Braham Samadhi

Braham Samadhi - Sudarshan Kriya in English 1. Do nadi (anulom vilom) nerve purification; Sit in comfortable pose. Put the left hand on the knee. Fore finger touching the thumb. Put the fore finger and middle finger of right hand at the center of eyes brow (agyanchakra). Inhaling close the right nostril by thumb. Exhale through the left nostril slowly, continuously, soundlessly and deeply. Inhale slowly, soundlessly, continuously and deeply. Then close the left nostril by ring finger and open the right nostril. Now exhale through the right nostril and inhale through the right nostril and close the right nostril by thumb and open the left nostril. This completes one round of nerve purification. Do it ten round only. We should try time taken in exhalation and in inhalation should be same say ten seconds each. Nostril should be changed only after inhalation. 2. Do 3 cycles of swas pranayam (three stage breathing exercise) in 20 slow speed-40 medium speed and 80 breaths or more very very fast. This is three stage breathing exercise. We should breath very slow 20 times only mentally chanting so hum. Then we will breath 40 times with medium speed mentally chanting so hum. After that we will breath very very fast 80 times or more mentally chanting so hum. 3. Do 3 cycles of naval body rotation at least 10 times each in clockwise & anti clockwise movements. 4. Do 3 cycles of neck rotation at least 10 times each in clock wise & anti- clock wise movements. 5. Do neck right & left movements till ur body falls on ground or repeat naval & neck rotations followed by neck movements till ur consciousness disconnects from ur body. 6. Experience the liberation of soul. 7. Let body rest as long as possible. All process can b with background soft music. Bajra Agath Kriya (Sudarshan Kriya) 1. Do nadi shodhan 10 times. Is (anulom vilom) nerve purification; Sit in comfortable pose. Put the left hand on the knee. Fore finger touching the thumb. Put the fore finger and middle finger of right hand at the center

Transcript of Braham Samadhi

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Braham Samadhi - Sudarshan Kriya in English1. Do nadi (anulom vilom) nerve purification;

Sit in comfortable pose. Put the left hand on the knee. Fore finger touching the thumb. Put the fore finger and middle finger of right hand at the center of eyes brow (agyanchakra).

Inhaling close the right nostril by thumb. Exhale through the left nostril slowly, continuously, soundlessly and deeply. Inhale slowly, soundlessly, continuously and deeply. Then close the left nostril by ring finger and open the right nostril. Now exhale through the right nostril and inhale through the right nostril and close the right nostril by thumb and open the left nostril. This completes one round of nerve purification.  Do it ten round only.

We should try time taken in exhalation and in inhalation should be same say ten seconds each.  Nostril should be changed only after inhalation.

2. Do 3 cycles of swas pranayam (three stage breathing exercise) in 20 slow speed-40 medium speed and 80 breaths or more very very fast.

This is three stage breathing exercise. We should breath very slow 20 times only mentally chanting so hum. Then we will breath 40 times with medium speed mentally chanting so hum. After that we will breath very very fast 80 times or more mentally chanting so hum.

3. Do 3 cycles of naval body rotation at least 10 times each in clockwise & anti clockwise movements.

4. Do 3 cycles of neck rotation at least 10 times each in clock wise & anti-clock wise movements.

5. Do neck right & left movements till ur body falls on ground or repeat naval & neck rotations followed by neck movements till ur consciousness disconnects from ur body.

6. Experience the liberation of soul.

7. Let body rest as long as possible. All process can b with background soft music.Bajra Agath Kriya (Sudarshan Kriya)1. Do nadi shodhan 10 times. Is (anulom vilom) nerve purification;

Sit in comfortable pose. Put the left hand on the knee. Fore finger touching the thumb. Put the fore finger and middle finger of right hand at the center of eyes brow (agyanchakra).

Inhaling close the right nostril by thumb. Exhale through the left nostril slowly, continuously, soundlessly and deeply. Inhale slowly, soundlessly, continuously and deeply. Then close the left nostril by ring finger and open the right nostril. Now exhale through the right nostril and inhale through the right nostril and close the right nostril by thumb and open the left nostril. This completes one round of nerve purification.  Do it ten round only.

We should try time taken in exhalation and in inhalation should be same say ten seconds each.  Nostril should be changed only after inhalation.

2. Visudhi pranayam is folding ur hands behind ur back touching ur shoulders behind ur

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back,keeping ur elbows verticle towards sky.take 3 cycles of 9 deep breathing with rest of 30 seconds after each cycle & slow counting of intake as 1,2,3,4 hold breath 1,2 release breath 1,2,3,4,5,6 & repeat the same 4 nine times;always b aware of ur breath travel,b witness 2 it,take ur consciousness 2 agya chakra ie eye centre & b aware the breathing body is not u.

3. Do anahat pranayam by folding ur arms parallel 2 ground,thumb inside the armpit,all 4 fingers touching each other with expanding ur chest with inhaling & contracting with exalation with 9 cycles 3 times as above in visudhi pranayam.

4. Do manipur pranayam by folding ur arms parallel 2 ground,thumb inside the armpit,all 4 fingers touching each other with expanding ur navel with inhaling & contracting with exhalation with 9 cycles 3 times as above on around ur waist & naval as explained in anahat pranayam. It will be same as no.3 but hands will near the navel (not near chest).

5. Do bastrika pranayam 20 times in 3 cycles with rest of 30 sec-1mnt after each cycle by raising ur arms to shoulder level, throwing ur both arms upwords with palms facing sky,up & down is counted as one,say loudly 1 & arms go up & they fall by themselves hitting ur side lung frame & 2,34-20.

6. Do 3 cycles of 3 bandhas,mool-udyhan-jalandhar bandh-as demonstrated & explained, mool bandha is contracting the anus first, then udhyan bandha is contracting the navel second then jalandhar bandha locking the neck in last. While releasing release neck first, navel second and anus in last.

7. Do 3 cycles of 3 stage swas pranayam in counting of minimum-20-40-80 in slow/medium/fast speed with both hands in fist form with thumb upwards movements along with pranayam as demonstrated & explained & withdraw with 10 medium & 10 slow breaths after 3 cycles before stopping.

This is three stage breathing exercise. We should breath very slow 20 times only mentally chanting so hum. Then we will breath 40 times with medium speed mentally chanting so hum. After that we will breath very very fast 80 times or more mentally chanting so hum.

This can be done without the movement of the the thumb in thumsup position. This is for the begginers to show the speed. We move the fist up and down very slow 20 times, then medium speed of fist 40 times and finally movement of fist 80 times or as many as one can do.

8. Sit/lie down in shav-mudra 4 as long as possible;get up by turning towards right & support of left hand.