at the anterior end in humans will become the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain

Proliferation is chemically guided by the organizer areas – the roof plate and the floor plate

Page 11: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.


Once cells have been created through cell division in the ventricular zone of the neural tube, they migrate

Migrating cells are immature, lacking axons and dendrites

Page 12: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Somal translocation and glia-mediated migration

Page 13: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Aggregation After migration, cells align themselves with

others cells and form structures Cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs)

Aid both migration and aggregation CAMs recognize and adhere to molecules

Page 14: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Axon Growth and Synapse Formation

Once migration is complete and structures have formed (aggregation), axons and dendrites begin to grow

Growth cone – at the growing tip of each extension, extends and retracts filopodia as if finding its way

Page 15: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Axon Growth A series of chemical signals exist along

the way – attracting and repelling Such guidance molecules are often

released by glia Adjacent growing axons also provide


Page 16: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Axon Growth (continued)

Pioneer growth cones – the first to travel a route, interact with guidance molecules

Fasciculation – the tendency of developing axons to grow along the paths established by preceding axons

Page 17: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Synaptogenesis Formation of new synapses (at birth each neuron

has ~2500 synapses; 2-3 years old 15,000) Depends on presence of glial cells – especially

astrocytes High levels of cholesterol are needed – supplied by

astrocytes Chemical signal exchange between pre- and

postsynaptic neurons is needed

Page 18: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Neuron Death and Synapse Rearrangement

~50% more neurons than are needed are produced – death is normal

Neurons die due to failure to compete for chemicals provided by targets The more targets, the fewer cell deaths Destroying some cells increases survival rate

of remaining cells Increasing number of innervating axons

decreases the proportion that survives

Page 19: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Life-Preserving Chemicals Neurotrophins – promote growth and survival,

guide axons, stimulate synaptogenesis Nerve growth factor (NGF)

Both passive cell death (necrosis) and active cell death (apoptosis)

Apoptosis is safer than necrosis – “cleaner”


As we age, old connections are deleted “synaptic prunining”

Page 20: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Neurons must have purpose to survive

Weak or ineffective connections “pruned” Plasticityenables process of developing

and pruning connections allowing the brain to adapt to itself to the environment

Page 21: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Plasticity brain changes and adapts Brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming

new neural connections Allows neurons to compensate for injury or

disease Allows neurons to adjust to new activities /

change in environment

Page 22: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Plastiticy cont.

Age-dependent factor Young dev brains more plastic

Occurs under two conditions Normal development In response to damage or disease

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Hemispherectomy Removal of one hemisphere Last effort to control seizures


Page 24: Brain Development & Neuroplasticity. Neurodevelopment an ongoing process; the nervous system is plastic A complex process Genetics order but experience.

Neuroplastic Responses

Change in neurons Increaed no. of neurons (hippocampus) Increased dendritic branching Increased efficiency in NT production

Increased in no. of synapses between neurons

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Neurogenesis Physical activity and environmental condition affect

proliferation and survival of neurons

Serotonin believed to play a key role in neurogenesis

In lobsters depletion of serotonin reduced neurogenesis in olfactory areas

Lab simulation